“Come, Lord Jesus!” - St. Michael the Archangel


“Come, Lord Jesus!” - St. Michael the Archangel
St. Michael the Archangel Catholic Church
Established in1892
Sunday, December 8, 2013
“Come, Lord Jesus!”
That we may be people filled with God’s Peace.
Lord Jesus,
Master of both the light and the darkness, send
your Holy Spirit upon our
preparations for Christmas.
We who have so much to do seek quiet
spaces to hear your voice each day.
We who are anxious over many things look forward to your coming among us.
We who are blessed in so many ways long for
the complete joy of your kingdom.
We whose hearts are heavy seek the joy of your
We are your people, walking in darkness, yet
seeking the light.
To you we say, "Come Lord Jesus!"
- Henri J. M. Nouwen
Daily Mass
Monday, Wednesday and Friday: 8:00 am
Tuesday and Thursday: 5:30 pm
Adora on
6:00pm - 7:00pm
6:00pm - 7:00pm
1st Friday of the month
3:0pm - 4:00pm
8:30am - 12noon
Fr. Salvador Guzmán, Pastor
Fr. Eugene Azorji, Parochial Vicar
Deacons: George Polcer, Federico Marquez,
John Rapier, Patrick Hayes, Sid Li le
Holy Family (Quasi-Parish)
919 Spence Road  P.O. Box 482
Van Alstyne, Texas 75495  903.482.6322
Website: www.holyfamily-vanalstyne.org
Mass Times: Sunday
9:00am English
12 noon Spanish
Thursday 9:00am English
December 8, 2013,
Second Sunday of Advent
Thoughts from Pope Francis on the Catholic Church:
At times I feel: “I believe in God but not in the Church... I have heard that
the Church says... priests say..”. Priests are one thing but the church is not
formed solely by priests, the Church is all of us! And if you say that you
believe in God and you don't believe in the Church, you are saying that
you don't believe in yourself; and this is a contradiction. The Church is all of us: from the baby
just baptized to the Bishop, the Pope; we are all the Church and we are all equal in the eyes of
-From the General Audience of Pope Francis, September 11, 2013
December 8, 2013,
We pray for the repose of the Soul of
Lisa Marie Wickel, Rita Workman
Saturnina Contreras , Magnolia Jones
Antonia Alvarez de Almanza
Mass Readings
December 8th - December 15th
Sun., 8th of December – Second Sunday of Advent
Isaiah 11:1-10;Psalm 72;Romans 15:4-9; Mt 3:1-12
Mon., 9th of Dec. – Immaculate Conception of the
Blessed Virgin Mary
Genesis 3:9-15, 20; Ps 98; Eph 1:3-6, 11-12; Luke 1:26-38
This week’s sanctuary candle is dedicated in loving
memory of Patricia Serio
If you would like to have loved one or a
special intention remembered by
providing for the sanctuary candle,
please stop by the parish office.
We pray for those in need of healing
Deborah Pitrone, Francisca Blanco, Angelina Blanco,
Dominga Encizo, Eleno Tristan, George Nixon, Daryl Duit,
Eileen Christiaens, Lloyd Bryant, Lorenzo Vasquez, Margarita
Rodriguez, Leonel Sanchez, Sylvia Sanchez, Genovevo
Sanchez, Rebecca Escamilla, Mary Alboa, Albert Perez,
Ricardo Escamilla, Candy Koharchik, Francisco Artea, Rose
Comer, Brett Bulow, Walker Phillips, Albert Frettoloso, Lois
Flecher, Sister Genevieve Prochaska, Frank Prochaska
If you would like to add someone to the prayer list for healing,
please kindly call the parish office.
We Pray for our loved ones serving in the Armed Forces
Pedro Antonio Macias, Joseph Drew Macias, Kenneth Munyer,
Anthony Nelson, Michael Nelson, Alejandro Figueroa, Gerardo
Serriteño, Edgar Carrasco, Edwin Carrasco, Mark Mayor, Matthew
Mayor, Dale O. Wilkerson, Jr.,Peter Michelena, Cameron Goswick,
Kara Earle, Aaron Lestage, Billy Huntley, Dawson Nethery, Roger
Bartz, Lucas Bartz, Andrew Bibanco, Rachael Smith, Preston Mainz,
Taylor Bowsher, David LaSala, Randall Dustin Almendarez, James A.
Bagert, Ramiro Martínez, Eric Seyl, Roy Sombrano, Jr., Dallion
Richards, Kamaan Richards, Marcus Aragonez, Ray Garza, Jr.
The Light is ON
Second Sunday of Advent
for YOU.
Celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation
At the end of this Year of Faith, the Church invites us to
renew our faith and rekindle our relationship with our Savior
Jesus Christ. One of the greatest ways to accept this
invitation is through the Sacrament of Reconciliation,
given to us by Jesus to receive His healing love.
The Church encourages us to make confession a regular
part of our spiritual life, especially during the holy season of
Lent, as we reflect on our baptism and repentance. Again
this year, our Bishop Kevin J. Farrell is helping to make this
experience possible by arranging for a Christmas initiative
on again being The Light Is On For You.
On Wednesday, December 18th, all parishes in the
Catholic Diocese of Dallas will have their "lights on" for
confession and quiet prayer so that Catholics can come to or
return to this incredible source of God’s
grace, mercy and healing.
Tues., 10th of December
Isaiah 40:1-11; Psalm cf. Is 40; Matthew 18:12-14
Wed., 11th of December
Isaiah 40:25-31; Psalm 103; Matthew 11:28-30
Thurs., 12th of Dec. – Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe
Sir24:1-2,34-,8-12,18-21;or Rv11:19a;12:1-6a,10ab;Jdt 13;Lk1:39-47
Fri., 13th of December – St. Lucy
Isaiah 48:17-19; Psalm cf. Jn 8; Matthew 11:16-19
Sat., 14th of December – St. John of the Cross
Sir 48:1-4, 9-11; Psalm 80; Matthew 19:9a, 10-13
Sun., 15th of December – Third Sunday of Advent
Isaiah 35:1-6, 10; Ps 146; Jas 5:7-10; Mt 11:2-11
Mass Intentions for the Week
Sunday, December 8th
8:00 am  Eugene “Moose” Barszcz
9:30 am  Alicia Torres Torres &
 Jesús Ceja Méndez
11:30 am  Alice Paretti
1:30 pm
Souls in Purgatory
7:00 pm
For the People
Monday, December 9th
Tuesday, December 10th
8:00 am  Jude Barcenas 5:30 pm  Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Tasch
7:00 pm  Guadalupe Nuñez
7:00 pm For the People
Wednesday, December 11th
Thursday, December 12th
8:00 am  Guadalupe Pérez
5:30 pm  Amelia Jara
10:00 pm
Guadalupe Aguilar
8:00 pm For the People
Friday, December 13th
Saturday, December 14th
8:00 am  Jules Scallan
5:00 pm  Juan S. Lopez
Lighting a candle
Come turn on the light that doesn’t end.
Your resurrection has enlighten the world.
Come turn on
the light that doesn’t end.
Let darkness and death flee.
Come turn on the light that doesn’t end.
Your day does not know night.
Come turn on the light that doesn’t end.
Your light enlightens you servants.
Come turn on the light that doesn’t end.
Your love preserves our disciples.
Come turn on the light that doesn’t end.
December 8, 2013,
Second Sunday of Advent
Are you new to our parish?
Not sure what number to call
to reach the parish office?
Are you or someone you know,
in need of assistance?
Interested in making a
dona on?
Interested in becoming
members of our parish?
Please visit our website
to download our parish
registra on form.
Parish Office: 972-542-4667 Fax: 972-542-4641
Faith Forma on Office: 972-542-4685
Youth Ministry Website: stmikeyouth.com
Mailing Address: 411 Paula Road, McKinney, Texas 75069
Email: [email protected]
Website: stmichaelmckinney.org
Ministry Email: [email protected]
Family Life Email: [email protected]
Office Hours:
We welcome you!
Weekend Mass Schedule:
Saturday: Vigil Mass 5:00pm
Sunday: 8:00am & 11:30am
Spanish: 9:30am & 1:30pm
Monday—Friday: 9:00 am—5:00pm
Office is closed on Saturday & Sunday
St. Vincent de Paul Society Helpline:
St. Vincent de Paul Email:
[email protected]
Thri Store Dona on Pickup Hotline
Weekly Calendar
Weekly Calendar (con nued)
Sunday, December 8
8:00 – 3:00pm
St. Vincent de Paul Food Collec on, Narthex
9:00 – 10:00am Adult Bible Study, CL 3
10:00 – 1:15pm Faith Forma on K-6th, All Rooms
12:30 – 1:15pm Bap sms (Eng.), Church
6:00 – 8:00pm
Youth 9th-12th, All Rooms
Novena to Our Lady of Guadalupe, Church
Monday, December 9
Novena to Our Lady of Guadalupe, Church
Recep on, SR, HF
Tuesday, December 10
St Vincent de Paul Food Pantry, HF
Novena to Our Lady of Guadalupe, Church
Recep on, SR, HF
Wednesday, December 11
St Vincent de Paul Food Pantry, HF
Bap sm Registra ons, SM, CL3
Children’s Choir Rehearsal, HF
5:30 – 6:30pm
Christmas Program & Music Rehearsal, Church
Faith Forma on 7th-8th, All Rooms
Novena to Our Lady of Guadalupe, Church
Mañanitas at 11:30pm, Church
Thursday, December 12
St Vincent de Paul Food Pantry, HF
Mass, Adora on, and Confession, Church
7:00—10:00pm Women’s CRHP, CL 3
8:00pm Novena to Our Lady of Guadalupe, Church
Friday, December 13
12:30—1:30pm St Vincent de Paul, Truck Delivery, HF
Choir (9:30 Sp.) Rehearsal, HF
Saturday, December 14
7:00—10:30am St. Vincent de Paul Food Distribu on, SR, HF
7:00—11:00am T.O.V., Escuela de Formación, Drake
11:15—4:45pm Faith Forma on K-12th, All Rooms
Movimiento Familiar Cris ano, SM
KOC & Women’s Guild, Church (Decora ng)
Choir (9:30 Sp.) Rehearsal, Drake
Bulle n announcements should be submi ed to the
bulle n editor at: [email protected]
at least 2 weeks in advance for considera on.
Thank you.
Weekends of November 27th & December 1st
Attendance 1st Collection 2nd Collection (Debt) Catholic Cam Hum Dev
Attendance 1st Collection 2nd Collection (Debt) Christmas Flowers
Phillipine’s Relief Fund: $3,914.50 Thanksgiving Attendance: 800 Offering: $1,750.00
“Give to the Most High as he has given to you, generously, according to your means. For the LORD is one who always repays,
and He will give back to you sevenfold.” - Sirach 35:9-10
December 8, 2013,
Second Sunday of Advent
Every Tear Brings the Messiah Closer
"People are always impatient, but God is never in a hurry!" Nikos Kazantzakis wrote
those words and they highlight an important truth: We need to be patient, infinitely
patient, with God. We need to let things unfold in their proper time, God's time.
Looking at religious history through the centuries, we cannot help but be struck by the
fact that God seemingly takes his time in the face of our impatience. Our scriptures
are often a record of frustrated desire, of non-fulfillment, and of human impatience. It's
more the exception when God intervenes directly and decisively to resolve a
particular human tension. We are always longing for a messiah to take away our pain
and to avenge oppression, but mostly those prayers seem to fall on deaf ears.
And so we see in scripture the constant, painful cry: Come, Lord, come! Save us!
How much longer must we wait? When, Lord, when? Why not now? We are forever
impatient, but God refuses to be hurried. Why? Why is God, seemingly, so slow to
act? Is God callous to our suffering? Why is God so patient, so plodding in his plan,
when we're suffering so deeply? Why is God so excruciatingly slow to act in the face
of human impatience?
There's a line in Jewish apocalyptic literature, which metaphorically, helps answer this question: Every tear
brings the messiah closer! There is, it would seem, an intrinsic connection between frustration and the
possibility of a messiah being born. It seems that messiahs can only be born after a long period of human
yearning. Why?
Human birth already helps answer that question, gestation cannot be hurried and there is an organic
connection between the pain a mother experiences in childbirth and the delivery of a new life. And that's also
true of Jesus' birth. Advent is a gestation process that cannot be rushed. Tears, pain, and a long season of
prayer are needed to create the conditions for the kind of pregnancy that brings forth a messiah into our
world. Why? Because the real love and life can only be born when a long-suffering patience has created the
correct space, the virginal womb, within which the sublime can be born. Perhaps a couple of metaphors can
help us understand this.
John of the Cross, in trying to explicate how a person comes to be enflamed in altruistic love, uses the image
of a log bursting into flame in a fireplace. When a green log is placed in a fire, it doesn't start to burn
immediately. It first needs to be dried out. Thus, for a long time, it lies in the fire and sizzles, its greenness and
dampness slowly drying out. Only when it reaches kindling temperature can it ignite and burst into flame.
Speaking metaphorically, before a log can burst into flame, it needs to pass through a certain advent, a
certain drying out, a period of frustration and yearning. So, too, the dynamics of how real love is born in our
lives. We can ignite into love only when we, selfish, green, damp logs, have sizzled sufficiently. And the fire
that makes us sizzle is unfulfilled desire.
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin offers a second metaphor here when he speaks of something he calls "the raising
of our psychic temperature." In a chemistry laboratory it's possible to place two elements in the same test
tube and not get fusion. The elements remain separate, refusing to unite. It is only after they are heated to a
higher temperature that they unite. We're no different. Often it's only when our psychic temperature is raised
sufficiently that there's fusion, that is, it's only when unrequited longing has raised our psychic temperature
sufficiently that we can move towards reconciliation and union. Simply put, sometimes we have to be brought
to a high fever through frustration and pain before we are willing to let go of our selfishness and let ourselves
be drawn into community.
Thomas Halik once commented that an atheist is simply another term for someone who doesn't have enough
patience with God. He's right. God is never in a hurry, and for good reason. Messiahs can only be born inside
a particular kind of womb, namely, one within which there's enough patience and willingness to wait so as to
let things happen on God's terms, not ours.
Hence, ideally, every tear should bring the messiah closer. This isn't an unfathomable mystery: Every
frustration should, ideally, make us more ready to love. Every tear should, ideally, make us more ready to
forgive. Every heartache should, ideally, make us more ready to let go of some of our separateness. Every
unfulfilled longing should, ideally, lead us into a deeper and more sincere prayer. And all of our pained
impatience for a consummation that seems to forever elude us should, ideally, makes us feverish enough to
burst into love's flame. To offer yet another image: It is with much groaning of the flesh that the
life of the spirit is brought forth!
Oblate Father Ron Rolheiser, theologian, teacher, and award-winning author
December 8, 2013,
Second Sunday of Advent
St Vincent de Paul Food Pantry
Holy Family Hall
Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday
Open: 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Second Saturday of the month
8:30 am to 10:30 am
January 1
January 1
4:00 pm Children’s Mass
6:00 pm English Mass
8:00 pm Spanish Mass
10:00 pm English Mass
10:00 am English Mass
5:30 pm Vigil Mass Eng.
10:00 am English Mass
12:00 noon Spanish Mass
Envelopes for our Christmas Flower Collection
are available in the narthex. Your donations are
appreciated and will help make the altar look
extra special for Christmas. Thank you.
Prayers & Squares
We thank everyone for having
contributed to this year’s Quilt Raffle. We
thank everyone for purchasing tickets.
The winners this year are:
Charlie Jones - Texas Our Texas Quilt
Laura Von Eiff - Americana Quilt
Due to your support, the group was able to make a
donation of $400 to the he Building Fund. Thank you.
St. Monica & St. Michael’s
The Food Pantry serves those most needy and your
help is always appreciated.
This year, our parish helped
provide complete Thanksgiving meals for 36
families. A total of 271 families; 1092
individuals were served during the month of
November by the food pantry. This would not be
possible without your commitment to helping
those most in need.
Magi Tree
Magi Tree Gifts
Due Very Soon
If you have taken an
ornament from the
Magi Tree, please remember that the final date for
returning gifts is approaching.
We would like to ask that all gifts be placed under
the trees by next weekend - December 15th. Thank
you for your wonderful generosity.
Christ Child Mass
Tuesday, December 17th
at 5:30pm in the Church
Featuring the St. Monica Choirs,
Orchestra and Handbells
Singing, Caroling, and
beautiful instrumental music!
Come hear the choirs of Dr. Jeremy Wirths,
former music director at St. Michael.
Sunday, December 15th at 4:00 p.m.
Reception to follow following and
a chance to socialize!
All are invited to bring a new unwrapped baby item
for the offering. All items collected at this Mass
will be donated to the White Rose Women’s Center;
their mission is to help new mothers and their
babies. Your donations will be put to good use.
Sponsored by the St. Michael’s Women’s Guild
8 de diciembre 2013,
Segundo domingo de Adviento
La fiesta de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe nos invita a ver y valorar la hermosura y trascendencia del ser
madre. De ser, pura y simplemente, ¡madre!
Pidamos a Nuestra Madre de Guadalupe por todas las madres del mundo, que les de fortaleza y amor para
vivir ese gran don que Dios les ha regalado.
8 de diciembre 2013,
Segundo domingo de Adviento
Padre Salvador Guzmán, Párroco
Padre Tony Judge, C.Ss.R. Misionero Redentorista
Fechas: martes, 3 de diciembre a jueves, 12 de diciembre
domingo, 8 de dic. - 7:00pm
*martes, 3 de dic. - 7:00pm
*miércoles, 4 de dic.– 7:00pm lunes, 9 de dic.– 7:00pm
martes, 10 de dic. - 8:00pm
*jueves, 5 de dic. - 8:00pm
*miercoles,11 de dic-10:00pm
*viernes, 6 de dic. - 7:00pm
Mañanitas a las 11:30pm
*sábado, 7 de dic. - 7:00pm
*jueves, 12 de dic. - 8:00pm
Acompáñenos diario a
rezar el Rosario 30 minutos antes de cada reflexión o Misa
¡Madre mía, socorred a mis hijos! que esta
palabra sea el grito de mi corazón desde la
aurora. ¡Oh María!, que vuestra bendición los
acompañe, los guarde, los defienda, los anime, los
sostenga en todas partes y en todas las cosas.
Cuando postrados ante la presencia del Señor
le ofrezcan sus tributos de alabanza y oración,
cuando le presenten sus necesidades, o imploren
sus divinas misericordias, ¡Madre mía, socorred
a mis hijos!.
Cuando se dirijan al trabajo o al estudio donde
el deber los llama; cuando pasen de una
ocupación a otra, a cada movimiento que
ejecuten, a cada paso que den y a cada nueva
acción, ¡Madre mía, socorred a mis hijos!
¡Madre mía, socorred a mis hijos!
Cuando la prueba venga a ejercitar su
debilísima virtud y el cáliz del sufrimiento se
muestre ante sus ojos; cuando la Divina
Misericordia quiera instruirlos y purificar por el
sufrimiento, ¡Madre mía, socorred a mis hijos!
Cuando el infierno, desencadenado contra
ellos, se esfuerce en seducirlos con los atractivos
del placer, las violencias de las tentaciones y los
malos ejemplos, ¡Madre mía, socorred y
preservad de todo mal a mis hijos!
Cuando en la noche se dispongan al descanso
a fin de continuar con nuevo fervor al día siguiente
su camino hacia la eterna Patria, ¡Madre mía,
socorred a mis hijos!
Que vuestra bendición, Madre mía, descienda
sobre ellos, en el día, en la noche, en el consuelo,
en la tristeza, en el trabajo, en el descanso en la
salud y en la enfermedad, en la vida y en la
muerte. Así sea.
Oración de la madre cristiana por la fe
de los hijos
Señor, fuente de toda vida, somos
madres cristianas. Con tu bendición y la
cooperación de nuestros maridos, hemos
concebido para esta vida temporal a
nuestros hijos. Pero nuestra misión no
termina con el nacimiento de nuestros hijos.
Queremos también concebirlos para la vida
eterna. Para lograrlo, insistimos con igual
devoción y constancia que santa Mónica,
en estas peticiones, repitiendo esta suplica:
¡Ayúdanos, Padre y Señor nuestro!
Para que, como santa Mónica, guiemos a
nuestros hijos hacia ti con nuestra
propia vida, más decididamente
cristiana cada día:
¡Ayúdanos, Padre y Señor nuestro!
Para que nos esmeremos en lograr la
plena cooperación de nuestros maridos
en sembrar y consolidar la fe de los
¡Ayúdanos, Padre y Señor nuestro!
Para que, como santa Mónica, tratemos
bien a nuestros hijos, y procedamos en
todas las circunstancias con dulce
serenidad, autoridad y amor:
¡Ayúdanos, Padre y Señor nuestro!
8 de diciembre 2013,
Sagrada Lectura:
8 de diciembre al 15 de diciembre
Segundo domingo de Adviento
para TI.
Celebra el Sacramento de la Reconciliación
domingo, 8 de diciembre – Segundo Domingo de Adviento
Is 11:1-10; Salmo 72; Rom 15:4-9; Mt 3:1-12
lunes, 9 de diciembre – Solemnidad de la Inmaculada
Concepción de la Santísima Virgen María
Gén 3:9-15, 20; Salmo 98; Ef 1:3-6, 11-12; Lc 1:26-38
martes, 10 de diciembre
Is 40:1-11; Salmo cf. Is 40; Mt 18:12-14
miércoles, 11 de diciembre
Is 40:25-31; Salmo 103; Mt 11:28-30
jueves, 12 de dic. – Fiesta de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe
Sir 24:1-2, 34-, 8-12, 18-21; or Ap 11:19a; 12:1-6a, 10ab; Jdt
13; Lucas 1:39-47
viernes, 13 de diciembre – Mem. de santa Lucia
Is 48:17-19; Salmo cf. Jn 8; Mateo 11:16-19
sábado, 14 de diciembre – Mem. de san Juan de la Cruz
Sir 48:1-4, 9-11; Salmo 80; Mateo 19:9a, 10-13
domingo, 15 de diciembre – Tercer Domingo de Adviento
Is 35:1-6ª, 10; Salmo 146; Santiago 5:7-10; Mateo 11:2-11
“La luz está encendida para ti” es una iniciativa
Diócesis Católica de Dallas dirigida a todos los
católicos para poner a su disposición el sacramento
de Reconciliación. La confesión es una maravillosa
oportunidad para poner a un lado el camino
pecaminoso y poder acercarnos a nuestro Señor.
En diciembre, todas las Iglesias de la Diócesis de
Dallas tendrán confesiones el
miércoles – 18 de diciembre.
Si tú has estado considerando y dudando hacer uso
de este sacramento, si has estado lejos por mucho
tiempo o siempre se te ha hecho difícil llegar a las
horas de confesión los días sábados, esta es una
maravillosa oportunidad para re-encontrarte y
reconciliarte con Cristo y su Iglesia.
Cada jueves
6:00pm - 7:00pm
Primer Viernes de cada mes
8:30am - 12 del mediodía

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