June 2016 - Members Credit Union


June 2016 - Members Credit Union
In This Issue:
Wig Walk Recap
July 4th Holiday
Ashley’s Mortgage Minutes
Summer Saving Suggestions
Wig Bowl in Newton, NC
Golf Tournament Recap
El RincónLatino/ Latino
July 4th
Holiday Closing
All of Members CU’s offices
will be closed on Monday, July
4th to observe Independence
Day. MCU@Home, Tell-Com
and MCUmobile will continue
to be available 24/7 for your
June 1, 2016
5th Annual Wig Walk Raises $6,640
Nearly 150 people participated in Members CU’s 5th Annual Wig Walk
benefiting the Wig Bank of Caldwell County, a cancer patient support center for
cancer survivors and their families in western NC. The total amount raised this year
was $6,640.
This year’s exclusive sponsor was McCreary Cancer Center, a service of UNC
Hospitals and part of UNC Cancer Care, that is located beside the Wig Bank. The
Wig Walk also received support from Blue Ridge Electric Co., The News-Topic,
Chloebugs, Caldwell UNC Health Care, and Sugar Peas.
A new addition to the event included a pink fire truck covered with signatures
and names of cancer survivors. The fire truck was provided by the North Carolina
Foothills Chapter of Pink Heals, a nonprofit dedicated to raising local funding for
cancer patients.
Every year during the walk, Members CU holds a Wig Walk Wig Contest. This year’s
winner was Shirley Heidelmark who dressed in hot pink angel wings and a matching
hot pink wig.
“I’m the cancer-free angel,” announced
Heidelmark, a cancer survivor and Wig Bank
volunteer, “I’m trying to make others cancer
If your VISA debit card is lost
or stolen, please call 1-866-3334740.
We hope you and your family
have a fun and safe Fourth of
Top left - Shirly Heidlemark.
Top right- Volunteers from
MCU: Channie Winebarger,
Rob Semar, Jennifer Young, and
Bridget Hamby.
Bottom left: West Caldwell High
School Walking Team in front of
Pink Heals Fire Truck.
Ashley’s Mortgage Minutes
Hello Credit Union Members!
At Fairway, we understand that purchasing
a home is generally one of the most
important financial decisions you will
make in your lifetime. It is essential to
evaluate your options, and make a plan
that best fits your lifestyle and financial
needs. This chart shows how much your
rent payments could add up over the years:
Monthly Rent
After 2 years After 5 yearrs
This is money you could be investing in a
Call me today, and let’s evaluate your
individual situation together!
Ashley McKenzie-Sharpe
Senior Loan Officer
Office: 336-748-4599
Cell: 336-575-9448
Email: [email protected]
Summer Saving Suggestions
Charity Bowl-a-Thon to take Place in Newton, NC
Summer is here and things
are getting hot. Families are
getting out of the house more and
spending more time outdoors. Here
are five summer tips to keep you
cool, from Members CU.
Last year we held the Third Annual Wig Walk in Hickory to benefit the Catawba County Wig Bank, and our efforts
raised $5,189. These funds helped pay rent and electricity at the Wig Bank’s 437 Main Avenue location in Hickory,
allowing more of the Wig Bank’s budget to go towards purchasing new
wigs and head coverings.
Stay cool without breaking the bank.
1. The summertime is tough on
your car, but it doesn’t have to
be a tough time on your wallet.
Sitting in traffic on a hot day is one of the best ways to overheat
your car. If you have low coolant levels or a broken fan belt, your
engine temperature is going to go up - and fast, costing you a lot
of money. Check under the hood and make sure that your coolant
levels are fine. The general rule is to flush your radiator and add
new coolant at least every two years. If your car is not worth
repairing or maybe you want a change of scenery, Members CU
offers great auto financing rates as low at 1.75% APR for both
new and used vehicles.
2. Save money and cook outside! On a hot summer day, the last
thing you want to do is heat up your house with the stove. Take
your pots and pans out to the grill and serve dinner on the patio
this evening. You will save on your air conditioning budget and
enjoy your picnic dinner outside.
The need to help cancer patients in Catawba County is still great.
According to the Catawba County Public Health Department, cancer
is one of the leading causes of death in Catawba County. That’s why
Members Credit Union is continuing to support the Wig Bank through
fund raising.
Kid’s Registration $10
12 years or younger receive a certificate.
Early Registration $25
Register at Members CU or memcu.com by
July 8th. Honor Registration $50
Honor someone who has battled or is battling
cancer by having their name listed on the
2016 Bowl T-shirt. Deadline for Honor
Registration is June 24.
This year we are planning to a host a Wig Bowl, a bowl-a-thon at Pin
Station Bowling Alley located on 525 West A Street in Newton, NC on
Saturday, July 30th from 9 AM to 1 PM. All registrations include three
games of bowling and shoe rental. All registrations except for the Kid’s
will include a 2016 Wig Walk T-shirt.
Make checks payable to Catawba County Wig Bank and turn in at Members
CU. Mail early registrations to Attn. Wig Bowl, Members CU, PO Box
5297, Winston-Salem, NC 27113. Must be postmarked by July 22nd.
Registration @ 9 AM / Bowl @ 10 AM / Wig Fashion Show @ 12:30 PM
3. A long beach trip may not be in your budget, but you can still
find ways to relax in the sun over the summer. A day trip to a
nearby lake with your friends can give you the chance to soak up
the sun by the water without costing as much as trip to the beach.
Do not forget your Vacation Club account that Members Credit
Union offers. Saving money has never been this easy with payroll
deduction in amounts as little as $5.00 a pay period. You can call
and request the funds for your vacation at any time.
2016 MCU Charity Golf Tournament
4. Stop eating out and take advantage of the great weather to grill
out. You can purchase fresh produce at much lower costs in the
summer. It is a great time to eat healthy and light. Visit your local
farmers market, or a farmer’s stand, to get the freshest food.You
can also go to a farm that allows you to pick your own produce if
you want to break up the monotony. Gardening and growing your
own food is a great way to save on food costs in the summer.
The MCU Scholarship Fund was established in 1996 and provides academic and need based scholarships to MCU
members. In 2016, 10 members received scholarships worth a total of $12,000. Since the inception of our program the
credit union has provided $222,500 in scholarships to our members.
5. The summer is a time full of festivals, outdoor events and
parties. Take advantage of the free festivals in your area. Many
cities host a free summer concert series in a park or downtown.
Search for outdoor screenings of movies. At times the movies
may be free, or the charge is less than going to a theater. It can be
refreshing to sit outside and enjoy a movie under the stars.
Join us on July 30th at Pin Station to support the Catawba County Wig Bank
On Friday May 20th, Members CU held its 20th Annual Charity Golf Tournament at the Maple Chase Golf and
Country Club in Winston-Salem, NC. This year’s tournament benefited two very worthy causes as the proceeds will be
divided equally between the Members CU Scholarship Fund and The Wig Banks of Caldwell and Catawba Counties.
This year the tournament raised over $6,100!
The Wig Banks of Caldwell and Catawba Counties provide services such as free cancer screenings, transportation
expenses to cancer treatment centers and prosthetic wigs for those who have lost their hair due to chemotherapy. MCU
sponsors annual Wig Walks to support the Wig Banks of Caldwell and Catawba Counties. The initial Wig Walk was
held in Caldwell County in 2012 and the first Catawba County Wig Walk occurred in 2013.
Funds were raised with the help of our very generous sponsors: First Carolina Corporate CU, Air One Industries,
FISERV, State National, Fort Bragg Federal CU, CSCU, Level 3 Communications, PFP, the John Loftin Family, Howe
Construction and Carol Cooke.
El Rincón Latino
Es diferente ahorrar que no gastar
Una señora se le acerca a un hombre que estaba tomandose un
trago en un bar y le pregunta si bebe todos los días a lo que el le contesta
afirmativamente. Luego le averigua cuanto paga por cada trago que se
toma y cuantos años hace que hace lo mismo. Entonces la mujer hace la
matemática del valor del trago por el número de días por los 30 años que
lo lleva haciendo y le dice al hombre: “sabía usted que si no se hubiera
gastado toda esa plata y mas bien la hubiera ahorrado e invertido, tendría
usted dinero suficiente para comprarse un Ferrari?”El hombre se voltea,
la mira y le dice que es probable que lo que ella está diciendo sea cierto
y entonces le pregunta: “Usted bebe?” Ella le contesta enfáticamente que
jamas, que no. El hombre entonces le pregunta: “Señora, entonces en
donde está su Ferrari?”
Personalmente me preocupa que una persona tenga estas
costumbres pero su historia nos sirve para reflexionar. Esta anecdota trae a
colación un punto muy interesante “no es lo mismo ahorrar que no gastar”.
Si usted no gasta pero no hace nada con esa plata que está dejando de
gastar, no está haciendo nada. De hecho bajar costos es muy bueno para
nuestro presupuesto. Recortar gastos nos libera recursos. Sin embargo,
si usted no hace algo con ese dinero como ahorrarlo, no tiene mucho
sentido. La señora de la anecdota no “gastó” dinero en beber pero tampoco
“ahorró”. Realmente no hizo nada. El ahorro está hecho para utilizarlo en
momentos de necesidad, de urgencia o de eventos inesperados. No es que
yo corto el gasto del café pero entonces me como un bizcocho. No; es yo
corto los gastos, guardo esa cantidady los acumulo para que ese ahorro esté
ahí cuando sin esperar lo tenga que usar.
El recortar gastos no le pone plata en su bolsillo, o en su cuenta de
ahorros o en su plan de inversiones. El punto está en que no es suficiente
hacer cambios en su comportamiento de como gastar el dinero si usted
no se hace un plan de a donde quiere que ese dinero vaya. Asegurese que
tiene metas con significado para usted. Asegurece que el dinero que ha
logrado ahorrar está haciendo algo bueno por usted, si no para que lo haría
Members CU’s
Current Rates
Loan Rates
(Rates shown as Annual Percentage Rate)
Fixed Rate Loans
New Car or Truck............... as low as1.75%*
Used Car or Truck............... as low as1.75%*
* Rate is subject to qualifications.
Variable Rate Loans
Visa Credit Card, Personal Loan or
Unsecured Credit Line...................... 10.75%
Equity Access.................................... 5.50%
Savings/Certificate Secured................ 2.50%
Savings Rates
(Rates shown as Annual Percentage Yield)
Share, Trust, & Custodian Accts........... 0.15%
Checking Accounts............................ 0.05%
Super 60 Savings.............................. 0.30%
Money Market Accounts..................... 0.20%
Christmas Club.................................. 0.05%
IRAs.................................From 0.30-0.80%
5-Month Certificate........................... 0.15%
6-Month Certificate........................... 0.20%
12-Month Certificate......................... .0.30%
18-Month Certificate.......................... 0.40%
24-Month Certificate.......................... 0.50%
36-Month Certificate.......................... 0.70%
60-Month Certificate.......................... 0.80%
NOTE: Rates shown throughout this publication
were in effect at press time, but are subject to
change without notice. Current rates can be
obtained via the contact information below.
Members Credit Union
2098 Frontis Plaza Blvd.
P. O. Box 5297
Winston-Salem, NC 27113
(336) 748-4800
(800) 951-8000 (toll-free)
Federally Insured by the NCUA

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El Rincón Latino - Members Credit Union

El Rincón Latino - Members Credit Union Visa Credit Card, Personal Loan or Unsecured Credit Line......................... 10.50% Equity Access.................................... 5.50% Savings/Certificate Secured.................... 2.25%

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