Saint Anne Catholic Church


Saint Anne Catholic Church
Saint Anne Catholic Church
106 11th. Ave. N.E., Ruskin, FL 33570
Parish Office and Faith Formation
℡ 813-645-1714 813-645-5570
Week-end Masses
Sunday Vigil: Sat. 4:30 p.m.
8:00 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
12:30 p.m. (Español)
5:00 p.m.
Week-day Masses
8:00 a.m.
(Rosary 7:25 a.m.)
7:00 p.m.
Healing Mass
First Wednesday 8:00 a.m.
First Saturday
10:00 a.m.
followed by Rosary and
3:15 p.m.
6:15 p.m.
or by appointment
Wednesdays and Fridays
9:00 a.m. to noon
8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
(Closed 12 - 1 p.m.)
Contact Parish Office for:
• Sick or Homebound Visits
• Baptisms
• Sacramental Marriages
Engagement prep 6 months
prior to wedding date
• Annulments
• Convalidations
• Quinceañeras
July 5, 2015
From the Pastor
Very Rev. John F. McEvoy, V.F
[email protected]
Our new priest has finally arrived and we welcome him with open arms! Fr. Glenn
Diaz has been busy this week moving into the rectory and getting accustomed to
life in Ruskin.
Parochial Vicar
Father J. Glenn Diaz was
born January 3, 1963, in
Leyte, located in central
Philippines, the second of six
children. Raised in a rural
area, Father says he is a
“small town boy with small
town dreams”.
Rev. Glenn Diaz
Retired Priests
Msgr. Antonio Diez
Ed Smith, Deacon Coordinator
Dale Bacik
Patrick Frye
James Maubach
Office Administrator
Patti Marzilli
[email protected]
Diana Coker
[email protected]
Administrative Support
Erica Brezina
[email protected]
Sharon Hinkebein
[email protected]
Regina Poirier
Faith Formation
Cindy Cyman, Coordinator
[email protected]
Michelle Melendez
Youth Ministry
Lauren Coughlin
[email protected]
Ministry/Liturgy Coordinator
Linda Parkansky
[email protected]
Music Department
Wayne T. Warren, Director
Karn Johnson
Plant Manager
Orasio Ramon
Plant Assistants
Joshua Carmona
Marty Derosier
Maria Galarza
Ordained on January 17,
1987, Fr. Glenn has been a
priest for 28 years. He
entered the seminary at an
age unheard of in the States –
following his parents’
wishes, he entered the
seminary at age 11.
Fr. Glenn found his calling to
the priesthood through the Boy Scout troop affiliated with the seminary he attended.
After participating in a Boy Scout Jamboree, he knew he wanted to join the “best of
the best”, and the rest, as they say, is history. Sacred Heart Seminary captured his
heart and he attended school there through high school, college, followed by four
years of theology.
Father must have impressed Sacred Heart Seminary as his first assignment
following ordination was as a teacher at the seminary. During his twenty year stint
there, he had dual responsibilities as pastor of St. Joseph Parish in Tacloban City,
Philippines, for five of those years. The Sunshine State has been home since that
time – Christ the King in Tampa for over 2 years, followed by St. James in Port
Richey for a year, Espiritu Santo in Safety Harbor for 2 years, St. Paul in Tampa for
3 years and St. Patrick in Largo for a year.
Fr. Glenn enjoys hanging out at home, going on an occasional recreational fishing
trip, and is a ham radio operator. His call sign is KV4NW if you are a fellow ham
radio operator.
Fr. Glenn’s primary objectives are to assist Fr. John with his ministry to the Parish,
getting to know the parishioners and staff and caring for the sick.
With nearly 3,000 parish families, we are excited to have an additional priest to
serve the needs of St. Anne Parish. Fr. Glenn’s quick wit, infectious smile, and
many years of ministry experience are a most welcome addition, indeed.
St. Anne Catholic Church, July 5, 2015
Page 2
Filled bin 88 times
Independence Day
7:00 p.m.
AA (FFC 10, 11)
6:00 p.m.
High School Youth Group (SJH)
7:00 p.m.
Boy Scouts (FFC 4, 5)
7:00 p.m.
Men’s Emmaus (FFC 10, 11)
7:00 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
Spanish Legion of Mary (FFC 6)
7:00 p.m.
KOC Mee8ng (FFC 10, 11)
7:30 p.m.
MDS (FFC 4, 5)
6:30 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
Divorced/Sep Recovery (FFA 3)
Parish Nurses Mee8ng (FFA 1)
Monday, July 6
7:00 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
Middle School Youth Group (FFA 2)
Al-Anon (FFC 8, 9)
AA (FFC 10, 11)
Tuesday, July 7
8:30 a.m.
Rosary & Prayer Shawls (FFC 4, 5)
6:30 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
High School Youth Group (FFA 2)
8:00 p.m.
NA (FFC 4, 5)
8:00 a.m. Robert Ganey
Fran Holmes
9:00 a.m.
Centering Prayer (CH Family Rm)
7:00 p.m. Ruggiero Pierro
6:00 p.m.
Spanish Bap8sm Class (FFC 4, 5)
7:00 p.m.
AA (FFC 10, 11)
Saturday, July 4
10:00 a.m.
Benefactors of the
4:30 p.m. Claire Hoerl
Fred Hoerl
Sunday, July 5
Pat & Tom
and John Smith Roslynn Carter
10:00 a.m. Rose
& Angie Noto
8:00 a.m. Anthony Parrèlla
12:30 p.m.
People of the Parish
5:00 p.m. Rhea Baker
8:00 a.m. Stanley Pikora
8:00 a.m.
Edward H. Petelle
Gartel Family
Marie Belote
Wednesday, July 8
8:00 a.m. Kevin Buckman
Joan Ellio2
Thursday, July 9
Friday, July 10
8:00 a.m. George Waite
Jeanie Okeley
Saturday, July 11
Blood Pressure Check (SJH)
CH-Church, CY-Courtyard, SJH-St. Joachim Hall, GZ-Gazebo,
FFA-Faith Formation Annex, FFC-Faith Formation Center, CR-Conference Rm
After the 8 & 10 AM
Sunday Masses
Mass Intentions, Altar Flowers, or the
Sanctuary Lamp may be scheduled through
the Parish Office.
St. Anne Catholic Church, July 5, 2015
4:30 p.m. Sal Sciacchi8no
Dolores Rezza
Sunday, July 12
Mildred, Shirley,
8:00 a.m. Todd & Dennis
Ann-Marie &
Jerry Allard
10:00 a.m. John Teufel
Mary Lee
12:30 p.m. Marlcela Pineda
Pineda Family
5:00 p.m.
People of the Parish
If you would like to take up the gifts
for the weekend Mass of your intention,
arrive early and let an usher know.
Page 3
Let us pray for those listed and their caregivers
Ana Acosta
Christine Albert
Jose Alvarez
Mary Barry
Dee Bertolini
Joley Billa
Maureen Bolchoz
Nancy Buckley
Carolyn Carney
Bonnie Carroll
Charles Coker
Carl Combs
Kevin Connell
Karoline Connors
Carol Contratto
Linda Couch
Jenna Cowan
Charles Crowther
Francisca Delossantos
Gladys Deremer
John Dupureur
Georgiana Gaitens
Jack Haight
Mary Ann Harper
Virginia Hernandez
Joey Iorio
Betty Jablonsky
Gladis Juarez
Lorenzo Juarez
Christopher Kersting
Fr. Malachy Kilbride
Robert Krowl
Susan Latshaw
Alexandria Leal
Eleanor L’Ecuyer
Adriane Lunny
Edward Maes
Phyllis Mansour
Mary Maubach
Donna McDaniel
Sharron Nabak
Let us pray for our recently
James Edgar Devine
Richard Efchak
May they rest in peace.
Mike Ontiveros
Robert Paresi
Beverly Petracci
Baby Daniel Ramon
Charles Rankie
Bill Reichert
Pedro Rodriguez
Bob Simpson
Majory Slenkiwich
Larry Smith
Misha Staley
Michael Stone
Joan Switzer
Suzy Taylor
Verna Wolff
Call the Parish Office with
your prayer requests.
To you I lift up my eyes who are enthroned
in heaven.
Let us pray for the Clergy of the Parish and
the following:
Rev. Jacob Monteleone
Rev. Joseph Waters
Rev. Wayne Genereaux, OdeM
For Vocations to Priesthood
& Religious Life
Rev. Alan Weber
Rev. Allan C. Tupa
Rev. Anthony Kissel
Support vocations by signing up to receive the
Traveling Chalice for a week. Suggested prayers
and activities are included. Contact Linda in the
Parish Office if you want to be included in this
The Fleischman/Gray Family is the recipient of
the Chalice at the 4:30 p.m. Saturday Mass.
St. Anne Catholic Church, July 5, 2015
9 AM
Christ the Lord has called
us out of darkness into his
marvelous light. Let us turn
to him in humble but
fervent petition, seeking the
grace to root out from our
hearts all trace of darkness,
and all that holds us back
from walking in the full
freedom of the children of
God. As Christ is our great
model for that inner
freedom, which enables us
to do right, let us turn to
him with confidence that
we, too, may follow him to
the fullness of spiritual
freedom. Amen
Parish Prayer
Loving Father,
We, the living stones of
St. Anne Church, warmly
welcome all God’s
children into our
We are committed to
following Christ’s example
by using our time, talent
and resources in reaching
out to the poor, feeding
the hungry and creating a
legacy of faith and hope
for future generations.
Together, as a parish
family, we hope to
continue growing in God’s
Grace and Love.
We ask this through
Christ Our Lord, Amen.
Saint Anne, Mother of
Blessed Virgin Mary,
Pray for us.
Page 4
2015 GOAL
Goal Pledged: 70%
Families: 25%
We should be free to preach
the gospel, we should be
free to help the poor in
Christ’s name, we should be
free to heal the sick in
Christ’s name, we should be
free to educate in Christ’s
Francis Cardinal George
Archdiocese of Chicago
June 27 & 28
334 Identified Gifts
July 16
8 AM Mass
Come and participate in 800 years of
Carmelite tradition of the Discalced
Carmelite Secular Order. Reformed
by St. Teresa of Avila and St. Jon of
the Cross, the order survives and
prospers today.
After Mass, join us for social hour,
the Carmelite liturgy and a light lunch
in St. Joachim Hall. All are welcome!
St. Anne Catholic Church, July 5, 2015
161 Identified Gifts
This week’s second collec8on is for
Debt Reduc+on.
There is no second collec8on next week.
Online Giving Support
Phone: 800-348-2886 Ext 4
Email: [email protected]
DEADLINE for the July 19 bulle+n is
Wednesday, July 8.
Send e-mail to: [email protected]
Page 5
They climbed the highest high for your children (took
them on an awesome journey of faith), trampled
through rough mountain terrain (you know, those
mes when children are noisy, cranky or both), shared
peaceful moments on the uphill stretch (made Jesus
cras to remember the climb), weathered the rain
(slip n’ slide, beach balls, sprinklers, water...lots of
water), danced when they reached the summit
(enough movement to work off a Snickers candy bar
and a heaping bowl of chocolate ice cream), sang with
joy along the way (loud and proud), and, of course, fed
them on the trail (a mountain of hot dogs, tacos and
other tasty treats). The view at the top priceless, the
bliss in their hearts unending.
Vicky Balasco
Morgan Beachum
Maria Canales-Rendas
Jus8n Carter
Mary Chambers
Ella Cobb
Alexis Cordova
Yvonne Cordova
Lauren Coughlin
Debra Cruz
Madison Daigle
James DeLuca
Susan Frey
Reagan Gaitens
Nicolas Galdona
Jasmine Gamez
Jennifer Greene
Sheila Hagan
Ana Hernandez
Connor Kick
Holly Kick
Shirley Kurkowski
Leigh Ayn Laurey
Eddie Livesay
Adriana Lopez
Armando Lopez
Elena Lopez
Ashley Lucas
Jessica Lopez
Alexa Mar8nez
Jenny Mar8nez
Joe Marzilli
Ashleigh MenoL
Michelle Melendez
Dawn Mobley
Richard Nabak
Sharron Nabak
Diane Norton
Iris Olivares
CJ Paskert
Chris8na Pena
Gaby Sanchez
Jorge Sanchez
Joyce Schoonover
Alexi Schrems
Ava Stapleton
Kris8na Teeter
Sharon Teufel
Mary Titano
Chris8ne Tran
Lorenzo Valencia
Susana Vallad
Valeria Villavicencio
Ann Waggoner
Drew Weakland
St. Anne Catholic Church, July 5, 2015
Thanks to
Jus8n Carter
and Joe Marzilli
for photos.
Page 6
Youth Class
7 PM
Youth Mass 5 PM Sundays
Mee+ng A3erwards
6-7:30 PM, SJH
Pizza, Games, Topic,
Youth Class 7 PM
Thursdays, FFA 2
Games, Topic,
Powerful words from today’s second reading:
“My grace is sufficient for you, for power is made perfect in weakness.” I will rather
boast most gladly of my weaknesses, or order that the power of Christ may dwell with
me. Therefore, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and
constraints, for the sake of Christ; for when I am weak, then I am strong.
A hearMelt THANK YOU from
Mrs. Cindy to the volunteers.
Without your help, VBS wouldn’t be
possible. Stay tuned next week for
more pics and VBS fun food facts.
St. Anne Catholic Church, July 5, 2015
Page 7
Parish Diamond Jubilee Directory
If you would like to help with the
Diamond Jubilee Directory, please
contact Linda in the Parish Office.
On this Independence holiday weekend, take time to check out our
military honor roll in the narthex. If you would like to be added to
the military honor roll, contact the Parish Office. And, please pray
for those who continue to fight for freedom across the globe.
Religious Articles
for Sale
Thursday, July 30
After 8 AM Mass
walk with
me… all
I’m asking
for is one
and help
me raise
funds for
souls less
You will
be richly
Military Honor Roll
Made by the Sisters of
St. Elisabeth Convent in
Proceeds benefit rehab
center for homeless and
addicts and a specialneeds boarding home.
Hand-painted icons,
crosses, carvings,
embroidered and ceramic
gifts, and vestments will
be for sale.
Blood Pressure Check
Next Sunday
9-12 in St. Joachim Hall
Divorced and Separated
Grief Recovery
Meets the 2nd Wed.
of every month at
6:30 p.m., FFA 3.
Next Meeting: July 8
Facilitated by Anne McGuire
Certified Grief Recovery Specialist
St. Vincent de Paul
St. Anne Conference
Information 813-633-8638
ATTENTION CARPENTERS: St. Vincent de Paul needs carpenter
volunteers to frame-out a one-car garage door opening in mid-to-late
July. Call Richard if you can help: 813-494-0858.
The fundamental
human right, the
presupposition of
every other right, is
the right to life
itself. This is true
of life from the moment of conception
until its natural end. Abortion,
consequently, cannot be a human
right - it is the very opposite. It is a
deep wound in society.
Pope Benedict XVI
Natural Family Planning Week
July 19 - 25
Find posters, prayer resources,
couples’ stories and more at:
St. Anne Catholic Church, July 5, 2015
Fer+lity Care Mee+ng
Learn the latest in ferlity care
July 15-18
Sirata Beach Resort in St. Petersburg
American Academy of Fer8lity Care
Marriage Encounter
Refresh Your Marriage
July 31- Aug. 2
Franciscan Center in Tampa
Informa8on: 813-270-7832
Wild Flowers Retreat
For women who have suffered
childhood sexual abuse.
Saturdays, July 11- Sept. 19, 9:30 - 1:30
Bethany Center in Lutz
Contact: Cathy at 813-843-8969
Saturday, September 26
9 AM - 3 PM
St. Lawrence Catholic Church
5525 N. Himes Avenue, Tampa
$40 ($50 aOer 8/20), Nuns Free
Includes breakfast, lunch and
three great speakers.
Contact Danielle Landry 813-289-8040 or
[email protected].
KOC Mee+ng
Tuesday, July 7
7 PM in FFC 10, 11
Officers’ Mee+ng
5:45 p.m.
GK Jamie Rodgers
Page 8
7:00 p.m.
Día de la Independencia
AA (FFC 10, 11)
6:00 p.m.
Grupo Jóvenes High School (SJH)
7:00 p.m.
Boy Scouts (FFC 4, 5)
7:00 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
7:30 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
8:30 a.m.
6:30 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
8:00 p.m.
Emaús Hombres (FFC 10, 11)
Legión de María Español (FFC 6)
KOC Reunión (FFC 10, 11)
MDS (FFC 4, 5)
Recuperación Divorciados/
Separados (FFA 3)
Reunión Enfermeras Parroquiales
(FFA 1)
Grupo Jóvenes Middle School
(FFA 2)
Al-Anon (FFC 8, 9)
AA (FFC 10, 11)
Rosario y Chal de Oración (FFC 4, 5)
Grupo Jóvenes High School (FFA 2)
NA (FFC 4, 5)
9:00 a.m.
Oración Centrada (CH Family Rm)
6:00 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
Clase Bau8smo Español (FFC 4, 5)
AA (FFC 10, 11)
6:30 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
Chequeo de Presión Sanguínea (SJH)
Iglesia, CY-Patio, SJH-Hall de San Joaquín, GZ-Gazebo,
FA-Anexo Formación de Fe, FFC-Centro Formación de Fe, CR-Salón Conferencias
Jueves, Julio 2, en el Hall de San Joaquín
Las puertas abren a las 5:30 PM
Madrugadores 6:30 PM
Juegos Regulares 7:00 PM
Trae este anuncio y recibe $1 de descuento en
cualquier paquete de juego
(uno por persona; válido únicamente 7-2-15)
Pastelillos gratis
La oficina de la Parroquia estará cerrada los domingos del 21 de junio
al 16 de agosto. Y los Viernes hasta después del Día del Trabajo.
St. Anne Catholic Church, July 5, 2015
Ministerio de la Tienda de Regalos de St. Anne
Se necesita ayuda en la Tienda de Regalos antes y después
de las misas del fin de semana. Es una gran forma de
contribuir a la parroquia sin emplear mucho 8empo.
Les queremos invitar a ser parte de nuestro grupo de
parejas y matrimonios MDS. El propósito de este grupo es
dar apoyo y ayudar en el crecimiento espiritual a parejas y
matrimonios. Nos reunimos todos los martes de 7:30pm a
9:00pm, en el edificio de formación de fe, salones 4 y 5 .
Para más información, favor de comunicarse con los
Coordinadores: Sola y Waldy al (813) 523-0231.
Recuperación Divorciados y Separados (Inglés)
Miércoles, Julio 8, en FFA 3
Chequeo de Presión Sanguínea
Próximo domingo, 9-12 en el Hall de San Joaquin
Cuadro de Honor de Militares
En este feriado de la Independencia, tómese el 8empo para
revisar nuestra lista de honor de militares en el vesXbulo de
la iglesia. Si usted desea ser añadido a esta lista, pongase
en contacto con la Oficina de la Parroquia. Y por favor ore
por quienes aún con8núan peleando por la libertad a través
del mundo.
Apoye las vocaciones registrandose para recibir el Caliz
Viajero por una semana. Oraciones y ac8vidades sugeridas
están incluídas. Contacte a Linda en la Oficina de la
Parroquia si desea ser incluido en este ministerio. La
familia Hinkebein recibirá el Cáliz esta semana en la misa
del sábado a las 4:30 p.m.
Venta de ArGculos Religiosos
Jueves, Julio 30, después de la misa de las 8 AM
Hechos por las hermanas del Convento de San Isabel en
Belarus. Lo recaudado beneficia al centro de rehabilitación
de desamparados y adictos y a quienes 8enen necesidades
especiales. Iconos pintados a mano, cruces, tallados,
bordados, regalos de cerámica, y ves8mentas estarán a la
San Vicente de Paúl Caminata Amigos de los Pobres
Reserve el día: 26 de sep8embre
ATENCION CARPINTEROS: San Vicente de Paúl necesita
carpinteros voluntarios para armar la abertura de un
garage de un carro para mediados-finales de julio. Llame a
Richard si puede ayudar al: 813-494-0858.
Directorio del Jubileo de Diamante de la Parroquia
Se Necesitan Voluntarios
Si usted desea ayudar con el Directorio del Jubilio de
Diamante, por favor contacte a Linda en la Oficina de la
Page 9
Del Parroco
Oración de la
Dios Amoroso,
Nosotros, las piedras
vivas de la Iglesia de
Santa Ana, les damos
cordialmente la
bienvenida a todos los
hijos de Dios
dentro de nuestra
comprometidos a
segur el ejemplo de
Cristo al usar nuestro
tiempo, talento y
recursos en alcanzar a
los pobres, alimentar
al hambriento y crear
un legado de fe y
esperanza para futuras
Juntos, como una
familia parroquial,
esperamos continuar
creciendo en la
Gracia y el Amor de
Te lo pedimos por
Cristo, nuestro
Señor, Amén.
Santa Ana,
Madre de la Santísima
Virgen María
Ruega por nosotros.
¡Finalmente, nuestro nuevo sacerdote ha arribado y le damos la bienvenida con los brazos abiertos! El
Padre Glenn Diaz ha estado muy ocupado esta semana moviéndose a la rectoría y acostumbrándose a
la vida en Ruskin.
El Padre J. Glenn Diaz nació el 3 de enero de 1963, en
Leyte, localizado en el centro de las Filipinas, el
Segundo de seis hijos. Criado en el área rural, el Padre
dice que él es “un chico de pueblo pequeño con sueños
de pueblo pequeño”.
Ordenado el 17 de enero de 1987, el Padre Glenn ha
sido sacerdote pro 28 años. El entró al seminario a una
edad no escuchada en este país – siguiendo los deseos
de sus padres, él entró al seminario a la edad de 11 años.
El Padre Glenn encontró su llamado al sacerdocio a
través de la tropa de los Niños Exploradores Scouts
afiliada con el seminario al cual él asistía. Después de
participar en un Jamboree de los Niños Exploradores, él
supo que deseaba unirse a “lo mejor de lo menor”, y el resto, como dicen, es historia. El Seminario
del Sagrado Corazón cautivó su corazón y asistió allí a la escuela hasta el bachillerato, Universidad,
seguido de cuatro años de teología.
Al Padre le debió haber impresionado el Seminario del Sagrado Corazón ya que su primera asignación
seguida de su ordenación fue como maestro en el seminario. Durante sus veinte años allí, él tuvo la
responsabilidad doble como pastor de la Parroquia de San José en la Ciudad de Tacloban, Filipinas,
por cinco de esos años. El estado del Rayo del Sol ha sido su hogar desde hace tiempo – Christ the
King en Tampa por más de 2 años, seguido por St. James en Port Richey por un año, Espiritu Santo en
Safety Harbor por 2 años, St. Paul en Tampa por 3 años y St. Patrick en Largo por un año.
El Padre Glenn disfruta estar en casa, ir ocasionalmente a un viaje recreacional de pesca, y es operador
de radio aficionado. Su signo de llamada es KV4NW si usted también es operador de radio
Los principales objetivos del Padre Glenn son ayudar al Padre John con su ministerio en la Parroquia,
llegar a conocer a los feligreses y personal y cuidar a los enfermos.
Con más de 2,900 familias en la parroquia, estamos emocionados de tener un sacerdote adicional que
sirva las necesidades de la Parroquia de St. Anne. Con la agudeza del Padre Glenn, su sonrisa
contagiosa, y muchos años de experiencia en el ministerio son sin lugar a duda una adición
Misa Jóvenes 5 PM
Seguida de Reunión
6-7:30 PM, SJH
Pizza, Juegos, Tópico,
Clase Jóvenes 7 PM
Jueves, FFA 2
Juegos, Tópico,
Clase de
Jueves 16 de Julio
Misa de las 8 AM
7 PM
Venga y participle en la tradición Carmelita
de la Orden Secular de Carmelitas Descalzas
de 800 años. Reformada por Santa Teresa de
Avila y San Juan de la Cruz, la orden
sobrevive y prospera hasta hoy.
Después de misa únete a una hora social,
liturgia Carmelita y un ligero almuerzo en el
Hall de San Joaquín. ¡Todos son
St. Anne Catholic Church, July 5, 2015
Page 10

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