
3rd Quarter • Summer 2012
Voice of the Poor
Love of God and Neighbor:
Commandments of the Society
By Jack Murphy, Voice of the Poor Committee Chair
Giving Hope-Providing Help
When we pay a bill or help a person with a budget,
we are hopeful that the intervention not only takes
care of the immediate need, but will also put that
person on track to get back on their feet.
But what about those who we don't visit? What is
the hope we bring to them? What about the millions
of children living in poverty in our nation? What
about the many people we don’t see, who are living
from paycheck to paycheck, that need public
services to keep them afloat until they can find work
or acquire the skill sets to qualify for a better job?
That is where you can be an effective Voice of the
Whenever we practice the charity of
Saints Vincent de Paul and Louise de Marrilac,
we become fountains of hope. While visiting people in
their homes, speaking with them in thrift stores or in
food pantries, the simple act of listening and responding
conveys caring, compassion, and hope.
Because our ministry is so unique, we have a
distinctive charism to take the things that we learn
every time we meet a person in need and amplify
those needs in the public discussion. We speak
about the people we visit and the situations that put
them into need, not to betray confidences or to
sensationalize the people or ourselves. We speak on
behalf of the disenfranchised because our faith and
our founders instruct us to help and offer hope in
that way.
We are not a Voice of the Poor because we have a
political agenda or because we are trying to secure
more funding for some programs we administer. We
are a Voice of the Poor because we listen to the
stories of those in need and must act on them.
continued on page 13
Archbishop Carlson greets members of SVDP after a Saturday
evening liturgy at the Old Cathedral in St. Louis MO
The Ozanam News • 3rd Quarter 2012
FROM the
On a recent bus trip from
Indianapolis to St. Louis I sat next
to a college student from Saudi
Arabia. He is studying in Oklahoma but
went to Washington DC to gain his Saudi
government scholarship. We talked about his
family, his girlfriend (he wanted advice from a
grandmotherly type) and his impressions of
Today, in the United States, we are again becoming
a true melting pot – but with a difference. Those
coming to the United States today are proud of
their own national heritage and history. The
challenge for them is retain their culture and also
to “fit into” the American way of life. This poses a
challenge for our conferences and councils as we
serve immigrant populations and as we invite them
into membership.
There is a difference also in the economic and
educational status of those coming to study or to
work. Many of our ancestors came from Europe or
Ireland with few skills and little education and over
generations we have become successful and
prosperous. We still see many immigrants who
come with nothing – no money, no skills, and little
education. But we are also seeing a new wave of
individuals who are well educated and talented.
They come because there is no opportunity in their
country of origin and they want more for their
Where do they come from? The answer is –
Everywhere! The wave of Hispanic/Latino people
has changed our country – the most obvious
change is in the signs and businesses we see all
around us. This population is extremely important
to our church and our Society because they have
the potential to be valuable members and to offer
rich insights. As we learn how best to serve with
and for Hispanic/Latino people we add a new
dimension to our lives and our Society.
I was surprised to read recently, that the Hispanic/
Latino people are not the fastest growing or even
the largest group of immigrants. That honor
belongs to the Asian population. Just as
Hispanic/Latino people come from many different
countries with different culture and customs, so to
Asian immigrants span a wide variety of countries
and cultures.
Arrivals from Africa are also increasing in numbers
– again they come from a vast area, many countries,
many cultures and customs. They come to study
and to work and to build new lives just as
immigrant populations have always come to
America. African Americans have long been
citizens and Americans – though few of them came
willingly! The challenges through which African
American citizens have come in order to prosper
are perhaps the greatest of any American group
and their journey has been marked with heroes
and heroines. American Indians form another
segment of our population that has suffered much
at the hands of the majority but are working to hold
their customs and to stand as proud members of
What does all of this mean for us as Vincentians
today? It means we serve, we invite friendships
and we grow in holiness in multi-cultural
communities. This new wave of immigration is
fairly recent. How are we adapting? How do your
conference, your council and your special works
serve a multi-cultural community? And how do
you invite these multi-cultural members to join you
in serving?
If your conference is made up only of people “just
like you”, if your council board is made up of people
“just like you”, how will you be able to understand,
to serve and to invite the many people who are not
“just like you” who have the potential to enrich our
Society and deepen our service and our spirituality?
Giving Hope – Providing Help. This is our mission.
Paying attention to its multi-cultural dimension is
essential if we truly wish to bring hope and to
provide real help for all the different populations
we are called to serve.
Sheila Gilbert
National President
End Poverty through Systemic Change
FROM the
Corner Office
Members of the Society of St.
Vincent de Paul know full well that
If we pray and listen, we will know
what to do even if sometimes it may not make
sense. When we reflect on scripture, most of the
time, Jesus did not make a great deal of sense,
especially to those who he was talking to at the
time. In chapter after chapter, we can find
examples where He disappointed His parents, or
His followers or His friends, or the leaders of His
time. They thought he was elusive, couldn't be
pinned down. He refused to let the kingdom be
pigeonholed. He was clear that the kingdom was
leaven, salt, mustard seed among you and within
you. He said the kingdom is about children, the
poor, the disposed. When He was on earth He was
not too popular, especially, when He challenged
the status quo, when He called on leaders to be
servant leaders, not fixated on the law.
If we are to be like Him because we are created
in His image, we need to take the inevitable risk
involved in being faithful and engaged in our
mission. We have to be inspired by Gospel values,
committed to growing spiritually, open to offering
person to person service to those in need in the
tradition of our founder Blessed Frederic Ozanam
and our patron St. Vincent de Paul. We need to be
open to making room at the table for folks from
every ethnic and cultural background, age group
and economic level. We must be in solidarity with
each other and with those who live in poverty
here in this country and around the world. It
means we follow our Rule and our bylaws and
policies because it is the right thing to do. It
means we are committed to charity and justice
and to seeking out the root causes of poverty
with those we serve because in each other and
those in need we see the face of Christ. That
makes the kingdom real for all of us.
When we act from these beliefs, we not only give
help to those in need, we give them hope. Hope
that what Christ is and said is made visible and
real through our behavior.
Roger Playwin
Chief Executive Officer
Profile: Bishop John Quinn
Republished from The Michigan Catholic Newspaper
Now 66, Bishop Quinn was born in Detroit. He
attended Sacred Heart Seminary, Detroit;
St. John's Provincial Seminary in Plymouth
Township; the University of Detroit (master of arts),
and the Catholic University of America in
Washington, D.C. (doctorate).
He was ordained to the priesthood March 17, 1972,
and celebrated his first Mass at St. Raymond Church
in Detroit.
He served as associate pastor of St. Peter the Apostle
Parish, Harper Woods (1980-82); then as pastor of
St. Luke Parish, Detroit. While serving there, he was
appointed to a succession of archdiocesan posts:
associate director for justice and peace (1985);
associate director for religious education (1986); and
director of the Department of Education (1990-2003).
On March 23, 1990, he was named a prelate of honor
to His Holiness (monsignor).
Then-Fr. Bishop Quinn served as an associate pastor
at St. Raymond Parish (1972-73); and during 1973 as
temporary administrator of St. John the Baptist
Parish, Monroe; and temporary associate pastor of
SS. Peter & Paul (West Side) Parish in Detroit.
In 2003 it was announced then-Msgr. Quinn would
become an auxiliary bishop for the Archdiocese of
Detroit. Following his ordination to the episcopacy,
he served as bishop of the Archdiocese's Central
He was associate pastor of Our Lady of Sorrows
Parish, Farmington (1973-77). In 1977 he began his
studies at the Catholic University of America,
which he completed in 1981.
In 2008, he was appointed coadjutor bishop of
Winona, Minn., and he succeeded to the see on May
7, 2009.
Extend mercy towards others, so that there can be no one in need whom you meet without helping… -St. Vincent de Paul
En Espanol
En un resiente viaje en autobús de
Indianapolis a St. Louis me senté a
un lado de un estudiante de Colegio
de Saudi Arabia. El esta estudiando
en Oklahoma, viajó a Washington DC
para obtener una beca de parte del gobierno de su
país. Hablamos acerca de su familia, de su novia
(él quería un tipo de consejo de abuela) y quería
obtener algunas impresiones de los Americanos.
Hoy, en los Estados Unidos, nos estamos
convirtiendo nuevamente en una “olla para
mezclar” – con una diferencia. Esos que vienen
hoy a los Estados Unidos están orgullosos de su
historia y herencia. El reto para ellos es retener su
cultura y al mismo tiempo “encajar” en la vida de
los Americanos. Esto posee un gran reto para
nuestras conferencias y consejos cuando
servimos a la población inmigrante y cuando los
invitamos a formar parte de nuestra membresía.
También es muy diferente la situación económica
y educativa de aquellos que vienen a estudiar o
trabajar. Muchos de nuestros antecesores vinieron
de Europa o Irlanda con muy poca educación y
pocas destrezas pero atreves de las generaciones
hemos triunfado y prosperado. Podemos seguir
viendo inmigrantes que vienen sin nada – sin
dinero, sin destrezas, y poca educación. Pero
también vemos a una nueva generación de
individuos que tienen una buena educación y
talentos. Ellos vienen porque no hay oportunidades
en sus países de origen y ellos quieren algo mejor
par sus hijos.
¿De donde vienen? La respuesta es – ¡De todas
partes! La nueva generación de personas
Hispano/Latinos ha cambiado nuestro país –Los
cambios mas obvios son los letreros comerciales y
los negocios que vemos alrededor de nosotros.
Esta población es extremadamente importante a
nuestra Iglesia y a nuestra Sociedad porque ellos
tienen el potencial para ser miembros y ofrecernos
buenas ideas. Así como hemos aprendido a servir
mejor a las personas Hispano/Latinas, también
ellos nos dan una nueva dimensión a nuestras
vidas y a la Sociedad.
culture y tradiciones distintas, así mismo los
inmigrantes Asiáticos vienen de muchos países y
Los que vienen de África también se están
incrementado – ellos también vienen de una área
muy grande, muchos países, muchas culturas y
costumbres. Ellos vienen a estudiar, a trabajar y a
construir nuevas vidas como los pobladores de
inmigrantes que venían antes a América. Los Afro
Americanos que son ciudadanos Americanos y
Estadounidenses – muy pocos de ellos llegaron
libres! Los retos que los ciudadanos Afro
Americanos han tenido que pasar para poder
prosperar son probablemente los mayores de
cualquier grupo de americanos, y su camino ha
sido marcado con grandes héroes y heroínas. Los
indios Nativo- Americanos forman otro gran
segmento de la población que ha sufrido mucho en
las manos de las mayorías pero que han trabajado
arduamente para mantener su cultura y poder ser
miembros orgullos dentro de la sociedad.
¿Que significa esto para nosotros los Vicentinos?
Significa que nosotros servimos, invitamos a
amigos y juntos podremos crecer en santidad en
comunidades multiculturales. Esta es una nueva
generación de inmigrantes ¿Como los
adaptamos? ¿Que hace tu conferencia, tu consejo
y tus trabajos especiales para servir a una
comunidad multicultural? Como invitas a los
miembros multiculturales a unirse a tu servicio?
Si tu conferencia esta integrada por personas
“como tu”, si tu consejo esta formado de personas
“como tu” como vas a ser capas de entender, de
servir e invitar a todas esas persona que no son
“como tu” que tienen el potencial de enriquecer
nuestra Sociedad y a engrandecer nuestro servicio
y espiritualidad?
Ofreciendo Esperanza – Proporcionando ayuda.
Esta es nuestra misión. Poniendo atención a esa
dimensión multicultural es esencial si
verdaderamente queremos llevar esperanza y
ofrecer la ayuda real a todas las diferentes
personas que han sido llamadas al servicio.
Me sorprendí cuando leí recientemente, que las
personas Hispano/ Latinas no son el grupo de
inmigrantes de mayor crecimiento en los Estados
Unidos. Ese honor pertenece a la población
Asiática. Así como las personas Hispano/Latinas
vienen de muchos países diferentes, con una
End Poverty through Systemic Change
Sheila Gilbert
Presidenta Nacional
En Espanol
Miembros de la Sociedad de San
Vicente de Paul saben muy bien que
si oramos y escuchamos, sabremos que
hacer, aunque en algunas ocasiones no
tenga sentido lo que hacemos. Cuando
reflexionamos sobre las Escrituras, la
mayoría de las veces, no tiene sentido en lo
que nos dice Jesús, especialmente para
aquellos que Dios les habla continuamente.
Capitulo tras capitulo, podemos encontrar
ejemplos, en donde El entristece a Sus
padres, o a Sus seguidores o a Sus amigos, o
a los lideres de Su tiempo. Ellos podrían
pensar que se eludía, que no les prestaba
atención. El se resistía a que el Reino de Dios
se ponga en segundo plano. El sabía
claramente que el Reino es el cielo, la sal,
semilla de mostaza para ti y en ti. Decía que
el Reino era para los niños, los pobres, los
olvidados. Cuando estuvo aquí, no fue muy
popular, especialmente, cuando El retaba el
estatus quo, cuando el llamaba a los lideres a
ser lideres servidores, a no obsesionarse con
las leyes.
fundadores el Beato Federico Ozanam y
nuestro patrón San Vicente de Paul.
Necesitamos abrirnos a hacer un lugar en
nuestras mesas para todas las personas de
todas las etnias y antecedentes culturales, de
las diferentes edades y nivel económico.
Debemos de estar en solidaridad con
aquellos que viven en la pobreza aquí en este
país y alrededor del mundo. Es decir seguir el
Reglamento, Leyes y Estatutos porque es
hacer lo correcto. Es decir estamos
comprometidos con la caridad y justicia y
encontrar las causas de la pobreza, porque
necesitamos ver la cara de Cristo. En ellos.
Esto es lo que construye el Reino real para
todos nosotros.
Cuando hacemos lo que creemos, no
solamente damos a aquellos en necesidad
esperanza. La Esperanza de quien es Cristo y
hacerlo visible y real atreves de nuestro
Si vamos a ser como El, porque hemos sido
creados a Su imagen, necesitamos tomar el
inevitable riesgo de involucramos a ser fieles
y comprometidos a nuestra misión. Dejarnos
inspirar por los valores del Evangelio,
comprometidos a crecer espiritualmente,
abiertos para ofrecer servicio personal a
aquellos en la tradición de nuestros
Honor the love Our Lord has for those who are poor…
Roger Playwin
Jefe Ejecutivo Oficial
-St. Vincent de Paul
Carriers of
God ’s Hope
By Bishop John Quinn,
National Episcopal Advisor
As Vincentians, all too often we have seen the
look of despair in the eyes of people we have
served. That look is one that says, “This is the
best it’s ever going to be. Life is not going to get
any better. The situation, the circumstances, the
crisis that we are undergoing will never end.”
Despair is one of the heaviest burdens anyone
can ever bear. When a person is despairing,
focusing on the problems at hand becomes all
consuming. No thought is given to anyone or
anything else except its impact on the current
crisis. There are no thoughts of God.
Yet, we know the truth that God IS the answer.
We Vincentians, as God’s instruments, can bring
help and, with that help, we can bring hope.
Hope is God’s gift to mankind. God is telling
them that life can be and is better. The situation
can change and circumstances can improve. The
crisis will end. Through the caring assistance of
His Vincentians, God is telling them that He loves
them. God is hope. And, we Vincentians are the
carriers of that hope.
We have to remember and believe that we are
God’s hands, feet, words and heart in every
encounter we have with those in need. We are
an expression of His love. We have to believe
this. It is through faith that mountains can be
moved. It is through faith that crises can end. It
is through faith that we and those we serve can
see the light shining after the storm. Our faith
can make that happen. Our faith and our help
can give them faith and give them hope. It is
through our help that they get a glimpse of God
and His gift of hope.
Sincerely yours in Christ,
En Espanol
Portadores de la
Esperanza de Dios
Como Vicentinos, muy a menudo hemos visto la
mirada de desamparo en los ojos de las personas
que hemos servido. En esa mirada podemos ver,
“Esto es lo mejor que puede pasar”. La vida no va
a mejorar. La situación, las circunstancias, la
crisis que estamos viviendo nunca va a terminar.”
La desesperación es uno de las cargas mas
difíciles que podemos llevar. Cuando una persona
esta desesperada, enfocándose en los problemas
que tiene es muy desgastante. No existe nadie ni
nada para ellos que el impacto de la crisis actual.
No piensan en Dios.
Pero, nosotros sabemos que Dios ES la respuesta
Nosotros los Vicentinos, como instrumentos de
Dios podemos llevar ayuda, y con esa ayuda,
podemos llevar esperanza. La esperanza es el
regalo de Dios para los hombres. Dios les dice que
la vida es y puede ser mejor. La situación puede
cambiar y las circunstancias pueden mejorar. La
crisis terminara. Por la asistencia cariñosa de Sus
Vicentinos, Dios les dice que El los ama Dios es
Esperanza. Y nosotros, los Vicentinos, somos
mensajeros de Esperanza.
Tenemos que creer y recordar que somos las
manos, los pies, palabra y corazón de Dios en cada
encuentro que tenemos con aquellos en
necesidad. Somos la expresión de su amor.
Tenemos que creerlo. Es con Fe que podemos
mover montañas Tener Fe que la crisis terminara.
Es con Fe que veremos que nosotros y a los que
servimos veremos la luz después de la tormenta.
Nuestra Fe puede hacer que esto suceda. Nuestra
Fe y nuestra ayuda pude darles Fe y Esperanza. Es
atreves de nuestra ayuda que ellos podrán dar una
mirada a Dios y a Sus regalos de Esperanza.
Sinceramente en Cristo,
End Poverty through Systemic Change
St. Henry Grade School helps
"Stuff the Bus" for St. Barbara Conference
By: Sr. Christian Price, ASCJ
The St. Barbara
Conference was the
recipient of the "Stuff the
Bus" food drive
conducted by the
children at St. Henry
Grade School. A great
number of children
participated in this
wonderful work of
mercy. The food was
brought to the St. Barbara
pantry by the children with the help of parents. As
the members of St. Vincent de Paul waited for the arrival of the food, they
were totally surprised by the number of children who came to unload the truck. The
children completely unloaded the truck themselves and carried the food to the pantry. It
was a wonder to witness! Some could only carry one or two items while the older students
carried boxes and bags. It was a delightful experience for all!
Laura Ryan, a parishioner and mother of children from St. Henry's, was the coordinator for
the project and had the support of Sue Gries, principal of St. Henry. This project was part of
the Foresters "Feeding God's Children" National Program.
Those in need in the Elsmere,
Erlanger, and Independence,
KY., benefitted from the
generosity of the children at
St. Henry Grade School.
Assist poor persons corporally and spiritually. -St. Vincent de Paul
Embracing Youth
I was very encouraged by the attendance of members from four of our Youth and Young Adult
groups at the Midwest Regional Meeting.
These youth groups were invited to the meeting as assistants to the planning committee,
however, they also had an opportunity to speak about what their conferences are doing to
further the mission of the Society.
For example
The Mini Vinnies of St. Charles
Borromeo from St. Charles, MO came to assist
and celebrate liturgy with the Vincentians at the
Saturday Vigil Mass. They performed as servers,
lectors, and even helped with the singing.
The students of Althoff
Catholic High School in Belleville,
IL were present to share their ministry on
the “Soup Bus” and served Saturday’s lunch
on the bus to our Vincentians.
Two members of the Loyola Young
Conference at St. Francis Xavier Church in
St. Louis, MO, Margie and Michelle, shared that their
conference works like any adult conference except that
it is made up of young professionals who are juggling
jobs and school, while maintaining their commitment
to their conference.
End Poverty through Systemic Change
at SVDP Gatherings
The Young Vincentians from the
Western District of Franklin County, MO,
helped at the registration table, prepared and served lunch
and participated in the liturgy.
Overall, Vincentians were delighted with the presence of the young people, as they brought
energy and excitement to the meeting as well as their willingness to serve in whatever way
was needed.
It is my hope that as the Youth and Young Adult initiative continues to develop we will
embrace, encourage and accept more young people to take on active roles in the Society.
Thrift Store in Uniontown PA
Celebrates 20 Years of Service!
The St. Vincent de Paul Thrift, 70 N. Mt.
Vernon Avenue, Uniontown, Penn. has been
very active providing essential services to
area residents for the past 20 years. Roy
Sarver Director of the Uniontown Store and
Conference, has recently been recognized
as an outstanding community leader by the
Fayette County Behavioral Administration
at the Fayette County Commissioner’s
meeting. This award is given to an
outstanding community leader who has
made a difference in the lives of individuals
in recovery, with mental health needs,
and/or intellectual disabilities. Roy Director
of the Uniontown Store and Conference
received this award for ”his creative genius
to find solutions to every unusual problem
that so many of our consumers find
themselves facing.” Roy credits the award
to all of his dedicated staff of unpaid and
paid personnel who work so hard with a
love for their God and the poor.
The store has provided cash vouchers for
hotel stays, GED tutoring, employment
program at their furniture store, and
numerous other programs and services for
the area residents.
When matters are proposed, before everything else consider the purpose. -St. Vincent de Paul
News & Views Fall 2012
Ray Dupont, National Stores Committee Chairperson
We were privileged to see a
YouTube video, “Imagine a
Family” from Australia that exemplified
theme for this news letter “Giving Hope –
Providing Help”.
If you have not had an opportunity to see
this video you should do so at
cBI. This video really sends the message of
how our help can completely change the
picture of a family and give hope.
We, in the stores, strive to do the same by
giving people a place to shop for items at a
greatly reduced price. This gives them the
opportunity to stretch their precious dollars
so they can buy more necessities for their
family. As the above cited video points out
sometimes a family is hit with unforeseen
circumstances that require them to conserve
the precious resources they have available.
The St. Vincent de Paul Stores help them do
this in a kind, caring and dignified way.
On another front, the National Stores
Committee has a lot of new members since
the transition of new leadership. Here is an
up to date listing of the National Stores
Committee Members. If you have any
questions on stores please contact the
members in your Region:
Ray DuPont - Chair
Jeannine DuPont - Secretary
3608 Packsaddle Drive
Horseshoe Bay, TX 78657
[email protected]
3608 Packsaddle Drive
Horseshoe Bay, TX 78657
Northeast Region:
Joe Lazarich
Chris Trudeau
Large Store Representative
Council Rockville Centre
249 Broadway
Bethpage, NY 11714-3705
[email protected]
Large Store Representative
Council Representative
18 Canton Street
Stoughton, MA 02072
(781) 344-3100
(617) 438-6800
[email protected]
End Poverty through Systemic Change
Eastern Region:
Ed Markiewicz
Peter Jeffrey
Large Store Representative
Small Store Representative
Council of Greensburg
163 Old Route 217
Derry, PA 15627
[email protected]
Council Representative
Council of Pittsburgh
P.O. Box 335, 897 Route 910
Indianola, PA 15051
[email protected]
Mid East Region:
Prentice Carter
Large Store Representative
Council of Cincinatti
4530 Este Ave
Cincinnati, OH 45230
[email protected]
Steve Maiville
Ralph Braburn
Small Store Repsentative
Council of Lansing
Council Representative
Council of Covington
2655 Crescent Springs Road
Covington, KY 41017
[email protected]
Lansing, MI
[email protected]
Mid West Region:
Large Store Representative
Small Store Representative
Council Representative
North Central Region:
Walt Hobbs
Large Store Representative
Council of Green Bay
1529 Leo Frigo Way
Green Bay, WI 54302
(920) 639-0264
(920) 435-4040 x108
[email protected]
Small Store Representative
Council Representative
Kevin Barbee
Ray Rayfield
Large Store Representative
Council of Atlanta
2050 Chamblee Tucker Road , Suite C
Atlanta, Georgia 30341
[email protected]
Small Store Representative
Council of New Orleans
1995 Gentilly Blvd.
New Orleans, LA 70119
504-822-9288, ext 12
Council Representative
Southeast Region:
[email protected]
continued on next page
We should strive to reciprocate the marks of confidence and kindness we receive... -St. Vincent de Paul
News & Views Fall 2012
South Central Region:
Paul Klepyas
Linda Strasburg
Large Store Representative
Council of Austin
1327 South Congress Ave.
Austin, Texas 78704-2432
[email protected]
Small Store Representative
Council Representative
Archdiocese of Santa Fe
38 Desert Sky Rd. SE
Albuquerque, NM 87123
[email protected]
Tony Terrazas
Oscar Perez
Vicky Rowell
Large Store Representative
Council of Los Angles
210 North Ave 21
Los Angeles, CA 90031
[email protected]
Large Store Representative
Council of San Mateo
344 Grand Ave
S. San Francisco, CA 94080
Small Store Representative
Council of Boise
3217 W. Overland Rd.
Boise ID 83705
[email protected]
[email protected]
The National Stores Committee has also been
forming goals for the National Strategic Plan
and developing work plans to accomplish
these goals. The initial goals were presented
at the National Midyear Meeting in St. Louis in
April. The detailed work plans will be
presented at the National Meeting in Seattle.
The main goals that will be pursued over the
next 5 years are:
1) Develop a communications system for
Thrift Stores and the National Stores
Committee to provide news, best practices,
resources and stores manual.
2) Develop methods to address opportunities,
weaknesses, threats and potential
problems for stores and special works.
3) Develop a self-evaluation tool for stores
and special works.
4) Develop a disaster preparedness plan for
stores and special works.
5) Work with the Goal 6 (Development) leader
to ensure that stores are included as part of
the overall development strategy.
These are very aggressive goals and we will
work diligently to get them accomplished.
End Poverty through Systemic Change
Voice of the Poor
Love of God and Neighbor:
Commandments of the Society
continued from page 1
In their book “Compassion,” Fathers Henri Nouwen, Donald
McNeill and Douglas Morrison outline that action on behalf
those is need, "a revelation of God's caring presence here
and now."
The authors send us to 1 John 1:1-4 and offer that passage
as an outline for compassionate action, action that "is the
free, joyful, and above all, grateful manifestation of an
encounter that has taken place." For Vincentians, that is the
encounter that we have with Christ each time we meet him
in "the least among us."
Why is it up to us to provide both help AND hope? Because
of the wealth of knowledge that you and I have about the
people we see. We may not be experts in poverty statistics,
but we do know the stories of those in need. We know what
impact a change to low-income heating assistance has on
real families. We see first hand the consequences of a
change in unemployment laws has on the people in our
neighborhoods and on our conference budgets. We visit the
mobile homes, apartments, and extended stay homes of
families who would benefit from more affordable housing.
Vincentians experience these situations every day. And we
do a great job of bringing hope and compassion to those we
visit. The job that you can do as a Voice of the Poor is to
bring that same hope to those many low-income families
whom we don't see....but who need our help, our hope, and
our action, just as much as those we do visit.
Ozanam News
is the official quarterly
publication of the
Society of
St. Vincent de Paul
National Council of
the United States
Shelia Gilbert
Executive Editor
Roger Playwin
Managing Editor
Pamela F. Johnson
Editorial Board
Liz Carter
Leigh Anne Cipriano
Pamela F. Johnson
Roger Playwin
Ray Sickinger
Mike Syslo
Charles Henderson
58 Progress Parkway
Maryland Heights, Missouri
Phone: (314) 576-3993
Fax: (314) 576-6755
[email protected]
Father Gregory Ramkissoon, founder and executive director
of the Mustard Seed Communities, was a recent speaker at
our parish. He had a wonderful message about help and
hope. He said that working with those less fortunate is our
way of taking the Eucharist out of the tabernacle and into
the streets.
Being a Voice of the Poor is a way to transform the
knowledge that you gain as a Vincentian into action for the
many people who have yet to take advantage of our
Come join us.
God loves those who love the poor... -St. Vincent de Paul
When making your estate plans, please
consider making a charitable donation to
the Society of St. Vincent de Paul.
A “Will” is a simple legal document that is
an effective tool to ensure your lifetime
assets are distributed as you wish.
Without a legal document, the court will
decide how to disburse your assets. A gift
by a “Will” to the Society will provide
funding for vital programs and services to
the poor throughout the nation. The
benefits of A “Will:”
• Determine how, when, and to whom
your assets will be distributed;
• Name the executor who will manage
your estate according to your wishes;
• Create trusts for the benefit of your
spouse, your children, or others;
• Reduce the burden of federal estate
taxes; and
• Provides for those charitable
organizations to which you are devoted
A sample of the simple wording for a
“Will” is as follows: “I give, devise and
bequeath to the Society of St. Vincent de
Paul Council of the United States to benefit
the programs of the Society, _____(percent)
of my estate [or, $_____], to be used the
Society officers in carrying out the
Society’s objective and purposes.
For learn more about the benefits and
options in planning your estate, please
visit the Society web page:, click on “CONTRIBUTE”
and then find the information titled
“Planned Giving.”
We recommend that you consult your
attorney or financial planning
professional when creating or revising
your Will. For more information about
including St. Vincent de Paul Council of
the United States in your estate plans,
please contact Steven Martinez, National
Development Director at 314-576-3993 ext.
Are you a federal
worker or in the U.S.
military and want to
contribute to the
National Council of the U.S. Society of St. Vincent de
Paul? You can through the Combined Federal
Campaign (CFC). The CFC is the world's largest and
most successful annual workplace charity campaign,
with more than 200 CFC campaigns throughout the
country and internationally that help raise millions
of dollars each year. Pledges are made by federal
civilian, postal and military donors during the
campaign season, which runs from September 1 to
December 15.
If you're interested in learning more, including how
to contribute, go to Simply
enter SVdP's number (1095) on the CFC pledge form.
The 5th Annual, National St. Vincent de Paul Society
Friends of the Poor National Walk/Run will be hosted
on: Saturday, Sept. 29, 2012
The date honors selected the Feast Day of St. Vincent
de Paul.
Everything you need to host a Walk/Run, to register
and/or pledge is located at
Funds raised through the National Walk/Run event stay
in the local community to assist with
programs/services for the poor and underprivileged.
Registrants, select the Conference/Council of their
chose during the registration process. The new updated
website has streamlined the process and made it
easier to navigate.
Join in the Fun, Host A Walk/Run, Be a walker/runner,
or pledge to a walker/runner.
End Poverty through Systemic Change
National Vehicle Donation Program
The number of vehicles donated to
SVdP's National Vehicle Donation
Program continues to increase,
providing additional funds for food,
shelter and other necessities to
those we serve. Shouldn't your
Council or Conference be part of
that success?
Attractive, full-color pamphlets for prospective donors are available in both English and
Spanish, along with display holders, and can be sent to you in whatever quantities you
need. Place them in car rental firms, car dealerships, auto repair shops, auto parts
stores wherever there's a countertop and your members are willing to ask to have
them displayed. The National Council will even pick up the cost of postage.
To order donor pamphlets and holders, contact:
Jeff Morse
Materials & Sales Specialist
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (314) 576-3993, ext. 210
God loves those who love the poor... -St. Vincent de Paul