12 pm—4:00 pm - StMarysLakeport


12 pm—4:00 pm - StMarysLakeport
Mass Schedule:
Saturday Vigil: 5:00 pm English
10:30 am English
1:30 pm in Español/Spanish
9am - Wed, Thurs, & Fri
7:00 pm—1er. Viernes de Mes.
7:00 pm—1os. 3eros. Y 5os. Miércoles
del Mes
El Rosario se reza media hora antes de misa.
Sacrament of Reconciliation/ Confessions:
Saturday 6:15pm or by apt.
Sacramento de la Reconciliación/Confesiones
Sabados a las 6:15pm o por cita
Benediction & Exposition of the Blessed
Sacrament: Every First Friday 9:30– 10:30 am.
St. Peter Mission
4085 Main St. Kelseyville, 95451
(Mail and telephone to St Mary’s office)
Mass Schedule:
8:30 am English
Weekdays: 9:00 am Tuesdays English
7:00 pm 2os. Y 4os. Miércoles del Mes.
Jubilee Year of Mercy
May 22, 2016
Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity
The word mercy, Pope Francis declared in his announcement of the Jubilee Y ear of Mercy, “reveals the very
mystery of the Most Holy Trinity” (Misericordiae V ultus, 2).
For mercy is how God comes to meet us; mercy is the fundamental law helping us recognize everyone as brothers and sisters; mercy is the bridge connecting God and humanity, opening
our hearts to the hope of being loved forever despite our sinfulness.
God’s self-revelation as a life-giving, love-sharing Trinity of Persons draws us closer to God in friendship and communion. Both
Judaism and Islam consider mercy one of God’s most important
attributes. Israel unceasingly proclaims God boundless in mercy.
Islam addresses the Creator as “Merciful and Kind,” believing
divine mercy limitless, its doors always open. May this Jubilee
Year of Mercy, Pope Francis prays, open us to more fervent dialogue, deepen our mutual understanding, eliminate all closedminded disrespect, and drive out every form of violence and discrimination.
—Peter Scagnelli, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co., Inc.
Papal quotes Copyright © 2015, Libreria Editrice V aticana. Used with permission.
. .
Parish Office Hours — Horas de Oficina:
Tuesday-Friday—-Martes a Viernes:
12 pm—4:00 pm
Tel (707) 263-4401 Fax (707) 263-0606
801 N. Main St. Lakeport, 95453
Rev. Mario Valencia
[email protected]
Parish Staff
Lisa Lambert— Pastoral Associate
[email protected]
Norma Hernandez Heredia
[email protected]
Phillip Myers - Finance Comm. Pr esident
Jim Goetz - Par ish Council Pr esident
[email protected]
FACEBOOK: St Mary Immaculate Catholic Parish
Año Jubilar de la Misericordia
22 de mayo de 2016
Solemnidad de la Santísima Trinidad
En la Bula papal Misericordiae V ultus, 2, el Papa Francisco dice
que la misericordia “es la palabra que revela el misterio de la Santísima Trinidad”. Pues la misericordia es cómo Dios viene a nuestro encuentro; misericordia es la ley fundamental que nos ayuda a
reconocernos como hermanos y hermanas; misericordia es el puente que conecta a Dios con la humanidad, abriendo nuestros corazones
a la esperanza de ser amados por siempre pese a nuestras ofensas. La
revelación de Dios hacia nosotros es un don de vida, un amor compartido de la Trinidad de personas que nos acercan más a Dios en amistad
y comunión. Tanto el judaísmo como el islamismo consideran a la
misericordia uno de los atributos más importantes de Dios. Israel
incasablemente proclama la misericordia inmensa. El islamismo se
refiere hacia Dios como “Misericordioso y Clemente” (Corán 59:22)
creyendo en su divina e inmensa misericordia cuyas puertas siempre
están abiertas. Que este A ño Jubilar de la Misericordia, ruega el Papa
Francisco, se nos abra a un dialogo más ferviente, profundizando
nuestro entendimiento mutuo, eliminando toda falta de respeto de tener una mente cerrada y, eliminando toda falta de violencia y discriminación.
—Peter Scagnelli, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co., Inc.
Citas del Papa Copyright © 2015, Libreria Editrice V aticana. Usadas
We are on a long and eventful journey. Today’s readings for
Trinity Sunday succinctly cover the depth and breadth of our human
The very beginnings of our journey are revealed in the reading
from Proverbs. God’s plan filled with divine wisdom was born
before the earth was made. In today’s Gospel, Jesus speaks of his
own personal journey. He has come from the Father and will return
to the Father. Only then will the Advocate—the Spirit of Truth—
take us onward.
This does not diminish the fact that the journey will be hard. The very
setting of the Gospel is the night before Jesus died. As Saint Paul writes to the
Romans, “[W]e even boast of our afflictions, knowing that affliction produces
endurance, and endurance, proven character, and proven character,
hope” (Romans 5:3-4).
Ultimately, our human journey is modeled by the Holy Trinity—a family
of love among Father, Son, and Spirit that we are all called to emulate.
Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
Estamos en un viaje largo y lleno de acontecimientos. Las
lecturas de hoy para el Domingo de la Santísima Trinidad cubren
sucintamente la profundidad y la amplitud de nuestros viajes humanos.
Los comienzos de nuestro viaje se revelan en la lectura de
Proverbios. El plan de Dios lleno de sabiduría divina nació antes de
que la tierra existiera. En el Evangelio de hoy, Jesús habla de su
propio viaje personal. Él ha venido del Padre y volverá al Padre. Sólo en ese
momento el Paráclito –el Espíritu de la Verdad– nos llevará hacia adelante.
Esto no disminuye la dificultad del viaje. El contexto mismo del Evangelio
es la noche antes de la muerte de Jesús. Como san Pablo les escribe a los romanos, “Nos gloriamos hasta de los sufrimientos, pues sabemos que el sufrimiento
engendra la paciencia, la paciencia engendra la virtud sólida, la virtud sólida
engendra la esperanza” (Romanos 5:3-4).
En última instancia, nuestro viaje humano está modelado por la Santísima
Trinidad –una familia de amor entre el Padre, el Hijo y el Espíritu que todos
somos llamados a emular.
Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
Father you call each one of us by
name and ask us to follow you. Bless your
church by raising up dedicated and generous leaders from our families and friends
who will serve your people as Sisters,
Priests, Brothers, Deacons, and Lay Ministers. Inspire us
as we grow to know you, and open our hearts to hear your
call. We ask this in Jesus name. Amen.
El Consulado Mexicano
visitara Lakeport.
Este proximo 4 de Junio,2016.
De 8 a 4 p.m.
St. Mary Immaculate Hall
Aparta tu cita. 1(877) 639-4835
Las citas se abren 2 semanas antes.
Mas informacion durante los
anucios finales en la misa.
Please pray for those who are in need of healing:
Por favor recemos por las siguientes personas:
Mary Sachse, Darrell Perry, Nancy Davis, Carolyn Fonseca,
Richard Medeiros, Maggie Magliocco, Anita Rabedeaux, Scarlett
Michelle Reardon, Karen Marquez, Herminia Canchola, Bill Sterbenk, Rose Vierra, Ray Pato, Fran Pato, Lynn Vierra, Sharon
Ornellas, LaVerne–Ornellas Saltz, Kathy and Paul Zunino, Jeannie Rigod, John D. Baltazar, Nancy Gard, Carol Scott, Michael
Cernas, Ofelia Alive, Gerome Alloysius, AnnMarie Hansberg,
Benito Villalobos, Sara Hernández, Margie Tellez, Evangelina
Gomez, Miguel Mosqueda, Walt and JoAnn Cannon, Dorothy
McDonald, Patricia Schmidt, Travis Brasier, Lucille Rammoni,
John Jojola, Gaylene Hines, Doris McKenna, Kyle Ellison, Hope
Brewer, Andy Skonberg, Marcia and Bob Chalk, Ray Cernas,
Sharon Turner, Gloria Jimenez, Juana Hernandez-Briones, Janette
Payne, Juan Erquiaga, Catherine Quistgard, David Quistgard Carol Kerger, Frank Maxwell, Loren Ferguson, Ed McDonald, Margaret Mogni, Rose Pischke and Barbara Woods.
Eureka Mission Trip
June 20-24th.
All high school youth to young adults
(14-24 yrs.) are invited to join us for 5
days of service (making and serving
meals, sorting clothing & outreach to
children) at the Betty Chin Outreach
Center, Eureka for more info: http://
St. Bernard’s high school will graciously be providing dorm rooms,
facilities and food for all participating. A bus will transport us to and
from Santa Rosa.
Other events
July 6-9th. “Eleven” Jr. High Christ
Outdoor Adventure Camp.
In coming 7th, 8th, 9th, graders explore the presence of Christ in
their lives and learn more about how to put their Catholic Faith into
practice. Ideal for newly Confirmed or candidates
(formerly Camp RAD)
Please contact the Office of Youth Ministry,
Diocese of Santa Rosa, 566-3371 or
La Santísima Trinidad
22 de mayo de 2016
Dios ha infundido su amor
en nuestros corazones
por medio del Espíritu Santo.
— Romanos 5:5b
Sunday 5/15 1st Collection: $ 4,879.00
Thank you and Gracias por su Cooperacion!
Next Week 2d. Collection/ Proxima Semana 2a. Colecta
Around the turn of the fourth century, Augustine,
still fairly fresh from the baptismal waters in Milan, was
elected bishop of a tiny city in North Africa, Hippo. He
told his people, “While I am frightened by what I am for
you, then I am consoled by what I am with you. For you
I am a bishop, with you I am a Christian.” He had his
priorities right, and also knew that everyone coming from the
water arises with a ministry, a specific role, in bringing about
God’s kingdom.
If we were asked to purge English of Greek vocabulary, we
would gain an insight into key ministries in our church. Bishop,
from the Greek episkopos, would become simply “overseer;”
priest, from the Greek presybter, would become “elder;” and
deacon, from the Greek diakonos, would be “servant.” Each title
stands in relationship to all the baptized, serving the community,
helping it to be the Body of Christ. In our deepest tradition, each
of these ordained ministries is attuned to help us become our
best selves, to hunger and thirst for the coming of God’s kingdom.
The goal for each one of us is to be able to recognize the presence of Christ in worship and in service. Although only some of
us are ordained to ministry, each of us is called to ministry.
Este domingo la Iglesia celebra la Solemnidad de la Santísima Trinidad: Padre, Hijo y Espíritu Santo. Este dogma
acerca de la realidad de Dios es la clave para comprender
la verdad de la religión cristiana. Mediante el poder del
Espíritu Santo el Padre envió al Hijo como Salvador del
mundo. Estas tres personas son un solo Dios.
No es una doctrina fácil de comprender y mucho menos de pintar en arte sagrado. Sin embargo muchos artistas latinoamericanos
han intentado pintar simbólicamente la verdad de la Santísima Trinidad. En muchos casos imaginan al Padre cargando a Jesús en la cruz
y soplando sobre él el Espíritu en forma de paloma. A veces Padre e
Hijo están entronados sobre las nubes soplando el Espíritu mutuamente y las alas de la paloma tocan los labios de ambos. En algunos
casos el Padre, el Hijo y el Espíritu Santo son tres cabezas que salen
de un solo cuerpo. Seguido los tres tienen el mismo rostro distinguiéndose solo por el color de sus vestiduras o los símbolos que cargan.
—Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
—Fray Gilberto Cavazos-Glz, OFM, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
info @ parish office.
PARA ADULTOS. Mas informacion en la oficina.
Para poder servirte mas y mejor, Necesito hacer algunos cambios
en los horarios de los siguientes eventos:
La misa de los Viernes en Español , solo sera los Primeros Viernes
del Mes en St. Mary Immaculate a las 7:00 p.m.
Todos los Miercoles, tendremos misa en Espanol a las 7:00 p.m. (Misa
de diario) y seguiremos con la misma dinamica, una semana en Lakeport la siguiente en Kelseyville. Esto tendra efecto a partir de Mayo.
Platicas Pre– Bautismales
Las platicas pre-bautismales en Español seran a partir de mayo
todos los 3er Viernes del Mes a las 7:00 p.m. en la Iglesia.
Para ello tendras que inscribirte previamente en la oficina.
Por favor llamar al 263-4401.
La siguiente platica sera en Junio 17.
Liturgical Ministers Schedule May 28-29
Lectors 5:00pm A. Haack, S. Schweifler
8:30am Kaleb Sanderson, Dorothy Seller
10:30am C. Pagaluyan, P. Myers
Eucharistic Min.
5:00pm P. Lambert, L. Lambert, K. Wilkes
8:30am L. Cernas, D. McDonald, P. McDonald.
10:30am C. Pagaluyan, T. Kalk, E. Kalk, T. Dingwall, B. McIntire
Altar Servers 5:00pm H. Lambert, D. Wilkes
10:30am I. Cubilla, D. Slater
5:00pm E McDonald, R. Totorica-Reynolds
10:30am P. Navarro, J. Patti.
KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS meet on the First Tuesday of
the month at 6pm in the St Mary’s Hall. Next: Tues, June
Knight Ladies Auxiliary meets on the First Tuesday at
4:30pm at Glebe Hall. Next meeting is June 7
The Belles of St Mary’s meet on the 3rd Monday at
7pm in the St Mary’s Hall. Next meeting June 20.
Mass Intentions for the week: Please call or stop by the office to
have your intentions reserved.
Sat 5/21 5 pm - Scarlet Reordan
Sun 5/22 10:30am - For the youth
Sun 5/22 1:30am - Por la comunidad Hispana y servidores
Wed 5/25 9am - For the choir members
Thurs 5/26 9am - for the Eucharistic Ministers
Fri 5/27- For the community of St. Mary’s
Sat 5/28 5pm Sun 5/29 10:30am Sun 5/29 1:30pm
St Peter’s
Sun 5/22 8:30am Chris Vescera +
Tues 5/24 9am - For the Leaders of the different groups of the
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Farmers Insurance
Pat Lambert
Insurance Agency
License: OC86728
[email protected]
(707) 263- 7111
367 Lakeport Blvd. Lakeport,
Knights of Columbus #7611
Queen of the Lakes
Catholic Men Serving the Church
And the Community.
Jim Goetz (707)237-1561
Meetings: 1st Tuesdays of the Month
6:00 P.M @ St. Mary’s Parish Hall
John H. Tomkins Tax Consultants
Diane Tomkins Plante, CPA
P.O Box 1140
QuickBooks ProAdvisor
5925 E. Hwy 20
Lucerne, CA 95458
Individual– Partnership
707.274-1843 p
Estate– Corporation
707.274.1206 f
Not-For– Profit
Kelseyville Appliance
Dave & Mary Morse, Owners
3532 N. Main St.
Kelseyville, CA 95451
707-279-8559 707-279-9715
[email protected]
755 11TH St. Lakeport
Flowers by Jackie
Pat Tyrrell
108 South Main Street
Lakeport, CA 95453
flowersbyjackie @att.net
Wanda Holson-Lopez,
Realtor Lic#01198282
Re/Max Lake County Realty
1675 S. Main St. Lakeport, CA 95453
707-292-0687 cell , 707-262-5700, ext. 107
[email protected]
Antoinette’s School of Dance
Antoinette Goetz, Owner
91 Soda Bay Rd.
Mail: 730 Crystal Lake Way
Lakeport, CA 95453
707- 263-5617
Chapel of the Lakes Mortuary
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Television Catolica en Español
Todos los
Domingos de:
9:00 a 9:30 a.m.
Azteca America San Francisco
Con el P. Mario Valencia
Westgate Petroleum
Home Heating Oil Gasoline - Diesel
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Claude Brown, Manager
3740 Highland Springs Rd Lakeport, CA
Tel: (707) 263-6512 Fax: (707) 263-0225
Jones Mortuary
Lake County Memorial Crematory
Karen Karnatz
Manager FDR 2505- EMS 8691
115 South Main St. Lakeport, CA 95453.
(707) 263-5389
Fax (707) 263-1665
Mac’s Marine & Land
Macario Tejeda
Cell (707) 245-9201
Home (707)279-9414
[email protected]
Lic. # 993800
Lincoln Leavitt
Insurance Agency
Tom Lincoln
850 N Main St.
PO. Box 850
Lakeport, CA 95453
Up Town Dog Grooming
Shauntel Stark Groomer
5281 State Street, Kelseyville
(707) 245-8042
[email protected]
Dog and Cat grooming!

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