2 . 新 聞 記 事 ・ 講 演 案 内 等 ・ Newspaper articles


2 . 新 聞 記 事 ・ 講 演 案 内 等 ・ Newspaper articles
2 . 新 聞 記 事 ・ 講 演 案 内 等 ・ Newspaper
announcements, etc .
East West Journal, Honolulu, January, 1978
It is interesting to know that the US military has been taking this sort of measures to the
landowners to secure the bases in Okinawa.
(文教ニュース、2000 年 10 月)
Jornal da UNESP - ANO XVI - Nº 166
Tecnologias de ensino
O conhecimento, estudo e uso de tecnologias de ensino a distância é
uma obrigação da universidade de qualidade. Em busca de selar
parcerias na área, a UNESP recebeu a visita, em março último, do
responsável pela área de Relações Internacionais do National Institute
of Multimedia Education (Nime), Toshio Kobayashi. O docente japonês
visitou a Reitoria e os câmpus de Guaratinguetá e Marília da
Universidade. Em maio, serão dados os próximos passos rumo à
formalização de um convênio de cooperação mútua, com a visita dos
professores Tsumeo Yanda e Kimio Kondo, para a organização da IV
Conferência Internacional sobre Informação, Cognição, Tecnologia e
Aprendizagem (InCógniTA), em agosto deste ano, no Brasil, e, no ano
seguinte, no Japão. “Queremos melhorar nossa tecnologia no ensino de
graduação da UNESP e na promoção de projetos conjuntos sobre o
tema ‘Novas Tecnologias”, diz o responsável pelo grupo de pesquisa da
UNESP InCógniTA, o engenheiro elétrico Janio Itiro Akamatsu, da FE,
que acompanhou a visita do professor japonês.
(Sao Paulo State University, Brazil, Sao Paulo, March, 2001)
Sao Paulo State University (UNESP) Special Seminar Announcement, March, 2002
(Open Seminar by Dr. Ron Oliver at NIME, Bunkyo News, April, 2005)
Seminario Nuevas Tecnologías en Educación Superior
Este jueves 4 de agosto, desde las 8 de la mañana en el auditorio principal de la
Biblioteca Virgilio Barco se inicia el Seminario Internacional sobre "Políticas de Uso de
Nuevas Tecnologías en Educación Superior" , evento organizado por el Ministerio de
Educación Nacional que contará con la participación de ponentes internacionales de los
gobiernos de Japón, Generalitat de Cataluña, y Argentina; delegados de la Universidad
de Québec (Canadá), Loja (Ecuador); representantes de organismos internacionales
como la OECD , UNESCO y Red Clara; y firmas de consultoría en el tema de E-Learning
de Dinamarca e Inglaterra.
El encuentro, que será abierto por la Ministra de Educación Nacional, Cecilia María
Vélez, se desarrolla en el marco de la política de ampliación de cobertura en Educación
Superior que ha venido desarrollando el proyecto de "Uso de Nuevas Tecnologías y
Metodologías en Educación Superior" con el fin de contribuir a la modernización de los
procesos académicos, la flexibilización de la oferta educativa, y la posibilidad de
establecer nuevas relaciones, nuevos lenguajes, nuevos usos de la información y de las
TOSHIO KOBAYASHI. Presentará su ponencia: "Planes estratégicos y perspectivas del
Japón para promover el uso de las Nuevas Tecnologías en la Educación Superior –
(Instituto Nacional de Educación Multimedia NIME". El profesor Kobayashi es profesor,
investigador, músico, sicólogo y magíster en Comunicaciones, además es doctorado en
Relaciones Internacionales en la Universidad de Hawai. Desde 1992 se unió a la
Facultad del Instituto Nacional de Educación Multimedia, NIME, por su sigla en inglés,
del cual es presidente y desde entonces ha estado involucrado en proyectos
internacionales de construcción de redes internacionales de educación. Hace parte del
gabinete de la Comisión Nacional Japonesa para la UNESCO , en el campo de la
comunicación y la educación para el programa Educación para Todos, de UNESCO, que
busca aliviar la brecha digital en la región de Asia y el Pacífico.
(Bogota, Columbia, August, 2005)
Otras misiones que visitaron Colombia
Toshio Kobayashi fue invitado por el Ministerio de Educación de Colombia a participar en el
“Seminario Internacional de Políticas de Uso de Nuevas Tecnologías en la Educación Superior”
realizado entre el 4 y 5 de agosto en la Biblioteca Virgilio Barco de la ciudad de Bogotá.
El profesor Toshio Kobayashi explica las bondades de la Multimedia en la Educación Superior al
Embajador Sierra, su esposa Luz Stella y Hermann Zubieta.
Kobayashi, miembro de la comisión nacional para la educación de la UNESCO y profesor del
Instituto Nacional de Educación Multimedia – NIME de Japón, explicó el E-Japón, estrategia del
Gobierno japonés para el fomento de las nuevas tecnologías para la educación superior.
(Tokyo, August, 2005)
(Vladivostok, Russia, October, 2005)
(Signing of the Letter of Intent for collaborative agreement between NIME and
St.Petersburug State Polytechnic University, October, 2005 in Vladivostok, Russia)
ONLINE EDUCA '05 / E-learning in Azië:
welvaartsverschillen zorgen voor grote digitale kloof
Datum: 01/12/2005 Auteur: Tekst: Niels Bakker, Beeld: Steven Schoppert (Redactie EduSite)
(afb. groepsfoto)
Bij het eerste Asian Pacific Forum, dat tijdens de elfde editie
van Online Educa Berlijn gehouden werd, waren de grote spelers
er bijna allemaal: India, Korea, Japan, Maleisië, zelfs het dwergstaatje Singapore. Maar
het belangrijkste land in de regio, met de snelst groeiende economie ter wereld, ontbrak.
"Ik had graag gewild dat China er vandaag bij was geweest, want een kwart van de
wereldbevolking moet hier eigenlijk toch vertegenwoordigd zijn", zei spreker Joseph
Chang van de Singaporeze Nanyang Technological University (NTU) na afloop van de
mini-conferentie van een dag.
Een ander verschil tussen landen in de Aziatische regio is de mate waarin ze meegaan met de
globalisering van de wereld. Volgens Chang is Japan bijvoorbeeld een erg traditionele
samenleving. "De studenten spreken er vrijwel geen Engels, er is weinig e-commerce en
iedereen betaalt nog met cash." Singapore, waar Engels de taal is waarin onderwijs gegeven
wordt, staat in zijn ogen daarentegen open voor de buitenwereld.(
Toshio Kobayashi, verbonden aan het Japanse Nationale Institute of Multimedia Education
(NIME), een organisatie die het gebruik van ict in het onderwijs en onderzoek ondersteunt,
denkt dat het koloniale verleden van landen als Singapore in dit opzicht een voordeel is. "Zij
kunnen daardoor gemakkelijk dingen op een westerse manier doen." Hij onderschrijft dat Japan
een gesloten, hiërarchisch gestructureerde samenleving is, met grote culturele barrieres.(
Kobayashi meent dat de Japanse taal ook een van die barrières is voor internationale
samenwerking. "Ondanks dat we een technologiegigant zijn, lopen we in vergelijking met de
andere Aziatische landen achter(
) op het gebied van e-learning." Toch maken buitenlandse
bedrijven in Japan weinig kans. In plaats van zich open te stellen voor invloeden van buitenaf, wil
Japan zelf de (e-learning)wereld veroveren(
), zoals eerder de technologiemarkt veroverd
werd door concerns als Sony.
(An excerpt from a Dutch Online Media interview article, December 2005, Berlin)
LKL Seminar
Educational Reform by ICT in Japan:
Issues and Policies
Professor Toshio Kobayashi
Akemi Kawafuchi, Associate Professor
Professor Toshio Kobayashi is from the National Institute for Multimedia
Education (NIME) in Japan, where he is a Professor in the Research and
Development Department and Chair of the NIME Committee for
International Collaboration. He is also a member of the Japan National
Commission for UNESCO involved in the alleviation of the digital divide
in the Asia Pacific region. His current research is on ICT-based
education across different cultures and his most recent project
concerns advancement of international distance education (AIDE) with
a focus on support for Japanese studies.
For more details see http://www.nime.ac.jp/~kobayash/profile.shtml
Akemi Kawafuchi joined NIME in 1987 and has since been involved in
various digital learning resources projects focusing on building
audiovisual databases. From 1993 to 1994 she took leave of absence
from NIME to pursue research in educational technology as a visiting
scholar at the School of Education of Boston University.
Tea & Coffee provided. For catering purposes, please confirm attendance to
[email protected]
Monday 16 January 2006 12.00pm - 1.30pm London Knowledge
Lab, Auditorium
London Knowledge Lab 23-29 Emerald Street London WC1N 3QS
(The University of London, January, 2006)
e-Learning Research Centre
Distributed Learning
Teaching, Learning and Assessm ent Office
University of M anchester
Research Seminar
We are pleased to announce at short notice a research seminar to be held in
Staff House Committee Room,
2.00-4.00 pm Tuesday January 17 th 2006
Professor Toshio Kobayashi and
Associate Professor Akemi Kawafuchi,
National Institute of Multimedia Education, Japan
"Technology-supported Higher Education in Japan:
Obstacles and Prospects"
Professor Toshio Kobayashi is from the National Institute for Multimedia Education
(NIME) in Japan, where he is a Professor in the Research and Development
Department and Chair of the NIME Committee for International Collaboration. He is
also a member of the Japan National Commission for UNESCO involved in the
alleviation of the digital divide in the Asia Pacific region. His current research is on
ICT-based education across different cultures and his most recent project concerns
advancement of international distance education (AIDE) with a focus on support for
Japanese studies. For more details see http://www.nime.ac.jp/~kobayash/profile.shtml.
Akemi Kawafuchi is also from NIME, where she is Associate Professor in the Research
and Development Department. She joined NIME in 1987 and has since been involved in
various digital learning resources projects focusing on building audiovisual databases.
From 1993 to 1994 she took leave of absence from NIME to pursue research in
educational technology as a visiting scholar at the School of Education of Boston
(The University of London, January, 2006)
Kindly let Trish Bannerman know if you intend to come by contacting her on
[email protected]
or 275 8140, internal 58140.
(The University of Manchester, January, 2006)
ICT Use in Japanese Higher Education: R & D, Practice and Collaboration
Special Focus Session on Japan
Since Japan has been considered a technological giant and innovator for a long time, one
might expect it to be amongst the leading e-learning adopters. In reality, in higher
education institutions as well as in Japan’s economy, e-learning has lagged behind.
However, worldwide economic developments as well as growing competition from
overseas and the neighbouring Asian countries have led to a rethinking of national ICT
policies. ICT-based education, international collaboration, and virtual mobility of staff
and students are now high on the agenda. Japanese higher education institutions are
currently reviewing and revising ways in which they have to transform themselves in
order to meet the challenges of globalisation and economic regeneration. A special focus
session led by Professor Toshio Kobayashi from NIME provides insight into trends and
issues of e-learning in Japanese higher education.
Professor Toshio Kobayashi, Professor Kimio Kondo, and Associate Professor Akemi
Kawafuchi are working at the National Institute of Multimedia Education - NIME - in Japan.
NIME aims at promoting international collaboration as well as the use of Information and
Communication Technology (ICT) in education. Since its launch in 2004, NIME has carried
out a number of activities, including the development of a learning management system
(LMS) designed to respond to the various needs of different types of learning styles. The
organization has also undertaken the production of a pamphlet and hosting of a forum
about copyrights, field surveys of higher education using ICT in Japan and overseas, and
research into quality assurance-related measures.
NIME is cooperating with universities, colleges of technology, various organizations and
the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology in Japan.
The fourth member of the presentation team, Masako Sasaki, is an Associate Professor at
Akita University.
(OnlineEduca Berlin, November, 2006)
Spanish Association for Japanese Studies, Zaragoza, Spain, December, 2006
(Kaunas, Lithuania, August, 2008)
(Innsbruck, September, 2008)
Kathmandu, Nepal, September, 2008
(Istanbul, Turkey, October, 2008)
On February 3, Toshio Kobayashi, professor at the National Institute of
Multimedia Education (NIME), who was visiting Chicago for his lecture on
distance learning, was invited by Consul General Hisaeda to the Official
Residence, along with scholars involved with the lecture. The photo shows, from
left in the front row, Minako Yoshikawa, associate professor Nobuko Chikamatsu,
professor Toshio Kobayashi, Consul General Hisaeda, and assistant professor
Yuki Miyamoto. From left in the back row, Consul Fukunaga, Vice Consul Menda,
and Consul Tajima.
(Chicago, USA, February, 2009)

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