Don Antonio Aguilar


Don Antonio Aguilar
Automundo page 12
page 8
Vol.20 No.25
DUI crackdown
Law enforcement agencies
across the state will be working
overtime during the long Fourth
of July weekend to ensure
Coloradoans’ right to safe and
sober roadways, according the
Colorado Department of
Transportation (CDOT). With the
Fourth of July falling on a
Wednesday this year, the Heat Is
On! and El Verano Esta Caliente
enforcement period will last a
total of 102 hours. It starts Friday,
June 29 at 6 p.m. and ends at 3
a.m. on Thursday July 5th.
“As we celebrate our
country’s independence, it’s
important to remember our rights
to ‘life, liberty and the pursuit of
happiness’ in the Declaration of
Independence,” said Pamela
Hutton, CDOT Governor’s
Representative for Highway
Safety. “The citizens of our state
also deserve safe and sober
roadways and the right to travel
freely without the danger of
impaired drivers. Last year, 19
people died in traffic crashes on
Colorado highways between June
30 and July 9th. Eight of the
victims died in crashes that
involved alcohol and half of those
victims were riding motorcycles.
“It doesn’t matter if you’re
Cont. on page 3
Conductores Ebrios
El Departamento de
Transporte de Colorado (CDOT,
por sus silgas en inglés) anuncia
que las agencias policíacas a
través del Estado de Colorado
trabajarán tiempo extra durante el
fin de semana largo del cuatro de
julio para garantizarle a todos los
habitantes el derecho de tener
carreteras seguras y sobrias. Dado
que el cuarto de julio cae este año
en un miércoles, el período de
vigilancia de la campaña ¡El
Verano Esta Caliente! durará un
total de 102 horas. Este periodo
de vigilancia comienza el viernes,
29 de junio a las seis de la tarde y
termina a las tres de la madrugada
del jueves 5 de julio.
“Al celebrar el Día de la
Independencia de nuestro país, es
importante recordar los derechos
que se mencionan en la
Declaración de la Independencia
que son el derecho a vivir, a la
libertad y a encontrar la
felicidad", dijo Pamela Hutton,
representante de CDOT para el
programa de Seguridad de las
Carreteras que tiene la oficina del
Gobernador. "Los ciudadanos de
nuestro Estado merecen tener
carreteras seguras y libres de
conductores ebrios, así como, el
derecho de viajar libremente sin
el peligro de toparse con
conductores ebrios".
Continúa en la página 2
28 de Junio 2007 - 04 de Julio 2007
Don Antonio Aguilar
Concert & Fireworks
Colorado Springs,
7:00 P.M.
Memorial Park,
Pikes Peak & Hancock
Henry Reyes and Antonio Aguilar
En Ambos Lados de la Frontera
Gabriel Medina - Excélsior
El pueblo de México le dió el último adiós al charro, quien
tuvo una misa de cuerpo presente en la Basílica de Guadalupe.
Hasta el cielo lloró, y de manera muy copiosa, la partida del
cantante y actor don Antonio Aguilar, quien falleció el pasado
martes minutos antes de la medianoche, a causa de una fibrilación
venticular y una falla en varios de sus órganos.
El Charro de México fue velado ayer en la agencia funeraria
Gayosso de Félix Cuevas, donde además de decenas de
fervorosos seguidores, acudió el presidente Felipe Calderón,
acompañado de su esposa, Margarita Zavala.
"Lamento profundamente el falleciemiento de Antonio
Aguilar, significa no sólo la pérdida de uno de los más grandes
artistas mexicanos, sino también la muerte de un mexicano
ejemplar, un ejemplar padre de familia y un hombre con una gran
"Yo personalmente le seguí como millones y millones de
mexicanos, escuché sus canciones, sus corridos y ví sus películas.
Tuve la oportunidad de conocer su trayectoria humana y
personal, el amor que profesó por su esposa y sus hijos y su gran
cariño por México. Descanse en paz un gran mexicano, y que el
pueblo que lo quiere pueda rendirle tributo no sólo a su arte, sino a
su ejemplo, para que pueda seguir siendo su testimonio la semilla
para un mejor México. Descanse en paz Antonio Aguilar",
expresó el primer mandatario.
También estuvo presente Genaro Borrego Estrada, ex titular
del IMSS y ex gobernador de Zacatecas, el estado que vio nacer
hace 88 años a don Antonio.
"Hizo muchísimo por Zacatecas, constantemente estaba cerca
de la gente, apoyándola y animándola. Él ayudó mucho a que se
hiciera una presa en la región de Villanueva, que es de las más
grandes del estado y beneficia a mucha gente. Siempre colaboró
con sus eventos para el DIF y las mejores causas de Zacatecas.
Los zacatecanos estamos muy agradecidos con don Antonio y su
legado", declaró.
Acudieron a despedirlo cientos de admiradores de todas las
edades, que cantaron en su honor algunos de sus inmortales temas
como Caballo prieto azabache, Albur de amor y Triste recuerdo,
entre muchos otros.
No faltaron las porras y exclamaciones de "¡Arriba
Zacatecas!", "¡Queremos ver al Charro de México!" y "¡El cine
mexicano se acabó!", que exclamaron los fieles seguidores tanto
de sus más de 150 películas, como de sus 163 álbumes.
Continúa en la página 4
on both sides of the border
Antonio Aguilar, an actor
and ranchera singer
considered a master of the
genre, has died in Mexico
City at the age of 88.
Aguilar, who died
Tuesday of pneumonia,
symbolized the Mexican
charro culture -- associated
with the typical Mexican
horseman in a short jacket,
white shirt and huge
sombrero -- and was a
popular singer and actor, The
New York Times reported
Aguilar recorded more
than 150 albums, rising to the
top of the Mexican countrymusic scene with his
powerful voice and poignant
lyrics. His classics "Triste
Recuerdo," "Gabino Barrera"
and "Un Puno de Tierra" are
still sung throughout Mexico.
After his film debut in
1952, Aguilar landed his first
leading role in 1956 as the
leading man in "Tierra de
Hombres." He appeared in
more than 125 films over 50
Aguilar played a
prominent role in the
initiating Fiesta Day at the
Colorado State Fair and
partly responsible for its
success from the beginning.
Cont. on page 4
As the Fourth of July holiday
season approaches, the City of
Colorado Springs reminds its
citizens that the possession and use
of fireworks are illegal within the
city limits (City Code 9.7.302).
Professional fireworks displays
are allowed with special permits
issued by the Office of the Fire
Marshal (as of this date only one
permit has been received byno
permits have been.
According to the Centers for
Disease Control (CDC), in 2005,
four persons died and an estimated
10,800 were treated in emergency
departments for fireworks-related
injuries in the United States. An
estimated five percent of
fireworks-related injuries treated
in emergency departments
required hospitalization.
In addition, as weather heats up
and area vegetation dries out the
threat of fires caused by fireworks
becomes ever more worrisome.
Any careless fire that threatens or
damages property is subject to
prosecution and a fine up to and
including $500 and/or up to 90
days in jail.
The safest way to enjoy
fireworks is to watch professional
fireworks displays. This year a
giant display is planned for July 4
in Memorial Park that features
music from the Colorado Springs
Philharmonic Orchestra.
Page 2
28 de junio - 4 de julio 2007
Towards Comprehensive Immigration Reform
Martini Shot and Sertoma Fireworks
Colorado State University –
Pueblo will celebrate our
country’s independence with
upbeat music, food, and an
hour-long fireworks display.
Independence Day festivities
begin at 5 p.m. with the opening
of food and beverage vendors on
the lawn east of the Hasan
Amphitheatre on the CSUPueblo campus. The following
food vendors will be on hand to
keep the crowd well fed: Chee
Concessions, Tasty Treats,
Pantaleo Farms, and
Miller and
Coors products, Pepsi products,
and bottled water also will be
Local favorite Martini Shot
will perform a variety of music
from 7-9:15 p.m. followed by a
hour-long fireworks display by
the Sertoma Club. A Color
Guard presentation by the
Pueblo County Sheriff’s
Department and a welcome by
CSU-Pueblo President Joseph
Garcia will precede the concert.
The Martini Shot Band
began to form in September of
with an idea of a modern
original/cover rock band with
horns. The name, “The Martini
Shot,” refers to the Hollywood
slang term for the last shoot of the
day. The band is hustling to write
the final few songs for the
upcoming CD, which they hope to
have released by late summer.
Martini Shot first began to play in
the town of Alamosa where the
majority of the Band attended
Adams State College as music
majors. Playing around the San
Luis Valley in places such as
Weekends Bar and Grill and the
Office Tavern, the band soon
created a following that opened
the door for them to pursue gigs at
the college for events such as
Freshmen Convocation and Super
Fun Day. Musicians include
Andy Clementi-vocals/guitar,
K e v i n M o r e m a n trumpet/keyboards, Andy
Bennetts-trumpet/vocals, Steve
Bogucki-t.sax, Ryan Walter-lead
guitar, Tim Trujillo-bass, Jen
McHenry-bass, Bruce Andersondrums.
United States Senator Ken
Salazar released the following
statement after today's bipartisan
vote to move forward to debate
comprehensive immigration
reform on the floor of the United
States Senate.
“I am proud of my Republican
and Democratic colleagues who
voted to move forward on
comprehensive immigration
reform today. We took the next
step with broad bipartisan
support, and I remain cautiously
optimistic that we will accomplish
the goal of passing a bill that
toughens border security,
toughens employer sanctions and
provides a path towards
legalization for the twelve million
undocumented immigrants in our
Memorial Health System Red,
White and Blue Blood Drive
Memorial Health System
Blood Bank is inviting El Paso
County residents to roll up their
sleeves and help start the July 4th
celebration with a BANG! A
“Red, White and Blue”
Patriotic Blood Drive will be held
Monday, July 2, from 3:00 p.m. to
7:00 p.m., on Tuesday July 3rd
from 8:00 a.m. to noon, and on
Thursday, July 5th from 11:00 a.m.
To 3:00 p.m. at the Briargate
Medical Campus 8890 N. Union
Blvd., Suite 209. The event
inaugurates the first freestanding, permanent blood
donation center in the northeast
part of town.
This is a critical time for blood
as summer injuries rise and blood
donations decrease because of
summer travel and vacations.
SRDA has organized a
trip to Cripple Creek.
Register at SRDA, 230 N.
Union Ave 2nd floor in
Pueblo or call 545-8900 with
questions, The trip Date is
July 13th and the cost will be
$20.00. Limited seating so
please register early.
Each pint of blood can be used
to save three lives.
The three-day event will have a
red, white and blue patriotic theme
with donors and Blood Bank staff
wearing patriotic T-shirts and the
center adorned with flags and
colorful decorations. There will be
giveaways, prizes and red, white
and blue themed treats.
To make an appointment or to
get more information please call
(719) 365-5411
El año pasado, entre el 30 de
junio y el 9 de julio, 19 personas
murieron en accidentes
automovilísticos en las carreteras
estatales de Colorado. Ocho de
esas víctimas murieron en
choques que involucraron
alcohol y la mitad de esas
víctimas conducían motocicletas.
"No importa si usted maneja una
motocicleta, un coche, un camión
o un barco – nunca se ponga
detrás del volante si usted ha
estado bebiendo alcohol", dijo el
Coronel Mark Trostel, Jefe de la
Patrulla Estatal de Colorado. "No
tenemos tolerancia alguna para
cualquiera que maneje en estado
de ebriedad, y saldremos en grupo
para ayudar a proteger a todos en
las carreteras, arrestando a
conductores ebrios. Disfrute de
estos días feriados, pero planee
con anticipación asignando a un
conductor sobrio.
conductor puede denunciar a
otros conductores que manejen
ebrios o de manera agresiva
marcando estrella – CSP (*277),
esta llamada es gratuita”.
Los esfuerzos de vigilancia en
contra de conductores que
manejen bajo la influencia del
alcohol (DUI, por sus siglas en
inglés) no sólo sucederán en las
carreteras estatales, sino también
en el agua. Los guardabosques de
los parques estatales de Colorado
estarán patrullando los lagos y las
lagunas estatales. Varios parques
estatales colaborarán con
agencias policíacas locales para
aumentar la vigilancia en contra
de los conductores que manejen
bajo la influencia del alcohol
(DU) dentro y alrededor de los
parques estatales.
"Ingerir alcohol y practicar
deportes acuáticos resultan en una
combinación mortal", dijo Rick
Storm Jefe de Policía de los
parques estatales.
"Nacionalmente, una tercera
parte de las muertes en canotaje
están relacionadas con el alcohol.
Beber alcohol inhabilita su juicio,
su habilidad de nadar y operar de
manera segura un barco o moto
Vamos a patrullar nuestros
lagos durante toda la semana
feriada y estaremos en busca de
cualquier persona que operare
una embarcación en estado
de la página 1
de ebriedad”.
La Patrulla del Estado de
Colorado y más de 50
agenciashan organizado planes
para aumentar el número de
patrullas, saturar el área con
patrullas y con puntos de revisión
para comprobar el estado de
sobriedad de los conductores.
Para más información sobre
los esfuerzos de vigilancia en
contra de los conductores que
manejen bajo la influencia del
alcohol (DUI), y para revisar los
planes de ejecución por agencia
visite el sitio de internet
haga clic en Reports en el inicio.
Escoja Enforcement Period
Plans, seleccione Summer
Checkpoints 2007 y July Fourth
Weekend 2007 y haga clic en
En el 2006, las agencias
policíacas hicieron 628 arrestos
por DUI en todo el Estado durante
el período de vigilancia de la
semana del cuatro de julio. El año
pasado, 217 personas fallecieron
en choques relacionados con
alcohol en el Estado de Colorado.
Del Editor
Attorney Larry Manzanares, who was facing criminal charges in a stolen laptop case, shot himself
to death in Denver last Friday evening, according to police. Why, a Harvard Law graduate, a real
gentleman according to many, would end his life so tragically?
Locally, he was very well liked, and respected. Judge Gil Martinez of Colorado Springs preceded
his comments to me as “Bob, I can not comment on anything other than my personal feelings, he was a
great man, always trying to help people, he mentored many young attorneys, he had a judicial
demeanor above reproach”. Fellow Harvard Law School Alum, Joe Garcia, President of Colorado
State University Pueblo would only say “its tragic and very sad.”
This is where I have very deep feelings, I don’t really comprehend. The religious side of me says
suicide is so wrong, on the other hand, having spent time around soldiers in time of war, I know how
strong depression can be and its consequences. Life can be difficult at times, from losing a friend to
losing a girlfriend, some times no one can truly understand the reason this type of incident happens.
He was a previous president of LARASA (Latin American Research and Service Agency) and the Mi
Casa Resource Center for Women. He served on the Colorado Supreme Court Appellate Rule
committee, as well as on the board of the Colorado Hispanic Bar Association and more.
I did not know him that well, but his legacy will speak for itself.
Descanse en Paz, we shall miss you.
Page 3
28 de junio - 4 de julio 2007
Boys & Girls Club of the Pikes
Peak Region has received Boys &
Girls Clubs of America’s (BGCA)
Youth for Unity Leadership
Award. Funded by The Allstate
Foundation as part of its $4.5
million commitment to support
diversity education, the award
recognizes a local Boys & Girls
Club organization for successfully
developing and implementing
youth-led diversity
activities/projects or events that
addressed Club/community
diversity issues. “It is a true honor
for us to receive the Youth for
Unity Leadership Award,” said
James Sullivan, Executive
Director of the Boys & Girls Clubs
of the Pikes Peak Region. “Our
Club members thoroughly
embraced this cause, and to their
credit, they successfully
developed a meaningful project
that was a positive expression
about the advantages of
understanding and celebrating
The award was presented by
Corinne Graper, representing The
Allstate Foundation, and John
Brooks, the chair of BGCA’s
National Diversity Committee, to
Carrie Benson, Vice President of
Operations, at the 2007 Boys &
Girls Clubs of America National
Conference in Orlando.
DUI Crackdown
driving a motorcycle, car, truck or
a boat -- never get behind the
wheel if you’ve been drinking,”
said Colonel Mark Trostel, Chief
of the Colorado State Patrol. “We
have zero tolerance for anyone
who is driving impaired, and
we’ll be out in force to help
protect everyone on the roads by
arresting impaired drivers. Enjoy
the holiday, but plan ahead by
designating a sober driver.
Motorists can report drunk and
aggressive drivers by calling
STAR-CSP (*277), a free cell
phone call.”
DUI enforcement will not
only take place on the state’s
roadways, but also on water. The
Colorado State Parks rangers will
be out in force patrolling the
The E.A. Tutt Boys & Girls
Club was privileged to receive a
$2,500 mini-grant on behalf of the
BGCA and The Allstate
Foundation to create a Diversity
Mural focusing on Valuing
Differences. Club members
discussed options that were
meaningful to themselves and
fellow club members and came up
with one common theme: Our
Club members RECOGNIZE all
differences…they EMBRACE all
differences…they CELEBRATE
all differences…and they take the
time to learn about each others
differences and grow as human
beings……and most importantly,
they befriend and respect each
others differences…that is why
the Valuing Differences Mural
was so heartfelt to our Club
members, it represents something
that is steady and true within their
Club culture. The youth-led
project, “Valuing Differences”
Mural was a series of selfportraits linked by a ribbon
displaying words like “unity”,
“diversity” and “pride”. The
Club members felt there was no
better way to promote their own
differences and celebrate their
From page 1
sta te’s lakes and res ervoirs.
Several State Parks are partnering
with local law enforcement to
increase DUI enforcement inside
and around the parks.
“Drinking and water sports
make a deadly combination,” said
Ric k St orm , Ch ief of L aw
Enforcement for State Parks.
“Nationally, one-third of all
boating fatalities involve alcohol.
Drinking impairs your judgment,
your ability to swim and to safely
operate a boat or jet ski. We are
patrolling our waterways
throughout the holiday week and
will be on the lookout for anyone
boating under the influence.”
The Colorado State Patrol
and more than 50 agencies have
filed plans for increased patrols,
saturation patrols and sobriety
For more information on the
DUI enforcement period and to
vie w enf orc eme nt pla ns by
agency, visit the website
and click Reports on the header.
Cho ose Enf orc eme nt Per iod
Plans, select Summer
Che ckp oin ts 200 7 and Jul y
Fourth Weekend 2007 and click
Report. In 2006, enforcement
agencies made 628 DUI arrests
statewide during the Fourth of
July enforcement period. Last
year, 217 people did in alcoholrelated crashes in Colorado.
New Youth For Human Rights Club
Hope For Youth, Pike's Peak Youth For Human Rights Club
Colorado Springs – New
hope for basic human rights has
taken hold in Colorado Springs,
CO. Nine local youth have
started Hope for Youth, Pike's
Peak Youth for Human Rights
Club at Shivers Academy. They
have chosen the goal to educate
youth in the area about the 30
basic human rights afforded to all
by the Universal Declaration of
Human Rights adopted by the
United Nations in 1948.
One of the targets for the new
youth club is obtaining signatures
on a grass roots petition that they
have already signed.
petition states that as the
Universal Declaration of Human
Rights has been endorsed by the
nations of the world and asks that
this Declaration be broadly
displayed and promoted; with
human rights education made
available to children and adults
throughout the world.
petition signatures from this area
will be added to others and
presented to the President of the
United States.
Hope for Youth, Pike's Peak
Youth for Human Rights Club
with its adult leader, Rev. Wayne
Houston, youth leader Stephon
Ward and assistant youth leaders,
Jamal Vanderpool and Stacy
Jackson and the charter members
are already brainstorming for
other activities to further the
human rights message in their
neighborhood, their city and their
part of Colorado. Club members
will use educational booklets on
all 30 basic human rights entitled
“What Are Human Rights?", the
Yo u t h f o r H u m a n R i g h t s
International theme song,
UNITED, DVD, and a copy of all
30 public service announcements
(one for each basic human right)
DVD to educate youth and adults.
Youth leader, Stephon Ward said,
"I have studied civil rights but
until I saw the UNITED DVD,
and the booklet, I didn't know all
of my 30 human rights.
That is why I wanted to be a
charter member of this club so I
can say I was one of the first in my
community to bring the message
of basic human rights to all.”
For more information on
Yo u t h f o r H u m a n R i g h t s
International visit www.youthfor
or contact, Susan Gaut at
(303) 789-7668.
fellow club members, than
drawing a portrait of
themselves… displaying a true
representation of the differences
within our local club and the
ribbon (or words of acceptance
within the Club culture) that binds
them from the moment they step
into the Club to far after they
leave. Both the young people and
the Club staff create an
environment in our Clubs that
acknowledge and encourage
conversation around differences
and create a sense of belonging by
The Diversity Mural gave our
Club members a voice…a voice
in deciding what the concept
was…a voice to explore the needs
or issues that their fellow club
members face daily…a voice to
grab the attention of our Club
staff…a voice to communicate
with our local officials, board
members…and most importantly a
VOICE that will not be silenced as
the Mural is a permanent feature at
the Boys & Girls Club of the Pikes
Peak Region and is a daily
reminder to everyone that passes
through it, how to Value Diversity
and to Celebrate it within our Club.
The Mural has given our Club
members a VOICE to express
themselves, to take pride in, and to
continue to better themselves and
those around them. The Valuing
Diversity Mural has created
positive self-esteem and
EMPOWERED our young people
that they can make a difference and
that they can be heard, regardless
of their age, gender, cultural
background, etc.
Page 4
28 de junio - 4 de julio 2007
Antonio Aguilar
cont. de la página 1 vendidas alrededor de todo el
A los pies de La Morenita
5 álbumes grabó al lado de su
Sus fieles seguidores oraron hijo, el también cantante, Pepe
por su alma y le cantaron a todo Aguilar.
pulmón, en la misa que ofreció en
su nombre, ayer por la tarde, el
cardenal Norberto Rivera
Ca rr er a, en la Ba sí li ca de
Miles de personas rindieron
honor a don Antonio, cuyo ataúd
fue cubierto por una bandera
mexicana y despedido por un
Además se mostró un óleo
donde aparecía él en su juventud,
al lado de uno de sus amados
ca ba ll os bl an co s, mi en tr as
mujeres, niños y también muchos
hombres, externaban sollozando
su cariño al actor, cantan te,
guionista y productor de cine.
Más tarde, el cuerpo de
Ag ui la r fu e tr as la da do al ¿Y Bellas Artes?
Ulises Leyva, subdirector de
aeropuerto de Toluca, de donde
voló junto con sus familiares a prensa del Instituto Nacional de
Zacatecas para ser enterrado en el Bellas Artes (INBA) explicó que
rancho El Zoyate, ubicado en la para utilizar las instalaciones del
población de Tayahua, propiedad Palacio de Bellas Artes y realizar
un homenaje, no hay
de la familia.
A las 11:30 horas de hoy se requerimientos precisos, sino
ofrecerá una misa en su honor en sólo una solicitud por parte de los
la catedral de Zacatecas, estado en interesados.
Sin embargo, la petición a las
el que desde ayer las bandas de
debe ser para una
música y el pueblo le rinden un
de trayectoria y
respetuoso homenaje
interpretando sus canciones más mérito artístisco, que sólo podrá
ser aprobada por las autoridades
Es te sá ba do , T el ev is a del instituto.
En este sentido, Leyva aclaró
transmitirá por el Canal de las
Estrellas el homenaje que en 2004 que los familiares del cantante no
se le hizo al artista, y en el que formularon ninguna solicitud
participaron Marco Antonio para recordar en este sitio los
Solís, La Banda El Recodo, Los logros del cantante de ranchero.
Teme rar ios , el pro pio Pep e (Nancy Méndez)
Aguilar, Antonio Aguilar Jr., Flor
Silvestre y Guadalupe Pineda, Pepe, muy agradecido
A través de su compañía
entre muchos otros.
discográfica, EMI Music, Pepe
Aguilar expresó su
La historia de su voz
1950 La XEW le dio su agradecimiento "a todo el medio
pr im er a op or tu ni da d co mo del espectáculo mexicano e
internacional por las
75 RPM el formato en que fue innumerables muestras de apoyo
grabado su primer disco en pasta. y s o l i d a r i d a d " p o r e l
160 álbumes es su legado fallecimiento de su padre.
Además invitó al pueblo de
musical, que incluye temas de
ranc hera , band a, mari achi y México a participar en el
homenaje de ayer en la Basílica
25 mi ll on es de co pi as de Guadalupe, y acompañarlo a
despedir por última vez al actor y importante.
cantante zacatecano.
1956. Tierra de hombres fue
su primer protagónico; además de
Congreso de la Unión le rinde ser la primera cinta en la que el
cantante participó con Ismael
Como un homenaje póstumo Rodríguez.
al cant ante, e l pleno de la
19 61 . U ni ó s u t al en to
Co mi si ón Pe rm an en te de l nuevamente con el de Rodríguez
Congreso de la Unión guardó para el filme Los hermanos de
ayer un minuto de silencio en el hierro, considerada como una de
recinto parlamentario del Senado las mejores películas mexicanas
de la República.
de la historia.
La muestra de solidaridad
1966. Tras pr obar suerte
con la familia Aguilar y el como ac tor, Antonio d ecidió
reconocimiento a la trayectoria ampliar su actividad en el cine y
de quien hiciera famosa Triste coescribir El Alazán y el Rosillo,
recuerdo, se realizó a instancias de la que también fue productor.
del senador perredista Tomás
1997. Fue reconocido por la
To r r e s , r e p r e s e n t a n t e d e Academia Mexicana con el Ariel
Z a c a t e c a s e n e l P o d e r de Oro por su contribución a la
Legislativo, tierra del cantante i n d u s t r i a c i n e m a t o g r á f i c a
famoso por los corridos y pionero nacional.
de las canciones con banda.
Torres utilizó el tiempo que le
correspondía en la tribuna para -"Toño fue más grande que
presentar una iniciativa trabajada Pedro Infante, abrió camino en
junt o con su comp añer a de los grandes sitios de Estados
partido, Rosalinda López, para Unidos, lugares que antes
so li ci ta r el re co no ci mi en to habían sido vetados para los
pú bl ic o d e l os le gi sl ad or es latinos"
Vicente Fernández,
"Pedirles con solidaridad y
intérprete ranchero
fraternidad por el deceso de un
paisano; por el deceso de un -"Bendiciones a don Antonio
artista y de un cantante, pero Aguilar, donde quiera que esté,
además un símbolo de identidad y a toda su familia”
na ci on al , e l s eñ or Ant on io
Tatiana, cantante infantil
"Solamente aprovechar la -"Su presentación en el
tribuna para expresarle a la Madison Square Garden hizo
familia Aguilar, a la gente que le que el espectáculo mexicano se
ha seguido, que lo quiere, de que hiciera internacional; en
ta mb ié n ap ro ve ch am os es te España tuvo tanta presencia
espacio, con todo respeto, para que se le conoce más que a
expresarles ese sentido pésame", Pedro Infante”
expresó el senador por Zacatecas.
Jaime Almeida, crítico musical
(Leticia Robles)
-"Estoy muy triste por la
Sus momentos en el cine
pérdida de un gran artista, pero
1946. Pocos saben que sobre todo de un gran ser
Antonio Aguilar incursionó en el humano, que siempre tuvo una
cine con un tema que fue incluido palabra de aliento para quien se
en la cinta La mujer de todos, que lo pidiese"
protagonizaban Armando Calvo y
José Julián, cantante
María Félix, aunque su nombre no
fi gu ró en lo s da to s de la -"Es una gran pérdida, creo
que todo México lo va a
1952. El Casto Susano marcó extrañar”
su debut como actor, aunque fue
María Sorte, actriz
con Un rincón cerca del cielo con
la que obtuvo su primer papel
A Legend...
From page 1
Henry Reyes, in 1966 took the
newly appointed State Fair
Manager Don Svedman to a
concert by Antonio and his wife
Flor Silvestre. George Sandoval
then KAPI General Manger and
Henry, who worked at KAPI, had
tried to sell the Fiesta Day segment
for some time. In 1967, the first
Fiesta Day occurred. Antonio and
his rodeo was the feature
attraction. Henry went on to be the
“Fiesta Guy” for many years.
George Sandoval traveled with
Antonio as his Master of
Ceremonies for Antonio’s Rodeo
Show. Antonio had sold out
Madison Square Garden and the
LA Coliseum, just to mention a
few, with his National Mexican
Rodeo and concerts.
Aguilar was known for
portraying historical figures, such
as the title role in "Emiliano
Zapata." He also played a Mexican
general in the Hollywood film
"The Undefeated" starring John
Wayne. In 2000 Aguilar received a
star on the Hollywood Walk of
George Sandoval used to say,
“The Undefeated where the Indian
gets the Girl and the Mexicans get
the horses.”
He was the first Mexican singer
to mix his concerts with a rodeo
show.Aguilar toured in major U.S.
cities, helping to broaden the
popularity of ranchera music,
which draws on Mexico's rural
Page 5
28 de junio - 4 de julio 2007
United Health Foundation Se Suma A “Envejecimiento Con Dignidad”
500.000 Ejemplares Sobre Cómo Tomar Decisiones De Cuidados Al Final De La Vida
Para ayudar a que todos los
individuos tengan acceso a la
toma de decisiones al final de la
vida, independientemente de su
cultura, origen étnico o ingresos,
United Health Foundation se ha
asociado con Envejecimiento con
Dignidad (Aging with Dignity),
la Administración sobre el
Envejecimiento de los Estados
Unidos, la Asociación Americana
de Hospitales y otras
organizaciones nacionales y
locales para lanzar la campaña de
los 500.000 Deseos, en la que se
distribuirán medio millón de
ejemplares de Cinco Deseos (Five
Wishes) durante el próximo año.
Cinco Deseos es una directiva
anticipada, o testamento vital, que
ayuda a la gente a tomar
importantes decisiones al final de
la vida en cuanto a sus
necesidades médicas, personales,
emotivas y espirituales antes de
una crisis de salud. Cinco Deseos
ayuda a responder las siguientes
¿Quién tomará decisiones en su
nombre cuando usted no pueda
hacerlo por sí mismo?
¿Qué clase de tratamiento
médico desea/no desea?
¿Qué cómodo desearía estar?
¿Cómo desea que lo trate la
¿Qué desea que sepan sus seres
Cinco Deseos cumple con las
obligaciones legales de 40
estados y se utiliza como modelo
para preparar las Directivas
Anticipadas para el Cuidado en
los 10 restantes. Se encuentra
disponible ahora en albanés,
bengalí, árabe, chino (tradicional
y simplificado), croata, francés,
gujarati, criollo haitiano, hindi,
hmong, japonés, coreano, polaco,
portugués, ruso, somalí, español,
urdu y vietnamita, además de
La campaña de 500.000 Deseos
es un "llamado a la acción"
nacional que realizan importantes
organizaciones consagradas a la
importancia de las decisiones de
cuidado al final de la vida y a
comunicar dichas decisiones a
familiares y personas a cargo del
cuidado. Por otra parte, la
campaña es una respuesta al
número cada vez mayor de
personas que necesitan asistencia
para comunicar sus deseos en
otros idiomas que no sea inglés.
United Health Foundation
financiará la distribución de
100.000 ejemplares impresos y
CD de los Cinco Deseos en los
próximos 12 meses entre
particulares, organizaciones
comunitarias, hospitales y
residencias para enfermos
"Es vital para nuestros
esfuerzos en lo que hace a la
traducción y difusión de los Cinco
Deseos que se respeten las
diferencias sociales y culturales
propias de la toma de decisiones
difíciles sobre cuidados al final de
la vida. Nos afanamos en ayudar a
la gente de diferentes
procedencias a facilitar este
proceso dentro del contexto de su
propio marco cultural de
referencia. Esto es posible gracias
al generoso apoyo de United
Health Foundation y de nuestras
asociaciones comunitarias",
manifestó Paul Malley,
presidente de Envejecimiento con
“Tomar decisiones sobre
cuidados al final de la vida es una
tarea difícil pero importante", dijo
Josefina G. Carbonell, Secretaria
Auxiliar de Envejecimiento con
Dignidad. "La comunicación y la
ayuda son críticas para asegurar
que los estadounidenses de la
tercera edad y sus familiares
tengan la información que
necesitan para hacer elecciones y
tomar decisiones que garanticen
su dignidad y cuidado al final de
la vida. La campaña de 500.000
Deseos ayudará a asegurar que
muchas personas que enfrentan
obstáculos idiomáticos y
culturales en nuestro país cuenten
con la información que les
permita compartir sus deseos más
personales para el futuro con su
familia y personas a su cuidado".
"Gracias a Cinco Deseos, miles
de personas que no hablan inglés
tienen acceso a una directiva
anticipada sobre el cuidado en su
propio idioma", dijo el Dr. Reed
Tuckson, miembro del directorio
de United Health Foundation.
"No obstante, la traducción no es
suficiente. Debemos poner este
servicio vital en manos de la gente
que más lo necesita. En
colaboración con las
comunidades culturalmente
diversas, los hospitales, las
residencias de enfermos
terminales y las organizaciones
de la nación que atienden a la
tercera edad, podemos ayudar a
facilitar los deseos y las
elecciones personales y superar
los obstáculos sociales y
“Los hospitales tienen una
larga trayectoria de educar a los
pacientes y al público en general
sobre las directivas anticipadas de
cuidados al final de la vida. Es
importante que esta información
sea accesible, comprensible y
menos intimidante para todos",
señaló Rich Umbdenstock,
Presidente y Director General de
AHA. "Esta herramienta ayudará a
que las personas a cargo del
cuidado tiendan una mano y se
comuniquen con las poblaciones
diversas para asegurar que todos
los pacientes tengan la oportunidad
de dar a conocer sus deseos al final
de la vida. Envejecimiento con
Dignidad ha realizado un servicio
público vital".
Entre otras organizaciones que
apoyan la campaña de 500.000
Deseos figuran: Organización
Nacional de Hospicios y Cuidado
Paliativo, Centro y Comité
Nacional para Personas Mayores
Afroamericanas, Alianza Nacional
para la Salud Hispana, Consejo
Hispano Nacional sobre la Vejez,
Asociación Nacional Pro Personas
Mayores, Centro Nacional de Asia
Pacífico sobre la Vejez, Consejo
N a c i o n a l s o b r e l a Ve j e z ,
Asociación Nacional de
Programas de Nutrición y
Servicios para la Vejez, Asociación
Norteamericana de Asilos y
Servicios para la Vejez y
Asociación Nacional de Agencias
del Área sobre la Vejez.
Cinco Deseos, disponibles en
Para obtener más información,
Page 6
28 de junio - 4 de julio 2007
PCC’s Aviation Tech program
expanding to Fremont County
Pueblo Community College will
begin offering its Aviation
Technology program in Fremont
County this fall through a
partnership with the Florence
School District and Pro Av Flight
Services. The training will be open
to both interested adults in the area
and Florence High School juniors
and seniors through the PostSecondary Enrollment Options
program (PSEO).
Of importance to veterans
interested in the classes is that the
Veterans Administration has
approved the ground school. The
PSEO, meanwhile, allows high
school students to earn college
credit. The school district
reimburses their tuition cost for as
much as two courses per semester
completed with a passing grade.
The ground school courses are
offered through PCC, and those
interested will be able to take the
“Private Pilot Ground School”
course (AVT 101) at night
beginning with the upcoming fall
semester. The flight training will be
conducted by Pro Av.
Both the ground school and flight
training classes will be held at Pro
Av’s location at the Fremont
County Airport. PCC will hire
instructors from Pro Av to assure
consistency between ground school
and flight training.
The announcement was made by
Jim Torres, who chairs PCC’s
Aviation programs. In February,
PCC and Pro Av representatives
had met with Florence High School
students and received enough
positive feedback to proceed with
their plans.
The move represents an
e x p a n s i o n o f t h e Av i a t i o n
Technology program that PCC
launched last fall at Pueblo
Municipal Airport in partnership
with Steel City Aviation. The
inaugural class there had 27
students, several of them high
school students from the two
Pueblo school districts. Most of the
students who enrolled for fall went
on to take their instrument and
commercial ground school courses
in the recently concluded spring
semester. Several have earned their
private pilot’s license and are
logging as many flight hours as
possible this summer. Meanwhile, a
ground school for helicopters is
scheduled to begin in Pueblo this
fall. Silver State Helicopters will
supply the instructors and flight
training. Students can pursue
careers in border and highway
patrol, Flight for Life, fire fighting
and criminal justice.
In addition to flight training,
PCC offers two semesters of
Aviation Maintenance courses, and
students can transfer to Colorado
Northwestern Community College
to complete their AM degree.
Students have other options at PCC,
too. Those interested in careers
related to aircraft refurbishing or
manufacturing can enroll in
refinishing, upholstery, plastics and
fiberglass courses as well as
machining and manufacturing
classes. For more information,
contact Jim Torres
at (719)549-3249 or
[email protected].
Commissioners Work with Veteran’s Cemetery Committee
to Bring National Cemetery to Pikes Peak Region
At its regularly scheduled
meeting, the El Paso County
Board of Commissioners
received an update from Bentley
B. Rayburn, Major General,
USAF (retired) about the recent
activities of the Veteran’s
Cemetery Committee.
The cemetery committee was
formed in the early 1990’s and has
recently been working with the
Board of County Commissioners
and the public to gain support in
bringing a national veteran’s
cemetery to the Pikes Peak
The County Commissioners
have passed a resolution in
support of bringing a national
veteran’s cemetery to Colorado
Springs and in May, the county
acquired approximately 380 acres
of land in Kane Ranch, located
east of the city of Fountain. Part
of this land has the possibility to
be used for the purpose of creating
a veteran’s cemetery.
“The Kane Ranch site holds
great promise for a veteran’s
cemetery with it’s location in
southern El Paso County and the
foresight of the original donor to
allow either a park or cemetery on
the land,” said Board Chair
Dennis Hisey.
“It is very
important that the Veteran’s
Administration sees local
government stepping up to the
plate on this issue.”
According to Bentley, the
committee has been making some
forward progress with the
Veteran’s Administration by
proposing that part of Kane Ranch
should be used for the creation of
the veteran’s cemetery. The first
goal of the proposal is to get on the
Veteran’s Administration’s
cemetery list and then it can take
up to 12 years to finally receive
federal funding for the cemetery.
“We have seen a lot of very
encouraging signs this year,” said
Rayburn. “Legislative support
has been good, House Bill 295
was passed and we are working
very hard with Senate Bill 168.
Part of our argument is the fact
that Fort Logan is the closest
national cemetery and it is
running out of room to expand. It
is estimated that by 2024 or 2027,
it will be at capacity. We are
trying to generate more public
pressure on the Senate side and on
the Veteran’s Administration itself
to put a national veteran’s cemetery
in this area of the state,” he added.
Mr. Rayburn noted that both
congressmen for the area, Doug
Lamborn and John Salazar, were
instrumental in passing the bill
through the House of
Representatives, and that the
committee would be working with
Senators Wayne Allard and Ken
Salazar for Senate passage.
“We, as elected officials, along
with the local Veteran’s Cemetery
Committee, are willing to work
with federal agencies so that men
and women who have served our
country are able to find a resting
place near their loved ones,” said
County Commissioner Wayne
Page 7
28 de junio - 4 de julio 2007
Hispanics Remain Absent from Corporate Boardrooms
71% Of Top U.S. Companies Lack Hispanic Representation On Their Boards
The Hispanic Association on
Corporate Responsibility
(HACR) unveils the findings of
its 2007 Corporate Governance
Stu dy. T he st ud y m ea su re s
Hispanic inclusion on the boards
of Fortune 500 companies.
Th e H is pa ni c i mp ri nt on
American culture and business is
undeniable. As the largest and
fastest-growing minority
community in the United States,
Hispanics represent 14 percent of
the population and one out of
every eight employees in the
la bo r f or ce . F or Co rp or at e
Amer ica, the grow th in the
Hispanic population has meant an
opportunity to profit from the
community's expanding
purchasing power, a hefty $863.1
billion in 2007. HACR advocates
for greater inclusion of Hispanics
in CorporateAmerica.
HA CR 's 20 07 Co rp or at e
Governance Study reveals:
-- Since 2003 there has been a
26 percent rise in the number of
Hispanics sitting on Fortune 500
-- Almost 10 percent of Fortune
500 boards have maintained
Hispanic representation for at
least a decade.
-- Hispan ics held just 3.1
percent of all Fortune 500 board
seats in 2006.
-- Hispanic women held just 0.8
percent of all Fortune 500 seats in
-- Almost three times as many
Hispanics serve on Fortune 500
boards than on Fortune 501-1000
-- Hispanics serving as board
chairs, presidents and/or CEOs in
the Fortune 1,000 has increased
from 16 to 22.
-- Just two companies in the
Fortune 500 had three or more
Hispanic board members.
-- Only 1 percent of executive
officer positions were held by
"HACR wishes to thank IBM
for its continued leadership in
su pp or ti ng an d ad va nc in g
HACR's goal to increase Hispanic
inclusion throughout Corporate
America," said HACR president
and CEO Carlos F. Orta. "Their
support of the 2007 Corporate
Governance Study allows HACR
to continue to conduct research on
Hispanos Brillan Por Su Ausencia En Juntas Directivas
71% De Las Principales Compañías Estadounidenses
Carecen De Representación Hispana En Sus Juntas Directivas
La Asoci ación Hispa na de
Res pon sab ili dad Cor por ati va
(Hispanic Association o n
C o r p o r a t e R e s p o n s i b i l i t y,
HACR) di o a conoc er
resultados de su investigación
titulada 2007 Corporate
Governance Study (Estudio de
Autoridad Corporativa 2007). El
estudio evaluó la inclusión de
hispanos en las juntas directivas
de las compañías pertenecientes a
Fortune 500.
La huella hispana en la cultura y
los negocios estadounidenses es
innegable. Los hispanos, que
componen la comunidad
mi no ri ta ri a de má s rá pi do
crecimiento en los Estados
Unidos, representan el 14 por
ciento de la población, y uno de
cada ocho empleados de la fuerza
laboral. Para el sector corporativo
nacional, el crecimiento de la
población hispana ha significado
la op or tu ni da d d e o bt en er
ganancias a partir del creciente
poder adquisitivo de esa
co mu ni da d, qu e to ta li za la
considerable suma de $863.1 mil
millones en este año 2007. La
HACR aboga por una mayor
inclusión de los hispanos en el
sector corporativo
El Es tu di o d e Au to ri da d
Corporativa 2007 de HACR
revela lo siguiente:
Desde el año 2003 se ha
producido un incremento del 26
por ciento en la cantidad de
hispanos que ocupan cargos en
juntas directivas de compañías
Fortune 500.
Casi el 10 por ciento de las
juntas directivas de compañías
For tun e 50 0 ha n ma nte nid o
representación hispana al menos
por espacio de una década.
En el 200 6, los his pan os
ocuparon sólo el 3.1 por ciento del
total de los cargos en juntas
directivas de compañías
Fortune 500.
The Fortune Opportunity,
Is This Business for You??
En el 2006, las hispanas sólo
ocuparon el 0.8 por ciento del
total de los cargos en juntas
directivas de compañías Fortune
Los hispanos ocupan casi tres
veces más puestos en juntas
directivas de compañías Fortune
50 0 q ue en la s j un ta s d e
compañías Fortune 501-1,000.
La cantidad de hispanos que se
desempeñan como presidentes de
juntas directivas, presidentes y/o
directores ejecutivos en
compañías Fortune 1,000 se ha
incrementado de 16 a 22.
Sólo dos compañías Fortune
500 cuentan con tres o más
hispanos como miembros de sus
juntas directivas.
Los hispanos sólo ocupan el 1
por ciento de los cargos de
dirección ejecutiva.
"La HACR desea agradecer a
IBM por su liderazgo continuo
apoyando y contribuyendo al
cumplimiento del propósito de
HACR de incrementar la
inclusión de hispanos en el sector
co rp or at iv o de l os E st ad os
Unidos", expresó Carlos F. Orta,
presidente y director ejecutivo de
HACR. "Su respaldo al Estudio
deAutoridad Corporativa 2007 le
permite a HACR seguir
inv est iga ndo tem as d e vi tal
importancia para nuestro trabajo
de defensa y promoción en esta
“Los resultados del estudio de
au to ri da d de HA CR
so n
con vin cen tes , y rec alc an la
necesidad de iniciativas continuas
para incrementar la
representación hispana en cargos
de liderazgo corporativo", añadió
Ro n G lo ve r, v ic ep re si de nt e
global de diversidad de la fuerza
laboral de IBM. "Creemos que los
datos de este estudio estimularán
a las compañías a tomar medidas
con respecto a esta cuestión tan
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issues important to our advocacy
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"The findings of the HACR
governance study are compelling
an d r ei nf or ce th e n ee d f or
con tin ued effo rts to inc rea se
His pa ni c re pr es en ta ti on in
co rp or at e l ea de rs hi p r ol es ,"
according to Ron Glover, Global
Vi ce President, Wo rkforce
Diversity, IBM. "We believe the
data from this study will encourage
companies to take action around
this important issue.”
Page 8
28 de junio - 4 de julio 2007
USA Continues Domination with 2-1
Victory Over México to Lift Fourth Overall
CONCACAF Gold Cup Trophy
The U.S. Men's National Team
continued their domination of
Mexico with a sterling, come-frombehind 2-1 masterpiece to claim
their fourth all-time CONCACAF
Gold Cup championship. Despite a
1-0 halftime deficit, a confident and
powerful U.S. team dominated
Mexico in the second half, behind
goals from Landon Donovan and
Benny Feilhaber, while also twice
hitting the post.
In addition to laying claim to
their third regional crown since
setting up Jonathan Spector to
send a perfect cross into the area
for Brian Ching. The Hawaiian
forward controlled the ball well,
spun around his marker and was
setting up for a chance on goal
when Jonny Magallon clipped his
legs from behind, setting up an
easy penalty call for Guatemalan
referee Carlos Batres.
"Chingy made a great play to
get the penalty," said Donovan
after the game. "He's in there to do
that. He's tough to play against.
He used his body well, and the guy
had no choice but to foul him."
As he has done throughout the
tournament, Donovan stepped up
and drained the spot kick, the
fourth consecutive game in which
the forward scored on a penalty
kick. For Donovan, the goal was a
historic one in many ways, tying
him for the USA' all-time goalscoring lead with Eric Wynalda at
34 and also tying the all-time Gold
Cup goal-scoring record with
Mexico's Luis Robert Alves with
“I'm proud of it certainly,”
said Donovan about tying
Wynalda's record. “I'm more
happy we won the game, but
when I sit down tonight and think
about it, it will be awesome. But
now I want to get the next one in."
With the game now tied, the
U.S. continued their inspired play
in the second half, eventually
leading to a game-winning goal
that will surely go down as one of
the greatest in U.S. Soccer
history. Mexico was beginning to
feel the pressure from the U.S.
again when a dangerous cross
from Jonathan Bornstein earned
the USA a corner kick in the 72nd
minute. As Donovan's corner kick
slid into the area, it was headed
out by the Mexican defense,
falling to the top of the area where
Feilhaber hit a one-time, fullvolley blast out of the air and into
the upper left corner past a
helpless Oswaldo Sanchez.
“The first thing I was thinking
of when the ball was coming in
the air was that I'd had a couple of
shots in the El Salvador game that
were the same as that one,” said
Feilhaber, who scored for the
second time in seven appearances.
“I was just looking to get good
contact on the ball and send it
toward the goal. I knew as soon as
I hit it that it was going in. It felt
With the U.S. ahead 2-1,
Mexico began to crumble under
the pressure of trying to end their
decade-long losing streak against
the USA in the United States. Their
efforts were to no avail, as the U.S.
created two more scoring chances
that were stopped by the
woodwork, but ultimately didn't
help the Mexicans overcome their
nemesis. The first shot off the post
came in the 76th minute, when the
ever-active Ching spun on
Magallon in the penalty area again,
stepped around Sanchez, and then
hit an off-balance shot at an empty
net that bounced off the right post
as he was falling backwards.
In the 89th minute, a patented
late-game burst from Donovan
saw a two-on-none breakaway
end with DaMarcus Beasley
banging his empty net shot off the
cross bar.
Those two misses were
ultimately not a factor, but could
have been if not for a world class
save from Tim Howard on
Mexican substitute Adolfo
Bautista in the 89th minute just
seconds before Beasley's miss. On
the sequence, Nery Castillo
dribbled into the penalty area and
hit a shot that ricocheted to
Bautista eight yards in front of the
goal. Bautista had time to take a
touch, but his hard shot was
pushed over the bar by Howard
with two hands.
“I'm still in shock you know,”
said Howard about his late
heroics. “It's just one of those
things where you practice all the
time, and sometimes it comes off
for you. I saw the ball break
through and I tried my best and
today it was good enough. It's one
I'll remember forever. Sometimes
the team needs you to come up
with a big save, and you know
you can make a difference. I was
The USA is now 8-0-1 in nine
home games against Mexico this
decade, outscoring their rival 151. Mexico's goal in this match did
manage to end their goalless
streak in the U.S. at 797 minutes
across 10 games. Since 1990, the
U.S. is 12-7-7 in 26 games
Against Mexico, which includes a
dominating 11-3-5 record in the
United States (and a 1-0-1 record
in neutral venues). The victory also
marked the first time the U.S. had
ever come-from-behind to defeat
their arch-rivals.
In another USA milestone, for
the first time ever, the U.S. went a
perfect 6-0 in the tournament,
improving their all-time Gold Cup
record to an impressive 34-4-5.
The U.S. outscored their
opponents 13-3 across their 2007
tournament run.
The U.S. team departs on
Monday for Venezuela, just three
days in advance of the 2007 Copa
America, the regional
championship of South America.
The 12-team tournament will run
from June 26 to July 15 in nine
cities across Venezuela. The U.S.
has been drawn into Group C
along with Argentina, Paraguay
and Colombia. The U.S. will open
the tournament against Argentina
on Thursday, June 28 at Estadio
Jose “Pachencho” Romero in
Maracaibo. The U.S. will then face
Paraguay on July 2 at Estadio
Agustin Tovar “La Carolina” in
Barinas, before finishing group
play against Colombia on July 5 at
Estadio Metropolitano de Futbol
de Lara in Barquisimeto.
For the United States, the
appearance will mark their third
entrance into CONMEBOL's
signature event. The last time the
U.S. competed in the tournament
in 1995, the team upset defending
champion Argentina, 3-0, to
advance to the quarterfinals where
they defeated Mexico and
eventually finished in fourth place.
2002, the victory in the 2007
CONCACAF Gold Cup paves the
way for the USA's invaluable
participation in the 2009 FIFA
Confederations Cup, an eight-team
tournament being staged in South
Africa one year before the 2010
World Cup.
“This is the kind of effort on the
inside of our team that we keep
talking about,” said U.S. head coach
Bob Bradley after extending his
record with the United States to 10-01 since taking over at the start of the
year. “(It is) a result that didn't come
easy. A result where we had to come
from behind. A result that comes
from the effort of our entire group.
We are proud of defending the Gold
Cup championship and keeping the
trophy in the United States.”
The second half began with
another savvy tactical move from
Bradley, who brought Ricardo Clark
on for tournament standout Pablo
Mastroeni to help the U.S. midfield
cover more ground across the field.
Clark's impact was felt immediately
and helped unify a backline that had
been a bit unsettled in the first half.
The USA's first goal came on a
nice build-up from the U.S., who
seamlessly moved the ball from the
left to right flank at the midfield
stripe through DaMarcus Beasley,
Page 9
28 de junio - 4 de julio 2007
México Perdió 2-1 con Estados Unidos
Ante un estadio Soldier Field
lleno y con mayoritario apoyo a
México, inició a las 14:00 hrs. el
encuentro de la Final de la Copa
Oro Concacaf 2007.
A los dos minutos, Nery
Castillo avanzó por el centro,
antes de entrar al área abrió a
Guardado por la izquierda, éste
sirvió a segundo poste a Borgetti
que pese a levantarse- no alcanzó
el esférico.
Cinco minutos después, en
una jugada de salida desde su
propio terreno, Salcido pasó a
Jaime Lozano que picó a Nery,
pero el balón se escurrió a donde
Howard controló.
Tras una falta sobre Alberto
Medina, Pavel Pardo cobró por la
derecha, el balón llegó al área
donde Jared, apretado por Carlos
Bocanegra no remató cómodo.
Damarcus Beasley pisó el
área con peligro a los 12 minutos,
pero la marca de Salcido y la
salida de Oswaldo le impidieron
realizar una jugada de peligro.
Jared Borgetti recuperó el
balón a los 14 minutos, Carlos
Salcido ingresó por la izquierda,
pasó a Guardado que centró al
área donde la defensa rechazó.
Dos minutos después,
Oswaldo Sánchez salvó el marco
Tricolor. Landon Donovan se
quitó dos verdes, ingresó por la
derecha y sirvió al centro a donde
Beasley entraba, pero de la nada,
apareció el guardameta mexicano
que atajó el balón.
Pavel Pardo cobró un tiro de
esquina por la derecha, en el área
Rafa Márquez remató de cabeza,
el balón fue enviado hacia atrás
por el guardameta Howard. En el
nuevo tiro desde la punta,
Márquez cabeceó encima de la
portería estadounidense.
A los 24 minutos, Estados
Unidos generó una jugada de
peligro, cuando Jonathan
Bornstein avanzó por la izquierda
y antes de entrar al área sacó un
tremendo disparo que pegó en la
red por fuera.
Oswaldo Sánchez rechazó de
puños un tiro centro por la
derecha de Beasley a los 34
Jared Borgetti cayó lesionado a
los 36 minutos y tuvo que
abandonar el terreno de juego.
Tres minutos después,
Donovan en el área estrelló un
balón en Rafa Márquez, el esférico
rebotó hacia Dempsey que disparó
a quemarropa donde Oswaldo
Tras la jugada, ingresó Omar
Bravo, en el lugar que dejó el
lesionado Jared Borgetti.
Andrés Guardado abrió el
marcador a los 43 minutos.
Alberto Medina por la banda
derecha pasó a Nery Castillo que
avanzó, recortó hacia el área, se
metió y sirvió a la llegada a
segundo poste de Andrés Guardado
que de izquierda mandó al fondo de
la meta. Gol de México.
Tras un minuto de
compensación concluyó la primera
A los dos minutos de reiniciado
el partido, el pecho de Oswaldo
Sánchez detuvo dos balazos de la
delantera estadounidense, que
dentro del área remató potente, tras
un servicio por la derecha.
En un tiro de esquina que
regaló Donovan, México generó
una llegada de peligro en el área a
los 58 minutos.
El balón le llegó a Jaime
Lozano que remató, pero la pierna
de Bravo rechazó, el esférico le
quedó a Rafa Márquez a quien dos
jugadores le despojaron de la bola.
Dos minutos después, Jonny
Magallón cometió una falta dentro
del área sobre Ching. El silbante
señaló el penal. Donovan cobró a la
izquierda de Sánchez, enviando el
balón a las redes. Estados Unidos
empató el partido.
A los 65 minutos, Pardo cobró
un tiro libre por la derecha, Omar
Bravo en el área remató pero a un
costado de la portería local.
Cuatro minutos después,
Andrés Guardado y Spector
chocaron en el aire. El
estadounidense sacó la peor parte y
tuvo que salir de cambio.
Tras un tiro de esquina por la
derecha, el balón le llegó a
Feilhaber afuera del área. El
delantero sacó un zapatazo potente
que terminó en el fondo de la meta
de Oswaldo Sánchez a los 72
Ching estrelló un esférico en el
poste tres minutos después, tras
llevarse a Magallón y Oswaldo
A los 77 minutos, Hugo
Sánchez realizó su segundo
cambio. Entró Cuauhtémoc Blanco
y salió Alberto Medina. Dos
minutos después, el técnico tricolor
agotó sus cambios. Salió Jaime
Lozano e ingresó Adolfo Bautista.
Andrés Guardado recibió una
falta por la izquierda a la altura del
área. Pardo sirvió a Guardado que
remató potente, un defensa desvió
hacia un costado a los 86 minutos.
Nery Castillo desbordó por la
derecha, recortó al centro y
disparó, el esférico salió rebotado
hacia Bautista que sólo frente al
marco disparó a donde Howard
sacó el balón y salvó su meta.
En un esférico hacia Guardado,
el mexicano se estrelló con el
árbitro, el balón que le quedó a
Landon Donovan que desbordó sin
marca por la derecha, Beasley lo
acompañó, Oswaldo Sánchez salió
a cortar, Donovan le sirvió a su
compañero que estrelló el balón en
el travesaño.
Tras cuatro minutos de
compensación. El silbante
guatemalteco determinó la
finalización del partido.
Page 10
28 de junio - 4 de julio 2007
Elitch Gardens July Events
On July 4th
Outlaws will be at Elitch
Gardens, enjoy the best seat
in Denver to view the city's
spectacular display of
fireworks! Want to mix it up a
bit? Purchase a special
combo ticket to play at
thepark during the day and
watch the Denver Outlaws
lacrosse team at Invesco
Field that night. The firework
show will follow the game.
Call for ticket information at
(303) 595-4386.
July 1315, Radio Disney
Music Festival: Calling all
kids! What do you get when
Radio Disney and Elitch
Gardens team up? Three
action-packed days of games,
music and live entertainment!
Come check out some of your
favorite bands including TSquad, B5 and Everlife. No
kid is too young or too old to
enjoy the interactive
activities and festivities of the
Radio Disney Music
Festival.On July 21 & 22, La
Fiesta de Elitch Gardens &
Lowrider Invitational Enjoy a
park-wide cultural
celebration featuring Latin
music artists Patrulla 81 and
Gloria Trevi. Guests can also
get an up-close look at some
of Colorado's most trickedout cars, trucks and bikes
View all of the vehicles while
enjoying live Latin music and
performances. Awaken your
taste buds with some
traditional Hispanic food.
Elitch Gardens is a 117-yearold tradition of family fun and
entertainment with thrilling
coasters, family rides, and
Island Kingdom Water Park
featuring a new extreme tube
ride, the RipQurl. New for
2007…the dramatic cirquestyle performance
Bailamos…XCITY!, a
spectacular urban acrobatic
production… and the
spellbinding evening show,
Carnaval de Fuego. Elitch
Gardens is located in
downtown Denver. Go to for
more information.
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Page 11
28 de junio - 4 de julio 2007
& The Gettin' Down, Downtown Summer Concert
The Colorado Farm and Art
Market is happy to announce
Gettn' Up, the Uptown Summer
Concert Series presented during
the market from June 9 through
Oct 6. Located in the Pine Creek
Village Center, upper parking lot.
At the Briargate Parkway and
Chapel Hills Drive intersection.
Market starts at 8:00 p.m. and
ends at 1:00 p.m. Music starts at
10:00 a.m. and ends at 12:00
JULY: July 7 - Emily Early,
July 14 - Kenny Giordano, July
21 - Duke Davis & Buckshot and
July 28 - Neil Kovac. AUGUST:
Aug 4 - Luke Flowers , Aug 11 Neil Kovac , Aug 18 Kenny
Giordano and Aug 25 - Neil
Kovac . SEPTEMBER: Sept 1
Bill Lareau, Sept 8 Neul Kovac,
Sept 15 - Tim Glenn Sept 22 Neil Kovac and Sept 29 - Blue
Sage. October: Oct 6 - Neil Kovac
The Gettin' Down,
downtown summer concert,,
sponsored by Classic Companies
will be held at America The
Beautiful Park. The Market starts
at 4:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. The
music will be from 6:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. Both market and music
are free. Market starts June 6,
ends Oct 3, 2007.
JULY: July 11 - Joe Uveges
and Friends, July 18 - Jim Adam
Blues Band and July 25 - The
Swing Connection. AUGUST:
Aug 8 - The Nostalgics, Aug 15 George Whitesell and His All
Stars Featuring Jill Watkins, Aug
22 - Changing Times Big Band
Featuring Laura Davis and Aug
29 - The Jigheads
People can enjoy shopping for
locally grown produce while
listening to great music. Both are
free and open to the public. The
market also has original unique
art by Artist that are juired in. The
market has fruit and vegetables
grown only in Colorado. Some
are organic and naturally grown
and a touch of conventional. We
are the only farmers market in
Colorado Springs that accepts
Quest/EBT and debit cards. So
remember, buy fresh, buy local!
Call for detail, 719-640-6154
Special activities & guests coming to Buell Children's Museum
Hey, parents! Looking for
some great entertainment this
summer? Special guests are
making appearances at the Buell
Children's Museum, plus the
museum is offering special
activities in honor of the Japanese
holiday, Star Festival Day.
As part of its exhibit Jump
to Japan, help the museum
celebrate Star Festival Day on July
7 with hands-on fun. Watch
origami folding demonstrations by
the Origami Odyssey Club, "Mr.
Mike's" group of paper folding
friends. Get creative and design
your own paper art. Fold a fat
bunny, a star box and more!
It's Wag & Wiggle time on
July 12. See a performance by
PBS's new show Raggs on in the
Magic Carpet Theater. Don't miss
this rock'n concert staring the five
furry characters from the TV series
that began airing in select public
broadcast markets this summer.
Performances will be held at 12:30
p.m., 1:30 p.m. and 2:30 p.m. with
a special encore performance at
3:30 p.m. Join the band for a
special TV preview and learn the
Wag & Wiggle steps.
Come back on Thursday,
July 19, to watch "Mr. Mike"
perform a the magical Japanese
Nankin Tamasudare (story sticks)
program at noon, 1 p.m. and 2 p.m.
in the Magic Carpet Theater.
Between performances he will
teach and show Japanese games.
You can play along, too!
All activities are free with
your paid admission to the
museum. Hours for the Buell
Children's Museum are Tuesday
through Saturday, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.
and include admission to the Helen
T. White Galleries. For more
information, please call 719-2957200, go online at or stop by the Arts Center
located at 210 N. Santa Fe Ave.,
just off of I-25, exit 98b.
Find us at, find Travel and click Complete Travel Network
Page 14
28 de junio - 4 de julio 2007
Page 15
28 de junio - 4 de julio 2007
Students to Get Key Clinical Experience
A new initiative that will
allow Pueblo Community
College to provide much-needed
dental services to low-income
residents of Pueblo County and
Southeast Colorado was
announced today by Dr. John
Garvin, PCC President. It also
will enable PCC’s Dental
Assisting and Dental Hygiene
students to gain valuable clinical
Through the Oral Health
Improvement Project (OHIP),
PCC will deploy a full-time
dental facility and establish the
staffing that will service
individuals of all age levels who
can’t afford dental care. The
facility will be staffed by a
dentist, dental assistant and
receptionist/billing clerk.
“This project aligns perfectly
with our mission of creating
learning opportunities for our
students,” said Garvin. “At the
same time, it supports our efforts
to contribute to our community in
a significant and meaningful
The service clinic will be
operational in January 2008.
Noteworthy is that it will be able
to provide restorative services in
addition to its traditional teeth
cleaning, X-rays and oral hygiene
health and prevention education.
Another beneficiary of the
project will be students enrolled
in PCC’s newly expanded Office
Administration program through
internships at the dental clinic as
receptionist/billing clerks. Their
functions will include patient file
management, insurance billing
and office reception
The OHIP is being made
possible by a three-year $509,405
grant that has been awarded to
PCC by The Colorado Health
Foundation. PCC will receive
$144,439 in the first year of the
grant, $202,022 in the second
year and $169,944 in the final
PCC administrators involved
in overseeing the implementation
and operation of the project will
be Cindy Mihelich, Dean of
Health Professions; Sue
Kochevar, Chair of the Dental
Hygiene program; and Janet
Trujillo, Chair of the Dental
Assisting program.
The grant proposal was
written by Chris Beltran, former
Grant Writer/Manager who now
s e r v e s a s P C C ’ s Ti t l e V
administrator, along with
Mihelich, Kochevar and Trujillo.
"The Oral Health
Improvement Project is designed
to be a two-pronged approach of
meeting the oral health needs of
our community and producing
well-prepared oral health
practitioners," explained Beltran.
“Considering both factors, the
potential impact is substantial."
Here is the basic timetable of
activities within the grant period:
By Oct. 1 this fall, PCC will
have a professional dental team
and full-time facility dedicated to
providing restorative oral health
services on its Pueblo Campus.
By Jan. 15, 2008, PCC will
establish the ability to seek
reimbursement for services
through Medicare, Medicaid,
Child Health Plan Plus (CHP+)
and other insurance providers
serving low-income individuals
and families. Hence, the dental
facility will be able to bill for
services, making it a selfsustaining operation. Service
rates have yet to be determined
but a sliding scale operation will
be examined.
By Oct. 1, 2008, a minimum
of 64 Dental Assisting and Dental
Hygiene students at PCC will
have access to clinical time
working in a dental team,
providing restorative services as
part of their education and clinical
experience. By the end of the
grant period, a minimum of 192
students will have had access to
the enhanced clinical experience.
By Oct. 1, 2008, a minimum
of 64 Dental Assisting and Dental
Hygiene students at PCC will
have exposure to diverse
consumer populations including
low-income, uninsured and
underinsured individuals and
families. By the end of the grant
period, a minimum of 192
students will benefit from
exposure to these populations.
During 50 weeks of operation,
a minimum of 1,200 patients will
be seen in the expanded dental
assisting clinic.
The majority of the patients are
expected to be referred to PCC
through a partnership with two
sources: the Pueblo Community
Health Center and the Pueblo
StepUp program, whose clients
represent an underserved
population. “This grant is the
result of the dedication and
commitment of the health
professions faculty at PCC to offer
not only quality education for
students but to identify a need in
the community and secure funds to
offer a much-needed service to
improve oral health in this region,”
pointed out Mihelich.
“The Colorado Health
Foundation recognized the value
of this grant, and we are very
thankful for their belief in our
proposal,” she added. “We look
forward to becoming stronger
community advocates for the
improvement in oral health.”
Garvin agreed. “This is the next
step in PCC’s ability to advance its
role in providing much-needed
health care and professional
services to the Pueblo
community,” he said.
The Colorado Health
Foundation is a nonprofit
organization that works with
others to make Colorado the
healthiest state in the nation by
improving access to affordable,
quality heath care for underserved
and low-income people and
encouraging Coloradans to make
healthier lifestyle choices. The
PCC grant is part of nearly $9
million that it has awarded to 60
state organizations in 2007.
For more information please
call, Cindy Mihelich -- 549-3280
or Chris Beltran -- 549-3441
Page 16
28 de junio - 4 de julio 2007
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WANTED! Bi-lingual
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Call Teri or Carrie @ (719) 272-7200,
mention you are a Spanish speaker.
Cesar Chavez Academy-Central is
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Cesar Chavez Academy is opening
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The following positions are being
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A Steady lifestyleTop Miles, Top Pay &
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Werner Enterprises:
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Taylor Farms
Now hiring. Must have proper
documentation. Starting at $6.85/hr.
Apply in person:
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Ask for Reu.
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Colorado Springs
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Las 24 Horas
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Admissions Representative Needed for Exciting
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Competitive salary,
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SEMA Construction, Inc. is requesting sub bids and material
quotes from all UDBE/DBE subcontractors and suppliers to
meet the 6% UDBE goal for CDOT Project HPP 0241-045,
C15488. Project consists of minor widening on US 24 in Lake
County, CO. Project bids July 12, 2007 at 10:00 AM (MT).
SEMA Construction, Inc. 7353 S. Eagle St., Centennial, CO 80112 (303) 6272600; (303) 627-2626 fax. All UDBE/DBE firms are encouraged to participate.
Bonding, lines of credit, and special insurance limits may be required;
please contact SEMA for assistance. EOE.
10% Off With This Add
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P/T Handiman
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Can do all at once or
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Email [email protected]
Some English or translater needed
to begin. Job to start
June, July or Aug.
Taylor Farms
Estamos contratando
trabajadores .
Debe tener documentación apropiada.
$6.85 por hora para comenzar.
Aplicar en persona en:
890 N. Newport Road, Colo. Spgs.
Pregunte por Reu
Posición de tiempo completo.
Debe tener licencia válida de conducir
y transporte. Alguna experiencia
y un poco de inglés sería útil.
Cercado de límites.
Tel: 719-650-9594; 719-640-2198
Mujeres y Hombres que
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por mes.
Compañía Multinacional
Latina con más de
15 años busca gente de éxito.
(720) 297-4443; (602) 299-9695
28 de junio - 4 de julio 2007
Page 17
CD'S & Cassettes
Doreen Martinez’ Award winning
Christian Jesus Praises Music with her new CD
with very beautiful music "Dame Fe"
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Postage paid also available in cassette & CD’s
is Mueveme, Con Fe y Amor. "Santo Es El Señor"
only available in CD.
Cassettes $8 CD’s $10.00
Call Joseph 719-448-0805
SEMA Construction, Inc. is requesting sub bids and material
quotes from all UDBE/DBE subcontractors and suppliers to
meet the 5.1% DBE goal for Archuleta County Airport AIP
Project No. 3-08-0066-18 – Construct Parallel Taxiway “A”
Phase 1 located in Archuleta County, CO.
Project bids June 29, 2007 at 2:00 PM (MT).
SEMA Construction, Inc. 7353 S. Eagle St., Centennial, CO 80112 (303) 6272600; (303) 627-2626 fax. All UDBE/DBE firms are encouraged to participate.
Bonding, lines of credit, and special insurance limits may be required;
please contact SEMA for assistance. EOE.
SEMA Construction, Inc. is requesting sub bids and material
quotes from all UDBE/DBE subcontractors and suppliers to
meet the 7.6% UDBE goal for City of Lone Tree Project IM
0252-391. Project consists of a new interchange at I-25 and
Ridgegate Parkway in Douglas County, CO. Project bids
June 26, 2007 at 10:00 AM (MT).
SEMA Construction, Inc. 7353 S. Eagle St., Centennial, CO 80112
(303) 627-2600; (303) 627-2626 fax. All UDBE/DBE firms are encouraged to
participate. Bonding, lines of credit, and special insurance limits may be
required; please contact SEMA for assistance. EOE.
S/E 2BR, 1BA, F/P, Range,
Ref, D/W.
$500/mo + Elec & Gas
Call 271-6621
Linda casa dos recamaras,
terraza y jardin enorme.
Playground. Cerca de avenida
Colorado y calle 20. Disponible junio
27. $797 + utilities. 964-6153.
Apartment for rent.
3 bedroom + 1 bath.
Utilities included (no electric) $625 a
month. 1 bedroom+1bath.
All utilities included.$395 a
month.Southwest Colorado Springs.
Quiet 7 plex.
Call now (719) 213-8700
Ofrecemos una gran variedad de
prestamos Para comprar, refinanciar o
consolidar deudas 0% de enganche,
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Llame hoy mismo, le ayudare con
mucho gusto!
Maria Earnest
Coordinadora de Prestamos
Cell (719) 314-9076
Office (719) 597-4600
[email protected]
1 Bedroom upstairs
apartment with loft
for Rent
on West side.
Utilities included
$625 per month.
Call 635-7143
Rancher, In Village-7
5 Bdrm, 2 Bth, Dbl Garage W/Opener,
Clean and Well Kept, Lg Backyard in
Sch Dist 11. $1150.
4650 Picturesque Cir. 80917
Call Mary 210-680-5005
or 210-269-0072
*Call for details!
1 & 3 bedroom apts.
Dishwasher, ceiling fans,
large windows, walk-in closets,
playground, heated pool, small pets
ok, $99 deposit. Se Habla Espanol.
El Dorado Apts. 596-3373
For Sale or Rent to own
2 Bedroom Mobile Homes
Starting at $500 month
and up
including Space.
Just a Few Homes Left
Call 719-544-8044
Perform receptionist, administrative, &
clerical duties to support the agency.
Must be Spanish & English speaking,
well organized, and detail oriented.
Must have excellent multi-tasking,
phone, computer, written, &
interpersonal skills. PT(24 hrs/week)/
Send resumes to T·E·S·S·A,
P.O. Box 2662, C/S, CO 80901
or fax 632-2342 Attn: Lisa T.
Public Invited
Tools, Appliances,
Electronics, Furniture,
Miscellaneous, Antiques &
Preview every Friday 8-5
109 S. Sierra Madre
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Impound Auction.
Every 3rd Saturday of the month
2725 E Las Vegas CSC
Next Auction Sat. June 16th
Gates open and registration begins at
7:00 AM.
Sale starts and registration ends at
9:00 AM.
Auctioneer will sell vehicles in
English and Spanish.
For vehicle listing take the link from
my webpage
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Garden Apartments
offer one and two bedroom
apartments, and three and four
bedroom townhouses. We also
offer units for persons with
handicaps and disabilities. All
utilities are included. All units are
subsidized through
the Section 8 program.
Call Darlene at (719) 574-3874
for information.
Carpenters Needed
100% Financing - No Money Down
No Closing Cost - $300.00 Gift Card
Call TODAY to start owning a home
Sandra Hernandez 229-8735
Hand Built Solid Pine
Comfort Suites & Sleep Inn
Maintenance Department MUST be
Certified Pool Operator Apply at once
in person 1055 Kelly Johnson Blvd
Colorado Springs, CO 80920
Se Habla Español
Wood Picnic Table
6' long Fully Assembled
23 Police Departments
Take a single test that places
you in an applicant pool for
prospective hiring with 23
police departments. The
jurisdictions participating in the
COPS Program span a large area
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miles that includes most of the
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south. This large coverage area
also stretches outside the Front
Range, east to Fort Morgan and
west to Eagle. Visit (training and
testing) or
call 303 480-6714.
Faculty – Dental Hygiene
full-time teaching position.
Complete vacancy announcement with
requirements for position and PCC
application can be accessed at
w w w. p u e b l o c c . e d u / a b o u t u s /
employment/. Submit PCC application,
resume, unofficial transcripts, and a
letter of application to the Human
Resources Office, Pueblo Community
College, 900 W. Orman Ave., Pueblo,
CO 81004-1499, telephone (719) 5493220, FAX (719) 549-3127 by June 29,
Assistant Director of
Financial Aid
Full-time position responsible in
assisting the Director in carrying out all
activities and operations of the Financial
Aid Office. Complete vacancy
announcement and PCC application can
be accessed at
aboutus/employment. Submit PCC
application, resume, unofficial
transcripts, and letter expressing interest
and addressing listed qualifications to:
Human Resources, Pueblo Community
College, 900 W. Orman Ave., Pueblo,
CO 81004, telephone (719)549-3220,
FAX (719)549-3127 by June 29, 2007.
Call Kenny @
Home Office 719-227-0489
Se renta un Bus Restaurante
Equipado con todo lo necesario
para comenzar un negocio de
comida mexicana.
¡Todo Listo!
Con permiso y aseguranza
incluidos. Interesados llamar:
(719) 632-1971
Director of TRiO Student
Support Services
Full-time position responsible for all
aspects of the Student Support Services
Complete vacancy announcement and
PCC application can be accessed at
w w w. p u e b l o c c . e d u / a b o u t u s /
employment. Submit PCC application,
resume, unofficial transcripts, and letter
expressing interest and addressing listed
qualifications to: Human Resources,
Pueblo Community College, 900 W.
Orman Ave., Pueblo, CO 81004,
telephone (719)549-3220, FAX
(719)549-3127 by June 29, 2007. AN
Faculty – Science
full-time teaching position.
Complete vacancy announcement with
requirements for position and PCC
application can be accessed at
w w w. p u e b l o c c . e d u / a b o u t u s /
employment/. Submit PCC application,
resume, unofficial transcripts, and a
letter of application to the Human
Resources Office, Pueblo Community
College, 900 W. Orman Ave., Pueblo,
CO 81004-1499, telephone (719) 5493220, FAX (719) 549-3127 by June 29,
Empire Staple Co, Colorado’s
leading fastener supplier is
seeking a full time Driver/repair
tech. Will train. Must have good
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attitude! Bi-lingual a plus. Apply
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719-260 1137 or email resume to
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Experienced Truss Builders Preferred!
$8 to $8.50/hr
Valid ID Required
Apply Today!
4805 N. 30th St., Ste 103
Call for directions
Page 18
28 de junio - 4 de julio 2007
Integration is
The Ultimate Solution
By Eduardo Montalvo
Erecting a wall at the
Southern border and amnesty
are not definite solutions to
th e il le ga l im mi gr at io n
problem in the USA.
Integration is the ultimate
solution! We can diminish the
influx of new illegals in this
country by investing billions
of dollars in legal and
material controls, but we
can’t pass up the fact that we
already have more than 12
million people living illegally
inside our borders. We have
to do something with them
because we can’t repatriate
such a massive amount of
peo ple . We ha ve t o be
They are living among us,
they are working and
participating in our economy,
and their sons and daughters
are going to school with our
kids. They are an active part
of this country. The only
difference between us and
them are our legal statuses.
They can be considered either
criminals or citizens;
criminals because they broke
our laws with the intention of
staying in our country or
citizens because they are an
active part of our nation. This
is the dilemma!
We have to commence a
national crusade to integrate
illegals into the economic,
legal, and civic life of
America. This integration
process won’t be easy to
implement, but it’s of
principal importance for our
nation. It’s a necessity in
order to preserve our moral
and civic values, as well as
our Americanism.
Integration can be
accomplished by
implementing an educational
and informational program.
This integration program
must contemplate the
following activities:
1) E N G L I S H : T h e
government – federal and
local – must implement an
in te ns iv e, co he re nt , a nd
effective program to teach the
English language to anyone
who needs it, despite their
le ga l st at us or in co me .
English is the first step to take
in order to become an active
c i t i z e n ; i t ’s t h e m a i n
communication tool, it’s the
adhesive that will keep us
2) L E G A L I Z AT I O N :
There’s a lot of ignorance
about the possible venues to
become a legal resident. This
is wh y a co ns is te nt
informational campaign must
be implemented in order to let
people know about their
chances to become a legal
resident of this country.
Information is a key element
of integration.
necessary to teach immigrants
abou t the history of our
country and also about civics.
We can’t act as if immigrants
“absorb” these values by
osmosis. We can use our
schools, TV, and radio to
inform people about
Complying with these
programs will be mandatory
for thos e who are real ly
interes ted in becoming
“Americans”. Those who are
n ot interested must be
“invited” to go back home. We
have to give people incentives
to become an active part of this
nation and becoming a US
citizen must be the goal. The
Americanization process is
vital for the future of our
In order for illegals to
obtain US citizenship, it must
first be facilitated to all current
residents who comply with the
legal requi rement s. Free
classes must be offered to all
qualified candidates.
If we want to get the most
out of the millions of illegal
immigrants who are already
living in here, we have to offer
them the opportunity to learn
how to become citizens.
Everyo ne must get
involved in this important
process of integration,
including federal and local
go v e r n m e n t s , s c h o o l s ,
colleges and universities, and
the media. We already have
the resources available, so
let’s use them for a higher
purpose: the benefit of our
co un tr y an d it s pe op le .
Indiscriminate amnesty will
be prejudicial. I believe that
we should let only those who
are willing to adapt to our
laws, customs, and society to
remain here. Becoming
American must be the goal for
every immigrant who wants to
contribute to the grandeur of
this nation.
Page 19
28 de junio - 4 de julio 2007
Real Estate
Colorado Web Site Levels the Playing Field
For Consumers and Real Estate Professionals
By Sheryl Bass
Consumers usually find
closing costs and title insurance to
be the least understood aspects of
home buying, selling or
homeowners are required to
purchase title insurance by the
time they close on a house. In fact,
many would-be homeowners are
absolutely stunned by expensive
closing costs they don’t learn
about until they are literally
sitting at the closing table.
A new, free consumer
resource is now available that will
help demystify the closing cost
purchase process for those
buying, selling and refinancing
their homes.
consultant, Gary Wolff of
Colorado-based TI Services, used
his more than thirty years of
experience in the title insurance
and real estate industries to
launch This new
Website allows consumers to
shop and compare when
purchasing title insurance.
"We know that everyone
likes to make an informed
decision and save money. now provides the
ability for the real estate
consumer to be more
knowledgeable in their real estate
closing cost transactions," said
Wolff likens his site to the
popular Expedia and Orbitz sites
used by consumers to easily
compare air travel and hotel
prices. takes the
title insurance industry and makes
companies accountable to their
consumers much in the same way
that many Websites have made it
easier for consumers to purchase
air fares, hotel rooms, rental cars,
auto insurance, and other things
that were previously more easily
manipulated to benefit a company
and not the consumer.
“I think there’s a general
misconception in Colorado that
all title insurance companies have
right around the same prices,”
said Jerry Spaeth, President and
General Counsel of Metro Denver
Title Company. “However,
different companies have
different discounts that can apply,
for example, when you are selling
your home or when you are
It is common for consumers
to have no idea that they even
have a choice when it comes to
closing costs and title insurance.
Most home buyers or home
sellers simply rely on their
realtors to recommend a
particular title insurance
company, allowing for cozy
relationships between realtors
and those in the title insurance
industry. Some title insurance
companies are even owned by
real estate lenders or brokers
which, some say, creates a
conflict of interest.
“We believe this free Website
will make title companies more
transparent, more competitive
and more accountable for their
rates and services," says Wolff.
"We also believe the site will
empower real estate professionals
to better serve their clients."
Even many reputable realtors
are not aware of the exorbitant
price differential in closing costs
title insurance rates and fees. Title
insurance companies can adjust
charges on various line items,
such as a fee for the very delivery
of the title insurance document
itself to the homeowner’s new
address. One example of such a
price differential involves related
closing services of a $265,000
house for sale in Denver.
According to,
title insurance costs range from
$1,777 to $2,760, representing a
significant difference of $983.
In fact, the Government
Accountability Office (GAO)
recently issued a report stating
that the $18 billion title insurance
industry knowingly “…put
consumers in a potentially
vulnerable situation where, to a
great extent, they have little or no
influence over the price of title
insurance, but have little choice
but to purchase it.” seeks to turn this
industry practice on its head by
giving consumers the power they
deserve. Additionally, the State
of Colorado recently passed
legislation that would allow for
further study of the oftoverlooked industry.
“Our job is to keep as much
money in the pockets of our
clients as possible and to provide
the best service,” said Mark
Napoli, realtor with Denver’s
Prestige Real Estate Group. “I
think real estate professionals
should use the site
[] to further
educate and bring their clients
into the decision-making process.
It could also reduce some liability
to the real estate agent because it
is a mutual decision.”
While some information
about title insurance rates is
available on the Colorado
Division of Insurance Website
(DOI), much of the data is
outdated. The DOI Website also
does not show the application of
any discounts for which the
transaction might qualify. Fifty to
seventy percent of all transactions
qualify for such discounts. The
DOI also does not show any
endorsements or affirmative
coverages and it does not disclose
closing and ancillary fees.
Littleton resident, Kirstine
Rand, visited
because she is in the process of
selling her home so that she may
buy a new one. “It was very easy
and positive,” she said about the
Website. “I made decisions about
what I would recommend to my
realtor based on what I learned on
this site. Interestingly, I played
around with the information on
the site, assuming that the same
[title insurance] agency would
have the best price for me as both
a buyer and a seller, but that was
not the case.” Rand was able to
save up to $940, depending on
what title company she selected.
“I definitely would recommend
this site because it puts the control
back in the hands of the
consumer,” Rand continued. currently
serves the entire Denver metro
area, the Colorado Springs metro
area, much of the Western Slope
including Grand Junction, and
will soon be available for more
than 90 percent of Coloradans.
Page 20
28 de junio - 4 de julio 2007
La última
Survey Finds Dramatic Discrepancy Between
Overall Hispanic Unemployment
Desire Of Hispanic Students To Pursue Higher
Swells; Women Gain Jobs By Kyle Fellenz
The Hispanic unemployment for Hispanic men 20 and older
Education Opportunities And Enrollment Numbers rate jumped from 5.4 percent in increased to 4.3 percent from 4.2 in
(PR Newswire) In an effort to
sh ed li gh t o n t he un iq ue
ch al le ng es fa ci ng Hi sp an ic
students, the National Research
Center for College and University
Admissions (NRCCUA) today
joined with the Hispanic Heritage
Foundation (HHF), the Hispanic
College Fund and Excellence in
Education to release new data
il lu st ra ti ng th e di sc re pa nc y
between young Hispanic students
interested in higher education and
the actual number that pursue a
The findings were unveiled
today at a press conference with
Senator Joe Lieberman (IN-CT)
and Congressman Ruben
Hinojosa (D-TX).
"We need to reach out to
Hispanic students earlier in their
high school careers to ensure they
have accurate information about
the college planning process,"
said Don Munce, President of
NRCCUA. "The reality is that
many Hispanic students are the
first in their families to explore
higher education. As a result, they
cannot rely as often as some other
ethnic groups on parents or family
members to give them direction.
They are more likely to rely on
third party resources to aid them
in t h e i r c o l l e g e s e a r c h ,
application and financial aid
That is why it is so important
to di sseminate information to
the se stu den ts abo ut hig her
ed uc at io n op po rt un it ie s an d
bolster the work of key groups to
open doors for Hispanic students
in to th e hi gh er ed uc at io n
According to results of the
Preparation 2007 study, nearly 98
percent of Latino high school
students say they want to attend
college and nearly 95 percent say
they realistically believe that they
will graduate from college. These
results mirrored those of high
school students across all ethnic
However, according to U.S.
C ens us Bur eau data , Lat ino
students attend college
significantly less often than their
peers in other ethnic groups with
Lati no student enrollment in
higher education only reaching 25
percent in 2004. White student
enrollment has remained steady
around 40 to 41 percent while
black student enrollment
remained in the 31 to 32 percent
range during the same time
"We need to embrace the
unique needs and challe nges
facing today's Hispanic students
and make certain that they have
all the tools at their disposal to
pursue higher education," said
Munce. "Reaching out to these
students in the early stages of their
education decisions is vital in
creating an environment where
they can be successful in their
higher education endeavors.”
NRCCUA and the Hispanic
Heritage Foundation are
l a u n c h i n g, a service
specif ically design ed to help
Hispanic students with the college
planning process. More
information will be available at
www.myco llege optio by
July 1st.
NRCCUA - The National
Research Center for College &
University Admissions
(N RC CU A) is a n on -p ro fi t
education research organization
based in Lee's Summit, Mo. For
more information, visit
April to 5.8 percen t in May,
according to data released Friday
by the U.S. Department of Labor.
This increase equated to 76,000
more Hispanics unemployed for
the month.
Overall, unemployment
across the U.S. remained at 4.5
percent through May. The gap
between the national
unemployment rate and that of
Hisp anic s now stan ds at 1.3
percentage points.
Some 95,000 fewer Hispanics
were employed in May than had
been in April, while the number of
Hispanics not in the labor force
increased by 111,000. This last
figure reflects that the total
working population – people of
working age, even if they're not
entering the workforce – increased
by 91,000 for the month, while the
labor force – representing those
actually entering the job market –
declined by 20,000.
Hisp anic empl oyme nt ha s
risen by 644,000 since May 2006.
Howev er, at 5.8 perce nt, the
current unemployment rate for
Hispanics is quite a bit higher than
the 5.0 percent posted at this time
last year.
Looking at May's seasonally
una dju ste d dat a for His pan ic
subgroups, the unemployment rate
April. Hispanic men lost 8,000 jobs
net as a result of which represent a a
labor force increase of 14,000 and
an unemp loyme nt incre ase of
Hispanic women actually saw
their unemployment rate fall from
5.1 percent in April to 4.8 in May.
Some 40 ,000 wo men became
employed while 16,000 entered the
labor force, decreasing the total
number of unemployed by 24,000.
The unemployment rate for
Hispanic teenagers (age 16 to 19)
rose to 19.7 percent in May from
17.1 percent in April. Hispanic
teens lost a total of 32,000 jobs last
month. This number reflects a
decrease in the labor force of
6,000, coupled with an
unemployment increase of 26,000
(the discrep ancies are due to
Teen ag er s ty pi ca ll y ha ve
the highest unemployment rates
since they have fewer job skills and
less experience. Therefore, they
may have difficulty being hired.
Teenagers also tend to be less
attached to the labor market, often
entering and exiting as their school
enrollment status and geographic
location change. For example, the
labor force participation rate of
Hispanic teens in March and April
was only 36 percent.

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