mexico cover


mexico cover
Travel Schedule 2008 (Tentative)
Saturday, March 15
Meet & Load up @ CBCC
Arrive in El Paso, TX to stay the night
Sunday, March 16
Wake up/Pack up
Get Groceries / final supplies
Meet Amor team and cross the border to Juarez, Mexico
Set up camp
Monday- Wednesday, March 17-19
Arrive at work site – Work all day
Arrive back at camp/ Dinner/ Devotions/ Sleep
Thursday, March 20
Pack up camp (or finish work on project if needed)
Arrive in Odessa (Real Showers and toilets!)
Friday, March 21
Leave Odessa
Arrive @ CBCC
Mexico Don’ts
In an effort to be culturally sensitive in the communities where Amor Ministries works, the following is
a list of Don’ts to keep in mind. Some of the suggestions may not be offensive to the family you build
for, but these are safe limitations to set for a group.
Don’t use Spanish phrases or words if you don’t understand what they mean.
A professional contractor was a part of a group that built a home for a family. He decided to use the
Spanish that his Mexican foremen used when they spoke to their workers. He believed he was encouraging
the family when he was speaking to them. A bilingual youth in his group finally pulled him aside on the
last day and asked the contractor if he knew he was yelling obscenities at the family every time he spoke
to them. Embarrassed, the contractor apologized profusely, via interpreter, to the family for most of the
last work day.
Don’t use the word, “Estupido”.
It only means, “Stupid,” when translated to English, but it is considered profanity in the Mexican
Don’t play with any animals in Mexico or “adopt” them and try to bring them home.
Registration and immunization is not required for animals in Mexico. No, this doesn’t mean that every animal has the Ebola virus
or rabies. Amor just wants group leaders to be aware of their surroundings.
Don’t hand out candy, money, or toys in the communities, and please don’t throw any of these items
from a moving vehicle.
The mission of Amor Ministries is to strengthen the local church in Mexico, and the local church only becomes stronger through
the participation of their community. A Mission Trip group that hands out toys and candy in a community takes the focus off
the local church. We also ask that groups don’t throw candy from their windows as they drive through the communities,
because it is dangerous and demeaning. There are incidents of children coming too close to the cars and almost being run
over just to get candy that’s been thrown from car windows. There are two solutions to this distribution problem. Either a
group can hold an outreach and hand these items out as part of a fun pack that can be taken home, or they can give everything
to an Amor representative and it will be given to the Mexico Ministry Planning Board. This will put the focus back on the church,
because the church has the resources, and distributes them according to need.
Don’t pick up hitchhikers or even locals you have met during the week.
Mexican law states that the driver of the vehicle must pay for their passengers’ injuries if they are harmed in an auto accident.
Don’t allow group members to ride in the back of pickups, trailers, or moving vans.
“Don’t drive an inch until everyone has a seatbelt on,” is a good safety policy.
Don’t knock on someone’s door to the tune, “Shave-and-a-haircut-two-bits.”
It is extremely offensive, because the sequence says something derogatory about that person’s mother.
Español Phrases
It is snowing. ..................... Esta nevando.
It is raining. ....................... Esta lloviendo.
It is sunny. ......................... Hace sol.
It is hot. ............................ Hace calor.
It is darn hot. .................... Hace mucho calor.
What day is it? .................... ¿Qué día es?
What is the date? ................ ¿Qué fecha de hoy?
Where am I? ....................... ¿Donde estoy?
I like chips. ........................ Me gustan las papas.
How old are you? ................ ¿Cuántos años tienes?
I am ______ years old. ........ Yo tengo _____ años.
May I have another? ............ ¿Puedo tomar otro (a)?
I work a lot. ....................... Yo trabajo mucho.
I like.. ............................... Me gusta …
I don’t like… ...................... No me gusta …
hello ................................. Hola
good-bye ........................... Adios
see you later ...................... Hasta luego
bye-bye ............................. Hasta la vista
my name is… ..................... Me llamo…
What is your name? ............. ¿Como te llamas?
Do you speak English? ......... ¿Tú hablas Ingles?
Do you speak Hebrew? ........ ¿Tú hablas Hebro?
I speak Spanish. ................. Yo hablo Español.
I speak Spanish a little. ...... Yo hablo un poco de Español.
I speak like a donkey. .......... Yo hablo como un burro.
What time is it? .................. ¿Que hora es?
Where is the bathroom? ....... ¿Donde esta el baño?
Where are the chips? ........... ¿Donde estan las papas?
I don’t need any water. ....... Yo no necesito agua.
Thank you. ......................... Gracias.
You’re welcome. ................. De nada.
What’s up? ......................... ¿Que haces? ¿Que pasa?
Beans are good! ................. Los frijoles son buenos.
How much? ........................ ¿Cuanto?
Where are you from? ........... ¿De donde eres?
Where do you live? .............. ¿Donde vives tú?
Please ............................... Por favor
I am from .......................... Soy de
I live in ............................. Yo vivo en
Who is that? ....................... ¿Quien es?
Good morning ..................... Buenos dias
Good day ........................... Buenos tardes
Good night ......................... Buenas noches
With pleasure ..................... Con gusto
Excuse me. ........................ Pardoname
What’s the matter? .............. ¿Qué pasa?
At what time? .................... ¿A que hora?
How’s the weather? ............. ¿Como esta el clima?
It is cold. ........................... Hace frio.
Question Words
Who ................................. Quíen
What ................................ Qué
Where ............................... Dondé
Which ............................... Cúal
When ................................ Cuando
Why .................................. Por qué
How ................................. Cómo
With who .......................... Con quíen
Because ............................ Porqué
sausage ............................ chorizo
salad ................................ ensalada
shrimp .............................. camarones
avocado ............................ aguacate
eggs ................................. huevos
chicken ............................. pollo
ice cream .......................... helado
chocolate .......................... chocolate
vanilla .............................. vainilla
pie ................................... pastel
grapes .............................. uvas
watermelon ....................... sandía
cookies ............................. galletas
sandwiches ....................... bocadillos
bill (restaraunt) ................. cuenta
dish ................................. plato
milk ................................. leche
peanut butter .................... crema de cacahuate
Useful Words
well ................................. bien
very ................................. muy
badly ................................ mal
a lot ................................. mucho
a little .............................. un poco
and .................................. y
now ................................. ahora
always .............................. siempre
here ................................. aqui
but ................................... pero
with ................................. con
like .................................. gusta (n)
from ................................. de
in ..................................... en
to .................................... a
or .................................... o
of course .......................... claro que
maybe .............................. posible
of course not .................... claro que no
right ................................. derecha
left .................................. izquierda
correct ............................. correcto
you .................................. tú
me ................................... mi
I ...................................... yo
them ................................ ellos, ellas
we ................................... nosotros
us .................................... nos
them ................................ los, las
tall ................................... alto (a)
pretty ............................... bonita (o)
handsome ......................... guapo (a)
thin .................................. delgado (a)
good ................................ bueno (a)
fun ................................... divertido (a)
intelligent ......................... intelegente
interesting ........................ interesante
nice ................................. simpatico (a)
very ................................. muy
short ................................ bajo (a)
small ................................ pequeño (a)
boring .............................. aburrido (a)
bad .................................. mal
God .................................. Dios
heaven ............................. cielo
sun .................................. sol
moon ............................... luna
stars ................................ estrellas
tree ................................. arbol
flower .............................. flor
slowly ............................... despacio
teach ............................... enseñar
stop ................................. alto
Bible ................................ biblia
blue ................................. azul
red ................................... rojo
black ................................ negro
white ............................... blanco
hair .................................. pelo
present ............................. regalo
I have .............................. yo tengo
I go ................................. yo voy
listen ............................... escuché
speak ............................... habla
don’t understand ................ no comprendo
don’t know ........................ no sé
fat ................................... gordo (a)
Personal Packing List
PARTICIPATION FORM (minors must have this signed by parent)
Trip fee of $200.00 (Paid to CBCC by Feb. 17, 2008)
YOU MUST HAVE Passport, original birth certificate or voter registration card w/photo ID
Sleeping bag, blanket, and pillow
Foam or air mattress
Toiletries (toothbrush, toothpaste, brush, soap, and shampoo)
Towel(s) and wash cloth
Flashlight (bring extra batteries)
Water bottle or canteen
Camp chair
Sunglasses and hat/visor
Sunblock and lip balm
Work gloves
Work shoes (two pair)
Work clothes (no dresses, shorts, capris, tank tops)
Bathing suit (no bikinis) and cover for showers
Warm clothes for evenings
Camp clothes (shorts and dresses okay)
Shower and camp shoes
Jacket(s) and sweatshirt(s)
Rain gear
Bible, journal, and pen
Spending money for 5 travel meals
Camera and film
Do not bring: Alcoholic beverages, illegal drugs, blow dryers, curling iron.
Individual Mission Trip
Participation Form
1664 Precision Park Lane San Diego CA 92173
Phone: (619) 662-1200 Fax (619) 662-1295 [email protected]
_____________________________ State ________ Zip ____________
_____________________________ Date of Birth _________________
Please indicate your age (check one box):
1-10 years
11-17 years
Check the following that apply:
I am in High School and I will graduate in the year ______.
I am in College and I will graduate in the year ______.
How many previous Amor mission trips have you participated in? _____
Please contact me about Volunteer or Intern opportunities (ages 18 and up).
Please email me Amor's prayer requests and ministry updates each month.
Please circle:
(sorry, no larges available)
Please list all relatives that are on this trip (full name and relationship to you)
Release of Liability/Consent
This is NOT a Medical Release
I have volunteered to participate with CrossBend Christian Church, Plano on a Mission Trip
coordinated through Amor Ministries, 1664 Precision Park Lane, San Diego CA 92173 on 3/16/2008.
I have recognized that participation on a trip of this nature may be hazardous or dangerous. Therefore,
I am, for myself, my heirs, executor and/or administrator, remise and releasing and forever discharging
Amor Ministries and all its officers, agents, servants and employees, acting officially or otherwise, from
any and all reason of injury, damage (including property damage to any of my belongings), loss or
death which may occur from any cause including, but not limited to any accident and/or occurence
while participating individually or with others while on this Mission Trip. I further understand that the
release herein incorporates each and every provision of the "Statement of Commitment" signed by my
group leader and/or the person(s) in charge of my group. In the event that said group leader and/or
person(s) in charge does not readily have available a copy of said "Statement of Commitment", I
further understand that I may obtain said copy by contacting any of the Amor representatives at 1664
Precision Park Lane, San Diego CA 92173, 619.662.1200 fax 619.662.1295.
In consideration of my participation on this Mission Trip, I hereby irrevocably consent to and authorize
the use, publication, transmission and reproduction of my name, likeness and image, in any and all
media worldwide, by Amor Ministries, or anyone authorized by or acting on behalf of Amor Ministries,
for promotional, fund-raising, advertising, marketing and/or public relations purposes.
___________________________________________ Date ______________
Parent Name ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ Date ______________
Required for participants under age 18
Cross Bend Christian Church
Parental Consent Form
Name:______________________________ Age:____ Birth Date:__________
Address:_____________________________________ Phone(___)__________
City:____________________________ State:_____ Zip Code:_____________
School:__________________________________ Grade:___________________
Parent(s) work phone: (____)______________ Home: (___)______________
To whom it may concern:
The undersigned does hereby give permission for our (my) child,
__________________, to attend and participate in activities sponsored by
Cross Bend Christian Church.
We (I) authorize an adult, in whose care the minor has been entrusted, to consent to an X-ray
examination, anesthetic, medical, surgical, or dental diagnosis or treatment, and hospital care, to be
rendered to the minor under the general or special supervision and on the advice of any physician or
dentist licensed under the provisions of the Medical Practice Act on the medical staff of a licensed
hospital, whether such a diagnosis or treatment is rendered at the office of said physician or at said
The undersigned shall be liable and agree(s) to pay all costs and expenses incurred in connection
with such medical and dental services rendered to the aforementioned child pursuant to this
Should it be necessary for my child to return home due to medical reasons or otherwise, the
undersigned shall resume all transportation costs.
The undersigned does also hereby give permission for our (my) child to ride in any vehicle
designated by the adult in whose care the minor has been entrusted while participating in activities
sponsored by Cross Bend Christian Church.
Hospital Insurance: ‰ Yes ‰ No
Insurance Company:_______________________
Policy # ________________________________
Emergency Phone Numbers
Legal Guardian
* On reverse side, please list any allergies or special problems your child may have.

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