
15801 N.W. 67th Avenue
(305) 558-2202 (Office)
Miami Lakes, FL 33014
(305) 558-2631 (Fax)
www.ollnet.com (Website)
Second Sunday of Lent
February 24, 2013
Sacramental Schedules
Sunday Masses
5:00PM Vigil (English)
8:00AM (Español)
9:30AM (English)
11:00AM (English)
12:45PM (Español)
5:30PM (English)
7:00PM (Español)
Daily Mass
Monday - Friday
Monday - Saturday
7:00AM (Español)
8:30AM (English)
Saturday 3:30PM - 4:30PM
Sunday 2:30PM
All Months except July
Arrange 6 weeks prior
Arrange 9 - 12 months prior
CLERGY & Staff
General Information
Rectory Hours
Monday - Friday
8:00AM - 12:00PM / 1:00PM - 8:00PM
8:30AM - 12:00PM / 1:00PM - 3:30PM
Sunday 8:30AM - 2:00PM
Rev. José Alvarez
Rev. Peter Lambert
Parochial Vicar
Rev. Mr. Roger Currier Rev. Mr. Carlos Ramírez
Rev. Mr. Al Mindel Rev. Mr. Pablo Fernández
Rev. Mr. Fredy Yara
Mrs. Josefina Vázquez & Mrs. Rosa Diaz
Religious Education Directress (Ext. 625) &
Religious Education Assistant (Ext. 628)
Mrs. Marlene Arca -Del Pozo
Office Manager & Weddings (Ext. 637)
Sr. Patricia Munch, RSCJ
Gift Shop Hours
Funerals & Ministry to the Sick and Aged (Ext. 626)
Monday - Friday 7:30AM - 4:30PM
Saturday & Sunday
Half Hour before & after each Mass
Sr. Helene Kloss, OP
Mr. David Shannon & Mr. John Prats
Religious Education Classes
4:15PM - 5:45PM & 7:00PM - 8:30PM
Saturday 9:00AM - 10:30AM
Music Ministry Directors (Ext. 618 & 619)
Mrs. Elsa Reus
Development (Ext. 616)
Mr. Christopher Vail
Bookkeeper (Ext. 615)
Mrs. Rosa Gangi & Mrs. Fay Stephens
Gift Shop Managers (Ext. 671)
6600 Miami Lakeway North Miami Lakes, FL 33014
(305) 362-5315 (Office)
(305) 362-4573 (Fax)
www.ollnet.com (Website)
Mr. Ricardo Briz Principal
One Week in the Life of OLL Students!
Monday, February 25:
Fourth Grade Field Trip to the Everglades
Wednesday, February 27:
Home and School General Meeting. In the Cafetorium at 7:00pm
Thursday, February 28:
Talent Show Tryouts at 3:30pm
Eighth Grade Retreat at Monsignor Edward Pace High School
PK 4 Pangaea
Friday, March 1:
1:00 p.m. dismissal
1:30 p.m. Lenten Reflection Afternoon for Faculty and Staff
OLL Student Council members attend Junior High Leadership Program at
Archbishop Curley – Notre Dame High School
Faculty and Students Spread Christ’s Love on Valentine’s Day!
Middle school students bursting with love on the dance floor
Baby Love: 5th graders show love for
Ms. Lorenzo’ s baby girl-to-be!
“Love”ly ladies
Kindergarteners “exercising” their love during
P. E. class
Full of love for
For more information about our school, you may visit our Facebook page at
Lent / Cuaresma
Lenten Stations of the Cross/
Via Crucis Cuaresmal
“Soup & Stations”
Fridays at 7:00PM (English)
Friday, March 8th (Due to needed parking for the Festival): 9:00AM
“Via Crucis y Sopa”
Viernes a las 8:00PM (Español)
Viernes, 8 de Marzo (Debido a necesidad de parqueo para el Festival): 7:30AM
La Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de los Lagos les invita a asistir a su
Misión Cuaresmal 2013
Con el
Monseñor Roberto Garza
Rector del Seminario San Juan Vianney en Miami
Lunes, 11 de Marzo
Martes, 12 de Marzo
@ 7:30PM en la Iglesia
¡Vengan y renuévense en el espíritu de la temporada!
Festival News!
39th Annual Spring Festival
Thursday, March 7: (From 5 to 10pm) * Friday, March 8: (From 5 to 11:30pm)
Saturday, March 9: (From 1 to 11:30pm) * Sunday, March 10: (From noon to 9pm)
The festival features 16 of the best international food booths and more
than 20 popular carnival rides to thrill people of all ages.
There is no admission charge.
Unlimited ride bracelets will be pre-sold on the following dates:
OLL Church—February 23rd and 24th & March 2nd and 3rd (Before and after all the Masses)
OLL School: February 25th through March 6th, from 7:30 am to 8:30 am
Bracelet Prices
Thursday Only:
Friday Only:
Saturday Only:
Sunday Only:
At Fair
$70.00 (Thurs & Fri Only)
*Also available at the Gift Shop, see Rosy Gangi Feb. 12th thru March 6th until 5:00pm.
Dance studios, bands, DJ’s, etc. interested in performing on the festival stage,
please email Laura Merced at [email protected].
50/50 Drawing – Special raffle during festival\WIN UP TO $7,000- cost per ticket $100.00
You can purchase your ticket at the Gift Shop, please ask for Rosa Gangi 305-558-2202 ext. 671
Festival meeting for Chairpersons and volunteers at the Parish Center February 28 at 7:00pm.
Volunteers who want to help at the festival please e-mail:
Luz Quintero: [email protected]
We need your help in getting items donated for our festival.
Meat, poultry, and dairy products!
If you can make these donations or have any connections
Please contact Diane Pantaleon at 305-557-1338
Join Us In A
Cardio Dance Workout!
Want a fun way to burn the calories you’re going to eat at the Festival? You’re in luck!
on Saturday, March 9, 2013 at 10:30am at the Parish Center!
Everyone 12 and up is welcome. Tickets will be pre-sold at the Gift Shop and
on March 3rd after all Masses for only $5.00! Tickets are $7.00 at the door. Space is limited.
The class will be led by Jackie Schuck, Coach of the Monsignor Pace High School “Dance Kru”
More Festival News!
Sponsor this year’s Festival
We are currently looking for businesses, families, or individuals to sponsor this year’s festival. The
proceeds from this event will help our church and school respond to the needs of the community.
The following levels of sponsorships are available:
Sponsor name will be displayed on 8’ long banner w/10” letters and will hang on the center stage in
the festival or above the booth. The sponsor’s name or business card will be printed in the Church
bulletin. The sponsor may reserve a booth, during the four days of the festival, and distribute
materials (booths are limited and optional). Name on the Parish website for one year.
Sponsor name displayed on an 8’ long banner w/8” lettering to hang along a prime location in
the festival. The sponsor name only will be listed in the Church bulletin. Due to the limited number
of sponsor booths at the festival, we will give first preference to the Platinum sponsors. If there
are any booths remaining, then the Gold sponsors have a choice to split a booth with another Gold
sponsor for two days during the festival. Name on the Church bulletin for one week and Parish
website for one year.
Sponsor name displayed on an 8’ long banner w/8” lettering to hang along the midway. The sponsor
name will be listed in the Church bulletin for one week and name on the Parish website for one year.
The sponsor name will be printed on a common banner with all the other bronze sponsors during the
festival. The name will appear in the Church bulletin for one week.
We would appreciate the participation of your business and/or family in sponsoring our 39th Spring
Festival. The form that must be filled out in order to sponsor can be found on our website:
Please return the form along with your donation check payable to Our Lady of the Lakes Catholic
Please address envelope as follows:
Our Lady of the Lakes Catholic Church,
Attn: Mrs. Elsa Reus
15801 N.W. 67th Ave.
Miami Lakes, FL 33014
If you need any further information, please call Elsa Reus at the Development Office: (305) 558-2202,
ext. 616.or email at [email protected].
May the Lord bless your business and your family.
Upcoming Events!!
At Our Lady of the Lakes Church
Clases pre-Bautismal en español
Domingo, 3 de marzo 2013 comienza a las 9:am en el salon parroquial
Pre-Baptismal Classes in English
Thursday, March 21, 2013 at 6:30pm in the Parish Hall
For more information, please contact:
Josefina Vazquez (ext. 625) or Rosa Diaz (ext. 628).
La Iglesias de Nuestra Señora de los Lagos les invita a asistir a su
Emaus Para Hombres en Español
Retiro #40
La Comunidad de Emaus, se complace en anunciar Nuestro
proximo retiro para hombres mayores de 21 años de edad,
en español que se llevara a cabo el Proximo
15, 16, y 17 de marzo del 2013
¡Esperamos Verles en este próximo Retiro!
Para mas información hagan contacto con
Luis A. Lopez 786-662-9223
Tony Gonzalez 954-868-4160
Homero Cruz 305-450-9311
Save the Date…
15th Annual Spring Dinner Dance
Spring into the new season by joining us at the
“15th Annual Spring Lend-a-Hand Social”
April 20th at the Alexander Hotel, 5225 Collins Avenue, Miami Beach.
Notes & Thoughts!!
Thank you to the 544 Parishioners who have pledged to the ABCD.
Gracias a los 544 Parroquianos quienes donaron al ABCD
Grand Total: $ 234,734.00
Our ABCD Parish Goal is $ 260,000 as of today, we have not met our goal.
To all of the parishioners and staff of Our Lady of the Lakes
for the baby items donated to the
North Dade/West Broward Pregnancy Care Center in Miami Lakes.
We are able to continue to help women and their babies
because of your generosity.
We subsist on donations only.
Lenten Thoughts...
Be reconciled to God….
...For those who want to save their life will lose
it, and those who lose their life for my sake,
disciples, and said to them, “If any and for the sake of the gospel, will save it.
want to become my followers, let Focus on making do with less as a way of
sharing God’s Gifts with others. As a family, go
them deny themselves and take up though your home and choose clothes, toys and
other items that you don’t need. Donate the
their cross and follow me.”
items to help others.
Take steps to use less energy—turn off lights
not in use, lower thermostats and take
shorter showers.
He Called the crowd with his
Ministries of our lady of the lakes
Ministerios de nuestra seÑora de los lagos
Meets every
Wednesday of the month in the
Women’s Club
Art room, at 7:30pm.
Meets on every 4th Thursday of the month,
in the Parish Hall at 7:30 pm
Men’s Emmaus / Hombres de Emaus
Women’s Emmaus/ Emaus para Mujeres
English meets Mondays at 7:00 PM in the Parish Center
Coordinator: Richard Fuentes 954-589-8563
Español se reunen los jueves a las 7:00 PM en el Centro
Parroquial Contacte: Homero Cruz 305-450-9311
English meets Tuesdays at 7:30 PM in the school, room #216.
Contact: Rosa Perez 305-491-3168
Español se reunen los martes a las 7:30 PM en el salon # 216
Contacto: Zaidis Enrique - 305-297- 4271
Cursillos de Cristiandad
Respect Life Ministry
Nos reunimos todos los viernes a las 8:pm en el salon parroquial. Para mas información vea nuestra página de internet
http://cursillos.org) o contacte
Luis Verdecia: 954-338-8916 o 954-432-4381
Email: [email protected]
Meets the 2nd Friday of every month.
Contact: Mary Tate at 954-499-7624
Know someone who is pregnant and needs help?
Call Respect Life Center at 786 - 452 - 0266
Suffering from post-abortion problems?
Call Project Rachel at 954-981-2922
English Bible Study
Participa Del Grupo Bíblico Parroquial
Join us in studying the Epistle of St. James on Tues. @ 7:30 pm or
Weds. @ 9:00 am. Contact: Susan O’Neill at 305-490-5992
“Estudia la Palabra y forma comunidad”
La Legion de Maria
Reuniones Viernes a las 7:30pm en el salón de arte de la escuela
Fuente del Espíritu Santo
Reuniones: Lunes 7:pm En el Salón Parroquial
Rosario: Domingos 6:30pm En la Capilla
Informes: Idelsi Arias- 305-822 8745
Únete a nosotros en el Grupo de Oración:
Reuniones: miércoles a las 7:30pm en la capilla y
en el salón parroquial
Contacte: Patricia Rinehart al-305-621-1044
Life Teen & Edge
Pastoral Care Team
Sunday nights right after the 5:30 PM Life Teen Mass
As members of the Pastoral Care Team, we want to ensure that
members of our parish who are ill and/or dying receive the
spiritual, physical, social and emotional support they need.
Members of our team are ready and willing to visit, pray with and
bring the Eucharist to our parishioners who are ill/homebound/or
If someone you know could use the services of our Care Team,
please call Sr. Pat at : 305-558-2202 ext. 626
LIFE TEEN is a model of youth ministry for senior
high teens, leading them closer to Christ.
Mariano Rodriguez ([email protected])
The EDGE is a youth ministry for grades 6 - 8.
Arleem Fernandez ([email protected])
“Unbreakable” Weekly Couples Meetings
Matrimonios en Amor y Fe
Dating, Engaged or Married Couples
Meets Thursday at 7:30pm at the OLL School Library
Contact: Lou & Madie Mendez 305-829-2073
Website: www.unbreakable412.com
Facebook—Search for: Unbreakable412 at Our Lady of the Lakes
Te invitamos a participar de nuestras reuniones mensuales
todos los ultimos Lunes de cada mes, en el salon
parroquial a las 7:45pm.
Para mas informacion favor de llamar:
Antonio y Cecilia Peralta 305-772-1361, 786-704-7845.
Linea de Oracion
The St. Vincent de Paul Society
Permítenos orar por ti
Meets on every 3rd Thursday of the month,
at 7:00 P.M.-8:00 P.M. in the Parish Hall (Center)
Visit us when you can or call 305-823-0549
Llame al teléfono 786-424-1016.
Un grupo de personas orarán por tus necesidades a nuestro Dios.
Pray for the sick
Week of February 24, 2013
Sunday Vigil
5:00pm + Mary Salinas
+ Eleanor Randazzo
8:00am + Pablo & Gregoria Rustan
+ Peter Rustan
9:30 am + Esperanza Rodriguez
+ Margaret Murphy
11:00 am + Carmel Ann Rendenna
+ Serge Bouchereau
12: 45pm + Lilia Mercedes Gomez
+ Lidia Figuero
+ Eloisa Tome
+ Marina Cortina
7:00pm + Angel Bernardo Delgado
+ Mercedes Lopez
7:00am + Emilio Cordoba
+ Clara Medero
8:30am + Anthony Amoros
The Sick of the Parish
7:00am Emilio Cordoba
+ Elizabeth Ralston
8:30am + Prospera Cordero
+ Wancho Tejeda
+ Pablo & Gregoria Rustan
7:00am + Emilio Cordoba
+ Florante Sunega
8:30am Carmen Elena Delgado
7:00am + Emilio Cordoba
+ Guillermo Barreto
+ Anthony DiChiaro
Orfa Londoño
+ Perfecto Hallon
7:00 am Por Sacerdotes y Religiosos
+ Romona Sturrick
8:30am + Serge Bouchereau
8:30am + Haydee Villate
+ Margaret Dale
Week of March 3, 2013
Sunday Vigil
5:00pm + Ann Clements
+ Teresa Scalrizzo
8:00 am + Adolfina Sotero
+ Luis Sanchez
9:30 am + Hui Chung Ham
+ Angela Wong
11:00 am + Serge Bouchereau
+ Lucienne Price
12:45 pm + Nora Fernandez
+ Carlos Villar
5:30 pm + Anabel Perez
+ Ann Fouler
7:00pm + Lazaro Diaz
Los Enfermos de la Parroquia
Xavier Adrien
Ben Aguirre
Sophia Alberto
Roberto Alonso
Orlando Aguayo
Yolanda Andreu
Virginia Antezana
Tona Barillas
Catherine Bongiorno
Joan Callahan
Anthony Coscia
Patricia Crane
Dora Del Pozo
George Dyer
Raquel Edwards
Sonia Fazekas
Marianne Farrey
Mercedes Fernandez
Maureen & Bertha Futch
Mona Galiounghi
Blanca Garcia
Pura Gil
Ana and Juan Gonzalez
Duke Hernandez
John Hernandez
Ed Kearns
Fedra and Nicola Lanci
Carmen Larrua
Diane Leahy
Antonio & Antonia Leon
Charles Metzcus
José Mella
Ileana Merino
Rev. James P. Murphy
Anne Nash
Reinaldo Olivencia
Ray Orsini
Miriam Pacheco
Kamil Pharaony
Jose Piñeiro
Rafael and Ana Pol
Shirley Porter
Manuela Puentes
Scott Roach
Maria Rodriguez
Eugenio Rubio
Virginia Rusch
Gene Scurio, Jr.
Adolfina Soterp
Marta Tobar
Nereyda Urbano
Nury Vazquez
Marie Wallace
Bryan Wiedmeier
Caridad & William Zambrano Sr.
Pray for the Dead
Guillermo Barreto
Adolfina Sotero
Readings of the Week
2/17 Weekly Offering
Dn 9:4b-10; Ps 79:8, 9, 11, 13; Lk 6:36-38
Is 1:10, 16-20; Ps 50:8-9, 16bc-17, 21, 23;
Mt 23:1-12
Jer 18:18-20; Ps 31:5-6, 14-16; Mt 20:17-28
Jer 17:5-10; Ps 1:1-4, 6; Lk 16:19-31
Gn 37:3-4, 12-13a; 17b-28a; Ps 105:16-21;
Mt 21:33-43, 45-46
Mi 7:14-15, 18-20; Ps 103:1-4, 9-12;
Lk 15:1-3, 11-32
Mail/Credit Card
Ex 3:1-8a, 13-15; Ps 103:1-4, 6-8, 11;
1 Cor 10:1-6, 10-12; Lk 13:1-9
Alternate readings (Year A): Ex 17:3-7;
Ps 95:1-2, 6-9; Rom 5:1-2, 5-8; Jn 4:5-42
Mass Time
5:00 pm Vigil
Our Lady of the Lakes Announces Easy Giving Options
Using your credit card for giving can save time and make your giving both automatic and Even more convenient. I authorize Our Lady of the Lakes to charge my credit card account each month the amount shown.
This authorization will remain in effect until I give written notice to cancel it.
Signature: __________________________________________________ Date: ______/_______/______
Please Charge $___________ per month to my _____Visa _____M/C ____Discover ____ Amex
Name on Card: _________________________________________________________________________
Date for Withdrawal : ________15th
_______ 30th
Card # ___________\________________\_______________
Expiration Date:_____/______/______
Home Address:__________________________________________________________________________
Phone Numbers:___________\_____________________\___________________
Bulletin Requests
If you would like to publish an announcement in our parish bulletin, please send the information to
[email protected] as a Microsoft Word document in black & white font. Requests must, at the latest, be submitted
8 days prior to the bulletin’s publication date. Please realize that failure to abide by this deadline will result in
an inability to accommodate your request. All requests are subject to approval by Father Alvarez.
Solicitud para el boletín
Si desea publicar un anuncio en nuestro boletín de la parroquia, por favor envíe la información a [email protected]
como un documento de Microsoft Word en letra en blanco y negro. Las solicitudes deberán, a más tardar, ser
enviadas 8 días antes de la fecha de publicación del boletín. Tenga en cuenta que no cumplir con este plazo dará
lugar a la incapacidad de atender su solicitud. Todas las solicitudes están sujetas a la aprobación del Padre Alvarez.
Enchanting Europe: A Voyage from Paris to Venice!
A spectacular journey through France, Belgium, Holland, Germany, Switzerland and Italy including
Paris, Bruges, Amsterdam, a Rhine River cruise, the Swiss Alps, Lake Como, Lake Garda and Venice!
JULY 14 – JULY 26, 2013
Presented by Touring In Style, Inc. Mariela Cacciotti, Tour Operator
(305) 476-9100 (Office) (786) 395-2704 (Cell) (305) 476-9010 (Fax) [email protected]
Hosted by Rev. José Alvarez
(305) 558-2202 (Rectory Office) or [email protected]
Price per Person: $2,995 (Double or Triple Room + Airline & Security Taxes) /
Deposit per Person: $250 (Due by April 1, 2013)
Single Room Supplement: $780/ Full payment must be received 60 days prior to departure / All checks should be made to: Touring In Style, Inc.
INCLUDES: Round-trip airfare/11 night hotel lodging /Porter services (when available)/ Daily half board (Breakfast and lunch or dinner) / Half day Rhine River Cruise/ Lake Como
(City of Como) & Lake Garda (City of Sirmione) visits/ Private guided tours as specified/ Mass at select sites/Tour escort services throughout/ Deluxe AC motorcoach /
EXCLUDES: Airline taxes and fuel & security fees/ Drinks at meals/ Tips to locals (Suggested $50 per person for driver) / Visa / Excess baggage fees / All not listed as included
IMPORTANT MEETING: Sunday, March 3rd at 12:30PM in the Parish Hall
Enchanting Europe Itinerary
July 14 (Sunday)
Miami – Paris (France)
Transatlantic flight with dinner and entertainment on board.
July 15 (Monday)
Paris (France)
Upon arrival at Paris, one of the world’s most beautiful cities, a guided panoramic tour of its classic landmarks will ensue en route
to the hotel. Free afternoon after check-in to explore the city’s sites and charm. Dinner and lodging at hotel.
July 16 (Tuesday)
Paris (France)
Breakfast and dinner at the hotel. The day is free to explore Paris’ many attractions, museums and
legendary shops. Optional tours will be available throughout the day.
July 17 (Wednesday)
Paris (France) – Bruges (Belgium)
After breakfast, departure to romantic Bruges, Belgium’s most picturesque city often referred to as the “Venice of the Northern
Europe.” Hotel check-in, walking orientation of the historic town and afternoon at leisure to explore its quaint streets, squares and
shops. Dinner at the hotel and free evening.
July 18 (Thursday)
Bruges (Belgium) – Amsterdam (Holland)
Departure after breakfast to Amsterdam, the legendary and proud capital city of Holland, whereupon arrival, check-in at the
hotel will take place. The afternoon will feature a Canal Cruise Guided Tour introducing the unique city. After dinner at the
hotel the evening is free to explore the city’s nocturnal charm.
July 19 (Friday)
Amsterdam (Holland)
Breakfast and dinner at the hotel. The day is free to explore the classic city’s landmarks, rich history and beauty.
Optional tours will be available throughout the day.
July 20 (Saturday)
Amsterdam (Holland) – Boppard (Germany)
Post-breakfast departure will take place towards Germany and the majestic scenery of the Rhine River Gorge! Check-in at the
hotel at the quaint town of Boppard, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, with the afternoon at leisure to explore its streets,
shops and sites before dinner at the hotel and free evening.
July 21 (Sunday)
Boppard (Germany) – Rhine River Cruise (Germany) – Colmar (France)
Following breakfast a romantic morning cruise along the classic Rhine River featuring the region’s spectacular fortresses and
castles will be enjoyed. Post-cruise bus departure to beautiful Colmar in France’s gastronomically acclaimed Alsace region
with hotel check-in, free time to see the city’s charm, and dinner at the hotel.
July 22 (Monday)
Colmar (France)
Breakfast and dinner at the hotel. A guided tour of the well-preserved “Old Town” will follow breakfast with
the rest of the day free to roam and discover the city’s riches.
July 23 (Tuesday)
Colmar (France) – Alps Crossing (Switzerland) – Lake Como (Italy)
Post-breakfast departure towards Switzerland and the panoramic Alps! After the majestic Alps crossing, arrival at Como,
the classic Italian lake resort town. A walking tour of the old town, free time to explore the area’s magic and an
optional lake cruise showcasing residences of the rich and famous will be provided. Dinner and lodging will take
place at the hotel either in Como or at the nearby charming town of Carimate.
July 24 (Wednesday)
Lake Como (Italy) – Lake Garda (Italy) – Chioggia (Italy)
Morning departure after breakfast towards majestic Lake Garda, Italy’s largest lake, with a stop to visit the medieval lake town of
Sirmione en route to the iconic Veneto region and the colorful town of Chioggia, literally meaning “little gem,” and often referred to
as “Little Venice.” Free evening with dinner and lodging at the hotel there.
July 25 (Thursday)
Chioggia (Italy) – Full Day in Venice (Italy) – Chioggia (Italy)
Post-breakfast boat ride to infamous Venice where a guided walking tour and a free day to lose oneself in
the city’s magic will ensue! Farewell dinner and stay in Chioggia.
July 26 (Friday)
Chioggia (Italy) – Miami
At the appointed time after breakfast, transfer to Venice airport for transatlantic flight and return to Miami
¡Europa Encantadora: Un Viaje de París a Venecia!
¡Una jornada espectacular a través de Francia, Bélgica, Holanda, Alemania, Suisa e Italia incluyendo
París, Brujas, Amsterdam, un crucero por el Rio Rin, los Alpes Suisos, el Lago de Como, el Lago de Garda y Venecia!
JULIO 14 – JULIO 26, 2013
Presentado por Touring In Style, Inc. Mariela Cacciotti, Operadora del Tour
(305) 476-9100 (Oficina) (786) 395-2704 (Celular) (305) 476-9010 (Fax) [email protected]
Acompañado por el Rev. José Alvarez (305) 558-2202 (Oficina de la Rectoría) o [email protected]
Precio por Persona: $2,995 (Habitación Doble o Triple + Impuestos de Aereolinea y Seguridad) /
Deposito por Persona: $250 (Para el 1 de Abril de 2013) /
Suplemento de Cuarto Individual: $780/ Pago completo debe entregarse 60 dias antes de la salida / Todo cheque debe hacerse a: Touring In Style, Inc.
INCLUYE: Pasaje ida y vuelta /11 noches de hotel / Porteros (si disponibles)/ Desayuno y almuerzo o cena diaria /Crucero de medio dia por el Rio Rin / Visitas a Como (Lago de Como) &
Sirmione (Lago de Garda) / Guias privadas como especificado/ Misas en sitios designados / Servicio acompañante / Autobús deluxe privado climatizado / EXCLUYE: Impuestos aereos y de
seguridad/ Bevidas en las comidas / Propinas locales (Sujerido $50 por persona al chofer) / Visa / Gastos de equipaje excesivo / Lo no señalado “incluido”
REUNIÓN IMPORTANTE: Domingo, 3 de marzo a 12:30PM en Salón Parroquial
Nuestra Señora de los Lagos /15801 NW 67th Avenue, Miami Lakes, Florida 33014
Europa Encantadora Itinerario
Julio 14 (Domingo)
Miami – París (Francia)
Vuelo transatlantico con cena y entretenimiento a bordo.
Julio 15 (Lunes)
París (Francia)
Al llegar a París, una de las más bellas cuidades del mundo, un tour panorámico con guia presentará las
atracciones clásicas de la ciudad en camino al hotel. Tarde libre después del check-in para empezar a explorar
la vida y riqueza de la ciudad. Cena y alojamiento en el hotel.
Julio 16 (Martes)
París (Francia)
Desayuno y cena en el hotel. Día libre para ver las legendarias atracciones, museos y tiendas de la gran ciudad.
Tours opcionales estarán disponibles a lo largo del día.
Julio 17 (Miércoles)
París (Francia) – Brujas (Bélgica)
Salida despúes del desayuno a la romántica Brujas, la ciudad más pintoresca de Bélgica y comunmente conocida como la
“Venecia del Norte de Europa.”Check-in al hotel, orientación caminada del hístorico pueblo y tarde libre para explorar sus
acojedoras callejuelas, plazas y mercados. Cena en el hotel y noche libre.
Julio 18 (Jueves)
Brujas (Bélgica) – Amsterdam (Holanda)
Terminado el desayuno, salida hacia Amsterdam, la legendaria y orgullosa capital de Holanda, con check-in en el hotel a
la llegada. La tarde ofrecerá un paseo en barco con guía por los canales de la ciudad para introducirla. Seguida la cena
en el hotel la noche es libre para disfrutar.
Julio 19 (Viernes)
Amsterdam (Holanda)
Desayuno y cena en el hotel. Día libre para descubrir las atracciones, rica historia y
belleza de la clásica ciudad. Tours opcionales estarán disponibles durante el día.
Julio 20 (Sábado)
Amsterdam (Holanda) – Boppard (Alemania)
¡Salida posterior al desayuno hacia Alemania y los paisajes majestuosos del Rio Rin! Check-in en el hotel en el
encantador pueblo de Boppard, Sitio de Patrimonio Mundial del UNESCO, con tarde libre para disfrutar sus calles, tiendas
y diversiones antes de la cena en el hotel y noche libre.
Julio 21 (Domingo)
Boppard (Alemania) – Crucero por el Rio Rin (Alemania) – Colmar (Francia)
Terminado el desayuno se disfrutará un romántico paseo en barco por el clásico Rio Rin con sus grandes fortalezas y
castillos. Salida en autobus posterior al crucero hacia la bella ciudad de Colmar en la destacada región gastronómica
francesa de Alsace con check-in en el hotel, tiempo libre para conocer la ciudad, y cena en el hotel.
Julio 22 (Lunes)
Colmar (Francia)
Desayuno y cena en el hotel. Un tour guiado del bién preservado casco histórico seguirá al
desayuno con el resto del día libre para descubrir las riquezas de la ciudad.
Julio 23 (Martes)
Colmar (Francia) – Cruce de los Alpes (Suisa) – Lago de Como (Italia)
¡Salida después del desayuno hacia Suisa y los panorámicos Alpes! Después del cruce majestuoso de la cordillera,
llegada a Como, el célebre resort de lago italiano. Un tour ambulante de su viejo centro, tiempo libre para disfrutar la
bella area y un crucero opcional por el lago mostrando las residencias de los ricos y famosos se proveerá.
Cena y alojamiento en el hotel en Como o en el cercano pintoresco pueblo de Carimate.
Julio 24 (Miércoles)
Lago de Como (Italia) – Lago de Garda (Italia) – Chioggia (Italia)
Salida posterior al desayuno hacia el bello Lago de Garda, el más grande de Italia, con parada a la orilla y visita al
pueblo medieval de Sirmione en ruta a la icónica región del Veneto y al lindo pueblo de Chioggia, literalmente
traducido “pequeña joya,” y frecuentemente referido como la “Pequeña Venecia.” Noche libre con cena en el hotel.
Julio 25 (Jueves)
Chioggia (Italia) – Día Completo en Venecia (Italia) – Chioggia (Italia)
¡Paseo en barca seguido el desayuno a Venecia donde guiado tour ambulante y día libre en el encanto de la ciudad se
disfrutará! Cena de despedida y estancia en Chioggia.