keep fruits and vegetables fresh mantenga


keep fruits and vegetables fresh mantenga
No. 249
keep fruits and
vegetables fresh
Plan to buy fresh fruits and veggies twice a week if you want to eat fresh
produce during the entire week.
Otherwise, plan to eat fresh produce at the beginning of the week,
and eat canned or frozen produce at the end of the week.
Buy only the amount of fresh fruits and vegetables that your family will eat.
It is better to buy only 4 apples instead of the 5 pound bag of apples
if your family will only eat 4 apples in a week.
Stock your freezer with frozen fruits and veggies.
Stock your cupboard with canned fruits and veggies.
Buy frozen vegetables. You can pour out an amount
to cook and freeze the rest for later meals.
Nutrition Matters™ -
This tipsheet can be reproduced for educational purposes.
No. 249
en Español
mantenga frescas
sus frutas y verduras
Planifique dos compras semanales de frutas y verduras si desea
comer productos frescos durante toda la semana.
De otro modo, planifique comer productos frescos al principio de
la semana y enlatados o congelados al finalizar la semana.
Compre sólo la cantidad de frutas y verduras que comerá su familia.
Es mejor comprar sólo 4 manzanas en vez de la bolsa de 5 libras de
manzanas si su familia sólo comerá 4 manzanas en una semana.
En su freezer tenga un stock de frutas y verduras congeladas.
En su alacena tenga un stock de frutas y verduras en lata.
Compre verduras congeladas. Puede servir una parte
para cocinarla y congelar el resto para futuras comidas.
Nutrition Matters™ -
This tipsheet can be reproduced for educational purposes.

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