TÇÇ|äxÜátÜç - St Marys Catholic Church


TÇÇ|äxÜátÜç - St Marys Catholic Church
Thirtieth Sunday
in Ordinary Time
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November 3, 2013
2612 W. State St., Boise, ID 83702;
Oficina/Parish Office: 344-2597; Fax: 344-9337;
Escuela/School: 342-7476
Parish Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Horario de Oficina: Lunes a Viernes 9 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Pastor / Párroco ~ Rev. W. Thomas Faucher, [email protected]
Assisting Priest / Asistente del Párroco ~ Rev. Jesús Camacho, [email protected]
Assisting Priest / Asistente del Párroco ~ Rev. Bruno Segatta, [email protected]
Blessed Mary,
Inspiration for our past,
Surrounded by angels and saints,
Pray for your parish family
That we may always praise and worship our loving God,
That we rejoice in our gifts of time and talent
And share all that is good with our brothers and sisters,
That we, filled with thanksgiving,
Will enjoy eternity with you and your son,
Our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen
Bendita Virgen María, inspiración de nuestro pasado
rodeada de ángeles y santos,
ruega por nuestra parroquia.
Que siempre alabemos y glorifiquemos a nuestro Dios.
Que alegres por los dones y talentos que se nos han
concedido los pongamos al servicio de nuestros hermanos y
Que llenos de agradecimiento y regocijo,
podamos participar de la vida eterna contigo y tu Hijo,
nuestro Señor Jesucristo. Amén.
31st Sunday in Ordinary Time
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November 3, 2013
Rev. W. Thomas Faucher, Pastor / Párroco ~ [email protected]
Rev. Jesús Camacho, Assisting Priest / Asistente del Párroco ~ [email protected]
Rev. Bruno Segatta, Assisting Priest / Asistente del Párroco ~ [email protected]
Deacons / Diáconos
Bill Petzak ~ [email protected] ~ 658-8892
Francis Hess ~ [email protected] ~ 409-4103
ADDRESS: 2612 W. State Street, Boise, Idaho 83702 ~ PHONE: 208-344-2597
John Krueger, Parish Manager/Gerente de la Parroquia
[email protected] (Ext. 206)
Roxanne Harlow, Administrative Assistant / Secretaria
[email protected]
(Ext. 214)
Alejandra Díaz, Administrative Assistant / Secretaria
[email protected]
(Ext. 201)
Meg Lawless, Coordinator, Children’s & Family
Ministry / Coordinadora del Ministerio de los Niños y de la Familia
[email protected] (Ext. 207)
Nancy Krueger, Bookkeeper / Contadora
[email protected] (Ext. 208)
Marianne White, Principal, St. Mary’s School /
Directora de la Escuela de Santa María
[email protected] 342-7476
Saturday / Sábado, 5:00 p.m. English - 7:00 p.m. Español
Sunday / Domingo, 8:30 a.m. & 10:45 a.m. English -12:45 p.m. Español
Weekdays – 8:30 a.m. Misa diaria – 8:30 a.m.
Saturday 4:00 – 4:30 p.m., or by appointment/Sábado 6:30 - 6:50 p.m. o previa cita
Expectant parents should call the office to arrange for baptismal instructions before the birth of their child.
Bautizos en español, comuníquese con el Padre Jesús Camacho quien le informará sobre los requisitos.
Contact the office six months in advance/ Reservaciones en español favor de comunicarse con el Padre
Jesús Camacho por lo menos con 6 meses de anticipación.
3890 W. State St., Boise, Idaho 83703
Monday & Friday: 11am–3pm; Wednesday: 12-3pm
Lunes y viernes: 11am–3pm; miércoles: 12-3pm
BULLETIN ITEMS: [email protected]
Church/Iglesia: www.stmarysboise.org ~ School/Escuela: www.stmarys-boise.org
31st Sunday in Ordinary Time
Page 3
November 3, 2013
First of all I welcome Father Bruno Segatta home for the next few months. It is always wonderful to have him here. I thank
Father Jerome Montez OSB, for all he has done for us. Father Montez will be here a few times during November and December as well.
The following article is from the Faith Alive Series of the Catholic News Service in February, 2008. I was asked to write
about the papacy and the coming visit of Pope Benedict XVI to the United States. I have made a couple of additions to the
original article. I think it says a great deal about our present Holy Father, Pope Francis, and his role in the world as well.
Father Tom Faucher, Pastor
Papal Visit
Date: February, 2008
Almost alone, reduced to an irrelevant player in power and influence, Pope Pius VI died in July, 1799, a prisoner in a citadel in Valance, Italy.
He had been pope for almost 25 years and had witnessed the French Revolution. He had opposed the French troops coming into Italy and was
arrested and taken to Valance by orders of Napoleon. "At his death . . . many assumed that the destruction of the Holy See had at last been accomplished." [Oxford Dictionary of the Popes, J.N.D. Kelly, p.302] He was buried in a makeshift grave with only a few spectators.
Surrounded by loved ones and staff, one of the most influential figures of the 20th century, Pope John Paul II died in 2005 in Rome. His funeral was attended by kings, royalty, presidents and hundreds of thousands of the faithful, and watched on television by millions.
As America prepares to welcome Pope John Paul’s successor, Pope Benedict XVI, the role of pope continues to enjoy faith, confidence and
respect. What happened to the role of people between 1799 and 2005 is the subject of many books. It is a complicated history of mostly competent
and sometimes brilliant men, tragedies and triumphs. The most searing event was the loss of political power with the loss of the Papal States,
which turned out to be [in the minds of most historians] one of the great gifts to the papacy and to the church.
As the papacy lost temporal power, it gained moral power. Great popes like Leo XIII broke new moral ground with the great social encyclical
Rerum Novarum, and holy popes like Benedict XV and Pius XI tried to stop the first and second world wars from happening. Pope John XXIII and
Paul VI were among the most admired people on earth and they were listened to by Catholics and non-Catholics alike. And Pope John Paul II was
a superstar.
At first glance, and from a distance, the papacy seems unchanged and unchangeable. In reality it is a constantly evolving position, adjusting
and readjusting to the changes in the church and in the world. Pope Pius VI would find many of the clothes, rituals, and customs of today’s popes
reasonably the same, but he would find the job and responsibilities of today’s pope almost incomprehensible.
Why does the role of the pope matter? Why is his visit to America important for American Catholics and for all Americans?
Because while the office of pope has changed, the reality of the papacy has not. That reality is that the Bishop of Rome is the head of the
Church. He is the successor of Saint Peter. He is the supreme pontiff, the leader of the College of Bishops. His responsibility is to exercise the
threefold role of teaching, governing, and sanctifying the whole Church.
As teacher, he makes the Gospel of Jesus Christ and its consequences available to the entire world. As he governs, he is to be the source of
unity, the symbol of unity, and the promoter of unity for the Church. He is the visible symbol of the unified People of God, and as sanctifier he is to
symbolize the holiness of the Church united with Christ the savior.
The people of America want the pope to come and visit. They want to see him, hear him, and learn from him. They also want him to listen to
them, understand their needs, and be attentive to their concerns. While he is not their personal bishop, he is their universal bishop.
What those who rejoiced in the death of Pope Pius VI did not understand is that the office of pope is divinely created and it will endure – constantly changing – until the end of the Church itself. Welcome, Pope Benedict XVI! And welcome as our Holy Father today, Pope Francis!
“La vida eterna consiste en que te conozcan a Ti, el único Dios verdadero y a Jesucristo, a quien Tú enviaste” (Juan 17,3). ¿Conocemos al
verdadero Dios? Existen muchas distorsiones acerca de Dios. Muchas personas han recibido una imagen no real y verdadera de Dios. Por eso es
tan importante que conozcamos las Sagradas Escrituras, en particular los Evangelios, donde nuestro Señor Jesucristo nos presenta con toda
claridad quién es y cómo es nuestro Dios. La Iglesia nos ayuda con su enseñanza y predicación a ir conociendo a nuestro Dios. Por ejemplo, este
domingo el Evangelio nos presenta un Dios que sale al encuentro del pecador para perdonarlo. Donde sea necesario, les invito a revisar nuestra
fe para saber si está puesta en el Único y Verdadero Dios, el Padre de nuestro Señor Jesucristo.
Su amigo y servidor ~ Padre Jesús Camacho
"This is eternal life, that they know thee the only true God and Jesus Christ whom you have sent" (John 17:3). Do we know the true God?
There are many distortions about God. Many people have received no real and true image of God. Therefore, it is very important to know the
Scriptures, especially the Gospels, where our Lord Jesus Christ gives us clearly who and what God is. The Church helps us through his teaching
and preaching to get to know our God. For example, this Sunday's Gospel presents us with a God who comes to meet the sinner to forgive. Where
necessary, I invite you to check to see if your faith is placed in the One True God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Your friend and servant ~ Father Jesus Camacho
Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
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November 3, 2013
The 2nd Annual Octoberfest Celebration generated more than
$1500 for St. Mary's Food Bank. Special thanks to Agri Beef
for donating the bratwurst, to Payette Brewing for sponsoring
and hosting the event and the many parishioners who assisted
with and enjoyed the event.
for sale
SPA FOR SALE St. Mary’s purchased a 6-8
person Jacuzzi hot tub for Father Faucher’s
house in 2003. The hot tub has had very little
use and includes outside cover, lid lifter,
wooden steps and more. The church is wanting to sell it for $1,500 or best offer. Contact
John at the Parish Office at 344-2597 Ext.
five spaces designated “handicapped” in the front of the
church and six in the back, of which two are special van
accessible spaces. Additionally, there is a sign in the
back that indicates that all of the parking is for seniors or
handicapped on the weekends. We all need to be
aware of these parking spaces and especially the van
accessible spaces; we have a very limited number of spaces. We
also need to make sure we park within the spaces as indicated. Thank you for your cooperation.
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Our food bank is in
need of more volunteers. If you would like to
volunteer your time and talent please call Isabelle at 850-6818 or Lois at 867-5230. We are
also in need of a vacuum cleaner. If you can
donate one, it would be much appreciated.
Thank you.
loved one, are separated or divorced, the holidays
can be a lonely, stressful, and depressing time.
Join us for an encouraging seminar and get the
tools and hope you need to make it through.
CAST MINISTRIES is hosting "Surviving the Holidays" at Nazareth Retreat Center on Nov 16 and St John's Cathedral on Nov 30. Cost is $15, preregistration is required. Times are
9:30am -12:30pm for those who are separated or divorced, and
from 2-5pm for those who have lost a loved one (parent, child,
spouse, etc). Please contact Michelle Estep at 713-7471 or email
[email protected] to register or for more information. Let us
help you find joy this coming season!
The St. Mary's Knights of Columbus are having a
used medical appliance and equipment collection for such items as transfer benches, shower
chairs, sit down walkers, wheelchairs, commodes
and grabbers, etc. If you or a loved one no longer
have a need for such items, please drop them off at one of the following addresses (please call first before dropping off):
Roland Krueger, 1420 N. 21st St.- 407-4512
Chuck McDonald 2615 N. 30th St.- 866-0352
Bob Tratz
2841 N. Lancaster Dr.-342-3480
We will arrange a Friday pickup by Knights of Columbus at Risen
Christ Parish who will, in turn, temporarily loan out these items to
others who are in need. Contact Risen Christ KC's to donate directly
or to request the use of equipment contact:
Rick Goeres 362-4283 (dispatcher)
Dale Anderson 888-3782 (distribution)
Equipment can be picked up at Dale Anderson's place at 3100 E.
Hubbard Rd. in Meridian on Thursdays only between the hours of
10am and 6pm.
Weekly during the day, this charismatic prayer group will
meet at Nazareth on Wednesday, Nov. 30, 9:30am.
Need information? Call 344-2782.
training workshop with the people of
your community. We will have an
intensive training November 13-15 at
Spirit Center at the Monastery of St.
Gertrude in Cottonwood, Idaho that is
designed to help individuals develop
confidence in leadership abilities and learn skills needed to make a
difference in our world. These skills include:
• Leadership styles
• Leading effective meetings
• Building great teams
• Dealing with conflict
• Partnering with others
• Courageous leadership
The presenters Mary Schmidt (Monastery of St. Gertrude) and
Kathee Tifft (University of Idaho Extension) have over 45 years of
combined experience working with nonprofit organizations. This training addresses some of the most common difficulties individuals have
when working with others to create change. Enrollment is limited, so
to sign up, please to go www.spirit-center.org or call 208-962-2000.
Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Page 5
November 3, 2013
Ministry Schedule for November, 2013
5:00 PM
Alt. Eucharistic
Minister - Host 1
Head Eucharistic
Minister - Host 2
Minister - Host 3
Minister- Host 4
Alternate - Cup 1
Minister - Cup2
Minister - Cup 3
Minister - Cup 4
8:30 AM
10:45 AM
November 3
Judy Murdock
Kitty Ourada
Rod Jaszkowiak
Vic Haus
Frank Casabonne
Jean Ihli
Marilyn Tratz
Erika Belarsky
Jason Jaszkowiak Barbara Spence
Isabel Yale
Virginia Medek Cathy Stephenson Karena Whitmore
November 4
Wezensky Family
Susie Headlee
Margo Mojica
Maryann Hogg
Mark Oden
Elaine Davis
Marty Downey
Heidi Oden
Larry/Jan Winner
Thometz Family
Carolyn Crooks
Joanne Campbell
Tom Byrnes
November 5
• Coffee Hour after 8:30am Mass
• Religious Education, grades 1 thru 8, 9:40amvarious classrooms
• Preschool Religious Ed., 10:45am- Classroom 1
• Clases de catecismo en español, 11am- varios
• RCIA, 11:15am- Room A & G
• Confirmation class, 4pm- Gym
• Our Mother of Perpetual Help Devotion after
morning Mass-Church
• Choir practice, 7pm-Church
• Holy Conversations with Fr. Jesus–after the morning
Mass- Room A
• Estudio Bíblico, 7pm-Salón D
• Acts of the Apostles, 7pm-Church
Wednesday • RCIA, 7pm- Room D
November 6
Sat. Nov. 9,
Sun. Nov. 10,
Sun. Nov. 10,
Lector 1
Sam Murano
Bob McQuade
Vince Huerta
Lector 2
Jerry Helgeson
Gene Fadness
Marina Edwards
Sun. Nov. 10,
November 7
November 8
Altar Servers
Sat. Nov. 9 ,
November 9
Sun. Nov. 10,
Cross 1
Abby Murano
Josie Pape
Roan Bernal
Cross 2
Reagan Dunn
Jack White
Casey Linder
Brinn Waibel
Caleb Wolback
Aspen Cotten
Treasure Valley Young Adult Ministry is a
ministry of Holy Apostles, St. John's, Risen
Christ, Sacred Heart, Our Lady of the Rosary,
St. Mark's and St. Mary's parishes.
Check out all our programs at our website: www.tvyam.org
“Come little leaves," said the wind one day.
"Come over the meadow with me and play.
Put on your bonnets of red and gold,
For summer is gone, and the days grow cold."
~ Joanne Campbell
November 10
• Choir practice, 7pm-Church
• Adoration after the morning Mass, 9am-3pm
• Studio Bíblico, 9:30am-Salón D
• Centering Prayer, 11:45am- St. Anne’s Room
• Retiro de Ministerios, 8am– Gimnasio e Iglesia
• KC Pancake Breakfast after 8:30 & 10:45am Mass–
• Religious Education, grades 1 thru 8, 9:40amvarious classrooms
• Preschool Religious Ed., 10:45am- Classroom 1
• Clases de catecismo en español, 11am- varios
• RCIA, 11:15am- Room A & G
• Pinochle Club, 5:30pm– Gym
PANCAKE BREAKFAST All are invited to a delicious hot all-you-can-eat breakfast sponsored by
the Knights of Columbus on Sunday, Nov. 10 after
the 8:30 & 10:45am Masses. Come and enjoy this
wonderful meal!
A special Memorial Mass “Omenaldia” will be offered on
Saturday, November 9, at 1:30 p.m. at Sacred Heart
Church, in Boise, for family and friends of the Basque community who have lost loved ones during the past year. If
you would like someone to be remembered during the service, please
contact Patty Miller at 343-1285. A potluck will follow in the church hall.
Please bring a dish, hot or cold, if you’d like to participate.
Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
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November 3, 2013
Altar Servers/Lectors
Sam Murano ……………………………………….. .. 921-9534
Bishop Kelly Rep/Representante
Bryan Smith.............................................................. 853-0909
Robert Wehde, Principal.......................................... 375-6010
Choir Directors/Directores del Coro
Robert Parsley ......................................................... 703-2568
Juan Moreno ............................................................. 570-1826
Benny Garcia…………………..................................286-5408
Development and Finance Council/Consejo de Desarrollo y
Roy Schiele .............................................................. 385-9364
Nathan Drashner...................................................... 854-3046
Bob Ancin................................................................. 938-9853
Saul Huerta .............................................................. 899-2108
Merikay Jost ............................................................. 384-5160
Billy D’Souza ............................................................ 853-3631
Food Bank/Banco de Comida
Isabell Yale………..... [email protected]... 850-6818
Knights of Columbus/Caballeros de Colón
Bob Tratz.................................................................. 342-3480
Catherine Petzak ..................................................... 658-8892
Magnificat/Revista Magnificat
Joanne Lechner ([email protected])……….. . 344-2782
Music Director/Director Musical
Patty Gabica Haas ................................................... 322-7010
Prayer Network/Cadena de Oración
Lenora Brown........................................................... 376-5446
Prayer Network by Email ………….. [email protected]
Prison Ministry/Ministerio de Prisión
Bill Teske.................................................................. 514-8717
Carlos Castro ........................................................... 440-1214
Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA)/Rito de Iniciación
Cristiana de Adultos
Gene Fadness ........................................................ 424-9225
Coordinadores para la Confirmación
Rosy y Luis Carrillo ……. ........................................ 344-2597
Sacristan (Bilingual)
Imanol Betikoetxea ……………………………… ..... 284-5225
Salt and Light Ministry
Michelle Hill.............................................................. 713-7471
St. Mary’s School Governing Board
Ben Blaine................................................................ 484-4173
St. Mary’s School P.T.O/
Presidente Padres de Familia Escuela de Sta. María
Emily Kane .............................................................. .949-5229
Small Church Communities/Pequeñas Comunidades de Base
Mary Johnson .......................................................... 853-8136
Stephen Ministry/Ministerio de Esteban
Darcy Amburn .......................................................... 342-2988
Linda Leonard.......................................................... 336-8773
Chairperson............ Robert Parsley ........... .703-2568
[email protected]
Parish at Large....... Carol HerringMMM.....342-7476
[email protected]
St. Anne .................. Marilyn Tratz .............. .342-3480
[email protected]
St. AnthonyM.. ....... Catherine Dillon MM...344-9459
[email protected]
MMM...Barb SpenceMMM... 424-5155
[email protected]
St. Cecelia
St. Francis .............. M.Pat Ware ............... 853-3813
[email protected]
St. Joan MMMMM..John Francis.............. 484-8838
[email protected]
St. Juan Diego........ Margo Mojica ............. 939-2053
[email protected]
St. Michael
St. Theresa ............. Deb Ashworth ............ 336-7829
[email protected]
St. Sylvester ........... Christine Landram...... 908-3046
[email protected]
St. Winefride........... M...Ann Fisk..MMM...830-2816
Francisco y Socorro CoronaMMMMMMMM 861-4846
Saúl Huerta ...................................................... 899-2108
Alfredo Garibay MMMM...MMMMMMM.. 371-1612
Scripture Readings
31st Sunday in Ordinary Time
November 3 — 10, 2013
Wisdom 11:22 -- 12:2; Psalm 145:1-2, 8-11, 13-14;
2 Thessalonians 1:11 -- 2:2; Luke 19:1-10
Romans 11:29-36; Psalm 69:30-31, 33-34, 36-37;
Luke 14:12-14
Wisdom 3:1-9; Psalm 23:1-6; John 6:37-40
Romans 13:8-10; Psalm 112:1-2, 4-5, 9;
Luke 14:25-33
Romans 14:7-12; Psalm 27:1, 4, 13-14; Luke 15:1-10
Romans 15:14-21; Psalm 98:1-4; Luke 16:1-8
Ezekiel 47:1-2, 8-9, 12; Psalm 46:2-3, 5-6, 8-9;
1 Corinthians 3:9-11, 16-17; John 2:13-22
2 Maccabees 7:1-2, 9-14; Psalm 17:1, 5-6, 8, 15;
2 Thessalonians 2:16 -- 3:5; Luke 20:27-38
Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
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November 3, 2013
On the weekend of November 9th and
10th our ninth pre-Thanksgiving Undie
Sunday collection for Corpus Christi House will take place. Please
join our effort to help the homeless and unfortunate in our community by contributing new or gently-used socks, T-shirts, underwear
and warm clothing for the men and women who seek shelter at
Corpus Christi House. Some of our gifts will be given to the guests
at Christmas time. Containers for these items will be in the narthex
of the church. Thank you for your generosity!
Renew your subscription today!
For less than $1.50 per month, your average cup of convenience store coffee, you can have Idaho’s only Catholic
newspaper delivered to your home!
CATHOLIC 101 Do Catholics worship Mary and pray to
statues? Do you need to confess to a priest to be forgiven? Is
Mass about the music and a good homily? Do you identify
with the Prodigal Son? Have you spent 12 years in Catholic
schools and know it all, or nothing at all? Have a friend curious or critical about the faith? Catholic: 101 is for YOU and
for THEM. Shake the dust off your Bible, purchase the Catechism, and save the date for Mondays from 6-8 p.m. in the
Resurrection Room at St. Mark’s. Upcoming topics: Nov. 4Sacraments, Mary, Saints, Angels & Prayer with Mike Benscoter; Nov. 11- Reconciliation and Healing with Fr. Ben;
Nov. 18- Holy Mass; Nov. 25- Church History with Fr. Ben;
Dec. 2- Marriage and Annulment with Ray and Rheda
Daugherty. Refreshments offered and we’ll save you a seat!
If you are called to serve in this ministry or have questions,
call Deacon Mike Lowe at 375-6651.
of the
Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
November 3, 2013
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Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
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November 3, 2013
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