HFCC - Holy Family Catholic Church


HFCC - Holy Family Catholic Church
Archdiocese of Galveston Houston
Rev. Sunny Joseph, OSH, Pastor
R e v . J o y J a m e s , O S H , P a r o c h i a l Vi c a r
O b l a t es o f t h e S a c r e d H e a r t
One Faith, One Family
Una Fe, Una Familia
S u n d a y M a ss e s
Daily Masses
Saturday Vigil.……5:30 pm
M o n d a y … …… . . …. . 8 : 4 5 a m , 1 2 : 1 0 p m
Sunday…7:30 am, 9:00 am,
T u e s d a y … … … … … 8:45 am, 7:00 pm
1 0 : 4 5 a m , 1 2: 3 0 p m (Español),
Wednesday………..6:30 am, 8:45 am
5:30 pm.
T h u r s d a y … . . . … …. . 8 : 4 5 a m ,
7 : 0 0 p m (Español)
S a t u r d a y 4 : 0 0 p m - 5 : 0 0 p m . F r i d ay … … . . . . . . . . . . . . 6: 3 0 am , 8 : 4 5 a m
O r a ny t i m e b y a p p o i n t m e n t - S a t u r d a y … . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 : 4 5 am
Rosary after 8:45 am Daily Mass
C a l l t h e C CE O f f i c e w e e k days, 9:00 am-4:00 pm.
Anointing of the Sick
(281) 499-4612
Call (281) 499-9688
Contact the Parish Office at least
H e a l i n g M a ss 4 t h T u e s d a y of
six (6) months prior to the wedding
each month - 7:00 pm
date. (281-499-9688). Please attend the information session every
1st Sunday of the month at 4:00
F i r s t F r i d ay , 8 : 4 5 a m M a s s u n p m i n t h e P ar i s h O f f i c e .
til 8:00 pm Benediction, Chapel
Growing Together in Christ
Creciendo Unidos en Cristo
Other Services
Congratulations to this year’s 2014
Mr / Miss Holy Family Pageant ;
(L to R) Queen, Miss Holy Family
Ivy Aerine Ritzberg, daughter of
Eric & Crystal Ritzberg; King, Mr
Holy Family, Michael Anthony
Saenz, son of Michael & Rosemary
Sanez; Prince Holy Family, Brandon
Ugochukwu, son on Bon & J uly
Ikwuagwu. Princess Holy Family,
Mia Kylie Sheilds (not pictur ed)
daughter of Michale & Charmanie
These young people raised $7,100 for
our Building Fund!
Thank you & God Bless!!
Fr. Biondi Library &
Religious Articles Sundays
- Open after
am - 12:30
Quinceaños contact the CCE
Office, (281) 499-4612
Non-Catholics who wish to join
our faith community RCIA (Rite
of Christian Initiation of Adults)
is a process to welcome you into
our faith, contact the CCE Office,
(281) 499-4612
Religious Education contact the
CCE Office, (281) 499-4612
Society of St. Vincent de Paul
(281) 499-6246
P a r i s h O f f ic e
G a i l H u t c hi ns, A d mi n i s t r a t o r
R e l ig io u s Ed u c a t io n
Yol a n d a Pe ñ a, DR E
Hispanic Ministry
G e o r g i n a R ome r o
M u s i c M in is t r y
Dr. Andre LaCour
S o c i e t y o f S t . V in c e n t d e P a u l
a v i d Pn eO’Laughlin
Y o u t h M i n is t r y
Je a n e t te V el asq u e z
Finance Council
a r r e l l G r9688
oves, Chairman
281-499(P2a8s1t)o7r7a8l- 0C5o0u2 n c i l
r ar al l C
N ao rsat oPe
ta o, u
h aciirlw o ma n
J( 2o 8h 1n ) L8o4u4i-s6, 0C8h7a i r m a n
(281) 499-3156
Our Parish Vision Statement: O u r p a r ish vision is t o
b u i l d u p o n , t o n u r t u r e a n d t o e x h i b i t t h e v i r t u es o f f a i t h ,
hope and charity to all in the spirit of unity through one
faith, on e f amily .
D e c l a r a c i ó n d e la M is i ó n P a r r o q u i a l : L a m i s i ó n d e n u e s t r a
p a r r o q u i a e s c o n st r u i r e n n u e s t r a t r a d i c i ó n , a l i m e n t a r y
m o st ra r las vi rtud e s d e f e , esp er a n za y car idad co n e l
espíritu de unidad basado en una fe, una familia.
[email protected]
October 5, 2014 Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
Dear Sisters and Brothers of Holy Family,
I wish to congratulate our 3rd annual Holy Family Pageant contestants Michael Saenz (Mr.
Holy Family), Ivy Aerin Ritzberg (Miss Holy Family), Brandon Ikwuagwu (Prince Holy Family)
Mia Kiley Shields (Princess Holy Family). These vibrant and young guys raised over $7100 for our
building fund campaign!!! We are extremely grateful to them, our Gospel Choir who organized it, the
parents and all those helped to make it a great success. May the good Lord
reward you for your amazing stewardship!
October is the month specially dedicated to Holy Rosary and respect life. "The Rosary is the
most beautiful and the most rich in graces of all prayers; it is the prayer that touches most the Heart of the Mother
of God…and if you wish peace to reign in your homes, recite the family Rosary” (Pope Saint Pius X). It is the great
prayer in which we follow Jesus with our blessed mother meditating the great mysteries of our salvation history. Pope
blessed Pius IX said, “Give me an army saying the Rosary and I will conquer the world". It is said that our beloved
Pope Francis recites 15 mysteries of the Rosary every day. Let us deepen our relationship with the Lord through the fervent and meditative recitation of the Holy Rosary. Let us schedule daily at least 15 minutes of our time to recite the Holy
Rosary and make it a family prayer. October is also respect life month. Let us pray and work together for the promotion
of life from conception to natural death especially by participating in the Life Chain on this Sunday, October 5th. I want
to express our gratitude to Mrs. Kathy Mroczkowski for her dedicated service of organizing our pro-life activities.
Next Sunday (October 12) will be our Fall Festival. It's a great time to gather together as a family for fun and fellowship. As you know it helps us a lot also with our parish operating budget. We have amazing prizes
including Chevrolet Cruze for our raffle this year. Ruben & Connie Govea, the chair persons and the committee members were preparing hard for months for our Festival. I appreciate and thank them all for their love, dedication and hard
work. Please pray for good weather; do come and bring your friends and families to enjoy this family festival.
Fr. Sunny.
Queridos hermanos y hermanas de la Sagrada Familia,
Quiero felicitar a los participantes del 3er Concurso Anual de Rey y Reina de La Sagrada Familia, Michael Saenz (Rey de Holy Family), Ivy Aerin Ritzberg (Reina de Holy Family), Brandon Ikwuagwu
(Principe de Holy Family) Mia Kiley Shields (Princesa Holy Family). Estos jóvenes recaudaron más de
$7,100 para nuestra campaña de recaudación del edificio !!! Estamos muy agradecidos con ellos, nuestro Coro Gospel que organizó él concurso, los padres y todos los que ayudaron para que fuese un gran éxito. Que el
Señor los recompense por su increible mayordomía!
Octubre es el mes dedicado especialmente al santo Rosario y respetar la vida. "El Rosario es la
más bella de todas las oraciones, es la oración que más toca el corazón de la Madre de Dios ... y si usted
desea que la paz reine en sus hogares, recite el Rosario en familia" (Papa San Pío X). El rosario es la gran
oración en la que seguimos a Jesús con nuestra bendita madre a meditar los grandes misterios de nuestra historia de salvación. El Papa Pío IX bendijo: "Dame un ejército rezando el Rosario y voy a conquistar el mundo". Se dice que nuestro amado Papa Francisco recita 15 misterios del Rosario todos los días. Vamos a profundizar nuestra relación con el Señor a través de la recitación ferviente y meditativa del santo Rosario. Vamos a programar todos los días por lo menos 15 minutos de nuestro tiempo a rezar el santo rosario y que sea
una oración familiar. Octubre también se respeta como el mes de la vida. Oremos y trabajemos juntos para la
promoción de la vida desde la concepción hasta la muerte natural, especialmente mediante la participación en
la cadena de la vida en este Domingo, 05 de octubre. Quiero expresar nuestro agradecimiento a la señora
Kathy Mroczkowski por su servicio dedicado de organizar nuestras actividades pro-vida.
El próximo domingo (12 de octubre) será nuestro Festival de Otoño. Este es un buen momento
para reunirnos juntos como una familia para la diversión y el compañerismo. Esto nos ayuda mucho con
nuestro presupuesto de funcionamiento de la parroquia. Tenemos increíbles premios, incluyendo un Chevrolet
Cruze para nuestra rifa de este año. Ruben y Connie Govea, las personas encargadas y los miembros del comité se han preparado durante meses para nuestro Festival. Aprecio y les agradezco a todos por su amor, dedicación y arduo trabajo. Por favor oren por el buen tiempo; traigan a sus amigos y familiares para disfrutar
de este festival familiar.
Padre Sunny Joseph
Fall Festival…Next Weekend!
Have you signed up to volunteer?
It’s not too late!
Our Festival this year will be next Sunday, October
12th. Our r affle tickets ar e available today in the
Courtyard or during the week in the Parish Office. Our
grand prize this year is a brand new, beautiful 2014
Chevrolet Cruz.
Mass Intentions
October 6 - 12, 2014
October 6th, Monday, St. Bruno, priest;
Blessed Marie Rose Durocher; Lk 10:25-37
8:45 am Charles Laperouse (+) by Vic & Mamie Mercatante
Lilian Ekweakor (-) by Family
12:10 pm Betty Marek (+) by Christine Jochec
Regina & Joe Agnello (+)
by Vic & Mamie Mercatante
Ladies…..Please clean out your jewelry boxes of any
jewelry that you are no longer wearing. The Altar Society would like it for the Jewelry Booth at the Fall Festival. Please put your jewelry in a zip lock bag & bring it
to the church office.
October 7th, Tuesday, Our Lady of the Rosary;
Lk 10:38-42
8:45 am Dave Filip (+) by Family & Friends
Cynthia Lopez (+) by Mom, Dad &Sister
7:00 pm Miriam Anyanwu (-) by Lilian Ekwealor
Bennie Macha (+)
by Kevin & Ann Hodges & Family
It’s not too late to make your soda/bottled water donation to the Festival! Pick up an extr a 12 pack of
soda or case of water and donate to the Festival. Your
donations really help keep our costs down. Thank you in
October 8th, Wednesday, Weekday; Lk 11:1-4
6:30 am T. Michael Sheffield (+) by Famly
Victoria Santos Uy (+) by Bing & Luchie Alvior
8:45 am Varkey Jacob (+) y Family
Carl Williams (-) by F.R.I.E.N.D.S. Group
All organizations ar e asked to cancel their r egular
meeting the week before the Festival (October 4 - 13).
Our volunteers will be setting up and preparing for the
Festival during that week. Thank you in advance for
your cooperation.
October 9th, Thursday, St. Denis, bishop & companions,
martyrs; St John Leonardi, priest; Lk 11:5-13
8:45 am George Toro (+) by Toro Family
Thanksgiving by Juliet Nwanguma
7:00 pm Luis Velasquez (+)
by Wife, Rosie Velasquez & Family
Jose Villela (+) by Sus Hijos
Briskets Needed! Could you or your or ganization
donate a brisket for the Festival? Please call the Parish
Office, 281-499-9688.
Stuffed Animals ar e needed for the Festival Stuffed
Animal Booth. Drop your donation at the Parish Office.
Silent Auction...do you have antiques, spor ts tickets,
wreaths, art/craft items, Fall & Christmas decorations,
plants, crystal, china, etc that you could donate to our
Silent Auction? Call the Parish Office, 281-499-9688.
Cakes, Pies, Brownies, Cupcakes, etc ar e needed for
the Festival. Our Catholic Daughters #2060 are asking
for your help. Please bake a dessert for their Cake Wheel
Booth. Donations may be br ought to the Par ish Office
Friday or Saturday (October 10, 11) and on Sunday, October 12, to the Parish Hall.
Plants needed for the Plant Booth. Do you have extr a
plants that you could donate? Or buy? Please bring your
donations to the Parish Office.
The Filipino Group is again sponsor ing a booth at our
annual Fall Festival next week. We will serve everyone's
favorites: BBQ sticks, Pansit, Chicken Adobo with rice,
Egg rolls and various yummy desserts. To help purchase
the ingredients needed, we are asking our KABABAYANS to donate monetarily, whatever you can afford. Please contact Bert Gobencion # 832-202-5804 or
Nora Peralta #281-844-6087. MARAMING SALAMAT
October 10th, Friday, Weekday; Lk 11:15-26
6:30 pm Patricia O’Neal (-) by Family
For All Parishioers by Friends
8:45 am Alma C. Acosta (+) by Fred & Virginia Tan
Michael Gois (+) by Family
October 11th, Saturday, Weekday;
Blessed John XXIII, pope;
Vigil, 28th Sunday of Ordinary Time
8:45 am Jhena Patriarca (-) by Patriarca Family
Mary Chu (+) by Noi Nguyen
5:30 pm Kevin John Janik (+) bu John & Rose Janik
Manuel & Isabel Tijerina Canales (+)
by Arturo Canales
October 12th, Twenty-Seventh Ordinary Sunday
7:30 am Tom Colley (+) by Wife, Terry Colley
Special Intention by Gois Family
9:00 am For the Success of the 2014 Fall Festival
Jimmy Anglin (+) by Cynthia King
10:45am Joey Longoria (+) by Parents, Joe & Olga Longoria
Francisca R. Ramirez (+) by Sons & Daughters
12:30pm Miembros de la Adracion Nocturna,
Vivos y Difuntos
Miembros de la Inmaculada Concepcion,
Vivos y Difuntos
5:30 pm Mary & Frank Mairoka (+) by Family
T. Michael Sheffield (+) by Family
Sanctuary Candle Intention
October 6 - 12, 2014
In Loving Memory of
Joseph Sebastian
By Gracy Sebastian
The Body,
though one,
has many parts
K of C Parish Blood & Bone Marrow Drive...KC
#7728 Quarterly Breakfast...will be held Sunday, October 19th in our Parish Hall. Donations of blood and
bone marrow registration will be from 8:30 am until 3:00
pm in the Parish Hall. A light breakfast, cookies, juice &
coffee will be available to all participants. A full breakfast will also be available for a donation of $5.00 for
those who do not donate blood. All parishioners are welcome to enjoy a great breakfast and fellowship!
Please register for an appointment be contacting Joe L.
Longoria, 832-473-6408 or [email protected].
Walk-ins are encouraged and very welcome.
This Blood Drive is a par tner ship with our KC Council #7728 and the Gulf Coast Regional Blood Center.
Please note - this will be our last Blood Drive for the
2014 year at Holy Family.
Please come and give the Gift of Life and Hope!
The Gift Shop will be closed next Sunday, October
12. Please enjoy all the booths at the Fall Festival. New
to the Gift Shop: Framed one-of-a-kind ink drawings of
crosses. You must see these unique works of art -- they
make great gifts!
St. Vincent de Paul Food Fair for All! Satur day, October 18th, 7:00 until 9:00 am free produce. First come
first serve. Parish Hall parking lot, enter on Orchard St
and exit on Fifth St. Drive through only! For more information call the SVDP, office, 281-499-6246. Office is
open Tuesday & Thursday, 10:00 am until 1:00 pm.
St. Vincent de Paul Gratis Feria de Comida! Sabado,
18 de Octubre, 7:00 am - 9:00 am. En primer llegado,
primer server solamente - Gratis Productos Frescos! En
el Salon de Parroquial. Conduzca a traves solamente.
Por favor introduce el estacionamiento de la Iglesia en
Orchard St, cerca de la Calle Tercera, conducer por
delante del Salon Parroquial y salida en la Quinta Calle
despues de que usted reciba sus bolsas de frutas y verduras libres. Gracias! SVDP of Holy Family, 281-4996246.
Join us, we ar e on Or der of lay people tr ying to get closer to God by following the example of St. Fr ancis of
Assisi. For more information call Burgi Bullock OFS, 281-437-2231
Saturday, October 11th, all are invited to join San José Clinic and the Catholic Healthcare Professionals of Houston at White Mass to honor and bless those involved in healthcar e. The mass will be celebr ated Bishop Sheltz at
the Co-Cathedral of the Sacred Heart, 1111 St. Joseph Parkway, at 5:00 pm. Parking will be available in the Amegy
Bank garage. Visit sanjoseclinic.org or call (713) 490-2620 for more information.
If you wish to make an announcement, such as birthdays, anniversaries,
sick, etc., submit a written note no later than Monday pm to the office.
Please, no advertisements.
Please pray for the sick of our Parish especially: Dor othy McMachon; U.S. Tr oops and civilian per sonnel over seas; Fr. Phi; Deacon Alfred Abrams; Johnnie Baiamonte; Sheila McCabe; Bertha Silva; Liana Mikulenka; Michael
Oparaji, Sr.; Robert Miller; Ron Carter; Mary Lou Reumont; Betty Bath; Eddie Borrego; Toni Weber; Lindy Halloran;
Ruben Velasquez; Veronica Lyon; Pete Guajardo; John Delome; Helen Russell; Frances Castillo; Alice Boroski; Carl
Anthony Cangelosi; Pat Trail; Edwin Fos; Israel R. Carranza; Charles Ferro; Deacon Jim Wright; Dr. Octavia Kennedy;
Vernita Guillory; Valerie Jordan; Guillermo Diaz; Stacy Lynch; Vince Mulle; Reynaldo Taupo; Melvin Carron; Deacon
Gerald DuPont; Rose Janik; Idalia Tenoria; Joseph Patriarca; Joannes Edwards; John Guidry; Helen Cervenka; Marcia
Lee; Leroy Kempton; Carmen Zapata; Martha Huebner; Mary Lou Wagner; Esther Rodriguez; Joe Rodriguez; Ricky
Martinez; Charles Clark; Sally Vu; Theresa Pereira; Bonifacio Figueroa; Fr. Ken Decker, CSB; Isabel Guajardo; Eva
Guevara; David Govea; Arthur Hauptman; Georgia Sladecek; Bernice Buri; Larry Torres; Velma Packard; Martha &
Alvin Kocich; John Tristan; Milton Bath; Mary Macek; Glenda Pay; Alfonso Austria; Greg Alquiza. Megan Rychlik;
Robert Wise; Herlinda Narvias
DECEASED: Emil Zbranek; Luis Torres
May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed rest in peace.
Teach me Wisdom,
Knowledge and
281 499-4612
CCE Activities...
Sunday, October 5th
9:00 am
English Adult RCIA - Room #2
10:00 am Spanish Adult RICA - Room #3
10:00 am English Family CCE & Groups I & II Assembly Room, Meeting Room &
Rooms 4 –12
1:30 pm
Spanish Family CCE & Groups I & II Assembly Room, Meeting Room &
Rooms 3 –12
2:30 pm
Spanish Group Baptisms - Church
Tuesday, October 7th
6:00 pm
Middle & High School CCE - Meeting Room
A/B, Assembly & Rooms 2 & 3
7:30 pm
English Baptism Preparation Class - Meeting
Room A/B
Wednesday, October 8th
6:00 pm
Pre-K, Kinder & Elementary CCE Rooms 4 - 10
Saturday, October 11th
All Day setup for Fall Festival 2014
Volunteers Needed!!!
Sunday, October 12th
9:00 am until 8:00 pm
Annual Fall Festival
All rooms
Something for Everyone!
Sacramental Preparation Class Registrations…. parents are reminded to bring a copy of your child’s Baptism
Certificate when registering for First Communion or Confirmation Class.
Holy Family Youth Choir Resumes...for all students
wishing to join the choir and sign praises to God. Rehearsals are on Wednesdays at 5;00 pm in the Church.
Annual Fall Festival, October 12...Par ents & students
are asked to help in the Festival game booths, 10:00 am
until 6:00 pm. Sign up sheets have given to all students,
please fill out and return to the CCE Office as soon as
possible. Let’s all work together to make our Festival
a BIG Success!
”SPEAK LIFE,” THE MARCH OF THE SURVIVING YOUTH 2014’', Saturday, October 11 from
8:30am-noon, at the Catholic Charismatic Center, 1949
Cullen Blvd., Houston. The Catholic Organization of Life
(The COOL), a local pro-life youth group sponsored by
the Diocesan Respect Life Office, invites all youth, families and those born after the Roe v. Wade decision (1973)
to join them for a day of courage, inspiration and fun! The
morning begins with Mass followed by speakers and music. The morning concludes with a peaceful, prayerful
march for an end to abortion. T-shirts available at the
event for $5. For information, contact Peter Pinedo at 832
-360-3664 or Marilyn Daniel at 281-326-3799, or visit
The St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry needs your help.
Can you donate: canned vegetables & tuna fish, dish soap,
Kleenex & toilet tissue? In August our Food Pantry distributed food to 680 individuals. The need in our area is
great, please help those less fortunate than you!.
We also need your Foodarama receipts. If you shop at
Foodarama, we can use your receipts to help restock our
pantry. You may drop your receipts at the Parish Office
or in the collection basket. Thanks for your help.
Have you signed up with Faith Direct yet? With Faith
Direct, you can make your offertory contributions, as well
as your Building Fund contributions, to Holy Family Parish using your credit/debit card or bank account. Please
enroll in this program by picking up an enrollment form
from the church office, or by visiting www.faithdirect.net
to enroll securely on line. Our parish code is TX364.
Sacred Heart Church, under the dir ection of the Family Life Transition Dept., The Archdiocese of Galveston
Houston, is offering MINISTRY TO THE WIDOWED.
This ministry is dedicated to walk with the widowed on
their journey of hope and healing through monthly Adoration and Fellowship gatherings. A MEET AND
GREET will be held:
When: Thursday, October 16, 2014
Where: CCE Bldg., Rooms 1 & 2
Time: 1:30-3:30 p.m.
The program for the first meeting will be
“STRATEGIES FOR COPING WITH THE HOLIDAYS.” Everyone is welcome. Questions, contact
Jeannette Ries, 281-342-9055.
Welcome to the Newly Baptized: Me’Shai Adeen
Alexander: Parents, Michael A. & Letty A. Alexander;
Godparents, Miguel Toulon & Kim Onwukwe. Mahim
Ashuan Alexander; Godpar ents, Dennie & Chr istina
Bulletin Advertisements: Patr onize the sponsor s who adver tise in
our bulletin, thank them for their support. To advertise on the back of
the bulletin please contact J. S. Paluch Co. Inc. 1-800-833-5941.
... and Treasure
September 27/28, 2013
Altar Servers
Extraordinary Ministers Of Holy Communion
5:30 pm Sat
7:30 am Sun
9:00 am
10:45 am
12:30 pm
5:30 pm
Brenda Carlyon
Rudy Cruz
Guillermo Garza
Barbara Janda
Kathleen Mitchell
Ijeoma Akuechiama
Marina Beltran
Hope Groves
Karisue Nelson
Doretta Rychlik
Dina Morales
Gloria Almeida
Roberto Maldonado
Laura Cantu
Ana Cortez
Luz Cruz
Gloria Espinosa
Edna Kemavor
Gwen Reinke
5:30 pm Sat
7:30 am Sun
9:00 am Sun
10:45 am Sun
12:30 pm Sun
5:30 pm Sun
Mike Mikulenka
Angie Perez
Theresa Onyeagu
Verna Edwards
Gloria Gutierrez
Nikki Sadeghi
Joycelyn Barnes Reese
Don de la Torre
Peter Udeh
Joseph Akuechiam
Orlando Gutierrez
Kevin Riley
5:30 pm Sat
William Barre
Michael Stuckert
Joshua Estrada
Kyle Olivier
Joseph Udeh
Chinwe Akuechiama
Jenna Llamas
Patricia Gonzales
Andy Morales
Malcolm Bailey
Isla McCann
Nirmal Joseph
7:30 am Sun
9:00 am Sun
10:45 am Sun
12:30 pm Sun
5:30 pm Sun
Zen Badavi
Bernice Chaloupka
Laurice Rochard
David Perez
Rafaela Laran
Sandy Laran
Sr. Ancilla Uchendu
Carmen Zamora
Geena Antony
Rose Garcia
John Kunnakat
Chinwe Osondu
Arnulfo Zamora
Carmen Tristan
Edgar Gonzales
Emma Maldonado
Jesus Cantu
Graciela Martinez
Gloria Gutierrez
Martha Riley
Mary Gobencion
Kathy Mroczkowski
Sat 5:30 pm
Sun 7:30 am
Sun 9:00 am
Sun 10:45 am
Sun 12:30 pm
Sun 5:30 pm
Henry Machala (Lead)
Michael Barone
John Ferro (Lead)
Gilbert Colunga (Lead)
Jose Velasquez (Lead)
Wen Guerra
Justine Udeh
Munachi Akuechiama
Jade Morales
Jose Melendez
Brisa McCann
Carl Mouton
Bob Mejia
Joe Macias
George Thomas
Fabian Yanez (Asst)
Jimmy Williams
Regular Collection
St. Vincent de Paul 2nd Collection
The Medical Missionaries of Mary ar e
with us today to tell us of their ministry
work in Africa and Latin America. They
bring God’s healing love to our wounded
world. This is done by providing health
care as doctors, nurses, surgeons, midwives,
administrators, social workers and more.
Their focus is particularly to mothers and
children and those on the margins of society. Working through community based
health care projects and clinics to tertiary
level teaching hospitals they bring health
care to those who could not otherwise have
access to it.
They could not do this without your support
and prayers. In return you have a very special place in their daily prayers and they
assure you of the unspoken gratitude of
those they are privileged to serve, You may
visit them at www.mmmusa.org or on Facebook: www.facebook.com/
Companions at the Foot of the Cross”
This is the theme for this year’s Catholic
Men’s Retreat at the Holy Name Passionate
Retreat Center. Come and join us on October 24-26. The retreat begins on Friday after 4:00 pm, the retreat is open with a buffet
at 6:15 pm, the retreat concludes Sunday
after mass. A prompt reservation is recommended a $40.00 reservation is encouraged.
The total suggested fee is $200.00 for the
entire weekend. Telephone reservations are
not accepted. To register please visit the
website www.passionist.org/holyname/
weekendretreats . The Holy Name Retreat Center is located at 430 Bunker Hill
Road, Houston, Texas. Hope to see you
For questions about the retreat please call
Raul A. Basurto at 281-633-2575.
Holy Family Church #003462
1510 5th Street
Missouri City, TX 77489
281 499-9688
Gail Hutchins
MSPublisher 2013
Adobe Acrobat 9.0
Windows Vista Business
Hp Laserjet 2100
Wednesday 12:00
October 5, 2014
1 through 7
If not received by Wednesday 3:00 pm, please call Parish Office, 281 499-9688.
Or Gail’s cell phone, 281 851-6568

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