Healing Mass


Healing Mass
 Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time ~ July 26, 2015
Healing Mass Wednesday, July 29th 7:00pm Fr. Ray Elam, OSA 6:30 PM Praise and worship followed by testimonies 7:00 PM Healing Mass & healing prayers MASS SCHEDULE
St. James (In English) Saturday Vigil: 5:00 PM Sunday: 7:30 AM, 9:00 AM 11:30 AM & 6:00 PM St. Leo Mission (In Spanish) Sunday: 8:30 AM & 10:30 AM 1st Saturday (English): 8:00 AM Daily Mass at St. James 8:00 AM | Monday ‐ Friday Liturgy of the Hours 7:30 AM | Monday ‐ Friday Eucharistic Adoration 8:30 AM –8:00PM| Thursday Communion Service 6:45 AM | Monday ‐ Friday 8:00 AM | Saturday Reconciliation 3:30 PM | Saturday or upon request Baptism Call (858) 755‐2545 ext. *101 Marriage Preparation Call Parish Office (858) 755‐2545 ext. *112 9 months prior to wedding St. James Church 625 S Nardo Avenue (858) 755‐2545 | Fax: (858) 755‐3845 St. Leo Mission 936 Genevieve Street (858) 481‐6788 | Fax: (858) 481‐5832 www.stjamesandleo.org St. James - St. Leo
July 26, 2015
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July 12, 2015 July 19, 2015 $11,349.50 $11,305.75 Jean Brosnahan Velia Castellenos Marc Coleman Kathy Dunn Dcn. Al Graff Ruth Howell Margarito Magana Budgeted $22,125.00
What return shall I make to the Lord for all the Lord has given me — Psalm 116 Katherine Martinez Betty Mettee Roseanne Schwall Kate Turner Kathleen Varni Lise Zondler We are happy to list the names of persons who need special prayers. Names will be listed for one month. STEWARDSHIP REFLECTION
Mon., July 27~ Ita Godkin † Tue., July 28 ~ Fr. Lawrence Goodwin Int. Wed., July 29 ~ Anne Van Steenberg † Thur., July 30 ~ Barbara Kieffer Cole † Fri., July 31 ~ Antonio Mendoza Int. Our Gospel reading from St. John relates the account of Jesus feeding the more than 5,000 gathered to be fed by the Word, little knowing that they would be fed in reality owing to one of the Lord’s best known mira‐
cles. This phenomenal narrative is reported in all four To arrange for a Mass Intention for any of the weekday Masses, please stop by or call the parish office. Gospels. TODAY’S READINGS
First Reading — Elisha feeds a hundred people with twenty barley loaves (2 Kings 4:42‐44). Psalm — The hand of the Lord feeds us; he answers all our needs (Psalm 145). Second Reading — Paul urges the Ephesians to live in a manner worthy of the call they received (Ephesians 4:1‐6). Gospel —Jesus feeds a large crowd with five barley loaves and two fish (John 6:1‐15). The English translation of the Psalm Responses from the Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved. In many ways what Jesus did in this particular miracle is differ‐
ent from others He performed. He makes an effort to involve His Apostles by turning to them and appealing for assis‐
tance. Of course, there is some hesitance on the parts of Philip and Andrew who are cited as responding in somewhat negative ways. Jesus does not admonish them for their misgivings but goes ahead to accomplish what He set out to do. READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Ex 32:15‐24, 30‐34; Ps 106:19‐23; Mt 13:31‐35 Tuesday: Ex 33:7‐11; 34:5b‐9, 28; Ps 103:6‐13; Mt 13:36‐43 Wednesday: Ex 34:29‐35; Ps 99:5‐7, 9; Jn 11:19‐27 or Lk 10:38‐42 Thursday: Ex 40:16‐21, 34‐38; Ps 84:3‐6a, 8a, 11; Mt 13:47‐53 Friday: Lv 23:1, 4‐11, 15‐16, 27, 34b‐37; Ps 81:3‐6, 10‐11ab; Mt 13:54‐58 Saturday: Lv 25:1, 8‐17; Ps 67:2‐3, 5, 7‐8; Mt 14:1‐12 Sunday: Ex 16:2‐4, 12‐15; Ps 78:3‐4, 23‐25, 54; Eph 4:17, 20‐24; Jn 6:24‐35 Certainly the Apostles had witnessed previous incredi‐
ble acts by the Lord, but yet they still hesitated to trust Him implicitly. How often do we do the same? Do we remember the many blessings we have received, and do we think of all the ways God has been with us in the past, or do we, like Philip and Andrew, doubt? Steward‐
ship involves complete trust in God. This trust should be based as much on what has happened in our lives, as on our deep faith. Good stewards concentrate on the positive, not on the negative. When one focuses on blessings rather than challenges, miracles like this seem commonplace. 2 Kgs: 4: 42‐44; Ps 145: 10‐11, 15‐18; Eph 4: 1‐6; Jn 6: 1‐5 San Jaime / San León
26 de julio dé 2015
Primera lectura — Eliseo da de comer a cien hombres con veinte panes de cebada (2 Reyes 4:42‐44). Salmo — Bendeciré al Señor eternamente (Salmo 145 [144]). Segunda lectura — Pablo exhorta a los efesios a que se muestren dignos de la vocación que han recibido; siendo comunidad unida, llena de fe y esperanza (Efesios 4:1‐6). Evangelio —Jesús da de comer a un enorme gentío con cinco panes de cebada y dos pescados (Juan 6:1‐15). En muchos sentidos, lo que hizo Jesús en este milagro particular es diferente de los demás que realizó. Él hace un esfuerzo por involucrar a sus Apóstoles girando a ellos y atractivo para la ayuda. Por supuesto, hay una cierta vacilación en las partes de Philip y Andrew que se citan como responder de manera un tanto nega‐
tivos. Jesús no amonestar por sus dudas, pero sigue adelante para lograr lo que se propuso hacer. LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA
Lunes: Ex 32:15‐24, 30‐34; Sal 106 (105):19‐23; Mt 13:31‐35 Martes: Ex 33:7‐11; 34:5b‐9, 28; Sal 103 (102):6‐13; Mt 13:36‐43 Miércoles: Ex 34:29‐35; Sal 99 (98):5‐7, 9; Jn 11:19‐27 o Lc 10:38‐42 Jueves: Ex 40:16‐21, 34‐38; Sal 84 (83):3‐6a, 8a, 11; Mt 13:47‐53 Viernes: Lv 23:1, 4‐11, 15‐16, 27, 34b‐37; Sal 81 (80):3‐6, 10‐11ab; Mt 13:54‐58 Sábado: Lv 25:1, 8‐17; Sal 67 (66):2‐3, 5, 7‐8; Mt 14:1‐12 Domingo: Ex 16:2‐4, 12‐15; Sal 78 (77):3‐4, 23‐25, 54; Ef 4:17, 20‐24; Jn 6:24‐35 Ciertamente los apóstoles habían presenciado actos increíbles anteriores por el Señor, pero sin embargo, todavía dudado en confiar en Él implícitamente. ¿Cuán a menudo hacemos lo mismo? ¿Recordamos las muchas bendiciones que hemos recibido, y qué pen‐
samos de todas las maneras en que Dios ha estado con nosotros en el pasado, o es lo que, al igual que Felipe y Andrés, dudamos? Mayordomía implica confianza en Dios. Esta confianza debe basarse tanto en lo que ha sucedido en nuestras vidas, ya que en nuestra fe pro‐
funda. Los buenos administradores se concentran en lo positivo, no en lo negativo. Cuando uno se centra en bendiciones en lugar de desafíos, los milagros como éste parece un lugar común. Adoración Eucarística El lunes 27 de julio se expone el Santísimo Sacramento del Altar para que pasemos unos momentos de adora‐
ción durante el día. Si usted puede hacerlos recuerde: “El señor está aquí y te llama…” Se inicia desde las 9:00 de la mañana hasta las 5: 00 de la tarde. Oremos por nuestro obispo Roberto McElroy, sacerdotes, diáconos, seminaristas, religiosas, novicias, los matrimonios, novios, jóvenes, adolescentes y niños. Catecismo Grupo de Oración El jueves 30 de julio los invitamos a participar en el Gru‐
po de oración el templo de san León Magno pediremos a Dios para que conceda a las familias el don de la Fideli‐
dad y la unidad. Registración como miembro de Sn James y Sn León Magno Es muy fácil de hacer. Hable por teléfono o por internet. Pagina 3
Nuestra lectura del Evangelio de San Juan se refiere el relato de Jesús alimentando a los más de 5.000 se re‐
unieron para ser alimentados por la Palabra, sin saber que iban a ser alimentados en la realidad, debido a uno de los milagros más conocidos del Señor. Esta narrati‐
va fenomenal se informó en los cuatro Evangelios. Ya están abiertas las registraciones para el catecismo periodo 2015‐16, pida su forma para que la llene y la entregue en la oficina. Les recordamos a los padres de familia que los invitamos a que logren establecer en casa el momento sagrado busquen el día, la hora y el lugar para hacer la reunión familiar. REFLECIÓN DOMINICAL 2 Re: 4: 42‐44; Salmo 145: 10‐11, 15‐18; Efesios 4: 1‐6; Jn 6: 1‐5 También puede pasar a la oficina y pida su forma para llenar y la persona de la oficina pueda capturar sus da‐
tos en el sistema. Se les solicita a todas las personas que actualicen sus datos en el Censo parroquial. Solicite una forma de actualización en la oficina de la Misión de san León. Durante el Verano es tiempo de hacerlo.Pida informes en la oficina. Tel. (858) 481‐67 88 Hora Santa El sábado 08 de agosto tendremos la Hora Santa ante nuestro Señor Sacramentado, de 7:00 a 8:00 pm. Habrá momentos de alabanza e intercesión y oración contem‐
plativa. Pediremos por la santificación de nuestros sa‐
cerdotes, religiosos, religiosas y misioneros, así como por la unidad y fidelidad en nuestros matrimonios. St. James - St. Leo
July 26, 2015
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Pastoral Care
SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Sunday: Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Wednesday: St. Martha Thursday: St. Peter Chrysologus Friday: St. Ignatius of Loyola Saturday: St. Alphonsus Liguori; First Saturday St. James Healing Prayer NEED PRAYER St. James Healing Prayer Ministers, trained, caring and confidential, are here in the church to pray over your needs at different times throughout the month. All Sundays ‐‐ After the 9am Mass First Mondays ‐‐ 9‐10am Second Tuesdays ‐‐ 7‐8:15pm Third Saturdays ‐‐ After the 5pm Mass
We Care Greeting Card Ministry If you know of a parishioner who would be encouraged by receiving a “love note” during an illness or following the death of a family member, please contact Mary Jane Brue (Get Well), (760) 804‐0923 ([email protected]) or Peggy Anderson (Sympathy), (760) 942‐5471 ([email protected]) Support Group for Separated/Divorced A new support group starting Sunday September 13th for anyone suffering from the pain and loss associ‐
ated with a separation or divorce. Faith Formation for Children Registration packets for our Sunday religious education pro‐
gram for the 2015‐16 school year are available on the table at the entrance to the church, or at the church office. Classes meet Sunday mornings beginning in September for grades K‐
8th, with a preschool program for 3‐4 year olds. Sacramental preparation is in 2nd grade, with classes forming for older children as needed. Volunteer opportunities are available. Contact Pamela Smith at ffc@stjames‐stleo.com for more information. We meet Sundays at 10:15 AM at St. James Catholic Church – Ministry Center. For more information contact Frank Grant at (760) 533‐1520 / [email protected] or Jan Nadler PhD at (760) 814‐8604. Eucharistic Adoration “The time you spend with the Blessed Sacrament is the best time you will spend on earth. Each moment you spend with Jesus will deepen your union with Him and make your soul everlasting more glorious and beautiful in heaven, and will bring about everlasting peace on earth.” ‐Mother Theresa Eucharistic Adoration: Thursdays, 8:30am to 8:00 pm. Are you or someone you know experiencing a call to join the Catholic Church? Consider joining the Rosary group an Monday at 6pm in the chapel behind the Altar. The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is the process which prepares adults to be fully initiated mem‐
bers of the community by receiving the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist. Contact Deacon Peter (619) 991‐5311 or Katie (858) 755‐2545, ext *107 Hodsdon to learn more about this wonderful experience of formation and transformation. The Healing Miracles of Jesus A 6 week course presented by the Healing Ministry July 21 to Aug. 26, 2015, in the Gathering Room Tues. class ‐ 6:30 PM to 9 PM or Wed. class ‐ 12:30 PM to 3 PM Contact: Lily (858) 481‐6911 or Cory (888) 590‐5095 St. James - St. Leo
July 26, 2015
Silent Retreat: Be Still and Know I am God Inspired by the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola Begins Saturday, Aug 1 at 8 am and ends Sunday, Aug 2 at 2:30 pm Mission San Luis Rey Retreat Center, 4050 Mission Ave., Oceanside Cost per person: $225; $215 before Friday, Jul 17 Facilitator: Maria G. Arroyo, MA in Theological Studies from Loyola Marymount University and Certified Spiritu‐
al Director from USD Center for Christian Spirituality Includes: 1‐1/2 days in silence; 2 sessions with a Spiritual Director; materials to inspire your reflection and prayer; opportunity for creative prayer expression; individual room and 4 meals. Registration/Information: 619‐987‐
5266 or [email protected] Page 5
SJA Bocce Tournament Please join Saint James Academy on their 2nd Annual Bocce Tournament on Saturday, September 19th in Fair‐
banks Ranch. Tickets are $65.00 per person and it in‐
cludes dinner, Bocce tournament entry fee and hand crafted beer by a local brewery. Tickets are available by contacting Tatiana Walton at [email protected] or Mary McGuinness at [email protected]. Events like this allow Saint James Academy to continue its pur‐
suit of academic excellence as we develop, educate and prepare our students for their future. Thank you for your support! Matthew Kelly is coming to North County!! Save the date!! Saturday February 6, 2016 Blessed Virgin Mary: A Rich Tapestry Dr. Thomas Herbst, OFM, will present “Devotion to Our Lady: The Blessed Virgin Mary in the Life of the Church” on Wednesday, August 19, from 7 – 8:30 pm in the St. James Parish Hall. Come and learn about the important beliefs that the Church holds regarding Mary and how they affect an individual’s devotion. Fr. Herbst is visiting San Diego from Canterbury, UK, and has experienced a rich variety of ministries since being ordained in 1992. Free will offering will be taken. Author of Rediscovering Catholicism and The Four Signs of a Dynamic Catholic will be at St Elizabeth Seton. Tickets will sell out, so please get your family tickets early. Dynamic, engaging Catholic speaker Matthew Kelly will present Living Every Day with Passion & Purpose, Sat. Feb. 6, 2016 from 9‐1:30pm. Tickets will be sold after Masses on July 25 ‐ 26, 2015. All tickets are $39.Tickets will also be available on‐line at: http://cart.dynamiccatholic.com/Passion‐and‐Purpose‐
Live‐s/1849.htm Ticket sales are faster when you pay with a check made out to Dynamic Catholic, though cash and credit cards are accepted. Light food will be available for purchase during the breaks. Questions: Call/email Erin Pynes (760)815‐2690 [email protected] Ministers of the Word A Liturgical Minister Formation Workshop If you would like to become a lector…..join us on Saturday, August 22, 9:00 a.m.‐2:30 p.m. and Thursday, August 27, 6:30‐9:00 p.m. Pastoral Center, Diocese of San Diego 3888 Paducah Dr., San Diego 92117 Fee: $35/person To Register: Contact the Office for Liturgy and Spirituality 858‐490‐8290 or log onto www.diocese‐sdiego.org/olsfiles/index.html to download registration form. THE APPROVAL OF YOUR PASTOR IS REQUIRED FOR THIS WORKSHOP. There is no registration at the door. Feeding the World THE HOLY LAND
October 25‐November 5, 2015 $4,199 from San Diego UNDER SPIRITUAL DIRECTION
For more information please visit: With today’s two accounts of feeding miracles and the psalm response about the Lord’s hand feeding us, it is easy to gloss over the marvelous hymn in Ephesians. It is built around the most potent biblical numbers: one, three, and seven. The core of it is the word “one” expressed seven times. Three of these describe the church: one body, one Spirit, one hope; the next three are the foundations of the church: one Lord [Jesus], one faith, one baptism. All of these are bound up together in the one Father of all. While we might feel daunted by the prospect of duplicating the wonders worked by Elisha and Jesus in the feeding of multitudes, Ephesians gives us a more realistic way to live and “feed” others as the church: by living in humility and gentleness, by acting with patience, bearing with each other in love, and always seeking and striving to preserve unity through peace. Who among us cannot increase the way we “feed” the church and the world by living this way? We are always called upon to “feed” the world in the literal sense; but our mission as church tells us that others are also fed by the way we live and act each moment of each day. www.pilgrimages.com/frlawrencecjm WELCOME TO St. James‐St. Leo Catholic Community! We warmly welcome all visitors and hope you will consider making our commu‐
nity your parish home. Church attend‐
ance does not make you or your family registered members. Registration forms are in the brochure rack at the entrance of the church, or at the parish office. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. PASTORAL STAFF
Rev. John H. Howard, CJM, Pastor ................................................ 858‐755‐2545 ….. ........................ jhhcjm@stjames‐stleo.org Rev. Lawrence Goodwin, CJM ....................................................... 858‐755‐2545 x *101 ................... frlawrencecjm@stjames‐stleo.org Deacon Al Graff ............................................................................... 858‐452‐3684 Deacon Peter Hodsdon .................................................................. 619‐991‐5311 ................................ [email protected] Sr. Zita Toto, RGS Coordinator St. Leo Mission ............................. 858‐481‐6788 ............................. sisterzita@stjames‐stleo.org Abel & Gloria Castellanos, Youth Ministry Coordinators ............... 760‐207‐4645 ............................. [email protected] Amy Martinez, Finance Manager ................................................... 858‐755‐2545 x *103 ................... amartinez@stjames‐stleo.org Antonio Mendoza, Maintenance .................................................. 858‐755‐2545 x *109 ................... mendztony@stjames‐stleo.org Bulletin ............................................................................................ .................................................... bulletin@stjames‐stleo.org Debbie Derderian‐Office Manager ................................................. 858‐755‐2545 x *112 .................... debbie@stjames‐stleo.org Gail Jilka, Secretary ......................................................................... 858‐755‐2545 x *100 ................... gail@stjames‐stleo.org Kate Hodsdon, Coordinator of Pastoral Care ................................ 858‐755‐2545 x *107 ................... katie@stjames‐stleo.org Kathy Dunn, Principal St. James Academy ………………………. 858‐755‐1777…………………… [email protected] Pamela Smith, Faith Formation for Children ................................. 858‐755‐2545 x *106 ................... ffc@stjames‐stleo.org Patrick Villa, Youth Ministry Coordinator ....................................... 858‐755‐2545 x *111 .................... pvilla@stjames‐stleo.org Pauline Wright, Director of Music .................................................. 858‐755‐2545 x *300 .................. [email protected] Timothy O’Shea, Saints Thrift Store Manager ............................... 858‐755‐0654 ............................. [email protected] Vicente Leal, Spanish Religious Education Coordinator ................ 858‐755‐2545 x *102 ................... vicente@stjames‐stleo.org Medical/Dental Program……………………………………...……858‐259‐9464 St. James—St. Leo Catholic Community is under the pastoral care of the Eudist Fathers, or Congregation of Jesus and Mary. We owe our name to Saint John Eudes who founded the Congregation in France in 1643. The Eudists currently operate in 15 countries, most of which are in the developing world. Evangelization, mainly with the poor and the youth, is our primary purpose, as well as formation to ministry in the training of diocesan priests and lay ministers. Our motto is “To Serve Christ and His Church.” For more information visit: http://www.eudistes.org/english.htm 

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