Biblioteca Ambulante


Biblioteca Ambulante
Biblioteca Ambulante
Los títulos no están siempre disponibles debido a que están en prestamo a nuestros miembros. En el caso de las publicaciones científicas se cuenta con la versión impresa del archivo digital adquirido por el investigador que cedio su copia
única de trabajo.
1. Libros de Acuarismo en general o Piscicultura
Digital Photography and the Aquarium - M. Cameron
Fisheries Technologies for Developing Countries
Fundamentos Biologicos, Economicos y Sociales para una correcta gestion del recurso pejerrey.
Nueva guía práctica para estanques de jardín - K. Wieser
Nutrient Requirements of Fish
Scientific Advances in Animal Nutrition Promise for the New Century, Proceedings of a Symposium
Tomo I – Sorin
Tomo II – Sorin
2. Artículos científicos varios sobre acuarismo en general o Piscicultura en ecosistemas
A long pathlength spectrophotometric pCO2 sensor using a gas-permeable liquid-core waveguide - Z. Wang
A Manual for Commercial Production of the Tiger Barb (Capoeta tetrazona) - C. Tamaru
A microfluidic pH-regulation system based on printed circuit board technology - C. Laritz
A new Apistogramma species (Teleostei-Cichlidae) from the Rio Negro in Brazil and Venezuela - S.
A new record for the freshwater shrimp, Atya crassa (Smith, 1871) (Decapoda, Atydae) on the pacific coast of
A new species of Rineloricaria (Siluriformes, Loricariidae) from the Paraná and Uruguay River basins,
Misiones,Argentina - M. RODRIGUEZ
A new species of the genus Aphanius (Nardo, 1832) (Actinopterygii, Cyprinodontidae) from Algeria - J.
A new species of Trichomycterus (Siluriformes, Trichomycteridae) from south Brazil and redescription of T.
iheringi (Eigenmann) - W. WOSIACKI
Adiciones a la fauna de peces del Delta del Río Paraná - J. Liotta
Agricultural Phosphorus and Eutrophication - A.N. Sharpley
An Economical, Portable System for Hatching Brine Shrimp Artemia
Apistogramma eremnopyge, a new species of cichlid fish (Teleostei - Cichlidae) from Peru - Kullander
Aspects of the reproduction of atya margaritacea a. MILNE-EDWARDS, 1864 (decapoda,Atyidae) - M.
Australoheros - Character and tree-based delimitation of species in the 'Cichlasoma' facetum group
(Teleostei,Cichlidae) with the description of a new genus - Kullander
Bacterial Diseases in Chinese Catfish
Best Management Practices for Hawaiian Aquaculture
Biodiversidad y Distribución de la Ictiofauna Mesopotámica Argentina - Lopez
Biodiversity in the High Paran river Floodplain - Agostinho
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Biogeografía de los peces continentales de la Argentina - Lopez
Cichlid biogeography - Comment and review - P. Chakrabarty
Cichlid biogeography- comment and review - Chakrabarty
Cichlid Fishes from the La Plata Basin. Part V. - Description of A equidens plagiozonatus sp. n.
(Teleostei-Cichlidae) from Paraguay River System - S. Kullander
Construccion de estanques y de estructuras hidraulicas para el cultivo de peces
Controlled Spawning of the Neon Tetra
Crecimiento de tilapias ( oreochromis niloticus, l.) Con piensos extrusionados de diferente nivel proteico
Culture of Small Zooplankters for the Feeding of Larval Fish
Defining loading limits of static ponds for catfish aquaculture - J. Hargreaves
Dendrocephalus - Artemia de agua dulce, mito o realidad - Calviño
Description of a new Batrochoglanis species (Siluriformes, Pseudopimelodidae) from the rio Paraguai basin,
State of Mato Grosso, Brazil - Shibatta
Description of two new species of the catfish genus Trichomycterus from southeastern Brazil (Siluriformes,
Trichomycteridae) - A. ALENCAR
Diagnosis and Treatment of Aeromonas hydrophila Infection of Fish - Swann
Ecology meets endocrinology - environmental sex determination in fishes - J. Godwin
Enrichment of artemia for use in freshwater ornamental fish production - C. Tamaru
Environmental determination of sex in Apistogramma (Cichlidae) and two other freshwater fishes (Teleostei) U. Romer
Environmentally related life history variations in Geophagus brasiliensis - R. Mazzoni
Epactionotus aky (sp. nov.) - Azpelicueta
Evaluación del efecto parasiticida de los extractos acuoso y metalónico de Buddleja cordata HBK (tepozán)
sobre Costia necratix en tilapia (Oreochromis sp)
Genetic, abiotic and social influences on sex differentiation in cichlid fishes
Genetic, abiotic and social influences on sex differentiation in cichlid fishes and the evolution of sequential
hermaphroditism - R. Oldfield
Guide to Identification of Fresh Water Microorganisms
Hypostomus macushi, a new species of the Hypostomus cochliodon group (Siluriformes, Loricariidae) from
Ichthyological ecoregions of Argentina - H. López
Karyotype and mitochondrial 16S gene characterizations in seven South American - Marescalchi
Lipoproteins from plasma and perivelline fluid of the apple snail Pomacea canaliculata
Lista comentada de la ictiofauna del delta del Río Paraná - J. Liotta
Manual for Commercial Production of the Gourami (Trichogaster Trichopterus) - B. Cole
Manual for Commercial Production of the Swordtail (Xiphophorus helleri) - C. Tamaru
Manual para el cultivo y uso de artemia en acuicultura - FAO
Microcambeva ribeirae sp. n. (Teleostei, Siluriformes, Trichomycteridae),a new sarcoglanidine catfish from
theRio Ribeira do Iguape basin, southeastern Brazil - W. COSTA
New species of the catfish genus Trichomycterus (Siluriformes, Trichomycteridae) from the headwaters of the
rio Sáo Francisco basin, Brazil - W. WOSIACKI
Nitrogen biogeochemistry of aquaculture ponds - J. Hargreaves
Old species and new concepts in the taxonomy of Pomacea (Gastropoda: Ampullariidae)
Ovarian development in the Amazonian Red Discus, Symphysodon discus Heckel (Osteichthyes, Cichlidae) Chellappa
Oviductal structure and provision of egg envelops in the apple snail Pomacea canaliculata (Gastropoda,
Prosobranchia, Ampullariidae)
Peces del Uruguay - Lista Sistemática y Nombres Comunes (DI.NA.R.A.)
Peckoltia cavatica, a new loricariid catfish from Guyana and a redescription of P. braueri (Eigenmann 1912)
(Siluriformes) - J. ARMBRUSTER
Phosphorus budget as a water quality management tool for closed aquatic mesocosms - C. Trepanier
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Phylogeny and biogeography of cichlid fishes (Teleostei-Perciformes-Cichlidae) - J. Sparks
Pomacea canaliculata (Gastropoda: Ampullariidae): Life-history Traits and their Plasticity
Pond age-water column trophic relationships in channel catfish Ictalurus punctatus production ponds - P. Zimba
Pond Culture of Hybrid Striped Bass in the North Central Region
Population ecology of pike-cichlid, Crenicichla lepidota, in two streams of the Brazilian Pampa subject to a
sever drought - J. Lobon-Cervia
Procedural Guide for the Artificial Insemination of the Lyretail Swordtail, Xiphophorus helleri
Producción semi-intensiva de biomasa de Artemia franciscana kellogg 1906 (cepa Virril , Perú) utilizando
diferentes dietas 2
Pseudancistrus sidereus, a new species from southern Venezuela (Siluriformes, Loricariidae) with a
redescription of Pseudancistrus - J. ARMBRUSTER
Raising the Silver Arowana (Osteoglossum bicirrhosum) - C. Brown
Recent developments in the application of live feeds in the freshwater ornamental fish culture
Recirculating Aquaculture Tank Production Systems - Losordo
Redescubriendo Austrolebias robustus - Calviño
Relationships between fish assemblages, macrophytes and environmental gradients in the Amazon River
floodplain - P. PETRY
Relative growth of Atya Margaritacea - Milne-Edwards, 1864 (Decapoda,Atyidae) - Mayen
Review of the genus Hypostomus Lacepede, 1803 from rio Ribeira de Iguape basin, with description of a new
species (Pisces, Siluriformes, Loricariidae) - O. OYAKAWA
Scale and squamation character polarity and phyletic assessment in the family Cichlidae - E. LIPPITSCH
Shipping Practices in the Ornamental Fish Industry
Shipping Practices in the Ornamental Fish Industry - B. Cole
Some Aspects of the Development of Lobatostoma jungwirthi Kritscher, 1974 (Aspidogastrea) in Snails and
Cichlid Fishes from Buenos Aires, Argentina
Spatial partitioning of fishes in the Rio Paraguay
Spawning and Production of the Lemon Tetra (Hyphessobrycon pulchripinnis) - B. Cole
Spawning and Production of the Serpae Tetra (Hyphessobrycon serpae) - B. Cole
Spawning and Production of the Serpae Tetra, Hyphessobrycon serpae
Spawning the tinfoil barb (Barbodes schwanenfeldi) - R. Bailey y B. Cole
Temporal patterns of resource partitioning among Cichla species in a Venezuelan blackwater river - D. B.
The Complete larval development of Caridina japonica - Hamano
The fish fauna in tropical rivers - The case of the Sorocaba river basin, SP, Brazil - Smith
The freshwater shrimps of Curaçao (Decapoda, Caridea) - Debrot
The Oldest fossil cichlids (teleostei - Perciformes) - indication of a 45 million year old species flock - Murray
The species of the Hypostomus cochliodon group (Siluriformes, Loricariidae) - J. ARMBRUSTER
Trichomycterus giganteus (Siluriformes, Loricarioidea, Trichomycteridae) a new catfish from the Rio Guandu
basin, southeastern Brazil - S. LIMA
Triploid Chinese Catfish
Tropical fishes as biological bulldozers - Density effects on resource heterogeneity and species diversity - A.
Using commercial feeds for the culture of freshwater ornamental fishes in Hawaii
3. Artículos científicos varios sobre acuarismo en general o Piscicultura en ecosistemas marinos
A review of the main bacterial fish diseases in mariculture systems
Collecting Black-lip Pearl Oyster Spat
Coral reef fish breeding the secrets of each species
Economics of a Pacific threadfin (Polydactylus sexfilis) Hatchery in Hawaii
Farming Soft Corals for the marine aquarium trade
Gracilaria Gall Syndrome
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Growout Techniques for the Pacific Threadfin Polydactylus sexfilis
How to Make and Sell Giant Clam Shell Products
Lagoon Farming of Giant Clams (Tridacnidae)
Nursery and Grow-out Techniques for Giant Clams (Tridacnidae)
Prevention of Black Gill Disease in Marine Shrimp
Producing Pearls Using the Black-lip Pearl Oyster (Pinctada margaritifera)
Production Economics of Giant Clam (tridacna)
Recent Advances in Lagoon-based Farming Practices for Eight Species of Commercially Valuable Hard and
Soft Corals - A Technical Report
Shrimp Diseases
Spawning and Early Larval Rearing of Giant Clams (Bivalvia - Tridacnidae)
Starting A Successful Commercial Sponge Aquaculture Farm
The Basic Methods of Pearl Farming - A Layman's Manual
The Culture of Soft Corals (Alcyonacea) for the Marine Aquarium Trade
4. Libros sobre acuarios plantados
Algae - An introduction to phycology - Van Den Hoeck
Aquarium Plants - Barry James - Tetra Press
Aquarium Plants - c. Kasselmann
Aquarium Plants - K. Rataj y T. Horeman
Aquatic Plant Book - Christhoper D.K. Cook - SPB Academic Publishing
Ecology of the planted aquarium - D. Walstad – Echinodorus Press
Las plantas de acuario - G. Brunher - Vida Acuática
Las plantas de acuario - Milton Barks - Hispano
Nueva Guía Práctica de Plantas Acuáticas - G. Brunner y P. Beck - Tetra Press
Plantas de acuario - Kaspar Horst - Omega
Planted Aquarium - Creation and maintance - C. Kasselmann
5. Sistemática de plantas acuáticas
A new species of echinodorus - R. Haynes
A Revision of Anubias Schott - W. Crusio
Alismataceae de Argentina - Karel Rataj – Darviniana
Anatomía foliar en Nyphoides indica, Nymphaea amazonum y Victoria cruziana, especies con lámina foliar
flotante del macrosistema Iberá
Cryptocoryne dewitti N. Jacobsen sp. Nov. (Araceae)
Cryptocoryne gasseri N. Jacobsen sp. Nov. (Araceae)
Das Pflanzenreich - Araceae - Adolf Engler
Flora Neotrópica 64 – The Alismataceae
Green Plants - Their Origin and Diversity
Guía macrofitos dulceacuícolas de la comunidad valenciana - A. Tormo
Hydrilla verticillata
Lagenandra keralensis (Araceae), a remarkable new species from India
Notes on Echinodorus - R. Haynes
Nymphaea elegans (Nymphaeaceae) nueva cita para la Republica Argentina - Nuncia Tur
Plantas acuáticas de los humedales del este (Uruguay)- E. Alonso
Revisión del género Potamogetón en Argentina - Tur Nuncia - Darwiniana
Taxonomy of Mexican Podostemaceae - A. Novelo
Taxonomy of Podostemaceae in Argentina - Nuncia Tur
Trimorphic incompatibility in Eichhornia azurea (Pontederiaceae)
Two new Alismatidae from Ecuador and Peru - L. Holm-Nielsen - Brittonia
Uma nova espécie de Bacopa Aubl. (Scrophulariaceae) da América do Sul - V. C. Souza
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6. Artículos científicos varios sobre plantas acuáticas
A Guide to the Ecology and Care of Mangroves - Julian Sprung
A method for cultivating plants under controlled redox intensities in hydroponics - J. Lissner
A triploid cytotype of Echinodorus tennellus - J. Costa
Absorption spectroscopy of colored dissolved organic carbon in Georgia (USA) rivers: the impact of molecular
size distribution
Alteraciones Producidas por la Vegetación Flotante (Eichhornia crassipes) en la Calidad del Agua de Lagunas
del Bajo Paraná
Ammonium and nitrate uptake by aquatic plants from poorly buffered and acidified waters - J. Schuurkes
An inter-comparison of coloured dissolved organic material and phytoplankton absorption coefficients:
implications for meris data validation.
Anatomia das raízes de Bacopa Salzmanii e Bacopa Monnieroides (SCROPHULARIACEAE) em ambientes
aquaticos e terrestre - Cleusa Bona
Antialgal furano-diterpenes from Potamogeton natans L. - M. Dellagrecca
Aquatic modules for bioregenerative life support systems based on the C.E.B.A.S. biotechnology - V. Bluem
Aquatic plant communities and predictors of diversity in a sub-tropical river floodplain- the upper Rio Paraná,
Brazil - K.J. Murphy
Attenuation of ultraviolet radiation in a large lake with low dissolved organic matter concentrations
CMOS Chip as Luminescent Sensor for Biochemical Reactions
Construction and Testing of an Inexpensive PAR Sensor
Contribution of chromophoric dissolved organic matter to attenuation of ultraviolet radiation in three
contrasting coastal areas
Control of turion germination in Potamogeton crispus
Differential response of tellimagrandin II and total bioactive hydrolysable tannins in an aquatic angiosperm to
changes in light and nitrogen - Gross E.
Dissolved organic carbon and nutrients as regulators of lake ecosystems: Resurrection of a more integrated
paradigm - Craig E. Williamson
Distribuiçao de macrófitas aquáticas no Pantanal - Vali Joana Pott
Early Cretaceous lineages of monocot flowering plants - Kåre Bremer
Early results for validation of meris water products in The skagerrak
Effects of CO2 concentration and light intensity on photosynthesys of a rootless submerged plant,
Ceratophyllum Demersum L.
Effects of light reduction on growth of the submerged macrophyte Vallisneria americana and the community of
root-associated heterotrophic bacteria - J. Kurtz
Effects of submergence on the growth of Phragmites australis seedlings - A. Mauchamp
El uso del calcio soluble para estimular el crecimiento vegetal
Estimation of dissolved organic carbon (doc) Concentrations in nanoliter samples using UV Spectroscopy
Field effects of simazine at lower trophic levels (a review) - Morten T.Strandber
Floating water-plantain (Luronium natans)
Flower structure and development of Araceae compared with alismatids and Acoraceae - Matyas Buzgo
Food Potential of aquatic Macrophytes - Peter Edward
Genetic Diversity and Population Structure of Wild Lentil Tare - Man Kyu Huh
Impact of submerged macrophytes including charophytes on phyto- and zooplankton communities - allelopathy
versus other mechanisms - Ellen van Donk
In vitro germination and micropropagation of water chestnut - A. Agrawal
Interactions between light and CO2 enhance the growth of Riccia fluitans - Pedersen
Interference competition between Ludwigia repens and Hygrophila polysperma. Two morphologically similar
aquatic plant species - R. Doyle
Las plantas acuáticas del macrosistema Iberá
Ligth climate and plankton in the deep chlorophyll maxima in North Patagonian Andean lakes
Low photoinhibition among submerged macrophytes
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Models of aquatic plant productivity, a review of the factors that influence growth - G. Carr
Morphological adaptations and photo synthetic rates of amphibious Veronica anagallis-aquatica L.
(Scrophulariaceae) under different flow regimes - M. Torres Boeger
New vegetal metabolic path - SIGMA Press
Nitrate reductase activity in roots and shoots of aquatic macrophytes - N. Cedergreen
Optical Water Quality of Lake Tahoe
P3-CO2 concentrating mechanisms - Organised by R.C. Leegood
Parameterization of light scattering for solving the inverse problem of determining the concentrations of the
principal light scattering and absorbing admixtures in shelf waters
Photosynthesis (Artículo extenso de fuente desconocida)
Physycal-chemical characterisation of Parana River in Corrientes-Argentina. Part II. “Alcalinity,
Hardness,Calcium, Sulfate, and Chloride - several years variations”
Plantas palustres del Macrosistema Iberá
Pollination of Echinodorus grandiflorus (Alismataceae) - M. Vieira
Population dynamics and net primary production of the aquatic macrophyte Nymphaea rudgeana in a lotic
environment of the Itanhaem river basin - A. Camargo
Relationships between water level fluctuations and vegetation diversity in shallow water of New Zealand lakes Tenna Riis
Relevant variables to predict macrophyte communities in running waters - A. Barendregt
Restoration of aquatic macrophyte vegetation in acidified and eutrophied softwater lakes - Emiel Brouwer
Seed Propagation Techniques for Wetland Plants
SEM study of surface structures of the spathe in Cryptocoryne and Lagenandra
(Araceae-Aroideae-Cryptocoryneae) - M. ORGAARD
Simulation of light environment with fluorescent lamps and design of a movable light mounting fixture in a
growing room - Fang
Some Plants to Grow Under Lights
Species-specific depth zonation in New Zealand charophytes as a function of light availability - A. Schwarz
Study of the carbon dioxyde solubility in solvent and electrolysis used in lithium ion batteries - F.Blanchard
Symbiotic germination of three semi-aquatic rein orchids (Habenaria repens, H. quinquiseta,H. macroceratitis)
from Florida - Scott L. Stewart
The effect of alkalinity on photosynthesis light curves and inorganic carbon extraction capacity of freshwater
macrophytes - S. Kahara
The effect of changing environmental variables in the surrounding water on the physiology of Elodea nuttallii J. Iwan Jones
The relationship between light attenuation, chlorophyll a and total suspended solids in a Southern Andes glacial
The vertical attenuation of irradiance as a function of the optical properties of the water
Toxicological evaluation by in vitro and in vivo assays of an aqueous extract prepared from Echinodorus
macrophyllus leaves - L. Costa Lopes
Two models for absorption by coloured dissolved organic matter (CDOM)
UV transparency in NZ lakes and the impact of UV on freshwater zooplankton and benthic plants
Variation in P-content in aquatic plant tissues offers an efficient tool for determining plant growth strategies
along a resource gradient - C. GARBEY
Variation of climatic and physical Co-determinants of phytoplankton community In four nictemeral sampling
days in a shallow Tropical reservoir, southeastern brazil
Waterblommetjie (Aponogeton distachyos, aponogetonaceae), a recently domesticated aquatic food crop in
cape south africa with unusual origins
7. Libros sobre cíclidos
Manual de Ciclidos del Malawi - Ad Koenings
Peces de Malawi - Mantenimiento y Cria Exitosas - A. Spreinat
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Phylogeny of Geophagine Cichlids from South America (PERCIFORMES - LABROIDEI) - H. López
fernández (Copia digital de la Tesis)
8. Libros Varios aportados por los miembros de la asociación
Anatome plantarum - Pars altera (1679) - M. Malpighii
Anatome plantarum (1675) - M. Malpighii
Biology - Science for Life - V. Borden
Frumentorum, leguminum, palustrium et aquatilium herbarum, ac eorum, quae eo`pertinent, historia (1566) Rembert Dodoens
Handbook Of Chemistry And Physics
Introductory Biostatistics - Chap Le
Philosophia Botanica (1783) - Carl Von Linné
Raven and Johnson's Biology - 6th
Statistics for Research (third edition) - Shirley Dowdi
World of Microbiology and Immunology - Brigham Narins
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