Debate Tournament


Debate Tournament
Debate Tournament
Blackstone Legal Fellowship
Areté Academy-Latin America
Mar Adentro de México A.C.
Mar Adentro de México A.C. is a non-profit organization founded in Guadalajara, Mexico, driven
by the passion of educating and fostering a culture of profound thought and social responsibility
among the youth.
The organization seeks to empower young individuals through its own pedagogical model of
debate to foster the development of academic skills such as research, argumentative structures and
critical thinking in order to encourage conscious and committed young citizens to take action and
bring great changes in their communities.
For over 14 years, Mar Adentro has:
Carried out more than 2,600 debates
Reached more than 120,000 young individuals
Had presence in 32 municipalities in Jalisco and in eight states of the country
Contributed to 200,000 extra hours of study
Collaborated with 70 high schools and more than 20 universities
Blackstone Legal Fellowship
The Blackstone Legal Fellowship prepares law students for careers marked by integrity,
excellence, and leadership.
The Fellowship begins with a nine-week summer (June-August) leadership training program,
which includes three weeks of seminars on topics including legal philosophy, constitutional law,
history, and emerging cultural issues, as well as a six-week legal internship. During this time,
participants are not only equipped with a foundation of knowledge that will serve them throughout
their careers, they also develop a professional network and form enduring friendships.
Fellows receive ongoing training, resources, and support through an international community.
The program is divided into three phases:
Phase I
Interns gather for two weeks of lectures and interactive discussions designed to confront conventional wisdom in legal education and present a principled, analytical framework for understanding
legal philosophy, constitutional interpretation and jurisprudence, and the Western intellectual
jurisprudential history.
Phase II
Interns complete a six-week legal internship to advance their career objectives. Upon selection to
the Fellowship, the Blackstone staff works with each Intern to help identify and secure the most
fitting internship for that Intern, taking into account the Intern's specific professional interests,
aptitudes, geographical preferences, and academic performance. In past years, Interns have
obtained internships at a wide variety of organizations, including governmental entities, boutique
law firms, NGOs and nonprofits, among others.
Phase III
At the end of the summer, Interns return for a final week of seminars and training focused on career
development and cultural engagement. The curriculum includes practical career advice and enables
Interns to develop a clearer vision of their professional calling.
*ADF will underwrite the cost of travel for all three phases. During phase I and II, lodging and
most meals are included. In most cases, accommodation for stage III is also included.
Areté Academy – Latin America
Areté Academy-Latin America is a one-week training program for students or young professionals
considering a career in law, government, or public policy, designed to challenge Latin America’s
future leaders to pursue intellectual, relational, and spiritual excellence. The unique combination of
substantive legal training, leadership development, and spiritual formation equips students to fulfill
their vocational callings and affect lasting change in society.
Attendees will examine how powerful entities, such as the United Nations and the Organization of
American States are addressing pressing legal and cultural issues, and will engage with
distinguished faculty from across North and South America. They will live, learn, worship, and
collaborate with likeminded, high-caliber peers. Together they will join the Areté Academy
network: a thoughtful community that values and promotes both faith and professional excellence
across the globe.
*ADF will underwrite the cost of travel, lodging, educational materials, and most meals during the
Debate Tournament 2016
Mar Adentro de México and the Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) will hold a debate tournament
in which they will select 5 candidates to be interviewed to either the Blackstone Legal Fellowship
or the Areté Academy-Latin America program.
Registration Requirements
All participants must be Law students, preferably enrolled in the last semesters of their program.
All participants must speak English.
A recovery fee of $380.00 MXN per student is requested. The payment can be made via wire
transfer or by a deposit to the following bank account:
Mar Adentro de México, A.C.
5534571 Suc 891
All applicants must download and complete the Registration Form available at and send it along with their Curriculum Vitae, an official ID and a proof
of payment to [email protected]
Mar Adentro
The registration deadline is February 1, 2016.
All selected students will be notified no later than February 4, 2016.
Upon confirmation, all students must also register as an applicant the Blackstone Legal Fellowship
at the following link:
Blackstone Legal Fellowship
Participation Guidelines
The tournament will gather a maximum of 15 participants.
All debates will be conducted individually and in English.
On February 6, Mar Adentro will invite all students to a brief informative meeting in which the
number and group of each participant will be determined through a raffle.
The debate tournament will take place on February 17 and 18, 2016.
The top five finalists will be interviewed by ADF authorities on February 19 in order to determine
who will be part of the Blackstone Legal Fellowship or the Areté Academy Latin America program.
The place and time for the interviews will be confirmed at the end of the
February 4
Registration Deadline
Notification to participants
February 6
Informative Meeting and Group Assignment
February 1
February 17 and 18 Debate Tournaments
February 19
Tournament Structure
The Tournament will consist of three stages, one per day. Each participant will debate twice on the
first stage but only once on the second stage. The third stage will consist of personal interviews.
All students will be divided into three groups of five. If the total number of participants is lower
than fifteen, an adjustment will be made in order to distribute them into three groups.
The best two scores of each group plus the best two of the General Score Board, that is to say eight
participants, will go through the second stage.
On the second day the eight semi-finalists will be divided into two groups of four. They will only
debate once.
The highest five scores of the General Score Board will go through the next stage and will be called
for personal interviews with ADF officials.
First Day
No. 2
Group A
1A vs. 2A
3A vs. 4A
Group B
1B vs. 2B
3B vs. 4B
No. 3
5A vs. 1A
5B vs. 1B
3C vs. 4C
5C vs. 1C
No. 4
2A vs. 3A
2B vs. 3B
2C vs. 3C
No. 5
4A vs. 5A
4B vs. 5B
4C vs. 5C
No. 1
Group C
1C vs. 2C
Second Day
No. 6
No. 7
Group A
1A vs. 2A
1C vs. 2C
Group B
1B vs. 2B
1G vs. 2G
Each student must arrive at least 15 minutes prior to their participation.
In each debate, the positions “In Favor” and “Against” will be drawn five minutes prior to the
exercise, so each participant should be prepared to defend either position.
Mar Adentro’s Debate Model consists of three stages:
Each participant will have four minutes to present their arguments. At this stage, they
cannot refute the counterpart.
Continuous Replica
Both parties share 14 minutes in which their participation will be alternated.
Each participant will have three minutes to present their findings. At this stage, they cannot
refute the counterpart nor submit new arguments to the debate.
Between each phase there will be a one-minute recess intended to provide time for both parties to
prepare their position.
Each debate exercise will last 30 minutes.
Grading System
The judges will grade the following criteria in a scale between zero and two:
To create effective, consistent and clear arguments.
Capacity to sustain every argument with quality sources at the right time.
Reply with analysis
The ability to refute the counterpart’s arguments after analyzing what has been said.
The capacity to synthesize and persuade the audience in the last stage.
To present a feasible, legitimate and necessary solution to the problem.
Personal appearance and respect towards the opponent.
Use of time
Proper presentation of the arguments in the allotted time.
Fluency and confidence in speaking, vocal variety and proper body language.
The issues (theses) to be discussed are:
1. Religious freedom in Mexico is respected.
2. The Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation correctly ruled that the “husband-wife definition” of
marriage is unconstitutional.
3. Women’s reproductive rights—including access to abortion—should be considered Human
4. Mexico should implement population control policies in vulnerable communities.
5. The government should provide special legal protection for persons who declare a gender
identity different from their biological sex.
6. Private schools should be required to provide sexual education.
7. Surrogacy should be regulated in Mexico.
Paulina Ornelas, Blackstone Fellow 2014:
"Gracias a Blackstone he tenido la oportunidad de conocer a estudiantes de derecho de todo el
mundo que comparten mis preocupaciones y entusiasmo por mejorar nuestra profesión y nuestro
entorno social. Hemos presenciado conferencistas de la más alta calidad y de las universidades con
mejor ranking en el mundo]… [Me siento honrada de ser beneficiada con uno de sus programas,
gracias a Blackstone estoy realizando una pasantía de investigación en Buenos Aires, Argentina, en
donde día a día trabajo con la ilusión de preservar los valores morales y esenciales que conducen
a una sociedad en armonía. ADF nos recuerda que los hombres que buscan el bien desde su causa,
no están solos en su lucha".
Florina Aguilar, Blackstone Fellow 2014:
"Para mí, el programa Blackstone Legal Fellowship ha sido mucho más que solo una pasantía. Ha
sido una experiencia que le ha dado un giro a mi vida…] [Gracias a Blackstone contamos con una
preparación para enfrentarnos a los retos actuales en cuestiones éticas y aunque es una tarea difícil
no estamos solos porque somos parte de 15 generaciones que siguen luchando por demostrar de
manera apasionada la verdad. Mar Adentro nos dio la oportunidad de ser parte de este gran reto y
no me queda más que agradecerles el apoyo y la confianza que han depositado en nosotros. A pesar
de que este mundo es redondo, la vida ofrece más ángulos de los que imaginamos".
Denisse Gómez Zepeda, Blackstone Fellow 2014:
“Blackstone Legal Fellowship es una experiencia que sin duda, rompe paradigmas y amplía tu
visión como abogado. Es una oportunidad para fortalecer tus ideales y ¡qué mejor que hacerlo a un
lado de personas con gran formación académica, jurídica y religiosa! Fue un verano
inolvidable por el conocimiento adquirido, las experiencias vívidas y las relaciones que en poco
tiempo, se convirtieron en amistades a largo plazo. Las personas con las que uno convive, depositan
en ti las ganas de defender los ideales que persiguen la verdad; ya sea defendiendo la vida, la
familia y la libertad religiosa, o fortaleciendo los principios que guían tu vida. Ser fellow
representa una responsabilidad y te compromete a fortalecer tus ideales para así cambiar los de
otros ya que, solo cambiando mentes cambiarás al mundo”.
Rogelio Gutiérrez, Blackstone Fellow 2014:
“Gracias a Mar Adentro y a su Torneo de Debate ADF he tenido la oportunidad de vivir grandes
experiencias este verano: desde asistir a una excelente serie de conferencias sobre temas jurídicos
en Estados Unidos, hasta realizar una pasantía de investigación en la Universidad Católica
Argentina, en Buenos Aires. Cada etapa ha sido muy valiosa, permitiéndome aprender de excelentes
abogados y compañeros estudiantes de Derecho de todo el mundo. Convivir con jóvenes que,
acudiendo a un mismo punto desde cuatro continentes, con intereses, convicciones y fe como la mía,
me ha dado nuevas fuerzas para seguir con mis estudios, con miras a llegar a ser un abogado
íntegro. En las últimas semanas he podido comprobar que las habilidades que uno puede adquirir
en ejercicios de debate que organiza Mar Adentro, realmente se convierten en herramientas de
diálogo que abren puertas en el mundo académico y profesional.
Regreso a Guadalajara con nuevos amigos, grandes recuerdos, experiencia que me ha hecho crecer
tanto profesional como personalmente y muchas ganas de agradecerle a Mar Adentro y a ADF por
esta oportunidad, que espero puedan vivir y compartir muchos estudiantes más.”
Karen Márquez
Coordinación Da Becas
[email protected]
t. (33) 38 17 86 09
m. 33 16 81 90 03

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