planned parenthood quick facts


planned parenthood quick facts
Dawn Fitzpatrick, Director
3525 S Lake Park Ave
Chicago, Illinois 60653
TEL (312) 534-5355
FAX (312)534-1554
September 10, 2015
Dear Father,
As is the custom around the dioceses and archdioceses of our country, Sunday October 4
(Respect Life Sunday) marks the kick-off of Respect Life Month and the New Respect Life Program
Theme for the coming year, With the widespread release of recent Planned Parenthood videos that
reveal the gruesome activities of abortion providers in our country all in the name of research and
woman's health, as well as the fascination with assisted suicide and widespread violence, it is
paramount that we educate the faithful on the precious gift God gives us in life from conception to
natural death , The theme of this year "Every Life Is Worth Living" and materials, provided by the Pro­
Life Secretariat to the USCCB, provide many ways for you to reinvigorate your parish with this important
I have fielded many calls in the past few weeks from faithful members of our Archdiocese
requesting some guidance from their Pastors on the importance of life and requesting a call to action to
protect life, Even those who claim to be "pro-choice" are duly outraged by the atrocities uncovered as
common practices of Planned Parenthood, The reaction to these videos presents an unexpected hope
for a change in culture, It provides an opportunity for us to open dialogue on the sacredness of life,
Please help to educate our congregations, and consider calling all to pray for a change of heart to
respect all stages of life from conception to natural death. I am attaching an informational flier that can
help to educate your parishioners about what is truly happening at Planned Parenthood. It also
provides our Project Rachel Hotline number which can help post-abortive women and men to find
Christ's healing. The flier purposely utilizes discretionary caution in its descriptions. Please consider
providing this as a bulletin sup.plement in the next few weeks.
In addition, please plan on focusing your homilies on Respect Life Sunday to highlight the
sacredness and gift of life. Some homily suggestions, as well as many materials for intercessions,
prayers and activities for Respect Life Month can be found at http://www,­
activities/respect-life-program/index.cfm. Your Respect Life Coordinator and committee can assist you
in focusing the parish during this month on the theme and arrange a thematic display for your gathering
space, which is provided in the Respect Life Program packet (your Respect Life Coordinator will receive
the packet, or if you don't have a coordinator, it will be sent to your attention). Please feel free to call
the Respect Life Office at 312-534-5355 for additional ideas or to answer any questions.
God Bless you, Father! And thank you for all you do to share the importance of life from conception to
natural death!
Dawn Fitzpatrick,
Respect Life Office
Department of Parish Life and Formation Cardinal Meyer Center· 3525 South Lake Park Avenue· Chicago· Illinois· 60653-1402 ARCHDIOCESE OF CHICAGO 3525 S Lake Park Ave
Chicago, Illinois 60653
TEL (312) 534-5355
FAX (312) 534-1554
Respect Life Omce
Dawn Fitzpatrick, Director
Septiembre 10, 2015
Querido Padre,
Como ya es costumbre alrededor de todas las diocesis y arquidiocesis de nuestro pais, el domingo
4 de octubre (Domingo del Respeto a la Vida) da comienzo al mes del Respeto a la Vida y al Nuevo
program a del Respeto a la Vida para el ano que viene. Las publicaciones extensas de los recientes videos
de Planned Parenthood que revelan las actividades espantosas que los proveedores de aborto en nuestro
pais hacen en nombre de la investigaci6n y salud de las mujeres, tanto como la fascinacion por el
suicidio asistido y la violencia generalizada, nos impulsan a que eduquemos a los fieles sobre el precioso
regalo de la vida que Dios nos da desde la concepcion hasta la muerte natural. £1 tema de este ano "Cada
Vida Merece Ser Vivida" y materiales, que son provistos por la Secreta ria Pro-Vida del USCCB, te
proporcionan algunas maneras en las que tu parroquia puede impulsarse con este mensaje importante.
He recibido muchas lIamadas en las ultimas semanas de feligreses de la Arquidi6cesis pidiendo
alguna orientacion de sus pastores sobre la importancia de la vida, y nos piden que nos pongamos en
acci6n para protegerla. Incl~so aquellos que se dicen ser "a favor del aborto" estan debidamente
indignados por las atrocidades descubiertas como pnicticas comunes de Planned Parenthood. La reaccion
a estos videos presenta una esperanza inesperada por un cambio en la cultura. Nos proporciona una
oportunidad de abrir el dialogo sobre la santidad de la vida. Por favor, ayuda a educar nuestras
congregaciones, y considera Ilamar a todos a orar por un cambio de corazon a respectar la vida desde la
concepcion hasta la muerte natural. Te adjunto un folleto informativo que puede ayudar a tus feligreses
sobre 10 que real mente esta sucediendo en Planned Parenthood. Tambien este folleto proporciona el
numero de nuestro Proyecto Rachel que ayuda a las mujeres y hombres post-abortivos a encontrar la
sanacion en Cristo. £1 folleto utiliza mucho cuidado en sus descripciones. Por favor considera este folleto
como un suplemento para el boletin en las proximas semanas.
Ademas, por favor planea en enfocar tus homilias del Domingo del Respeto a la Vida en resaltar
la santidad y el regalo de la vida. Algunas sugerencias para tus homilias, al igual que material para
peticiones, oraciones y actividades para el mes del Respeto a la Vida se pueden encontrar en la siguiente
pagina http://www.1Isccb.orgiabout/pro-1 ife-acti v ities/respect-l ife-program/index.cfm . Tu Coord inador y
comite del Respeto a la Vida te pueden asistir en apoyarte a centrar a tu parroquia durante este mes sobre
el tema y a organizar una exh~bicion tematica en un espacio de reunion, utilizando el paquete de Respeto
a la Vida (Cada Coordinador del Respeto a la Vida recibira el paquete, si no tienes un coordinador, se te
enviara uno a tu atencion). Llama la Oficina del Respeto a la Vida al 312-534-5355 para obtener mas
infonnacion, ideas 0 para cualquier pregunta.
Dios 10 bendiga, Padre! Y gracias por todo 10 que usted hace para compartir la importancia de la vida
desde la concepci6n a la muerte natural!
Respect Life Office
Department of Parish Life and Formation Cardinal Meyer Center· 3525 South Lake Park Avenue· Chicago· Illinois· 60653-1402 Undercover journalists with the Center for Medical
Progress released 8 shocking investigative videos
in July and August showing morally repulsive and
horrific behavior by Planned Parenthood executives
towards unborn children and their mothers.
It is imperative to stay informed of this barbaric
scandal. To do so visit:
14 state and national investigations have been
launched into Planned Parenthood as a result of
the horrifying videos of their executives. Three
states have already removed state funding for
Planned Parenthood. Stay informed on the scandal.
Your tax money funds this corrupt corporation.
Planned Parenthood performs over 30.0,000 abortions a year.
Illinois does not require any Planned Parenthood clinic to have a license.
The Department of Public Health has no authority to inspect dinics that are not licensed.
No Illinois Planned Parenthood has received a health inspection in 16 years.
The Illinois government gave $45 million to Planned Parenthood in the past five years.
There are 17 Planned Parenthood clinics in Illinois.
670 health clinics that do not pelfonn abortions are alternatives to Planned Parenthood in Illinois.
Ifsomeone you know has been hurt by abortion there is free, confidential, loving support availiable.
CaU Project Rachel at 312-337-1962 or Lllinois Right to Life at 312-422-9300
Undercover journalists with the Center for Medical
Progress released 8shocking investigative videos
in July and August showing morally repulsive and
horrific behavior by Planned Parenthood executives
towards unborn children and their mothers.
Undercover journalists with the Center for Medical
Progress released 8shocking investigative videos
in July and August showing morally repulsive and
horrific behavior by Planned Parenthood executives
towards unborn children and their mothers.
It is imperative to stay informed of this barbaric
scandal. To do so visit:
It is imperative to stay informed ofthis barbaric
scandal. To do so visit:
14 state and national investigations have been
launched into Planned Parenthood as a result of
the horrifying videos oftheir executives. Three
states have already removed state funding for
Planned Parenthood. Stay informed on the scandaL
Your tax money funds this corrupt corporation.
14 state and national investigations have been
launched into Planned Parenthood as aresult of
the horrifying videos of their executives. Three
states have already removed state funding for
Planned Parenthood. Stay informed on the scandal.
Your tax money funds this corrupt corporation.
• Planned Parenthood performs over 300,000 abortions a year.
• lIIinois does not require any Planned Parenthood clinic to have a license.
• The Department of Public Health has no authority to inspect dinics that are not licensed.
• No Illinois Planned Parenthood has received a health inspection in 16 years.
• The Illinois government gave $45 million to Planned Parenthood in the past five years.
• There are 17 Planned Parenthood clinics in Illinois.
• 670 health clinics that do not perform abortions are alternatives to Planned
Parenthood in Illinois.
Ifsomeone ~u know has been hurt by abortion there is free,
confidential, loving support availiable. Call Project Rachel at
312·337-1962 or illinois Right to Life at 312422-9300
Planned Parenthood performs over 300,000 abortions a year.
Illinois does not require any Planned Parenthood clinic to have a license.
The Department of Public Health has no authority to inspect clinics that are not licensed.
No Illinois Planned Parenthood has received a health inspection in 16 years.
The Illinois government gave $45 million to Planned Parenthood in the past five years.
There are 17 Planned Parenthood clinics in Illinois.
670 health clinics that do not perform abortions are alternatives to Planned
Parenthood in Illinois.
If someone ~u know has been hurt by abortion there is free.
oonfidentiaJ.loving support availiable. Cau Project Rachel at
312-337-1962 or Illinois Right to Life at 312422-9300
(~%\q) , RIGHT TO UFE
Periodistas eneubiertos eon el Centro del
Progreso Medico pubIiearon 8 videos
impactantes de investigacion en Julio
y Agosto mostrando un eomportamiento
moralmente repulsivo y horrffieo por
ejeeutivos de Planifieacion Familiar hacia
los no nacidos y sus mamas.
Es imperativo que estemos informados
de este eseandalo barbaro. Para estar
informado visita:
14 Investigaciones estatales y a nivel nadonal
se han heeho en Planifieacion Familiar eomo
resultado de los videos horribles de sus
ejeeutivos. 3 estados han removido el
financiamiento a Planifieacion Familiar.
Mantente informado sobre el escandalo.
Tus impuestos son utilizados para apoyar
esta eorporadon eorrupta.
Planificacion Familiar hace mas de 300,000 abortos al alio.
Illinois no requiere licencia a ninguna clfnica de Planificaci6n Familiar.
EI Departamento de Salud PUblica no tiene autoridad de inspecdonar las clinicas que no tienen Iicendas.
Ninguna Clinica de Planificacion Famili<1 r en Illinois ha recibido una inspeccion en liltimos 16 alios.
EI Gobierno de Illinois Ie ha dado 45 millones a Planificacion Familiar en los liltimos 5 alios.
Hay 17 dinicas de planificacion familiar en Illinois.
670 clinicas de salud que no hacen abortos son altemativas a Planificacion Familiar en Illinois.
Si conoces aJguien que haya sufrido debido a un aborto hay apoyo gratuito, confidenciaJ yamoroso
disponibJe. Por favor Uama a Proyecto Raquel aI312-337-1962 0 Illinois Right to Life aI312-422-9300
\~ i l!W~lWJ

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