Primera edición The Inaugural MÉXICO GRI2015 MEXICO CITY 27-28 ENERO 27-28 JANUARY Foro de altos ejecutivos de la inversión inmobiliaria en México M exico’s most senior rea l est ate invest m ent m eet in g Networking de alto nivel World-class networking Construya nuevas relaciones de alto valor Build meaningful & valuable relationships Debates informales donde todos participan Candid and open discussions Haz nuevas relaciones en un ambiente ameno y distendido Connect with others in a natural way D esc u b re má s i nf o rma ció n e n e l inte rio r... Fi n d o u t mo re ins ide... PRESENTACIÓN • ADVANCE BROCHURE FORO DE ALTOS EJECUTIVOS DE LA INVERSIÓN INMOBILIARIA EN MÉXICO BIENVENIDO • WELCOME Entre los miembros de GRI se incluyen altos cargos de fondos de inversión internacionales, promotoras, entidades financieras y principales proveedores de servicios. Nuestros exclusivos foros ofrecen un ambiente relajado y distendido donde entablar conversaciones sobre los temas más influyentes del sector y construir nuevas relaciones profesionales de gran valor. El sector inmobiliario en México esta despertando el interés de inversores internacionales por su rápido crecimiento. GRI México es la ocasión del año para que las empresas mexicanas del sector construyan nuevas relaciones comerciales con los altos directivos de las principales firmas del mercado de capitales, agentes y empresas del sector retail. Diego Sáez Commercial Director for Spain & Latin America GRI – Global Real Estate Institute 150+ 17 CON UNA TRAYECTORIA DE 17 AÑOS EN EL SECTOR ALTOS CARGOS DE LOS LÍDERES DEL SECTOR INMOBILIARIO YEARS TRACK RECORD SENIOR LEVEL REAL ESTATE LEADERS GRI members include the most senior principals of international developers, lenders, funds and service providers. Our investor forums provide exclusive and intimate environments where they can discuss opportunities among their peers and build meaningful relationships and fruitful business ventures. Mexico’s real estate industry is attracting global interest with international investors keen to commit their capital and expertise in a fast-developing market. The Mexico GRI is the best opportunity of the year for Mexican developers, funds, banks and service providers to build partnerships with the most senior group of international capital providers, agents and anchor tenant global brands. James Balen International Project Director GRI – Global Real Estate Institute 25+ 14+ SESIONES EN QUE PARTICIPAR HORAS DE NETWORKING INTERACTIVE DISCUSSIONS HOURS OF NETWORKING TIME Reciente s mi e mbros de GRI • S e le c t i on of re ce nt G R I m e m b e r s Adam Gallistel SVP & Head of Brazil GIC-Government of Singapore Investment Corporation USA Joe Rodriguez MD Head of Global RE Securities Invesco Real Estate USA Adam Metz MD & Head of International Real Estate The Carlyle Group USA Joshua Pristaw Senior Managing Director GTIS Partners-Goldentree InSite Partners USA Adriana de Alcantara Senior Director - Strategic Joint Ventures TIAA-CREF USA Ken Munkacy Senior Managing Director GID International Group USA Alec Burger President GE Capital Real Estate USA Mark Murski Managing Partner, Strategic Initiatives Brookfield Asset Management CANADA Alfonso Munk MD & Head of PREI Latin America Prudential RE Investors USA Michael Delmar Director Real Estate Investment PSP Investments CANADA Barry Sternlicht Chairman and CEO Starwood Capital Group USA Michael Pia Snr Investment Manager, Real Assets Teacher Retirement System of Texas (TRS) USA Ceri Walker Assistant Senior Investment Officer Washington State Investment Board USA Pat McCudden Snr VP, RE and Development Hyatt Hotels Corporation USA Charles Gibson Chief Investment Officer GLL Real Estate Partners GmbH GERMANY Paulo Gomes Portfolio Manager Abu Dhabi Investment Authority UAE Chris Marlin President Lennar International USA Ralph Rosenberg Head of Real Estate KKR- Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co. L.P. USA Christopher Moad Portfolio Manager, RE Inv. Canada Pension Plan Investment Board (CPPIB) CANADA Richard Brown Executive VP International Developers Diversified Realty Corp USA David Gilbert CIO, Head of Acquisitions Clarion Partners USA Salo Smaletz VP Development, Latin America IHG InterContinental Hotels Group USA David Roth Managing Director The Blackstone Group USA Sam Zell Chairman Equity International USA Frank Billand Managing Director & CIO Union Investment Real Estate GmbH GERMANY Sylvain Fortier EVP, Residential, Hotels & RE Investment Funds Ivanhoé Cambridge CANADA Jane Delfendahl Portfolio Manager, Real Estate CalPERS - Sacramento Regional Office USA Tom Heneghan CEO Equity International USA Jerry Speyer Chairman and Co-CEO Tishman Speyer USA Wolfgang Behrendt Managing Director Deka Immobilien GmbH GERMANY “La oportunidad de entablar conversaciones directas con las principales personalidades es la ventaja principal en los foros GRI, manteniéndote informado de primera mano e intercambiando ideas. Es una inversión efectiva de tu tiempo.” OTIS SPENCER President of the Board PEAKSIDE POLONIA MANAGEMENT “The opportunity to network with the right people is the main benefit at GRI meetings, compared with other networking events. Aside from general catching up and exchanging ideas. It is an efficient use of time.” Todo el material de este folleto está sujeto a la posibilidad de cambio sin previo aviso. M E X I C O ’ S M O S T S E N I O R R E A L E S TAT E I N V E S T M E N T M E E T I N G SOBRE GRI: SIN PONENTES, PRESENTACIONES NI PANELES ABOUT GRI: NO SPEAKERS, PRESENTATIONS, PANELS OR PROPS… Las reuniones de GRI tienen como base grupos de debate informales donde todos participan los cuales ocurren simultáneamente y cubren los principales tópicos del mercado inmobiliario. Cada sesión tiene un moderador y una selección de co-Chairs (copresidentes) que tienen la oportunidad de participar como los demás en la sala. El formato permite que los líderes de la industria compartan y aprendan de la manera más natural y espontánea posible. GRI meetings remove all barriers so that you make meaningful connections with our members. We use informal discussion groups which run concurrently and in which everybody participates equally to help our members identify and engage with potential business partners...often those they might not have realised had common interests beforehand. Each discussion contains a Moderating Chair, and a selection of co-Chairs who participate no more, no less than anyone else in the room. COPRESIDIR UNA SESIÓN, ¿EN QUÉ CONSISTE? • WHY BECOME A DISCUSSION CO-CHAIR? Para copresidir una sesión no hay nada que preparar. Simplemente acudir y participar en la conversación ya que el formato de GRI es único. Las principales ventajas de copresidir incluyen: Mayor visibilidad - foto y perfíl profesional incluidos en todo el material online y publicitario, un precio reducido y una invitación a la cena ejecutiva. There is no speech to prepare and nothing to do but show up and join the discussion with all the other members. The advantages of being a Discussion Co-Chair include benefits that are not available to other participants, including greater prominence and recognition as a leading player in the industry with your photo and biography on all GRI materials, and a reduced rate. Par t i c i p ante s d e l G R I • Wh o at te n d s t h e GRI? Seniority CHAIRMAN | CEOs | C XOs Occupation 18% I N V E S TO R S41% M A N AG I N G D I R E C TO R S 31% D E V E LO P E R S 23% R E A L E S TAT E H E A D S 25% L E N D E R S 19% D I R E C TO R S 19% A DV I S O R S8% O T H E R7% O T H E R9% B A S E D O N T H E PA S T 3 Y E A R S AT TA N D A N C E O F G R I E V E N T S . AGENDA DE DEBATES • DISCUSSION AGENDA OUTLINE MEXICO GRI Tendencias • Trends Capital y deuda • Equity & Debt Sectores • Sectors Analisis • Analysis Perspectivas economicas y tendencias demograficas Mercados capitales Mexicanos Oficinas Las condiciones para los inversores nacionales Previsión de la inversión nacional Condiciones de crédito Retail y uso mixto Socios en la inversión local & joint ventures Principales proyectos Vehiculos de inversión Logística y distribución Servicios y gestión de activos Regeneración urbana Fondos de capital privado & CKDs Residencial Politicas de planificación Sostenibilidad Alternativas financieras Hoteles Nichos de oportunidades Economic outlook & demographic trends Domestic investment forecasts Major projects Urban regeneration Sustainability Mexico’s capital markets Lending conditions Listed investment vehicles Private funds & CKDs Alternative lending Office Retail & mix use Logistics & distribution Residential Hotels Conditions for international investors Local investment partners & JVs Servicing & asset management Planning policies Niche opportunities “He acudido a diversos eventos inmobiliarios con diferentes formatos, en diferentes lugares de Europa y alrededor del mundo. Para mí GRI es único, siempre tiene un lugar reservado en mi calendario.” STRUAN ROBERTSON Executive VP & CIO HOST HOTELS & RESORTS “I attend real estate events of all sorts, different formats, and many different geographies around Europe and around the world. The GRI is unique, and has a special place in my calendar.” F O R M O R E I N F O R M AT I O N & P R O G R A M U P DAT E S , V I S I T: w w w. g l o b a l r e a l e s t a t e . o r g /Me x i c o 2 0 1 5 All material throughout this brochure is subject to change without notice. FORMAS DE PARTICIPAR • ATTENDING GRI COPRESIDIR UNA SESIÓN CO-CHAIRING A DISCUSSION Es exclusivo para altos cargos de fondos de inversión, promotoras y entidades financieras que confirman por adelantado, copresidir una sesión en GRI México es la manera de asistir disfrutando de una gran visibilidad, un coste reducido y otros beneficios. Available exclusively to senior-level investors, developers and lenders that confirm their participation in advance, chairing a discussion at the Mexico GRI is a way of attending while enjoying greater visibility, reduced rates and other benefits. There are no prepared speeches or presentations, the role of a co-chair is not to talk, but to encourage everybody to share, discuss, connect and be involved. CONTACT: Diego Sáez, Commercial Director for Spain & LatAm T +44 20 7121 5079 | [email protected] PATROCINIO SPONSORING James Balen, International Project Director T + 44 20 7121 5076 | [email protected] GRI es el foro para altos cargos de fondos de inversión, entidades financieras y desarrolladoras, donde se reunen a puerta cerrada y se hacen los verdaderos negocios. Patrocinar un foro GRI es una forma directa y efectiva de llegar a quienes toman las principales decisiones en las empresas. Take the optimal opportunity to strengthen your position in the real estate market and promote your business to senior level decision-makers across the globe. The GRI has a limited number of commercial packages available and our sponsorship team will be happy to tailor a package to ensure you maximise your return on investment. CONTACT: Diego Sáez, Commercial Director for Spain & LatAm T +44 20 7121 5079 | [email protected] ASISTIR COMO DELEGADO Asistir como delegado a GRI México es totalmente diferente a otros eventos. No hay ponentes ni paneles, sólo conversaciones en grupos reducidos donde todo el mundo participa por igual. AT TENDING AS A DELEGATE Attending Mexico GRI as a delegate is quite different to attending other events. There are no speakers and no panelists, just informal discussions in small groups, where everyone participates equally. MEXICO GRI 2015 Mexico City, 27-28 January INDIVIDUAL DELEGATE GRUPO (3+) por persona GROUP (3+) per person DISCUSSION (CO-)CHAIR Cochair - Early Rate US$ 2,375 US$ 2,275 US$ 1 ,875 • Before 19 Sept Advance Saver • Before 24 Oct US$ 2,375 US$ 2,275 US$ 2,475 Early Bird Rate • Before 5 Dec US$ 2,675 US$ 2,475 US$ 2,675 Standard Rate • Af ter 5 Dec US$ 2,975 US$ 2,775 US$ 2,975 REGÍSTRATE ONLINE REGISTER ONLINE w w w. g l o b a l r e a l e s t a t e . o r g / M e x i c o 2 0 15 Consultas e información adicional: Inquiries & Further Information: [email protected] UK Tel: +44 20 7121 5070 OTRAS FORMAS DE REGISTRO • ALTERNATIVE WAYS TO REGISTER Email Sc an & email this form to: regis trations@globalreales Fax Tear out & f ax this form to: +4 4 20 7388 874 0 Tel Call & talk to us on: +4 4 20 7121 5070 M a i n : 5 1 1 A v e n u e o f t h e A m e r i c a s - S u i t e 4 1 0 0 , N e w Yo r k N Y 1 0 0 1 1 - U S A . • Europe/Asia: 10 Melton Street, London, NW1 2EB - UK.
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