Helping Children Grow - River to Coast Children`s Services


Helping Children Grow - River to Coast Children`s Services
May 2011 Mayo
Helping Children Grow
Mission Statement: Our mission is to nurture the healthy
development of children and parents in our community. We offer
resources, referrals and support to families and child care providers
in western Sonoma County.
Resources, Referrals, and Support / Recursos, Referencias, y Apoyo
Teaching Your Child Good Manners
Children go to school to learn how to read and
write and they go to church to learn about religion. Learning manners should be taught in the
home, and it is one of the easiest things to teach,
even at a very early age, but it is not always done.
1. Teach your child to wait their turn to speak
and not to interrupt when you are speaking. Make sure that when you are done,
that you give the child your full attention.
Children learn by seeing so show them to
respect others by respecting them.
2. Set the table for a family dinner, using good
dishes and silverware. Place the forks on
one side of the plate, and the spoons and
knives on the other. Add a napkin and a
glass, and place them in their proper position. Use the proper utensils as needed,
as well as the napkin. They will follow your
lead and will make you proud when you
take them out to eat at a fancy restaurant.
3. Teach a child to say thank you by having
them hear you say it. No matter how young
they are, never forget to say thank you to
them each time they hand you something,
even if it is their bottle.
4. Always say please each time you ask your
child to do something. Children learn by
what they see and hear by their parents.
A hug and kiss by you, will make sure that
they always remember to say that word.
5. Teach them not to touch things that are on
tables, either in your home or when visiting.
Explain that they can look, but not touch!
6. Teach your child to take compliments courteously by saying thank you at appropriate
times. Children copy what they see and
hear so make it a point to always use those
words often.
7. Teach a little older child
to hold a door open for
others, especially when
entering a store. Show by
how you hold the door
open for others, allowing them to walk in
first-instead of having
the door slam in someone’s face- and they will
learn to do the same.
8. If you have a special
family day of worship,
celebrate by wearing special clothes. If you go to a
house of worship together,
then make sure you say good
morning to each person you see, and watch
and notice your children do the same. If an
older person is standing, while you are sitting, stand up and offer them a seat. Your
children will notice, and learn, and follow
your example.
9. Teach your child to be polite and that it is
not proper to point or to stare at others
who might be of a different religion or color.
Point out how it can be interesting to see
how different families do different things
such as rituals or traditions.
10.Stay calm. Each time you start yelling or
losing your temper, you may lose a little of
your child’s respect.
11.Be aware. There is a great difference between childish provocation and childish behavior such as forgetting to feed the dog
and so forth. Some errors are child appropriate and come with the perils of growing
up, while others are simply a test of what
the parent may or may not allow.
12.Show love. Explain why the behavior is punishable and how the child may avoid this in
the future. Hug and comfort them after the
incident has passed as this will foster love
and trust.
• Lead by example. Make sure that what you
teach them to do, you do yourself.
• Try not to be too strict or demanding.
• Don’t ever do name-calling. Name-calling
hurts in more ways then you could imagine.
Instead of labels, ask your child to explain
what the behavior is that bothers them.
• Teach them to properly greet a guest to
your house, by setting an example. What
they hear, they will also do.
• Show your child the exiting/entering etiquette. If your child is waiting for an elevator, or a building explain that they are to
wait until all the people exit before entering.
• Always try to be positive rather than negative when instructing you child. Instead of
asking them to don’t do something, ask
them to do the opposite. For example, instead of telling your child never to be rude,
tell them always to be polite.
Children, particularly young ones, may take some
time to catch on. If so, try to be patient.
Some people are naturally not well mannered, but
try to do your best to let your child master the basics. The chances are that if the child learns what
is polite and well mannered at a young age, it will
stick with them forever.
Cómo enseñar a su hijo buenos
Los niños van a la escuela para aprender a leer
y escribir, y van a la iglesia para aprender acerca
de la religión. Los modales deben enseñarse en el
hogar, y es una de las cosas más fáciles de enseñar, incluso a una edad muy temprana, pero no se
siempre se hace.
1. Enseñe a su hijo a esperar su turno para hablar y no interrumpir
cuando usted este hablando.
Asegúrese de que cuando usted haya terminado le dé al
niño toda su
Los niños
aprenden viendo, enseñe
a sus niños a
respetar a los
demás respetándolos
a ellos.
2. Ponga la mesa para una
cena familiar, con bonitos
platos y cubiertos. Coloque los tenedores a un
lado del plato, y las cucharas y los cuchillos en
el otro. Ponga también una servilleta y un vaso
y colóquelos en la posición correcta. Utilice los
utensilios apropiados, según sea necesario, así
como la servilleta. Ellos seguirán su ejemplo
y le hará sentir orgulloso cuando los lleve a
comer a un restaurante de lujo.
3. Enseñe a un niño a decir gracias al escucharlo
decirlo a usted. No importa lo pequeños que
sean, no olvide darle las gracias a ellos cada
vez que le den algo, incluso si es su biberón.
4. Siempre pida por favor cada vez que le pida
a su niño a hacer algo. Los niños aprenden lo
que ven y oyen de sus padres. Un abrazo y un
beso que les de, les asegurará de que siempre
se acuerden de decir esa palabra.
5. Enséñeles a no tocar las cosas que están en
las mesas, ya sea en su casa o cuando este de
visita. Explíqueles que ellos pueden mirar, pero
no tocar!
6. Enseñe a su niño a recibir cumplidos con cortesía dando las gracias en los momentos oportunos. Los niños imitan lo que ven y oyen, sea
consistente al recordarles de utilizar siempre
las palabras de agradecimiento.
7. Enseñe a sus niños mayores a mantener una
puerta abierta para que otros pasen primero,
especialmente al entrar en una tienda. Enséñeles la forma de mantener la puerta abierta
para que otros, que les permitan a otros pasar
primer lugar de darles un portazo en la cara y
ellos aprenderán a hacer lo mismo.
8. Haga del domingo un día especial de la familia
con el uso de ropa especial. Si ustedes van a
la Iglesia juntos, entonces asegúrese de que
den los buenos días a cada persona que vean,
y observe a sus hijos hacer lo mismo. Si una
persona mayor está de pie, mientras que usted
está sentado, póngase de pie y ofrézcales su
asiento. Sus hijos se darán cuenta, y aprenderán a seguir su ejemplo.
9. Enseñe a su niño a ser educado y que no es
propio apuntar o mirar a otras personas que
podrían ser de otra religión o color diferente.
Hábleles de lo interesante que puede ser ver
cómo las diferentes familias hacen cosas diferentes como rituales o tradiciones.
10.Mantenga la calma. Cada vez que comience
a gritar o perder los estribos, es posible que
pierda un poco de respeto de su hijo.
11.Tenga en cuenta. Hay una gran diferencia entre la provocación y el comportamiento infantil, tales como olvidarse de darle de comer al
perro, etc. Algunos errores son apropiados de
los niños y son parte del crecimiento, mientras
que otros son simplemente una prueba de lo
que el padre puede o no puede permitir.
12.Muéstreles su amor. Explique por qué con su
comportamiento es merecedor de un castigo
y cómo el niño puede evitar esto en el futuro.
Abrace y consuélelo después que el incidente
haya pasado, ya que esto fomentara el amor y
la confianza.
• Dirija con el ejemplo. Asegúrese de que lo que
usted les enseñe a hacer, usted también lo
• Trate de no ser demasiado estricto o exigente.
• No insulte o ponga sobrenombres nunca. Los insultos o sobrenombres duelen de manera
que ni usted podría imaginar.
Si su niño lo hace, pregunte a
su hijo el porque de su
comportamiento y que
es lo que le molesta.
• Enséñeles a saludar
correctamente a los invitados
que vienen a su casa, dando usted el ejemplo. Lo que escuchan es
lo que harán.
• Muestre a su hijo a salir / entrar con etiqueta.
Si su hijo está en espera de un elevador, explíquele que van a esperar hasta que toda la
gente a salido antes de entrar.
• Siempre trate de ser positivo más que negativo
al instruir a sus niños. En lugar de pedirles que
no hagan algo, pídales que hagan lo contrario.
Por ejemplo, en lugar de decirle a su hijo que
no sea grosero, pídale que sea cortes.
Los niños, especialmente los pequeños, puede tomar algún tiempo en ponerse al corriente. Si es
así, trate de ser paciente.
Algunas personas no son naturalmente de buenos
modales, pero trate de hacerlo lo mejor posible
para que su hijo aprenda lo básico. Lo más probable es que si el niño aprende a ser amable y buenos modales a una edad temprana, serán amables
y tendrán buenos modales por siempre.
It’s never too early to join the Human Race and support RCCS
and the programs it provides our west Sonoma County families!
Contact RCCS, or come by the office to pick up your pledge form. Collect your pledges from
your family, friends, co-workers, clients...then
JoIn uS: May 7, 2011
at Slater Jr. High School in Santa Rosa.
The Human Race is a nationwide community fundraising event for nonprofit organizations and
is the largest collaborative fund-raising event in Sonoma County as well as the largest Human
Race in the nation!
The Sonoma County Race features a 3K and 10K run and walk through Howarth and Spring Lake
Parks, rain or shine.
The run and walk is open to all.
Race Information:
Date & Time
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Rain or shine!
Registration: 6:30 am – 7:45 am
Run: 8:00 am
Walk: Immediately after runners
Begins and Ends at:
Herbert Slater Middle School
3500 Sonoma Avenue, Santa Rosa, CA
Schedule of Day
Shuttles: 6:30 am – 12:30 pm
Event Registration: 6:30 am – 7:45 am
Pancake Breakfast: 8 am – 11:30 am
Run: 8:00 am
Walk: Immediately after runners
Marketplace: 7:00 am – 11:30 am
Pancake Breakfast
Enjoy A Pancake Breakfast
8:00 am – 11:30 am at Herbert Slater Middle School
$6 per person, all ages
Parking & Shuttle
Shuttle Times: 6:30 am – 12:30 pm
Park your car at one of the three shuttle lots. Shuttle vans will drive you to and from the school.
Blue Line: From Mary’s Pizza Shack parking lot at Summerfield Rd. and Montgomery Dr. to Herbert Slater Middle School
Green Line: Stop #1 From Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints 1780 Yulupa to Stop #2 1700 Yulupa Rincon Valley School
District to Herbert Slater Middle School
Red Line: From Montgomery Village parking lot at the corner of Farmer’s Lane and Patio Ct. to Herbert Slater Middle School
Contact RCCS at 707.869.3613 x 111 for your pledge form & more information
or visit:
RCCS is pleased to present to you a
three-part workshop series
from the book title:
Infant /toddler learnIng &
development foundatIons
The Infant /Toddler Learning & Development
Foundations is an important component of the
California’s Early Learning and Development
System that describes competencies that
infants and toddlers typically attain during
the first three years. Participants will actively
engage in the large group discussion as they
explore the book and become familiar with this
valuable resource, based on state-of-the-art
information on early learning and development
and the best practices in early education.
RCCS se enorgullece de presentarles,una
serie de tres talleres basados en el libro
los fundamentos del
aprendIzaje y el desarrollo InfantIl de CalIfornIa
Resources, Referrals, and Support E Recursos, Referencias y Apoyo
Los Fundamentos del Aprendizaje y el Desarrollo Infantil es uno de los componentes importantes
del Sistema de Aprendizaje y Desarrollo Infantil de California que describen las competencias que
los infantes adquieren típicamente durante los primeros tres años. Los participantes van a formar
parte activa de la discusión y de la exploración de estos materiales de recurso tan valiosos basados
en la última información en el aprendizaje y desarrollo infantil y en las mejores prácticas de la
educación temprana.
Social Emotional Development / Desarrollo Socioemocional
March 16, 2011
Language Development / Desarrollo del Lenguaje
April 20, 2011
Cognitive Development / Desarrollo Cognitivo
May 18, 2011
RSVP Mendy 869-3613 x 117 or Olga 869-3613 x 103
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Calendar May 2011 Mayo Calendario
‹‹ 5/2 & 3: Kindergym in Guerneville, 9:45 to 12:20 at the Vets' Hall in Guerneville
‹‹ 5/4: Kindergym in Forestville
‹‹ 5/5: Attendance sheets due in RCCS by 5 PM y Hoy es el día límite de las Hojas de Asistencia a las 5
‹‹ 5/7: Human Race at Slater Jr. High in Santa Rosa
‹‹ 5/9 & 10: Kindergym in Guerneville
‹‹ 5/10: RCCS Volunteer Appreciation Celebration/La Appreciation para los Voluntarios de RCCS
5-6:30 PM at/en RCCS
‹‹ 5/11: Kindergym in Forestville
‹‹ 5/12: Office closed / Oficina cerrada
‹‹ 5/16 & 17: Kindergym in Guerneville
‹‹ 5/18: Provider Payday / Día de pago de los proveedores
‹‹ 5/18: Kindergym in Forestville
‹‹ 5/18: Provider and Parents Workshop,“Cognitive Development” y Taller de proveedores y padres,
“Desarrollo Cognitivo”, 6:15 to 8:15 PM, at/en RCCS, RSVP Mendy or Olga at 869-3613
‹‹ 5/23 & 24: Kindergym in Guerneville
‹‹ 5/25: Provider tours
‹‹ 5/25: Kindergym in Forestville
‹‹ 5/25: Board of Directors meeting / Mesa Directiva de RCCS se reúne, 6:30 at RCCS
‹‹ 5/25: Outreach Committee meeting 5:30 PM at RCCS y El comité de publicidad de RCCS se réune
de 5:30 PM en RCCS
Do you take care of a child who is not your own?
If so, you are invited to receive free:
Toys, supplies, and books for children
Items for your home
fun activities for you
CPr/1st aid reimbursement
free training and incentive program
If you are taking care of children and would like to participate in this
project or if you are a parent and would like the person caring for your child
to receive this support, please call Mendy at River to Coast Children’s Services
at (707) 869-3613. or drop by RCCS’ Kindergym Programs in Guerneville Monday and Tuesday
from 9:45 to 12:15 at the Guerneville Vet’s Hall on the corner of First and Church or in Forestville at
the United Methodist Church, 6550 Covey Rd on Wednesday mornings 9:30 AM to
There are no fees for these services.
The Informal Care Training Project
is funded by the California Department of education, Child Development
[email protected]
Child Care Providers: Do you know that the Guerneville
Librarian makes housecalls ?? You can schedule a visit
by calling Carol at 869-9004 x 5.
June 11, 2011
Addendum to Handbook
Our Service Delivery Area. RCCS’ service area includes the West
Sonoma County Union High School district, the Sonoma County portion of Shoreline Unified School District and the Kashia Reservation
School District.
For AP funding: For families in the Alternative Payment Programs,
either the care must be used OR the family must live in the service
area descried above.
For CFCC Funding: For families in the Family Child Care (CFCC) programs, child care must be provided by our contracted providers in
the RCCS Family Child Care Network
Save this Date to
celebrate The 6th
Enchanted Wine Country Evening
Korbel Champagne Wine Cellars once again hosts this celebration
of fabulous food, fine wines, fantastic auctions and music.
A great time for a great benefit:
River to Coast Children’s Services.
For details & to purchase tickets call RCCS at 707.869.3613
Your case manager will share network providers with you.
El Divertido Carnaval de Verano:
17 de Junio, 10am-12pm
en el Forestville Youth Park.
Juegos, diversiones,
premios, pintura de caras, y
más! Gratis, para los niños y
niñas de todas las edades.
Summer Fun Carnival:
June 17, 10am-12 pm at the
Forestville Youth Park
7045 Mirabel Road in
Fun, games,
face painting,
and prizes!!! No
charge, open to
children of all ages.
information call
RCCS at 869-3613
Enchanted Wine County Evening
Auction Items Preview
Anchor Brewing Company, tour for 8
Aquarium by the Bay, 2 gift certificates
BBQ Smokehouse, gift certificate
Donald Canarday, Sculptor, creation
Clover-Stornetta, gift basket
Cold Stone Creamery, one large cake
Costco, gift card
de Young Museum SF, admission pass for 4
Flavor Bistro, gift certificate
Getaway Adventures/Wine Country Bike Tours, "Cycle for 2"
Graton Ridge Cellars
Guitard Chocolate, 10 lb chocolate bar
Hilton Sonoma Wine Country, 1 night's stay
Korbel, 2 Cs of champagne
La Tortilla Factory, gift basket
Little River Inn and Restaurant, 18 holes of golf for 2
Northwood Golf Course, 9 holes for 2
Raindance Spa-The Lodge at Sonoma, 1 night's stay
Rainforest Cafe, 4 gift certificates
Safeway gift certificate
Snoopy's Redwood Empire Ice Arena, 4 passes
•Twin Pines Casino and Hotel, 2 nights' stay and dinner
PROVIDERS! Save the date for a
Pediatric CPR/first aid training
You can choose from any one of the following 2011 Saturday
◊ June 4 ◊ ◊ September 3 ◊ ◊ December 3 ◊
If you wish to sign up for one of the trainings please contact:
Resources, Referrals, and Support / Recursos, Referencias, y Apoyo
La poliza de referencias de RIVER TO COAST CHILDREN’S SERVICES respeta la
preferencia de los padres. La responsabilidad de escoger el cuidado de niños
es de los padres. Asistimos a los padres a encontrar la variedad más amplia de
cuidado de niños que se ofrece y ofrecemos información para evaluar el cuidado
de niños. Una recomendación de RCCS no significa una garantía de calidad. Les
pedimos a los padres que hagan una entrevista cuidadosa y que examinen las
recomendaciones antes de que dejen un niño al cuidado de otra persona.
Padres que están buscando información acerca de quejas previas de una casa o
centro con licencia para cuidar niños, pueden llamar a Community Care Licensing
tel. 588-5026.
Para registrar una queja llamen al mismo numero al River to Coast Children’s
Services. 707.869-3613.
Stephanie Mashek, trainer at 887-2452
AND Mendy at 869-3613 ext 117
All trainings to take place at RCCS Conference room
our referral policy
River to coast children’s services’ referral policy is based on respecting parental
choice. Responsibility for selecting child care rests with each parent. RCCS assists
parents in finding the widest range of available child care and offers information to
help families evaluate available child care options. A RIVER TO COAST CHILDREN’S
SERVICES referral is not a recommendation or a guarantee of quality care. Parents
should carefully interview and check references of potential child care providers
before leaving a child in their care.
For Information on all licensed family child care homes and centers call Community
Care Licensing at 707.588.5026
River to Coast Children’s Services. 707.869-3613. [email protected] / www.
Follow me to Kindergym ! Sigueme a Kindergym !
River to Coast Children’s Services now offers
Kindergym in Forestville!
Free Parenting Group
Friday Mornings at 8:30 AM
Starting Wednesday, Feb 2, 2011
When: Wednesdays from 9:30 AM to Noon
Where: The United Methodist Church, 6550 Covey Road (near the intersection
of Hwy 116 and Covey Road in downtown Forestville)
Who: Designed for children ages 0 to 5 years, child must be accompanied by
their parent/guardian/adult childcare provider
Why: To have FUN while developing friendships, connecting with community
resources, learning parenting skills, and the latest about Child Development,
Health, Nutrition and Safety.
FREE! But donations are gladly accepted!
at Guerneville School
bein he fun b
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aren in
River to Coast Children’s Services ofrece ahora
Kindergym en Forestville!
A partir Miércoles, 02 de febrero 2011
Helping Children Grow
Resources, Referrals, and Support / Recursos, Referencias, y Apoyo
Call 869.3613 for more
Llame al 869.3613 para obtener
más información
Cuándo: Los Miércoles 9:30 AM hasta el mediodía
Dónde: En la Iglesia Metodista Unida, 6550 Covey Road
(cerca de la intersección de la carretera 116 y calle Covey
en el centro de Forestville)
Quién: Diseñado para niños de 0 a 5 años, el niño
debe estar acompañado por sus padres, tutores o
adulto proveedor de cuidado de niños
Por qué: Para divertirse al mismo tiempo que
desarrollo amistades, conectándose con
recursos de la comunidad, aprendiedo
técnicas de crianza, y lo última sobre
el Desarrollo del Niño, Salud, Nutrición
y Seguridad.
Here is a chance to practice simple strategies
in a group that offers a safe, non-judgmental
environment , simple strategies you may not
have thought of. Find out what works for EVERY
parent. Learn simple ways to improve the
relationship with your children, maintain
control of your household and increase your
children’s cooperation.
Come to the school office to ask for the
room number & join us.
Call 865-1200 Ext. 103
GRATIS! Pero las donaciones son aceptadas con gusto.
Follow me to Kindergym ! Sigueme a Kindergym !
Facilitated by D. Breeze Holloway MA, MFTI #62525
River to Coast Children’s Services offers
Kindergym in Guerneville
When: Monday and Tuesday from 9:45 AM to 12:20 PM
Where: The Guerneville Veterans’ Hall , corner of 1st and Church Street in
downtown Guerneville.
Who: Designed for children ages 0 to 5 years, child must be accompanied by
their parent/guardian/adult childcare provider
Why: To have FUN while developing friendships, connecting with community
resources, learning parenting skills, and the latest about Child Development,
Health, Nutrition and Safety. FREE! But donations gladly accepted
River to Coast Children’s Services ofrece
Kindergym en Guerneville!
Call 869.3613 for more
Llame al 869.3613 para obtener
más información
Helping Children Grow
Cuándo: Lunes y martes empezando a las 9:45 AM hasta 12:00
Dónde: En el Guerneville Veterans’ Hall, en la esquina de
1st y Calle Church.
Quién: Diseñado para niños de 0 a 5 años, el niño debe
estar acompañado por sus padres, tutores o adulto
proveedor de cuidado de niños
Por qué: Para divertirse al mismo tiempo que
desarrollo amistades, conectándose con recursos
de la comunidad, aprendiedo técnicas de
crianza, y lo última sobre el Desarrollo del
Niño, Salud, Nutrición y Seguridad.
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Our Donors: Thank You!
Marin Community Foundation
The San Francisco Foundation
Rotary Club of Sebastopol
Roscoe Drake
ŒŒ Members of St. Elizabeth's Church
in Guerneville for donating 3 cases
of toothbrushes to our Emergency
Resources Program pantry.
GRATIS, pero las donaciones son aceptada con
Resources, Referrals, and Support / Recursos, Referencias, y Apoyo
Jerry Brown
State Capitol Building Ste 1173
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: (916) 445-2841
FAX: (916)445-4633
Senator Barbara Boxer
1700 Montgomery Street, Ste 240
San Francisco, CA 94111
Phone: (415) 403-0100
Fax: (415) 956-6701
Email: [email protected]
Senator Diane Feinstein
One Post Street, Suite 2450
San Francisco, CA 94104
Government Officials
Phone: (415) 393-0707
Email: [email protected].
Representative Mike Thompson
240 Main Street, Ste 101
Napa, CA 94959
Phone: (707)226-9898
Fax: (707)251-9800
Email: [email protected].
Representative Lynn Woolsey
1101 College Avenue, Ste 400
Santa Rosa, CA 95404
Phone: (707) 542-7182
Fax: (707) 542-2745
Government Officials
State Senator Mark Leno
455 Golden Gate Avenue, Ste 14800
San Francisco, CA 94102
Phone: (415) 557-1300
Fax: (415) 557-1252
Email:[email protected]
State Senator Noreen Evans
50 D Street, Suite 120 A
Santa Rosa, CA 95404
Phone: (707) 576-2771
Fax: (707) 576-2773
Email: [email protected]
Assemblyman Wes Chesbro
Government Officials
50 D Street, Ste 450
Santa Rosa, CA 95404
Phone: (707) 576-2526
Fax: (707) 576-2297
Email: [email protected]
Assemblywman Michael Allen
50 D Street, Suite 301
Santa Rosa, CA 95404
Phone: (707) 546-4500
Fax: (707) 546-9031
Click here to contact via email.
Assemblyman Jared Huffman
3501 Civic Center Drive, Room 412
San Rafael, CA 94903
Phone: (707)938-8157
Fax: (415)479-2123
Email: [email protected]
Government Officials
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P.O. Box 16
Guerneville, CA 95446
Visit us on Facebook:
Upcoming Events. Don't miss them!
May 25 Provider Tours 6 to 8:30 PM: call
Mendy at 869-3613 ext 117 for details
about FCCHs participating in the Tour and
carpooling information.
June 9th Provider Appreciation 6-8 PM
at RCCS. Look for YOUR invitation in the
June 17 Summer Fun Carnival: It's BACK
from 10 AM til Noon at the Youth Park
in Forestville. Bring your children and a
lunch and enjoy games, art activities and
much more. It's FREE and it's FUN.
visit us online at
River to Coast Children’s Services
River to Coast Children’s Services
P.O.Box 16/16300 1st St.
Guerneville, Ca 95446
Fax(707) 869-2616
email: [email protected]
P.O.Box 16/16300 1st St.
Guerneville, Ca 95446
Fax(707) 869-2616
email: [email protected]
River to Coast Children’s Services
Sirviendo el Oeste del Condado de Sonoma
River to Coast Children’s Services
Serving west Sonoma County with:
Referencias para el Cuidado de Niños
Recursos para los Niños y sus Familias
Apoyo para los Proveedores del Cuidado de
Ayuda Monetaria para el Cuidado de Niños
Programa de suministros de Emergencia
Gimnasio para Niños en Guerneville
Programa de Asientos de Seguridad
Programa de Conserjería
Help paying for child care
Referrals for child care
Resources for children and their families
Support for child care providers
Emergency Resources Program
Kindergym and Infantgym in Guerneville
Car Safety Seat Program
Counseling Program for children and their
Celebrating 35 years of
service to children & families.
Following are the names of
River to Coast Children’s Services
Staff and their phone number extensions.
(707) 869-3613 / from the Sonoma Coast 1-800-994-3613
Donna Roper (Executive Director) 111
Kellie Nunez(Operations Manager) 105
Fran Levy (Bookkeeper) 106
Sally Ingram (Case Management Coordinator) 109
Soledad Cardona (Family Case Manager) 107
Tess Lowe (Family Case Manager) 114
Rosie Hernandez (Family Case Manager) 110
Mendy Behrens (Child Development Resource Specialist)
Cara Colombo (Child Development Resource Specialist)
Olga King (Child Development Resource Specialist) 103
Elaina Boyce (Community Resources Coordinator,
Newsletter Editor) 104
Vesta Griffith (Office/Reception) Front Desk Staff 101
Breeze Holloway, Counseling Intern. For an
appointment, please leave message & phone number at
extension 153 and Breeze will return your call.
Printed with funds provided by the California Department of Education

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