he has been raised - St Joseph Church Addison


he has been raised - St Joseph Church Addison
Do not be amazed!
You seek Jesus of Nazareth,
the crucified.
he is not here.
~Mark 16:6
St. Joseph Catholic Church
330 E. Fullerton Ave., Addison, IL 60101
Parish Office Summer Hours
Horario de Verano de Oficina Parroquial
Monday - Thursday/Lunes - Jueves
9 am - 4 pm
Friday/Viernes & Saturday/Sábado
9 am - 12 Noon
Weekend Masses
Saturday Vigil 4:30 pm
Sunday 7:30 & 10:30 am
Weekday Masses
Monday, Wednesday and Friday 7:30 am
Communion Service
Tuesday & Thursday 8:00 am
Saturday 3:30 - 4:15 pm
Monday - Thursday 8:00 am
Adoration/Adoración al Santísimo
Friday 8:00 am - 6:15 pm
Misas en Español
Sábado 6:30 pm
Domingo 9 am y 12:30 pm
Misa en Español entre Semana
Jueves 7 pm
P.630-279-6553 F.630-279-4925
April 5-12, 2015
4:30 pm: For the Int. of Mark Colletti
6:30 pm: Por las Almas del Purgatorio
Easter Sunday of the Resurrection
of the Lord
Sunday, April 5
7:30 am: †Raymond Daul
9:00 am: Por las int. de la Familia Vieyra/Segura
10:30 am: †John Jannick †Elba Maria Pacheco 2 Anv.
For the Int. of Elizabeth Pacheco on her birthday
12:30 pm: Spanish-Community Mass
†Miguel Cortes †Belen Rojas †Elvira Gonzalez
†Josefina Fernandez †Ofelia Hurtado †Josefina Fermandez † Niño Eduardo Cordova 6º aniversario
2:00 pm: Spanish Mass †Gregorio Hidalgo 3º Aniv.
Monday, April 6
7:30 am– For Mother’s/Father’s Day intentions
Tuesday, April 7
8:00 am– Communion Service
Wednesday, April 8
7:30 am– For all St. Joseph’s Children
Thursday, April 9
8:00 am– Communion Service
7:00 pm: Bilingual Mass
Friday, April 10
7:30 am– †Beatriz Franco
Saturday, April 11
4:30 pm: †Marion Bero †John & Virginia Zdunek
†Bruce & Joanne Wilson
6:30 pm: Por las Almas del Purgatorio
Patricia Seriano, Magdalena Saucedo, Aracely
Portero, Corazon de Guzman,
Magaña, Marcos Felix, Nick Neri, Ramon BaraDivine Mercy Sunday
jas, Bonnie Jean Gorski,
Dolores Perez,
Eleanor & Bruce Ingstrup, Consuelo Becerra, Ri- Sunday, April 12
7:30 am: †Roland Sellergren
cardo & Jose Gomez, Martin Morales, Cesar Peña,
Angela & Patty Mack, Gloria Bristow, & Jenni Vasquez
9:00 am: †Tino Ramirez
10:30 am: †Angelo & Madeline Migliozzi
†Rest in Peace
12:30 pm: Spanish-Community Mass
Reyes Resendiz, Isaura Gonzalez, Sergio Rodriguez, Jose
†Miguel Angel Montano
Trinidad Perez, Diana Mazzei, Adrian Hernandez, JacPor las int. de Maria Flores y Familia, y por las int. de
queline Mendoza Farfan Mario Carrillo Jr., Alberto Rodla familia Hernandez
riguez & Antonio Alonso
Easter Flower Offerings/
Ofrenda de Flores de Pascua
In Memory of/En Memoria de:
Alfano Family
Alfredo & Carmen
Alfredo & Rosa Manuel
Alfredo Leal
Alfredo Poblete
Amadeo Ultreras
Anna Holub
Anna Petro
Anne Jakalsi
Anthony Bullaro
Anton Jerger
Aurora Contreras
Beatriz Franco
Ben Prince
Benjamin Garcia
Bernice Dober
Bridget Coyle
Carmen Alarcon
Carmen Muñoz
Charles & Roselie Land
Chris Cuevo
Chris Pizzolanti
Clara Jerger
Consepcion Marquez
Cristina Torres Ortega
Familia Vieyra
Filippa Gariti
Fleming Family
Francisca Calit
Francisca Martinez
Francisco Rodriguez
Fred Philips
Gdalia Family
Gene (J.J.) Johnson
George Prince
Gertrude Bullaro
Gertrudes Beltran Lopez
Gilbert Brechin
Gladys Kujawa
Grandma Lenca
Gregorio Calit
Guillermo Martinez
Halina Poremba
Helen & Wlater Koziol
Helen McMahon
Helen Metcalf
Herman Wu, Jr.
J. Guadalupe Hernandez
J. Jesus Hernandez
Jackelin Mendoza
James & Loretta Corcora
Jean Prince
Jennie Philips
Jennie Prince
Jerome Kane
Jesus Leal
Jim & Lorraine Wallich
Joanne & Bruce Wilson
John & Virginia Zdunek
John Coyle
Dorothy & Mark Cervencik John Petro
Dorothy Evans
Jose Luis Velazquez
Dorothy Lokes
Jose Olivo
Dorothy Lynde
Joseph Evans
Dorothy Remy
Joseph Jakalski
Efrain V. Rodriguez
Joseph Morin
Eleana Grano
Joseph Piazza
Emily Riordan
Joseph Poblete
Enrique Davila
Josephine Pizzolanti
Eugene Morin
Julia Delgado
Familia Camacho
Karl J. Houser
Familia Carpio
Kevin Benes
Familia Gutierrez
Laurence Dober
Familia Segura
Leona Russo
Curtin & Faldani Families
Dan Neri
Dan Riordan
Diane Barszcz
DiGangi Family
Dominga Poblete
Dominic Dalesandro
Dominic Filomeno
Donald Dalesandro
Lillian Sura
Lina Urzua
Linda Haynes
Linda Scheelk
Lucy DiCristofano
Luis & Magdalena
Lupe/Paublin del Rio
M/M Herman Wu
M/M Vicente Sanchez
Manuel Calit
Marcia C. Vargas
Maria Carrillo
Maria Jahn
Maria Marquez
Maria Stano
Mariano & Carmen Doliente
Maribel Lopez
Maribel Segura
Marie Corcora
Marion Bero
Mark Przybyla
Martin Quintana
Mary Saliano
Michael Haynes
Michael Russo
Mike Terracciano
Nieves Torres
Norm Fuller
Oddo Family
Pabla Velazquez
Patricia Grady
Patrick Haynes
Pauline Krueger
Pedro Mireles
Peg & Hap Powell
Peter Colobos
Peter Palermo
Peter Remy
Ralph & Grace Di Capua
Rita Wayda
Roberta Nimmer
Roland Sellergren
Romano Grano
Rosa Terracciano
Rose & John Hyc
Rosemary Dalesandro
Rosendo Vazquez
Rosetta Terracciano
Rudy Petro
Salvatore Terracciano
Samantha Behl
Santos Jimenez
Sophie Kon
Sr. Elizabeth Clare
Sr. Joseph DiCristofano
Stan Jakalski
Stanley & Sophie Tarnowski
Stanley Tarnowski Jr.
Stewart Lynde
Ted & Esther Bezad
Thomas Esposito
Tom Smerz
Tomasetti Family
Tony Neri
Uriel Lopez
Vasil Rusev
Victor Lopez
Vince Neri
Vincent & Mary Capello
Walter Bryk
Wanda Bryk
William Brechin
William V. Grady
Yvonne Piron
In Honor of
En Honor a:
Carmella Filomeno
Dorothea Ortega
Elvira Leal
Familia Velasco
Juan Leal
Magdalena de la Cerda
Maria Brigida Vences
Por los Niños y Familias
de todo el mundo
Rev. Fr. Larry Nemer,
Rosa/Herminio Acevedo
Around the Parish
On April 12, 2015 we will be celebrating Divine Mercy Sunday.
Time: 2:30pm to 3:30pm. This is the day to ask Our Lord for all His
Mercy and blessings that He promised to us on this day, so Please
join us and bring your family and friends. All are welcome.
Confessions will be heard during that time. However, if you go to
Confession 8 days before or 8 days after, it still counts for the indulgence. The Divine Mercy novena starts on Good Friday. You
can pick up a copy in the back of the church. Please join us.
El 12 de Abril del 2015 estaremos celebrando el día de la Divina
Misericordia. Horario de 2:30pm a 3:30pm. Este es el día que le pedimos a Nuestro Señor toda su Misericordia y Bendiciones que el nos prometió en este día, Por favor acompáñenos, traiga su familia y amigos. Todos son bienvenidos.
Durante este tiempo se estarán escuchando confesiones. Pero si usted se confiesa 8 días antes o
8 días después, todavía cuenta para la indulgencia. La novena de la Divina Misericordia da
inicio el Viernes Santo. Puede recoger una copia en la parte de atrás de la iglesia.
Lo esperamos.
Monday, April 6 - Lunes
7 pm
Tuesday, April 7 - Martes
6:30 pm Choir-church
6:30 pm School Board-St. Francis Rm.
Consejo Escolar
6:45 pm Marriage Koinonia-P.H.
Koinonia de Parejas
7 pm
Parish Council-St. Mary’s Rm.
Consejo Parroquial
Wednesday, April 8 - Miércoles
5:45 pm Faith Formation Classes
Clases de Catecismo
Thursday, April 9 - Jueves
7 pm
Misa - (Spanish Mass)
7 pm
Mujeres en Excelencia-St. Mary’s Rm.
7 pm
Deacon Phil’s Group-St. Francis Rm.
Friday, April 10 - Viernes
8 am-7 pm
Benediction/Adoración al Santísimo
7:30 pm Circulo de Oración
Acts 2:14, 22-33; Ps 16:1-2a, 5, 7-11;
Mt 28:8-15
Acts 2:36-41; Ps 33:4-5, 18-20, 22;
Jn 20:11-18
Wednesday: Acts 3:1-10; Ps 105:1-4, 6-9;
Lk 24:13-35
Acts 3:11-26; Ps 8:2ab, 5-9;
Lk 24:35-48
Acts 4:1-12; Ps 118:1-2, 4, 22-27a;
Jn 21:1-14
Acts 4:13-21;
Ps 118:1, 14-15ab, 16-21;
Mk 16:9-15
Acts 4:32-35;
Ps 118:2-4, 13-15, 22-24; 1 Jn 5:1-6;
Jn 20:19-31
Pantry News
Thank you to all who have so generously supported the
pantry. We are in need of paper bags, we do not need any
more plastic bags at this time.
Gracias a todos los que generosamente han ayudado con
la despensa.
Wednesday March 25, we gave out 40 bags.
Early Bulletin Submission, report of 4-1 will be submitted next
We are getting read to create a new
photo directory and we need YOU to
help make it complete! By participating
you will receive a printed directory and
an 8x10 portrait!
Please sign up for your professional
photography after all Masses.
Estamos preparándonos para un Directorio parroquial en donde le invitamos a todos los miembros de la
Iglesia de San José a participar de
ello. Por participar recibirá gratis un
directorio con fotografías y un retrato de 8x10.
Puede registrarse después de las Misas.
REGISTRATIONS Still Open for the 2015-2016 school year-Registrations are still available in
the School Office! For more information on tuition, and/or for a tour of the school, please give us a
call or visit our website www.hfcatholic.org.
We Offer: Best Buddies and Junior Achievement for our Jr. High students.
This is what our parents are saying about HFCS:
"You can really get a feeling of family when you walk into the school. Our children have received the
greatest lifelong gift of faith. Our Priests, Principal and Staff teach the importance of respect. And, the
masses prepared by each class really prove the children learn the importance of their faith." - Shirley
Annual School Fund-If you have not donated to
our Fund and wish to do so, please return your
pledge/donation envelope in the collection bas-
ket, you can mail it or drop it off in the school
Join Us-as our Jr. High students present
Holy Family Catholic School Mission Statement
Holy Family Catholic School is a diverse community working together as a vital part of the mission of the Catholic
We strive to grow in our relationship with God and each other by proclaiming the Good News
of Jesus Christ through religious instruction, faith development, and academic excellence.
What is the sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick;
many of know it as the “last rites” or extreme unction. These terms are more familiar and selfexplanatory. This is the sacrament that is administered when a person is near death or at least that is
how most see it. The Anointing of the Sick however is
not just for our transition from this life to the promised life eternal with God when He calls us home to
Himself. The purpose of this beautiful rite is to give
us the peace and healing that God through the
Holy Spirit bestows on us so we may face the times
in our lives when we are ailing in mind, body and spirit.
In essence this is one of the sacraments of healing along with the sacrament
of Reconciliation. The difference between these is that in Reconciliation we
reunite with God by confessing the sins we have committed and through
our act of penance, contrition and resolve to avoid the sin we unite with
our brothers and sisters in the church. We heal our relationships with the
grace and strength that comes from God. The Anointing is a healing that
more of an inward movement, if we are facing physical, emotional or
spiritual “illness” this sacrament assists us in realizing that all our suffering
is united with the suffering Christ endured for our salvation. The grace and
strength we receive from the Anointing helps to guide us to the peace of
God in accepting His will for our lives and to trust in His love through the
workings of the Holy Spirit. These workings give us the patience and fortitude to move forward in our lives confident that God is with us always.
Similar to Reconciliation and the Eucharist this sacrament may be received
multiple times. Whenever you, a family member or a friend is facing surgery, serious illness, or are having psychological issues we encourage you
to seek out the strength of God through this healing sacrament.
Around the Diocese
Free Personal Change Class Offered
Do you feel that life is beating you
down? Are you always struggling to make
ends meet? Do you want to let go of unproductive thoughts, feelings and behaviors and replace them with positive ones
that will move you toward a better quality
of life? Catholic Charities is offering a
program of personal change called Out of
Poverty. This program is not just about the
lack of money; it’s also about poverty of
the spirit. Discussion within a group setting
encourages honesty and focuses on the
fact that life has not turned out the way
you thought it would. Give yourself a second chance and register for Out of Poverty classes today. Classes will be held at
Catholic Charities in Lombard on each
Monday from 9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. from
April 6 - May 11, 2015. A special
graduation ceremony is planned for May
18, 2015. For more information, or to register, call Yvonne Morronglio at 630-4958008 ext. 2122. Visit our website at catholiccharitiesjoliet.org.
Stewardship Thought for the Week
In the Acts of the Apostles, St. Peter summarizes the mission of Jesus: To free us from the grip of the devil through
good works and His death on the cross, and to commission
disciples to carry out His mission of salvation. In St. John’s
Gospel, we see Mary of Magdala arriving first at the
empty tomb, and then prompting Peter and John to go
there. Scripture tells us that upon arriving and viewing the
burial wrappings, St. John saw and believed. This is the
same beloved disciple who was at Jesus’ side at the Last
Supper, who stood at the foot of the cross, and who, at
Jesus’ request, took Mary as his mother. He was one of
the first disciples to believe in the Risen Christ. St. Paul, in
his letters, describes how Christ has been raised up and us
along with Him. Like John, may the gift of Easter grace
strengthen our faith and deepen our discipleship, bringing
us closer to the Lord so we may also proclaim boldly,
Christ is risen. Alleluia!
Sacrament Procedures
Baptisms: Pre-baptism Class is required before your
date will be set. Please register two to
three months in advance.
Weddings: Spiritual Preparation begins at least SIX
months in advance. Do not make your
reservations until you have met with the
Sacrament of the Sick:
First Friday of the month at 7:30 am.
Communion Visits: Call the Parish Office.
Requisitos para Sacramentos
March 22, 2015
250 Envelopes
Children’s Env.
Las Charlas Pre-bautismales son requeridas antes de fijar la fecha de Bautismo.
Favor de inscribirse con dos a tres meses
de anticipo.
Preparación Espiritual empieza por lo
menos con SEIS meses de anticipo. No
haga preparaciones para su Celebración
antes de reunirse con el párroco.
Sacramento de los Enfermos:
Primer Viernes del mes a las 7:30 am.
Visitas de Comunión: Llame a la parroquia.
Quince Años: ¡Solamente para miembros activos de
la parroquia!
Maintenance Collection $1,738
Early Bulletin Submission-Report of 3-29 will be
given next week!
Our Goal each Week to cover our expenses is
$11,500. Thank you for your kind generosity and
your deep love of Saint Joseph.
Nuestra Meta por Semana para cubrir los gastos es
de: $11,500.Gracias por su Generosidad.
Children’s Faith Formation Office
Oficina de Formación de Fe-Catecismo
Mr. Carlos Roman - DRE
Email: [email protected]
Office Hours/Horario de Oficina
Sunday & Monday/
Domingo & Lunes
12-7 pm
1-8 pm
12-7 pm
9 am-12 pm
1-8 pm
Holy Family Catholic School
Escuela Católica Sagrada Familia
Mr. Christopher Tiritilli - School Principal
Email - [email protected]
Web Site - www.hfcatholic.org
St. Joseph Church #512139
330 East Fullerton Avenue
Addison, IL 60101
630 279-6553
Edna Pasillas or Fr. Luis
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Pages 2 through 5
April 5, 2015