Have fun – and happy learning for all!


Have fun – and happy learning for all!
Partnership Management Board
Module 3 Spanish
This collection of twelve Units is the third Module in a series aiming to
introduce the Spanish language in a cultural context to early learners in Primary
Schools. The emphasis again is on fun, enjoyment and active use of the language
for immediate rewards - and the main aim of the games and other activities is
to stimulate the children’s natural enthusiasm for language learning. The
vocabulary covered features simple everyday words and phrases, but also
transports pupils into the realms of fantasy.
Learning a language opens up an exciting new world of culture and customs to
the children, and the benefits of broadening their horizons at Primary level will
stay with them for the rest of their lives.
Permission to use this resource has been given to schools taking part in
Northern Ireland’s regional Primary Modern Languages Programme commencing
May 2008. This programme has been funded by Northern Ireland’s Department
of Education and is delivered under the auspices of the regional Project
Management Board. The teaching materials are designed for use by a visiting
tutor with a very good command of the Spanish language. For any other copying
or use of the activities in this Module, permission must first be sought in
Any queries regarding usage of this material or any other related issues may be
addressed to either of the Programme Coordinators:
W A Brodie, Adviser, NEELB. 17 Lough Rd. Antrim BT41 4DH
E-mail: [email protected]
Anne Rowan, Assistant Adviser, SEELB. Grahamsbridge Road. Dundonald BT16
E-mail: [email protected]
These materials have been devised by Vanessa Brodie, International Officer
with the Curriculum Advisory and Support Services of the Education and
Library Boards, Northern Ireland.
Thanks to Diana Delargy and Begoña Mateo-Loughlin for their help with the
graphics in this Module.
Have fun – and happy learning for all!
Partnership Management Board
Module 3 Spanish
Effective Practice …………………………………………………………
Unidad 1 …………………………………………………………
La Familia (i)
Unidad 2 …………………………………………………………
La Familia (ii)
Unidad 3 …………………………………………………………
Unidad 4 …………………………………………………………
Unidad 5 …………………………………………………………
Unidad 6 …………………………………………………………
Días de la Semana/Números mágicos
Unidad 7 …………………………………………………………
Los Meses del Año
Unidad 8 …………………………………………………………
Tu Cumpleaños
Unidad 9 …………………………………………………………
Macarena Months/Colores/El Tiempo (i)
Unidad 10 …………………………………………………………
El Tiempo (ii)/Canciones
Unidad 11 …………………………………………………………
Los Transportes/Señor Lobo…
Unidad 12 …………………………………………………………
Repaso / LatinoAmércia / La Oruga Que Tiene Mucha Hambre
Useful Websites
PP39 - 53
Partnership Management Board
Module 3 Spanish
Effective Practice in Teaching Languages to Young Learners
• Fun and Enjoyment ☺ ☺ – Let’s make the children’s
first experience of a foreign language a positive one!
• Activity / game based. Children learn through play –
emphasis on doing or making.
• Avoid grammar jargon.
• Lots of varied repetition – a variety of games and
activities to reinforce vocabulary being taught, using a
multi-sensory approach.
• Encouragement and praise. This helps to build selfconfidence. Correct errors gently.
• Cultural context – similarities / differences / customs /
• Encourage good pronunciation and intonation – younger
children can ‘mimic’ the sounds more accurately and enjoy
doing so.
• Relevant topics – relevant to the age of the children you
are teaching.
Partnership Management Board
Module 3 Spanish
• Transferable skills – listening &speaking / social skills /
presentation skills / music / drama / dance /ICT
• Careful lesson planning – If you are not sure what you
are doing when you walk into a classroom, you will be
stressed, and with good cause! Have everything to hand
that you need for the class – photocopies / CD player
/soft ball / flashcards etc. A lesson plan helps establish a
‘comfort zone’ for the children and promotes confidence.
Keep things fresh by varying the pace of lessons- a mix
of high-energy activities and quieter moments.
(Learning objectives and outcomes / activities / materials
/ reflect and evaluate).
• Display activity sheets / art-work/ ICT related
worksheets – this is motivational for the children,
especially if you have added an extra comment –
¡fenomenal! / ¡estupendo! / ¡fantástico!
• Let the children perform and present what they have
learned –to parents, pupils or even Spanish visitors.
• Be dramatic! Lose your own inhibitions. The response will
amaze you!
• Above all, be enthusiastic - Much of the magic of
teaching comes from the teacher’s enthusiasm!
Partnership Management Board
Module 3 Spanish
Unidad 1
La Familia
Welcome the children with the usual greetings (c.f. Module 2)
Remember to smile
and give the children praise as they answer the
questions. Use the ball.
As this is the first lesson of the new module, it is important to establish an
informal, friendly atmosphere and develop a good rapport with the children.
Remember, the classes are meant to be fun, not a chore!
Fíjate en la familia
Attach enlarged ‘family’ picture to the wall or blackboard (or picture
of a famous family, e.g. ‘The Simpsons’)
Este es…. el padre …… Antonio
Esta es ... la madre ……
Este es ... el abuelo …
Esta es ... la abuela …
Este es .. el hermano …
Esta es ..
la hermana …
Partnership Management Board
Module 3 Spanish
Go over the new vocabulary with the children getting them to repeat the words
after you. Use a variety of techniques e.g. different voices / louder, softer.
If you can bring some simple props, the children can ‘act out’ la familia - one
prop for each family member
For example –el padre (sombrero)
la madre (abanico)
el abuelo (gafas/periódico)
la abuela (shawl/scarf )
el hermano (un balón)
la hermana (un bolso) etc
la hermanita /el hermanito (un oso de peluche)
Get the children to introduce themselves simply – Emphasise soy for ‘I am’
¡ Hola! Soy el padre (Antonio ) etc
Encourage them to change their voice pitch for the different characters and to
use gesture/mime as they speak. The teacher can demonstrate!!
Soy la madre (Antonia!) - with a very womanly voice!
You may even like to add in a dog or cat - perro / gato
Soy el perro …….(¡guau guau! )
Soy el gato ………(¡miau miau! )
(The children could use the masks they made in the previous module as props)
Then finally get them all to ‘pose’ for la foto de familia.
Tell them that the Spanish say ‘patata’ or ‘guay’ for ‘cheese’ (smiling for the
¡¡Eso es!!
You can vary this activity by asking the children to dramatically reflect
‘different’ families e.g ‘la familia Real’ (act in a posh manner!) /¡la familia
Enfadada! Ask for their ideas.
You can use family flashcards from ‘Sí,Sí,Sí Mi Entorno or introduce ‘La familia
de Patos’ – Mamá Pata /Papá Pato /y los patitos
Partnership Management Board
Module 3 Spanish
Rimas para los Peques
Este chiquito es mi hermanito
Esta es mi Mamá,
Este es mi Papá,
Esta es mi hermana,
Y este chiquito y muy bonito,¡soy yo!
Dos pajaritos en un balcón,
Me llamo Rosa
Me llamo Juan
Adiós Rosa
Adiós Juan
Hola Rosa
Hola Juan
• Yo tengo una tía
La tía Monica
Que cuando va a bailar
Le dicen ,’¡Ooh la la!
Ooh la la, ¡Ooh la la,
Le dicen ¡Ooh la la!
Adiós, hasta luego /¡hasta otra clase!
( **Ask children to bring photo of their family to next class**)
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Module 3 Spanish
Partnership Management Board
Module 3 Spanish
Unidad 2
La Familia
After the usual greetings, introduce a warm-up activity such as ‘La
Bomba’(going over fruits/ colours/food) or ‘Simón Dice’ (c.f. mod.1)
Ask the children if they have remembered to bring in their family photo.
Some of these can be attached to the wall or blackboard with blue-tak.
Show a photo of your own family (or a fictional family)
Este es mi(el) padre /esta es mi (la) abuela /este es mi(el)
perro. Introduce Mamá y Papá
Would any of the children like to show their photos and
tell the class about their family?
As there is quite a lot of new vocabulary, give the children lots of
support and praise.
You did ‘really well’ – muy bien hecho
Juego de la familia: La Familia Narizota
Give each child 4 pictures of a family member/pet.
perro,gato).When you call out ‘padre’ or ‘papá, those who have this card have to :
levantaos, dad una vuelta y sentaos, diciendo ‘¡Hola Papá!’They then turn that
card over. Similarly with Mamá, abuelo/a,hermano/a, hermanito/a. If you say
‘perro’ or ‘gato’, children do the same actions but make the animal noise (guau
guau /miau miau). If you call out, ‘La Familia Narizota, por favor’, all the
children have to :levantaos, tocad la nariz,dad una vuelta y sentaos.
The winners are the first to have all their 4 cards turned over.
Partnership Management Board
Module 3 Spanish
Canción - Hola Don Pepito, Hola Don José - Teach the
song/chant, getting the children to ‘echo’ you. It is quite easy to pick
up as it is repetitive. Then divide the class in to two. One group is ‘Don
Pepito’ and the other is ‘Don Jose’.
¡Hola Don Pepito!
¡Hola Don José!
¿Pasó ya por casa?
¡Por su casa yo pasé!
¿Vio a mi abuela?
¡A su abuela yo la vi!
Adiós Don Pepito
Adiós Don José
**Make a collage /wall picture of ‘Las Familias’, using photos the children have
brought. Make sure the children have permission to use the photos and to
display them. Check this with class teacher.** Alternatively,children could draw
pictures of unusual families e.g. La familia Narizota / La familia ‘Posh’/ la familia
‘Tres Ojos’ / la familia Aburrida.
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Partnership Management Board
Module 3 Spanish
Unidad 3
Animales / Sentimientos
Usual informal greetings with children (+ ball)
Developing a good rapport between you and the children is very important.
Remember to smile, use good eye contact and make them aware of how
well they are doing and how much you enjoy being with them. You are a
precious resource for these young learners and your energy and warmth
in the classroom will ensure an enthusiastic response on their part.
Los Animales y Sus Ruidos
Give out animal cards to children (one to each child).
Ask each child in turn to make the sound of the animal they have on their
card. (N.B. some sounds are different in Spanish!)
The children will know some of the animal names, but there may be some
new ones that need to be learned.
El pato (hace) cua – cua
El perro (hace) guau – guau
El gato (hace) miau – miau
La vaca (hace) muu – muu
La oveja (hace) bee – bee
La rana (hace) croa – croa
El pájaro (hace) pió – pió
El caballo (hace) i – han – i – han
Partnership Management Board
Module 3 Spanish
Tell them that in Spanish ’el gallo’ hace ‘ ki – ki – ri – ki’. This is interesting for
them because in English they say cock – a – doodle – do!!
(And for your information, in French it is cocorico and in Italian,‘chichirichi!)
Also you may like to explain that young or small animals are described using the
ending ito / ita eg patito / perrito / pajarito / gatito
They may remember the song from Module 2 – Cinco patitos fueron a nadar
and you can sing this, or introduce, ’Mamá Pata puso cuatro huevos’ from
‘Hop,Skip and Sing Spanish for Kids’ in your resource pack.
Do all the actions with the children and then ask them if they can tell you how
the smallest duck was feeling /or how the ‘patito gris’ was feeling (in
Spanish) – triste. If a child remembers this word, give them praise.
If they have forgotten the word, remind them and go over some of
the other ‘feeling’ words: - aburrido, cansado, estupendo, enfadado,
tímido, preocupado
**You can play a fun game by calling out certain words and asking the
children to mime the ‘feeling’. Play music for this and ask the children to
move around the room. When the music stops, call out one of the
‘sentimientos’ – eg enfadado. The children stop and act/mime out the
feeling and then freeze! ¡Quietos! The children will love trying out their
acting skills!! You re-start the music and they are allowed to move once
again. The game continues as the children act out the ‘feeling’ words. **
¿Tienes alguna mascota?
Ask the children about their pets and tell them how to say they have a pet in
Spanish. Pass round an object /beanbag/or ball and encourage the children say:
Tengo un perro. Se llama ‘Max’
Tengo un gato. Se llama Snowy
Partnership Management Board
Module 3 Spanish
Tengo un pez de colores. Se llama Lucy.
Once they are familiar with the names of a number of animals, give out an animal
card and when you ask, ‘¿Tienes alguna mascota?’ children reply with the name of
animal on their card, e.g. tengo una vaca, tengo una serpiente, tengo una tortuga.
This will bring lots of smiles.
Canción: En la Granja de Perico (revise with puppets/soft toys/ animal
masks) OR Vamos a Ver Mi Granja que es Hermosa
Activities:1. Children can draw their favourite animal or their pet.
2. Dot-to dot ‘¿Qué es este animal?’
3. Children play ’snap’ in pairs or tables with animal cards.
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Partnership Management Board
Module 3 Spanish
Unidad 4
Usual greetings and warm-up game of La Bomba with animals.
A continuación … cards are exchanged and children have to mime the animal on
their card ¡sin hacer ruido! The rest of the class try to guess which animal it is.
By now the children should be saying some/most of the names in Spanish. If
they say the English word eg ‘horse’! you can say: Sí, eso es, un caballo, gently
reinforcing the vocabulary.
Tienes alguna mascota?/¿Qué es tu animal favorito?
Children revise pets /names of favourite animals.
Partes del Cuerpo
¡Vamos a dibujar!
Quickly revise the parts of the body in Spanish and see how much the
children can remember. Also: pequeño / grande
Give the children a sheet of paper and ask them to draw a face
according to your instructions: Dibujad ….. una cabeza (redonda) /
los ojos grandes / una nariz grande / una boca pequeña / pelo
largo/corto / unas orejas grandes / etc. Maybe add in a few extra
words such as
pecas / una barba / un bigote / gafas etc
They will enjoy comparing pictures!!
Partnership Management Board
Module 3 Spanish
A variation of this activity would be to ask the children to draw, ‘un
monstruo muy feo’ according to your instructions:
Tiene tres ojos / una nariz muy grande / cuatro orejas/ una boca
grandísima/etc etc !! The children can give their monster a name.
Songs: Teach the children, ‘De la Cabeza a los Pies’ or for the younger
children, ‘En mi Cara Redondita’ (Hop,Skip and Sing in Spanish resource
Fun revision game
Drinks / Edibles
Put these words on the blackboard and revise pronunciation with the children.
Divide the children into groups / or group them according to desks. Get the
whole class to start clapping the rhythm of these words slowly - clap, clap, clap,
You say one of the words as they clap eg cho-co-la-te. Allow four claps in
between and then each child in group has to say one of the words in rhythm.
Two rules – they must not repeat the word of the group before them and they
are only allowed 4 claps in between each word! The children might add other
combinations of this 4 beat rhythm e.g. ‘pan con que-so’, ‘man-te qui-lla’, ‘te con
le-che’. Let them practise first and then organise ‘un concurso entre los
grupos – a ver cuál equipo es lo mejor’
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Partnership Management Board
Module 3 Spanish
Unidad 5
Introductions with the ball
¿Qué es tu animal favorito?
¿Tienes alguna mascota?
Más Números
Introduce the numbers from 12 – 20 (or higher if the children are able).
Use flashcards or write the numbers (do not spell the words on the blackboard.
Get the children to echo each number. Use a variety of techniques – different
voices / rhythm.
Give each pupil a card with a number from 10 – 20. When you call out a number
e.g. 13, those children with that number stand up, hold up their card and try to
repeat number. Call out the numbers in order first and then at random.
• Vamos a jugar un juego de Bingo (Game of Bingo with new numbers)
Another idea …! Call out numbers at random and the children sit when
they hear even numbers and stand when they hear odd ones. You could
add other movements e.g. dad una vuelta when number 20 is called out /
shout Hola when they hear the number 10 etc! Great game for listening
Introduce a new song. This is very popular with all children.
¿Cómo te llamas tú? ‘Lets Sing and Learn in Spanish’ – in resource pack.
¿Cómo te llamas tú?
¿Cómo te llamas tú?
Gina es mi nombre,¿Cómo te llamas tú?
Mi perro blanco se llama blanquito
Mi gato negro se llama negrito
Partnership Management Board
Module 3 Spanish
Mi pájaro rojo se llama rojito
¿Cómo te llamas tú?
Teach the first part of the song getting the children to reply with their own
names. (The more confident children may like to perform this as a singing
conversation!). The second part can be taught afterwards or at a later date
depending on the children’s ability. It reinforces colours and demonstrates the
suffixes ito / ita. These are used in Spanish to show affection :blanquito
/negrito /rojito
Use puppets /soft toys /flashcards to teach this song. Sing with rhythm and
use instruments as appropriate.
Los Diás de la Semana
Teach the days of the week orally by chanting them with rhythm and
encouraging the children to ‘echo’ them.
Put children into different groups / or group them according to their desks.
Give each group a day of the week and ask them to do a ‘Mexican Wave’ for
their day. This needs enthusiasm from the teacher (you!), otherwise the
children may respond half-heartedly.
Teach: ¿Qué día es hoy?
Hoy es lunes / martes / etc (reinforcement of silent ‘h’)
Brain Gym – When the children know the days well, wake them up with
some brain gym. You say a day of the week and they have to say the
previous day! This is a good activity for numbers and months of the year
as well.
When children can pronounce the days perfectly, you may like to show
them written on board or with flashcards (not with the younger
children).Explain that in Spanish they do not have capitals as in English.
Partnership Management Board
Module 3 Spanish
Days of the Week Rap! – This is a fun activity – make it dramatic! Allow
the children to invent their own actions and sound effects.
Días de la Semana
(Days of the Week Rap!!!)
muy mal
así así
Art / Craft Activity – Children can make flashcards with the days of
the week written in Spanish.(Older children only) Younger children could
make pictures of dogs, cats and birds to go with song,’ ¿Cómo te llamas
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Partnership Management Board
Module 3 Spanish
Unidad 6
Usual introductions.
Pass Round An Animal Noise! Children are in a circle. Pass around a
Spanish animal noise. Teacher begins: El pájaro hace pío pío. Children
pass around sound until someone changes it. E.G. el perro hace guau guau
/ la vaca hace mu mu / el gallo hace cocorico cocorico /el pato hace cua
cua etc!
Jason’s duck game: ‘Dame un pato ‘
Dame un pato
¿Un qué?
Un pato
¿Hace ‘cua’?
Sí, hace ‘cua’
Children in circle pass round this rhyme, always reconnecting with the
person who started the game. Once the children have done this, you could
change to, Dame un perro, ¿Un qué? Un perro.¿Hace ‘guau’? Sí hace
‘guau’ etc
¿Qué día es hoy?
Hoy es .. ?
Can you remember all the other days?
Four Corners Game (with days of the week)
You put 4 days (flashcards) in the four different corners of the room.
Children move around to music/singing. When music stops, they move to
one of the corners and stand there. All children call out:¿Qué día es
Partnership Management Board
Module 3 Spanish
You say: Hoy es ... ¡sábado! All those standing at ‘sábado’ are out!
This makes the game go quickly and eliminates many children in a short
space of time. The winner/winners are the last children remaining.
¿Qué es tu día favorito?
Mi día favorito es el ¡viernes!
Use soft ball to encourage children to answer. •
¿Cómo te llamas tú?
Go over this song from last week with the children. Los Números Mágicos (Revising numbers 1-15)
In this game you are el mago/la maga, because you can always guess the
number the children have picked. ¡Es mágico!
Ask a volunteer to, ‘pensar en un número, entre 1 y 15’
¿Está en la columna
Vamos a ver – abracadabra - ¿número 13?
¿Es correcto?
The children will love this game and you will have their full attention.
Make it mysterious and dramatic. You can tell the children the solution at
the end of the lesson. Give them a copy and ask them to play the ‘trick’ on
their parents at home!
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Partnership Management Board
Module 3 Spanish
Números Mágicos
Partnership Management Board
Module 3 Spanish
Unidad 7
Usual introductions
Los Meses del Año
Introduce the months of the year in Spanish orally at first. Ask the
children to guess what the English month is as you say it in Spanish. The
children will probably be eager to know how to say their birthday month.
Write the months on the blackboard carefully going over the
pronunciation once again.
Throw the ball to different pupils. Each time you throw it you say a
month. Each child ‘echoes’ the month as he/she throws it back to you. To
begin with, it is best to say the months in order. Afterwards you can mix
them up!
Happy Birthday Months
Teach the children, ‘Feliz Cumpleaños’
Call out the months at random in Spanish. Children who have a birthday in
a particular month stand up and repeat the month. The rest of the
children call out, ‘Feliz Cumpleaños’ (amigo/amiga’/amigos/amigas)
Try a Mexican Wave
with the months of the year or ask
the children to invent a ‘rap’ or chant using the months of the year.
Partnership Management Board
Module 3 Spanish
– revising colours with a
Juego de colores
Pass-the parcel type game.
Play music (‘Como te llamas tu’, or similar song from Sing and Learn
in Spanish).Children sit in circle if possible and pass around a bag
which you have filled with interesting coloured objects. When
music stops, the child with bag pulls out a coloured object and says,
¿Azul?. The rest of the class say, Sí, es azul. Continue game until all
coloured objects have been removed.
You could put some of the colours on tables / corners and play the
four corner game as a follow-up activity.
Finish with a favourite
¡Hasta luego niños y niñas!
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Partnership Management Board
Module 3 Spanish
Unidad 8
Tu Cumpleaños
Usual introductions / sing a familiar song.
Macarena Months!
Using the Macarena rhythm and actions, revise the months in Spanish.
¿Cuándo es tu cumpleaños?
Teach the children how to say when their birthday is in Spanish. You
could use ‘osito’ or another soft toy/puppet and say, ’El cumpleaños de
Osito es el 5 de marzo. ¿Cuándo es tu cumpleaños?’ They may need to
know some new numbers for this activity.
Mi cumpleaños es el ...
Use the ball (juego de ‘lanzar la pelota’) to ask the children when their
birthday is and get a reply from them.
Is it anyone’s birthday today?? Hoy es mi cumpleaños.
Tell children that in Spain they gently pull ears. Don’t forget the Happy
Birthday song! You might also like to add:
Es un chico/una chica excelente x3
Y siempre lo sera!
Canción – Los Sanfermines (Trotamundos CD)
Introduce this song by telling them about. ‘La Fiesta de San Fermín’ which
takes place in Pamplona in July.
Uno de enero
dos de febrero
Partnership Management Board
Module 3 Spanish
tres de marzo
cuatro de abril
cinco de mayo
seis de junio
siete de julio
San Fermín
A Pamploma voy a ir
Con una media, con una media
A Pamplona voy a ir
Con una media y un calcetín
You may like to take the opportunity to talk about other Spanish/Hispanic
‘fiestas’ which take place in different months eg Feria de abril en Sevilla /
Semana Santa (Holy Week) / Navidad / Las Fallas de Valencia. Bring some
pictures/photos/props with you. Ask the older children to find out more
information about different fiestas for the next class.
Adiós Amigos, ya me voy x3
Nos vemos pronto hablando español.
Use birthday flashcards from Sí,Sí,Sí Mi Entorno resource.
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Module 3 Spanish
Unidad 9
Usual introductions. Sing a familiar song.
Macarena Months –revise months of the year with the Macarena activity.
Colour revision game. For each colour there will be a movement:
manos en la cabeza
un aplauso
dar una vuelta
Saltar / Manos arriba
Using colour flashcards, call out the colours, children repeat colour and add
correct movement.
Pupils may take over the teacher’s role in calling out colour names.
Use more or less colours depending on age/ability.
El Tiempo - Introduction to the weather with mime and props!
Using large flashcards, mime the different types of weather eg
Llueve (cover head and put up an umbrella)
Hace sol (put on sunglasses and sun hat!)
Hace viento (blow hard)
Hace calor (wipe your forehead )
Hace frío (shiver )
(throw pretend snowballs!)
Repeat mimes as pupils try to remember the words. Children take over mimes
as the rest of the class try to guess and say correctly.
Partnership Management Board
Module 3 Spanish
(Hop, Skip and Sing Spanish for Kids resource)
Hace mucho frío,
Hace calor.
Hace mucho viento,
¿Qué tiempo hace hoy?
¿Qué tiempo hace hoy? Hoy hace frío
• Game of Four Corners using Weather Flashcards
Put on some lively music. When the music stops, children choose a ‘weather’
corner. They ask, ¿Qué tiempo hace hoy? If you say ¡Hace sol! those
standing at that corner are out (or win a point if you want a longer game!)
Game continues until only one or two pupils remain. Pupils may take your place
calling out the weather.
Activity sheet: Give out weather bingo sheet for children to
colour/laminate and use in future games/classes. Younger children
could make ‘weather’ pictures for classroom display.
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Partnership Management Board
Module 3 Spanish
Unidad 10
Usual introductions.
Sing ‘Los Sanfermines’ or ‘La Bamba’
¿Qué tiempo hace hoy?
Ask the children about the weather. Use mime and sound effects. Add in
some extra phrases, e.g. Hace buen tiempo /hace mal tiempo /hay niebla
Song/Chant – Hace mucho frío, hace calor
Weather bingo
Children choose 4 pictures from their own set of mini flashcards
(last week’s activity sheet). You use your own sets of mini flashcards
(you will need at least 2 sets). Ask, ‘¿Qué tiempo hace hoy?’ and
then call out one card at a time e.g. ‘Hace sol’. If a pupil has the
‘sunny’ picture on their card they put their hand up (do not let them
shout out the answer). The first one to put their hand up repeats:
‘Hoy hace sol’ and wins the card from the teacher. First person with
their card complete wins the game.
N.B. With a smaller group of younger pupils, play this very informally sitting in
a circle on the floor/cushions. Put your pile of mini-flashcards (face down) in
the centre and ask each child in sequence to turn one over. Teacher says the
answer eg ‘Hay nubes’ and children repeat. If the player has the equivalent card
on their board, they win the card for themselves. If not, repeat the phrase,
‘Hay nubes’ and the child who puts his hand up or shouts ‘YO’ first wins the
card. Continue until as many children as possible complete their cards.
Partnership Management Board
Module 3 Spanish
Juego: ¿Qué tiempo hace en Barcelona?
Enlarge map of Spain (2) or use a ‘real’ large map of Spain. Attach to
blackboard with blu-tack. You can either divide the children into two teams
if you want a more competitive game (equipo a y b) or simply ask for
Teacher says: En Barcelona hace viento
A volunteer attaches the ‘hace viento’ in the correct place. Class respond
with correcto /incorrecto / verdadero / falso.
Continue with other regions/cities until all the pictures are used.
Use the target language only in this activity. If there is any difficulty with
comprehension – mime!!
Weather vocab:
Hace buen tiempo
Hace mal tiempo
Hace calor
Hace frío
Hace sol
Hace viento
Hay niebla
Hay tormenta
Hay hielo /hiela
Hay nubes / está nublado
Finish class with a song!
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Partnership Management Board
Module 3 Spanish
Unidad 11
Usual introductions.
Teach a new song from ‘Sing and learn in Spanish’ or try ‘La Bamba’.
Weather rap
Weather bingo – play game to reinforce weather topic
El Transporte
Bring some pictures / flashcards or props to class to introduce the
different type of transport. Use sound effects and drama.
En coche / en autobus / en tren / en avión / en barco /en taxi / en moto /
en bicicleta / a pie
Vamos en tren . . . chu chu chu
Vamos en avion (mime flying in plane)
Ask the children to think of sounds and actions for the different types
of transport.
As a follow –up activity, play the ‘fruit salad’ game (mod 1) with transport
Voy /Vamos a Belfast / Portrush / España en avión … (add other
countries/cities according to level of children).
Canción: Vamos de paseo, pi,pi,pi
En el coche (auto) feo, pi,pi,pi
Pero no me importa, pi,pi,pi
Porque llevo torta, pi,pi,pi
Partnership Management Board
Module 3 Spanish
Children use imaginary steering wheels, driving and pumping the horn as
they sing the song!
¿Adónde vas Señor Lobo? (Where are you going Mr Wolf)
4 Corner game with transports. Put pictures / props in the 4 corners of
room or on the different tables in the classroom. When music stops,
children go to favourite table/corner .They ask, ¿Adónde vas Señor
Lobo? You say, ‘Voy a Madrid etc en avión. Those at the ‘Avión’
corner/table are out. If you say, ’Voy a comer’ (slowly and deliberately!),
ALL children have to stand on one foot and freeze, until the music starts
again. (The younger ones may hold on to a chair/table for support).
*Extra optional activity: Simple drama with ‘Señor Lobo y Caperucita Roja’
or ‘Señor Lobo y Los Tres Cerditos’.*
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Partnership Management Board
Module 3 Spanish
Unidad 12
Repaso + LatinoAmércia + La Oruga Que Tiene Mucha Hambre
Favourite song to begin class.
Various popular activities /games from Module 2.
Macarena Months
Los Transportes - play a game to revise vocabulary from last week.
La Mosca (revising numbers) – Ask some children to write
numbers on the board. Then ask for 2 volunteers. Hay una
¡Es invisible! Está en el número 5.The children
compete to be the first to swat ‘la mosca’!
Mapa de LatinoAmérica:
For older children.Talk with them about some other Hispanic
countries and tell them some interesting facts. If you (the tutor)
are from one of these countries, bring in pictures / photos/ ‘y
cosas típicas’.
La Oruga Que Tiene Mucha Hambre:
Partnership Management Board
Module 3 Spanish
Before telling the story, set the scene for the children. Revise all
the fruits with a game and song. Introduce ‘la oruga’ and ‘tengo
hambre’. The children will like the sound, ñam ñam ñam for yum yum
yum! You can develop this story over the next weeks and eventually
the children may be able to act the story as a drama and perform
it for other classes/parents. Always remember to set the story
amidst rhymes and activities to reinforce meaning for the children.
Finish class with a favourite song.
Hasta Luego, Adiós.
Partnership Management Board
Module 3 Spanish
Partnership Management Board
Module 3 Spanish
Partnership Management Board
Module 3 Spanish
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Based on The Very Hungry Caterpillar, Eric Carle, © 1969
Adapted by Vanessa Brodie
Partnership Management Board
Module 3 Spanish
Prescott primary school Spanish http://www.prescot-school.knowsley.sch.uk/prescot-language/mflsite/primarySchool/primarySchool.htm
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Module 3 Spanish
Partnership Management Board
Module 3 Spanish
Partnership Management Board
Module 3 Spanish
Partnership Management Board
Module 3 Spanish
Partnership Management Board
Module 3 Spanish
Partnership Management Board
Module 3 Spanish
Partnership Management Board
Module 3 Spanish
Partnership Management Board
Module 3 Spanish
Partnership Management Board
Module 3 Spanish
Partnership Management Board
Module 3 Spanish
Partnership Management Board
Module 3 Spanish
Partnership Management Board
Module 3 Spanish
Partnership Management Board
Module 3 Spanish
Partnership Management Board
Module 3 Spanish
Partnership Management Board
Module 3 Spanish

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