From the Pastor`s Desk
From the Pastor`s Desk
OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE CATHOLIC CHURCH HELOTES, TEXAS Grant, almighty God, through the yearly observances of holy Lent, that we may grow in understanding of the riches hidden in Christ and by worthy conduct pursue their effects. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen. DISCOVER THE CHURCH AS INSTITUTION You are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church, and the jaws of death shall not prevail against it. (Matthew 16:18) From the Pastor’s Desk We observe the Archbishop's Appeal this weekend throughout the Archdiocese. I ask all of our households and families to please make a one time donation or pledge a donation that came be paid off in 10 monthly installments. This annual appeal really does tremendous good in charitable projects, educational, catechetical projects and sustains the efforts of our Assumption Seminary and the retired priests. Your donation helps so many good projects in the Archdiocese of San Antonio. We had 660 families participate last year, I would like to reach a goal of 1,000 families. We have over 6,000 families on our parish roster. Please help us meet our Archbishop Appeal goal for this year. God bless you, Father Carlos 2015 ARCBHSHOP’S APPEAL: FEB 21 & 22 The 2015 Archbishop’s Appeal weekend will take place the weekend of Feb 21-22. The campign goal is $4.5M. Our parish goal is $155,830. We can assure the continued existence of many important programs that help tens of thousands in our Archdiocese each year, education of our children and seminary students, care of the sick and needy are among them. Please respond generously when you are asked to make your pledge. Fore more information, visit the Appeal website at POPE’S PRAYER INTENTIONS FEBRUARY 2015 UNIVERSAL: PRISONERS. That prisoners, especially the young, may be able to rebuild lives of dignity. EVANGELIZATION: SEPARATED SPOUSES. That married people who are separated may find welcome and support in the Christian community. 210-695-8791 FEBRUARY 22, 2015 UPCOMING COLLECTIONS Feb 21/22—Archbishop’s Appeal Feb 28/Mar 1—Parish Capital Campaign 2015 ARCHBISHOP’S APPEAL PRAYER Holy Spirit, Counselor and Helper, as a people consecrated to you, we seek to be a light for the world and salt for the earth. Grant that we may boldly proclaim the Gospel, and draw many souls to Christ. Lord of Hope, transform us so that we may Transform the Future. Unite us as the Body of Christ, strengthen us with your grace, and embolden us to reach out to the discouraged with hope, to the lost with Truth, and to the suffering with love. Giver of life, make us grateful for our many blessings, and help us to share generously with those in need. Bless and multiply our gifts to the 2015 Archbishop’s Appeal so that they may bear much fruit. Amen. THE NEW EVANGELIZATION This week’s sharing: Confession Penance, Reconciliation Source: Catechism of the Catholic Church We commonly refer to the Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation by any of the words above. Specifically, there are several actions that take place. “The sacrament of Penance is a whole consisting in three actions of the penitent and the priest’s absolution. The penitent’s acts are 1) repentance, 2) confession or disclosure of sins to the priest, and the 3) intention to make reparation and do works of reparation. …” (1491) “Individual, integral confession and absolution remain the only ordinary way for the faithful to reconcile themselves with God and the Church …” (1484) Therefore reconciliation with God and the Church can only happen once one has confessed his/her sins, received absolution and completed penance or reparation. The outward sign is the absolution or forgiveness we receive. The inward grace is the reconciliation of the penitent to God. All our sacraments were instituted by Christ, himself. The gospel of John 20: 19, 22-23 tells us about the institution of this sacrament when Christ first appeared to the apostles after his resurrection: “On the evening of that day, the first day of the week,” Jesus showed himself to his apostles. “He breathed on them, and said to them: ‘Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven; if you retain the sins of any, they are retained’” (1485) When we sin, we deprive ourselves of the Lord’s grace. After this sacrament, this grace is once again restored. (Visit our New Evangelization page on Facebook at: or call: 695-8791, ext 13 for more information) FIRST SUNDAY OF LENT SAFE ENVIRONMENT REQUIREMENTS The Archdiocese of San Antonio is committed to the protection of children, youth and vulnerable adults. All adults (18+) who minister to these persons are required to: 1. Complete a Criminal Background Check Form every 3 years. Processing fee is $6. Forms are available in parish office and our parish web site. 2. Complete Safe Environment Training every 3 years. The training is also offered through the Archdiocese Wed, Feb 25, 6-7:30pm, at the Office of Victim Assistance & Safe Environment, St. Paul Community Center Annex, 1201 Donaldson (red building). See the archdiocesan web site for more info at Contact Tracie Enriquez, 210-734-7786, [email protected] to reserve your seat on your desired date. 3. View Sexual Misconduct Video once. The video may be shown by appointment at the parish office. It is the goal of our parish to offer this valuable training to all adult parish volunteers. If you are unsure of what you are required to do for your particular ministry, contact your Ministry Leader. Ministry Leaders, if you need guidance, contact Maryanne Burns, 210-695-8791, ext 29, [email protected]. DISCOVER THE CHURCH AS COMMUNITY Where two or more are gathered in my name there I am in their midst. (Matthew 18:20) 5th Annual Lenten Fish Fry Sponsored by ACTS Fridays: Feb 27, Mar 6, 20, 27 5-8pm, in the Pavilion, $7 plate We look forward to seeing our parishioners. Your donation to ACTS ministry supports and allows us to take ACTS retreats to our community. Come join us and be a part of this event. COUNSELING SERVICES Yvonne Rheinschmidt MA LPC-I is providing Individual, Family, and Marital Counseling services at our parish. Contact Ph: 210-247-8472 or Email: [email protected] to set up an appointment. The Knights of Columbus Council 8306 are sponsoring our 5th Annual 40 CANS FOR LENT Food Drive Wed, Feb 18 through Easter Sun, April 5. We ask for you to donate ONE can of food per person during each of the 40 days of Lent; from Ash Wednesday to Easter Sunday. Bring your can donations each Saturday or Sunday, either before or after mass, beginning Sat, Feb 21—Sun, Feb 22. If you wish to donate extra items, here’s a list of items which will help the San Antonio Food Bank, Catholic Charities, Society of St. Vincent de Paul and our own House of Neighborly Service Food Pantry; Peanut Butter, Canned Luncheon meats, Cereal, Tuna, Beans, Rice, Macaroni & Cheese, Chili, Canned Stews, Canned Soups, Full meals in a can/box and “Pop Top” food items. Your support over the last 4 years have equaled 240,000 pounds of food, plus cash donations to each of the 4 charities. Thank you in advance for helping our Knights make this food drive a success for Lent 2015! OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE CYO REGISTRATION FOR BASEBALL, T-BALL & SOFTBALL now through March 2, 2015 Register online at: http:// *Early Registration Fee: $125 now til Feb 8, 2015 *Fee: $135 Feb 9 - Feb 22, 2015 *Fee: $140 Feb 23—Mar 2, 2015 ~Uniform included~ • T-Ball: Co-ed, ages 4-5 • Baseball: Boys, ages 6 - 14 • Softball: Girls, ages 6-14 Contact: Rudy Cervera, 210-325-9157 or email: [email protected] for more information. ACTS COLLEGE SCHOLARSHIP FOR HIGH SCHOOL SENIORS The Our Lady of Guadalupe ACTS community is offering two $500 college scholarships. To be eligible for the scholarship students must belong to a registered parish family at Our Lady of Guadalupe and a senior in high school planning to attend College. This scholarship will be awarded to an individual who has distinguished themselves academically and/or served actively within the Our Lady of Guadalupe Community. For more information please contact Denise Becerra [email protected] This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Scholarship applications must be submitted by March 1st. OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE CATHOLIC CHURCH HELOTES, TEXAS KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS 8306 DOCTOR LARRY T. EHRLUND SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM Our Knights of Columbus are offering FOUR $600 grants for higher education to our graduating high school seniors for the 2014-2015 school year. Letter with instructions may be picked up at the parish office and must be returned no later than Tue, March 31, 2015. The names of the selected scholarship applicants will be announced in April 2015. Applicant must be a registered member of our parish or applicant’s father must be a member in good standing of Council 8306. Funds for these educational grants are acquired through fundraising activities sponsored by Council 8306. Members of Council 8306 thank all for your generous support of all of our endeavors. We accept direct contributions to the Scholarship Fund. PARISH BOOK PROGRAM This week's Study Guide questions for the book Rediscover Catholicism, available for your personal reflection and discussion. From the Prologue and Introduction: Session One: Where to From Here? Pages 13-25 1. Describe the moment in your life when you most enjoyed being Catholic. 2. How did the story about the epidemic and the little boy change the way you think about Mass? What else did the story challenge you to reflect upon? If you need more information about the book, study groups, or the study questions, cntact: Matt Alexander hm 210-679-6247 Cell 210639-4600 Email [email protected] Our Lady of Guadalupe Mother’s of Munchkins: MOM's is a support and ministry group for All mothers with children of all ages. We meet the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month (Sep-May), 9-11am, in the Guadalupe room to share and support each other in our ministry as Christian mothers. We would love to see you at our next meeting! Please join us and bring a friend. Questions? Contact Melanie Tawil @ [email protected], 210-323-9382 or Beth Thompson @ [email protected], 210-543-7409. 210-695-8791 FEBRUARY 22, 2015 Ccatholic Senior’s Conference Hallmarks of Aging & Wisdom Sat, Mar 14, 9am—2:30pm @ St. Matthew Church, McDonald Family Center. Family members and caretakers are welcome to attend. Come join us and learn about God’s calling for senior citizens and discover a message of abundant joy and hope! Whatever your state in life, you are welcome to this day of prayer, learning, fellowship, and laughter. Contact The Pilgrim Center of Hope, 210-521-3377 or The teaching of the wise is a fountain of life [Prov 13:14] DISCOVER THE CHURCH AS SACRAMENT He is the image of the invisible God, the first-born of all creation. (Colossians 1:15) STATIONS OF THE CROSS Fridays in Lent, 7pm, Chapel Feb 27: Altar Society (English) Mar 6: Knights of Columbus (English) Mar 13: Divine Mercy (Spanish) Mar 20: Women’s Faith-Sharing Group (English) Mar 27: Parish (Bilingual) presented by various individuals, families, groups and ministries of our parish family GOOD FRIDAY LIVING STATIONS PRESENTED BY YOUTH & YOUNG ADULTS Good Fri, April 4, 11am, Annex Property on FM 1560 LENTEN RECONCILIATION SERVICES Bilingual priests available at all services. Wed, Mar 4, 7pm Children (English) Mon, Mar 16, 7pm Middle School & High School (English) Tue, Mar 17, 7pm Parish (Spanish) Wed, Mar 25, 7pm Parish (English) during Parish Mission EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Thursdays, 8:30am-9pm, Chapel. All are welcome to stop by and pray anytime. Can you commit to a regular hour of adoration on Thursdays? Let us know. This is the time of fulfillment. The kingdom of God is at hand. Repent and believe in the Gospel. (Mark 1:15) Contact Danna Peaks-Sullivan, 210-695-8791, ext 18, [email protected]. FIRST SUNDAY OF LENT SACRAMENTS THE EDGE [MIDDLE SCHOOL] RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION FOR ADULTS Mon, Feb 23, 6:30pm, Hall Are you interested in joining the Church or completing your sacraments of initiation: baptism, confirmation or eucharist? Contact Danna Peaks-Sullivan, 210-695-8791, ext 18, [email protected]. Mon, Mar 2, 6:30pm, Hall BAPTISM for adults, youth and children 7+: Danna Peaks-Sullivan, 210-695-8791, ext 18, [email protected]; for Children <7: Anna Alvarado, 210-695-8791, ext 23, [email protected]. FIRST EUCHARIST & RECONCILIATION for Elementary: Anna Alvarado, 210-695-8791, ext 23, [email protected]; for Middle & High School: Lisa Pena, 210-695-8791, ext 27, [email protected]. CONFIRMATION for Youth: Jon Lamers, 210-695-8791, ext 26, [email protected]. MARRIAGE Laura Garcia Brill, 210-695-8791, ext 24, [email protected]. ANOINTING OF THE SICK Father Carlos, 210-695-8791, ext 20, [email protected]. HOLY ORDERS Father Carlos, 210-695-8791, ext 20, [email protected]. DISCOVER THE CHURCH AS HERALD Go into all the world and preach the gospel to the whole creation. (Mark 16:15) HELP DRIVE HOME THE WORD OF GOD FOR ONLY $25! The 2015 Guadalupe Radio Network Raffle happens Wed, Mar 4. purchase your raffle tickets for $25 each or 5 for $100 to win a 2015 Red Ford Mustang. All proceeds of this raffle benefit Guadalupe Radio Network through La Promesa Foundation. Winner of the car is responsible for all taxes, title and license fee. You can purchase your tickets from Laura Brill, cell phone 210-379-6135 with cash, check or credit card. Or, visit, 888-784-3476, [email protected]. Guadalupe Radio Network—Radio for Your Soul! LIFE TEEN [HIGH SCHOOL] Sun, Feb 22, 5:30pm, Hall Sun, Mar 1, 5:30pm, Hall Contact Jon Lamers, 695-8791, ext 26, [email protected]. March 6-8 Middle School Retreat Contact Lisa Pena, 695-8791, ext 27, [email protected] CHILDREN’S LITURGY OF THE WORD Children ages 3 years old (must be accompanied by a parent), pre-kinder, kinder, 1st-5th graders are dismissed before the 1st reading, led to Parish Hall. CLW is not Religious Education but a way for children to celebrate God’s word at their level and enable them to participate and respond as children. CLW meets: Sat, Feb 21, March 7, 21, 28, 5pm Mass; Sun, Feb 22, March 8, 22, 29, 9am, 10:45am, 12:30pm Masses. Contact Nancy, 210-695-8791, ext 28, [email protected] for more information. DISCOVER THE CHURCH AS SERVANT Whatsoever you do to the least of my brothers and sisters that you do unto me. (Matthew 25:40) A PARISH FAMILY CONVERSATION ON LIFE Tue, Feb 24, 7:30pm, Hall Learn about pro-life ministry and efforts at our parish and in our local area. Contact David Guerra, 210-681-6932, [email protected]. 40 DAYS FOR LIFE: FEB 18—MAR 29 Join the worldwide movement to protect mothers and babies! From Feb 18 to Mar 29, our community will join with hundreds of other cities and towns participating in 40 DAYS FOR LIFE, a life-saving campaign made up of 3 components: prayers & fasting; community outreach; and peaceful vigil. Vigil Location: On the sidewalk in front of the **new** MEGA Planned Parenthood abortion center, 2140 Babcok Road, 78229. Vigil Hours: 24 hours Monday-Sunday! Local Contact: San Antonio Coaltion for Life: Kellie Gretschel, 210-737-2235, [email protected]. Learn more & Get Involved: OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE PARISH VIGIL TIME: Sat, Feb 28, 8am-2pm. Parish Contact: David Guerra, 210-681-6932, [email protected] OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE CATHOLIC CHURCH HELOTES, TEXAS EASTER SERVICE PROJECTS We will have projects to pick up & take home to complete for all ages that will be used for our Easter Outreach. If you are looking for service hours, please plan to stop by The Annex Residence at 11762 FM 1560 N during the below times to pick up an at home project. ~~Wed, March 4 – 11am-2pm or 6-9pm ~Wed, March 18 – 11am-2pm or 6-9pm All projects must be completed and returned by Palm Sunday, March 29. We will also be at The Annex Residence for workdays from Mon, March 30-Sat, April 4, 11am2pm & 6-9pm daily to sort and assemble packages for the Easter Outreach Project. There are tasks for all ages and skill levels to assist with. PILLOW MINISTRY Are you able to make pillows or blankets for teenage moms & infants, retired or nursing home residents, homeless individuals and family members & foster kids? We provide pillows year-round to those who need a soft place to lay their head. Extra hands are needed during Lent as we provide hundreds of pillows and blankets in conjunction with our Easter Outreach Project. For more information, please contact Kiki D'Ambrosia, 210-521-9123, [email protected]; or Margarita Zaske, 210-807-2545. Presewn pillows that require stuffing and sewing closed, will be available for pickup at the Annex residence as an at home project for our Easter Service Project. See dates in article above. GRANDPARENTS RAISING GRANDCHILDREN Many grandparents today are stepping up to raise their grandchildren due to various circumstances and situations. In fact, the 2000 US Census reports over 2.4 million grandparents have responsibility for their grandchildren. Would you like to connect with other grandparents raising grandchildren? Join us for a light breakfast, resources and support: Mon, Mar 9, 10am-12n Brauchle Elementary, 8555 Bowens Crossing Contact Mercedes Bristol, 210-912-0004. Can’t make it? Let us know what other days and times might work for you. 210-695-8791 FEBRUARY 22, 2015 PRISON CORRESPONDENCE MINISTRY We have many persons who have requested pen pals on our waiting list. All mail is received through the parish office address. If you are interested in serving in this ministry, contact Loretta Lang, 210-688-3 54, Minnie Vigil, 210-680-2556 or Sandra Archey at [email protected]. OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE LITTLE FLOWER ROSARY MAKERS All are welcome! 2nd Tuesdays of the month, (Sep—May), 10am-12n, Guadalupe Room. Contacts: June Anderson, 372-1240, [email protected]; Sylvia Esquivel, 520-0244. Concédenos, Dios todopoderoso, que las prácticas anuales propias de la Cuaresma nos ayuden a progresar en el conocimiento de Cristo y a llevar una vida mas cristiana. Por nuestro Señor Jesucristo, tu Hijo, que vive y reina contigo en la unidad del Espíritu Santo y es Dios por los siglos de los siglos. Amén. DESCUBRE LA IGLESIA COMO INSTITUCION Tu eres Pedro, y sobre esta piedra edificaré mi iglesia; los poderes de la muerte jamás la podrán vencer. (Mateo 16:18) Desde el Escritorio del Parroco Este fin de semana tendremos la Colecta del Arzobispo en toda la arquidiocesis. Les pido a todas la familias de nuestra comunidad que favor den un donativo o un compromiso que se pagaria en en mensualidades de 10 meses. Esta campana de verdad hace mucho bien en proyetos caritativos, educacionales, catequeticos y ademas sustiene nuestro seminario de la Asuncion y los sacerdotes ancianos. Tuvimos 600 families que participaron el ano pasado. Mi meta es de tener 1,000 familias o individuos participar en esta campana anual. Tenemos 6,000 familias en la parroquia o sea tenemos mas que suficientes familias que nos podrian ayudar con la colecta del Arzobispo. Les pido nos ayuden con un donativo de una sola vez o el compromiso de un donativo mas grande pagado en mensualidades. Tendremos los sobres en las bancas. Dios los bendiga. Muchas gracias, Padre Carlos FIRST SUNDAY OF LENT PROXIMAS COLECCIONES Feb 21/22—Campaña del Arzobispo Feb 28/Mar 1—Campaña Capital de la Parroquia 2015 CAMPAÑA DEL ARZOBISPO: FEB 21/22 El Fin de Semana del 2015 de Compromiso de la Campaña del Arzobispo se llevará a cabo el 21 y 22 de febrero. La meta total de la campaña es de $4.5M. La meta de nuestra parroquia es de $155,830. A través de la Campaña, podemos asegurar la continuidad de muchos programas importantes que ayudan a miles de personas en nuestra Arquidiócesis cada año. Entre estos programas esta la educción de nuestros hijos y de los seminaristas, la asistencia a los enfermos y a los necesitados. Por favor, respondan generosamente cuando se les pida hacer un compromiso de donación anual. Para mas información visite el sitio en internet de la Campaña en REQUISITOS DE AMBIENTE SEGURO (SAFE ENVIRONMENT REQUIREMENTS) La Arquidiócesis de San Antonio esta comprometida a la seguridad y protección de los niños, jóvenes adolescentes y de los adultos vulnerables. Todos los adultos (18 años+) asignados a actividades ministeriales de los grupos de personas mencionadas requieren lo siguiente: 1. Someter un Formulario de Verificación de Antecedentes Criminales cada 3 años. La tarifa de procesamiento de el formulario es de $6. Los formularios están disponibles en la oficina de nuestra parroquia y en nuestra pagina de internet. 2. Completar Entrenamiento de Ambiente Seguro cada 3 años. El entrenamiento esta disponible por el arquidiócesis también miércoles el 25 de febrero, 6-7:30pm, en la Oficina de OVASE, St. Paul Community Center Annex, 1201 Donaldson (edificio colorado). Para reservar su asiento, contacta a Tracie Enriquez, 210-734-7786, [email protected]. 3. Ver el video titulado Mala Conducta Sexual una vez. Puedes hacer cita para ver el video en la oficina parroquial. El objetivo de nuestra parroquia es ofrecer este valioso entrenamiento a todos los voluntarios adultos. Si no estas seguro de los requisitos necesarios para algún ministerio en particular; contacta a tu Líder Ministerial. Si eres un Líder Ministerial y necesitas orientación, contacta a Laura Garcia Brill, 210-695-8791, ext 24, [email protected]. LA NUEVA EVANGELIZACION Compartimos esta semana: Confesión, Perdón, Reconciliación Procedencia: Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica Frecuentemente, nos referimos al Sacramento de la Penitencia y de la reconciliación con cualquier de estos nombres. Específicamente, son varias, las cosas que suceden. “El sacramento de la Penitencia está constituido por el conjunto de tres actos realizados por el penitente, y por la absolución del sacerdote. Los actos del penitente son: el arrepentimiento, la confesión o manifestación de los pecados al sacerdote y el propósito de realizar la reparación y las obras de penitencia.” (1491) "La confesión individual e íntegra y la absolución continúan siendo el único modo ordinario para que los fieles se reconcilien con Dios y la Iglesia…” (1484) En otras palabras, la reconciliación con Dios y la iglesia solamente se puede llevar a cabo cuando uno has confesado sus pecados, ha recibido la absolución del sacerdote, y ha completado la penitencia. El signo exterior es la absolución o el perdón que recibimos. La gracia interior es la reconciliación del penitente con Dios. Todos los sacramentos fueron instituidos por el mismo Cristo. El evangelio de Juan (Jn 20, 22-23) nos cuenta de la institución de este sacramento cuando Cristo se apareció por primera vez después de su resurrección: “En la tarde de Pascua, el Señor Jesús se mostró a sus Apóstoles y les dijo: "Recibid el Espíritu Santo. A quienes perdonéis los pecados, les quedan perdonados; a quienes se los retengáis, les quedan retenidos" (1485) Cuando pecamos, nos depravemos de la gracia de Nuestro Señor. Después de recibir el sacramento volvemos a nuestro estado de gracia. (Visite nuestra página de la Nueva Evangelización en Facebook: o llame al: 695-8791 x 13 para mas información) INTENCIONES DEL SANTO PADRE FEBRERO 2015 UNIVERSAL: ENCARCELADOS. Para que los encarcelados, en especial los jóvenes, tengan la posibilidad de reconstruir una vida digna. EVANGELIZACIÓN: CÓNYUGES SEPARADOS. Para que los cónyuges que se han separado encuentren acogida y apoyo en la comunidad cristiana. OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE CATHOLIC CHURCH HELOTES, TEXAS DESCUBRE LA IGLESIA COMO COMUNIDAD Pues donde están dos o tres reunidos en mi nombre, allí estoy yo, en medio de ellos. (Mateo 18:20) 5TA VENTA DE PESCADO FRITO DE CUARESMA Auspiciada por ACTS Viernes: Feb 27; Mar 6, 20 y 27 5-8pm, en el Pabellón, platos a $7 Esperamos ver a todas las familias de la parroquia.. Sus donaciones al ministerio de ACTS nos ayudan a llevar retiros a nuestra comunidad. Te esperamos a ti y tu familia a ser parte de este evento. SERVICIOS DE CONSEJERIA Yvonne Rheinschmidt MA LPC-I está disponible para proporcionar servicios de consejería individual, familia o matrimonial para nuestra parroquial. Comunicarse con ella, 210-247—8472 o [email protected] 210-695-8791 FEBRUARY 22, 2015 SERVICIOS DE RECONCILIACION EN CUARESMA Sacerdotes bilingües estarán disponibles en todos los servicios. miércoles, 4 de marzo, 7pm Niños (Ingles) lunes, 16 de marzo, 6:30pm Escuela secundaria y preparatoria (Ingles) martes, 17 de marzo, 7pm Parroquia (Español) miércoles, 25 de marzo, 7pm Parroquia (Ingles) durante la misión SACRAMENTOS RITO DE INICIACIÓN CRISTIANA para convertirte en católico/a o completar los sacramentos de iniciación, adultos: Elena Munis, 210-325-7320. BAUTISMO edades 7+: Elena Munis, 210-3257320; niños <7: Adela Vigueras, 210-760-2558. PRIMERA COMUNIÓN Y PRIMERA CONFESIÓN para Niños: Susie y Martin Palacios, 210-315-9302; Alejandra Palacios, [email protected]. CONFIRMACIÓN para jóvenes: Jon Lamers, 210-695-8791, ext 26, [email protected]. DESCUBRE LA IGLESIA COMO SACRAMENTO El es la imagen del Dios que no se puede ver, y para toda criatura es el Primogénito. Colosenses 1:15) VIA CRUCIS Los Viernes en Cuaresma, 7pm, en la Capilla 27 de Feb: Sociedad del Altar (Inglés) 6 de Mar: Caballeros de Colon (Inglés) 13 de Mar: Divina Misericordia (Español) 20 de Mar: Grupo de Mujeres (Inglés) 27 de Mar: Parroquial (Bilingüe) presentado por varios individuales, familias, grupos y ministerios de nuestra familia parroquial VIERNES SANTO VIA CRUCIS PRESENTADO POR LOS JOVENES Y ADULTOS JOVENES Viernes Santo, Abr 4, 11am, Propiedad Anexo en FM 1560 MINISTERIO NUEVO DE HOSPITALIDAD Estamos buscando Ministros de Hospitalidad para asistir en las Misas del Sábado en la noche y las Misas del Domingo. Hombres, Mujeres y Jóvenes, todos están invitados! Por favor de contactar a Adela Trujillo, 951-316-785, [email protected]. MATRIMONIO Preparación matrimonial tiene una duración mínima de 6 meses. Padre Carlos, 210-695-8791, ext 20, [email protected]. UNCIÓN DE LOS ENFERMOS Padre Carlos, 210-695-8791, ext 20, [email protected]. ORDENES Padre Carlos, 210-695-8791, ext 20, [email protected]. LA SOCIEDAD ADORACION NOCTURNA cordialmente invita a todos hombres, mujeres y sus familias que se consagran a una devoción especial a Jesucristo Sacramentado, por medio de la adoración reparadora en la noche. Nuestra próxima adoración nocturna empieza Sáb 7 de marzo, con la Misa de 7pm, y se termine el Dom 8 de marzo, 5am. ¡Todos son invitados! Contactos: Ruben Martinez, 210-777-2414. MINISTERIO VIRGEN PEREGRINA Que nada te aflija o te asuste, ni temas enfermedad, ¿no estoy yo aquí, que soy tu madre? Quien desee recibir la visita en su hogar de la imagen de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe, comuníquese con Jaime y Yolanda Mora, 210-371-3252. FIRST SUNDAY OF LENT ADORACION DEL SANTISIMO todos los Jueves de 8:30am-9pm en la Capilla. Se les invita para que vengan y oren a la hora que mejor les convenga. También avísanos si puedes ayudarnos con venir a orar a una hora específica. El tiempo se ha cumplido. El Reino de Dios está cerca. Conviértanse y crean en la Buena Noticia. (Marcos 1:15) Contacto Danna Peaks-Sullivan, 210-695-8791, ext 18, [email protected]. APOSTOLADO EUCARÍSTICO DE LA DIVINA MISERICORDIA Hijo mío, no tengas miedo de los sufrimientos puesto que yo estoy contigo. Deseo que conozcas más profundamente el amor que arde en mi corazón por todas las almas. Apela a mi misericordia. Para los pobres deseo su salvación. La familia que desea recibir la visita de la imagen de la Divina Misericordia, comunicarse con Simón o Juanita Ramírez, 210-680-3527, 210-410-9451. DESCUBRA LA IGLESIA COMO HERALDO Vayan por todo el mundo y anuncien la Bena Nueva a toda la creación. (Marcos 16:15) AVANZAR LA PALABRA DE DIOS POR SÓLO $ 25! La Rifa de 2015 del Guadalupe Radio Network sucede Miér Mar 4. Compra sus boletos de la rifa por $25 cada una, o 5 por $ 100 para ganar un 2015 Ford Mustang rojo. Todas las ganancias de este sorteo se benefician Guadalupe Radio Network a través de Fundación La Promesa. Ganador del coche es responsable de todos los impuestos, título y licencia . Usted puede comprar sus boletos de Laura Brill, teléfono celular 210-379-6135 con dinero en efectivo , cheque o tarjeta de crédito. O bien, visite, 888-784-3476, [email protected]. Guadalupe Radio Network—¡Radio para Su alma! DESCUBRA LA IGLESIA COMO SERVIDOR Cuando lo hicieron con alguno de los más pequeños de estos mis hermanos, me lo hicieron a mí. (Mateo 25:40) UNA CONVERSACIÓN CON LA FAMILIA PARROQUIAL SOBRE VIDA martes, 24 de febrero, 7:30pm, Salón Entérese ministerio pro-vida y los esfuerzos de nuestra parroquia y en nuestra área local. Contacto David Guerra , 210-681-6932, [email protected]. 40 DÍAS POR LA VIDA: FEBRERO 18—MARZO 29 ¡Únete al movimiento mundial para proteger a las madres y los bebés! Desde el 18 de febrero hasta el 29 de marzo, nuestra comunidad se unirá a cientos de otras ciudades y pueblos participando en 40 Días por la Vida, un ahorro de vida campaña consta de 3 componentes: oraciones y el ayuno; extensión a la comunidad ; y vigilia pacífica. Vigilia Ubicación : En la acera de enfrente de la nueva ** MEGA** centro aborto Planned Parenthood, 2140 Babcock Road, 78229. Horas Vigil: 24 horas de lunes a domingo! Contacto Local: San Antonio Coalition for Life: Kellie Gretschel, 210-737-2235 , [email protected]. Más información y Involúcrate: TIEMPO VIGILIA DE LA PARROQUIA DE NUESTRA SEÑORA DE GUADALUPE: Sáb, 28 Feb, 8am-2pm Contacto: David Guerra , 210-681-6932, [email protected] ABUELOS CRIANDO NIETOS Muchos abuelitos hoy en día están criando sus nietos por varias circunstancias y situaciones. El Censo de 2000 reporta mas de 2.4 millones de abuelos con la responsabilidad de sus nietos. ¿Te gusta conectar con otros abuelos que están criando nietos? Acompáñenos para unos refrescos y apoyo. Abra materiales y recursos que les podría ayudar. lunes 9 de marzo, 10am-12 medio día Brauchle Elementary, 8555 Bowens Crossing Llamar a Mercedes Bristol, 210-912-0004. ¿No puedes asistir? Díganos que días o tiempos eran mejor para ustedes. FABRICANTES DE ROSARIO DE LA PARROQUIA DE NUESTRA SENORA DE GUADALUPE Abierto a todo el público. Se reúnen el segundo martes de cada mes de 10am-12 del día, en el Salón Guadalupe. Comuníquese con June Anderson, 210-372-1240, [email protected]. MINISTERIO DE CORRESPONDENCIA PARA LOS ENCARCELADOS Si está interesado en escribir y enviar cartas de esperanza y aliento a las personas que están recluidas en las prisiones llame a Minnie Vigil, 210-680-2556. OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE CATHOLIC CHURCH HELOTES, TEXAS MASS INTENTIONS / INTENCIONES PARA LAS MISAS Saturday, February 21 / sábado 21 de febrero 8am +Sophie Solar Rosario, Sidney & Linda Brouillette 5pm +Carlos Garcia, +Lewis August Herbeck Sr. 7pm +Isidro Nasianceno, Carmen Salazar Sunday, February 22 / domingo 22 de febrero First Sunday of Lent 7:15am +Anthony R. & +Elaine F. Ludwig, +Edna Hattonbach 9am +Jerry Kleffner, +Dr. Alice De Rosa 10:45am +Alejandro Yglesias, +Rudy Lerma De La Rosa 12:30pm +Grace Palombo, R. J. Garza 4:30pm +Ella Dunford, +Ray Garrison 6:30pm +William Celis, +Daniel Xavier Bazan Monday, February 23 / lunes 23 de febrero 8am +Lillie Davila, Maria Napolez Tuesday, February 24 / martes 24 de febrero 8am +Byrne James 7pm +Ryan Jonas, +Leroy Jonas Wednesday, February 25 / miércoles 25 de febrero 8am +Jason Watts, an intention in thanksgiving to St. Gabriel Thursday, February 26 / jueves 26 de febrero 8am +Mary Lou Buentello, +Ashley De Leon Friday, February .27 / viernes 27 de febrero 8am +Enrique & +Hilda Campos, +Berl Williams Saturday, February 28 / sábado 28 de febrero 8am +Mary White, an intention of the donor 5pm +Gaspar & +Irene Garcia, +Lewis August Herbeck Sr. 7pm +Evelyn Ramos, +Consuelo Sophie, Miembros Vivos y Difuntos de la sociedad del altar 210-695-8791 FEBRUARY 22, 2015 Sunday, March 1 / domingo 1 de marzo Second Sunday of Lent 7:15am +Ignacio & +Carmen Cazares, +Karl A. Weber 9am +Jerry Kleffner, +Dr. Alice De Rosa 10:45am +Rudy Lerma De La Rosa,, +Modesto & +Guadalupe Marichalar 12:30pm +Mely Fernandez 4:30pm +Ella Sanchez Dunford, +Bella M. Oswald 6:30pm Miembros Vivos y Difuntos de la Parroquia READINGS FOR THE WEEK LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Sunday, Feb 22 / domingo 22 de febrero Gen 9:8-15; 1 Pet 3:18-22; Mk/Mc 1:12-15 Monday, Feb 23 / lunes 23 de febrero Lev 19:1-2, 11-18; Mt 25:31-46 Tuesday, Feb 24 / martes 24 de febrero Is 55:10-11; Mt 6:7-15 Wed, Feb 25 /miércoles 25 de febrero Jon 3:1-10; Lk/Lc 11:29-32 Thur, Feb 26 / jueves 26 de febrero Est C:12, 14-16, 23-25; Mt 7:7-12 Friday, Feb 27 / viernes 27 de febrero Ez 18:21-28; Mt 5:20-26 Saturday, Feb 28 / sábado 28 de febrero Deut 26:16-19; Mt 5:43-48 Sunday, Mar 1 / domingo 1 de marzo Gen 22:1-2, 9a, 10-13, 15-18; Rom 8:31b-34; Mt 9:2-10