Texas law violates Voting Rights Act


Texas law violates Voting Rights Act
ID Study
Page 3
Charlando del Cine y TV
Page 10
Cocina de Tia Yole
Page 19
Businessman Gregg Deeb to challenge
for district 27th congressional seat
Texas State Capitol in Austin, Texas. Contributed photo.
Texas law violates Voting Rights Act
Texas voters scored a major victory today when the Fifth Circuit
Court of Appeals struck down the
state’s restrictive photo ID requirement under Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act. The ruling means
Texas’s ID law, the strictest in the
country, will no longer be in effect
in future elections. The Court also
sent the case back down to the district court for further consideration
of the claim that the law intentionally discriminates against minority
In October 2014, following a
lengthy trial, U.S. District Judge
Nelva Gonzales Ramos struck
down Texas’s strict photo ID law
on the grounds that the Texas legislature enacted the law with the
purpose of discriminating against
minority voters.
According to Judge Ramos’s
ruling, the ID requirement denied
African Americans and Latinos
the same opportunity as white voters to cast a ballot, in violation of
Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act,
and imposed unconstitutional burdens on the right to vote. She also
found approximately 608,470 registered voters do not have the kind
See CAPITOL, pg. 17
Gregg Deeb of Corpus Christi, Texas, has filed with the Federal Election Commission as a Republican candidate for the United
States House of Representatives Texas District 27 seat. Deeb will
faceoff with Congressman Blake Farenthold in the Republican Primary, to be held on March 1, 2016.
“Twenty-eight years ago, I answered the call to serve our great
country and took my first oath of office to support and defend the
Constitution of the
United States,” said
Gregg Deeb, who retired from the United
States Marine Corps
as a Lieutenant Colonel. “I see the direction that our federal
government is taking
our country right now,
and I know that my
experience, leadership skills and Godgiven talents qualify Gregg Deeb of Corpus Christi, Texas, Republican canme to provide the real didate for the United States House of Representatives
solutions needed to Texas District 27 seat. Contributed photo.
help resolve many of
the significant issues affecting our nation, and to best represent the
people of Texas Congressional District 27.”
Now an independent consultant working with companies to help
build, refine and execute strategic plans, Deeb plans to draw from
his experience in defense, oil & gas, technology, education, health
care, and agriculture to build upon the industries central to District
“What is missing is a clear understanding at the federal level of
the enormous potential of this district, and how it provides strategic
See DEEB, pg. 18
2 — Revista de Victoria, August 2015
Victoria College ranked fifth among best colleges in Texas
ranked Victoria College fifth on its
list of the 25 Best Two-Year Colleges in Texas.
Affordable tuition and key performance indicators such as enrollment, retention and graduation
rates were among the factors that
propelled VC to one of the top
spots. Student loan default percentages as a measure of graduates’ success after college were
also analyzed using the Department of Education website.
“This ranking highlights what
Victoria College is – an institution
that, above all other things, cares
about and is focused on student
success,” said Dr. Tom Butler, VC
president. “The ranking is also a
testament to the outstanding efforts of VC faculty and staff, who
consistently provide high quality
learning experiences that lead to
student success.”
Ryan Gleason, editor-in-chief of
Victoria College. Contributed photo.
BestColleges.com, explained why
he considers this year’s rankings
to be a cut above.
“We were tired of looking at
annual lists that heap praise on a
few well-known schools,” Gleason said. “There are a number of
excellent Texas schools that tend
to go unnoticed by students and
parents. Our 2015 methodology
ignores reputation, purely valuing
a school’s academic merits and
student support, traits that truly
See COLLEGE, pg. 12
Revista de Victoria, August 2015 — 3
UH Hobby Center, Rice Baker Institute Survey Examines a 2014 Congressional Election
Study finds Voter ID discourages turnout
Contributed photo.
This week marks the 50th anniversary of the Voting Rights Act.
This week also marks a watershed
ruling by a federal appeals court
striking down the controversial
Texas voter ID law as violating
that landmark civil rights act.
A new study conducted by the
University of Houston Hobby
Center for Public Policy and Rice
University’s Baker Institute for
Public Policy examines the impact
of the contested Texas law in U.S.
Congressional District 23 (CD23).
The study suggests that the most
significant impact of the Texas
voter photo ID law on voter par-
ticipation in one particular district
was to discourage turnout among
registered voters who mistakenly
believed they did not possess the
correct photo identification.
“One of the most striking findings of this study is that potential
voters who did not vote actually
did possess one of the valid forms
of photo ID,” said Jim Granato,
professor and director of the Hobby Center for Public Policy. “An
important issue to be explored is
not just the voter photo ID law itself, but the actual education and
outreach efforts to ensure all eligible voters understand what form
of photo ID may be used to vote.”
Spanning a large geographic
area in west and south Texas, CD23 is a Latino majority district
with Hispanics accounting for 65.8
percent of the district’s voting-age
population and 58.5 percent of its
registered voters. It is also widely
considered to be the only one of
the state’s 36 U.S. House districts
that is competitive for both Democratic and Republican Party candidates. A telephone survey of 400
registered voters who did not vote
in CD-23’s November 2014 election was conducted in English and
Spanish by the Hobby Center for
Public Policy’s Survey Research
The 5.8 percent of the CD-23
non-voters stated the principle reason they did not vote was because
they did not possess any of the
seven forms of photo identification
required by the state. More than
twice that many (12.8 percent)
agreed their lack of any one of
the seven photo IDs was a reason
they did not vote. However, when
further queried about the different forms of photo identification
in their possession, the survey revealed that a much lower proportion (2.7 percent), in fact, lacked
one of the seven needed to vote in
The study also found Latino
non-voters were significantly
more likely than Anglo non-voters
to strongly agree or agree that a
lack of photo ID was a reason they
did not cast a ballot in the Nov. 4
The findings suggest that the
presence of the law and its potential impact on the outcome of that
election kept far more supporters
of Pete Gallego, D-Alpine, the
then-freshman incumbent representative, away from the polls than
those who supported the district’s
ultimate winner of the election,
Will Hurd, R-San Antonio.
“Our expectation is to build on
this initial case study by analyzing additional Texas congressional
districts and investigating other
states’ voter ID laws,” Granato
said. “Broadening the study to
examine the extent to which voter
fraud exists is another interesting
avenue to explore.”
The study, titled “The Texas
Voter Photo ID Law and the 2014
Election: A Study of Texas’ Congressional District 23” can be
found at http://www.uh.edu/class/
hcpp/_docs/voteridcd23.pdf. For
more information about the UH
Hobby Center for Public Policy,
go to http://www.uh.edu/hcpp.
About the Hobby Center for Public
Established in 1981, the Hobby
Center for Public Policy serves the
Houston community as a non-partisan research organization within
the College of Liberal Arts and
Social Sciences at the University
of Houston.
4 — Revista de Victoria, August 2015
por Santos Raya
VATICAN – El Papa Francisco
se está preparado para su próximo
viaje para Cuba y los Estados Unidos comenzando el 21 de Septiembre donde visitara a Washington,
DC, New York, y Philadelpia.
En Washington el Papa se va
dirigir al Congreso de los Estados
Unidos y es el primer Papa que lo
LONDON – Familiares de Osama
Bin Laden, el fallecido líder de del
grupo terrorista Al Qaeda, mueren
en un accidente en un jet privado
Vicente Fernández. Contributed photo.
en London.
PUERTO RICO – Puerto Rico no
paso la ley de fumar marihuana.
La marihuana será para los enfermos. Solo se va utilizar para usos
WASHINGTON, DC – El Presidente Barak Obama cumplió 54
años el 4 de Agosto. Jugo golf con
tres amigos en el Base Aérea Andrews en Hawaii y después se fue
a Maryland para Camp David.
USA – Murió Lynn Anderson,
Country and Western Singer. Se
hizo famosa con la canción Never
Promised You a Rose Garden.”
Ella se gano un Grammy por esa
canción. Tenía 67 años.
ARGENTINA – Una luz verde se
vio recientemente en Buenos Aires. La luz verde camino por varias provinciales en Buenos Aires
y también hasta Uruguay se pudo
El astrónomo Diego Bagu dijo
que se trato de un “meteoro.”
EGYPT – Falleció el actor Eyipcio Omar Sharif de 83 años de un
ataque de corazón. El se hizo famoso con la película “Lawrence of
Arabia” en 1962.
LONDON – El pequeño príncipe
George cumplió dos años el mes
pasado, pero él le dice a toda la
gente que él tiene tres años.
CHINA – El comité Olímpico ha
elegido a la ciudad Beijing, capital de China sede de los Juegos de
Invierno de 2022.
MEXICO – Vicente Fernández
quiere grabar canciones con las
voces de los ídolos de México Pedro Infante y Jorge Negrete.
Revista de Victoria, August 2015 — 5
Traffic stops 101
Stay in your vehicle, sir. Contributed photo.
by Officer John Turner
Ah, what a pleasant day. You’re
on time for work, singing along to
the latest Katy Perry tune or Taylor Swift or whomever your artist
of choice is. All of a sudden and
for no apparent reason at all, flashing lights appear in your rear view
mirror. Dang, you’re getting pulled
over. What to do now? Simple, just
pull over.
When you see that you’re being
stopped, slow down but don’t slam
on your brakes, signal your intent
to change lanes then move safely
to the right. If you happen to be on
a street with a lot of other traffic
then pulling onto a side street or
into a parking lot would be a good
idea. Just don’t drive for miles
looking for that one perfect spot.
It may give the officer the impression that you are trying to evade.
When you’ve stopped your vehicle, roll down the window and
keep your hands visible. The best
thing to do is place your
hands on the steering
wheel. Do not get out of
the car. In years past, it
was common practice to
get out and meet the officer at the rear of your
vehicle. This practice
is not recommended,
besides, around here
it’s usually uncomfortably hot. You may as
well stay in the A/C. If
the officer wants you to
step out, they will tell
you. This is also not a good time
to be fumbling in your glove compartment for your insurance card.
Remember, the officer has no idea
who you are or what you may be
reaching for. Traffic stops are one
of the most dangerous activities
officers do on a daily basis. Quite
a few serious criminals have been
stopped by officers and quite a
few officers have died conducting
“simple” traffic stops.
Here’s a little traffic stop trivia
for you. Serial killers, Ted Bundy
and Randy Kraft (among others)
along with Oklahoma City bomber, Timothy McVeigh were all captured after being stopped for minor
traffic violations.
When the officer contacts you
he or she should greet you and tell
you the reason you were stopped.
They will ask for your driver license and insurance card. At this
point they may let you know that
you’ll be getting a citation or
warning. Then again they may
not say anything and surprise you
with it in a few minutes. More than
likely they’ll go back to their vehicle to check on the status of your
license and insurance. This may
take a few minutes but be patient,
they will come back.
Regardless of the outcome of
the stop, be it a ticket or a warning;
try not to lose your temper. The
side of the road is not the place
for an argument. The courtroom,
however, is. If you feel that you’ve
been issued a ticket in error, you
can always contest it in court. If
you feel that the officer was out of
line in some way, once again, there
is a procedure for addressing that.
You can simply contact the agency
where the officer works and make
a complaint to either their supervisor or the administration. Almost
every traffic stop is recorded by
video and audio, so, if you have a
legitimate complaint, you’ll have
evidence to support it.
With all of this being said, you
may certainly ask questions of the
officer. Just remember the golden
rule; treat everyone the way you
want to be treated. If the officer
who stopped you is a true profes-
sional he or she will treat you with
respect as well.
And one last thing, the easiest
way to keep from being stopped is
to drive safely and obey the traffic
John Turner is a Crime Prevention Officer for the Victoria Police
Department. He may be contacted
at (361)485-3811.
6 — Revista de Victoria, August 2015
Healing your inflammation
Dial down inflammation. Contributed photo.
by Cherie Calbom, MSN
Sizzle isn’t just about summer
weather or the patio grill. Inside
your body, where you can’t see the
“smoke and fire,” there may be an
internal slow simmer or a rolling
boil at work called inflammation.
It is the engine that drives the most
feared illnesses of middle and old
It is estimated that more than
half of all Americans are inflamed,
with most people not knowing
they are. Most ailments associated
with chronic inflammation, such
as lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, fibromyalgia, atherosclerosis, inflammatory bowel, chronic
pancreatitis, obesity, heart disease
and Alzheimer’s disease, could be
helped with an anti-inflammation
If inflammation has been turning up the heat inside your body,
you can cool the simmer with a
few key changes to your diet and
Certain foods, such as dark red
cherries, ginger, dark chocolate,
berries and hibiscus, offer superior
anti-inflammation properties. The
following delicious recipes not
only spark your taste buds, they
dial down inflammation:
Berries help prevent damaging effects of free radicals and
inflammation by turning off the
inflammatory signals triggered
by cytokines (cells that regulate
the immune system’s response
to inflammation) and COX-2 (an
enzyme responsible for inflammation and pain) making them an
ideal part of your anti-inflammation diet.
Serves 1
1 cup unsweetened plant milk
such as hemp, coconut or almond
½ cup blueberries, raspberries or
1 pear
½ cup baby spinach
1 tsp. Indian gooseberry extract
1 tbsp. flaxseed
Ice cubes (optional, depending on
how cold you like your smoothie)
Add all the ingredients to a
blender and process until smooth.
Ginger has been shown in scientific studies to have anti-inflammatory properties.
Serves 1
1 handful parsley
½ lemon, peeled
4 carrots, scrubbed well, green
tops removed, ends trimmed
1-inch piece fresh ginger root,
Cut produce to fit your juicer’s
feed tube. Juice ingredients and
stir. Pour into a glass and drink as
soon as possible.
Hibiscus has powerful antioxidants, even more than green tea.
It has been shown to lower high
blood pressure and uric acid for
people with gout. It also helps to
quench the fires of inflammation.
Serves 6
Chopped hibiscus flowers or 5
hibiscus herbal tea bags
12 mint leaves (optional)
Juice of 1 lime (optional)
2 quarts purified water
Steep hibiscus tea or flowers in
water. I put it all in the refrigerator.
In about an hour you have iced tea.
You can take anti-inflammatory
drugs and supplements all year
long, but if you don’t get rid of
pro-inflammatory foods and toxins, you’ll simply be pouring good
things on top of toxins and fueling
About the Author
Cherie Calbom (http://www.
MSN, is the author of 28 books,
including her most recent The
Juice Lady’s Anti-Inflammation
Diet (Siloam 2015), which gives
readers scores of tips on inflammation and the factors that contribute to it, along with a 28-day
menu plan and recipes prepared
with the assistance of Chef Abby
Fammartino. Cherie’s other titles
includeThe Juice Lady’s Turbo
Diet, The Juice Lady’s Big Book
of Juices and Green Smoothies,
and Juicing for Life, which has
nearly 2 million books in print in
the United States. Known as “The
Juice Lady” for her work with
juicing and health, Cherie has appeared on HealthWatch for CNN
along with scores of TV and radio
shows and has appeared in Shape,
First for Women, Women’s World,
Men’s Journal, Vogue, Quick &
Simple, Marie Claire and Elle.
Cherie earned a master of science
degree in whole foods nutrition
from Bastyr University. She has
practiced as a clinical nutritionist and currently offers Jumpstart
Healthy & Fit online e-courses and
health and wellness juice retreats.
Chismes de Chemo
Contraptions, cosas o devices? Contributed photo.
La llamada
Que bueno those of you who
understand and handle the new
contraptions en modos that most
of us can’t. Esas mugres jodidas
can be helpful but take a genius to
figure out como trabajan. I wonder
if they were invented by esos Aggies who are always joked about.
Los chamacos de hoy en día make
these gadgets do things que I don’t
think they were meant to do. Pero,
lo que mas me encabrona is that
they brag about it and don’t have
the patience to show the senior
citizenship (abuelos y padres) the
capabilities de esas cosas. (And,
you think that Chemo don’t know
big words.)
El otro día oí una historia that
makes for some good chisme. No
les voy a decir who the victim is
but she is well known personal-
ity in radio land. She is another
one these young whippersnappers
that prides herself on her knowledge of new contraptions singling
them out by number or letters, el
123, iPod, y no se que mas, pero le
agarran la movida.
Pero so much for that, a todos
se les llena la tasa then we have to
swallow (our pride). Es que she
had bought a new cell phone complete with a loudspeaker (I guess)
and a hookup to her ear. These for
safety while driving dice ella.
Como sea, her first call was to
her father while in the driver’s seat
of her computer and not in her car.
Como buena mujer, she began by
bragging to her dad about her new
contraption and what she could
and couldn’t do with it.
Y así estuvo for about 20 minutes, pero ella dice que era unos
dos. Y she began messing with her
computer installing some program
and somehow or another she made
a call, it was busy. She hung up.
Before she could return to her conversation with her dad the phone
rang. She looked at the caller ID
and saw it was a familiar number.
And her next words were, “Dad,
you are going to have to hang up
because Dad is calling me on the
other line.” This reminded me of
the favorite quote kids use today,
“Duhhh” or how about ours “no
**** Sherlock.” How bright do
you have to be?
So she hung up and answered
the phone, y en la otra línea le contestan, “Mija, I’m sorry you had to
hang up on me.”
So much for kids and their expertise on new contraptions and
their capabilities and, if she did
this there is hope for us all. Y, I
have to go porque, están llamando
and this time it is Mrs. Chemo and
I know she has no wrong number.
Revista de Victoria, August 2015 — 7
8 — Revista de Victoria, August 2015
Maneras de lograr la independencia financiera
por Nathaniel Sillin
Después de la crisis económica
de 2008, mucha gente asumió que
jamás podría llegar a alcanzar su
independencia financiera –la capacidad de vivir cómodamente con
los propios ahorros e inversiones y
sin deudas.
Sin embargo, aquellos que estén dispuestos a usar su horizonte
temporal para planificar y ajustar
sus hábitos de gastos, ahorros e
inversiones, podrían descubrir que
la independencia financiera sí es
posible. Estas son 10 ideas para
1. Primero visualice, luego planifique. Empiece por definir qué
es para usted la independencia financiera –y luego analice su realidad. Hay expertos financieros que
pueden examinar su situación financiera, escuchar lo que significa
para usted la independencia financiera y ayudarlo a diseñar un plan.
El camino hacia la independencia
financiera puede ser muy diferente
a los 20 años que a los 50; cuanto
más tiempo se tenga para ahorrar
e invertir, mejor suele ser el resultado. Pero tenga la edad que tenga,
siempre hay que empezar teniendo
una imagen realista de las opciones.
2. Haga presupuestos. Hacer
presupuestos (http://www.practicalmoneyskills.com/budgeting/)
–el proceso de registrar y hacer
un seguimiento de los ingresos,
restarle los gastos y decidir cómo
diversificar la diferencia entre sus
metas de cada mes –es la primera
tarea básica de las finanzas personales. Si todavía no ha aprendido
a hacer presupuestos, es hora de
3. Gaste menos de lo que gana.
Podría sonar obvio, pero es una
de las conductas financieras más
difíciles de llevar a cabo. Llevar
un estándar de vida más austero y
disminuir los gastos lo ayudará a
ahorrar más dinero y poder invertirlo más rápido.
4. Construya redes de seguridad más inteligentes. Los fondos
de emergencia y los seguros no
suelen combinarse. La definición
tradicional de un fondo de emergencia es una cuenta independiente con dinero en efectivo que
pueda utilizarse, en lugar de un
crédito, para reparar algún electrodoméstico roto o afrontar otro
gasto importante. Sin embargo,
muchos prefieren tener deducibles
de seguros altos para pagar primas
más bajas. ¿Tendría usted la suficiente cantidad de efectivo a mano
para cubrir el deducible de un seguro si le pasara algo repentino? Si
no es así, incorpore los montos de
los deducibles a su fondo de emergencia.
5. Elimine las deudas. Si bien
los niveles de deuda de los con-
La independencia financera. Contributed photo.
sumidores han bajado, en general,
desde la crisis financiera de 2008,
el Banco de la Reserva Federal de
Nueva York informó en febrero
que las deudas domésticas, por
préstamos educativos, automóviles y tarjetas de crédito han comenzado a crecer nuevamente en
2014. Una de las formas más efectivas de liberar dinero para ahorro
e inversión es deshacerse de las
deudas renovables no relacionadas con la vivienda (http://www.
September 8, 2015 @ 10:00 A.M.
At the Front Door of the Victoria County Courthouse
For Tax Sale Information contact
(855) 650-5848 or
6. Evalúe su carrera. La independencia financiera no implica
que deba abandonar la carrera que
desea, pero lo cierto es que no
podrá alcanzar la independencia
financiera si no tiene un ingreso
seguro que le permita ahorrar e
invertir con el tiempo. Hable con
asesores profesionales sobre sus
ingresos, beneficios y panorama de
retiro primero y vea si puede ampliar sus fuentes de ingresos, por
ejemplo, trabajando como asesor
parte de su tiempo. Además recuerde que, después de los 50, el Servicio de Renta Interna le permite
realizar aportes adicionales (http://
Retirement-Topics-IRA-Contribution-Limits) tanto a las cuentas
401(k) como a las IRA.
7. Achíquese. Seguramente alcanzará sus metas financieras más
rápido si logra recortar sus gastos
diarios. Para algunos, esto significa vender su casa y mudarse a
una más pequeña o a un área con
menores costos e impuestos. También puede vender o donar bienes
See FINANCIERA, pg. 18
Adopt-A-Beach fall cleanup Saturday, Sept. 26
Contact: Alexa Cordova, 361573-2428, [email protected]
Contributed art.
Volunteers are signing up now
for the nation’s biggest coastal
cleanup on Saturday, Sept. 26.
The 2015 Texas General Land
Office Adopt-A-Beach Fall Cleanup takes place at four sites in the
Victoria area:
1) Magnolia Beach/Indianola
Calhoun County
Check-in: Crabbin’ Bridge
Contact: Rhonda Cummins, 361552-9747, rhonda.cummins@
2) Boggy Nature Park, Port
O’Connor Calhoun County
Check-in: At the birding observation deck
3) King Fisher Beach, Port
O’Connor Calhoun County
Check-in: Pavilion at King Fisher
Contact: Debbie Gayle, 361-6493261, [email protected]
4) Austwell Pier Refugio County
Check-in: Austwell Pier
Contact: Dwight Mutschler, 361286-3762, 361-250-5484 (cell),
[email protected]
Volunteers can sign up online
at www.texasadoptabeach.org to
take part in a fun-filled day at the
beach that makes a difference.
“Sign up now to join forces with
thousands of other Texans who
care about the coast,” said Texas
Land Commissioner George P.
Bush. Marine debris kills wildlife
and hurts tourism, but it’s a prob-
lem we can fix. Come out and be
a part of the solution on Saturday,
Sept. 26.”
Each volunteer will be given
data cards, gloves, pencils and
trash bags. All volunteers are advised to wear closed-toe shoes,
bring sunscreen and plenty of
drinking water. The Texas General Land Office Adopt-A-Beach
Cleanups are held rain or shine!
Texans who are not able to attend the cleanup can help keep
their beaches clean by making a
tax-deductible donation online
There are several different AdoptA-Beach sponsorship levels ranging from $25 to $25,000, allowing
both individuals and corporations
to contribute to this major cleanup
Shell Oil Company is the lead
statewide sponsor for the 2015
Texas General Land Office AdoptA-Beach Fall Cleanup. Other
sponsors include Apache Corporation, Murphy Oil Corporation, the
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Marine Debris Program, Schlumberger, the
Ocean Conservancy, Corona Del
Mar Properties and Trusted Senior
Revista de Victoria, August 2015 — 9
To learn more about the AdoptA-Beach program, visit www.TexasAdoptABeach.org or contact the
GLO at 1-877-TX COAST. Like
us on Face book at www.facebook.
com/texasadoptabeach or follow
us on Twitter @TexasAdoptABeach.
10 — Revista de Victoria, August 2015
por Gloria Rivera
¡Hola! Siempre hay noticias
calientes y frías porque el mundo
artístico siempre tiene nuevas noticias de todo.
Hay nuevas telenovelas que vamos a ver muy pronto.
Livia Brito será la protagonista de “Muchacha Italiana Viene
a Casarse.” Esta novela primero
salió con Angélica María. Fue
todo un éxito en aquel tiempo.
Otra nueva telenovela es “Simplemente María” donde Victoria
Ruffo hizo el papel de María.
También ya viene muy pronto
“Antes Muerta que Luchita” con
Maite Perroni. Este papel de Maite va ser diferente porque sale muy
fea pero dulce e inteligente en esta
novela. También sale Ingrid Martz quien ya se comenzó que ella y
Maite no se lleven bien pero no es
verdad. Ingrid anuncio que Maite
y ella se ven muy bien en una ent-
Jennifer Lopez y Casper Smart. Contributed
Recientemente Sofía Vergara
celebro su cumpleaños con familia
y amigos pero especialmente con
su hijo Manola y su novio Joe
Manganiello. Sofía cumplió 43
Se anuncio recientemente que
Sofía y Joe ya tienen la fecha de la
boda y donde se va llevar a cabo.
Érica Buenfil, en una entrevista, dijo que nunca ha tenido
una cirugía. También dijo que no
le gusta salir con hombres más
jóvenes que ella. Érica se ve muy
bien a su edad.
Otra que celebro su cumpleaños
fue Jennifer López. Celebro con
su novio, Casper Smart. Jennifer
cumplió 47 años.
La cantante Paulina Rubio se
quiere casar con Gerardo Bazua.
Dice que ya está lista para el matrimonio. Sera el segundo matrimonio para los dos.
Eduardo Yáñez hizo una película en Hollywood hace unos años
y ahora parece que quiere volver
a Hollywood para hacer películas
a ya.
William Levy esta en Holly-
Joan Sebastian. Contributed photo.
wood haciendo una película. Sera
su segunda. El tiene muchas fans
que lo adoran. Puedo ser un actor
en Hollywood que en el futuro
puede hace mas de $100 millones
See CHARLANDO, pg. 11
muchos años de cáncer de los huesos. Su muerte dejo a su familia y
amigos como también a todos sus
fans muy tristes.
Su hijo, José Manuel Figueroa
dijo, “Mi papa no se murió de
cáncer, murió de los golpes de la
vida en el corazón.”
Joan Sebastián dejo nuevas canciones grabadas poco antes de su
Que descanse en paz.
Hasta el próximo mes de septiembre 2015.
Paulina Rubio. Contributed photo.
CHARLANDO, from pg. 10
por cada película.
Angélica Rivera, primera dama
de México, fue otra que cumplió
años este mes. Cumplió 46 años.
También se reporta que ya entro a
la lista de millonarios. ¡Que lindo
Murió Joan Sebastián. Sufrió
Erica Buenfil. Contributed photo.
Revista de Victoria, August 2015 — 11
12 — Revista de Victoria, August 2015
FFC celebrate recovery
Everyone needs to know about
Celebrate Recovery. I have never
met anyone that didn’t need what
it has to offer!
It’s a GOD centered recovery
Celebrate Recovery was started
at Saddleback Church in California, about 20 years ago, and was
started as a program to help recovering alcoholics, but they found
out almost immediately that it
works on any kind of hurts, hangups, habits, or addictions! Saddleback started sharing the program
with other churches, because the
need was so great. Now the program is in over 20,000 churches,
in the United States and more than
13 foreign countries!
Our Faith Family Celebrate Recovery Program has evolved over
16 years, into Tuesday classes at the
Juvenile Detention
Center, Wednesday
Class at Stevenson
Prison Unit, Thursday 6 p.m. Free
Meal, 7 pm English
and Spanish main
lessons, 8 p.m. open
share small groups, Contributed art.
that are a safe place
to share what you are
feeling with others going through
the same thing!
Our small groups include, Anger Management, Overcoming
Depression, Loss of Loved Ones,
New Comers, Chemical Dependency ( Women, & Men Classes),
Physically, Emotionally, and Sexually Abused Women, Love on
the Rocks (relationship class), and
More! Sunday’s we have a Spanish (room114) and English (room
113) Main Lesson 9 a.m. till 10
Our classes are approved by
Parole, Probation, Juvenile Detention, Texas Prison System, and
The meal and all classes are free.
I have seen literally thousands
of lives changed and families put
back together in the past 16 years I
have been teaching this class.
Please come see what it’s about.
Tell your friends, and family members. I fyou have any questions or
for more info. please call Pastor
Leonard Johnson’s cell number
at 361-652-817 or email [email protected]. No advance
registration needed, just come.
Check us out on our Face Book
page, Celebrate Recovery Victoria, Texas.
COLLEGE, from pg. 2
make a school great.”
Gleason pointed to Victoria
College as an example of a small
school that deserved more acclaim
for its academics and retention
rate. A public two-year college
with an enrollment of about 4,000
students, Victoria College had a
first-to-second-year retention rate
of 65 percent for first-time degreeseeking undergraduates in Fall
BestColleges.com provides data
on more than 7,000 colleges in the
country, including more than 150
two-year colleges in Texas. Visitors to the website can find college
rankings, a searchable database
of schools and financial planning
For more information about the
best colleges list, visitBestColleges.com/Features/Best-CollegesIn-Texas.
Revista de Victoria, August 2015 — 13
Es sólo un huracán Categoría 2
“es sólo uno de categoría 2”, dijo
Mark Hanna, portavoz del Insurance Council of Texas (ICT).
“Casi todos los residentes y propietarios de viviendas que han experimentado un huracán son los
primeros en decir que no quieren
ni imaginarse tener que vivirlo de
Cuando un huracán recibe la
clasificación de categoría 2, se refiere a la fuerza de los vientos que
alcanzan velocidades de hasta 110
millas por hora. Pero esa categoría
no hace referencia a cuánta lluvia
o marejada (storm surge en inglés)
acarrea consigo. En realidad, solo
se listan como huracanes mayores
los que alcanzan categoría 3 o más.
El huracán Ike causó la perdida
del servicio eléctrico a cientos de
miles de personas del área por más
de una semana. Además, en la ciudad de Galveston, no se permitió
que los residentes regresaran a
sus casas hasta después de una semana de haber sido implementada
Huracán Ike en la Península Bolivar. Contributed photo.
El huracán Ike fue categoría 2,
pero cobró más de cien vidas y barrió 3.000 viviendas y negocios en
la Península Bolívar. Es más, pese
a que la oficina National Oceanic
and Atmospheric Administration
(NOAA) no lo lista siquiera como
un huracán importante resultó ser
uno de los más costosos en afectar
al estado de Texas.
“Nuestra principal preocupación
es la seguridad de cada Texano durante la temporada de huracanes.
Cuando se aproxime una tormenta
o surja un huracán en el Golfo de
México, lo menos que queremos
escuchar es alguien que diga que
no hay de qué preocuparse porque
una evacuación del área debido a
que la descomposición de materia orgánica en las aguas de inun-
dación creó un alto riesgo de salud
See HURACÁN, pg. 16
14 — Revista de Victoria, August 2015
SOLICITUD Y PERMISO PRELIMINAR Formosa Plastics Corporation, Texas, 9 Peach Tree Hill Road, Livingston, NJ 07039-5702, ha solicitado
a la Comisión de Calidad Ambiental de Texas (TCEQ, por sus siglas en inglés) para la renovación y revisión de un Permiso Federal de Operación (en
adelante denominado el Permiso), número O1955, solicitud número 20831, para autorizar la operación de la planta de tráfico, una instalación de materiales plásticos. El área dirigida por la solicitud está ubicada en 201 Formosa Drive, Point Comfort, Condado de Calhoun, Texas 77978. Este enlace
a un mapa electrónico de la ubicación general del sitio o de la instalación es proporcionado como una cortesía al público y no es parte de la solicitud
o del aviso. Para la ubicación exacta, consulte la solicitud. Puede encontrar un mapa electrónico de la instalación en: http://www.tceq.texas.gov/assets/public/hb610/index.html?lat=28.645277&lng=-96.541944&zoom=13&type=r. Esta solicitud se le presento a la TCEQ el 21 de enero del 2014.
El propósito de un Permiso Federal de Operación es mejorar el acatamiento general de las reglas que gobiernan el control de la contaminación atmosférica, claramente definiendo todos los requisitos aplicables, como está definido en el Título 30 del Código Administrativo de Tejas § 122.10
(30 TAC § 122.10, por sus siglas en inglés). El permiso preliminar, si es aprobado, codificará las condiciones bajo las cuales el sitio deberá operar.
El permiso no autorizará construcción nueva. El director ejecutivo de la TCEQ ha completado la revisión técnica de la solicitud y ha tomado una
decisión preliminar de preparar un permiso preliminar para revisión y comentarios públicos. El director ejecutivo recomienda la emisión de este
permiso preliminar. La solicitud de permiso, la declaración de base, y el permiso preliminar estarán disponibles para ser revisadas y copiadas en la
Oficina Central de la TCEQ, 12100 Park 35 Circle, Edificio E, primer piso, Austin, Texas; en la oficina regional de la TCEQ en Corpus Christi, NRC
Bldg (Edificio NRC), Suite 1200, 6300 Ocean Drive, Unit 5839, Corpus Christi, Texas 78412-5839; y en la Biblioteca Sucursal de Point Comfort, 1
Lamar Street, Point Comfort, Texas, empezando el primer día de la publicación de este aviso. El permiso preliminar y la declaración de base están
disponibles en el sitio web de la TCEQ:
Victoria Olive
Garden general
Dylan Braudaway, General
Manager of the Olive Garden
in Victoria, has attained parent
company Darden Restaurants’
Diamond Club status. He joins
a group of top-performing General Managers recognized for their
commitment to delivering guest
experiences at the highest level,
En las oficinas central y regional de la TCEQ también puede revisar y copiar todos los documentos materiales, relevantes y significativos para el
permiso preliminar, además de los permisos para el Examen de Nuevas Fuentes que han sido incorporados por referencia. Personas que tengan dificultades obteniendo estos materiales debido a restricciones para viajar pueden comunicarse con la sala de archivos de la Oficina Central de la TCEQ
al teléfono (512) 239-1540.
Comentarios Públicos/Audiencia de Notificación y Comentarios. Cualquier persona puede presentar comentarios por escrito acerca del
permiso preliminar. Comentarios con respecto a la exactitud, acabado, y conveniencia de las condiciones del permiso pueden resultar en cambios
al permiso preliminar.
Una persona que pueda ser afectada por la emisión de contaminantes atmosférico de este sitio puede solicitar una audiencia de notificación
y comentarios. El propósito de la audiencia de notificación y comentarios es proporcionar la oportunidad para presentar comentarios acerca del permiso preliminar. El permiso puede ser cambiado basado en comentarios que pertenecen a si el permiso tiene en cuenta el acatamiento con las leyes
del 30 TAC §122.10 (ejemplos pueden incluir que el permiso no contiene todos los requisitos necesarios o que los procesos de notificación al público
no fueron satisfechos). La TCEQ puede otorgar una audiencia de notificación y comentarios con respecto a esta solicitud si se presenta una petición
por escrito dentro de 30 días después de la notificación de este aviso en el periódico. La petición para audiencia debe incluir la razón por la petición,
incluyendo una descripción específica de cómo le perjudicarían las emisiones atmosféricas del sitio. La petición también debe especificar las condiciones del permiso preliminar que son inadecuadas o especificar porque la decisión preliminar de otorgar o negar el permiso es inadecuada. Todos los
asuntos razonablemente identificables deberán presentarse y todos los argumentos razonablemente disponibles deberán someterse antes del final del
período para comentarios públicos. Si se concede una audiencia de notificación y comentarios, todas las personas que presentaron comentarios por
escrito o peticiones para audiencia recibirán confirmación por escrito de la audiencia. Esta confirmación indicará la fecha, hora y lugar de la audiencia.
Comentarios públicos por escrito y/o peticiones para audiencia de notificación y comentarios deben de ser presentados a la TCEQ, Oficina
del Funcionario Jefe (Office of the Chief Clerk), MC 105, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087, o electrónicamente al
www.tceq.texas.gov/about/comments.html, y deben ser recibidos dentro de 30 días después de la publicación de esta noticia en el periódico.
Si usted decide comunicarse con la TCEQ por vía electrónica, por favor, tenga en cuenta que su dirección de correo electrónico, así como su dirección
postal, pasarán a formar parte del registro público de la Agencia.
Una notificación de la acción final propuesta que incluye las respuestas a los comentarios públicos y denotando cambios hechos al permiso
preliminar serán enviados a todas las personas que hayan presentado comentarios públicos, solicitudes para audiencia o que hayan solicitado
ser incluidas en la lista de correo para esta solicitud. Esta correspondencia también proporcionará instrucciones para peticiones públicas a la Agencia Para la Protección del Medio Ambiente (EPA por sus siglas en inglés), solicitando que la EPA se objete al otorgamiento del permiso preliminar. Al
recibir una petición, la EPA solamente podrá objetarse a la otorgación de un permiso que no cumple con los requisitos aplicables o con los requisitos
de 30 TAC Capítulo 122.
LISTA DE CORREO. Además de presentar comentarios públicos, usted puede solicitar ser incluido en una lista de correo con respecto a esta solicitud enviando su solicitud a la Oficina del Funcionario Jefe (Office of Chief Clerk) a la dirección antedicha. Personas en esta lista de correo recibirán
copias de futuros avisos públicos (si los hay) enviados por la Oficina del Funcionario Jefe sobre esta solicitud.
INFORMACIÓN. Para más información acerca de esta solicitud para permiso o el proceso para permisos, usted puede contactar la TCEQ, Programa
de Educación Pública (Public Education Program), MC-108, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087, o llame, sin cobro, al 1-800-687-4040.
Se puede obtener información adicional de Formosa Plastics Corporation, Texas, llamando a la Sra. Tammy Wacker al teléfono (302) 836-2241.
Fecha de expedición: 2 de julio del 2015
Victoria Olive Garden general manager
Dylan Braudaway. Contributed photo.
while making a difference in the
lives of guests, employees and in
their community. This is the second time Braudaway has received
this recognition.
“Dylan demonstrates outstanding leadership and dedication to
his restaurant and team members, while always making our
guests feel like family,” said Dave
George, President of Olive Garden. “His passion for hospitality,
his team members and the Victoria
community make him an asset to
our entire company.”
This year, Braudaway joins an
elite group of 42 general managers
selected from the more than 800
Olive Garden restaurants in North
America, making this a truly exclusive honor.
The Victoria Olive Garden is
located at 7609 N.E. Zac Lentz
Mi Opinion
Fearing our own worst enemy
Contributed art.
by Manuel De Los Santos, Jr.
Famous quotes are not only rallying cries but sometimes can be
a reflection of life and a sign that
change is necessary. In no way is
this an attempt to analyze famous
words, quotes or their orators but
seem the perfect choice for exposing a phenomenon that is destroying our Mexican-American culture
– lack of education and exterminating (killing) each other. The
deeply rooted causes seem to be
fear and our machismo.
Two very recognized and known
quotes that come to mind, “We are
our own worst enemy” and “The
only thing we have to fear is fear
itself” seem very reflective of the
cause of our own deterioration. In
this age and time, it would seem
that we as a society would have
outgrown this stereotypical belief
and tradition and would be on a
more equal playing field.
As our own worst enemy, it is
obvious that when opportunities
for improvement or betterment
present themselves, we readily explain, “we did not recognize” instead of admitting fear and denial.
This denial is a result of fearing
failure, rejection or recognition.
All which lead to intercultural disagreements and bias.
In fearing failure, as a culture,
we follow the norm of the society we have been raised in and
grown accustomed to. This norm
epitomizes that failure means remaining in that segment of society
that is still not worthy of equality.
This inequality grants approval
for preying upon these failures,
in many forms and fashions, with
little fear of repercussion – legal or
Rejection comes two-fold for
Mexican-Americans, one by their
own race and secondly by other
ethnicities that believe MexicanAmericans have not faced the
same discrimination problems of
Blacks and even other Hispanics.
Fear of rejection can be blamed
on the society (mostly, but not
entirely Anglo) that assumes superiority and by rejecting others
of lesser means or different ideas,
that, superiority will be assured.
This fear, when coupled with the
former, is a primary deterrent for
many Mexican-Americans when
an opportunity to climb the ladder
of success is offered.
Finally, fear of recognition is
negatively imbedded in the minds
of most Mexican-Americans beginning as children. To be recognized – “in the limelight” – can
sometimes be viewed as being
uppity, doing something illegal or
“sucking up” to the rule of those
in power. The distrust of recognition is predicated on the belief that
recognition and credit will be bestowed on others “no matter how
hard you try or work”
Consequences of these fears
lead to their acceptance within the
culture based Hispanic society and
the targets become their own people, thus “our own worst enemy”.
The need for success, the need for
acceptance and recognition within
our own “world” is then funneled
to an attitude of violence. All this
at the expense of raising the life
standards of a society that is truly
less respected, less recognized and
least understood. If the energy
spent on trying to circumvent the
laws and pointing the finger would
be funneled to support those that
have the best opportunity for success, failure rejection and recognition would then be positive instru-
A positive outlook could be instrumental in educating and saving our children, families and the
Mexican-American culture. That
fear and machismo can then become our greatest allies. And,
when we hear or read about our
own, it will be a positive recognition that others can respect, admire
and are willing to promote, support, and not destroy.
Editor’s note: Reprinted from
August 2007 edition.
Revista de Victoria, August 2015 — 15
16 — Revista de Victoria, August 2015
HURACÁN, from pg. 13
Por eso, y para que todos los
residentes de las zonas costeras de
Texas estén debidamente preparados para un huracán de cualquier
categoría, el ICT recomienda que
todos tengamos un plan de evacuación y las pólizas de seguros
al día. Una vez se identifica una
tormenta en camino o en el Golfo
de México, las aseguradoras no
pueden vender nuevas pólizas de
seguros de vivienda y, en el caso
de las pólizas de seguro de inundación, hay un período de espera
de 30 días que va entre la fecha en
la que se adquieren y cuando entran en vigencia. En general, todos
los propietarios necesitan considerar adquirir una póliza de seguros
de viviendas que les provea de
protección financiera para encarar
posibles pérdidas como las causadas por incendios, robos, hurtos y
responsabilidad civil.
Si bien desde que el huracán
Ike entró por la Bahía de Galveston el 13 de septiembre de 2008,
Texas no ha experimentado otro
huracán, apenas dos meses antes,
el 23 de julio, Dolly, una tormenta
categoría 1 pasó por South Padre
Island con vientos de 85 millas
por hora causando graves daños
en áreas comerciales de la isla y
volcando más de un pie de lluvia
en las zonas cercanas de tierra adentro.
Cada año, ICT, el Departamento
de Seguros de Texas (Texas Department of Insurance), National
Weather Service, junto con agentes de seguros independientes y locales se unen para incentivar a los
residentes del estado a prepararse
contra los huracanes. Este año se
cumplen diez años que el grupo
viaja de costa a costa del estado
para ayudar a informar y educar a
los residentes contra este eminente
peligro y qué hacer para estar mejor preparados.
El Insurance Council of Texas
es la asociación estatal de seguros
más grande del país, con aproximadamente 500 aseguradoras que
emiten pólizas contra desastres y
accidentes para las propiedades
(property and casualty insurers) en
el estado de Texas. Para más información visite el sitio web www.insurancecouncil.org o la página de
CAPITOL, from pg. 1
of photo ID required under Texas’s
Texas appealed the ruling, and
the law was allowed to stand and
disenfranchise voters during the
November 2014 election while the
appeal was pending. But today, the
Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals upheld Judge Ramos’s decision that
the law violated Section 2 of the
Voting Rights Act.
Texas is not the only state with
a major lawsuit challenging voting
restrictions. In North Carolina, a
trial just wrapped up that will determine the fate of several voting
restrictions passed in an omnibus
bill in 2013. Since the 2010 election, 21 states have new laws in
place making it harder to vote.
With the Texas law struck down,
14 states will have new rules in effect for the first time in a presidential election in 2016.
The Texas State Conference of
the NAACP and Mexican American Legislative Caucus of the
Texas House of Representatives
(MALC) challenged the Texas
law in September 2013. That case
was consolidated with other similar cases and is now known as
Veasey v. Abbott. The attorneys
representing the groups include
Dechert LLP, the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law,
the Brennan Center for Justice at
NYU School of Law, PotterBledsoe L.L.P., the Law Offices of Jose
Garza, the national office of the
NAACP, the Law Office of Robert S. Notzon, and the Covich Law
Firm, P.C.
“We are greatly encouraged
by today’s decision,” stated Gary
Bledsoe, president of the Texas
NAACP and an attorney with PotterBledsoe. “This decision vindicates what African American and
Latino leaders have been saying
since this law was first proposed,
that it discriminates against minority voters. We call upon the attorney general to stop these efforts
and not seek a rehearing or an appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court.”
“There is no more fundamental American right than the right
to vote,” said Representative Trey
Martinez Fischer, Chairman of
MALC. “Time and time again, the
courts have found Texas’s voter ID
law to be racially discriminatory
against Texas Latino and African
American voters. I applaud the
Fifth Circuit Court for identifying that the state of Texas enacted
election reforms that are nothing
more than voter suppression tactics. Senate Bill 14 has nothing to
do with ensuring integrity in our
elections. It is merely a ploy to silence the voices of those who need
their government’s ear the most
– Latinos, African Americans, the
elderly, and the poor.”
“This decision helps ensure all
Texans will have the opportunity
to vote this November and in future elections,” said Amy Rudd of
Dechert LLP, pro bono counsel for
the NAACP Texas State Conference and MALC. “We are privileged to be part of a team that protected the rights of Texas voters.”
“This is a tremendous victory
for Texas voters,” said Myrna
Pérez, deputy director of the Democracy Program at the Brennan
Center. “More than half a million
registered voters do not have the
kind of ID required by Texas’s
harsh new law. Texas should heed
the admonishment of two courts,
currently required to comply with
the Section 5 pre-clearance provision. Just hours after the Supreme
Court’s decision, Texas Attorney
General Greg Abbott announced
the state would implement the
voter ID law.
At the September 2014 trial,
the Texas NAACP and MALC,
among others, presented evidence
showing the state’s ID requirement
would erect discriminatory barriers to voting. At trial, experts testiTexas State Representative Trey Martinez
Fischer. Contributed photo.
abandon their discriminatory law,
and start working to make sure
Texas voters can make their voices
“The Texas Legislature was
determined to adopt the most restrictive photo identification law
in the country, and it rejected repeated opportunities to reduce the
law’s negative effects,” said Ezra
Rosenberg, co-director, Voting
Rights Project, Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law. “It
should come as no surprise that the
court found a violation of federal
A federal court in Washington,
D.C. blocked Texas’s voter ID
law in 2012 under Section 5 of the
Voting Rights Act, finding that the
law would make it significantly
more difficult for minority citizens in Texas to vote on Election
Day. In June 2013, however, the
U.S. Supreme Court (in a separate
case) ruled that the formula used
in the Act for specifying the states
covered by Section 5 is unconstitutional. As a result, Texas is not
Revista de Victoria, August 2015 — 17
fied that 1.2 million eligible Texas
voters lack a form of governmentissued photo ID that would have
been accepted under the new law
— and minorities would be hit the
hardest. For example, the court
credited testimony that AfricanAmerican registered voters are
305 percent more likely and Hispanic registered voters 195 percent
more likely than white registered
voters to lack photo ID that can be
used to vote.
18 — Revista de Victoria, August 2015
FINANCIERA, from pg. 8
que no necesite y usar el dinero
obtenido para pagar deudas o acrecentar sus ahorros o inversiones.
8. Invierta con mesura. Haga
un estudio de las tasas de inversión
y comisiones (http://www.dol.
gov/ebsa/publications/undrstndgrtrmnt.html), ya que pueden reducir mucho su capital. Evalúe
detenidamente las tasas que está
pagando en cada cuenta de inversión que tenga y, si trabaja con un
profesional que le vende productos
financieros, sepa qué comisión le
está cobrando por sus servicios de
inversión y asesoramiento.
9. Compre activos que generen
ingresos. El mercado de las acciones, inmuebles, objetos de colección o inversiones en efectivo puede subir o bajar. Haga los deberes
y enfóquese en las inversiones que
se ofrezcan a precios atractivos
y que puedan valorizarse con el
tiempo. Además, no se olvide de
analizar las ramificaciones fiscales
de las operaciones de inversión
La independencia financiera. Contributed photo.
que realiza.
10. Sepa siempre dónde está
parado financieramente. La planificación financiera no consiste
simplemente en tomar una serie de
decisiones financieras y darlas por
hecho. Las vidas y las situaciones
cambian, y su planificación financiera debe ser lo suficientemente
flexible como para soportar tanto
los cambios positivos como los
negativos sin que se desvanezcan
sus esperanzas por lograr la independencia financiera. Si las inver-
DEEB, from pg. 1
value to other areas of the country
and to the world,” Deeb continued.
“What is needed is someone who
will represent Texas’ 27th Congressional District, rather than the
interests in Washington, DC.”
Married with 5 children, the 50year old Republican challenger
is a newcomer to politics. Deeb
credits his involvement in supporting local Catholic schools for his
ability to view the entire socio-
siones, la planificación financiera
o las cuestiones fiscales no son su
fuerte, trate por todos los medios
de recurrir a los expertos. No obstante, quienes logran tener independencia financiera suelen tener
las cuestiones monetarias controladas, no solo para su uso propio
sino también para sus herederos.
En resumen: La independencia
financiera requiere de diligencia y
algo de sacrificio, pero hasta los
cambios más pequeños pueden dar
grandes resultados.
economic spectrum and to truly
understand how each individual
contributes to society. “My children’s high school principal talks
about preparing our children for
college, for life, and for heaven…
this is about our next generation
and the future of our country,”
Deeb said.
Texas Congressional District 27
encompasses 13 counties, including Nueces, San Patricio, Aransas,
Refugio, Calhoun, Victoria, Jackson, Matagorda, Wharton, Lavaca,
Gonzales, Caldwell, and Bastrop
at its northern-most boundary.
When asked why he chose to
oppose the Republican incumbent,
Deeb answered concisely, “This
is not about the current Congressman. I am answering the call to
serve once again; to reaffirm my
commitment to support and defend, and bear true faith and allegiance to God and the Constitution.”
2 tablespoons chopped fresh tarragon
¼ teaspoon salt
¼ teaspoon ground black pepper
Rainbow sherbert cake. Contributed photo.
4 (4 ounce) salmon fillets Salt and
ground black pepper to taste
2 tablespoons olive oil Sauce: ½
cup mayonnaise
2 tablespoons Dijon mustard
2 tablespoons olive oil
4 cloves garlic, minced
2 tablespoons lemon juice
1 tablespoon finely grated lemon
1. Prepare grill for high heat.
2. Season the salmon fillets with
salt and pepper and drizzle with
olive oil.
3. Whisk together the mayonnaise, mustard, olive oil, garlic,
lemon juice, tarragon, salt and
pepper, set aside.
4. Lightly oil the grill grate.
Cook the salmon on the grill until
the fish flakes easily with a fork,
5 to 10 minutes. Place on a serving plate and top with the prepare
2 pounds fresh asparagus,
trimmed and cut into 1-inch
Revista de Victoria, August 2015 — 19
1-pound provolone cheese, shredded
2 (10.75 ounce) cans condensed
golden mushroom soup
1 (2.8 ounce) can French-fried
1. Preheat oven to 350ºF
2. Place asparagus in baking
dish; cover with cheese. Spread
mushroom soup over cheese.
3. Bake, covered, until hot and
bubbly, about 35 minutes. Remove from oven; remove cover
and sprinkle with onions. Return
to oven and bake, uncovered, until
onions are lightly browned, about
10 minutes.
4 cups cubed seedless watermelon
10 ice cubes
1/3-cup fresh limejuice
¼ cup white sugar
1/8-teaspoon salt
whipped topping, thawed
1. Place watermelon and ice into
a blender. Pour in limejuice, sugar,
and salt. Blend until smooth.
1. Slice angel food cake crosswise to make four layers. Place the
bottom layer on a serving plate,
and spread orange sherbet evenly
on top. Repeat with remaining
cake layers and raspberry and lime
sherbets. Finish with final layer
of cake. Frost sides and top with
whipped topping, and place in
freezer for 1 hour, or until firm.
1 (9-inch) angel food cake
1 pint orange sherbet, softened
1 pink raspberry sherbet, softened
1-pint lime sherbet, softened
1 (12-ounce) container frozen
20 — Revista de Victoria, August 2015

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