

St. Mary Catholic Church
Ano Jubileo de la Misericordia: Un Recuerdo que Se Piden Ropa Y Bolsos Para Llevarla.
Koinonia Farms tiene un ministerio que se llama Ministerio de Viajero. Este
ministerio sirve migrantes que habían sido encarcelados y pronto estarán
deportados. Nuestra parroquia de Santa María, como parte de nuestro compromiso al Año de Jubileo de Misericordia, tiene una colaboración con este
ministerio que da ropa a los hombres listos a salir del cárcel. De hecho, a
través de este ministerio estamos practicando dos obras de misericordia, de
ayudar los que falta ropa y los que están encarcelados.
Por eso estamos cogiendo regalos de estas cosas:
* bolsos de viaje de cualquier tamaño
* camisas : medio y grande
* Pantalones: cintura de 30, 32, 34
* Zapatos: tomato de 8, 9, 10
* Calcetines
* Camisa interior: medio y grande
* Ropa interior: cintura menos de 36
Hay una caja el fondo de nuestra iglesia a poner una o otra cosa o antes o después las misas el fin de semana (favor, solamente el fin de semana). Para mas información, favor llame Elizabeth Dede at 229
591-0114 o por email: [email protected].
¿Tiene una lavadora y una plancha? Si con-
teste sí, pues a lo mejor usted
podría ayudarnos con el ministerio en torno del altar. Es decir, de vez en cuando, lavar y
planchar los linos como purificadores para las copas, tela del
altar, ropa blanco (soltanos) de
los monaguillos, etc. La coordinadora de este ministerio,
Señora Maureen Turner, solo tiene unas pocas
mujeres de la comunidad Anglo y por eso busca ahora ayudantes de la comunicad hispano. Ella podría dar una enseñanza por este ministerio en
una reunión en la iglesia a las
interesadas. Favor, llame la
oficina y deje un mensaje para el párroco Padre
Paco informándole de su interés.
10 avo. del Tiempo Ordinario. Adán y Eva fueron expulsados del Paraíso por su
desobediencia. Pero Jesús
dice en el Evangelio de hoy
que cuando obedecemos la voluntad de Dios –
cuando usamos nuestros dones para ayudar a los
demás- nos hacemos parte de Su familia.
“Quienquiera que haga la voluntad de Dios es
hermano, hermana y madre para mí.”
Invitación a una presentación de un nuevo programa
diocesana de
Adultos católicos
están invitados a
una charla por la
Sra. Lidia del oficina hispano diocesana, este viernes, el 10 de junio, de las 6:45
a las 8:00 en el salón de la parroquia. Ella dará
una presentación del Certificado de Formación
en la Fe lo cual es un programa nuevo. Las clases, que empiecen en el principio del mes de
agosto, se ofrecerán en vivo de forma virtual a
grupos de personas reunidos en 7 centros de
formación. Convenientemente un centro estará aquí en Sherlock Hall. El horario de clases
será martes por la noche de 7 a 9, una semana
si, una semana no. Venga para aprender mas de
Sra. Lili de este programa nuevo y a discernir
su participación posible.
LA CAMPAÑA ANUAL DEL OBISBO . Según el ultimo reporte diocesano , estamos 68%
de nuestro reto parroquial. Gracias a todos que
332 S. Lee St., Americus, GA 31709
Parish Web Page:
Tel: (229) 924-3495
Office email: [email protected]
Pastor: Father Fran (Padre Paco) Gillespie SJ
email: [email protected]
Parish Office Hours: Tuesday - Friday: 10:00 A.M. - 3:30 P.M.
June 5, 2016 10th Sunday in Ordinary Time
“As Jesus drew near…a man who had died was being
carried out, the only son of his mother, and she was
a widow. …Jesus was moved with pity for her and said
to her, “Do not weep.” He …touched the coffin…and he
said, “Young man, I tell you, arise!” The dead man sat up
and began to speak, and Jesus gave him to his mother.”
(Luke 7)
Nuestra Misión: Nosotros, los feligreses de la
Iglesia Católica Santa María en Americus, Georgia,
compartimos nuestra diversidad mientras abarcando
nuestro Bautismo común adorando a Dios, celebrando la Eucaristía, honorando María, difundiendo la
Palabra, y sirviendo a los demás.
Preparación para los Sacramentos
lic Church in Americus, Georgia, share our diversity while embracing our common Baptism by worshiping God, celebrating the Eucharist, honoring
Mary, spreading the Word, and serving others.
Sacramental Preparation
Clases de Preparación Bautismal - Por favor llame
la oficina parroquial para registrarse por las platicas
pre-bautismales a menos un mes antes del Bautismo.
Baptismal Preparation Class - Please call the
church office to register for the pre-Baptism class at
least a month ahead of the requested Baptismal date.
Clases de Preparación de Matrimonio - Las parejas
necesitan comunicarse con el Padre por lo menos seis
meses antes de la fecha de la boda.
Marriage Preparation - Couples must contact Father at least 6 months before planned wedding date.
Sacramento de la Unción de un Enfermo - Si alguien está enfermo, llame el párroco para recibir este
sacramento (favor, no esperar al ultimo momento).
Confesión/Reconciliación - Sábado 4:00 pm a 4:30 pm o
por llamar el párroco por una cita particular por confesión.
Horario De Las Misas
están contribuyendo y favor a continuarlo.
Mission: We, the parishioners of St. Mary Catho-
Salado en la tarde—5 PM Ingles
Domingo—Sunday: 8:30 am (Español)
Martes a Viernes a las 12:00 pm (ingles) en la capilla
Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick - Those quite
ill, hospitalized, or facing surgery and wish to receive the
Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick, contact the pastor by phone/email (do not wait until it might be too late).
Confession/Reconciliation - Saturday 4:00 pm to
4:30 pm or call Fr. Fran for an appointment.
Schedule of Weekly Masses
Saturday: 5:00 pm - English
Sunday: 8:30 (Spanish) 10:30 am (English)
Tuesday thru Friday, 12 Noon, in chapel, English
Office for the Protection of Children and Young People toll free reporting hotline: (888) 357-5530.
Bishop’s Annual Appeal: “Our Treasure:
Faith for Our Children
and Grandchildren”.
As of June 2 we are 68% of
our parish goal. Several parishes of our diocese of comparable or larger size have already reached at least
100% of their goal.
St. Mary’s BAA Goal
Pledged/Donated as of June 2
Balance Remaining
$ 5,096
Stewardship Thought for the 10th Sunday in
Ordinary Time.
Giving of our time, talent and
treasure to our parish and a local
community of which we form a
part, is less about giving until it
hurts than about giving until you feel good about
what you have given.
If You Wish to Request a Mass Intention, either
for a weekend or weekday, please call the parish office.
June 4-10
Mass Intention
+James Fleming
Sunday (8:30)
+Berta Muñiz
Sunday (11:30) For Parishioners
Fr. Fleming, SJ
Angelica Alejo
Stephen Krout Sr.
Steve Krout
Anna McCallig
Our parish Bulletin on Web Page: When your travels
take you away from our
parish, stay in touch
with what is going on by
accessing our parish bulletins, past and current,
which can be found on
our web page at
May 1
May 8
May 15
May 22
May 29
Are you Safe Environment trained? If not,
a VIRTUS class
has been scheduled for St. Teresa Church in
Albany for Saturday June
13th. This training is required
for Safe Environment Compliance for any adult who will
come into contact with children or youth as part
of their ministry and must be completed before
they begin ministry (a listing of those ministries
can be found at
Also invited are adult parishioner who are not
currently volunteers to attend this training to inform themselves of dangers in our society to children and youth and to provide themselves with
tools they can use to help keep children safe.
Seating is limited and one must pre-register
online to save a seat. Register by going to and find the training listed for
St. Teresa in Albany on the Upcoming Events
Pope’s Prayer Intentions for June: As part
of our Church’s world wide
Apostleship of Prayer in union with our Pope, please
remember the following two
categories of intentions.
Universal: "That the aged,
marginalized, and those who have no one, may
find even within the huge cities of the world,
opportunities for encounter and solidarity."
Evangelization: "That seminarians and men and
woman entering religious life may have mentors
who live the joy of the Gospel and prepare them
wisely for their mission."
Budget/Presupuesto Surplus/(Sobre);Deficit/(Falta)
$3, 361
2nd Collection
SAMA: $567
Cath.Comm. : $537
In this Jubilee Year of Mercy, parishes
throughout Christendom
have committed themselves to the practice of a
specific corporal or spiritual work of mercy. Our own
parish, after a lengthy process of discernment by our
Pastoral Council, combined two works of mercy
as our identified Jubilee Year of Mercy ministry.
This Mercy ministry therefore has the added appeal
of twining two corporal works of mercy, one outreaching to prisoners and the other clothing of the
Its additional appeal is that it does not invent the
wheel but uses the operative infrastructure of Koinonia Farms where a group of our parishioners live
and work. And so, in recent months we have invited parishioners to support these twinned works of
mercy per the needs listed below. And thus this
note in our bulletin is to remind us to continue to
support this effort. For more information, please
contact Elizabeth Dede at 229 591-0114 or
[email protected]. (also 229 924-0391 .
Koinonia Farms’ Traveler's
Ministry and St. Mary’s parish are gathering donations of
clothing and duffel bags. This
ministry serves migrant men
who are detained at the nearby Stewart Detention Center.
Father Francois Pellesier, assigned there as chaplain, provides information and liaison
about this ministry to those who are about to be
deported. The men then write to Koinonia listing
their clothing sizes; Koinonia members prepare the
duffel bags. The bags are delivered to the prison
and each man is given one upon arriving to his
"country of origin."
* Bags: any zip-able airline carry-on sized bags
* Shirts: medium and large
* Pants: waist size 30, 32, 34
* Shoes: size 8, 9, 10
* Socks
* Undershirts: medium and large
* Underwear: waist size less than 36
* Cash to purchase any of the above.
Before or after weekend Masses (only), items are
to be left in the big box on the left as one enters the
back of our church.
Knights of Columbus of St. Mary’s are
grateful to all who
supported their 19th
Annual Golf Tournament which raised
$4,500 for charity.
The winner of the
barbeque grill raffle
was Meredith Banks! Thanks to all who supported the raffle by purchasing tickets. Also, we
congratulate parishioner Steve Krout who was
inducted into our K of C this past Wednesday
Protocols For Use of Sherlock Hall Kitchen
The full inventory of
the kitchen
in Sherlock
Hall was
taken last
year thanks
to the painstaking efforts of parishioner and
K of C
member Larry Bank. Since then the protocols published a
year ago have been by and large observed and
thus we are grateful to all kitchen users. Periodically we publish these protocols as a reminder to
all parish groups and thus the following.
First, a request for reservation of the kitchen is
made with Larry Banks who serves as Coordinator of the Kitchen (942-9405);
Second, the group or just its coordinator meets
with Larry to review the protocols for use of hall
and kitchen , e.g., care in arranging of tables and
chair, setting and resetting of AC/Heat thermostats, VIRTUS certified persons on hand if children and/or youth are present, etc;
Third, the group’s representative and Larry review the inventory of kitchen items and the proper use of the kitchen and its equipment and sign
off on it.
Fourth, after the event is over, the Coordinator
and the group’s representative meet again to go
over the inventory and condition of the kitchen
and sign off on it.

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