July 5, 2015 - St. John the Baptist Catholic Church


July 5, 2015 - St. John the Baptist Catholic Church
July 5, 2015
Fourteenth Sunday
in Ordinary Time
5 de julio de 2015
Decimocuarto Domingo
del Tiempo Ordinario
When my youngest sister, Joanne, who had
suffered for many years with multiple sclerosis,
lay dying in her hospital bed, we members of her
family gathered around her for her final days.
We watched as any remaining strength left in her
fragile body was slowly released. Joanne, like
Saint Paul, had been given a “thorn in the flesh,”
a thorn that gradually robbed her of the ability
to walk, sing, speak, and care for her young son. Yet each
time I visited her over the final years of her life, I detected an
inner strength that amazed me. Like Saint Paul, in her physical weakness she was still strong. And that strength radiated
from her, even in her dying days, giving all of us the fortitude
to grow even stronger as a loving family.
Society tries to dictate what strength is. Strength is being
“number one.” Strength is making the most money, having
the most powerful position in a company, being the quarterback, and climbing the social ladder. Today we hear scripture
stories of three people who exhibited a different kind of
strength. Ezekiel, Paul, and the Lord Jesus were not people
who found strength in the material things of life. And they
were not “weaklings” by any stretch of the imagination. They
were people who, despite the obstacles, held fast to their
conviction that the love of God would give them the strength,
even in times of weakness, to minister to those entrusted to
their care. What wonderful examples we have in these three
men. As Saint Paul said, “I will rather boast most gladly of my
weaknesses, in order that the power of Christ may dwell with
me” (2 Corinthians 12:9). When we are feeling that life presents us with too many obstacles, let us remember that even in
weakness we can radiate a strength to others that comes from
the grace of a God who loves us more and more with each
passing day.
— Jerry Galipeau
Cuando mi hermana menor, Joanne, que
había padecido esclerosis múltiple muchos
años, estaba agonizando en el hospital, los
miembros de la familia nos agrupábamos a su
alrededor para acompañarla en sus últimos
días. Observamos como la poca fuerza que
quedaba en su frágil cuerpo cedía lentamente.
Joanne, como San Pablo, había recibido una
“espina clavada en la carne”, una espina que gradualmente
le quitó la habilidad de caminar, cantar, hablar y cuidar de su
pequeño hijo. Sin embargo, cada vez que la visitaba durante
los últimos años de su vida, detectaba una fuerza interior que
me sorprendía. Como san Pablo, en su debilidad física seguía
siendo fuerte. Y esa fuerza irradiaba de ella, aun cuando
agonizaba, dándonos a todos la fortaleza para crecer aún más
fuerte como una familia amorosa.
La sociedad intenta dictar qué es la fuerza. La fuerza es ser “el
número uno”. La fuerza es ganar todo el dinero posible, tener la
posición más poderosa en una empresa, ser mariscal de campo
y subir en la escala social. Hoy oímos relatos en la Sagrada
Escritura de tres personas que demostraron tener un tipo de
fuerza diferente. Ezequiel, Pablo y Jesús no fueron personas que
encontraron fuerza en las cosas materiales de la vida. Y no eran
“debiluchos” bajo ningún punto de vista. Eran personas que, a
pesar de los obstáculos, se aferraban firmemente a su convicción
de que el amor de Dios les daría la fuerza, aun en tiempos de
debilidad, para ocuparse de los que estaban encomendados
a su cuidado. Qué maravillosos ejemplos tenemos en estos
tres hombres. Como dijo san Pablo: “Prefiero gloriarme de mis
debilidades, para que se manifieste en mí el poder de Cristo”
(2 Corintios 12:9). Cuando sentimos que la vida nos pone
demasiados obstáculos, recordemos que aun en la debilidad
podemos irradiar a los demás una fuerza que viene de la gracia
de un Dios que nos ama más y más a medida que pasan los días.
— Jerry Galipeau
Today’s Readings: Ez 2:2–5; Ps 123:1–4; 2 Cor 12:7–10; Mk 6:1–6a
Lecturas de hoy: Eze 2:2–5; Sal 123:1–4; 2 Cor 12:7–10; Mc 6:1–6
Copyright © 2015, J. S. Paluch Company, Inc., 3708 River Road, Suite 400, Franklin Park, IL 60131-2158, 1 800 621-5197. With Ecclesiastical Approbation.
Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston
110 E. South Street Alvin, Texas 77511
Rev. John Taosan
DEACONS: David Bowman, Dale Hayden and Eddie Stoughton
SUNDAY MASSES: Saturday at 5:00 P.M. Sunday at 8:00 A.M., 10:00 A.M. and 12:00 Noon (Spanish)
DAILY MASS: 8:30 A.M. Monday – Friday
CONFESSIONS: 30 minutes before Weekend Masses or by appointment.
Church Office: Monday - Friday 9:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M. ~ 281-331-3751 ~ Fax ~ 281-331-5430
CCE: Mrs. Mary Voigt ~ 281-824-0877
Parish Website ~ www.stjohnalvin.org
Decimocuarto Domingo
del Tiempo Ordinario
5 de Julio de 2015
Fourteenth Sunday
in Ordinary Time
July 5, 2015
Te basta mi gracia, porque mi
poder se manifiesta en la debilidad.
— 2 CorinƟos 12:9
Sunday Collection:
$ 10,926.03
Peter’s Pence Collection:
$ 1,877.00
Today is the monthly Black Bag Collection for the needy of
our parish. Please be generous.
Hoy es la Colecta de la Bolsa Negra mensual para los
necesitados de nuestra parroquia. Por favor sean generosos.
The CCE Office is closed for the month of July. It will reopen on
Monday, August 3 at 9:00 a.m./La oficina de CCE estará cerrada
el mes de julio y abrara el lunes, 3 de agosto.
In the recent past our CCE program has been expanded to include
eleventh grade. At the end of that year, students will be
Confirmed. Now we are looking for adults to share their faith
with these older students by teaching each Wednesday evening
for 27 weeks. If you are interested in this ministry, we will prepare you in various ways to succeed. You do not have to be a
Bible expert or “Super Catholic.” Just ordinary folks doing the
best they can to get to heaven is what you will find in our catechism classes. Please call the DRE Mary Voigt on her cell phone
at 832-545-7654 any day. Even though the office is closed in
July, we’d love to hear from you.
En el pasado reciente, nuestro programa de CCE ha sido
ampliado para incluir undécimo grado. Al final de ese año, los
estudiantes serán confirmados. Ahora estamos buscando a
adultos para compartir su fe con estos estudiantes enseñando cada
miércoles por la noche para 27 semanas. Si usted está interesado
en este ministerio, vamos a prepararlo en varias formas de tener
éxito. No tienes que ser un experto bíblico o "Super Católica."
Sólo gente común haciendo lo mejor que pueden para llegar al
cielo es lo que encontrará en nuestras clases de catecismo. Por
favor llame a la DRE María Voigt en su teléfono móvil al
832-545-7654 cualquier día. A pesar de que la oficina está
cerrada en Julio, nos encantaría saber de usted.
El domingo, 2 de agosto, a las 3:00 de la tarde en el Salón
Parroquial, vamos a ofrecer la clase Protegiendo a Los Niños de
Dios. Si usted es un voluntario que sirve a niños o jovenes en
qualquier ministerio, se require asistir a esta clase. Favor de
inscribirse en www.virtusonline.org. Si necesita ayuda para
inscribirse, llame a la oficina de la parroquia.
WE INVITE YOU TO JOIN IN! The Adult Formation
ministry is looking for new members in the areas of hospitality,
small group leaders, facilitators, and more! We have a lot of
plans for the coming year and need your help. We would like to
offer Adult Enrichment for our English and Spanish speaking
parish family and volunteers are needed to allow this to happen.
We will have an information meeting soon or you can contact:
Nancy Goodnight – [email protected] Joan Hill –
[email protected] Donna Pounds - [email protected]
Kathy Bowman - [email protected] Crissy Crawford [email protected] Marylu Parvis - [email protected]
My grace is sufficient for you,
for power is made perfect in weakness.
— 2 Corinthians 12:9
5:00 P.M.
For the People
8:00 A.M.
James L. Janik
10:00 A.M. Living & Deceased Veterans
12:00 P.M. †Refugio Recio
8:30 A.M.
†Rosemary Lewis
8:30 A.M.
L.R. Fuka
Wednesday: 8:30 A.M. †Dorothy Fuller
8:30 A.M. Logan J. Janilk
8:30 A.M. †Dorothy & †Marvin Appelt
2:00 P.M.
Vasquez / Sanchez Wedding
5:00 P.M. †Marcelino & Maria Gonzalez
Mass Intentions for 2016 /Las intenciones (misas) para 2016
Starting August 3, 2015, Mass intentions for 2016 will begin to
be scheduled. The customary stipend for a Mass intention is
$5.00. There is only one intention per Mass, therefore families
are asked to limit their intentions to 5 per year. One Mass every weekend is “For the People” and is for the Parishioners of
St. John’s. Office hours are Monday - Friday, 9:00 am-5:00 pm.
A partir de Agosto 3, 2015, las intenciones (misas) para el 2016
comenzarán a ser programadas. El costo por una misa es $5.00 .
Sólo hay una intención por misa, por lo tanto las familias se les
piden limitar sus intenciones a 5 por año. Una sola Misa cada
fin de semana es "para el pueblo" y es para los feligreses de
St. John's. Horario de la Oficina: Lunes a Viernes, 9 am-5 pm.
We will hold Altar Server training on Sunday, August 2 from
4:00 – 6:00 pm. This will be an important training as we have a
number of changes that will be made. For example, we will be
training on how to use the thurible and boat (incense) and
change where the children will sit. We would like at least one
parent per child under 16 to be at the training for the first 15-30
minutes. Deacon Dale will speak before starting training.
Acolytes, Deacons and Father John will be present.
Knights of Columbus Catfish Dinners will be
served at the K C Hall on Hwy 6 on Friday, July
10th from 5:00-7:00P.M.
33 Days to Morning Glory –
Consecration To Jesus through Mary
5 sessions – Monday evenings beginning July 20 at 7:00 p.m.
We will have short DVD presentation and small group sharing
or you can do the preparation at home.
Consecration ceremony at 5:00 p.m. Mass on August 22, 2015
Contact Marylu Parvis at [email protected]
Altar Flowers
In Memory of:
†Carlotta C. Medina
†Lacie Breaux
In Honor of:
George & Delores Tacquard’s 62nd Wedding Anniversary
5 p.m.
8 a.m.
10 a.m.
12 p.m.
Pray for Vocations Crucifix Schedule
July 11 Martha Franzen
July 12 Sylvia & Richard Robles & Family
July 12 Cheryl & Rich Drexler & Family
July 5 Familia Leon
To participate, Contact Polly Aucoin, Tel: 281-388-1046
Rosario a la Virgen de Guadalupe
Familia Torres / 832-221-8463
Rosario: Sabado, 11 de Julio, 2015 / 7:00 P.M.
Eucharistic Adoration Chapel
Adoration hours available are Tuesday, 10-11 A.M.,
Thursday, 12-1:00 PM & Friday, 1:00-2:00 PM.
Horas de adoración disponibles en martes, 10-11
A.M.jueves, 12-1:00 PM y viernes, 1:00-2:00 PM
Call Denise at 281-585-5436 or Remie at 281-331-2567
Coronilla de La Divina Misericordia
7/5/15: Familia Juarez / 281-673-8738
Coronilla: sabado, 11 de julio, 2015 6:00PM
"Selección del Equipo ACTS en Español Para Mujeres
Retiro en Nov 19-22, favor de llamar Hilda DeLeon 281224-1212 / [email protected] o Luz Del Carmen
St. John the Baptist Women’s ACTS Retreat / July 9-12, 2015
You are cordially invited to attend the upcoming Women’s
ACTS Retreat. This is a great opportunity to bond with other
Christian women, expand your spiritual life and learn more
about what it means to be a Catholic. We invite you to come
share a weekend of faith and fellowship with us. For information or registration : Lela Hoffmann @832-755-5863 or
email: [email protected] Sign up early! Space is lim-
Working with Brazoria County Emergency Management
Team, St. John’s is offering a 21 hour course in emergency
management to teach our parishioners, age 13 or older
about some of these skills. The class, called CERT or
Community Emergency Response Team will be Tuesdays
and Thursdays from July 14-August 4 at 6:30-9:30 pm in
the Activity Room. The class format will include lecture and
lots of skill practice. The class will end with a large mock
disaster drill. The cost of the class is FREE!!!! Participants
will receive a certification certificate and an emergency
backpack with over $100 worth of emergency equipment.
Please visit www.homelandpreparedness,org or contact
Marguerite Bagwell at 713-304-5767 to sign up for the class.
St. John’s Men’s Fellowship / Bible Study Group has changed
its monthly meeting time to the second Saturday of the month
beginning on Saturday, July 11, 2015 at 7:30 A.M. in the Parish
Hall. Coffee and donuts will be provided. For information, call
Tom Moran at 832-621-5350 or Mark Lund at 281-331-9202.
Archdiocesan Youth Conference / July 31-Aug 2. 2015 This
will be a fun filled weekend retreat with lots of exciting
activities and opportunities to grow closer to our Heavenly
Father. Open to all incoming 9th graders through outgoing 12th
graders. Registration is limited. Call the CCE office for details.
Conferencia Arqidiosisana de Jovenes (julio 31-agosto 2) Esto
será un retiro de fin de semana con munchas actividades y
oportunidades de crecer mas cerca a nuestro Señor para los
jovenes que iran a grado 9 hasta los que terminan el grado 12.
Registraciones son limitadas. Llame la oficina de CCE.
QUINCEAÑERA: Si va a tener una quinceañera en 2016, son dos
años de preparación y es necesario registrarse ya para clases de
doctrina y prometer de seguir en el catecismo despues de su
quinceanera para preparse para su Confirmación. En el año
2017, no se aceptaran promesas. Es necesario tener dos años
completos de doctrina con no mas de cinco ausencias cada año.
Por eso es necesario registrarse YA para clases de doctrina para
el siguiente año. Las estudiantes que están en clases
ahora,tienen que seguir cada año en catecismo hasta su
QUINCEAÑERA: If you are preparing for a quinceañera in 2016,
there are two years of preparation. If you are having a
quinceañera in 2016, it is necessary to register now for CCE
and promise to continue to prepare for your Confirmation.
Beginning in 2017, promises will not be accepted. It is
necessary to have two complete years of CCE with no more
than five absences each year. Because of this it is necessary to
register NOW for CCE for the coming year. Students that are in
Blood Drive : Catholic Daughters invite you to sign up
for the upcoming blood drive scheduled on Sunday, July
26 from 8 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. You may pre-register by
going online at www.giveblood.org and entering Sponsor Code 6048. All donors will receive a T-shirt from
the Gulf Coast Blood Center.
Catholic Daughters will sponsor a Garage Sale on Saturday,
August 8th. Your donations of gently used clothing,
household goods, electronics, No TVS, Computers, or
Encyclopedias, toys, tools and books will be welcomed.
Drop off information will be announced at a later date.
Clothes hangers and plastic bags are also needed.
Men’s ACTS Retreat / October 1-4, 2015
"Amen I say to you, whoever will not accept the kingdom of God like a
little child, will not enter into it" Mark 10:15
All men who have not aƩended an ACTS retreat are invited to
join us for this upcoming retreat. Please consider taking Ɵme
out of your busy schedules and join a group of faithful men who
have been preparing for you to come with us and the Holy Spirit
on this weekend. Call Lionel Rios/281-997-8299/ [email protected], Ralph Dearing/[email protected], Jimmy Hill / [email protected], or Javier Rios / [email protected], Mauricio Olivarez/Smltwn75@gmail,
com Financial aid is available, so please do not allow this to be
the reason you do not join us for the weekend. Renew your
spirit, strengthen your faith and become part of the ACTS team.
RegistraƟon forms are in the Foyer of the Church.
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