February 3 - The Daily Iowan


February 3 - The Daily Iowan
Chapin to perform March 20
... And the concert winner is: ISPIRG
After almost two hours of hearings and
half an hO\.lr of closed deliberation, the VI
Student Judicial Board ruled that the
Iowa Student Public Interest and Research Group (lSPIRG) will hold a benefit
performance of the weU-known
singer-writer, Harry Chapin, in Hancher
Auditorium on March 20.
The decision ends almost four months
of debate about the legality of the
preparations ISPIRG made with the
Hancher Entertainment Commission
(HEC) last fall.
The conflict began last July, when HEC
chairperson John Gallo, A2, agreed to
sponsor ISPIRG's Chapin show. Both he
and Hancher Auditorium Director James
Wockenfuss signed the event registration
dal-Organizational Coordinator Tom
Eilers, A2, the impression (according to
Eilers and the judicial board) that he had
the go-ahead from HEC to make financial and organizational plana for the
Chapin show.
Gallo came back to Eilers a week later,
however, saying that HEC had decided
not $0 sponsor the show.
Eilers then asked Gallo if ISPIRG
could produce the show on its own; Gallo
said no.
Eilers then went back to HEC, explaining that the event registration had
been signed and that he had put down
money for the concert. HEC agreed to
re-consider the case and set November 5
as the re-hearing date.
However, HEC met on November 4, to
hear the case, without Eilers, and once
again rejected ISPIRG's proposal.
Eilers went to the Student Activities
Board (the governing body for student
programming organizations) and said,
"Listen, we're not getting a square
deal." The board voted 7-0 in ISPIRG's
HEC appealed the Activities Board's
decision to the judicial board, who Monday night ruled against them.
Gallo told the iudicial board that he
was unaware that Eilers could not attend the November 4 meeting. Ruth Van
TIlbel'Jl, an adviser in the Student Activities Office, said that she did know that
Eilers could not attend the Nov. 4
meeting and that ISPIRG was unable to
get a written statement expressing its
position to the meeting at that date.
Gallo had said "Whatever decision
they (the judicial board) reach, I'll let it
go. I've put a lot of time and hard work
into this, and now-I'm tired."
Gallo had disagreed with the Activities
Board's earlier rullng that the event
registration fonn was a contract, and
that Gallo's and Wockenfuss's signatures
made the contract binding.
"The Activities Board isn't a court of
law," Gallo said. "They're not in a
position to judge whether or not the fonn
Is a contract."
After Monday night's decision, CUE
chairperson Joel Carl, AI, said he
probably would appeal the judicial
court's decision. He had appealed earlier
to the Activities Board, but had never
received word from the board.
Carl doesn't know where to appeal, but
says, "I've got to do something about this
mess. It's gotten way out of hand. I'm
just going to have to search around until I
fmd the right people to talk to. That's
pretty hard these days, though.
Everybody wants to keep their hands off
this thlng. "
Phillip Hubbard, UI vice president of
student affairs, said Sunday he though
the judicial board, not the UI administration, should decide on the conflict.
"The decision was unfair," Carl said,
"but it would have been unfair to
somebody, no matter what was decided."
Mary Pendergast, L3, chief justice of
the judicial board, said the board upheld
the Activities Board's decision because
ISPIRG's "justifiable reliance" on Gallo
and Wockenfuss caused ISPIRG to incur
Van Tilberg attributed the entire conflict to the lack of a central programiing
office on the UI campus.
"You go to one body to reserve space in
the Union, you go to another body to
reserve space in a university building,
another body to reserve space in Hancher, and stili another body to reserve
Tuesday, February 3, 1976
Vol. 108, No. 140
'Busted ,b ones show it's real'
Sports Edltor
"To my right! From Texas! Weighing
229 pounds I Dutch! Mantel!" It was the
Central States Championship Pro
Wrestling program and tension in the
arena was high.
The ringmaster, who doubled as ticket
manager, promoter and holder of the
keys, and who probably tossed out the
trash at the end of the night as well, let
the shaggy-haired, bearded fellow in the
black singlet pick up the cue. "Dutch"
bounced out Into the center of the ring.
"Get a haircut, you louse!" came the
cries. A dark shade ot hair across his
back and shoulders further incensed the
crowd. "Hairy ape !" they shouted.
Others got more to the point by whistling
and raiSing ellch middle finger high.
t< And
from Missouri! Weighing 246
pounds ! Mike! George !" Mike merely
turned in his comer, never letting go of
the ropes with his right hand while he
waved with his left. Peals of cheers lifted
from the audience. Here was the·
tavorite .
Earlier, Mike had been standing in the
lobby, looking, in his high black boots and
bright red trunks with matching T-shirt,
something like Superman without the
cape. Emblazoned across his chest in
silver glitter was the streaking word
"Flash." His brown hair was nicely combed across a few scrapes on his forehead,
and his breath fluttered when the door
He was quick about being introduced.
"Let's go somewhere else," he said. "It's
He quickly brushed off the idea of
heading to the locker room ("We're entitled to some privacy, like any other
athlete."), and suggested somewhere upstairs instead. Three flights up, however
things ended at a landing and two locked
Mike chose to rest one foot on the landing and the other on a stair to talk, in
tones that echoed down the stairwell,
about life in professional wrestling.
He was from a wrestling town, he said,
st. Joseph, Mo. Played football in high
school, was a weight man in track and, of
course, wrestled. Of his ambitions, he
said, "I al ways wanted to be in some type
of sport. I really don't know why I picked
"It's not an easy life," he confessed.
"It's hard to get life insurance and health
insurance. And I've had bad luck. I had a
broken arm last year, and I've been stitched up a couple of times."
His sincerity was hard to miss. He
spoke clearly and intelligently, as if he'd
done a lot of thinking about vocation.
"Everything out there is real," he emphasized. "You do what you have to do to
win. All my scars and busted bones show
It's the real thing. That's what bothers
me-some people think It's phony.
"There've been many times when I felt
my insides were gonna fall out.
Especially on a knee drop off that top
rope. I've sometimes felt like my chest
"There've been a few men kUled In the
ring. G~nerally on that knee drop. Ruptured hearts, you name It.
"But I've got no regrets - yet," he addec!. "Probably one of these days, I'll
reatly lIet hurt, and that's when the
regrets'll start.It
In the ring, he was every bit as serious.
And clean, too, The crowd, made up
mostly of people you see at the circus or
meet at the factory ChrIItmas party, suffered when the dlaboUcal Mantel took the
initiative In the early minutes, wrapping
Iowa City, Iowa
Pinned down
"Everytbing out there Is real. You do
what you have to do to win wbat
bothers me - some people think It's
phony_" So speaks professional wrestler
Mike George, who bas been at it for a
Mike up in a combination of gruesome
scissors and headlocks.
Each hold would last roughly 15 seconds, leJIding ultimately to an eye poke and
a merciful release. Mantel would then
prowl the ring while Mike crouched,
whimpering on the floor.
"Sit on it, Mantel" shouted the woman
who had come to fill out her autograph
collection. "Didn't I see.you on Creature
Feature?" came another call, which
drew howls.
Another headlock. Mantel seemed to be
moving toward a fall that would signal
the end of the match. But the fans had
faith. "Mike's been in thls situation
before," someone in the congregation uttered.
At seven minutes, there was a flurry of
activity. Mike was coming back. Mantel
tried to ward him off, stiff-anning his
scraped forehead, but Mike would come
off his knees and break the hold.
Two minutes later, Mantel tried
bringing Mike down by his hair, which
was the final mistake. Mike, enraged,
charged In, nipped Mantel into a body
slam and hopped on him three times. End
of match. The crowd went wild.
Mike left the ring surpriSingly composed. The scab on his forehead that
Mantel had worked on so vigorously was
still, remarkably, Intact.
Following was a "Texas Death Match"
between Jerry Oates from Columbus,
Ga., and Ron Bass of Texas. Nearly all
rules of civility are suspended for such a
thing : there Is no time limit, and no
disqualifications. One man must be simply unable to continue.
Oates, who along with his brother Red
Is a member of the World's Champion tag
team, couldn't handle Bus all by himself. Bass dumped leg drope on hls head
countless times which would have
crushed a lesser man's skull, but made
Oates only weary.
Oates managed a comeback and about
12 minutes into the match scored an eye
poke which drew a curious pink auld
from aboyt Bass' brow, He moved It and
smeared it until It W81 right. Blood!
number of years IIIId OWIUI tbe scars to
prove It. "But I've got no regrets - yet, to
be adds. "Probably ODe oftbete day., I'll
really get burt - that'. wheD the
regrets'lt come."
Bass retaliated, and after about 15
minutes, both men were flat on their
backs, drained of all energy, The announcer, wanting to move the program along,
announced that the first man on his feet
would be named the winner.
Bass and Oates each groaned and
strained, with Bass finally pulling himself up on the ropes. The crowd hooted.
Oates was carried by a fan and one of the
previous wrestlers from the arena.
When the solicitous spectator came
back to his seat during the final match,
he confessed that the now-humbled Oates
was just about his favorite wrestler. The
fan, Bob Nolan, and his wife were true
followers, having started from Galena,
Dl., that morning, taken in the matinee in
Dubuque, then travled down to Cedar
Rapids for the evening's Championships.
His all-time favorite, he confessed, was
Oates. He had carrled·him from the ring
that afternoon in Dubuque, too, after
another Texas Death Match with Bass.
"I've been goin' to these things for 10
years now," he said, though he'd need
identification to prove he was 25. His
wife, Cindy, was a more recent convert,
"It's fun. I like the fights," she· said.
Her favorite was Ray Candy, "The Candy Man," a gigantic black heavyweight
who was attempting to strip "Easy" Ed
Wiskoski of his Central States belt in
the night's feature.
"Two months ago was the first time I
saw Candy wrestle, and he just came out
clean. That's why people like him," she
So there was Irony added to the drama:
the big black man had the white crowd
behind him, not just the few old Negro
men sitting off In their own little gallery.
The machlsmatlc Aryan, Wiskoaid, wu
the enemy,
Mike George explained. ·'Ed and I both
went to the same school in St. Joe, and
both left MIsaourI at about the lime
time. We were pretty good friends there
for a while, but he just lot In with the
wrong crowd.
"He's 1I0t that belt, and It'. just lIone to
his head. He just wants to keep It - he's
CaatlDaed oa pile .ax
Modular unit tried In
Inarried housing test
Aat, News Editor
Photo by Art Land
the Field House, " Van TIlbel1
said."Hence, you can't catch (conflicting
dates) until they really become conflicts
like this." .
Robert Rhudy, VI Instructor In social
work and a Des Moines ISPffiG staffer,
criticized in an opening statement to the
judicial body, the lack of a definite
procedure that student organizations can
follow In setting up such activities,
"The university seems to operate on a
shifting set of standards," Rhudy said,
"making it impossible for student llroupa
to go about setting up concerts.
"Without (a definite procedure
outlined for students) student groups are
in a position to suffer from this."
Gallo was asked during the hearinp if
HEC's rules and by-laws were written up .
somewhere. Gallo replied that he hu
prepared such a list, but it still has to be
approved by HEC's advisor, Wockenfuas,
who has been out of town and unavailable
for comment.
Van Tilberg said that "what is supposed to be done is much different from
what is actually done." She referred to
the need for a "confirming wire" from
the artist or the artist' agent saying that
the artist will definitely come.
She added that since she has been
working with these operations, In July,
she has never seen or received a confirmingwire.
A modular married student housing
unit - the first living quarters to be built
at the UI since the late 19605 -Is being
installed with private financing at the
Hawkeye Court Apartments.
The two-bedroom unit will be the first
of what could be as many as 50 that would
be installed by next fall to help ease the
UI's married student housing shortage,
according to William Shanhouse, vice
president for administrative services.
The UI will ask the Board of Regents to
set the rent for the units at $125 a month
when the regents meet here next week,
Shanhouse said.
Shanhouse estimated the unit will be
completely installed by Thursday. It will
be tested for two months, while occupied
by a married student family, before it is
detennined if the ~r units should be Installed, Shanhouse said. .
The unit, similar to a mobile home, is
being "specially designed" by Schult
Homes of Indiana, and will have features
similar to those in married student
housing at Hawkeye Court, Hawkeye
Drive and Parklawn apartments,
Shanhouse said.
Each unit will cost approximately
$5,000 and installation costs will amount
to between $2,500 to $3,000, acording to
Shanhouse said he Is "fairly sure" the
modular unit is the first housing at the UI
to be financed by a private donor.
He refused to comment on whether
private funds have been found for financing the project after the testing period,
simply saying, "I'm perfectly sanguine
about the project.
"We are aiming for a total of 50 units
by next fall," he said later,
The test unit, now at the main entrance
to Hawkeye Court Apartments, resembles a modular unit used by some
schools. It has a wooden porch entrance
and a smail patio on the exterior. The interior will be completed by Thursday,
Shanhouse said.
During the two-month testing period,
aesthetic, engineering and design areas
will be examined, Shanhouse said. The
family occupying the unit will also be
questioned on their reaction to the
modular unit, he said,
Installation of more units by next fall
will depend on the results of the testing
period, and sites for the rest of the units
will be determined after the testing
period, Shanhouse said. He estimated the
units could last 20 to 25 years "with
proper maintenance."
Improper maintenance was among the
reasons given for the demolition of
post-World War II quonset huts, known
as "the barracks," demolished by the UI
in recent years.
UI officials during the annual housing
crunch last fall listed expansion of low
cost married student housing as a top
priority item.
Demolition of the quonset huts, Iowa
City's urban renewal program and UI expansion have severely reduced the
amount of low cost off-eampus hOUSing
available to all students this year.
In addition to the modular units,
Shanhouse said the administration is considering placing low cost married
student housing at the Oakdale campus..
Various other buildings on campus are
being considered for housing, Shanhouse
said, but he indicated he is "not ready
to say" which ones.
"We're trying to squeeze everything
we can into housing," he said.
Students receive aid,
but BEOG is troubled
!IIaff Writer
UI students already receiving financial
aid from the federal Sulc Educational
Opportunity Grants prollram will
probably not be threatened by recent
dllclosures that the program II running
out of money, according to John Moore,
director of the UI Student Financial Aid
"As far U we know, all of thoee who
are eligible and interested in applying for
the funds have applied and have been
getting their grants already," Moore
said. "They have already been awarded."
Peter Voight, who heads the grant
p1'Oj(ram through the U.S. Office of
Education, said an I.IIexpected increase
in enrollment for · hijher education,
coupled with a "tight money" economy,
has caused a greater demand for the flmds than wu expected. Tbe program, in
Its third year, received 8820 million from
Congress, but demands have reached
Voight said if Congress does not appropriate '160 million In additional fWlda
to the program thia year, thole who have
applied for funds may be asked to take a
,160 cut In their aWardi for the 1875-78
IChooI year.
According to Moore, the grants are
awarded aaccordlng to need, and are
detennined by family income, The applications are processed by the federal
government, which determines for what
amount each student is eligible.
Moore said students can be awarded
from $200-$1,400 through the program. He
said approximately 2,000-2,200 VI students recelve aid from the program and the
average grant here Is between $750-$Il00.
Moore said there probably wouldn't be
many more UI students applying for
Basic Educational Opportunity Grant
funds for the current school year. The
deadline for application is March 1.
"Going on our experience with the
pI'OIram in the last two years, there will
probably be less than ZO more applications made," Moore uid.
"We contacted all of the students who
are eligible and all thole who have used
the program in the put two yean lut
unmer. We think we've covered the
territory pretty well."
Moore said the current lack of funda
will not affect thole wbo are Interested In
applying for aid for next year. Applications, for aid lor the 1976-77
academic year arrived In mid-JIIlUary
CcJatiDaed • Nt twe
Wallace suffers
in.jury after
being dropped
PANAMA CITY, Fla. (AP) - Alabama
George Wallace's paralyzed right
leg was put in a plastic cast Monday
night after a state trooper stumbled
while carrying him on an airplane and
accidentally dropped him, officials said.
"I want to explain that the people who
put me on the plane dropped me,"
Wallace later told a campaign rally. "1
pulled a ligament. I'm all right though
and I hope you know that."
Earlier, Wallace lIides had said the
trooper had accidentally pulled on his leg
after jostling him.
Dr. W. Roland McArthur, an orthopedic surgeon who treated the
governor tor 90 minutes, said that
Wallace had suffered strained ligaments
in his right leg and the leg would have to
remain immobile for at least one month.
"It nonnally takes four weeks for an
injury of this type to heal," McArthur
said. The cast appeared to reach from
Wallace's ankle to about bls knee.
Wallace - who is paralyzed from the
waist down from injuries suffered when
he was shot while campaigning in
Maryland in 1972 - suffered a broken leg
last year during a physical therapy
Wallace, who went to an interview at a
television station here even before going
to the doctor, said the accident would not
hinder his campaigning.
He proceeded :/be a rally for hiB
Democratic presidential campaign and
was to return to Montgomery, Ala., later
to be examined by his personal physician."
However, Charles S. Snider, Wallace's
national campaign chairman, said in
Montgomery that there has been no
change at all in the governor's campaign
He said that Wallace would only make
a quick trip home.
Snider said that the accident occurred
after a stop earlier in the day in Pensacola.
Well he saw it, dammit, so now
we're in for alx more weeks of wlnler.
Look for a chance of anow today under
cloudy skies, with highs In the 30B and
lows In the teena, On second thought,
why look for a day like that? Let It find
hlel-TIIe DtIlly Iowu-Ion CIty, lowa-T1Iet., Feb. J, 1171
Daily Digest
MOflllilaan "uits
WASHINGTON (AP) - Daniel Patrick Moynihan, who has
been embroiled In controversy since becoming U.S. arnblSaador
to the United Nations Jut year, resiped Monday, tellinC
President Ford: "It is time to return to teachinC. "
In a letter of reply, Ford accepted the resignation "with the
deepest regret and reluctance," declaring that Moynihan had
"asserted our position forcefuUy, cogently and honestly" at the
United Nations.
Moynihan told reporters at the United Nations, "I assume I'll
be back in government one way or other some day. I'm going
back to teaching now." He seemed to rule out an early race for
the U.S. Senate.
When a reporter remarked that a lot of Democrats were
talking about his running next November against Sen. James M.
Buckley, R-N.Y., Moynihan replied : "I'm not."
As the White House announced his resignation, Moynihan was
in consultations of the U. N. Security Council in his capacity of
council president for February.
Although his resignation was effective immediately, Moynihan said Harvard had agreed that he might stay on here to serve
out his council presidency .
Moynihan dated his letter of resignation last Saturday and
said it was the last day of his leave from teaching duties at
Harvard University.
"It is lime to return to teaching," he wrote, "and such are the
conditions of my tenure that I return now or not at all."
Ford's letter formally accepting the resignation was dated
Moynihan had served the Ford administration earlier as
ambassador to India .
The latest of several flaps involving Moynihan came last week
after he sent a controversial cablegram to Secretary of State
Henry A. Kissinger and U.S. embassies complaining about lack
of support for his effort to break up an anti-American voting bloc
at the world organization.
Words of praise from Ford and Kissinger last Wednesday
appeared at the time to have smoothed things over.
Last week Moynihan had maintained that he had been suc-
cessful in efforts aimed "at breaking up the massive bloc of
nations, which for so long have been arrayed against us in international forums and in diplomatic encounters generally."
He said in the same cablegram that he feared a large faction
in the State Department "which has an interest in our performance being judged to have failed." He said this faction had
leaked its assessment to news media and Congress.
White House Press Secretary Ron Nessen told reporters that
Ford had no advance notice that Moynihan was sending the
letter of resignation. Nessen indicated a successor would be
named soon .
After Moynihan's cable appeared In the press last week,
Nessen said :
"Pat is supported by the President, the secretary of state and
the top officials of the State Department."
Secretary of State Henry A. Kissinger said at the time there
had been some criticism of Moynihan's outspoken approach to
U.S. diplomacy within the department, but he dismissed them.
Privately, however, traditional American diplomats continued to grumble about Moynihan's outspoken ways.
By The Associated Press
Soviet leader Leonid I. Brezhnev issued on Monday a new
expression of Kremlin solidarity with Popular Movement MPLA - forces in Angola. At the same time, 40 Dutch mercenaries were reported ready to join the two factions fighting
the MPLA, with hundreds more being recruited.
There were also reports that the MPLA was conSidering nationalization of the Cabinda oil field if Gulf Oil Co. of the United
States does not resume production soon.
The reports, by British correspondents who interviewed
MPLA Prime Minister Lope do Nascimento, said the Angolans
would develop their own oil if the American continue their
"economic blockade." Gulf shut down its 150,OOO-barrel-a-day
production in December at the insistence of the State Department, which did not want the MPLA to get the oil revenues.
Calling the MPLA the "legitimate government" of Angola,
Brezhnev said Soviet solidarity "fully agrees with numerous
decisions of the United Nations and the Organization of African
Unity concerning problems of decolonization and abolition of
racism and apartheid."
He did not mention Soviet aid to the MPLA - a subject of
growing tension between him and Secretary of state Henry A.
The Amsterdam daily De Telegraaf reported that 40 new
mercenaries would leave this week to help the combined National Front and National Union - FNLA-UNITA - force. They
include sharpshooters, explosives experts, tank mechanics,
parachutists and former commandos, it said.
The contingent is among hundreds of West European mercenaries being recruited by a British organization called Security
Advisory Services to fight in the former Portuguese colony on
the African coast, De Telegraaf said.
ADutchman identified as A. Roemens and said to be in charge
of recruiting in Holland reported the Dutchmen would be employed as advisers and would not fight directly.
In 10
BEIRUT,- Lebanon (AP) - The center of Beirut was a
massive traffic jam Monday as thousands of Lebanele headed
back to work, many for the first time since November.
But as the Syrian-sponsored cease-fire went into its 11th day,
an air of fear and uncertainty still hung over the city and by
nightfall, most streets were empty again.
An official spokesperson said 80 per cent of civil servants were
back on their jobs Monday. Many offices, shops, factories and
government otrices opened for the first time in week.
But banks remained closed, preventing restoration of
full-scale commerce. The bankers' association said a decision
on reopening the banks will betaken Wednesday.
The uncertainty WIIS underscored by the main leaders of the
two rival sides in separate interviews with The Associated
Press . Both said they were rearming against the possibility of
renewed fighting .
Pierre Gemayel, leader of the Christian right·wing Phalange
party and its big militia force , said his side would be "imbecile"
if it stopped importing arms. He added that another round in the
civil war is inevitable unless radical Palestinians and Lebanese
are "beaten down."
Kamal Junblatt, top leader of Lebanon's Moslem left, said
Sunday his side also was rearming. "An organization like the
Phalange has to be completely crushed before we have peace,"
he said.
A government spokesperson. however, dismissed the
saber-rattling as "political maneuvering" and Syrian Foreign
Minister Abdul Halim Khaddam, who arranged the cease-fire,
continued his mediatiOll. Khaddam claims both sides already
have agreed on a peace formula.
Distinctive portraits
T. Wong Studio
1831 Lower Muscatine
Across from Doughnulland
rurok presents
Police contract to courtcih
approval expected tonight BURG1~~.A~!LACE Weissenberg
ASlt. News EdItor
A proposed cootract between
the city and the Iowa City Police
Patrolmen'S Association for
fiscal year 1977 increases the
pay of beginning patrol officers
from the present $754 monthly
to $800 per month, 1be Dally
Iowan has learned.
The contract also increases
the top salary step for the patrol
officers from $958 per month to
$1 ,180 per month.
The contract, the first to be
negotiated with the city under
the new state public employee's
collective bargaining law,
• results from more than one year
of negotiation between the city
and the police officers. The City
Council is expected to approve
the contract tonight at an
executive session following its
regular meeting at 7:30. Cityofficials say they intend to
publicly disclose the provisions year 1977. He said that figure
of the contract Wednesday mor- would probably change if the
council approves the proposed
contract, but would not indicate
The DI has learned that the how it would change. The city's
proposed contract, ratified by a revised estimate of total police
~ vote last week by the salaries for the present budget
Patrolmen '5 Association, also is about $380,000, said Strabala .
reduces the present two
Sources indicated that the
classifications of public safety proposed contract eliminates a
officers to one classification.
present "educational incenPresently, police offir~rs are tive" given to the police ofdivided
pay ficers. The item currently pays
classification for patrolmen and officers up to $60 monthly extra
another classification for detec- for
enfortives and juvenile officers. cement-related courses at the
Those officers qualifying under UI and other higher education
classification facilities.
receive a beginning monthly
salary of $790 and a top monthly provisions for the policemen are
salary of $994, higher than the also retained in the proposed
monthly salary rates for the contract, sources said. Presenpatrolmen classification.
tly, the city pays for Blue Cross,
close to the Blue Shield medical insurance
negotia tions said the proposed for the policemen as well as a
package for the Patrolmen'S term life insurance policy for a
Association would cost the city little more than the individual
"close to the figures which have officer's annual salary. The ofbeen estimated" for the fiscal ficers also receive, under state
urn budget, which runs from law, disability and pension
July 1, 1976, toJune30,l977.
benefits through the Iowa
Pat Strabala, city finance Public Employees Retirement
director, said Mooday the city System (IPERS).
earlier had estimated that the
The contract also retains the
the 11 paid legal holidays provided
Patrolmen'S Association would for all city employees, sources
cost about $481,000 for fiscal said.
Continued from pqe one
and Moore said they would be
sent out to those who have used
the funds in the past. Moore said
high schools across the country
also have applications for incoming freshpersons.
Moore said he thought the
amount of money authorized by
Congress for this year had been
conservative and the government had not expected the
program to expand so quickly.
He said the $1.2 billion
requested for next year would
probably be enough to prevent a
repeat of this year's shortage.
Moore said he believes the
government would probably
come through with more funds
for this year.
"The President is behind the
program 100 per cent, his administration is behind it and the
Congress is in favor of it. I don't
think Congress-can afford not to
continue such a popular
program. I believe Congress
will agree and come through
Walerbeds &
AMJtt .. a..,.
The pay steps for the
patrolmen under the proposed
contract are as follows : beginning, $800 per month: after 18
months, eligible for $1,000 per
month; after 36 months, eligible
for $1,100 per month : and after
54 months, eligible for $1,180 per
month. The proposed four-step
salary schedule is a reduction
from the present six-step
The contract would cover 36
members ofthe Patrolmen's
Association. Thirty of the members
patrolmen, while the remaining
six are either juvenile officers
or detectives.
February 5 1976, 8:00 pm
Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday Only
Fish Special-
"Not Since Horowitz h.u there been a YlrtuO$O
around who can raise an audlence's blood pressure
level- until now that Is. Welssenberg"s the one."
Reg. 55c
- High Adellty-Muslc America
Chromatic Fantasy &- Fugue
Etudes Symphonlqles, op. 13
(IncludinS five Posrhumous Etudes)
Scherzo No. 1 In B Minor, op. 20
·JCT~E£LODEOI·';'"' ¥'
'.5. Bach
R. Schumann
1I " 'n
16 oz. Colt 45
3.50 2.50 1.50
Oly & Hamm's Dark
on Tap
5.00 4.00 3.00
Tickets on sale at Hancher box offlce:
Hours: I I to 5:30 pm Monday - Fr1day. 1 to 3 pm
Hancher Auditorium
Wouldn't 'it be nice to draw big
interest on your money?
Wee Wss.h It
20 lb•
Wash, Dry
and Fold ........
226 S. Clinton
Thieves Market
Arts It Crafts Sale
Sunday, February 15~ 9 to 5 pm
Old Ballroom, IMU
...earn 514
'0 at
Since 1B75.
; I
--- _
Registration for the market wID take place at the ActIvIties Center, IMU
on Monday, Feb 2 ; Wednesday, Feb. 4 ; & Friday, Feb. 6 from 2 to
4:30 pm; also on Tuesday, Feb. 3 & Thursday, Feb. 5 from 9am to 12
Students only on Monday Feb. 2
Registration fee for ltudentsls $3.00
Non.Stude~ts $7.00
Only your handcrafted arts or crafts
may be exhibited.
Corner Washington and DubuqLe
132 East Washington' Iowa City,lowl! • Telephone 338.9751
Home Office ' 110 Second Ave .. S E., Cedar Rapids. Iowa
HOURS ' Monday 9 to 6. Tue.-Fri . 9 to 4.
Closed Saturday
I ....
Highest rates paid on insured savings.
-- - - - - - - - -
'11Ie Dally Iowu-Iowa City, Ion-Tlet, Fell.•, 1m-Pip.
Postscripts Suspect Wakefield dead,
Helmet Law
In Iowa, Rep. Wallace Hom ha.lnlroduced a blilihat would end mln-
datory helmenl •. AU motoreycll.U are ur,ed 10 write Horn or their
OWD Ioc:alle.illalofl (call the library to find out who they are) and let
them know you want ·thi. bill p..aed. You ean alia .end a " public
opinion" telearam for 12. Do notlene it to the olher guy 10 get It done.
"mnest" Week
In cooperaUon wlth the National Council for Universal and Uncon-
dlUonal Amnelty, the low. Clly Peoples Blcenlennlal Commission
hal decided 10 Join in o"anlllnl amnesly oriented evenls in Iowa City
during Natloul Amnesty Week, Feb. 22-28. All individual. who hIVe
·previou.ly been or are now Involved In Vietnam Amnesty stru,glea
are urged to attend this pilot or,anlllllonal meetin, at ' :30 p.m. Feb.
4. Center Ealt. 404 Jefferson SI.
Travel Expo '76
Office of InternaUonal Education and Services is sponsoring Travel
Elpo '7' from noon" p.m. today In the Union Ballroom. The
Iowa-C hinese Operetta Associ,lion will perform at4 p.m. and the In&ernalional Folk Dance Club will sponsor, progr.m . This evenl i. intended [or all those considering an nperience abroad In Ihelr future.
.hether work. Itudy or vacation. Entertainmenl a. well II free
po.ters will be provided .
and talks
Health Services Research Center Seminar. "Community Hospitals
Ind Ambulatory Care." "ill feature a lecture by Selh Goldsmith.
COlumbia Univ .• School of Public Health. a12 :30 p.m. today in Room
4t1 . Health Sciences LlbrlrY.
Anthony Slnlcropi . director. Industrial Relations Instilute. will
speak on his recent settlement of the Madison Wisconsin Teachers'
Strike alnoon loday in Room 529. Phillips Hall.
Ursula Dorfinger. AFS nchange student from Vienna. Austria. will
lpeak on her experiences as a member 01 an American family at7 :3O
p.m. today in IheOld Library. City High School.
Gerald Bender. UCLA . will speak on "An,ola : Myths and
Rulltles" at 7:30 p.m. today In Room 107. English-Philosophy
Building .
'Fantastif! Planet'
Fa.lutle Pillet will be show n at 7 and t p.m. today in the Union
illinois Room .
Sufi Sa~red
0110 Zingg. campus minister. Lawrence. Kansas. will demonstrate
Suli Sacred Dancing al 7:30 p.m. today In Center East. Admission Is
Stud" abroad
A six-week study course in Pakistan wlil be olrered Ihis summer for
!hose wanting to leam the country's geography. gain an insight into
lorei,n cultures and develop a belter understandin, 01 today's world.
Credit is available. For more Inlormalion contacl Geo,raphy Seclion .
Dept. of Earth Science. Iowa State Univ .• Am ••. Iowa . or cail Kate
Phillips. Office 01 [nternaional Education . 353-6249.
PilLS needs pals
The Pals Program is the new title for thecomblnation 01 the lormer
Uncles and Big Sisters programs. It is continuaUy recruiting volunteer. who are wlUing to spend one to two hours per week In a
one-to-one relationship with a child who needs an adult companion
and· might otherwise not have access to community resources .
Current needs Include a remale Pal ror a handicapped girl ; a lemale
Pal willin, to help a high school girl with homework ; and a male Pal
to help a junIor high boy with homework . For more information call
Julie Zimmer. County Extension Ollice. 337-2 145.
Bahamas trip
Friday Is the last day to sign up for the Bahamas trip March 5-J3.
The Irip includes round Irlp lare Chicago-Nassau and eight nhthls
lodging at N.... u Beach Hotel. For more Information call UPS
Travel. 353-5257 .
LINK can connect you wilh someone who can teach you weaving,
spinning and the use or natural dyes. Cail353-3610. alternoons.
Keystones and Keaton
The Eclectic FIlm Society will leature Buster Keaton In The
BlackaDlllb and a Keystone Comedy. Tko.e Colle,e Glrll at 8 p.m.
today and a Hitchcock thriller. T~e Tblrty-Nla. Siepi at 9 p.m. today
In the Union Wheel Room.
Arlltle CI... will meet at S: 15 p.m. loday In Room 468. Phillips Hall .
Classes will meet every Tuesday and Thursday [rom 5:15-6:30 p.m.
and there is still room lor more students. For more information call
Th Staff Employtt. Colltcllve Or,,,"allo. (SECOI will meet
at 7:30 p.m. today in the Union Harvard Room .
T8tlday NI,~I Ope. Pain will meet at 7:30 p.m. today at Elks
Country Club. 100 Foster Rd.
Pre-k.l..ry Get-To'tlker will mtet at 7:30 p.m. today at Wesley
HOUle and "ill be open to anyone Interested in attending seminary.
C~rlilla. S.leace C.Ue,. Or,III18I1 •• will meet at7 p.m. today In
!he Union Michigan Room .
Tlte New Le.~la. Supporl Group will meet al 7 pm . loday at the
WRAC.3 E. Market 51. New members are welcome.
Tlte WRAC Is sponsoring six seminars on leminist psychotherapy .
The lirat. " Why is there a need for leminist psychotherapy ?"I. from
n00n -2 p.m. today at the WRAC. A minim II lee of $10 will be charged
for the .erlu. For more Inform.tion call the WRAc. 353-62&5.
Tlte C.lfet~a.se will sponsor I study 01 "Galatians" at 4:30 p m.
today. corner 01 Church and Dubuque streets.
Tlte W••• dd lI.ee Support CaDlDlIllee will meet at 7:30 p.m. today
. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _,.,
Travel Expo opens
Stafr Writer
Voulez-vous passer l'ete en
France? Quleres estudlar en
fIpana por un ano? Would you
, like to spend the summer In
France? Or study In Spain for a
police continue to search
S&aff Writer
Iowa City Police Monday
claimed to be "fairly close" to
solving the disappearance of
Jane Wakefield, a teacher at
Penn Elementary School (North Uberty) who was last seen on
Sept. 6. In September, police
had described the case as one in
which "every avenue seems to
tum into a dead end."
Search warrants Issued Thursday Indicate that police
suspect Wakefield is dead and
that her body has been burned.
On Friday police cooducted
searches of the residence of
Wakefield's estranged husband
(John) at 923 Iowa Ave. and two
businesses that he operates :
Magoo's Tavern, 206 N. Linn
St., and Four Cushions Billiard<!, 18-20 S. Clinton S1.
-"mIsce11aneous pieces of
The warrants aiso authorized
police to search the "public bone debris;
-"miscellaneous pieces of
basement, and Incinerator and metal debris;
ail outbuildings" at the Iowa
-"one white chip bone-like
Avenue address.
material ;
Included on the list of items
-"one piece of metal apoutlined in the warrants that pearing to be a tooth filling. "
police looked for were "ashes,
Seven vacuwn cleaners and
bones. or particles. or any body
particles and clothing" and also
on the attachments"
list of seiz.ed items.
"any papers describing the One cleaner was taken from the
commission of a crime by the Iowa Avenue addrees, another
burning of a body." Also on the from Magoo's and five from
search list, according to the Four CUshions.
warrant, were "one class ring
Copies of the warrants and an
owned by Jane Wakefield" and inventory of the property seized
"any and ali vacuums and at- as a result of the warrants were
tachmenets. "
posted Monday on a bulletin
According to an "jnventory of board in the lobby of the Iowa
property seized" in the search, City Civic Center.
the following evidence was
Some of the items seized were
taken from the Iowa Avenue ad· sent to be analyzed at the Iowa
dress :
Bureau of crmrunal ~
A petition calling upon gover·
nment to develop "safe,
cost-competitive solar electricity and solar fuels within 10
years or less, and phase out the
operation of nuclear power
plants as quickly as possible,"
Is being prepared by Free Environment, an environment
organization on campus, to be
sent to Washington. D.C., according to a statement released
Free Environment said
more than 700 signatures, including 500 which were
second-semester registration,
will be sorted by Congressional
district and used by anti-nuclear, pro-solar lobbyists
for the Task Force Against
Washington. D.C.
These 700 signatures will
bring the Iowa total close to
6,000 and the nationwide total
over 310,000, according to
figures released by the Task
Force. Free Environment has
collected over 1,500 signatures
in Iowa City, the organization
The petition drive Is related to
efforts of severai organizations
fighting a proposal by three
utilities to build a nuclear power
plant in central or southeast
Iowa. Working with Free Environment are Citizens for Environmental Action (CEA), the
Iowa Student Public Interest
Research Group (ISPIRG) , and
Citizens United for Responsible
Energy (CURE).
Opponents of the plant recently won an Iowa Commerce
Commission (ICC) ruling or·
derlng an investigatioo of the
economic prudence of the
proposed nuclear plant.
The utilities proposing to
build the nuclear plant In Central Iowa - Iowa Power, Cen·
trai Iowa Power Cooperative,
and the Associated Electric
Cooperative of Missouri - said
the proposed reactor would cost
$600 million.
The ICC decision to in-
vestigate the proposed reactor
was in direct response to a formal complaint filed against
Iowa Power by CURE.
In initiating the Investigation,
the ICC denIed a motion by Iowa
Power to dismiss CURE's complaint. However, the ICC has
yet to rule on a more recent
complaint filed by Free Environment, ISPIRG, and CEA,
said Steve Freedkin, Al, of Free
Both complaints cite the
Cooper Nuclear Station near
Brownville, Neb., which has experienced numerous problems
and has been shut down twice
recently after explosions.
Free Environment, ISPIRG,
problems at Cooper "are examples of problems common
throughout the nuclear industry
and which materially degrade
its economic viability of
nuclear power."
The purpoee of the Travel Ex·
po, accordlna to Florence
Rubenfeld, G, international
education office staff member,
.' II to centralile aU n!IOIIl'CtI and
to wwer buic queetlons
people may have cmcernlnc'
travel, study or work abroad.
The International Folk DIncel'l "UJ perfonn at the same
time and wlU teIch their dances
Introduction - Tuesday, February 3 from
Upon notification of Jane
Wakefield's disappearance in
7-8 p.m. Media Lab W12A East Hall
September, police searched her
Microteaching Session - "/2 hours to be
trailer at the Ban Alre Mobile
Home Lodge and found her car,
bicycle, purse, and other peraonal items she usually kept
Sponsored by Graduate Student Senate
We gats to gets auto here
before they starts dot stupid
party for de...
IMU 5011 Anniversary
Friday February 6
Half price on bowling & pool in the Rec Room from
A Gigantic Birthday Cake!!
Entertainment In the Wheel Room
11 am to Mldnlghtll
Stoneware by Noritake
creating a lo.ok you'll love
was just the beginning
First Noritake created this stoneware
imaginative, fresh and free-spirited. But
innovative styling was just the beginning.
Then Noritake gave this quality stoneware
the handcrafted look that is true to
timeless stoneware tradition".and all the
practical, functional features you want in
casual dinnerware today. This Noritake
stoneware is safe in oven, microwave
oven, freezer. dishwasher or detergent. In
special value sets or open stock.
developed abdominal complications and his condition is
listed as "guarded" at University Hospitals.
The Streeter baby, born in an
Independence, Iowa, hospital
and transferred to University
Hospitals' pediatrics special
care Wlit the same day, has
recently been transferred to the
pediatriCS intensive care unit.
He weighed 490 grams at birth
(450 grams equals a pound) and
is the smallest premature baby
ever to be cared for at University Hospitals.
Chad, born to Mr. and Mrs.
Gary Streeter of Oelwein,
weighed 1,200 grams by Christmas (2.6 lbs.) and now weighs
1,550 grams (3.4 pounds) . Infants born prematurely are normally allowed to grow to 2,000 to
2,500 grams (4.4 to 5.5 lbs.)
before being sent home.
Initial care was complicated
by Chad's size ; he was so small
he could not be safely handled.
He is fed via his nasal passages.
to those interested. The
Association will be performing
also. These events are open to
the public.
Here's an ofter too good to
pass up. You buy a 16-ounce
49< Pepsi al Henry's and you
can take home a colOrful cartoon character glass. This
weeKs character is just one
of a whole series you can
Come Into Henry's today.
You'lI come away with a
Buster Keaton In
The Blacksmith
The Keystone Cops
Thou CoII..e Girls
1:00 pm
Thlrtr-nlne . . . .
A Hitchcock Thriller
8:00(1111) pm
The Eclectic Film Society
FC¥l&r IT,
A/{Py' 7HEN Z'P
aype/ I'M
Staff Writer
Chad Streeter, the one-poWld
baby born Sept. 12, has
• •
by Garry Trudeau
The Travel Expo can make
The Travel Expo Is an exhibit
that will be held In the Union
Ballroom from 1U p.m. today.
There will be tables set up with
free pamphlets and brochures
for students and faculty inIeresIed in going abroad. ThIs
lll/luaJ event I. sponaored by
the Office of International
F4Jcatlon and Services, located
in 31Uessup Hall.
Ye8tigation crime lab. accor-
StE, IF W tu45
'Smallest' baby
in 'guarded'
thia possible.
Mlcroteaching experience with Dr. Lew Holloway
and Stefania Reiter
ding to police.
Petition calls for solar energy
year? .
... How to begin
... How to end
Hlway 6, West, Coralville
13 S. Dubuque
Pate 4-The DIlly IOWID-Iowa CIty,.ewa-TlIeI., Feb. l,lJ'7I
.d3ily Iowan
ty c
It's against the law;
we must be moral
The "moral code" has stood' in the way of
progressive legislation for ages, and will
probably be the chief executor in the demise of
Iowa House File 1058.
H.F. 1058 is a bill proposed by Rep . Otto H.
Nealson (Rep., West Liberty), which would
provide for legalization, control and licensing of
prostitution in Iowa .
While the bill has come under' attack (and
rightfully so) beca.use it applies only to women,
its main nemesis will surely be Bible Belt
morality .
Legislating and enforcing laws against
marijuana ,
homosexuality and other "moral wrongs" costs
the United States thousands of man-hours and
As a student and an instructor, I am
having difficulty accepting the current
prices of books and texts. The escalation of
prices, especially for books and texts
published in 1975 is outrageous.
At the suggestion of a professor, I
decided to purchase, on special order from
Iowa Book and Supply, a two volume
paperback from a recommended reading
list. Upon returning to the office, I noled
that each book had two price tags.
Removing one, I found a ' University of
Chicago price tag ($4.95) matching the
charge of Iowa Book & Supply. To my
amazement, upon removing the second
label, I was informed that the publishing
company (University of Chicago Press)
had imprinted an amount $1 less than I had
paid for each copy of th two volume set.
Are not these books subject to price fixing?
It seems to me that both professors and
students should become consumers in
terms of required and recommended texts.
Paperback issues should be a priority ;
with cloth covered reserved for the
David J. Sl)'IDUIki,
RecreatlOll Edaea&loa ProIram
As Thurman Arnold once observed, these laws
are "unenforced because we want to continue
our conduct, and unrepealed because we want to
preserve our morals ."
examine just the one case of Greece and
In 1946-47, the Soviets were pressuring
Turkey and demanding military bases
from that country. At the same time communisHed guerillas in Greece, supported
from without the country and given aid and
Arms sales aboveboard
threatening to take over that nation. Under
these conditions, the U.S., which had seen
the Soviets install puppet governments in
nation after nation in East-Central
Europe, decided that it was time to give
aid to those nations that were resisting
overt and covert Soviet attempts to overthrow their govenunents. A policy of extending $400 million of military and
economic aid (the S<H:alled Truman Doctrine) was presented to the Congress and
was duly passed in March of 1947. There
was no subterfuge ; the U.S. sought no
territorial aggrandizement. The U.S.
sought no economic aggrandizement.
Over the course of many years, the U.S.
continued to supply both Greece and
Turkey with weapons. Unfortunately, centuries-old hostilities between the two
nations were aggravated by the tensions
. oY~rCyprus ; tensions which the U.S. most
definitely wished to see abate. The U.S.
was caught ip the unfortunate position of
trying to be friendly to both parties in an
intensely emotional dispute. While it could
have been possible that the U.S. was not
anxious to publicly announce certain arms
shipments so as not to arouse the
demagogues of one or the other parties, the
implication that the U.S. was "sneaking"
war materials to both sides and that either
the Congress or the nation suddenly
became aware of it, is unwarranted.
Normaa wenburg, Professor
Russian Department
'Sheer, shiny' shock
The general accusation of the lead
editorial in the Jan. 28, DI that the shipment of American anns abroad is not and
has not been wise, is a debatable matter
about which intelUgent people can differ,
and one which would requlre cOllliderable
space to discuss properly. However. the
more specific charge, "This polley of
'secrecy for the good of the country,' has
resulted, at various times, in the nation's
discovery that it was arming both sides of
the battle in the India-Pakistan war and
the conflict between Greece and Turkey
oyer Cyprus," is misleading.
For the sake of brevity let us here
millions of dollars every year.
While H.F. 1058 does need some revision, it is a
step toward a general reassessment of a moral
code which hangs around our necks like a
puritanical ball and chain .
The social and ideological changes that took
place in the last two decades may have changed
our attitudes and morals, but that change has yet
to be reflected in the laws which perpetuate
those attitudes.
Book bind
Graphic by Jan Faust
An interesting thing was pointed out to
me today. On page 0114! of the Jan. 30
edition of the DI are two articles with the
following headlines: "Rapists encouraged
by male society" and "Feminist inspires
anti-porno bill. " On page three of the same
edition are. two more articles. these entitled: "World survival depends on
women's differences" and " Popular
culture must halt rape cultivation."
Is it not unusual that in a paper which so
laudably supports the education of the
masses to a situation appalling to mO!!t
women, an advertisement is pUblished
(and on the same page, no less) which
reads : "Trust a guy to make your body as
sheer and shiny as your make-up"?
Patricia J. Burch
516 E. College
Iowa City
Stu it : special studies
come and go
In the Jan. 29 issue of the DI, Steve Alloy
asks questions about the policy of the
College of Liberal Arts with respect to
ethnic studies and the study of foreign
languages. During this period when interest in the study of foreign languages appears to be declining, Alloy's inquiry is
especially appreciated.
Any institution of higher education must
make hard choices with respect to what it
will. or will not, teach. Admittedly, the
College of Liberal Arts has followed a
relatively conservative policy in this area.
In the late 19605 and early 19705 there was
great pressure to add new areas of
language study, particularly the so-called
exotic languages. Many of us doubted
whether there would be continuing interest
in many of those languages, and in view of
the costs involved, decided to limit our expansion to just two, Chinese and Japanese.
In the light of what has happened to
enrollments in foreign language departments, the decision made some 15 years
ago appears to have been sound.
With respect to ethnic studies, I must say
that I am one who subscribes to the
philosophy that a university should be
primarily discipline-oriented, rather than
encouraging studies which are closely
identified with special groups based on
sex, color, religion, etc. I fully realize that
not everyone agrees with that philosophy,
but in the long run I believe a university's
resources should be applied primarily ro
academic disciplines and related
professional studies. Studies centered
aroound special groups will flourish or
decline, depending on the "climate" which
prevails at the time. But the basic
disciplines will endure - at least as long as
a univerSity is committed primarily t() the
development of the intellect of its students.
Now a postscript. The college's language
requirement can be met in any language
taught in a university of recognized standing if the stUdent can show competence
equivalent to that of two years of college
study in the case 0{ the B.A. degree, and
one year in the case of the B.S. degree.
competence being measured by a poficiency examination.
Dewey B. Stuit
Dean, College of Uberal Arts
108 Schaeffer Hall
X-rated disdain
Since the flags of your op-ed page seem '
to be furled in anticipation of ongoing
volleys of debate on the next of the great
Bicentennial issues - "Deep Throat" on
display in our very midst - I pass on to
you two comments.
When Gene Siskel, the Chicago Tribune's
film critic, was asked by an interviewer
for Chicago magazine what his feelings
were about that portion of his tour that
takes him into the porn circuit, he said that
if one takes the onscreen action at face
value. the producers' implicit comment
seems to be, "Here we all are - up here on
the screen fucking away like crazy, and
aren't we all FREE?" when in reality (and
this, says Siskel, is the really depressing
aspect of the whole skin theater scene)
everyone in the theater knows that exactly
the opposite is true.
I mention this because I must say that if
I have divin~ the intentions of your
reviewer correctly I have to admire her
candor and common sense in dealing with
"Deep Throat" at that level. I venture to
say that the whole schtick presented by
Damiano and his breed would disappear
overnight, as it were, if someone could
whang the boys in the raincoat brigade and
other denizens of X-houses with the
realization of how really deep and abiding
is the contempt 0{ X-producers for the
audience that enriches them.
At a little more personal level, while I
was working for Yellow Cab in Chicago
last fall , I picked up a truck driver from
West Texas who had passed an aftemooo
with "Lovelace Meets Miss Jones" while
he was waiting for his rig to be repaired.
Instead of the 10 minute litany of recrellle\\
postures. techniques, moans and groam 0/
Linda the Swordswallower that I expected
(and dreaded) , my "good buddy" cooled
the whole dirty movie scene with a remark
that even Warren Burger and his friends
would have to admire for terse insight, ~
not philosophical depth : "We got a grind
house in Del RIo, but I never seen nolhilll
like that in a movie oouse before. God, I
couldn't even finish my popcorn thaI
movie made me so sick ...
110 North oubllq_
Field House follies
It would be in the best interest d
everyone who uses the . Field House to
publish when it cannot be used for certain
It was an incoovenierlce for a lot 01
people who wanted to play volleybaU,
basketball or other spo'rts Sunday after·
noon, (Jan. 25) because the Indiat1l
basketball team was practicing and no crt
else could use floor space around the court.
It was a real drag to get people to the
Field House, through the snow, get the net
set up and only be able to play for IS
minutes. If one sport has priority over all
others in Field House use, it is to
everyone's advantage ro publish when the
facilities are closed to others' use. (1be
North gym was occupied by intramuraisit would be helpful to post those times.
to a I
by tt
the I
has :
01 a
to th
EmIJle LawrelCt
new I
of an
Feedlot immorality
wn!fil~~@rru ~@rr~~@)'1
Like many passive souls, I've grown tired of
bearing hunters wax rhapeodlc about the mystic
communion with nature which attends the
destruction of life with high-powered rifles. I
have no method to judie their IUbjectlve experience-, so that !heir confident reiterations contribute nothing to my understanding of their
Their arguments about w1Idl1fe population control and the flnanclng of wildlife areas souncIllke
rationalizatiOlll rather than exp....IOIII of
dedication. I am puzzled that, in the face of the
fact that I am powerless to alter their behavior,
they are so eager to justify It to me.
Equally trying, however. are many of the
bleeding hearts who conjure Imaaes of Bambi
crying, "Mommy, Mommy!" aud who depict the
hunter al a savage beast IIavlJhly IItltfytng h1I
blood lust at the expense of ItrualinllplCi•.
As huntera are quick to point out, It II the expanlion of urban areas and the preoccupation with
clear field fanniol which are 1.....ly I'IIpCaIbie
for the depletion 01 wildlife.
As a nonhunter. I am caUlht in the mlddlt of
this issue. For while I am baffled by the bizarre behavioral aberrations. including
motivations of the hunters I consume meat . lethargy and intraspecies aggression. Chickens
which Is acquired in a m.ich more insidious who have the misfortune til be born into egg facfashion.
tories may live their entire lives in cages which
At least the hunter's prey lives and breeds in allow them only to stand or turn around.
freedom until the bullet Itrikes, and hunters
Perhaps mercifully, the capti ve beasts are
assure me that many of the anima .. are cagey treated with growth-stimulating drugs which
enough to elude even experienced hunters. Most cause rapid maturation In order to cut their life
hunters are bad enough Jhots that the game has a expectancies,
raising productivity and
reasonable chance of escape.
minimizing costs.
But the meat that most of us eat is the product
Finally, the livestock are herded into trucks
of perpetual captivity and calculated murder for and transported to slaughterhouses where they
profit. Food anima1a such u cattle, pigs, are executed with technological efficiency. The
chickens, and turkeys don't have the freedom death of the animals is simply a step in the
which II necessary for them to be considered assembly line production of meat and leather
game. They are bred and railed for the sole pur- products. The maximization of profit overpole of slauchter. Caged and emasculated, they shadows any concern for their suffering.
Uve only 10 that their fIeIh can be sold to us.
It is Ironic that, in lenns of sheer numbers,
Often the ecooomics of the meat Industry domesticated fann animals are among the most
require that they be railed In such crowded con- successful species. They are bred and raised
cltlons that little movement Is lQIible, causing using advanced methods of medical treatment
Individual mlaery and a breakdown of their and control. Pigs are born in specially designed
IIIturallOClai order.
stalls which restrict the movement of the mother
The cramped life of the feedlot retults in 10 that she cannot inadvertently lie on her young
and chickens are hatched in an environment of
controlled heat to maximize their survival.
Livestock diseases are controlled with advanced antibiotics and their diets are scientifically
designed to promote growth and good health.
The perpetuatioo of these species seems
secure, unless, of course, Americans lose their
appetite for meat. And yet their existence is emptied of any inherent value which might be seen
in the life of the free animals who become the
hunter's prey. Their physical characteristics
have even been altered so that they would stand
no chance of survival outside of the pastures and
feedlots which men have provided to prepare
them for slaughter.
I fear that, even recognizing this. I will continue to eat meat. Habitual behavior Is difficult
to modify. especially when I rarely encounter the
conditions under which my food Is produced.
But I hope that in the future the anti-hunting
cause, however Justified It may be, is championed solely by the vegetarians. who are the
only people who have any right to challenge the
motivations and actions of the hunters.
ci 54
'-Tuesday, February 3, 1976. Vol. 108, No_l~
EDITOR .............. .... , ... , .................... Dianne Coughlin
NEWS EDITOR ..................... , ................. Krlsta Clark
ASSOC . NEWS EDITOR ............................ . Maria Lawlor
ASST. NEWS EDITORS ........ , Mark Mlltel.tadt. K. Patrick JenlfD
LA YOUT EDITOR . .. .......... ...... ...... . .... ........ . Tim Sacco
CHIEF COPY EDITOR .. , ..... , ..... ... ........... , ... Anlta Karar
EDITORIAL PAGE EDITOR ............ _........... Connie Stew.rt
ASST. EDITORIAL EDITOR ....................... Rhonda Dickey
FEATURES EDITOR .......................... , ........ BobJonel
SPORTS EDITOR ............ .. ............... , ...... BIII MeAulille
ASST. SPORTS EDITOR ... .. .. . ...... .. ..... ... Tom Qulnl.n
CONTRIBUTING EDITORS ..... . .. ... ... Klm Rogal . Randy Knoper
RIVER CITY COMPANION EDITOR ........ ......... .. ,Chris Brim '
PHOTO EDITORS ............ , ...... Lawrence Frank , Dom Franco
ART DIRECTOR ., .. , .. , ........... , ......... . , ... , .... ... Cat Doty
Mlcbael Strlcklla. Publl.hr
Jerry BUI , Alit. Publlab.r
Colee. MeGee, R.tlll AdvtrU.I., Mlu,.r
WIIII.m C... y, Clrculall.. M.. a•• r
Dtck WII.o •• Producll.. SUp.rl.I ......1
P.~II.b.d by SI..... 1 P.~IIc.llo .. , I.c., III C.mm •• leall••• Ctl'
Ifr, 1•• 1 City, Iowa , SHU, dilly ucept Salurday., SladlY., 1•••1
..lIdIY'. aad day. 01 .. Ivenlty ueallu. Sect.d e1 ... po.la,.
.1 Ih , ••1 ollic. It Iowa City ••".r lb. Ael 01 Coa,r... oIM.rc~ I,
".".' .11-
S.b.erlplloa ral • ., lowl Chy •• d C.r.lvllle J .'.I~"
Ib ,1'.". I ,rl.lla, y•• r ....... Mill •• II.erl,II ... J ••• I~ ••.If,'
m.alb. 'U.", I prl.lla, y•• r RI.".
Tb. Dally 10wII la •• tad.pe.d •• IIe ••,.,., • rille •••• tdtltll II,
.td •• I.allbe Valnr.lly 01 Iowa. Th A...d.ltd Pr... I... lhlt411
III. uellilve .11 Iff republlcall•••1 all leeal a •••11 II all AP •• WI
a.d dl.palch ••
PI...e dIal U'''''' II y.. do atl renlvt y•• r pa,.. lIy 1:••.•.
Every ellerl .111 be mid. to eo,nel III_ .rror by III .... 11..... ctr·
culilia ollie. ~o.n Ire 1·1.:,. a.m .• z·, p.m .• Mo.".y tIIrll,'
Frld.y .
Tb. opl ..... u" ........ 1111. p.,e ar. Ille .,I.t.... , Ilia
•• 111.,., lid m.y 11.1 ....... rlly u,r ... Ih .pt.I... 01 Th D.U,
'I1Ie Dally lowaa-lowa City, Iowa-Tuel, Feb. 3., It7I--Page 5
County consultant seeks hoard seat
Johnson County, as well as in 32
. r Iowa counties. 1be finn
has also contracted to design
county care facilities, including
the Johnson County ·Home;
public housing projects such as
the firm's public elderly
OOwiing project in Looe Tree
and law enforcement centers
throughout Iowa.
"Although thIa experience
has made me acutely aware of
the problems that confront
county government, it Is not as
a professional engineer that I
seek this office, " Powers said in
announcing his candidacy. "It
is, rather, the desire to combine
thIa experience with the hwnan
decision·making element to
"I realize that holding the of· produce a truly citizen orienfice of county supervisor will ted government."
In his statement, Powers
prohibit my firm from doing
consulting work for Johnson specifically named Bartel's
County," Powers said in a seat as the board seat he is
prepared statement. "Thal is a seeking although all three
price I am willing to pay in the supervisors' seats will be up for
effort to serve Johnson Coun· election in November.
Bartel, who has announced he
Powers said that his firm has will not seek r~lection to the
done bridge inspections for board, has taken a job as a
AtIOc. Newt Edhar
James W. Powers, an Iowa
City engineer whole lirm c0nsults for the JohnIon County
Board of Supervilol'l, ann0unced Monday he is seeking the
DemoCratic nomination for the
board seat currently held by
Richard Bartel.
U Powel'l, founder of Pow·
ers, WIllIa '" AsIociates, an
engineering and archite~ural
consulting firm, should be elec·
ted to the Board of Superviaol'l,
he could not vote to award county contracts to his finn or part.
ners of his finn, according to
Pat White. assistant county at·
safety officer with the Wood·
ward Hospltal-School near Des
Moines. The Woodward school
is operated for the care, treat·
ment and training of the mentally retarded.
Powers said he will have on
me "position papers" on vir·
tually all of the major issues of
thIa campaign "so that if any
voter wants to know where Jim
Powers stands, that person will
be able to find out precisely."
He is rwming for the seat,
Powers explained, "based on
my belief that I can serve the
people of Johnson County in a
diligent, fair and open manner.
Equally important, however. is
the fact that I feel that my
positions OIl the issues that will
confront our colDlty government in the years to come are
reflective of what the people
themselves want and what they
Powers said he supports a
proposal by the current super·
visors to expand the board from
three members to five. "This
proposition will allow for a
broader range of representation
and for a more effective UIe of
the committee system for the
business," Power said.
The supervisors approved
putting the question of expan·
ding the board to county voters
and have placed it on the JlDle
primary ballot. U voters approve of the expansion, all five
supe.rvisors would be elected
this November.
Powers, who holds a B.S. in
ci,vil engineering from the
University of Illinois, is making
his first attempt at running for a
political office.
Powers joins two other can·
(lidates who have announced
their Intentions to seek a Board
of Superviaors seat.
Don Riley, a Democrat and a
political science instructor at
Kirkwood CommlDlity College,
and Janet Shipton, a charter
member of the Hoover Health
Council, have announced their
candidacies. The Hoover Health
Council Is an eight-county
health planning organization
with a board of 41 people.
Supervisor Robert Lenz, who
was appointed to the board in
December to fill the seat
vacated by resigning Super·
visor Burns, said Monday that
although he has not yet announ·
ced publically his intention to
seek election to the board, he
does plan to be a supervisors
candidate in the June primary
election. Supervilor Loreda
Cilek has not announced
whether she intends to seek
~lection to her board seat.
Directed by Rene Laloux
~'.•. such
a great·film that only
constipation should keep you
from going. "
7, 8:15 & 9:30 tonight
Simple n'a rrative mars
'Fantastic Planet' beauty
Fuwtlc Ptaaet, a Czech
animated film released in 1973,
attempts to change our normal
habitual perception of things,
and in many ways, succeeds in
doing exactly that. At the visual
plane, this film is concerned
with the manipulation of forms,
through variation of shape,
color and audience expec·
tations. At the level of narrative
the film is less successful,
because the intention of the
story is undercut by its over·
whelming simplicity. This leads
to a number of conclusions. The
film is a must for children of all
ages, and can even be enjoyed
by those who are forewarned to
forego involving themselves in
the narrative by just sitting
back and enjoying the skilled
Adistant planet (sometime in
the future) is inhabited by
Drags and Oms. The Drags rule
the planet and are huge blue
beings, huge in comparison to
the Oms, who closely resemble
beings of an earthly variety.
Oms are about the size of mice
in relation to the rulers who
treat them either as pets or
domesticated and treated like
vennin and are systematically
wiped out, hunted out of their
hiding places and mercilessly
suspect that Oms are capable of
thinking and reasoning and in·
tensify their efforts to eradicate
the whole species.
One o( the domesticated Oms
has become educated to Drag
ways and ideas through the use
of a learning bracelet. He
escapes with the bracelet to live
with his wild brothers and
sisters whom he acquaints with
advanced scientific ways. The
Oms, having advanced toahigh
state of intelligence comparable
to their masters, revolt. They
their freedom
threatening the Drags' ability to
reproduce, forcing peace with
their fonner enslavers. They
leave Dragland to settle on
another planet, free to create a
new hwnan world.
The Oms had originally been
Imported (rom their own
destroyed planet. Some Drags
suspect that the Oms were part
of an advanced civilization that
destroyed itself by Internecine
warfare. Other Drags mock
such speculation, for what kind
of sophisticated group would
ever commit self-annihilation?
The Oms are thoughtless
beasts, dangerous like rats,
because of their tenacity to sur·
Vive and reproduce at an appalling rate. The film's moral Is
one dimensional and 1m·
mediately explicit. All living
things, whatever their size,
the '.
,,' ,
should be treated respectfully
and with reverance, which is a
nice platitude, but one that
could be (ully developed and ex·
plicated in ten minutes, rather
than 72.
Which gets me back to the
discussion of cartoons in
general. Fllltutic Planet is in·
teresting enough to see, but
does not stick In one's memory
as well as a superior Daffy
Duck or Bugs Bunny. And one of
the main reasons why it does
not is- because it is 90 IDIremit·
tingly serious, so much so that It
becomes tedious. There is not
one laugh of extended duration
In the entire 72 minutes and it
becomes a major flaw In the
film·maker's intentions. I am
not trying to say that all
animated films have to be funny
In order to succeed, nor am I at·
Clln......St'"t Mill
Futasllc PlaDet's message is
not strong enough to carry it (or
its length and its visuals are
constantly affected because of
plot contingencies. But it is still
welcome, for it remarks the
commitment of certain film
groups to the art of animation.
And we can use as many
animated films as we can get
our hands on, for it is a creative
form that provides great
pleasure for film goers of all
A Concert Honoring Paul Fromm
is now going
to be
With Stan'. Barber StyU.ta
111 S. Uaa St.
Please phone 351·2861
for an appOintment
Voices (1970)·
Olly Wi lson
Concerto for Amplified Violin (1971·72)·
• Commissioned by the Fromm Music Foundation.
JAMES DIXON, conductor
Wednesday, Feb. 4, 1976 8 p.m. Hancher Auditori'um
No tickets required
8 • 10:30 a.m.
2 - 5 p.m.
Can 353·6203
Want to know more
about loudspeakers?
Attend our FREE .
Loudspeaker Seminar
What makes a speaker sound good or bad?
Why do speakers sound different? How does
speaker placement affect sound quality? ? For
the answers to these and lots of other questions
worth answering, come to our free Speaker
Seminar today at the The Stereo Shop.
Conducting the proceedings will be a
representative [rom Advent Corporation .
Advents are the most popular speakers we sell
(and, as far as we know, the current best·sellers
across the country), so there's reason to think
that what you hear from Advent at our Seminar
will be interesting and to the point. What's said,
of course, will be solidly demonstrated in sound,
and there will be plenty of time for all questions.
CQme hear and learn more about speakers, the
components with the biggest role in the sound of
a stereo system.
Workshop Auditions are to be held:
February 3
February 5
3:30·4 :30 p.m.
4·5 p.m.
opera rehearsal room
room 108
mirror room
Music Building
Old Armory
Women's Gym
Please wear clothing appropriate for movement exercises.
Is a Health Career for You?
TODAY at 1. 3. and 6:30 pm
Leam more about the health fields & the careers
that may be right for you from persons currently
working & teaching In those areas.
February 4 & 5
free & open to all
Feb. 4, 7:30 pm
New Ballroom
Feb. 5
10:30 to 5 pm
11:30, 1:30,
3 pm, IMU
"The Health Careers Bandwagon"
Keynote Address by Dr. J. Warren
Perry, Dean of the School of Health
Related Professions, SUNY at Buffalo.
Health Careers Resource Center located
the New Ballroom
Health Careers Seminars, presentations
by & discussions with persons representing
health professions In research, medical
services, pallent care, administration,
communications, rehabiUtatlon, therapy,
technology, etc.
Ufestyles seminar
Princeton Rm.
1:30, PrInceton
Women In Medicine & other Health
Charles Wuorinen
Antonin Dvorak
Symphony No.9 in E minor
The Iowa Center for
the Arts hopes to
produce WEST SIDE
STORY as the 1976
fall musical, but
many talented
singers and dancers
are needed and the
search must begin
11, 12:30
way at ...
WANTED: People for the musical
.Help i.
on the
tempting to place Futaatlc
Planet within the genre of the
Warner Brothers shorts.
Pqe f-Tbe Dally I.........,.. CIty, lowa-'I'IIeI., Feb. J,1I7I
CAC, VI senate
junction fails
paee . .
• - 10:30 ••m.
2·5 p.m.
1or,ett1na all reality. "
protest. WilkOlki had retained
Indeed WiIkoIkI tried JuIt his
about everythint on the candy disqualifying himIelf 00 the
Man. He relied heavily on the ring·toes. Angry fans moved
the council to allocate $2,000 for eye poke to bIlnd his oppooent, toward him, pelting him with inBy MIKE AUGSPVRGER
SIaIf Writer .
a CAC Fellowship to be awar· but seasoned his Ittack with a IUIts II he began to strut from
An amendment that would ded to a junior faculty member good number of chest bashes the ring. Two straight·faced
join the Ul Collegiate who has shown "Improvement and paunch IItuJ1lS - all of policemen moved in to escort
Asaociations Council (CAC) and in teaching" as stated In the which enr'qed the thronI·
the champ.
the UI Student Senate under ooe CAC resolution.
"You dirty aon-of·l·bJtch!"
Meanwhile, an Indignant Can·
presidency fell short of CAC
The resolutioo alJo utes: they cried as WIakoeki leveled dy
. passing by two votes Monday "Furthering the academic The Candy Man with a jab'ath- microphone from the terrified
well·being of Ul students is the wart the throat. Candy came timekeeper.
Although nine members most fundamental purpose of back, though, with an ankle
"WiskOllkl, you dirty dog.. ."
favored the amendment, while the UICAC ... the imprqvement swipe that decked Easy Ed. He he began, pointing toward the
three opposed it, approval by at of the quality of teaching at the followed with 1 series of It!!( entourage just making Its way
least 11 members WII needed Ulls a potentially effective and drops on WlskOlki's head, from the arena, "I'll get you
for it to become a coostitutiooal ecooomical means toward thiJ stamping his hands and hia yet, if you're man enough to
trailing leg 00 the ring floor for wrestle!" The crowd roared
Over an hour of discussion
The resolutioo continues : added emphaals. As WilkOlki giddily.
centered around the one-page
Bob and Cindy picked up their
lay stunned, Candy drove the
m crowd to a fenzy as he danced coats and thought about the trip
single-spaced amendment spro· " .. ,that
sored by CAC members Kirk
mount consideratioo in the around the ring doing the "Can· back to Galena. They'd be back
Bragg, A2, and Murray D. para
in two weeks, though, first in
dy Shuffle."
awarding of fellowships,"A
But Wiskoski rose, and 1 Dubuque, then in Cedar Rapids,
Johllnnsen, P3.
of three CAC memAfter the meeting, CAC committee
bers will be appointed to review mean, stand-up battle ensued. for the promised All-Star card.
President Nonnan Coleman, proposals submitted by the Both men struggled for advanAnd what about The Candy
1.3, said that he thought the Committee on Developmental tage. Candy worked Easy Ed in- Man? Was he fading as a con·
amendment will get passed at Assignments.
to a corner and reared, but just tender, having been hefted out
the next meeting 00 Feb. 9,
that moment, Wiskoskl of the ring?
when more members would be
"Nah,", Cindy said. "He wins
stooped, grabbed the black
present to vote,
UI students who participated In mass around the waist and 81m- every ooce in a while." Tooight,
The group spent nat of its the Internatiooal Debate tour· ply heaved him over the ropes.
the plot for the belt had ooly
time going over two main ar· nament in l.oodon In January.
in _thickened.
[.,2, and Rick ' -_
_ _ _...._ _..,
ticles in the amendment : how
the president is to choose a Oleriwltz, G, finiahed second In ..
vice-president , and how a new overal debate competitioo and
president would be chosen if the ftnished first in U.S. comelected president should resign petition.
or be impeached.
Cheriwitz also finished first In
In other action, CAC ap- Impromptu Speaking. The two
proved a resolution that allows were funded by CAC.
CIIII 353-6203
..... II'I'M I f\tT ITO" .
"(I)'" ~ffT
Crested Mugs
End • .W.. cL
Show. 1:30·3:30·
Now on sole
for SlOO
Tuesday nites
refills only 30e
I ~
Go Go Girls
Matinee 4:30-6:30
Evenings 9:00-1 :30
.loa's Place offers 25c
Monday thru Saturday
draws tonight to celebrat
Three Girls Nightly
the wrestlers' weekend
Tu esda y Night .
AlDateur Night
$ 100 ht Prize
$ 25 Each Contestant
3 Limit
End. Wedne.day
Show.: 1:30·4:00·
.. .
AI .... . , . . . . . . . . . . . ,.."..,.
wins against Michigan &
Michigan State
Now Serving Food • I pm to 1 am
o y, lb. hot dog
25c beer from 9 - midnight
0 Hamburgers
o CheeseburgeraO Vegetableburgera
o Tenderloin. 0 italian Indwche.
o French Frle. 0 Onion Ring.
NEW: Ice c....m DrInk. Ml'YM .nyU.....
On The Mall
Sa ndwiches available
Joe's Place
. 115 Iowa Ave.
312 h t Ave, Coralville
Tickets on Sale NOW
ohn 'P rine
45c every day
with special guest star
Steve Goodman
Pitcher $1.50
Mail Orders Accepted
Highballs SOc
Friday, February 20
Tickets at Hancher Box Office
Students 53.50
Non-Students 54.00
2-8 pm
$1 pitcher
w/medium or
large pizza
8 pm, Hancher Auditorium
U of I, Iowa City
Tuesdays '-12
30e draws
P ..... 81u• •1...... (ligh' & d.rk)
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& UIII121r",IVt()IU tl3§
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'I1Ie Dally Iowu-Ion CIty, Iowa-...... Fell, I, 1I'l'f-PIae7
For 'Nlghtly or Weekly Contracts
For personal Interview call,
The Dally Iowan needs a
good typist, who's willing
to work. 5 nights a week,
Nice working condiT-- .. tile
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PROBLEM pregnancy? Call
Birthright, 6 p.m .. 9 p.m., Mon·
day through Thursday, 338·8665.2·
'---_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- ' T-H-R-E-E-roo-ms-of-new--fu-rn-,'t-u-r-e-for'
$199 - Goddard's, West Uberty. We
THE hedegrows cast a shallow deliver. Monday - Friday, II am to 1
shade upon the frozen grass, but pm; Saturday, 10 am to 5 pm;
skies at Evensong are soft and - Sunday 110 5 pm. E-Z Terms. 2-18
)comes the Candlemass. Oh, wandering lad and winsome lass for you NEW sofas, $98, your choice.
was Gaslight Village made. So cease Four .piece bedroom set, $99.95 .
your searching 'round the town ! Sofa sleeper, S98. Mattress or box
Come live and love at Gilbert and spring, S2•. 95. We service what we
sell freel Goddard's Furniture,
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ATTENTtON pool players! All of
Four CUshion's tables have recently MARANTZ 1200 Integrated am '
been recovered. We are constructing pllfler . 220 walls RMS. Excellent
a cocktail lou"9l! to ' be open soon. condition, $700 new ; S425 or best of·
" Everyday in every way, ._-"
3-5 fer. Call 337·2901 or 351-2295 after
- ~& . . . ~
. 5!3O.
It's 81 1,3 and 6 p.m . &
.~ Lots
• Of
• Valentine €6
~ Excitement .
rIM• •m·i
Edited by WILL WENG
I Shapeless mass
5 Bundle, as of
10 Pie section
14 Ocean course
15 String
18 Tramp
17 Engulfs
II Word with poly
!O Won, as a voting
U Predatory birds
13 Philosophy
U Russian river
15 Unexpected
It Made merry
12 Follows with a
U Schedul ! again
15 Venice's
18 Kind p ~;17 U. S agen (')
18 Cabood;e's
It Asian country
41 Pirate's eyepie~~
43 Suffix for in~ : r
or bi
44 to (fulfills) 12 --bodied
13 -Town
46 Best policy
18 Small tuft
48 Constantly
22 Race an engi ne
49 Asian holiday
25 Indefinite time
50 - - the towel
28 Hawaiian
53 The whole - veranda
57 Garden worker
27 Barrel-moving
58 Saved
60 Lace-owning
28 Summarize
Extend to
81 Singing syllables ~o Decree
82 Corn bin
31 Tetched
83 Comedian Fo)(x
34 Rest
84 Boston fish
40 Cut off
41 Language
85 Football's Rote
42 Quick-tempered
one 43 Reversal
Political group
45 Stitch
2 Volcano product 47 "A friend in
3 Unusual person
4 Huckle and
50 "... gold in
them - - hills"
5 Devious one
51 Sharpen
• Pay attention to 52 Sleep: Prefix
7 Building wing
53 W. W. II battle
8 Gifts to the poor
I Seine
54 Amiss
10 Wither
55 Kind of file
II Tweedledum and 56 Agree: Var.
51 Gibbon
American .
Foreign. No e_perlence required .
Excellent ay. Worldwide travel.
Summer job or career. Send S3 for
Information. SEAFAX , Dept. E-4,
W; hln t 98392
F.u n.. Poeltlo.
a....W. for
PIa... S51.0141
for appola._t
•••• I
Ambilious? PhologloplW enrhuslost? Proven sysrem guoronlees profil In campus pholography. For more Info call collect
for Debbie Shoemake, 405947-a747.
Washington . Dial 351· 1229.2·20
REBEKAH S Plano ServICe : Tune repair - regulate - rebu"d. Spinets uprights · grands. 35.4·1952. 3-16
DO you need any extra help around
housekeeper, carpenter, plumber,
painter, etc . Call Piglbink, a commun ity Information exchange (A
shopper by phone) . Open 9 a.m. - 9
WASHINGS and ironings wanted.
338 -1.10. weekday afternoons or
644-2489. Mrs. Pomeroy. 3-3
do you know Ihat you would go 10 be with
God? Th. BIble ..ya you can know for Light moving - Delivery-Trucking .
Fe!- Experienced . Local-long Distance.
IowIhip rntIIS each Tueeday, 6:30 p.m., 338-4926; 351-5003
KirkWOOd Room. IMU.
lUI• . (I John 5! 10-13) ClmpusBible
HEARTlHAPtD gemtlonel: 0pIl, ruby, FI NE hand lettering makes unusual
crytIaizunHlopi. Jtwllry repllr. Emerald gifts or striking ads. Call
City HalMli. 351-1"12.
2-18 3 5 • - S 7 6 6 .
3 - 15
HEAT lor uie! When you sit bIfofe a
roaring Ire the helt you fill fa rediant
hIaI. You rout on the front side but your
bICk side II cold. Moat of tht hIaI generated gall up the chimney. THERMOGRATE c.pIUre8 hell thai normdy gall
up the climney, heaIa the air Int1d8 the
tubII and daIivwI warm IIr bICk Into the
room ... 1t rwIy worQ. 354-3543.
,.. University orientated
,.. Privately owned
,.. No waiting
,.. ,Convenient hours
,.. IProfessional Service
... Ample close-by
Free parking
UnlBMIt 1Idt.
Like a Dream
Just a Year Ago
41 WeMet
it is so Beautiful!
~I LOVE YOU, Ashbaugh"
TYPI NG service . Experienced,
supplies furnished, fast service,
reasonable rates . 338-1835.2·3
TWELVE years' experience
theses, manuscripts . Quality
work. Jane snow, 338·64n.2-4
EXPERIENCEO typist prefers
large iG'bs (dissertations , bOOks) .
I BM Selectric. 337·4819.2·2.
PI NG _ Fasl, accurate, carbon
ribbon. Any size iOb. Editing. 3377512 .2·23
'( y
Wotch for
Coming Soon! I
Tour Europe with May 26 - July 2. Gany BUY - centennial puppies, AKC
Hlnz, 8400 Mason. Morton Grove. IINneis registered, champion bloodlines.
60053. Phone 312-966-1234. 1974 Iowa Call 337-3311 .
"red. Inlervlrll1yalumnus.
PROFESSIO.NAL dog grooming.
Puppies, kittens, tropical fish, pet
supplies. Brennenman Seed Store,
1500 1st Ave. South . 338·8501.2-11
FREE ride to Washington D.C. between
2-28 - 3-7. CIII 337-7894 aNer 6. 2-9
BLOOM Antiques - Oowntown
Wellman, Iowa - Three buildings
ALANOONI'S Bookstore for sale. Well full.
~n, profitable. 337-9700. Honkl Honkl
phone. Own Iraansportatlon. North
DATSUN 2000 1970 sport car like MG Liberty. $75. 626-2998.
- Radial tires, pass Inspection, good
mpg, $950. Call 35.4-1205; 353-6295.
SINGLE room for boy, kitchen
< privileges. 337-2573.
'74 Flat Xl 9 - Exc~lIent condition,
r.lals, AM-FM, best offer.
354-4197 ..... 2-11 APARTMENTS
Engl Ish as a foreign language;
tutoring or full time classes; grammar - pronounciation or cooversation ; rates vary. Call after 5!30,
one bedroom furnlshed,SI50 plus electricity. 210 E.
Ninth, 354-4085 or see Apartment
end lube lor your CII. Only S9.95. Bil's
'-80 OX. Phone 351-9713 for TWO bedroom furnished apartment.
3-22 Black's Gaslight Village, 422 Brown
- - - - - - - - - - - 5t.
JACK'S Auto Aenu - CompleteCII dellIl, -cleln up end WI)( Job. $50. Call 351-9713
for IPpDIntment.
FOUR blocks from campus, one bedroom, furnished. C8IjI8t. air. 337-7149
after 5!IO.
'1972 Galaxle 500 - ~r conditioning,
powarst_ng and brakes, rldlo, redlelt. ONE bedroom apartment - Sauna, pool,
2-13 ar, carpeting. $<40 paid toward month's
rent 354-2604.
1915 Vega 4·speed, AM raa,o, yellow
.... Ith black Interior, A-I condition. AVAILABLE now _Sublet furnished
Real economy. 679-2558.
lakeside efficiency, $160.
679-2583 .
2 - 3
WANT alx dclcets for "lnnellOta besket. WANTED bluegrass banjo le8sons.
ball "ame. Call 354-2214 enytlme. 2-13 353-0242, PhIl.
~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~_ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
CONTEMPORARY ,Iano and mandOlin Instruction - Children and
adults. Ms. Jerry Nyall , 933 WebHELP WANTED
Sler, phone 354·1096.
BOARD Job open at sorority house.
~=:-=---~~,...,..,.,-:---:MATURE person. fond 01 children to be
with my three school""'" children unUi I
wwget home from worI<. Houseworll In addidon, If desired. Call between 8 and 10
p.m., 338-9823.
MALE Single room near campus,
many extras . 338-3857 after
four .
SUBLET - Close to campus, $70.
Call between 5 - 10 p.m., 338-5929 or
Diehard, brak... Need, engine wort<: UNFURNfSHED master bedroom
$400. 338-9934.
2-13 of I1x14 mobile - Kitchen privileges,
- --
JOHN'S Volvo & Saabrepair. Fast WANTED
Reasonable . All
SET of drums. Phone 351-2253. 2-13 guaranteed . 1020'h Gilbert Court. FEMALE to share house - Own room,
- - - - - - - - - - - 351.9579.2· 11
trlnsportation. No pels. Cal Kathl, 353PORTABLE organ, 4 octaves. volumn
5505. daya; 337-4456. evenings. Avillapedal ; vlbralo,bass,etc. Bul~-lnampilfier. VOLKSWAGEN Repair Service, \)Ie emmedl8leiy.
$160. 319-886-2591.
2-16 Solon. 51h years factory trained.
- - - - - - - 644-3666 or 644-3661. 2-18
COUPLE or alngleto share hOuse Ihr..·
FENDER Bassman Ten, gOOd con·
miles out. 354-2842.
ditlon, $325. 354-35301.
SHAIIE houH - Own bedroom, 185, I¥WANTED . Quality six string
allable Immediately, on bUI . 354Acoustic guitar. Contact Karen
WeihS, 1225 South Riverside, Trailer
39 ; 338-7152.
SHARE two bedroom ll*lment, own
bedroom, 575. Call 351-5571 ; 353·
203 Kirkwood Ave.
1 OilY Service
All Work GUlIrantH4
FEMALE share furnished a. artATLANTI S VW Service _ Quality, ment, own bedroom, near campus,
fast, bus, air conditioned. 338-5160.
FOUND - set of unlvel'llly keY1. Call reasonable
351 . 96'7225
354-5695 end Identity.
• . .
LARGE three bedroom duplex - own
bedroom and bath. Phone after 5!3O
p.m., 338-4943.
LOST 1-19! Lady's gold Lagant wat·
ch, sentimental value . Reward! HOUSE FOR RENT
own room. Call
338-5692 after 4 p.m.
LOST - White and tan Engl ish Poin- THREE bedroom unfurnl<hed farter female dog with yellow collar . mhouse, references, no pets.
MALE share two bedroom Lakeside
Call 351-8210.
6 4 5 . 2 6 6 2 .
2 _ 5 Townhouse, S95 monthly, air conditioning, carpeted, pool .
354 - 260 • .
2 •
SHARE two-bedroom Lantern Park
YOU'RE not looking for a job.
furniShed apartment, S115 monthly.
You've got a lob now. But you' re
always open to something belter.
NEWER west side - Two bedroom 351-6530.
But since you're work ing full time,
with full basement, 705 Westage . No - - - - - - - - - you can't really run around looking .
for everyone
children, pets allowed. Avalla~le Im- FURNISHED apartment to share
Parts & Accessories
BeSides, you might get in trouble
mediately. $275. 338.9922.
with male, own room, $85.
Repair Service
3 3 8 - 6 308 .
2 - 3
with your boss. Tell us what you'd
change for . We'll be looking. When
the right job happens along, we'll
give you a ca II after hours. at home,
so you won't be bothered at work .
we look for free . Call us. Tell us
what you'd change for : More pay,
SMALL furnished single near lew, music;
more responsibility, more ap·
private refrigerator. television; excellent TWO bedroom trailers for rent. 1976
preclation, a better chance for ad· MOTORCYCLES
facilities; $82; 337-9759.
2-9 model, furnished, references, no
vancement. We're open till 9 every
. ets. 645-2662.
week-night. LooKI NG GLASS ROOM, 412 N. Clinton, $100 per mon351-5504 .
HONDAS cash bonus and Stark's dls- th, available February 4. kitchen 1969 Blalrhouse 12x6-4 - Three
bedroom , washer, dryer, air,
coonl prices save you hundreds of dol- privileges. 35.4·3487.
POSITION available · Registered IllS. Pay In the spr1ng. celt 326-2331 or
nurse, 4p .m. to 12 p .m. shift, part 2478. Slark'S Honda, Prairie du ChIen. ROOM for girl, cooking privileges, refrigerator. $6,300. Available June.
time .
Retirement Wisconsin.
3-22 close
338-4647 35.4-1604; 353-6996.
Res ide n c e ,
3 S , • 17 20. 1- 23 ~. .
iiiiiiiiiiiii...iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil.~.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii• •
DAY help, part-time, approximately
20 hours per week. Apply In person,
Shakey's Pizza Parlor. 2-3
Cycle City
I do baby sitting In m~ apartmenl -,<.
day" -'<ends. Hawkeye Drive. Aeferences. 354-3416.
USED vacuum cleaners,rea,onable
priced. BrIndy'1 Vacuum, 351-1453.3022 QUALITY child care In home en- - - - - - - - - - - vlronment . Degreed, experienced
GlARY IUnllght gootIdOWn liMping preschool teacher. 337-5153.
baga. New regular bog, $65; long bog,
CRISIS Center - Call or stop In.
112'12 E. Washington . 3S1 ·01AO, '100. Call 337-3877.
lla .m . . 2 a.m.'
IUIDI 00II - New, warm Inner InIng,
GAY Liberation Front counseling siz. 10, $40. C111337-3381, tyenlngl.2·
• nd Information. 353-7162,7 p.m.· 11 13
*THESIS experience - Former
p.m., dally.
3-2 - - - - - - - - - - - uoifverslty secretary, IBM Seleclrlc
IMANO _ Aalchlllld boota, lizl 11, carbon ribbon. 338-8996.
u.IUIVMLI btrglinlil AId AcIII _ . oller. 813-2111.
ELECTRIC . Former university
30'1, 40", 5O'Ill.~ E. CoIIIgI, 11 .. m.· tIKJNQ boot.. Dunlop. Uk. _I Blze8. weretary. Term papers, letters.
6 p.rn.
2~ ~ dar 5:30.
2-4 Close. Reasonable. 338·3183.
!'Oft uie - Merl'. siza 40 ...... jac:IIet, PROFESSIONAL typing service,
&115. 3M-51113.
2-8 ElectriC IBM. Ms. Jerry Nyall, 933
Webster. phone 35.4-1096.
ONI piiIr IIIC Venturf . . . . ., ModII
fllrml*IV, S250.354-474eafttr3:30. 2-6 MAIONMLE,11CperI1IICId aocurII!I'
~, 1IIIIlUICfIpI.. PIPI". 1MTIIID of Indlfferen! Ml'vlc. Ind IJUIIIII. 33H5Oe.
Mlnl-wirlhoull units • III alzn. Rlpwell's prices? TOIIlgIIt, try Blue
Monthly rl'n I I low II US per MIgoo's - thl friendly plec•• whl" EXPERIENCED typ ist prefers
month . U Store All. 01., 337· giving the cu.tomer • f.lr de.1 II large fObS (dissertations, bOOks)
stlllin .lyll. 206 N. Linn.
IBM Seleclrlc . 337·"'9.2·2.
HANDCRAftED gifts and Kodak
film processing at L.stlng 1m·
presslons,. South Linn.
337 - . 2 7 1 .
- 9
Free Travel Posters and Brochures· Travel
Tips· Chinese Operetta - Folk Dance ExpOsitions. Complete information on travel
and study overseas.
TYPING . Carbon ribbon, elee}
trlc; editing ; exprienced. OiaI338·
4647 .2·4
EXPERIENCED typist , clean
and accurate, eleetrlc . Call 338.
p.m .2. 10
then bent and kissed the ~*a,t!.,~;**********
PARTorfunUmewll1er-wliltres" IU.m.
mac h ne gun.
ou re no FEEL bad? Therapy groups hy -2p.m.ApplyLungFungAl8taurlnl.2-4
Buzz .. . " he said plaintively, women, for women of all ages. Call _ _ _ _ _ _ _.:.....=...__
fingering the guard's nose.
338·3011 0, 3S1 ·3152, 644-2637 or REGISTERED nurses needed Im35.4·2879.
medilllely for fuM time and part-Ume. Ex·
The guard led him away .
cellenl benefits end wages. Contact DI"Buzz," said the man
ractor of Nul8lng, Van Buren County
thoughtfully to himself as he
Memorial HOsplla1, Keosauqua, Iowa.
319-293-3171 , collect.
went, "buzz ... "
By now other guards were'
HELP wanted - Persona 1810 75yMfSof
. .
WINE racks, plant stands, clear age who desire steady, short. ncrtIr1ng
now arrIVing, repor IRg to things galore, photo holders and worI<lnphotoHnlshlngaaiesstorelocated
Duk Man for instructions. clocks from your plexiglas store. al Corllvllle. Two shifts: 9 .. m. to 1:45
their Clockwork, 313 Third Avenue, p.m.; end 1:45 p.m. !o 6:30p.m., Monday
d Coralville. 351-8399.
3·2 through Friday. Salurdty houl1J: 9 a.m. to
mac hme
12!15 p.m. end 12:15 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
bullwhips, and shouted short ELECTRONIC Service lab - Fine Ideal for retlrad person. Wages are $40
service for audio equipment. per week. AppIicanls mutt be able and
guttural cries as they ran to Authorized warranty repair for desirllo meet the public as a Q8Il(. Inter·
and fro . About time, thought Akal, Dual, Panasonic, many views will be arranged In Coralville. Wrife
Duk ; this is what we need.
338· plllllculel1J to end please Include your
2-3 phone number, MeIIeI1J Photo LabS Inc.,
TO BE CONTINUEDDept 75, Drawer B. Glenstone Station,
SEWING Wedding gowns ana SpringfIeld, Missouri 65804
bridesmaids' dresses, ten years'
.. .
THE DAILY IOWAN Is looking for experience. 338.04U.2.19
HAULING, cleaning, paontong, odd
people who plan to leave the
jobs. Cali Larry, 338-4751.
country for good (or know of those
who've expatriated, or whO Artist's portraits, charcoal S10 SCHOOL bus drivers, part tim e
themselves have expatriated and pastel $25, oil $100 and up ' work, 7 a.m. to 8!3O a.m.; 2!45 to
have returned to the Stales) for a 351-0525. 2-13
4! 15 p.m. Chauffeur's license
newsfeature article. Call Bob _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _" required. Iowa City Coach Co. Inc.,
Jones at 353.6210.
CHI PPER' S Tailor ShOP, 128'12 E. Hwy. I West.
IMU Ballroom
AMP, quad or stereo 90 walls. FAST,
professional typing
Manuscripts, term papers, resumes.
raM Selectrlcs. Copy Center, too.
STEREO components - Compacts, 338-8800.
CB's, TV's and much more at below
WhOlesale prices. All guaranteed. PROFESSIONAL I BM typing - Fran
Brian, 351-4441 .
Gardner, SUI and secretarial SChool
graduate. 331·5.456.
FIREWOOD - Large pickup lOad,
cut, split a~ stacked, S«l. 338·. IBM Selectric II, carbon , 15 Inch;
9132; 338·5538.2·20
carriage. Experienced. Gloria.
"See what I mean?" the
guard scowled at Duk Man ,
gesturing across the entire
scene with his machine gun .
"Should I just clean 'em
up?" H is fingers tightened
on the trigger . The workers
took no notice, but continued
Classified Valenllne
jumping up and down, or
rolling on the floor, clut·
ching their bellles, laughing
helplessly . One was still but·
ting his head against an iron Positive Experience Preganancy
support as his empassioned Group - Informative classes In a
sharing atmosphere. Pregnant
out :
"Buzz! women,
friends and partners
Buzz! "
welcome. Call Emma Goldman
decided . Clinic. 337·2111 . for more infor"No;"
"We'll just try to subdue
them before our fatherly THE Bible Bookstore, 16 Paulleader gets here. And you'd .Hele~
Building, 209 E!,st
Washll1gton street, Iowa cIty.
better start With that one Phone 338·8193. Bibles, books,
beating his head against the tracfs 1II
pillar . He's losing a lot of ' - -R
- P-E-C-R
- I-S'-IS-L-I-N-E
A women's support service,
guard . He stalked toward DRINKING problem? You're not
the pitiful specimen, and alone. AA meets Saturdays at
spoke in a soothing tone of noon, North Hall lounge.2·23
voice: "AIl right. boy, stay
ca I m, "he pu II e d th e man
away from the pole. "Tell
Buzz good-bye now " he
. k d Th
' d
e man turne a
silly grin toward the guard,
12 to 5 p.m., Tuesday, February 3
Sunday through Thursday ~
(approx. 4 hours per I~_______
wonderful pop machine!
Here's a 01 classified ad blank
for your convenience.
Write ad below using one blank for each word !
1. . ............. 2.
3. . ......•... . . 4.
. '0 ................ 11 . ..... , ,,, ... 12 .
.... 14 ..
.15 . .
........... 11. .
.. ... 19 . .
21 .
••. , I •••.
, 22 . .
., . . ..... 20.
. .23 . .... , '"'''' 24 .
CITY_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ZIP _ _ _ _ _ _ ___
Count the number of words
in your ad, then multiply
the number of words by the
rate below. Be sure to count
address and ·or phOne num·
ber. Co.t tc\u." (Number
of Word.) x (Rll. plr
Mall compl.ted Ad B',nk
,tong with "Ieck Or money orCltr t.!
Room 1t1 Communlullonl C.nter
IcJWl City, lowl 52240
1-3D.y • . " .. "". 26JC IIIr word
S DIY' .. ......... .. . Me per Word
or ~'oP In.
Ads pay,bleln adv.nCt
1. DIYI ..... " .. " " ~ IIIr word
~No Refundl .
30 DIYI ........ " " lOe IIIr word
D1,dllne : III .m. for nil' d"
hieS-The Dally I""""'". City, Iowa-Tan., Feb. J,n
Oly.pic sex tests
She's 'a woman after all
Monday Blues hit Hawks, 91-76
Staff Writer
INNSBRUCK, Austria (AP) - "I resent
it-it is a challenge to our identity," said the
woman luge racer whose Olympic jacket bore
the red Maple Leaf of Canada .
"If the women must take sell tests, why not
the men? I've seen some male figure skaters
that I think might well be fncluded-but, for
heaven's sake, don't use my name."
The mushrooming women's lib movement
in America has swept across the Atlantic
Ocean and taken a firm seat at these XII
Winter Olympics.
Some of the women competitors are
outraged that they should be subjected to
what they caU such a demeaning procedure.
Others are amused while some, mainly the
Soviets, accept It with a shrug.
"It is the rule and we abide by the rules,"
said Tamara Moskvina , a former USSR figure skating star who now is a coach.
Of the 1,039 athletes who begin competition
Wednesday , 248 are women. Before they are
allowed to compete, each woman must under
go a sex test. Asmear is taken from inside the
jaw and if laboratory tests of the smear show
a preponderance of male hormones, the
competitor is declared ineligible for women's
"I think it's hysterical," said Anne Henning
of Northbrook, Ill., a gold medalist in speed
skating four years ago at Sapporo and now a
television commentator. "They even gave me
a certificate showing I am a woman. I have it
hanging up in my bedroom."
Dorothy Hamill of Riverside, Conn .,
America 's chief hope for the women's figure
skating title, faced up to the matter at a
formal news conference. " It doesn 't bother
me," she said.
Karen Kunzle, a Swiss figure skater, and
the team leader, Jacqueline Alice Itschner,
said they could understand some resentment
in America, where the women's lib movement
is strong, but added that, as Swiss, they could
accept it. "After all, I think the problem is not
with the Winter Games but with the Summer '
Games,"ltsclmer said.
Barbara Berlezowski, a Canadian figure
skater, said she thought men should have to
take tests just as the women do . "Why not? "
she asked. "Everyone should be equal. "
Several teammates agreed.
Since the tests were inaugurated by the
International Olympic Committee in 1968,
there have been suspicions raised but no
action taken. Erika Schinegger, a champion
Austrian skier who was world downhill
champion in 1966, had her sex changed to that
of a man. She never competed in the Olympics.
There was a disqualification in a PolishRussian track meet, and some husky field
events competitors have withdrawn from the
Olympics rather than talle tests. Most
countries, to prevent embarrassment, have
their athletes undergo examinations before
the Games.
"If a girl is a boy, it makes a lot of difference," said Nicola Spiess, Austrian
downhill skier, "but if a boy is girl it doesn't
Dr. Dan Hanley, head of the U.S. Olympic
team medical rorce and a member of the lOe
panel, said he couldn't have said it better.
"It's a matter of philosophy," he said,
explaining why men were not similarly
checked: "Men are more muscular and
stronger. A man with reminine tendencies
would not have an advantage. A woman with
male tendencies definitely would."
Young, impatient
Austrian skier
awaits Olympics
INNSBRUCK, Austria (AP) - An impatient 17-year-old Austrian sider led a
parade of record breakers on the downhill
practice run Monday, and American figure
skating star Dorothy Hamill nursed an Alpine
cold as athletes from 'Yl nations prepared ror
Wednesday 's opening or the Winter Olympics.
"I know I'm young, and some say I can
wait," said Anton Steiner after cutting more
than 6.5 seconds off the course record on the
men 's downhill run. "But waiting is not my
best feature ."
He flashed down the 3,145-meter trail in
1:49.04 minutes to lead almost 30 skiers
pastthe record or 1:55.78 set last year on the
slope by Austrian ace Franz Klammer , the
gold medal favorite .
Klammer, the only man sure of a berth on
the Austrian OlympiC ski team , didn't extend
himself. He finished third on one run and sixth
on the other. The best any American could do
was a 12th place by Karl Anderson of Greene,
Maine, on the second run.
If Steiner was invigorated and dynamic
after his performance, Hamill presented
a mournrul appearance with a cold and aches
in her legs.
"It's still sort of bad, it's hard to breathe,"
she said. "But I think it will get better. " The
19-year-old sensation from Riverside, Conn.,
said she has been working out only two hours
a day instead of her normal six-hence the
pain in her legs during workouts.
She 'las been touted as an almost certain
silver medalist with a chance at the gold if she
can outshine Diane de Leeuw of Los Angeles ,
who skates under the Dutch flag due to her
dual U.S.-Netherlands citizenship.
WEST LAFAYE'I'I'E, Ind. For the fourth time in four triea,
the Monday Blues hit Lute
Olson's Hawlleyes. Leading
Purdue 44-38 at halftime, Iowa
fell victim to turnovers and poor
shooting to give the Boilermakers a 91-76 Big Ten win in
Mackey Arena.
The Iowa lOllS broke a
four-game skid for the Boilers,
while the Hawks, who haven't
won at Purdue since 1970, lost
their third straight and fourth in
the last five outings.
The two teams traded the lead
five times in the first half before
the Hawkeyes raced in 10
straight points en route to an
eight-point halftime margin.
The Hawkeyes enjoyed a 58 per
cent marll from the field in the
first half, and at one Urne had
made 14-18 shots from the field .
'l1Ie tables tunIecl, however,
ID tile .ecoad half • Pardue, plained.
the Purdue lead to 70-15 011 DID
biltlD, In amar.ln, 15 per ceat , Much of the game's story was Frost's three-polat play with
told at the free-throw line. Pur- 5: 45 left. 'l1Ie BoIIermaken,
from tH field ID tbe fbIaI •
minutes, outleGred 10wa"1Z ID due cashed in 00 27 of 32 however, oatscored low. 11-3 to
tile flnt nlDe miIIIIteI to take a free-throw attempts, while the put the game OD Ice.
Hawkeyes, last in the Big Ten in
"We didn't play hard and we
The Hawkeyes lost the ser- free-throw percentage, could didn't play well," Olson said.
"Purdue didn't play that good In
vices of playmaklng guard Cal make only 4 019.
The Hawkeyes could put in the second half, we just played
Wulfsberg on the openiJl8 play
of the second half with an 1m- only 35 per cent of their that poorly."
All five Purdue starters
disclosed injury. Without the field-goal attempts in the
leadership of the Big Ten's top second haU, and finished with a finished in double figures.
assist-maker, Iowa committed 45 per cent mark overall, while Sophomore forward Walter
several turnovers in key Purdue finished with a 50 per Jordan led the way with a
cent shooting mark from the garoe-high 21 points. Wayne
situations and fell behind.
Walls and Tom Scheffler added
"That really hurt us when he field.
Iowa m.de one last desperate 17 apiece while guards Kyle
(Wulfsberg) went out," said
Iowa Coach Olson. "You can't nlly ID tbe second half, cuttlDg Macy and Eugene Parker were
play the game without anybody
in charge, and that really hurt
credlted with 16.
Scott Thompson led Iowa with
~ points. Frost had 17 and Fred
Haberecht had a season-hlgh 11.
Bruce King, who was bothered
with a high temperature OVf!t
the weekend but received his
doctor's permission to play, had
The Hawkeyes are now 4-5 in
the Big Ten and 13-6 overall.
The Boilermakers are 5-4 in the
Big Ten and 1~ for the seaaon.
Iowa now comes home to play
Minnesota in a Big Ten clUl
Saturday night, and then
travels to Des Moines Tuesday
to face Drake.
"We went in at half and lost
our concentration. We should
have stayed on the court at the
half and played horse or
something. At the half we lost
the edge we had,". the coach ex·
Three matmen fall
in all-star wrestling
Staff Writer
MADISON, Wis. - Three of four Iowa wrestlers fell to defeat as
their West team .dropped a 27-10 match against the East in the tenth annual All-star Wrestling affair here Monday night.
Iowa national champ Chuck Yagla lost a 10-2 decision to Wisconsin sophomore Lee Kemp in the feature match at 150 pounds.
Kemp scored two takedowns and had Yagla in a near fall position
en route to his win. The two men wrestled at the NCAA championships last March, with Yagla winning on a referee's decision.
Of the three other Hawks wreatliD& for West Coacb Gary Kur·
delmeler, only CbrIs CampbeU at 177 pouIIcIs came tbroup victoriollSly.
Campbell fought a lackluster match against conservative Joe
Carr of Kentucky, winning a 3-2 decision. Carr attempted only one
shot at a takedown, while most of Campbell's moves ended up at
the edge of the mat.
Tim Cysewsld, Iowa's co-captain at 134 pounds, was unsuccessful in gaining revenge from a 6-2 loss Saturday to Pat
Milkovich. The two-time NCAA champ from Michigan State beat
Cysewski 4-3 on riding time.
Brad Smith, in a rematch with Mike Frick of Lehigh, lost 10-3.
The two had tied in Iowa City in a dual meet earlier in the year.
FrIck, trailing 3-1 going into the third period, scored four points on
a takedown and a nearfall, and then got another nearfalliater in
the match.
No. 12 in a. series
Selecting your new Volvo is like taking a multiple-choice
test: you've got six models to pick from. Three luxury cars
in the new 260 series. Three in the basic 240 series. So if
you don't find something you like right away, don't stop
looking. e
un yeUD ", IIIdl''''
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The car for people who think.
'====( vle
.( ~,!.
--"\lLlLC€N 1I.(P>Olf~
The following are selected Bicentennial projects of Mrs. Ayres',
Mrs. Schoen's, Mrs. Stein's classes at Lincoln School, Iowa City.
American Colonies
The colonists in America had come to a new life as
well as a new land. There, old ways of life were built up
over a long, long time. A man did the job his father had,
more often than not. If his father was a farmer, he was
too. Now on the new land if you were out in the wilder·
ness, it was a different life because they suffered from
ignorance of the stuff around them. Later the malaria
from the Jamestown swamps and the coldness of New
England brought death and a lot of disease. Food was
rare because the corn hated cold, too. Nine-tenths of
our people died. As a matter of fact right now they're
all dead.
The colonists soon got used to the new land and could
overcome their problems and used the old methods.
English learned from the friendly Indians and from
their neighbors. The Indians showed them how to find
the edible fish, and the fish which was good fertilizer.
They also told them to eat certain wild plants and how
to track game. Their Swedish neighbors showed them
how to build a log cabin. After a while they learned to
use their natural resources, and soon developed a new
kind of life which was magnificently perfect for the
natural resources of America. Making a living soon
became the way of life suited to their habitat.
Sea•••• Br•••
Dr. •• d Mn. J.mel Bro••
715". Park R.ad
The Table
Up a staircase through
a hall, there it is ...... .
the table with inkspots and
pens and paper, scarred wood,
kicked legs, Oh ta.ble where
our freedom was signed.
H_. Acllepohl
Dil/lllltr of
Mr.'.nd Mrs. K.lth Ac:1MIIOIII
UOW. P.rll Rd.
Today the quilts made by American women are
valued highly - they are shown in museums and
copied. In earlier days they were not called 'art'
because they were not painting or sculpture, and men
didn't make them!
Settlers from Europe knew how to make quilts.
American women added new designs and ways of
quilting, and invented new names for the patterns, like
"Drunkards" and "Wild Geese."
Many designs came from the American Indians, and
some of the best soothern state quilts were made by
West African slave women who sewed and cut out pat·
terns before, in Africa, and knew how to use these ideas
on quilts. They could make useful bedding out of
scraps. Women worked very hard all day. and quilting
was a way to sit down and relax . For some women It
was the only fun they had that they could have for
When the top of the quilt was finished usually a group
of women helped sew the top, the filling, and the back
together with pattern stitchtls. This was called •
"Quilting Bee."
In the 18th and early 19th centuries a girl usually
made twelve quilts before she got engaged. Then she
made number thirteen which was the best, and was
never used except for very special times.
Quilting bees were sometimes the only time women
could see each other away from their familiea and saw
what was on their minds. It was a thing no woman
would want to miss. Scmetlmes a speaker came to
talk about an important topic while the women sewed.
SUsan B. Anthony, the famous worker for women's
rights, made one of her first speeches at • quilting bee.
I wish I could make a quilt and have a "Bee" some
The Atlanta
1775: The long ride into battle.
We can no longer take the quartering of British troops.
We can no longer reason with the rulers. We've stashed
our supplies in Concord and are preparing for war. Now,
we learn the British are on their way to destroy our
supply base. It's the night of April 18th. We send Paul
Revere and William Dawes on a gallop toward Lexington
to warn our farmers to form ranks. We meet the British
early the next morning on the village green. We are
ordered to disperse. There are only dozens of us, but we
refuse. A shot is fired . Then , a volley that kills eight of
our men and wounds ten. We will not give up. We will
fight from behind stone walls and apple trees to save our
ammunition. From now on we will be ready to fight at a
minute's notice. We are the Minute Men. i
MIl,...". MeIInl""r
Di....... 'ot
Mr:.... Mrs. _n MInnI....,
•• Penon AVI.
'OW'" WI"'"
The De"y
IV expr_ III erlfltudl IV
the low. City SChOOl Ioird. IdIOOI
lludtnll fOr th.lr cooptf'lfIOn, 'Ime ...... y In
producing this ... Ita.
'tedlerl ..
.... of
UO w. P.rIl Rd •.
Or. . .
This 8~ provided"~ Old Capitol Associates .
people • icated to b~ing a better Iowa City}or the

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