September 25, 2016 - Saint Joseph Catholic Church


September 25, 2016 - Saint Joseph Catholic Church
87 Lacy Street NW • Marietta, Georgia • 30060-111 • (770)422-5633 •
Saint Joseph Catholic Church
Mission Statement
We, Saint Joseph Catholic church, the Body of Christ, seek to grow in
faith, love, and service of God and one another.
Monsignor John Walsh
Kim Benson...…..770.422.5633 x24
Parochial Vicars:
Rev. Michael Sherliza
Rev. Guyma Noel
Deacon Thomas Shaver, OFS
Deacon Bruce Reed
Deacon Frank Devereux
Deacon Norman Keller
Deacon Greg Smilski
Carol Donofrio…..….770.422.5633 x22
Lisa Fiamingo……….770.422.5633 x50
Schedule of Masses
8:00 AM and 12:00 PM
8:00 AM and 12:00 PM
8:15 AM School Mass
12:00 PM Anointing of the
7:00 PM en Español
8:00 AM and 12:00 PM
8:00 AM and 12:00 PM
8:00 AM
4:00 PM Vigilia en Español
5:30 PM Vigil
7:30 PM Vigilia en Español
7:30 AM, 9:00 AM,
10:45 AM, 12:30 PM,
2:30 PM en Español
5:00 PM Life Teen
3:30-4:30 PM
6:00 PM en Español
September 25, 2016 • Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Parish School
School of
of Religion
[email protected]
[email protected]
PSR registration continues. Contact the PSR
office at 770.422.5633 x55 or
[email protected] for information
on available classes. We are still seeking a
few more volunteers to complete our PSR
There is a critical need for a
Preschool 3 year old co-teacher and a
Kindergarten co-teacher for the
Sunday 9:00 AM session.
We are also looking for a 3rd
grade co-teacher for the 10:15
AM Sunday session.
Please contact Kathy Christianson at 770.422.5633
x52 or [email protected]
to see how you may fill
one of these needs.
Music Ministry
[email protected]
Children's Choir begins
Membership is open to kids in grades 1 through 8 with
unchanged voices. Rehearsals are 5:30 PM to 6:30 PM
each Wednesday afternoon in the Music Room. We
provide music for the 5:30 PM Mass on the first Saturday of each month. We also sing for other special liturgies, festivals, and occasions. Attendance is expected at
all rehearsals and liturgies. A parent should attend the
first rehearsal. For more information contact John
Brandt, Director of Music, at
[email protected] or 770.422.5633 x62.
Pastoral Ministry/Outreach
[email protected]
Pope Francis writes: “Even if many are now involved
in lay ministries, this involvement is not reflected in a
greater penetration of Christian values in the social,
political and economic sectors. It often remains tied to
tasks within the Church, without a real commitment to
applying the Gospel to the transformation of society. “
Thursday evenings, September 22 to November 17 we
will spend three weeks studying Forming Consciences
for Faithful Citizenship, and six weeks studying The
Francis Effect. This includes reading two books—one
on St. Francis called The Reluctant Saint by Donald
Spoto, and two, Francis of Rome, Francis of Assisi, by
the provocative Brazilian theologian, Leonardo Boff.
This year we will be collaborating with Transfiguration Catholic Church featuring monthly speakers on
topics relating to Catholic Social teaching. Watch the
bulletin for topics and dates.
Guatemala Building Team In the rural areas of
our sister parish, houses have dirt floors, people collect rainwater to drink, and houses have little to no
access to electricity. Depending upon interest, October 21-28 we are looking to bring a small building
team to put in cement floors and fix houses. We will
also bring water filters and small solar lights. Your
cost is the cost of a plane ticket. For more information,
contact Sondra Fulmer [email protected] or
Tom Reichert.
Chancel Choir Year Begins Rehearsals have begun!
We meet every Thursday from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM. The
choir leads the 10:45 AM liturgy each Sunday, as well as
special liturgies throughout the year. Regular attendance
is required. Anyone interested in joining should contact
John Brandt at [email protected] or
770.422.5633 x62. Come be a part of the fellowship, fun,
"Like clay in the hand of a potter, so you are in my hand." Jeremiah 18:6
It’s not too late to sign up!
Stop by in the Narthex and pick up a Time and Talent form.
Return to the Parish Office so we can make sure to update our records!
Saint Joseph Catholic Church • Marietta, Georgia •
The sin of the rich man in today’s parable was not that he
was rich, but that he failed to share his wealth with the beggar at his gate. He knew Lazarus, perhaps walked by him
every time he came in or out, but did nothing to relieve his
suffering. Is there a Lazarus in my life? What am I doing to help?
Mass Intentions
September 25—October 2
Offertory 2016
September 11…………………………………..…………………………$4,007.17
Second Collection: October 1 and 2
Saint Joseph Saint Vincent de Paul
Your faithful donations help us to meet the needs of so many in our
community who appeal to us for assistance. In these increasingly uncertain economic times, your continued generosity helps us to reach
out with compassion and practical charity to so many who have no
other resources. Thank you for your generous and committed stewardship.
We thank you, God,
and we bless you
We are grateful for the gifts and blessings God
has given each one of us. Thank you for your
past commitment and for being a part of this
parish family. The sharing of your financial resources in love and service will revitalize our stewardship effort. By endorsing
a spirituality that is genuine, honest, and alive you reinvigorate a personal discipleship that acknowledges, We are the Hands of Christ.
Scripture Readings
September 25—October 2
Twenty-Sixth Sunday
in Ordinary Time
Am 6:1a,4-7
1 Tm 6:11-16
Saint Jerome,
Lk 16:19-31
priest, Doctor of the Church
Psalms II
Jb 1:6-22 • Lk 9:46-50 Jb 42:1-3,5-6,12-17 • Lk 10:17-24
Saint Therese of the Child Jesus,
Virgin, Doctor of the Church
Jb 9:1-12,14-16 • Lk 9:57-62
Saints Gabriel, Michael, and Raphael,
Twenty-Seventh Sunday
in Ordinary Time
Hb 1:2-3;2:2-4
2 Tm 1:6-8,13-14
Lk 17:5-10
Psalms III
5:30 PM (Vigil)…………..... † Elaine Addison
7:30 PM (Vigilia) EnEspanol,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,†Guillermo Buenrostro
7:30 AM……………………........ † Helen Russo
9:00 AM.……... † Russell & Katherine Bailey
10:45 AM….................................. Parishioners
12:30 PM…..………..... † Josephine Tarinelli
2:30 PM En Español……† Salvador Mendoza
5:00 PM Life Teen….. † Chetram Teddy Dindayal
Monday, September 26
………….. † Helen & Francis Russo
12:00 PM.…………..…………..... † Alex Kraus
Tuesday, September 27
8:00 AM (birthday) Theresa Dell West
† Ryan Baird
Wednesday, September 28
8:15 AM School Mass…………. † Robert Price
12:00 PM...…........... For Those Who Are Ill
7:00 PM En Español.(intencion) Familia Buenrostro
Thursday, September 29
8:00 AM…………………...… † James Bradley
12:00 PM.
Friday, September 30
8:00 AM… (intentions) Hegenbart Family
12:00 PM................................ † Louise Moran
Saturday, October 1
8:00 AM........ (intention) Odio Rodriguez Family
5:30 PM (Vigil)…. (intention) Chuck Wolf
7:30 PM (Vigilia) EnEspanol,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,†Guillermo Buenrostro
7:30 AM…………........ † Natalie Henderson
9:00 AM.…………………….. † John McCormick
10:45 AM….................................. Parishioners
12:30 PM….. (intention) Roy VanStratten
2:30 PM En Español……
5:00 PM Life Teen…………….. † Will McGuire
September 25, 2016 • Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
We pray for our loved ones
For the sick and suffering
Egan Allen
Robert Beck
Maura Boyle
Daniel Brown
Anthony Coschigano
Rhonda Cotton
Ronnie Crews
Oliver Crowson
Randy Hinton
Kathy Nixon
Hagan Hussey
Anita Ives
Daniel Pazak
Felicia Johnson
Pauline Reckert
John Johnson
Elizabeth Lancia Ryan
Monica Johnson
JoAnn Scales
Jimmy Kent
Deanna Seay
Tyler King
Tom Scales
Jennifer Landry
Henry L. Serpas
Christopher Dobson Rev. Jose Luis Lanz, SJ Fr. Michael Sherliza
Andrew DuBois
Kurt Lindquist
Linda Stadel
Lena Ferree
Samantha Livingston Mary Tankersley
Jake Fitzpatrick
Florencia Thomas
Willie Flanagan
Noah Mayeux
Charlene F. Tillis
Ed Flynn
Gerry McPartlan Theresa Tucciarone
Katie Grant
Marilyn Merchant
Vickie Weber
Phyllis Gravitt
Edward Mihaily
Christopher Willis
Mary Guertin
Pat Milby
Rob Winch
Ron Helton
Nicole Molinary
Doreen Wishnok
Pat Mosley
Mildred Wilson
For all of those in nursing homes and hospice, especially those
who are suffering or dying.
Names appear on the prayer list for two weeks unless otherwise requested. To add someone to our prayer list, please
email [email protected]
For our loved ones serving in the military
Brandt Ange
Joseph Bailey
Ramon Bargallo
Andrew Barron
Alex Bartlett
Chris Brinkmann
David Brinkmann
Adam Cole
Andrew Cole
Dan Cowen
Mason Danner
Matthew Danner
Alexander Echols
Anthony J Falvo IV
Wesley Farren
Gabriel Fennelly
Andrew Gebert
Michael Haley
Drew Hanshaw
Ryan Harris
Connor Hughes
Michael Ivey
Logan Jackson
Brandon Jennings
Chad Jennings
Timothy Johnson
Ryan Jones
Hunter Jordan
Patrick Kane
John Kruszuwsky
Chris Lineback
Ryan Lineback
Jeremy Lohr
Alixandra Mackey
Luis J. Martinez
Tyler McCaslin
Patrick O’Reilly
Ryan Parker
Adam Pastor
Preston Pass
Sean Pitts
Kevin Regan
Ryne Regan
Jeremy Sanusi
Todd Sartian
Joseph Sellman
Brian Sexton
Glenda Smith
Logan Steele
William J. Strapp
Anna Sweat
Brian & Poa Sweat
John Sweat
John Ryan Walsh
Patrick J. Walsh
Mike Williams
Brett Zehnder
The flowers on the altar today
Are in celebration of the 70th birthday of
Catherine Tandoh, requested by
Helen Tandoh and Joseph Lee
Rise Up! Saturday, October 8, 7:30 PM to 9:00 PM,
Marist Hall. This will be a fun evening of games, live music, and prayer. It is a free event and open to all students
in grades 6th to 8th. Friends are welcome!
Pilgrimage to the Monastery of the Holy
Spirit, Saturday, October 22, 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM.
This event promises to be a memorable experience. In
celebration of the Year of Mercy, we will travel by bus
to the Monastery, experience prayer with the monks,
have lunch, walk through the Holy Door and much
more. Cost: $10 for transportation. To reserve a seat on
the bus and more information, please contact Laura
Fenton, [email protected].
register and we will send
you a packet with all the
necessary information. All
teens are welcome to register, even those who are a
little older and may have missed in it 9th grade. We
have classes for teens of all ages. Classes are from 6:00
PM to 8:00 PM in Marist Hall. Dinner is provided.
Relentless—Try our new post-Confirmation program
for teens. We meet on Sundays from 6:00 PM to 8:00
PM in the Life Teen room. We focus on service, leadership, and developing a deeper relationship with God.
Teens who have already been confirmed are welcome
to join us. Registration is encouraged as it helps us pay
for all the food that we serve throughout the year.
Friends are also welcome. Dinner is provided.
Bible Study— join us on Wednesdays from 6:30 PM to
-8:00 PM in the Life Teen Room as we study the scriptures in a way that is relevant and inspiring for teens of
all ages.
Saint Joseph Catholic Church • Marietta, Georgia •
Adult Formation
Kim Benson
[email protected]
God Called and He Wants His Job Back
Join us for Lunch and Learn on Thursday, October 13
at 12:30 PM in the Adult Education Room. In this video based program discover for yourself the freedom
and reward of an “out of control” life. Let it Go leads
you out of the land of over-control and into a place of
quiet trust, with God seated in the rightful place in
your life. This month we will specifically look at
“Pursuing the Appearance of Perfection.”
The Spirituality of Saint Paul
Perfect for PSR Parents on Sunday Morning 10:15 AM
to 11:15 AM in the school library. Paul, a Pharisee, a
persecutor of the followers of Christ, an orthodox Jew,
a prisoner, a teacher, a preacher, and the GREATEST
EVANGELIZER throughout all of time. What happened to Paul to turn him into a believer? How did he
change his life? Would you like to make some changes
in your life for God and God’s People? Come meet Paul.
Small Church Communities
Did you miss out on signing up for a small group?
That’s OK, we can still help you find a group study and
an opportunity to meet people, make friends and grow
your life of faith in God. These groups are modeled on
the Church design from the Acts of the Apostles in the
Bible. Contact Tina Harding to get involved.
Sponsors Needed for RCIA
We are looking for some good folks who will share
their Catholic faith with those who are searching and
inquiring into the Church. All that is required is the
desire to “be a friend” to someone and help him/her
feel comfortable in our Catholic community. It is a
privilege and an honor to help someone discover the
beauty of our life of faith.
Book Club Needs A Facilitator
Do you enjoy reading? The Book Club needs you. We
currently meet once every other month and discuss
books that have some spiritual foundation. If you are
interested in facilitating this group, please contact Tina Harding.
Contact Tina Harding [email protected] or
770.425.3459 for more information on any of these opportunities.
GRACE Scholars: Pre-Register Now!
It is time to pre-register for 2017 tax credits!
Visit and select one of the
pre-registration buttons in the middle of the
home page. You can pre-register online or
print a paper form and send it to GRACE. Preregister today and enjoy the peace of mind
that you are ready for 2017! New donors are
welcome! For more information contact
404.920.7900 or
[email protected]
Discernment Mass – Men and women seeking to discern their vocation are invited to join
Fr. Tim Hepburn for a Discernment Mass at
10:00 AM on one of the following dates: October 1, November 5, December 3, or January 7,
2017. The Mass will be followed by a light
brunch and discussion, and held at the St.
Charles Borromeo House, 813 Dalrymple Road
in Atlanta. For more information contact the
Office of Vocations at 404.920.7460.
Position Openings at Saint Joseph
Adult Ministry and RCIA Coordinator Position
Saint Joseph is seeking a full-time Adult Ministry and RCIA Coordinator for our active parish. This position reports to the pastor and
collaborates with other ministry coordinators in outreach to and
in the formation of all adults. The development and implementation of parish-wide evangelization and discipleship programming
is needed. Qualified candidates should have adult ministry leadership and RCIA experience, excellent written and verbal communication skills, exceptional interpersonal and customer service
skills, organizational skills, a Bachelor’s degree (Master’s preferred) in Pastoral Ministry, Theology, or Religious Studies (or
equivalent) and proficiency in Microsoft Outlook, Word, Excel,
Publisher, and PowerPoint. Applicant must be a practicing Catholic in communion with the Roman Catholic Church. The position
requires some evening and weekend hours depending upon ministry needs. Salary commensurate with experience. Interested
candidates should submit cover letter and resume to Bruce Reed
[email protected].
Saint Joseph Church is hiring for the nursery. Looking for availability Sundays between 8:30 AM to 12:30 PM. Seeking and applicant who is at least 21 years of age. Must be familiar with providing a safe and nurturing environment for children 9 months to
three years of age. Must be able to lift 40 pounds. Submit resume
and cover letter to [email protected].. We are also in
need of volunteers for the nursery.
25 de Septiembre de 2016 ~ XXVI Domingo Ordinario
Lecturas de Hoy
¡Bienvenidos a nuestra Iglesia!
Horarios de Oficina
Lunes a Viernes,
9:30 AM—4:30 PM
Oficina del Ministerio Hispano
770.422.5633 exts. 34, 32, 37
Fax 770.422.1148
Horario de la Santa Misa
Sábado: 7:30 PM
Domingo: 2:30 PM
Miércoles 7:00 PM
6:00 PM a 7:00 PM
Grupos del Ministerio Hispano
Grupo de Oración
Rigoberto Gramajo 678.485.0815
Grupo Nueva Vida
Luis Carlos 678.755.5011
Grupo de Biblia
D. Jose T. Merlo 404.644.0691
Grupo Apóstoles de la
Divina Misericordia
Aura Trivino 770.426.6236
Visita a enfermos
Rosa Juarez 678.668.6045
Unidos en Cristo
Amalia Cervantes 678.887.8150
Ministerio Stephen
Karina Garcia 770.422.5633 x81
Alberto Garcia 404.312.8655
Ministros de Eucaristia
Brenda Berberena 770.420.8910
Grupo Juvenil de Adultos
Jesus Ramirez 678.848.8375
¡Catequesis 2016-2017!
“Catequizar es un compromiso familiar”
Continua el Taller de Catequistas hasta el 4 de octubre.
Aviso Importante—Virtus
Capacitacion de Ambiente Seguro Para todos los miembros del Ministerio Hispano el lunes 26 de septiembre de 6:00 – 9:00 PM en el Salón
de Música. Obliga a todos los catequistas, ujieres, y personas que
tienen contacto directo con los ninos, personas vulnerables y enfermos. CUPO LIMITADO. Llamar a la oficina o avisar directamente a la
Hna. Maria Pia. Se les recuerda ser puntuales.
Grupo de Oración invita a toda la comunidad a una noche reflexion
con el predicador Guillermo Cruz el miercoles 28 de septiembre comenzando con la Misa. Los esperamos.
Domingo Mundial de las Misiones – 2 de octubre
La proxima semana tendremos una segunda colecta muy especial. Celebraremos el Domingo Mundial de las Misiones. El Papa Francisco invita a toda la Iglesia a apoyar a las jovenes diocesis misioneras de Africa, Asia, Islas del Pacifico y partes de Latinoamerica y Europa, en donde sacerdotes y líderes religiosos y laicos sirven a los mas pobres.
¡Gracias por su generosidad!
Feria de Tiempo y Talento 2017
Su aporte de Tiempo y Talento son importantes ya que sin ellos no podemos crecer. Dios anda buscando personas entregadas a EL y su Iglesia. Tenemos diferentes ministerios en los que usted puede poner en
practica su tiempo y talento.
No olvides regresar la forma de registro que repartimos el fin de
semana pasado, asegúrate de indicar el ministerio que deseas servir.
El que NO sirve para servir NO sirve para vivir” (Madre Teresa de Calcuta).
Clases de Ingles
Todos los viernes @ 7:00 PM; Lugar: Sugar Hill House. No es necesario registrase. Más informes con el Sr. Lubin 770 906-2123.
Bautizos se celebran el cuarto sábado del mes. Llama a la oficina para confirmar fechas y horarios
Matrimonios llamar a la oficina y pedir cita. Ver folletos de informacion localizados en el Kiosco.
Misas de XV años se celebran Sábados a la 1:00 PM. Llama a la oficina para reservar la fecha deseada.
Quinceañeras que tengan su celebración registrada deberán asistir obligatoriamente a una charla de
preparación, asi como chambelanes, padres y padrinos.
Presentaciones para bebes de 40 días y 3 años de edad, es necesario pasar a la oficina para anotarlo y recibir recomendaciones.

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