

Ecología y autorealización
en una nueva realidad
Jordi Pigem
Aurelio Peccei, The Human Quality (1977)
(p. 84:) the report [Limits To Growth] demonstrated
that material growth cannot go on forever.
(p. 85:) Some of those are still making fools of
themselves, refusing to admit that stern limits to
human expansion do exist
(p. 88:) the real limits to human growth are not so
much physical as ecological, biological and,
even more, cultural
(p. 91:) the problem of limits to human growth and
human development in general is essentially a
cultural one
Visión del mundo
Aurelio Peccei y los límites biofísicos
(p.159:) In living organisms or systems there is no such
thing as 'perpetual growth', nor is there 'zero
growth'; their evolutionary processes seem not even
concerned primarily with growth, but rather with
[…] qualitative improvement and optimal fitness
in relation to habitat
(p. 91:) [Humankind] does not know what the limits
are within which it can safely operate with respect
both the carrying capacity of the planet and the
biopsychic capacity of the human individual
Hemos sobrepasado ya
los límites de seguridad planetarios
Rockström, J., y otros: “Planetary Boundaries: Exploring the safe operating space for
humanity” (2009)
Aurelio Peccei y el business as usual
(p. 22:) The absence in modern man of a sense of
responsibility consonant with his new status is all
the graver the more powerful he becomes
(p. 93:) to envision new ambitious targets of
global growth in this cultural and functional mess of
human society is completely unrealistic.
(p. 92:) the leitmotiv of quick profit and quick
returns on investments motivating present-day
economic activities is the reverse of what is
needed to administer properly whatever material
resources mankind possesses
Aurelio Peccei y los combustibles fósiles
(p. 122:) fossil fuels should if possible be preserved
for important non-combustive uses
Energy Watch Group, Fossil and Nuclear Fuels: The Supply Outlook (2013)
Situación de las fuentes de energía no renovables
Cenit del petróleo: 2005 (crudo)
2015 (total)
33,1% EP
Cenit de las fuentes de energía no renovables:
Cenit del carbón: antes de 2020
30,3% EP
Cenit del gas:
Representan el
antes de 2020
23,7% EP
de toda
la energía
del uranio:
de 2020
4,9% EP
Aurelio Peccei, una nueva humanidad
y una nueva conciencia
(p. 150:) It is indeed a process of total
re-education which mankind must undergo
(p. 153:) Greatly encouraging is the new
consciousness that man, too, can no longer remain
exempt and must himself change
(p. 153:) ultimately, only better men and better
women can make a better world
(p. 202:) everybody is so mesmerized by current
economic problems that no in-depth analysis of the
structural and philosophical reasons why these
have become so intractable is even attempted
Aurelio Peccei y el adiós al materialismo
(p. 136:) an equitable society rates its material
urges less, because its pride, prestige and progress
motivations are not geared essentially to growth.
For this same reason, it is also a healthier society
(p. 142:) shifts the accent from what one wants to
have and how one can have it, to what one is and
what one can become
Del materialismo al postmaterialismo
Los datos recogidos anualmente desde 1981 por el World Values Survey
muestran un creciente cambio de las sociedades postindustriales hacia
valores postmaterialistas:
• libertad de expresión, participación política
• conciencia ecológica (protección del medio ambiente)
• conciencia social (solidaridad, no-discriminación,
aceptación de la diversidad)
• énfasis en la calidad de vida (más que en el nivel de
ingresos o posesiones) y en el valor de los bienes
intangibles (familia, comunidad, tiempo libre…)
Del materialismo al postmaterialismo
Aurelio Peccei y la necesidad de una nueva ética
(p. 133:) a more equitable society is indispensable
at all levels of human organization
(p. 134:) I see a guaranteed minimum standard of
life becoming the birthright of every citizen
(p. 135:) social maxima — the limits beyond which
consumption and waste are sinful, even criminal
Aurelio Peccei y la necesidad de una nueva ética
(p. 149:) only such progress or changes which are
in the human interest and within the overall limits
of human adaptability should be promoted or tolerated
[…] some forms investigation and technological
research and development must be stimulated, others
slowed down, yet others stopped outright
(p. 205:) what really counts in each of us and in our
lives are the bonds of love — which can
make of one's life not an episode but a part of a
larger continuum
Jordi Pigem, GPS (Global Personal Social): Valores para un mundo en transformación (Kairós, 2011)

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