Today - St. Louis Catholic Church


Today - St. Louis Catholic Church
cese, including the annual Chrism Mass at which oils are blessed
he sacraments throughout our parishes.
Every child deserves an education and
a quality of life as God intends. The
Sisters of St. Joseph Cottolengo have
worked tirelessly to educate, train
and serve persons with developmental
disabilities, bringing them a sense of
am who is autistic
acceptance and giving their families
7270 SW 120th Street • Pinecrest, FL 33156 • Church/School: 305-238-7562 • FAX: 305-238-6844
hope through the Church’s call to love,
Web site:
• [email protected] • covenant [email protected]
and justice.
Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time / A
January 30, 2011
is vitally
ause it is the
All issues and questions relating to mart of law. And
riage dispensations and annulments are
processed through the Tribunal with
w of the Church
parish advocates able and ready to assist;
God and neighthe assistance is just a phone call away.
of the tribunal
Center has
to focus on one
ment after ansk he performs
and pride, and
St. Louis Catholic Church and Covenant School
The K
row my own hanks
those who made pledges last
As adults,
our busy Roll”
lives canofsometimes
our “Honor
Donors in the
me closer to Godweek. See
my community.
– prayer. Your ABCD contribution
ter, I can help
You can still
pledge of
and formation
lay week.
my parish Simply
and fill outsupports
the pledge envelopes available in the pews
ministers in committed service to the
or in the entrance of Church. Do not miss this
d Are Y
mas Wenski Archbishop’s Charities
and Development Drive
nt part of the
stry of recon-
Bodytoof support
Christ. Their
is vital
the assistance
work of the
Church in
ster for 4 years
our parish
in service to
South Floridatofar
our parish
the faith community.
St. Louis Covenant School
Sunday, January 30th
at 3:00 PM in the Main Sanctuary.
Open House begins with an introduction from our
Pastor, Father Paul Vuturo, and our Principal, Mrs.
Christine Mathisen. A tour of the school immediately follows. Our
wonderful teachers will be present to greet and answer any question
that you have. Applications for admittance will
be available at the conclusion of the school visit.
The school has limited openings in grades PreK-2
through 7th grade. We look forward to meeting
you and showcasing our wonderful school.
Starting Afresh from Christ
of He
Today !
Sunday, January 30
8:00 am – 9:30 pm
(Closed for lunch 2:30 – 4:30 pm)
Join us in the Family Center East. All adults
18 and over can donate. Young Adults,
age 16 and 17, can donate with parent’s
permission. Giving blood is very safe, and
one donation can save as many as four lives.
5:30 PM (Sat. Vigil)
7:00, 9:30, 11:00 AM
12:30, 5:30 PM
8:15 AM, 7:15 PM
3:00 PM, 2nd Sunday of
the Month
Misa en Español
Los domingos - 8:15 AM, 7:15 PM
Los miércoles - 7:30 PM
Bautismos - En Español 1er y 3er
sábado de mes. Favor de llamar a la
oficina con DOS meses de anticipación.
Weekday: 6:30 and 8:30 AM
Wednesdays only 7:30 PM
Music Director
Mr. Gregory Taylor
Book & Gift Center
Please contact the Rectory at least six
months prior to the proposed date.
BAPTISMS (Infants - 5 yrs. old)
Every Sunday (English). Please call the
Office TWO months in advance.
Pray for the Sick
Emma Dangler
Conchita Acosta
Liza Acosta
Heather Alessi
Victor Benitez
Jeannette Bernard
Rose Maria Bestard
Parker Briannon
Daniella Burastero
Jorge Bustamante
Jerry Burne
Mima Camejo
Angelita Castillo
Key Chen
Dolly Chirino
Dorothy Clark
James & Rosemary Clark
Miriam Columbro
Michael Connor
Dottie Crippen
Helen DeLano
Esther DeVarona
Luis DeVarona
Olga Del Valle
Alba Diaz
Rev. Tomas DiFede
John Downey, Sr.
Eileen Duquette
Patricia Englehardt
Felipe Fernandez
Deidre Dorsey Frontera
Judy Galarza
Ed Glynn
Hector Gonzalez
Daisy Guerrero
Dorothy Haiduven
Judy Hanlon
Carole Howard
Cornelio Henry Hueck
Gabriela Imbimbo
Blanca Kurlowicz
Helen Labime
Esperanza Lara
Carolyn Lawson
Rev. Francisco Lemus, SJ
Armando Llanes
Genaro Llave
Evelyn Lopez
Manolito Lopez
John Mangialetto
Sr. Isabel, Mazarredo, OP
Jane McKeon
Johnny McNally
Enrique Mion
Fernando Montilla
Michael Mulsford
Jenny Orellana
Michael Pavloff
Karen Pegues
Elsa Martinez-Perez
David Pritchard
We are in the process of updating the prayer list for ill members of the parish.
Names will remain on the list for 2 months unless you notify us to remove a name
sooner. If a name is removed in error please notify the office to have it reinstated.
To provide the Eucharist at home for ill parish members or family,
call Pedro Valentin at 305- 251-7335 or main office at 305-238-7562.
Si estas enfermo o impedido de asistir a la Misa y deseas recibir la
Comunión en tu casa, puedes comunicarte con Adriana Morales, 305-969-0960.
Betty Quinn
Nydia Ramirez
Pablo “Bebo” Ramos
Bill Reilly,
Ida Sanone
Ana Patricia Santa Cruz
Eric Schue
Beverly Scott
John Shubeck
Michael Shubick
Michael Speranza
Michael Storace
Jane Thompson
Bobbie Torres
Michael Tubolino
Sr. Ileana Valdes, OP
Aurora Van de Water
Tony Viera
Marlene Wolff
Vivien Baltodano
Alexandra Pegues
Maria Richardson
Ministry to
the Sick
f St.Loui
s, K
ly o
Youth Minister
Mr. Mark Witkowski
Saturday:3:30 - 4:30 PM
7:30 - 8:30 PM
Anytime by appointment
of F
Religious Education
Mrs. María Teresa López
Hora Santa -Tercer jueves de cada
mes en la Capilla a las 7:30pm.
School Principal
Mrs. Christine Mathisen
Inscripción – En Español, el 2do
domingo, después de las Misas.
Saturday: 8:30 AM
Matrimonio - Favor de llamar a la
Oficina con SEIS meses de anticipación.
Seminary Intern
Daniel Martin
The Pa
Rev. Paul Vuturo
Rev. Michael Kish
Rev. Armando Tolosa
Rev. Pedro Cartaya (Sundays)
Deacon Vincent McInerney
Deacon John Peremenis
Deacon John Green
Deacon Thomas Hanlon
Deacon Alex Lam
Deacon Bob Yglesias
Deacon Jeff Reyes
rest, Flori
The 2nd Sunday at 10:30 am and the
4th Tuesday of every month, at 7:30 pm.
Kate Elizabeth Barthelemy
daughter of Albert & Gloria Barthelemy
Veronica Nicole George
daughter of Brian & Carolina George
Angelina Rebecca Azari
daughter of David & Angela Azari
Alessandro Dominguez
son of Alexander & Maria Dominguez
Melissa & Mylene Mendoza
children of Eddy & Mayrelis Mendoza
Isabel Sofia & Aiden Ross Baron
children of Geoffrey & Nicole Baron
Mandarin Chinese Bible Fellowship
From 10 am to 12 pm,
2nd Saturday of February, Feb. 12, 2011
Location: Hospitality C, St. Louis Catholic Church
Contact: Judy Wen @305-588-3518, or
Jeanie Kwan@305-321-1373
Spiritual Are you looking for someone to talk with
about your prayer life and relationship
Direction with the Lord?
Ministry If so, please call Karen Avila, LMHC and
Spiritual Director (786) 515-5040.
Gran Peregrinacion
a “Tierra Santa”
Del 12 al 22 de Junio
Con la Guía Espiritual del Padre José Alfaro.
todos los lugares santos en las
siguientes ciudades: Tel Aviv, Jerusalén, Galilea, Nazaret,
Tiberiades, Belén, Cesarea, Marítima, Haifa, Emaus, Ein
Karem, etc.… también tendremos la oportunidad de
conocer y disfrutar el Mar Muerto, Masada, Qumran, El
Mar de Galilea y muchos otros lugares.
Para mayor información o hacer su reservación,
comuníquese con Antonio o Lilliam Morales, 305-2740453.
Estudios Bíblicos en Español
“Relatos de la Creación
en la Biblia
y en Diversas Culturas Latino Americanas”
El Ministerio de Estudios Bíblicos le invita
cordialmente a la semana de estudios que inaugura el
Ciclo 2011 a cargo del Sacerdote Jesuita, el Padre Luis
Guillermo Sarasa. La misma se desarrollará a partir del
lunes 14 de febrero, hasta el viernes 18,
de 7:30 – 9:30 PM.
Este año las diferentes clases se enfocarán en
el Antiguo testamento y el Padre Sarasa nos conducirá
a través de los relatos de los orígenes no solo en la
Biblia sino aquellos enraizados en la rica cultura Latino
Americana. Los esperamos.
Natural Family Planning refers to the practice of
achieving, postponing, or avoiding pregnancy according
to an informed awareness of a woman’s fertility cycle.
Your fertility is God’s gift…cherish it through the practice
of Natural Family Panning.
There will be a series of classes offered by the
Couple to Couple League at St. Louis on February 5
& 26 and March 26. All classes begin at 7:00 PM in
the Lecture Hall. Register for the series at
or call Michael or Helen Hart, 305-238-1022 for more
The John Paul II International Film
El Festival Internacional de Cine Juan
John Paul II
Festival is back for its second year! After
Pablo II a regresado! Después de un
International exitoso primer año, el festival de cine
a blessed and successful inaugural
year in 2009, the inter-faith film festival
Film Festival inspirado por las ideas del Gran Papa
modeled after the ideals of the Great
Juan Pablo II, regresa con su segundo
John Paul II, returns this February with
año: “El Misterio del Amor.”
the festival’s second edition, “The Mystery of Love.”
Únanse a celebrar con nosotros del 17 al 26
Join us February 17-26, 2011, as we project over
de Febrero, 2011, cuando proyectaremos más de
20 films reflecting upon the greatest gift God has
20 películas que explorarán el don más bello que
given us aside from life itself: Love. Join us as we
Dios nos ha dado: El Amor. Ayúdenos a contestar
bring to life John Paul II’s New Evangelization! We are
la llamada de la Nueva Evangelización! Todavía
still looking for volunteers and donors to help bring
buscamos voluntarios y patrocinadores! Contáctenos
up the tents to this incredible event!
For the festival’s schedule, to purchase tickets,
Para comprar boletos, nuestro horario, y más
and more information visit or
información sobre el festival, visiten la página web:
call 305.418.0939. o llamen al 305.418.0939.
for your Pledges
Rev. Paul Vuturo
I wish to express my encouragement to both lay and religious teachers
Rev. Michael Kish
of catechesis who strive to ensure that young people become daily more
Rev. Armando Tolosa
of the
of their
We apologize
is incomplete.
We do not yet have the names of those who sent their pledges
Deacon John/Doris Green
in his message
to Catholicexcuse
educators any misspelling or improper use of Mr/Mrs.
Deacon Tom/Judy Hanlon
Mr. Anthony
Ms. Sandra
Guyamier, Mr./Mrs. Raymond
Deacon Bob/Barbara Yglesias
“In my religion class today
Hacker, Mr./Mrs. William
Deacon Jon/Valerie Premenis
How does
one learn about
her or
I learned that Jesus loves me
Ms. Cruzana
Hagley, Mrs. Rosalind
Deacon Vincent/Evelyn McInerney Cabrera,
faith? Our
life begins when
and that His mother loves
Hammonds, Ms. Jean
our family
us forth for Baptism,
Deacon Alex/Colleen Lam
me, too, and they are always
often as young
With the comCardenas,
Hanly, Mr. Andrew
Deacon Jeff /Ysmery Reyes
over me.”
mitment ofMr.
and religious educaCarnucho,
Hardy, Mr./Mrs. Jack G.
Seminarian Daniel Martin
– Jorge, 7
tion teachers,
we are able
to share our
Mr. Miguel
England, Mr./Mrs. Peter
Hart, Mr./Mrs. Michael
faith formation programs for children
Haussmann, Mr./Mrs. Kevin
Accurso, Dr./Mrs. Joe
and the RCIA classes for adults. The
Mr./Mrs. Mark P
Eusebe, Mrs. Marie
Heffernan, Mr./Mrs. Gerald
Adaikkalasamy, Mr. David
church trains its religious education
Evans, Mr./Mrs. Alexander
Herdocia, Mr./Mrs. Francisco
Aime, Ms. Nicole
directors and
teachers and
honors their
Evans, Mr./Mrs. Patricia
Hernandez, Mr./Mrs. Juan
Albert, Mr./Mrs. Robert
efforts toMr./Mrs.
ensure young
people gain a
Mr./Mrs. Jose
M. of faith.
Falkey, Ms. Jennifer
Herrera, Mr./Mrs. Luis J.
deeper understanding
of the gift
Alexandre, Ms. Marie J
Cervantes, Ms. Paulina A.
Falla, Mr. Marco
Herrholz, Mr. John
Alfonso, Mr./Mrs. Gustavo
Dear Priests,
is counting
on you…letFarias,
be enthralled
I, Mrs.
Hoffman, Ms. Maria
Almirall,Mr./Mrs. Jose
will be
heralds of
and peace. Mr./Mrs. Mark
F.hope, reconciliation
Hsia, Mrs. Martha
Alnarez, Ms. Isabel
—Pope Benedict
XVI, “Message
of the Holy Father: Proclaiming
for Priests”
June 16, 2009
Feria,a Year
Hunt, Mr. Joseph
Alvarado, Mr./Mrs. Bernardo
Charles, Ms. Claudine
Fernandez, Mr./Mrs. Henry A. Izquierdo,Mr. Julio
Alvarez, Mr./Mrs. Alejandro
“Imitate the Good
Ms. Lyndia
Wifredo Jackson, Mr./Mrs. Terry
Alvarez, Mr. Felix
A man is called to the priestly vocation
and wash
feet of the peoCharles,
Jesurun, Mr./Mrs. Ivar A.
Alvarez, Mr./Mrs. Miguel
with the hope of dedicating his life to
ple entrusted
to Raul
your care.”
Jimenez, Mr. Efrain
Alvarez, Mr. Narciso
the Lord’s
work. Nine
years of R.
discern– Archbishop Thomas
Wenski Luis
Juan in the seminary
Jimenez, Mr./Mrs. Efrain
Alvizuri, Mr. Juan
ment and
Mary for these candiFischer, Mrs. Anne
Johnson, Mrs. Ghislaine A.
Anglin, Mr. Andrea
the opportunity
Mrs. God’s
Fiume, Mr./Mrs. Steven
Johnson, Mr./Mrs. Robert
dates to answer
call. When one is
Antonelli,Mr./Mrs. Mark R.
to theJackeline
priesthood, he begins a
Florez, Dr. Luis
Jones, Mr./Mrs. David
Arango, Mr./Mrs. Mario R.
lifetime of
sacrifice as Robert
he celebrates the
Fortunato, Ms. Mayda P
Jubis, Mr./Mrs. Oscar
Arbesu, Mrs. Nury M.
and dedicates
his life to preachChueliturgy
Ms. Lauren
Friedlander, Mr./Mrs. Robert
Juiraolo, Ms. Yvette
Argenal, Ms. Anna
ing the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Mr./Mrs. Curtis
Gamache, Mr. John
Juliachs, Mr./Mrs. Alberto
Arguello, Mr. Joaquin
Julien, Mr./Mrs. Antonio
Ariza, Mr. Edgardo
Julien, Dr. Juana
Armstrong, Mr./Mrs. Craig
Julien, Ms. Margaret
Astudillo, Mr/Mrs. Alex
Kaldahl, Mr./Mrs. Scott
Avila, Ms. Karen J.
Kasner, Mrs. Maria Verdeja
Baca, Mr. Andersen
Kauffman, Mr./Mrs. Douglas
Baca, Mr./Mrs. Julio
Kauffman, Ms. Julie J.
Badillo, Mr./Mrs. Dennis A.
Kerr, Mr./Mrs. Oliver
Bailey, Mr. Jason
Khalil, Mr/Mrs. Sam
Balaquer, Mr./Mrs. Luis
Garcia, Mr./Mrs. Antonio J.
Khan, Ms. Martine
Baldelomar, Mr./Mrs.Alejandro Colten, Ms. Ann
Condon, Mrs. Rosalyn M
Garcia, Mr./Mrs. Carlos
King, Mr. Richard
Balepogi, Mr./Mrs. Fabian
Conte, Mr. /Mrs. Joseph P
Garcia, Mr./Mrs. Frank L.
King, Judge/Mrs. Richard
Ball, Mr./Mrs. Charles C.
Cordero, Mr./Mrs. Nocolar
Garcia, Ms.Hilda
Kissane, Mr./Mrs. Gene
Baltodano, Ms. Guiselle
Corradini, Mr./Mrs. Leo
Garcia, Mr./Mrs. Jose
Klinck-Shearman, Mr./Mrs. W.
Baron, Mr. Luis F.
Corrrales, Ms. Elizabeth
Garnica, Mr. Tomas
Knapp, Ms. Sara Jean
Barranco, Mr./Mrs. Orlando
Cortez, Mr. /Mrs. Sergio
Gavilia, Mr. Kenneth
Kopp, Mr. Paul
Barreiro, Ms. Teresita
Cox, Mr./Mrs. Edward
Germani, Mr./Mrs. Federico
Kraziem, Ms. Yasmine
Barreras, Ms. Zoraida
Crane, Ms. Elizabeth
Gibbons, Ms. Vivian
Kurps, Mr./Mrs. James
Bauta, Mr./Mrs. Juan
Crespo, Mr./Mrs. Juan Martin
Giroux, Mrs. Theresa
Lamb, Mr./Mrs. James
Bechtinger, Mrs. Cecilia
Cuervo, Mr./Mrs. Jorge
Girten, Mr./Mrs. James F.
Lappin, Mr./Mrs. Jay
Becker, Ms. Lydia
Cunningham, Mr./Mrs. James
Glynn, Ms. Mary
Leblanc, Ms. Danielle
Belisario, Mr./Mrs. Neuman
Dalrymple, Mrs. Linda A.
Godoy, Mrs. Marguerite
Lerena, Mr/Mrs. Carlos
Bell, Ms. Mary Patricia
Davidson, Mr./Mrs. Thomas
Gomez, Mr./Mrs. Jose
Ley, Ms. Dianne M.
Benitez, Mr./Mrs. Carlos
Davis, Mrs. Luisa
Gonzales, Mr/Mrs. Fernando
Lichtenstein, Mr./Mrs. Enrique
Benitez, Mr./Mrs. Victor
Dawso, Ms. Marcela
Gonzalez-Silva, Ms. Maria Luisa Lichtenstein, Mr./Mrs. Guy
Bertran, Mr. Ruben
De La Fe, Mr. Sergio
Gonzalez, Mr./Mrs. Eddie
Liwanag, Ms. Lillian
Biddulph, Mr. Terrence G.
De Leon, Mr./Mrs. Nat
Gonzalez, Mr./Mrs. Richard
Llera, Mr./Mrs. Ruben
Billbrough, Mr. Bart
Del Rio, Mr./Mrs. Carlos
Gonzalez, Ms. Rosa
Llorente, Mr./Mrs. Valentin
Blanck, Ms. Cynthia
Delavalle, Mr./Mrs. Augusto
Gonzalez, Mrs. Yessenia
Lobo, Mr./Mrs. John
Blanco, Mr./Mrs. Jose E.
Di Fede, Mr. Salvatore
Gordon, Ms. Mary Ann
Loffredo, Mr./Mrs. Anthony
Block, Mr./Mrs. Wayne B
Diaz, Mr. Angel
Grammes, Mr./Mrs. Wayne
Longueira, Mr. Joseph
Bravo, Mr. Cesar
Dollop, Mr. Robert
Green, Mr./Mrs. Christopher A. Lopez, Mr./Mrs. Albert
Bravo, Mr./Mrs. Nery
Green, Mrs. Patricia L.
Lopez, Mr. Albert
Brendecke, Mrs. Esperanza S. Donna, Mr. Diego
Donna, Dr./Mrs. Elio
Guerra, Mr. Misael
Lopez, Mr./Mrs. Calixto
Brito, Mr./Mrs. Brian
Donna, Ms. Sylvia
Guerrero, Dr./Mrs. Luis
Lopez, Mr./Mrs. Carlos
Brodsky, Mrs. Elizabeth
Dorado, Mr./Mrs. Luis
Guggenheim, Mr./Mrs. Ricardo Lopez, Mr. Carlos A.
Brooker, Mr./Mrs. Wesley
Downey, Mr. John
Guillen, Mr./Mrs. Jose
Lopez, Mr./Mrs. Hector
Brown, Mr./Mrs. Daniel
Driggs, Mr./Mrs. Raul
Gutierrez, Mr./Mrs. William
Lopez, Mr./Mrs. Thomas A.
Brown, Mr./Mrs. Robert M
Whatever you do to the least of my brothers and sisters, you do to me. Matt.25
Loretta, Mr./Mrs. James M
Loyd, Mr. G
Loys, Mr./Mrs. Raul
Lozano, Mr./Mrs. Thomas
Lyden, Mr./Mrs. Edward
Lynch, Mr. Allen L.
Lyngved, Mr./Mrs. Viggo
Mac Donald, Mr./Mrs. Stuart
Maghak, Mr./Mrs. Fady
Maloney, Ms. Lisa M
Manning, Mr. Chris
Marimon, Mrs. M.
Marmolejos, Mr./Mrs. Jose
Martin, Mr./Mrs. Brian
Martin, Mr./Mrs. Wayne
Martinez, Mr./Mrs. Arturo
Martinez, Ms. Aura
Martinez, Mrs. Maria J.
Martinez, Mr./Mrs. Marino
Martinez-Esteve, Mr./Mrs. Jorge
Martinez-Varela, Mr./Mrs. Carlos
Mastrapa, Ms. Yvonne
Maticorena, Mr./Mrs. Walter
Matos, Mr./Mrs. Ramon A.
Mccaffery, Ms. Joan
Mccormick, Ms. Jeanne
Mcelroy, Ms. Carolina A/Family
Mckee, Ms. Nancy
Medrano, Ms. Piedad
Mello, Mr./Mrs. Dennis
Mena, Mrs. Amanda C,
Mendez, Mr./Mrs. Juan
Mesa, Ms. Maria
Miller, Mr./Mrs. James
Miller, Ms. Joyce
Millien, Mr./Mrs. Bossuet D.
Mion, Mr./Mrs. Alejandro
Miranda, Mr./Mrs. Pablo
Mitchell, Mrs. Angela
Modrono, Jr., Mr./Mrs. Manuel
Monsanto, Ms. Andrea
Monterroso, Mr./Mrs. Victor
Monzayet, Mr./Mrs. Elias
Moreau, Mr./Mrs. Francis H.
Muniz, Mr./Mrs. Carlos
Murguido, Mr. Jose
Murkowski, Mr./Mrs. Michael
Murray, Mr./Mrs. Richard
Namoff, Ms. Karen
Negron, Mr./Mrs. Edgardo
Neumann, Mr./Mrs. Charles J.
Nicholls, Mrs. Ines
Nicoloso, Ms. Cinzia
Noguera, Ms. Amalia
Norena, Mr./Mrs. Oscar
Noto, Mr./Mrs. Thomas
Obermeier, Ms. Linda M.
O’brien, Ms. Maria
O’Connell, Mr./Mrs. Lawrence
Olivera, Mrs. Nora
Oria, Mr./Mrs. Jorge A.
Ortega, Mr./Mrs. Jose
Ortega, Mr. Ralph
Ortiz, Ms. Iris
Osorio, Mr. Ivan
Osterberger, Mr./Mrs. David
Otruba, Mr./Mrs. Richard
Padron, Ms. Silvia
Page, Mr./Mrs. Gregson J.
Page, Mr./Mrs. Larry
Page, Mr./Mrs. Raymond
Pagliery, Mr./Mrs. Jose H.
Palaszawski, Mr./Mrs. Dan
Parada, Mr./Mrs. Victor
Parlapiano, Mrs. Mayra
Parreira, Jr., Mr. Orestes
Parsons, Jr. Mr./Mrs. Van
Pastor, Mr./Mrs. Carlos
Pelleya-Kouri, Mr. Rene
Penaloza, Mr. Fernando
Peral, Mr./Mrs. Javier
Perez, Mr. Art
Perez, Mr./Mrs. Enrique
Perez, Mr./Mrs. Heberto
Perez, Mr./Mrs. Jose
Perez, Mr./Mrs. Rodolfo
Petersen, Ms. Susan
Pherson, Mr./Mrs. James W.
Phillips, Mr./Mrs. Bohn
Pierce, Mr. Chris
Pierce, Mr./Mrs. Jay
Plata, Mr. Haracio
Poozhikummel, Mr./Mrs. Joseph
Porro, Mr./Mrs. Juan L.
Prada, Mr./Mrs. David O.
Prahl, Mr./Mrs. H. William
Proulx, Ms. Margaret C.
Puente-Duany, Mr./Mrs. Rafael
Puyada, Mr./Mrs. Robert
Quinn, Mr./Mrs. Kenneth A.
Quirch, Ms. Josephina
Ramirez, Mr. Marcus
Ramos, Mr./Mrs. Pablo L.
Rams Jr. Mr./Mrs. Victor
Rego, Mr./Mrs. Ricardo
Remos, Mr./Mrs. Alejandro
Rey, Mr. Rene
Richards, Mr./Mrs. Kevin
Rieva, Ms. Claudia
Rigby, Ms. Lindsay
Rivera, Mrs. Cristina
Rodriquez, Mr./Mrs. Hernando
Rodriquez, Mr./Mrs. Luis
Rodriquez, Mr./Mrs. Manuel
Rodriquez, Mrs. Miriam
Rodriquez, Mr./Mrs. Pablo
Rodriquez, Mr./Mrs. Remberto
Rodriquez, Mr./Mrs. Victor
Rojas, Mr./Mrs. Aldemar
Rollensen, Mr./Mrs. Richard
Ronconi, Mr./Mrs. Anthony
Rosales, Mrs. Angie
Rosquete, Mr./Mrs. Robert
Rosso, Mr. Jorge L.
Rotolante, Mr./Mrs. Denis W.
Rottler, Mra. Ada
Ruiz, Mrs. Ana L.
Ruiz, Mrs. Jeannette
Ruiz, Mr./Mrs. Roberto
Ruiz, Mr. Oskar
Sabbag, Ms. Terri
Sabina, Mr./Mrs. Tony
Salvade, Mr./Mrs. Hector
Sanchez, Ms. Diana R
Sanchez, Ms. Luz Iris
Sanchez, Mrs. Nancy
Sanchez, Mr./Mrs. Pablo
Sanderson, Mr. Michael
Sang, Ms. Georgina
Santos, Ms. Teresita
Scarlett, Ms. Marcia
Schaefer, Ms. Faith S.
Scholer, Ms. Lois
Schwinghammer, Mr./Mrs. G.
Schwitalla, Mr./Mrs. Alphonse
Scott, Mr./Mrs. Joseph B.
Serig, Mr./Mrs. Charles E
Silberberg, Mr./Mrs. Noel
Silva, Mr./Mrs. Claudio
Silva, Mr./Mrs. Milton
Simons, Ms. Robbin
Simpson, Debra
Sitko, Mrs. Susan E.
Skidmore, Mrs. Ellen
Skinner, Mr./Mrs. Ron
Slocum, Ms. Cecilia E.
Mr. Small
Smith, Mr./Mrs. James F.
Smith, Ms. Martha
Smith. Ms. Anne
Solorzano, Mr. William
Songer, Mr./Mrs. Adrian
Sorensen, Mrs. Mercedes
Spring, Mr./Mrs. Michael C.
St Thomas, Mrs. Lori
Stade, Mr./Mrs. David J.
Stanham, Mr./Mrs. John
Stanham, Mr./Mrs. John
Stavro, Mr. Constantin
Suarez, Mr. Alfredo
Suris, Mr./Mrs. Jose
Sutton, Mr./Mrs. Everett
Tabe, Mr./Mrs. Jose
Taquechel, Mr./Mrs. Pablo
Teriele, Mr./Mrs. Thomas
Thang, Mr./Mrs. Nguyen
Tijerino, Mr./Mrs. Toribio
Tinoco, Mr./Mrs. Carlos
Tirado, Mr./Mrs. Felix
Tomonto, Mr./Mrs. Charles
Tomonto, Mrs. Irene R.
Tomonto, Mr./Mrs. Robert
Torrente, Mr./Mrs. Richard
Torres, Mr./Mrs. Jose Terry
Torricella, Mr./Mrs. Robert
Triguero, Ms. Giomar
Trimboli, Mr./Mrs. William
Trueba, Jr., Mr. William R.
Turner, Mrs. Corinne C,
Turner, Mrs. Grace D.
Urban, Mr. Frank
Vadia, Ms. Maria
Valdes, Mr./Mrs. Efrain
Valdes, Mrs. Estrella
Valencis, Mr. Jesus
Valera, Ms. Sara
Vamos, Mr./Mrs. David
Van De Water, Mr./Mrs. Thomas
Vasquez, Ms. Betty
Vega, Mr./Mrs. Jose
Velarde, Ms. Luna
Vells, Mr./Mrs. George
Venegas, Mr. Ed
Verdeja, Mr./Mrs. Octavio
Villena, Mr./Mrs. Jose A.
Vilomar, Mr. Gus
Viola, Mr./Mrs. Michael
Waldo, Mr. John
Warger, Mr./Mrs. Vincent J.
Welch, Mr./Mrs. Gregory
Wen, Mr./Mrs. B-Chen
Wenkoff, Mr./Mrs. Carman
Westman, Mr./Mrs. Mark
Whelpley, Mr./Mrs. David
Williams, Mr./Mrs. Byron J.
Winders, Mr./Mrs. Raymond
Witkowski, Mr./Mrs. Mark A.
Witkowski, Mr./Mrs. Michael
Woodburn, Mr./Mrs. Troy A.
Wright, Mrs. Carole
Wright, Mr./Mrs. William
Wright, Mr./Mrs. William
Yager, Ms. Denice
Yap, Mr./Mrs. Andrew
Yglesias, Mr./Mrs. Doug
Yip, Mr./Mrs. Tony
Young, Mrs. Arlene
Anonymous Donors
R.O.C.K. is a youth ministry program for all 7th and 8th
graders. We meet every Tuesday from 7:30 to 9:00 PM.
Events include Masses, social activities, retreats, service
projects, trips, etc. For further details, please contact Mark
Witkowski at the Youth Office, 305-238-7562 ext. 303.
Parish Events
Eventos Parroquiales
Monday – 7:00 AM – Men’s Bible – HR “B”.
Monday – 7:30 PM – Journey of Faith – HR “B”
Monday – 7:30 PM – Catholic Scripture – AFB.
Wednesday – 7:00 AM – Cursillo Fourth Day – HR “B”.
Wednesday – 7:30 PM – Catholic Bible – AFB.
Thursday – 7:00 AM – Women’s Prayer Muffin – FCW.
Thursday – 9:30 AM – Catholic Bible – AFB.
Friday – 7:00 AM – Men’s Prayer Muffin – FCW.
CENTERING PRAYER Would you like to know more about
contemplative prayer? Join the group that is meeting every
Friday in R.C.I.A. office at 7:30 PM. For further information
please call Joan Mullery, 305-252-3200.
GOLDEN AGERS Are you 55 or older? Do you want a little
extra activity in your life? Join the Golden Agers in the Family
Center every other Thursday at 10:30 am.; snacks, songs, bingo,
good fellowship. Questions? Call Marge at 305-385-0571.
Para Español puede comunicarse con Olga, 305-273-7340.
Nueva Vida Mtg. Friday 8:00 PM Lecture Hall
NEW LIFE CONFIRMATION is a high school ministry for
students who wish to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation.
This ministry meets weekly on Sundays at 4pm for catechesis;
after the meeting all candidates attend Mass at 5:30 pm in the
Main Sanctuary. Contact the Office of Youth and Young Adult
Ministries, 305-238-7562 ext. 303.
NEW LIFE SERVANT LEADERSHIP is a high school peer
ministry program that fosters the faith growth of young Catholics
committed to Gospel values. Students in this ministry are
involved in evangelizing other youth through retreats and other
activities. Servant leaders meet on Wed. at 7:30 pm. For more
details, please contact Office of Youth and Young Adult
Ministries, 305-238-7562 ext 303.
NEW LIFE YOUTH NIGHT a youth Ministry program taking
place Sundays, after the 5:30 pm Mass (7:15 – 9pm). We
welcome all High School students 9th to 12 grade. Come enjoy
a simple dinner, good music and relaxing with friends while
exploring our faith and getting to know the one who created
us. For more details contact Mark Witkowski, 305-238-7562
ext.303 or Email: [email protected].
meetings every Tuesday night at 7:30 PM in Hospitality
Room “B”. Please join us, be ministered to and meet friends,
new and old. For more information, please contact Brian
Rotolante, 305-665-1711.
“Amanecer”-Grupo de Codependencia (CODA)
Grupo de terapia y apoyo para personas obsesionadas
en controlar y/o agradar a otras personas relacionadas con el
uso o sin el uso, de substancias químicas. Nos reunimos los
lunes a las 8:00 PM, en el Hospitality Room “B”. Para más
información puede comunicarte con Maria 305-975-8832
o Fernando 305-924-8017 (entre 10:00 am y 8:00 pm).
meeting the First Saturday of every month, after the 8:30
AM Mass, from 9:00 to 10:00 am in Rooms #102-103 in
AFB, to pray for our children. Please join us at the 8:30 AM
Mass. For more information, contact Donna Albert, 305595-3713 or Carolyn Kaldahl, 305-251-1286.
and Mary” for Children 8 years old and up.
Every Friday in Lecture Hall from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
For information and registration please call Adela Siman at
or Adriana Molano at 786.486.5771
GRUPO DE ORACION PARA NIÑOS “Amigos de Jesús y María”
desde 8 años en adelante.
Nos reunimos todos los viernes en el “Lectura Hall “ de las
5:00 p.m. hasta las 7:00 p.m.
Para más información y registración llamar a Adela Siman
al teléfono 305.815.6117 o a
Adriana Molano al 786.486.5771
Aprender a Orar,
Aprender a Vivir
Talleres de Oracion y Vida
Padre Ignacio Larrañaga
En busqueda de una relacion mas íntima con el
Señor? Inscríbete en los Talleres de Oración y Vida.
Este taller de Oración te llevará a traves de las
Escrituras y con diversas formas de oración desarrollarás
una íntima relación con el Señor, convirtiendose Jesús
en tu mejor amigo. Los participantes alcanzarán la Paz
del Señor, y experimentarán verdadera alegría de vivir!!!
Para mayor información puedes llamar a Adela Freile al:
Los Talleres se llevarán a cabo en Español por
15 semanas consecutivas. Las sesiones son una vez
por semana y duran 2 horas. El Taller se iniciará el
Martes 8 de Febrero de las 8:00pm a 10:00pm en esta
Parroquia. Trae tu Biblia y un cuaderno de notas.
“Knights of Columbus”
St Louis Council 14730
GK: Kevin Kelleher 305-253-4926 [email protected]
DGK: Jim Loretta 305-968-8010 [email protected] General Meeting
When: Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Location: St Louis Family Center
Setup/Check in: 7:00 - 7:30 PM
1st Degree Exemplification
When: Wednesday, Feb 16, 2011
Time: Setup at 7:00 PM; Candidate at 7:30 PM
Location: St Louis Family Center
Event Guru: Mike McKeever
Wine and Dine for Valentine
Our music director, Dr. Gregory Taylor is offering
Piano lessons for all ages!
Call 786-208-8829 for more information.
Music News
New Choir members:
Are you interested in singing for the Lord?
We know you’re out there! With all of the beautiful
voices in our parish, we welcome you to come and
sing in our choir!
We really need male voices but all are welcome! We
rehearse Thursdays from 7;30 to 9:00.
Please call Greg at 786-208-8829
Now that Christmas and New Year are done, it is
time for us to focus on the
“Wine and Dine for Valentine” Dinner-Dance
Saturday February 12th at 7:30 PM
in the Family Center
Tickets are $25 per person and will be sold after all the
Masses in the Rotunda, every weekend until Valentine’s
Day; also they will be available in the Main Office, during
office hours.
For further information, please contact Larry
Barfield, 305-742-8072, [email protected]
or Fred Rebozo, 305-495-3342, [email protected]
Celebrate Christmas all Year Long
Give yourselves a special gift this Christmas – the gift of a weekend together
–a time to relax – to share insights about marriage and family – a time to grow
closer to the Lord and to each other?
Plan to attend the COVENANT WEEKEND, February 4th – 6th, to be
held at St. Louis. (You will be going home in the evenings.) You can SIGN UP
on the weekend alter all Masses.
Plan to join the many other St. Louis couples that have enjoyed this
experience. For additional information call Bob & Anne Tomonto, 305-2537738.
We are three weeks into planning and organizing this year’s Festival for the Poor.
Raffle tickets are being passed out (did you get yours?), Friday Night under the Big Top
Dinner tickets are on sale and likewise the Saturday Gourmet dinner tickets. Fabulous looking T-Shirts are on sale starting
this weekend. Pre-order your ride bracelets now. There is still time to sign up for the 5K Run/Walk for those in shape
and for us that need to get in shape. Outstanding Crafters will be there Saturday and Sunday. The international food is
indescribably delicious and plentiful. Of course there are plenty of cold beverages to help handle the South Florida sun.
Games and rides to keep the young folk busy. Oh ya, did I mention some games for the adults including Friday Night
Bingo? Friday night laser tag (grades 4 and up), silent auction are just a few more treats. Oh ya, I forgot about the 1st annual
Porky Pig Caja Cookoff on Sunday 3/6/11. More news to follow, stay tuned.
Loads of fun, food and entertainment-my kind of weekend. BUT, WE NEED YOUR HELP.
A few people cannot do this. It takes the St Louis Family and community to volunteer and
get It done. The following are needed:
1. Volunteers to hand out/sell raffle tickets after each mass until the Festival
2. Volunteers to sell T-Shirts after mass until Festival
3. Volunteers to sell Friday and Saturday Dinner tickets
4. Volunteer(s) to lead/work on the beverage committee
5. Volunteers to solicit sponsorships/auction items/place posters in local stores
6. Volunteers (Police Officers preferred) to provide security throughout the festival
7. Volunteers to work game and food booths
8. Volunteers to provide first aid
9. And more…
Please sign up after Mass to help in this St Louis Family Event or call Pat Desbiens 305-251-8988
Festival Dates & Times: March 4-5-6, 2011
Friday 7:00 – 10:00 PM
Saturday 8:00 AM (5K Run/Walk, Arts and Crafts)
10:00 AM Festival opens – 10:00 PM Festival closes
Sunday 9:00 AM – 12:00 Noon
Continental Breakfast (under the big top),
12:00 Noon Festival opens – 9:00 PM Festival closes
Raffle Tickets: 6 for $5.00 or $1.00 each
Friday Dinner Tickets: Adults $10.00; Children 10 and under $7.00
Saturday Gourmet Dinner Tickets: Adults $25.00
Sunday: 1st Annual Porky Pig Caja Cookoff $10.00
Ride Bracelets: Presale 2-day $25.00, 1 day $15.00 either day
At Event 2-day $30.00, 1 day $20.00 either day
T-Shirts: Youth $10.00, Adult Small – Large $12.00,
Adult 2X-3X $15.00
God Bless You,
Ken and Betty Quinn, 2011 Festival Chairs
Next Week’s Schedule
5:30 am
7:00 am**
8:15 am
9:30 am
11:00 am
12:30 pm
5:30 pm
7:15 pm
Stephen Porter (786-837-4117)
Ann Schoen (305-446-8124)
Zoraida Torres (305-270-7936)
Pat Desbiens (305-251-8988)
Lauren Chue-Sang (305-233-9494)
Milagros Marrou (305-234-2729)
Miriam Columbro (786-430-0302)
Jessica Hurtado (305-992-0625)
The Nursery is
OPEN every
Sunday for the
9:30 & 11:00 am
*These are the persons in charge of the scheduling of the Vocation Cup for the respective Mass. Please call them.
Lecturas del Día
PRIMERA LECTURA (Sofonías 2:3 3:12-13)
Sofonías, en medio de un pueblo corrupto, que se ha
olvidado de Dios, promete la elección de un grupo pobre y humilde que
hará la voluntad del Señor. Será “el resto” de Israel. A él pertenecerían los
discípulos del Bautista y también María y José. Jesús nació en el seno
de esa gente pobre y humilde fiel a Dios que esperaba en sus promesas.
SEGUNDA LECTURA (1 Corintos 1:26-31)
Pablo nos recuerda torpeza e incapacidad para recordarnos que si es que hay algo
que logramos es merced a Jesucristo, que lo obra todo en todos. San Pablo quiere
que busquemos la gloria de Dios y no que podamos presumir de nuestras cualidades.
Entonces nos volveríamos engreídos y podríamos mirar a Dios como a un rival.
EVANGELIO (Mateo 5: 1-12)
El discurso del Sermón de la Montaña es la nueva ley promulgada por Jesucristo
en nombre de Dios, y las bienaventuranzas, el nuevo decálogo que sustituye al de
Moisés. En ellas, Jesús proclama un programa de felicidad para quien opta por el
camino de la sencillez y la humildad, la pobreza y la justicia, la búsqueda de la paz y
la cercanía con los que sufren. Es, en verdad, la concreción de la Buena Noticia.
Monday/lunes St. John Bosco, priest
Jan. 31st Heb 11: 32-40; Mk 5-20
6:30 am
Gunda Herbet-Happy “100”
8:30 am
+ Nick & Frances/Cesarano Fam.
+Theresa Carney/Loving Family
Feb. 1st
Heb 12:1-4; Mk 5: 21-43
6:30 am
Special Intention-Aida Arbesu
8:30 am
+ Alex Pattinson/Loving Mother
+ Isabel Baca/Loving Family
Wednesday/miércolesThe Presentation of the Lord
Feb. 2nd
Mal 3:1-4; Heb 2: 14-18; Mk 2:22-40
6:30 am
Giovanna Zaldivar-Happy Birthday
8:30 am
+ Lilia & Jorge Martinez/Luly Martinez
7:30 pm
+ Alberto Baca/Loving Family
+ Maria Elena Romero/Vicky Zaldivar
Thursday/jueves St. Blaise, bishop-martyr/
St. Ansgar, bishop
Feb. 3rd
Heb12: 18-19, 21-24; Mk 6: 7-13
6:30 am
+ Souls in Purgatory
8:30 am
+ Souls in Purgatory
Feb. 4th
Heb 13: 1-8; Mk 6: 14-29
6:30 am
+ Souls in Purgatory
8:30 am
+ Ena Gontijo/Loving Family
Remember the Departed
Our prayers and sympathy are with
Grace Leto on death of her beloved
We pray that eternal peace shall be
hers as we pray that comfort be given
to her family and friends.
Mass Intentions,
Saints & Readings for the Week
Intenciones de la Misa,
Santos y Lecturas para la Semana
St. Agatha, virgin-martyr
Feb. 5th
Heb 13: 15-17, 20-21; Mk 6: 30-34
8:30 am
In Thanksgiving-Carole De Angelis
5:30 pm
Michael Elie/Gina Elie
Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Feb. 6th Is 58: 7-10; 1 Cor 2: 1-5; Mt 5: 13-16
7:00 am Mass for Life/Respect Life
8:15 am + Alberto & Isabel Baca/Loving Family
+ Decesed Members of the DiScala family
9:30 am + Raymond Lynch/Lourdes Bujan
+ Frances Becraft/Bill & Peggy Hearne
11:00 am St. Louis Parish Family/Parish Priests
+ Miriam Fernandez/Susan Mercade
12:30 pm + Alfonso Leto/Loving Wife
+ Venancio Mercade/Susan Mercade
5:30 pm + Katherina Soeldner/Brandt Family
Kevin Cooke-Happy Birthday
7:15 pm + Numi Donna/Carmen Leschhorn
Midnight Musings
Pensamientos de Media Noche
ABCD: Many Thanks from Many Hearts
In recent weeks many
members of our St. Louis Parish
Family have responded to the
challenge of Archbishop Wenski
to assist the needy members
of our Archdiocesan Family
through the annual ABCD, the
Archbishop’s Charities and Development campaign.
Many responded directly to the ABCD office through
direct mailing, or on line, or at a fund raising dinner.
We do not yet have the information about those donors
or their gifts. However, we do have hard numbers
about the pledges made last weekend in our parish:
512 donors pledged a total of $311,310. Some made
smaller gifts, others made very large ones. Thanks
for all those gifts that represent a generous spirit of
Christian sacrifice in our parish.
•Thanks to those who contribute every year
to the ABCD; the Archbishop needs our continuous
support to sustain many ministries.
• Thanks to those who increased their pledge
this year; you have a renewed vision of how important
your donation is.
• Thanks to those who are giving to ABCD for
the first time; you are stepping forward to join the in
great work of the Church in South Florida.
• Thanks to those who had given in the
past, though not in recent years, but who started to
contribute again this year; you decided to “start afresh
from Christ,” as the Archbishop says.
It was a good start. We will continue to accept
pledges for the ABCD. If you have not yet made your
pledge, do not miss the opportunity to reach out to your
sisters and brothers in the Catholic community of South
Florida. You can find brochures and pledge envelopes
in the church or in the parish office. Prayerfully consider
what you are able to give for those in need beyond our
parish. Through the cooperation of all our parishes
together in the ABCD, we can accomplish more than
any one parish could ever do by itself.
From Morningstar Renewal Center to the
seminaries in Miami and Boynton Beach, from Respect
Life to the Detention Ministry, from Schott Center for the
disabled to migrant worker ministries, and elsewhere–
many grateful hearts give thanks to you and to God for
your generosity and service.
Yours in Christ,
Muchas Gracias de Muchos Corazones
En las ultimas semanas muchos de
nuestros feligreses han respondido al reto
presentado por el Arzobispo Wenski de ayudar
a los más necesitados en nuestra Familia
Arquidiocesana a través de la Campaña Anual del ABCD (Obras
de Caridad y Desarrollo del Arzobispo). Muchos lo hicieron
directamente a la Oficina del ABCD, otros a través del correo
electrónico o postal y otros en las cenas de recaudación de fondos.
Todavía no tenemos esa información, o sea los nombres, ni las
cantidades ofrecidas. Sin embargo, si tenemos buenos números
de las ofertas de la semana pasada en nuestra parroquia: 512
donantes ofrecieron un total de $311,310. Algunos hicieron
pequeñas donaciones, otros cantidades importantes. Gracias a
todos por sus donaciones que representan el generoso espíritu
de sacrificio Cristiano en nuestra comunidad parroquial.
• Gracias a todos los que contribuyen año tras año al
ABCD; el Arzobispo necesita nuestro continuo apoyo para todos
sus ministerios.
• Gracias a todos los que aumentaron su oferta de
donación éste año, ustedes tienen una renovada visión de cuan
importante es su donación.
• Gracias a todos los ofrecieron éste año, pero en el
pasado no lo habían hecho; apreciamos su paso hacia delante
uniéndose al trabajo de la Iglesia del Sur de la Florida.
• Gracias a los que aportaron en el pasado, aunque no
en años recientes, y que ahora han vuelto a ofrecer donación
para ayudarnos “a comenzar de nuevo desde Cristo”, como dice
el Arzobispo.
¡Fue un buen comienzo! Continuaremos recibiendo
ofertas de donación para el ABCD. Si usted no ha hecho su
oferta de donación, no pierda ésta oportunidad de estar al
lado de sus hermanos y hermanas en la Comunidad Católica
del Sur de la Florida. Los folletos y los sobres para su oferta
de donación están disponibles en la Iglesia y en la oficina de
la parroquia. Considere meditadamente cuánto usted puede
donar para ayudar mas allá de nuestra parroquia a los mas
necesitados de la Iglesia. A través del apoyo y el esfuerzo de
todas las parroquias unidas es que el ABCD puede cubrir las
necesidades que una sola parroquia no puede lograr.
Desde el Centro de Renovación MorningStar a los
seminarios de Miami y de Boynton Beach, desde Respeto a la
Vida hasta el Ministerio de las Cárceles, desde el Centro Schott
para Discapacitados a los trabajadores inmigrantes, y donde
quiera – muchos corazones agradecidos de ustedes y de Dios
por su generosidad y servicio.
Suyo en Cristo,

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