
December 18, 2011 -- Fourth Sunday of Advent
“The child to be born will be called holy, the Son of God.“ -- Luke 1:35
Please pray for our seriously ill: Cathy Humphrey, Clair Nagel, Harper Frank, Sandy Moreno, Armando
Lemus, John Hansen, Christine Corsetti, Syl Houlemard, The Rawson Family, Eleanor Greytak, Theresa Alberigi, John Cruz, Sherry Dicharry, Leona Spadoni, Edmund Hynes, Randy Davey, Hans Valverde, Dan Ortega, Yvette Poisson, Peggy Orzulak, Will Gordon, Alton Marine, Martín Marquez, Mandy Anderson (age 17),
Monico Marquez, Elizabeth Paul, Gloria Murphy, Betty Whyte.
Anniversaries of deaths: (10th): Berta Cortez; (8th): Charles Hayden; (7th): Antonio Tamayo; (6th): Joseph
Padilla; (5th): Alex Robles; (4th): Charles Galea.
2 Sm 7:1-5, 8b-12, 14a, 16; Ps 89;
Rom 16:25-27; Lk 1:26-38
Jgs 13:2-7, 24-25a; Lk 1:5-25
Is 7:10-14; Lk 1:26-38
Sg 2:8-14 or Zep 3:14-18a; Lk 1:39-45
1 Sm 1:24-28; Lk 1:46-56
Mal 3:1-4, 23-24; Lk 1:57-66
2 Sm 7:1-5, 8b-12, 14a, 16; Lk 1:67-79
Vigil: Is 62:1-5; Ps 89; Acts 13:16-17,
22-25; Mt 1:1-25 [18-25]
Midnight: Is 9:1-6; Ps 96; Ti 2:11-14;
Lk 2:1-14
Dawn: Is 62:11-12; Ps 97; Ti 3:4-7; Lk 2:15-20
Day: Is 52:7-10; Ps 98; Heb 1:1-6; Jn 1:1-18,[1-5, 9-14]
Fourth Sunday of Advent
St. Peter Canisius
St. John of Kanty
Christmas Eve
Dec 24 5 pm:
English Mass
Dec 24 8 pm:
Spanish Mass
Dec 24/25 Midnight: Mass
Dec 25 8 am:
Dec 25 10 am:
Dec 25 1 pm:
Last week’s regular collection : $5029.00
There will be a second collection next weekend for the Building/Maintenance fund. Envelopes are available in the vestibule.
If you have a Nativity Scene or Crèche at your home and would like your Baby Jesus statue blessed, please bring it to one of
the Christmas or Christmas Eve Masses and Fr. Raúl will bless it for you.
WEEK 39: It is hard to say for sure how big your spiritually adopted baby will be, but the average newborn weighs in at a little over 7
pounds and is about 20 inches long. He will continue to grow with every passing day. His skull bones are still separated and they will stay
that way to allow the bones to compress enough to fit through the birth canal during labor.
Having placed the Spiritual Adoption Program under the protection of our mother, Mary, Patroness of the Americas, through her intercession, we ask you, O Lord, to grant protection to all our spiritually adopted babies and to give strength, comfort and joy to their parents.
THANK YOU for the many gifts that have been left under the "Tree of Life/Giving Tree" next to Our Lady's statue
in the church. Gifts are being accepted until Christmas. There is a limited supply of "Precious Feet" pins left and they
are available in the vestibule this weekend only. Please drop off any money donations at the office. Mark your calenders for January 15th, 2012 when a "Mass for the Unborn" will be held at 10 a.m.. Following this there will be a potluck when all of your gifts will be handed over to Life Pregnancy Services. For those of you still pondering on what gift
to bring to the church please consider the following: onesies, outfits, socks, baby wipes, diapers, sleepwear, baby
towels, blankets, lotions or oils, or toys. Clean, gently used clothing is also appreciated. Thank you again. For any questions please call
Thank you all most sincerely, Eileen 824-0336
Traditional Latin Mass
The following solemnities are holy days of obligation:
The next Extraordinary Form of the Mass
will be on Sunday, January 1st, 2012, at
5:00PM. It will be a “Misa Cantata.”
January 1 (Sunday) ………Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God
+ May 17 (Thursday)……………. Ascension of the Lord
August 15 (Wed)…..Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
November 1 (Thursday)………………….... All Saints
++ December 8 (Sat.) … Immaculate Conception of the B.V.M.
NATURAL FAMILY PLANNING: Want a gift for your
December 25 (Tues)..…………… Nativity of the Lord – Christmas
spouse that lasts a lifetime? Natural family planning is that
gift. Visit www.ccli.org for information on an upcoming class
offered in Santa Rosa. Classes begin Jan. 14th."
+ Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord will be observed on Sunday, May 20,
2012, (in place of the Seventh Sunday of Easter). This is in accord with the decree of the Bishops of the Province of San Francisco according to the procedure
approved by the USCCB and confirmed by the Holy See.
++ In keeping with the practice of the Holy See that each country observe a
Solemnity of Mary, the USCCB chose to observe the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary as a holy day of obligation since under this title Mary is the Patroness of the U.S.A. Thus, even though the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary falls on a Saturday,
it is to be observed as a holy day of obligation in view of the practice of the Holy
See mentioned above.
Immaculate Heart Radio’s Year
-End Pledge Drive is fast approaching and for the first time
in our history, we have been
offered a $1,000,000 matching grant challenge. For every dollar you give prior
to December 31, 2011, an anonymous donor will match your donation on a
dollar-for-dollar basis, up to a grand total of one million dollars!
LIVE - December 27-30, 2011 - 6 AM to 6 PM
4 days of inspiring testimonies and interviews, plus exciting grand prize giveaways and so much more. Tune in to 1400 AM or you can stream us “live” on the
Internet at IHradio.com For more info: Janette Parker 916-535-0500.
EWTN will air Christmas liturgies
from Rome & Washington as follows:
Pope Benedict offers Christmas Eve Mass, Dec. 24
at 1 p.m.; Christmas Eve Mass from the National
Shrine in Washington, Dec. 24 at 7:30 p.m.; Mass for
Christmas Day at the National Shrine, Dec. 25 at 9 a.m.; Papal
Message to Rome & the World, Dec. 25 at 7 p.m.; At year's end,
the Pope leads a Vespers of Thanksgiving, Dec. 31 at 9 a.m. and
2 p.m.; All times are Pacific. EWTN is carried 24/7on Comcast
229, AT&T 562 and throughout California on DISH Satellite 261
& Direct TV 370. EWTN is carried on Comcast 57 in Ukiah, Willits
& Fort Bragg. EWTN is aired on Sudden Link 230 in the Eureka
area & on Charter 90 in the Crescent City area.
From the Office of Vocations and Seminarians of the Diocese of Santa Rosa:
St. Patrick’s Seminary in Menlo Park is sponsoring its annual
Discernment Retreat Weekend on January 13-15th .This weekend is to help men discern one’s vocation to priesthood. Come
and listen to seminarians describe their calling
and share their stories. All meals and lodging
are provided. To register you must be single
and college age.
If you are interested please call Fr. Thomas
Diaz, the Vocation Director at 707 538-2387
by Dec. 27th. 2011
We are approaching the darkest, longest night of the year.
For centuries, people in the Northern Hemisphere have kindled fires
against the dying of the light, turning away the dark of the winter
solstice, and leading the imagination to hope and new beginnings. It
is thus easy to understand why these solstice celebrations of nonChristian Europe attracted the annual remembrance of the birth of
Jesus Christ, the Light of the World.
In time the solstice migrated away from December 25, but
the Christmas feast remained in place. From this day, a whole season of celebration developed, stretching from Advent through the
days of Christmas, and even beyond to the February 2 blessing of
the candles, and beyond that to March 25, the Annunciation, nine
months before the next Christmas. Centuries ago, this was New
Year’s Day, and many reasoned that it was the date of Adam and
Eve’s fall, and the date of the Crucifixion. The message is clear: don’t
let your Christmas be over too soon. Keep the lights blazing into January, and savor the meaning of the feast!
Jan. 21, 2012
Once again, a bus will be provided for those wishing
to attend the next Walk for Life in San Francisco. Upon return, dinner will also be provided. More information to come in the next bulletin.
Dec 19 9 am: Joey Padilla , req. Dee Padilla
Dec 20 7 am: Unborn Children , req. Wilkinson Family
Dec 21 9am: Larry Swensen , req. Dobrawa Family
Dec 22 9 am: Lido Macii , req. Mrs. Macii
Dec 23 9 am: Monica Finnegan , req. Clem Finnegan
Dec 24 5 pm: English Mass / For the People
Dec 24 8 pm: Spanish Mass /
Dec 24 Midnight: Jack Gibbons (Liv), req. Mary Row
Dec 25 8 am:
John C. Prentice, req. Maria Williams
Dec 25 10 am: Art Weyers , req. Pam Rangel
Dec 25 1 pm:
Spanish Mass
Iglesia Católica de San Sebastián
Cuarto Domingo de Adviento
18 de diciembre de 2011
Yo soy la esclava del
Señor; cúmplase en mi
lo que me has dicho.
El rey David deseaba que el Arca de Dios tuviera un
hogar más permanente. David podría haberse imaginado
algo así como el palacio de cedro donde residía. Dios tenía
en mente algo más: un trono donde los descendientes de
David gobernarían para siempre, un reino donde judíos y
gentiles serían bien recibidos por igual.
De las muchas tradiciones latinoamericanas para
celebrar el Adviento y la Navidad, las Posadas parecen ser
lo mejor conocido en EE.UU. Tienen su origen en la última
mitad del siglo XVIII cuando las estrepitosas Misas de
Aguinaldo dejaron de ser celebradas en México. Para remplazar la festividad de esas Misas, los laicos decidieron celebrar en sus casas tomando lo que habían visto dramatizado en los templos, esto es, el recorrido de José y María
mientras buscaban posada en Belén. Como las “Antífonas
de la O” de la liturgia oficial cristiana, estas Posadas
llegaron a ser celebradas nueve noches consecutivas.
La actitud devota de María llevó a un mensaje
aún más inquietante. Concebiría y daría a luz un hijo a
pesar de que aún no estaba casada. “¿Cómo podrá ser
esto?”, preguntó María. “El Espíritu Santo descenderá
sobre ti”, le contestó el Ángel (Lucas 1:35).
La aceptación de María de este difícil desafío
marcó el comienzo de esta, la era final del Reino de Dios.
Lo que antes era un secreto conocido solo por el pueblo
elegido como el Rey David y sus descendientes ahora
debe quedar claro a todos para que, como escribió San
Pablo a los romanos, podamos llegar a la “obediencia de
la fe”, “en cumplimiento del designio eterno de Dios” (Romanos 16:26). Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
200 años después, muchos latinos continúan celebrando las Posadas en EE.UU. Recuerdo como de niño cantábamos “En el nombre del cielo” recorriendo las calles del
barrio hasta llegar a la casa donde nos abrirían con cantos,
tamales, galletitas y chocolate. Ese recorrido de José y María lamentablemente sigue todos los días en los pasos
temerosos y cansados de tantos inmigrantes en este país.
Como la Sagrada Familia, otras familias latinoamericanas
continúan buscando hospedaje con la esperanza de dar a
luz una nueva vida para sus hijos e hijas.
—Fray Gilberto Cavazos-Glz, OFM, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
Ministros: 18 de diciembre
Ministros: 25 de diciembre
Primera Lectura: José L. Roddriguez
Primera Lectura: Lourdez Zaragoza
Salmo: Lourdez Zaragoza
Salmo: Rosario Cortez
Segunda Lectura: Lupita Garcia
Segunda Lectura: Martha Vera
Ministro de Comunion: Belén Gutierrez
Ministro de Comunión: José L. Rodriguez
Monagillos: Eduardo Sanchez y Jerardo Padilla
Monagillos: Crisitan Zaragoza y Cristian Garcia
24 de diciembre, Misa de Vigilia, 8 PM
Misa el domingo a la 1:00 PM
Posadas Navideñas: 16-24 de diciembre a las 7:00 PM.
Hable con la Sra. Rosario Cortez para
reservar su fecha.
Tendremos una segunda colecta la próxima semana para cubrir los costos de
mantenimiento en la iglesia y los otros salones.
Si tiene un nacimiento o un niño Jesús que quiera bendecir, los puede traer a una de las
misas de navidad.
Aparte el 21 de enero de 2012 para la “Caminata por Vida del Occidente.” Es una caminata en contra del aborto que tomará lugar en San Francisco. Tendremos un autobús para
los que quieran participar.
Jue 13:2-7, 24-25a; Lc 1:5-25
Is 7:10-14; Lc 1:26-38
Cant 2:8-14 o Sof 3:14-18a; Lc 1:39-45
1 Sm 1:24-28; Lc 1:46-56
Mal 3:1-4, 23-24; Lc 1:57-66
2 Sam 7:1-5, 8b-12, 14a, 16; Lc 1:67-79
Día: Is 52:7-10; Sal 98 (97); Heb 1:1-6;
Jn 1:1-18 [1-5, 9-14]
Adopción Espiritual
Durante el Adviento, tendremos el “Árbol de
Vida/Árbol que da” junto a la estatua de nuestra señora. Colgadas en el árbol están las tarjetas de adopción espiritual que ustedes llenaron. Como nuestros niños adoptados son niños de navidad, estamos pidiendo que consideren comprar un regalo y ponerlo bajo el árbol. Todos los regalos se le darán a Life Pregnancy Services el 15 de enero después de la
misa de 10:00 AM. También pueden donar dinero a esta misma organización.

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