Ladies Guild Adult Confirmations Confirmaciones para Adultos


Ladies Guild Adult Confirmations Confirmaciones para Adultos
April 26th, 2015
DEC. 2014
$ 61,909 $ 53,985 ($ 7,924) (14.7%)
JULY-DEC. 2014 $297,148 $291,248 ($5,900) (2.0%)
December, 2014, collections were 14.7% over forecast
and our parish is 2.0% over its year-to-date collections
budget. Building Fund and Stewardship contributions
remain sufficient to cover our mortgage payment on the
Family Life Center. Any extra contributions from these
two sources are used to pay down the principal of the
FLC mortgage. As always, your generosity is
appreciated. Thank you.
Regular Collection
Ladies Guild
The next Ladies Guild meeting will be May 6 at 11:30
am in the FLC. Lunch will be provided. All women of
the parish are members of this service, social and
spiritual ministry. This important meeting will include
an opportunity to vote on proposed changes to the
Ladies Guild Bylaws, and this will be the last meeting
before the summer break. For more information or
transportation assistance, please call Dorothy Stone
WE ARE FAMILY potluck! The Ladies Guild invites
all families of Saint Frances Cabrini to a celebration of
our community on May 9, at 6:00 pm (following the
5:00 pm Mass) in the FLC. Please bring a dish to share
from your family or ethnic heritage. To help us
celebrate who we are and from where we come, please
label your dish with the name of the
food item and the culture represented.
Weekday Mass Intentions
Monday/Lunes, April 27th
9:00am †Glenna Jungman (Margaret Jungman)
Tuesday/Martes, April 28th
9:00am Liturgy of the Word
Wednesday/Miércoles, April 29th
6:00pm †Vivian Schnick (E.J. & Iline Dittlinger)
Bill Poleni (Elsie Miller)
Thursday/Jueves, April 30th
9:00am Kevin Procaccino (Elsie Miller)
Friday/Viernes, May 1st
9:00am †Joan Fey (Ted &Virginia Morell)
Weekend Mass Intentions
Saturday/Sábado, May 2nd
5:00pm †Jim Arcesi (Dolores Larson)
†Joe & Lucille Dittlinger (E.J. & Iline Dittlinger)
Sunday/Domingo, May 3rd
9:00am †Dcn. Dick Stojak (Kathy Stojak)
†Kenneth E. Woodcock (Tom & Josie Heppler)
10:45am Parishioners of the parish
12:30pm Parishinoers of the parish
Next Week Second Collection is for
Building Fund
It is time for high school youth to register
for the annual Diocesan Catholic Youth
Conference. This year's DCYC is July
10-12, cost is $125 and scholarships are
available. Please see Angela to register.
Ladies Guild invitan a todas las
familias de Saint Frances Cabrini a una celebración de
nuestra comunidad el 9 de mayo, a las 6:00 pm
(después de la Misa de 5:00 pm) en el Centro Familiar.
Favor de traer un plato para compartir. Para ayudarnos
a celebrar lo que somos y de dónde venimos, por favor
etiquetan su plato con el nombre del alimento y la
cultura representada.
Adult Confirmations
Bishop Olson will celebrate the Sacrament of
Confirmation for adults at St. Patrick’s Cathedral on
Saturday, May 30 at 5:00 pm. If you are an adult who
wants to make the Sacrament of
Confirmation this year, please contact
the church office for more information –
Confirmaciones para
El Obispo Olson celebrará el Sacramento de la
Confirmación para adultos en la Catedral de St. Patrick
el sábado 30 de mayo a las 5:00 pm. Si usted es un
adulto que le gustaría hacer el Sacramento de la
Confirmación este año, por favor póngase en contacto
con la oficina de la iglesia para más información - 817326-2131.
Fourth Sunday of Easter
We have been informed that
Fr. Gonzalo Morales is in the
hospital and not doing well.
Prayers for Fr. Gonzalo would
be appreciated. He is not
accepting visitors at this time.
Healthy Kids Summer Lunch Program
Save the Date
It’s that time of year again. The Healthy Kids Summer
Lunch Program begins Wednesday June 3rd through
Friday August 7th, 2015. This is a community wide
program that serves lunches to all children and youth
under 18 in Granbury at different locations. St. Frances
Cabrini has participated for many years. If you are
interested in volunteering and would like to be put on a
team to help serve lunches please contact Melissa or
Erica at the church office, 817326-2131. Our parish serves
lunch at the City beach
Monday through Friday 12:00
pm-1:30 pm.
Please save June 13 or 14 on your calendars to show
our appreciation to Msgr. Juan Rivero for all of his
dedicated years of service to St. Frances Cabrini at his
retirement parties after all Masses.
Es ese tiempo del ano otra vez.
El programa de Lonches
Saludables para niños en el
verano comienza el miércoles
3 de junio y termina el viernes
7 de agosto. Este es un programa de la comunidad
entera y sirve lonches a todos los niños menores de 18
en diferentes ubicaciones en Granbury. St. Frances
Cabrini ha participado en este programa por varios
anos. Si usted está interesado en ser un voluntario y le
gustaría que lo pongan en un equipo para servir
lonches, por favor póngase en contacto con Melissa o
Erica en la oficina, 817-326-2131. Nuestra iglesia sirve
lonches en la playita de lunes a viernes de 12:00 pm1:30 pm.
Apunte la Fecha
Apunte el 13 o 14 de junio en su
agradecimiento a Monseñor Juan Rivero por todos sus
años de servicio dedicados a St. Frances Cabrini en sus
fiestas de jubilación después de todas las misas.
Vacation Bible School
Mark your calendars and note the date
change!! Vacation Bible School this
year welcomes Totus Tuus of
catechetical program. The dates are
June 29th through July 3. There will be limited space
and a small fee. More details to come. We will need
adult volunteers who are child safety trained, if you
want to be a part of this great experience, please contact
Melissa, Erica, or Angela in the office.
Escuela Bíblica de Vacaciones
¡Marque su calendario y tome nota del cambio de
fecha! La Escuela Bíblica de Vacaciones este año da la
bienvenida a Totus Tuus de Oklahoma, un programa de
catequesis parroquial para el verano. Las fechas son del
29 de junio al 3 de julio. Habrá espacio limitado y una
pequeña cuota. Más detalles están por venir. Vamos a
necesitar voluntarios adultos que hayan tomado la
clase de seguridad de niños. Si quieres ser parte de esta
gran experiencia, por favor póngase en contacto con
Melissa, Erica, o Angela en la oficina.

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