U12 - NEW Player`s Packet - internationalfootballclub.org


U12 - NEW Player`s Packet - internationalfootballclub.org
 Phone: 703-473-6783  E-Mail: [email protected]
I believe that some of the greatest soccer players are yet to be found. They are all over the world, and
I strongly believe that youth soccer is where we as coaches of the sport need to be paying more
attention and spending more time developing players. It is at the very beginning stages of a kids’
childhood, where players can be coached to reach their full soccer potential. Youth soccer it’s a vital
face where players need to be appropriately developed, for if one day they wanted to pursue a career
as professional soccer players, they can be ready to take on that challenge. Every kid has the potential
to become a great soccer player; it’s my responsibility as their coach to guide them and encourage
them to work hard and help them achieve their full soccer potential.
What really motivates me about coaching it’s that growing up in El Salvador, a country with a high
rate of crime in the streets, where a lot of kids end up in the streets and joining gangs. Soccer is one of
the best gateways to keep kids out of trouble. El Salvador it’s also a very passionate soccer nation,
home of one the greatest soccer players of the world, Jorge “El Magico” Gonzales. Many soccer
coaches devote their time to coach and develop young kids and help them stay out of trouble. I am
the result of some of my former soccer coaches’ philosophies. Their philosophies were instilled in me
at a very early age of my childhood. Their philosophies were some of the greatest there are in youth
soccer; and I have borrowed and build upon them to create my own. I am interested and feel the
responsibility in coaching because I know I have so much knowledge and experience to give back to
youth soccer.
I am very passionate about the game of soccer; I started playing soccer when I was 6 years old. I
played as a goalkeeper in El Salvador for Marcelino Garcia Flamenco at the High School level, which
finished #1 in the nation. Furthermore, I played with Progreso Academy in my native El Salvador,
which ended second at the national level. Later in 2002, moving to the United States at the age of 17,
I was part of the 2004 Gar-Field Senior HS District Champion team where I played as forward and
goalkeeper. In the summer of 2005, I joined the USL Super Y-League with the Northern Virginia
Royals, and in the years of 2008 and 2009, I played as a midfielder with the Northern Virginia
Community College team. I am a holder of a U.S. Soccer Federation “D” license, and the National
Youth Soccer License. I am always looking for ways to improve myself as a coach and try to pursue
soccer licenses that can make me become a better coach, because I believe we can always learn
something new. I have served on the coaching staff of International Football Club (IFC), part of the
ODSL. I served as head coach at IFC of the U12 recreational team (2011-2012), assistant coach for IFC
U12 Boys Travel teams (2011-2012), head coach for IFC U13 Boys travel team (2013-2014), head
coach for IFC U14 Boys Travel Team Division I Champions (2013-2014), assistant coach for the Boys
Varsity Soccer Team at Gar-Field Senior HS (2013-2014), head coach for IFC U15 Boys Travel Team
Eastern Development Program (EDP) (2015), currently I serve as the head coach for U16 Boys Travel
Team EDP (2016).
My method of coaching involves, teaching the player to respect the game, respect their opponent and
to be discipline in and out of the field of practice and play. I involve my players in the decision making
process before, during and after practice and games. I believe that without discipline in and out of the
field, players narrow their chances of succeeding, not just in the game of soccer, but in the REAL
[Playing futbol is very simple, but playing simple
futbol is the hardest thing there is] —Johan Cruyff
IFC – U12
My Coaching Philosophy
As a coach, I want all my players to feel comfortable when they come to practice
because it will be more fun for them. If soccer is fun, players will more likely be able to
learn and improve. In addition, I strongly concur with the United States Soccer
Federation philosophy, which is to teach the players to “respect the game”. So they
understand the role of the referee; opponents; coaches; fans; their equipment and
nutrition. And to ensure future players continue playing, learning and loving this
Soccer Experience/Biography
I played as a goalkeeper in El Salvador for Marcelino Garcia Flamenco at the High School level
which finished #1 in the nation. Furthermore, I played with Progreso Academy in my native El Salvador,
which ended second at the national level. Later in 2002, moving to the United States
at the age of 17, I was part of the 2004 Gar-Field Senior HS District Champion team where I played
as forward and goalkeeper. In the summer of 2005, I joined the USL Super Y-League with the Northern
Virginia Royals, and in the years of 2008 and 2009, I played as a midfielder with the Northern Virginia
Community College team. After concluding my playing career at NVCC, I transferred to Radford University
where in 2011 I earned my bachelor’s degree in Communication Studies and in 2012 my Master’s degree
in Corporate and Professional Communication.
U.S. Soccer Federation “D” License | Summer 2012 | DC Stoddert Soccer League
National Youth Soccer License | Summer 2013 | Fredericksburg Academy, VA
I have served on the coaching staff for International Football Club (IFC) as
Head coach at IFC of the U12 recreational team (2011-2012)
Assistant coach for IFC U12 Boys Travel teams (2011-2012)
Head coach for IFC U13 Boys travel team (2013-2014)
Head coach for IFC U14 Boys Travel Team Division I Champions (2013-2014)
Assistant coach for the Boys Varsity Soccer Team at Gar-Field Senior HS (2013-2014)
Head coach for IFC U15 Boys Travel National Capital Soccer League (NCSL)
Head IFC U15 Boys Travel coach Team Eastern Development Program (EDP) (2015)
currently Head coach for U16 Boys Travel Team EDP (2016)
 Boris Flores—President of IFC and Former Director of Hispanic Marketing
Communications, DC United
(703) 989-2771
[email protected]
 Kate Samsot—Virginia Youth Soccer Association Instructor
(703) 795-9963
[email protected]
 Caly Bruton—Director, Soccer Shots, Northern VA-Prince William County
(703) 795-9963
[email protected]
IFC – U12
 Phone: 703-473-6783  E-Mail: [email protected]
La filosofía de International Football Club referente al fútbol es desarrollar
diferentes aspectos de las personalidades de nuestros jugadores. No nos
consideramos expertos de la psicología y tampoco nos creemos expertos en el
fútbol. Lo que sí creemos es que la experiencia en el fútbol de nuestro personal,
tanto a nivel deportivo como administrativo, nos da ideas y principios para
desarrollar mejores jugadores de fútbol, y al mismo tiempo facilitar la maduración
de cada jugador individualmente, tanto en el campo deportivo como en el aula
escolar. Nuestra meta es desarrollar excelentes ciudadanos y futbolistas.
Para empezar, la escuela debe ser el aspecto más importante de cada
jugador en el día a día. Usted como jugador/padre quizás ama el fútbol. Algunos
jugadores quizás piensan y sueñan en jugar profesionalmente. Y una de nuestras
metas es poder ayudar al jugador cumplir ese sueño. Pero todos los jugadores
deben prepararse para otros aspectos de la vida. El éxito escolar es un valuarte
que International Football Club va a dedicarle mayor importancia cada
temporada. Los padres serán responsables de monitorear el progreso escolar de
cada jugador. En el caso de que un jugador no rinda adecuadamente en el aula del
colegio le pedimos a los padres que tomen medidas adecuadas.
Otro principio que queremos remarcar es que nosotros estamos
desarrollando jugadores. Esto tiene que estar en la mente de todos los padres en
IFC. El desarrollo de cada jugador será adentro y fuera de la cancha. De parte de
nuestros entrenadores, cada jugador recibirá la mejor atención y entrenamiento
posible y cada entrenador le dedicará mayor atención tanto al grupo como a cada
jugador individualmente. Los resultados de los partidos serán analizados y dictados
al grupo entero. Es importante tener en cuenta que cada resultado no mostrará
necesariamente la mejora del equipo y cada jugador. En este nivel de competencia
cada jugador está creciendo y mejorando, y por eso es importante ser entrenado de
una manera que ayuda al grupo entero.
Sabemos que un equipo es un conjunto de individuos, pero para que un
equipo sea exitoso necesita ser aún mas. Un equipo exitoso es aquel grupo de
individuos motivados por un objetivo en común. Nuestro objetivo como club es ser
el mejor club posible y desarrollar grandes jugadores y grandes ciudadanos. No
mediremos nuestro compromiso y mejoría a comparación de otros equipos. Lo
mismo será el caso con nuestros jugadores. Ellos serán evaluados. Intentaremos
conocerlos mas. Intentaremos entender en que punto de desarrollo están, de donde
provienen y a dónde quieren llegar. Les enseñaremos situaciones distintas para
sacar lo mejor de ellos. No le pedimos a los jugadores que sean los mejores, si no
que siempre den su mejor esfuerzo posible.
IFC – U12
Filosofía + Expectativas del Jugador - IFC
Filosofía + Expectativas del Jugador - IFC
Realmente amamos lo que hacemos! Creemos que hemos fundado un club que hará
diferencia en la comunidad. También creemos que hemos establecido una fundación
sólida en la que podemos continuar desarrollando y formando a nuestros jugadores
hacia un óptimo nivel.
Seguir las indicaciones de los entrenadores
Respeto hacia los padres, compañeros, entrenadores y funcionarios del club
Ser capaz de recibir crítica constructiva
Dar lo mejor en cada práctica
Presentarse en cada partido y práctica de forma adecuada y tempranera
Ayudar y alentar a los compañeros de equipo
Reportar inmediatamente alguna lesión a entrenadores, funcionarios del club
o padres
8. Observar el juego! Ser un apasionado y estudioso del fútbol. Se aprende
mucho mirando partidos por TV
9. Entrenar y jugar al máximo de mi habilidad
10. Presentarse por lo menos 30 minutos antes de cada partido y listo para
11. Aprender y seguir las reglas del juego y del club
12. Llegar a cada partido y entreno listo con el uniforme completo, canilleras de
protección, agua, y pelota inflada
13. Saber su rol en el equipo
14. Tener una actitud positiva y nunca darse por vencido
15. Practicar técnica tres veces por semana de 15 minutos cada sesión
Además nuestros jugadores NUNCA harán lo siguiente…
16. Dejar que su entusiasmo y compromiso por el fútbol sea en detrimento de los
estudios académicos
17. Usar lenguaje inadecuado y vulgar
18. Usar sustancias inadecuadas a no ser que sean recomendadas por un doctor
19. Abandonar el campo o una sesión de entrenos sin el permiso del entrenador
20. Ignorar o no seguir las instrucciones asignadas por el entrenador, su
asistente o funcionarios del club
21. Olvidar que representan a International Football Club (tanto en el campo
como fuera) y a todos los jugadores, y familias de la organización
IFC – U12
Expectativa de nuestros jugadores:
Our “coaching philosophy" at International Football Club pertaining to the
game of soccer and, life in general, is to develop different aspects of our players’
personalities. We do not profess to be well versed in psychology, nor do we think
that we as coaches and administrators know every aspect of coaching soccer.
However, we do believe that with the professional background and soccer
experience of our club staff, it has provided us with some insight into ideas that not
only will allow us to help create better soccer players, but also facilitate individual
player's maturation to be successful students in the classroom and better yet,
outstanding citizens.
To begin, academic achievement should be the most important aspect of a
player’s daily life. Players/parents may love soccer. Players might dream of playing
professionally. And one of our goals is to hopefully help the player fulfill that dream.
But players must prepare themselves for other aspects of life. Academic success is
a main aspect that International Football Club will emphasize throughout the
season. Parents will be asked to monitor academic progress and take the necessary
actions accordingly if the player is not performing in the classroom.
Another principle we will highlight is that we are developing players. This
idea has to be present in the mind of all the parents in IFC. Players’ development will
be on and off the field. From our coaches, they will receive the best training
available and coaches will focus on the buildup of the group’s abilities as well as
individual coaching. Results from games will be taken into account and analysis will
be given to each player and to the group. However, these results will not be the
reflection of each player’s improvement and their skills. At this level players’
awareness of competition and individual attributes are increasing and they have to
be coached and directed in a way that helps the entire group.
A team is a collection of individuals, but for a team to be successful it must be
much more than that. A successful team is a group of individuals driven by a
common goal. Our ultimate goal as a club is to be the very best that we can be, which
is to develop outstanding citizens and competitive soccer players! We will aim not to
compare ourselves with the accomplishments of others clubs and we will attempt to
take the same approach with our players. We will evaluate them. We will try to get
to know them. We will try to understand where they are and where they come from
and where they want to be. We then will try to put them in varying situations to get
the most out of them. We ask not from players to be great at everything, we only
ask that players try their best.
IFC – U12
Coaching Philosophy + Player's Expectations
Coaching Philosophy + Player's Expectations
We really love what we do! We believe we have founded a club that will make a
difference in our community and have laid out a solid foundation upon which we
can continue to shape and mold our players to a higher level.
Be coachable
Respect parents, teammates, coaches and club officials
Accept constructive criticism
Willing to give their best on each and every practice
Attend & be prompt to all practices & games
Give encouragement to fellow teammates
Immediately report any injury to coaches, club officials or parents
WATCH THE GAME! Be a student of the game by watching soccer games on
TV. Players can learn so much by watching games!
9. Train and play to the best of their ability
10. Arrive AT LEAST 30 minutes prior to games, dressed and ready to begin
11. Learn and obey the Laws of the Game, the Team and the Club
12. Arrive prepared for all games and practices with the required equipment
including, for games: both uniform jerseys, uniform shorts, shin guards,
water source and a properly inflated accurately sized soccer ball
13. Know your role on the team
14. Have a positive attitude and never quit
15. Practice additional foot skills three times per week in 15 minute increments
Further the player will NEVER…
16. Allow their enthusiasm and commitment for soccer to override their
commitment to their education
17. Use profane or vulgar language
18. Use a controlled substance unless prescribed by a physician
19. Leave the field or a session without the permission of the coach
20. Disregard any instructions of the Coach, Assistant Coaches or Club officials
21. Forget that they represent International Football Club (on and off the field)
and all of the players and families within the club
IFC – U12
Expectations from players:
International Football Club Concussion Management Policy
Virginia and many states have laws to protect athletes from the harmful effects of head injuries. International Football Club
expects the travel coaches and technical staff to be aware of their role in: (1) upholding the Virginia state laws and VYSA
concussion policy (2) educating parents, and athletes on the risks involved with concussions and contact sports (3)
removing athlete from play if concussion is suspected, and (4) requiring a medical opinion stating the athlete can return to
State of Virginia code
22.1-271.5 2). A student-athlete suspected by that student-athlete's coach, athletic trainer, or team physician of sustaining
a concussion or brain injury in a practice or game shall be removed from the activity at that time. A student-athlete who
has been removed from play, evaluated, and suspected to have a concussion or brain injury shall not return to play that
same day nor until (i) evaluated by an appropriate licensed health care provider as determined by the Board of Education
and (ii) in receipt of written clearance to return to play from such licensed health care provider.
During a suspected concussion, it is imperative that the athlete be removed from play immediately. For ANY
For athletes who are unable to stand up after an injury, the proper first-aid emergency procedures should be
followed. For athletes who have sustained an impact but can make their own way off the field, the following
protocol is recommended:
1. Remove from Play
2. Sideline Assessment
3. Re-evaluation
Complete IFC injury reporting protocol within 6 hours of incident
BE AWARE: Studies have shown that many athletes do not report concussion symptoms to coaches, parents, and
trainer’s because they do not know what the symptoms feel like. However, athletes who have received concussion
education are more likely to tell their coaches when they are feeling symptomatic. (Sport Concussion Institute)
Coach resources
 Sideline Exam reference sheet
 Follow-up questionnaire for parent/guardian
 CDC fact sheet for coaches
 Concussion Recognition app for parents and coaches
 IFC Injury Reporting Form PDF (Click here to download and print form)
IFC – U12
Coach Action Plan
International Football Club
Injury Reporting Form
Injury Occurrence *
Contact with another player
Contact with the ball
Non-contact in a landing from a jump, sprint, or cut
Occured running or jogging
weather related
sliding or turf related
Please describe the incident in a few words *
What side of the body was injured? *
Which area of the body was injured? *
IFC – U12
In sports, injuries cost more than wins. They can inflict harm on a player's future. IFC’s
Injury Reporting Policy requires that each team complete this form when an injury is
sustained. We expect that this policy will return extremely valuable data on predicting
when injuries occur within our club.
* Required
Name of injured player
Was this player advised to seek medical attention? *
Please choose the type of injury *
Catastrophic= any severe injury incurred during training/match participation
involving severe functional disability (head/neck trauma, ligament tear, bone
fracture/break). Direct injury= resulting directly from contact with another player
or object. Indirect injury= resulting indirectly from the field grounds. This
includes heat illness or heat stroke.
Team training session
Skill session
Indoor game/ training
Name of reporting coach or adult *
Phone number of reporting adult *
This is a required question
Please email completed form to [email protected]
Thank you.
IFC – U12
What type of activity was the injury sustained? *
The jojo Scholarship
Exclusively for International Football Club athletes
Must be enrolled with IFC
Must (1) be nominated by the team, and (2) write a short summary essay of why you deserve
the scholarship.
Must give a 2-5 minutes speech the day the scholarship award is presented, expressing
his/her gratitude towards the scholarship and how this award has motivated him/her to
continue to work hard.
2 SCHOLARSHIP AWARDS of $250.00 each **
For more information please contact
Joanna Bonilla [email protected]
Manuel Chavez at [email protected]
William Chavez at [email protected]
reward hardworking, disciplined, respectful and responsible young athletes
motivate young student-athletes to continue to work hard
empower young student-athletes from different parts of the world to keep being
good role-models for their fellow teammates
—This scholarship has been founded
and created by Joanna Bonilla—
IFC – U12
Those nominated players will be sent to Joanna Bonilla for her to select the WINNERS.
The jojo Scholarship “I Believe in Young Talent” is sponsored by Joanna Bonilla, a young woman
who once used to play soccer. She was inspired to do this scholarship for many different reasons.
Mainly it was to encourage kids to believe in themselves. It’s not always about the BEST player or the #1
ranking player, we also have to celebrate the players that play with their hearts. The players that surprise
us with how much they care about the game also he player on the sideline, cheering the team to glory;
let’s celebrate them and encourage them to keep that great attitude up.
Soccer brings everyone together! We cheer the wonderful talent our kids have, remember it’s not always
about being the BEST but it’s also about leaving our heart out on the field.
Soccer has helped so many people accomplish their dreams and for that reason,
The jojo Scholarship “I Believe in Young Talent” will donate $500 to International Football Club (IFC).
The winners of this scholarship will receive $250 each that will cover half of their next season fees.
The jojo Scholarship "I BELIEVE IN YOUNG TALENT" concurs with
International Football Club’s philosophy…
Founded in 2011, International Football Club (IFC) is a non-profit youth soccer club based in Northern
Virginia that aims to make a positive impact in the lives of young children through soccer. Our
mission is to use "The Beautiful Game" to teach youth positive social and life skills. Under the
guidance of a quality coaching and managing staff, our focus is to promote academic achievement,
character and leadership development, and healthy lifestyles through soccer-based programs.
Ultimately, we seek to entrust our players with the values of becoming leaders in the community
because we believe in the potential of young people to lead and succeed.
The Ernesto J. Alvarado Scholarship
Exclusively for International Football Club athletes
Must be enrolled with IFC
Must be nominated by THE TEAM
Must give a 2-5 minutes speech the day the scholarship award is presented, expressing
his/her gratitude towards the scholarship and how this award has motivated him/her to
continue to work hard
Send nominations to [email protected]
2 SCHOLARSHIP AWARDS of $250.00 **
IFC – U12
For more information contact Coach William Chavez at [email protected]
reward hardworking, disciplined, respectful and responsible young athletes
motivate young student-athletes to continue to work hard, both on the field and in the classroom
empower young student-athletes from different parts of the world to keep being good role-models
for their fellow teammates
develop local youth talent and encourage athletic and academic excellence
—This scholarship has been founded
and created by Ernesto Joaquin Alvarado—
The Ernesto J. Alvarado Scholarship “Scholars and Strikers” is sponsored by Ernesto J. Alvarado. Mr. Alvarado
was a former player who played high school, NCAA Division I, and semi-professional soccer in Italy. In addition, he
played in several youth tournaments in Sweden, Denmark, and England, and is a Tahuichi Academy alumnus. He is a
close family friend and former teammate of Coach Chavez. Mr. Alvarado is now an anti-corruption attorney in
Washington, DC.
“I learned all about life with a ball at my feet.” – Ronaldinho
Mr. Alvarado credits much of his experiences and friendships to his involvement in youth soccer. He also was very
aware of the doors that soccer and academics opens for local children. Mr. Alvarado wants to encourage children to
work hard on the field and in the classroom. He strongly believes that talent alone is not enough to succeed – one has to
be disciplined, respectful, and hard working! In addition to working hard and giving a maximum effort, the kids should
also focus on one more thing – TO HAVE FUN! Soccer players should enjoy every kick of the ball and every game they
play. Through soccer, we are able to develop a sense of community and bring our closest friends and family together.
All children should get to enjoy the beautiful game and everything it teaches. Like Mr. Alvarado, working hard in the
classroom, on the field, and having fun with teammates can change a child’s life. We must continue to support these
children and their dreams early so that they can turn them into reality!
The scholarship is dedicated to Mr. Joaquin Alvarado and Mr. Evans Amegashie – the first coaches that made this
scholarship possible.
Soccer has helped so many people accomplish their dreams and for that reason,
The Ernesto J. Alvarado Scholarship “Scholars and Strikers” will donate $500 to International Football Club (IFC).
The winners of this scholarship will receive $250 each that will cover half of their next season fees.
The Ernesto J. Alvarado Scholarship “Scholars and Strikers" concurs with
International Football Club’s philosophy…
Founded in 2011, International Football Club (IFC) is a non-profit youth soccer club based in Northern Virginia that aims to make a positive impact in
the lives of young children through soccer. Our mission is to use "The Beautiful Game" to teach youth positive social and life skills. Under the
guidance of a quality coaching and managing staff, our focus is to promote academic achievement, character and leadership development, and
healthy lifestyles through soccer-based programs. Ultimately, we seek to entrust our players with the values of becoming leaders in the community
because we believe in the potential of young people to lead and succeed.
Known allergies of this player, including any allergies to medicine
Family Physician: __________________________________
Phone: (
) _______________
Name of Parent/Guardian __________________________________________
Address: _______________________________________________________
City/State/Zip Code: _____________________________________________
Phone: (H) _______________________
(Cell Phone) _________________________
Person to notify if parent/guardian is unavailable: __________________________________
Phone: ___________________________________________________________________
Insurance Carrier: ____________________________
Group Number:
Signature of Parent/Guardian _________________________________________________________
Sworn to and subscribed before me on the _____ day of ________________, _______
Notary Public in and for the State of ___________________
Notary Name _________________________________________________________________
My commission Expires ______________________
IFC – U12
As the parent/legal guardian of _______________________________________, born _______________________
I hereby give my consent and permission for the player named below to be medically and/or
surgically treated for injuries and/or illness of any kind or seriousness under the direction of
Team Officials with a valid USYS Member Pass, until such time as I can be contacted. Further, I
give my consent and permission to the physician and/or hospital and/or other health care
provider selected to provide medical or surgical treatment, including, without limitation, dental
care, hospitalization, injection, anesthesia, invasive surgery or any other form or kind of medical
or surgical care (emergency or otherwise) for the player.

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