Folleto ayto


Folleto ayto
Medina de P oMar
Feel the history
Medina de Pomar
Las Merindades
Feel the history
of Medina de Pomar
This brochure will guide you through the main cultural
and leisure sites in Medina de Pomar. It intends to become an open door to all visitors so that they can share
with us the history and traces that it left in each and
every corner of this city and its nearby villages.
Anyway, this brochure has been thought to make your
visit to Medina de Pomar a pleasant and unforgettable
The city- Visits you should not miss........................ p.04
El Alcázar de los Condestables
History Museum of Las Merindades...................... p.06
Chapel of San Millán
Romanesque History Centre..................................... p.08
Monastery of Santa Clara........................................... p.10
Fairs and street markets................................................ p.12
Nature and sports
Trekking................................................................................... p.14
Map of the area and network of paths................ p.16
Municipal districts and suburbs.................................. p.18
Gastronomy.......................................................................... p.20
Fiestas and traditions....................................................... p.22
Annual agenda – Important events........................ p.24
Facilities: restaurants and accommodation.......... p.26
Useful telephone numbers and addresses........ p.27
Map of the Old Town...................................................... p.28
Medina de Pomar
Feel the history
Medina de Pomar was until 1560 the headquarters of the corregimiento*
in Las Merindades.
That same year, according to the will of Felipe II, within the framework of a
centralizing policy which intended to reduce the power of the aristocracy, Dr.
Mendizábal moved the capital to Villarcayo.
Far from losing the strength and vitality that Medina had always proved, the
activity increased bringing an extraordinary preindustrial and commercial
scenario which has not stopped since then.
Currently, Medina de Pomar is the commercial centre in Las Merindades, with
lots of facilities. It is also a modern and versatile city, proud of its history
and of the trace its ancestors left. A city to stimulate your imagination.
* an area where a judge used to enforce the law
Tourist information
Visitor centre at:
Local tourist information office – Plaza Mayor,1
Alcázar de Los Condestables – Plaza del Alcázar, 1
Telephone numbers: (0034) 947 14 70 42 - 947 19 07 46
[email protected]
GPS 30 T 460179 - 4752883
The city
Visits you should not miss
Somovilla Square constitutes a place full of contrasts which explains the recent development of
the city and clearly represents the limit between the modern and the ancient city. In fact, one of the
countless gates to the walled city was erected in this same place.
Apart from being a meeting point for the inhabitants of Medina, Somovilla
is a suitable place to start a tour around the Old Town, with important remains of its walled enclosure, gates, wickets and narrow streets of mediaeval origin.
Visits you should not miss
Somovilla Square | Main Street (Calle Mayor) | Condestable's
Gate, La Cadena Gate or Oriente Gate | El Corral Square |
La Judería Arch | Parish of Santa Cruz | Main Square (Plaza
Mayor) | Alcazar de los Condestables | Monastery of Santa
Clara | Romanesque History Centre - Chapel of San Millán |
Chapel of Nuestra Señora del Rosario |
* In 1963 Medina de Pomar was acknowledged as a
national History and Art Site.
* In 1997 Medina de Pomar was awarded the tourist
Prize C from Castilla y León regional government.
La Cadena Gate or Oriente
Gate gives you access to the
orchards, where you can
admire its peculiar hanging
houses, one of the best sights
of the old part of the city.
Churc hes in Medina
The Church of Santa Cruz was
the origin of the two other parishes in Medina: San Andrés and
Santa María del Salcinal. The
three of them were ruled by the
statutes the Clerical Chapter conferred to itself.
The first document referring to
this church is a privilege signed
by the king Alfonso X “El Sabio”
in Olmedo (Valladolid) in July
31st, 1274.
Santa María del Salcinal is also
known as Nuestra Señora del Rosario, patron saint of the city. It is
supposed to have been an oath
church according to some ancient
regional laws granted by the king
Alfonso VII in the 12th century.
The Parish of Santa Cruz keeps an amazing
altarpiece from the Castilian School made at
the beginning of the 16th century and originally located in Salinas del Rosío. It shows significant scenes of the Passion and Crucifixion
of Christ, San Juan Bautista and the Blessed
Virgin Mary.
Discovering the city
El alcazar de los Condestables
History Museum of Las Merindades
Histor y Museum
of Las Merindades .
Alcázar de los Condestables .
Information Offices on page 3.
Although the specific origins of Medina de Pomar are unknown, they might be the times of stability that the resettlement
involved. In the middle of the 12th century, when a new organization of the space and the functions appeared under what
could be called the first town planning, a process based on
the structuring of the people living there.
It is quite probable that the structuring had its roots in the
awarding of fueros (special privileges given to a town or region). The Kings Alfonso VII and VIII were the ones who, in
that context, granted privileges to Frías, Mijangos, Criales and
Villasana de Mena together with Medina de Pomar.
Medina de Pomar, a Manor (a
landed estate) .
The year 1369 was to mark most of
the historic development of Medina
de Pomar when Enrique II de Trastámara became the monarch. The
support that The Velascos had repeatedly given to his cause, opposite to the legitimacy of Pedro I, was
awarded with the assignment of Medina de Pomar as a manor to Pedro
Fernández de Velasco, who was the
Main Chamberlain of Enrique II.
The Fuero of Logroño. A privilege of great significance for Medina de Pomar.
Alfonso VIII granted a fuero to the city of Logroño which
received the name of that city due to its notoriety andpopularity. It is a document considered as vital for the history of
the population and its inhabitants. The exemption of taxes
and servitude was declared in it, criminal rules were executed for homicide or slander cases.That document also limited the extension of the municipal area.
In addition, it established several procedure and commercial laws and granted numerous privileges. This fuero was
awarded to Vitoria, Santo Domingo de La Calzada and
MEDINA DE POMAR along with Logroño, among others.
The building of The Alcázar de los Condestables began, by order of Pedro Fernández
de Velasco and his wife, María Sarmiento, around 1370. In those days, the king was Enrique II, whose Main Chamberlain was Pedro. The works were finished in Juan Fernández
de Velasco's times, his older son.
Mudejar plasterwor ks
The liking for mudejar aesthetics was a constant feature in the Velasco family. The plasterworks in the main hall of the Alcázar, which originally covered most of its walls, are
considered breathtaking.
You should definitely visit The History Museun of Las Merindades, located in the majestic Alcázar de
los Condestables. In the inside, some of the most significant pieces in the history of
this region are kept, as well as an interesting archeological, historical
and ethnographic collection, essential to understand its idiosyncrasy.
That is, a starting point to go all over Las Merindades
with the suitable information.
The Alcázar de los Condestables was declared an interesting cultural site in 1931.
Tetramorphs in the Church of Nuestra Señora de la Asunción in La Cerca
Romanesque in Las Merindades
San Lorenzo in
Vallejo de Mena
San Millán in
San Pedro de Tejada
in Puente Arenas
San Pantaleón
de Losa
Santa María de
Siones de Mena
Window in the apse of
the Chapel of Nuestra Señora de las Heras, in Momediano.
Romanesque History Centre in Las Merindades | San Pedro de Tejada |
El Almiñe | San Miguel de Cornezuelo | Crespos | Escaño | San Pantaleón
de Losa | Colina | Almendres | Vallejo de Mena | Siones | Bercedo| Butrera | San
Martín del Rojo | La Cerca |
Visits you should not miss
Romanesque Histor y
Centre in Las Merindades .
Chapel of San Millán.
Jardín de Santa Clara, s/n
Informatión offices
on page 3.
Chapel of San Millan
T h e C h a p e l o f S a n M i l l á n , also
known as Santa Lucía, is the most ancient vestige in Medina de Pomar and
was recovered from the ruins at the
end of the twentieth century.
A semicircular apse under a vault with
the shape of a quar ter of a sphere is
still preser ved. This vault is suppor ted
by the corresponding external buttresses and a strong main arch which
points to the presbitery.
In the inside you can find the R o m a nesque Histor y Centre in Las
M e r i n d a d e s , where you can enjoy a
deep vision of the chapel through several pictures, models and reproductions. Some accurate and interesting
information for its deep knowledge and
to star t some of the five routes designed for that purpose throughout Las
Merindades in the framework of the
project R o m a n e s q u e E u r o p e .
The Romanesque in Las Merindades is
a legacy and a pleasure for your eyes.
Medina de Pomar invites you to enjoy
it star ting with its little chapel of San
Romanesque History Centre
in Las Merindades
Detail of a capital in the
Chapel of San Millán.
Apse in the Chapel
of San Millán.
Baptismal font in the Church of San
Miguel Arcángel in Rosales.
Monaster y of Santa Clara
Museum (Religious Ar t)
Calle Santa Clara, s/n
(0034) 947 19 16 06
See Information offices on page 3.
of Santa Clara
years of
The document of the foundation of the Monastery of
Santa Clara dates back to the 11th of January 1313,
at Sancho Sánchez de Velasco's request, Adelantado
Mayor (Governor of a frontier province) of Castilla
and Merino Mayor (judge named by the king in a vast
territory) in the times of Fernando IV and Alfonso XI
and his wife Sancha García, Lady-in -waiting of Doña
Leonor de Aragón.
According to the document of the foundation, kept in
the archive of the convent, its founders ordered to
settle twenty -four nuns. Besides, they vowed to be
buried in that monastery. That was the best proof of
the Velasco's will that Medina de Pomar would become their ultimate reference place as well as Duques de Frías and Condestables de Castilla's
The chapel of la Concepción, the
mecca for ar t in Las Merindades .
Built at the express wish of Juana de Aragón, the
chapel of la Concepción follows the same features
of other chapels built by request of the Velascos.
For this purpose, they always counted on important masters such as Los Colonia, Juan de Rasines
and Gil de Hontañón.
The Monastery of Santa Clara was declared Interesting Cultural Site in 1992.
The Main Chapel of Santa Clara is an example of Gothic style
and the presbitery is Baroque as a result of the improvements
in the 18th century, which replaced the old part which was in
ruins. This reform was asked by Doña Juana de Córdoba y
Aragón, the second wife of Juan II Fernández de Velasco and
led by the stonemason Juan de Naveda, from Cantabria.
Slender vaults and coffered ceilings of Mudejar tradition cover
most rooms in Santa
The choir, a enclosed
area in winter,is one of
the most comfortable
places in the convent.
Amazing works of art
are kept in the museum. The pannels of
Hendrick de Clerk and
Hans Menling are specially notable.
The carvings of the altarpiece of La Concepción, which stand out
due to their expressivenesss, are attributed
to Felipe de Bigarny.
Fairs and local markets
In 1628, after a long period of disputes and lawsuits due to the privileges that the markets involved,
a transaction deed was granted. Regarding Medina de Pomar, it said: the town of Medina de Pomar, belonging to his excellency the Condestable, three fairs must be
indefinitely held every year, one of them the day of La Ascensión, instead of the fair previously taking
place the day of Corpus,another one the day of San Miguel in September and the other one the day
the town of Medina de Pomar agreed, and every Thursday, also indefinitely a market...
The fair s in Medina de
Pomar, a Privilege Heritage.
The celebration of the arrival of Carlos V in Medina de Pomar
changes the city into a 16th century town. Its streets turn into
a remarkable bustling and colourful Renaissance market.
Three annual fairs (La Ascensión
fair, 40 days after Easter Sunday –
Santa Marina, 19th July – San Miguel, 30th September) and a weekly market held every Thursday
allow fabric traders, craftsmen,
greengrocers and others to show
their goods.
Since 2004, the last Sunday of every October, the Rastro de
Anticuarios y Artesanos de Las Merindades, ANTICO, is held.
It is an annual flea market mainly specialized in antiques and
collector's items.
EL emperor Carlos V in the town
In September 1556, the emperor Carlos V made his last journey. On the 28th of September, he disembarked in Laredo, coming from Flandes with the aim of moving to the Monasterio de Yuste, in Cáceres
to live a quiet life. Known as a great traveller, he chose Castilla y León for his last journey.
The route he made has become a tourist one nominated for
a quality label: Cultural European Route of the European
Council. Medina de Pomar is one of its most significant
spots. That is the reason why, since 1999, the arrival of
the emperor is celebrated on the third weekend of October,
with a crowded cultural festival, which intends to become a
Regional Festival of Touristic Interest. During the celebration, and with the support of numerous organisations from
Medina, the city goes back to The Renaissance with markets,
parades, jugglers and fireworks.
Car los V
in Medina de Pomar
It is unknown where exactly
Carlos V slept during his stay
in Medina. Some historians
think he stayed at Veracruz
Hospital, others in the Casa
de la Cadena (residence of
the keeper) and others in the
He may have stayed at the
palace rooms of the Monastery of Santa Clara. It is a fact
that his stay was longer than
expected due to a slight illness and a need for rest.
Medina de Pomar, !a dream
More than 250
kilometres identified as GR and PR
surround the area
of Medina de
An ideal environment
to go trekking and
mountain biking.
Nature shows all its splendour in Las Merindades.
The environmental features of Medina de Pomar and
its surroundings make this land an ideal place for
those keen on birdwatching, botany and photography.
These biogeographic conditions can be mainly explained by its geographical location which are influenced
by both, the Mediterranean and the Atlantic climates.
They are the reason for the extraordinary diversity in
Medina de Pomar.
place to stroll and enjoy yourself!
Parks like Villacobos, La Chopera and La Virgen constitute some of the landmarks in Medina de Pomar.
They are suitable places to enjoy a stroll with your
family in the very city centre.
Historic Path GR 1
The Route of the Senses GR 85
Medina’s routes GR 186
Momediano - Paresotas
Cotero Quemado
Villatomil - Santurde
Medina - Santurde
Alto de Guardia
Bóveda - San Martín
Alto de la Cruz
Miñón - Los Valles
Riberas de Medina
Sierra Pelada
Cuestas de Medina
PRC-BU 134
PRC-BU 135
PRC-BU 136
PRC-BU 137
PRC-BU 138
PRC-BU 139
PRC-BU 140
PRC-BU 141
PRC-BU 142
PRC-BU 143
PRC-BU 144
Our villages,
Attractive visits
Bridge and tower in El Vado, example
of the local supremacy of the Velascos
in the north of Burgos.
baking ovens
skittle alleys
boundary crosses
or humilladeros
horseshoeing frames
de Pomar
Municipal districts and suburbs in Medina de Pomar
Angosto I Bóveda de la Rivera I Bustillo de Villarcayo I Criales I La Cerca I Miñón I Momediano I Moneo I Návagos I Oteo de Losa I Paresotas I Perex de Losa I Rosío I Salinas de
Rosío I Santurde I Torres I Villamezán I Villamor I Villatomil
Betarres I Cabañes de Oteo I El Vado I Gobantes I La Riba I Pomar I Puente de Villanueva
I Quintanamacé I Recuenco I Robredo de Losa I Rosales I San Martín de Mancobo I Villacomparada I Villanueva de Rosales I Villarán I Villate I Villota
our land.
The Losino Horse is a species
whose original breeding area was
Losa Valley. It has always been
bred in the wild. Currently, there
are very few individuals and they
are endangered.
Every year, a fair specifically dedicated to this species and to the
Hispano-Bretón horse is held in
Medina de Pomar.
If you go all over the area, you will notice its extraordinary
diversity. Medina de Pomar is a mixture of traditions and
of the traces these have left: chapels and humilladeros, mills,
baking ovens, horseshoeing frames, fountains and even a
trap to hunt wolves perfectly preserved: the one in la Barrerilla, in Perex. All this surrounded by a simple popular
architecture based on the stone.
Over the last decades, agriculture and livestock farming
have been the main activities in this area. They have evolved to coexist with other activities such as tourism,leisure
and sports. Nevertheless, our woods are subject to the
corresponding forestry and our fields constitute the sustenance for a great part of the rural population. Cereal,
lettuce and onion fields are part of the landscape of Medina de Pomar.
The growing of vegetables
in Medina de Pomar
The growing of vegetables in Medina de
Pomar has always existed. As a matter of
fact, the outskirts of the city were known
due to the high quality of its products, irrigated by a network of channels and ditches
as old as the city itself.
In the fertile banks of the rivers Trueba and
Salón the highest quality lettuce in the north
of Spain is grown. It is known by the marca
de garantía Lechuga de Medina (an aknowledgement given to top quality products),
assigned in 2010.
The variety of vegetables in Medina is so
wide and of such a good quality that is perfect for healthy food lovers.
In Medina and its surroundings there is a great
number of woods. In the pine woods of Oteo,
Perex and Criales you can find different types of
mushrooms such as milk caps and Cantarellus.
The Perrochicos and Boletus, more commonly
found in oak woods and beech woods, are highly
regarded by the increasing number of people
keen on mycology.
Another well kept tradition in Medina de
Pomar is eating the rosca in the country on
Easter Sunday. The rosca is a piece of bread
stuffed with chorizo, very popular here.
Medina de Pomar has an important confectionery tradition. Currently,
there is still a cookies factory as well as cake shops specialized in making
puff pastry and other traditionally made products, such as the delicious
cakes made by the nuns in Santa Clara.
Easter - San Isidro - Nuestra Senora de
Medina is not only proud of its history but also of its tradition. On the
15th of May, the inhabitants of Medina celebrate San Isidro, patron saint
of the city as well as of the farmers. It is a well deserved tribute to all
those who forged the idiosyncrasy of the city.
Throughout the year, Medina
becomes crowded with people taking part in different
celebrations as well as sport
and cultural activities which
made the city really attractive to all kind of visitors.
el Rosario
Fiestas of Nuestra Señora del
Rosario, Easter, San Isidro,
White Night, Noche en
Blanco*, Romerías, MAME**.
You need no specific reason
to spend a few days in Medina de Pomar and enjoy
what this welcoming and
warm city offers.
* A night full of free cultural activities taking
place after it gets dark.
** A walking, running and cycling competition.
Annual Agenda
Important events
Traditional fiestas, events, fairs and street markets. Here are some
ideas to go out and have fun throughout the year.
5th January
Twelfth Night Procession: with live performances. A tour around the main streets of
the city to welcome the Three Wise Men.
17th January
The feast of San Antón:
Animal Blessing Day.
February - March
Live the Fridays. Tapas.
Every Friday from 19:00 to 23:00 tapas
can be tasted in many bars.
University of Burgos Summer Courses
2nd Sunday of July
Municipal districts feasts
16th July
The feast of Nuestra Señora del Carmen
Carnival Celebration
Contests and parades.
19th July
Santa Marina Fair
Exhibition – Contest of the Losino and
Hispano-bretón Horses.
8th March
Equality Week.
Last weekend of July
Quick Painting National Contest
15th May and next weekend
The feast of San Isidro
Patron saint celebration. Parades, concerts
and bullfighting.
Last weekend of July
FAIM – Food, Agriculture and Industry Fair
of Las Merindades
Local Sports Centre.
16th May
Auction of The Bunch
Beach Volleyball Tournament.
Bull ring.
May, 40 days after Easter Sunday
La Ascensión fair
Tapas contest
1st Friday of August
Noche en Blanco.
Art, leisure, heritage and culture to enjoy
in just one night.
5th June
World Environment Day
11th August
The feast of Santa Clara
International Dog Exhibition
August and September
Series of Baroque organ concerts
“The Emperor music”.
Housewives Cultural Week
July Fridays
Open air cinema
Puppet Shows of Las Merindades
Outdoor performances.
Craft fair
Download the app “Agenda Medina de
Pomar” into your smartphone, containing the program and information of the
town council.
Local feasts in the suburbs:
28th August
San Agustín
Verbena (street dancing at night) in Somovilla Square
3rd weekend of September
MAME (walking, running and cycling
30th September
San Miguel fair
1st Sunday of October (until the
second weekend of October)
Nuestra Señora del Rosario Fiestas
Parades, verbenas, bullfighting, football...
3rd weekend of October
Carlos V Route
3rd weekend of October
Ciudad Medina de Pomar Cyclo-cross
Last weekend of October
ANTICO Rastro de Anticuarios y Artesanos de Las Merindades.
Main Square
22nd November
Santa Cecilia
Parades, concerts, choirs and local
band concert.
Cazuelitas weekend.
Sophisticated tapas are served in bars.
Long weekend in December
Christmas fair
Local sport centre.
From 26th to 30th December
Games and activities for children at
Local sport centre.
El Vado: Nuestra Señora de Villaciles, Sunday
after 8th September
Gobantes: Nuestra Señora de las Nieves,
5th August
La Riba: Santa Cruz, 14th September
Pomar: San Juan, 24th June
Recuenco: Nuestra Señora de las Nieves,
5th August
Rosales: Santa Julita y San Quirico, June
Villacomparada: Santa Águeda, 5th February
Villate: San Justo y San Pastor, 1st Sunday of
Local feasts of the municipal districts:
Angosto: San Pedro, 29th June
Bóveda de la Rivera: San Juan, 24th June
Bustillo de Villarcayo: San Juan Bautista,
29th August
Criales: Nuestra Señora de las Nieves,
1st weekend of September
La Cerca: Nuestra Señora de la Asunción,
15th August
Miñón: Santa Eulalia, 1st Sunday of May
Momediano: San Sebastián, last weekend
of August
Moneo: San Roque, 15th -18th August
Romería de Cantarranas: 1st Saturday of
Návagos: San Pedro, 29th June
Oteo de Losa: Santiago, 25th July
Paresotas: San Martín Obispo, September
Perex de Losa: Las Candelas, 2nd weekend
of September
Rosío: Virgen del Pilar , 12th October
Salinas de Rosío: Santa Ana, 26th July
Santurde: San Roque, 1st weekend
of August
Torres: La Natividad de Nuestra Señora,
1st weekend of September
Villamezán: San Martín, November
Villamor: San Martín, 11th November, Romería de Santa Isabel, 1st weekend of July
Villatomil: San Esteban, 24th August
Facilities: restaurants,
accommodation and informaion
Accommodation, restaurants and other places to enjoy
the city of Medina de Pomar, taste its gastronomy and
appreciate its scenery and history.
C 1ª
La Alhama Hotel
Avenida Valle de Losa s/n
(Carretera La Cerca)
(0034) 947 19 08 46
La Alhama Restaurant
Avenida Valle de Losa s/n
(Carretera La Cerca) 09500
(0034) 947 19 08 46
Romanca Hotel
Calle San Isidro, 10
09513 Pomar - Medina de Pomar
(0034) 947 19 20 94
[email protected]
La Cabaña Steakhouse
Paseo de la estación del FC
(Burgos) (0034) 947 19 17 74
Villacobos Guesthouse
Calle San Miguel, 19
(0034) 625 65 14 25
La Tizona Restaurant
Avenida de Santander, 52
09500 Medina de Pomar
(Burgos) (0034) 947 14 74 66
La Tizona Guesthouse
Avenida de Santander, 52
(0034) 947 14 74 66
El Molino Restaurant
Calle Velázquez, 3
(0034) 947 14 72 03
El Linaje Guesthouse
Plaza Buen Conde de Haro, 4
(0034) 947 19 07 42
El Olvido Restaurant
Avenida de Burgos, 1
(Burgos) (0034) 947 19 00 01
El Molino Guesthouse
Calle Velázquez, 3
(0034) 947 14 72 03
Miñón Restaurant
Calle Santo Domingo de Guzman
(0034) 947 14 77 14
El Olvido Guesthouse
Avenida de Burgos, 1
(Burgos) (0034) 947 19 00 01
San Francisco Restaurant
Calle Juan de Ortega, 3
(0034) 947 19 12 77
El Siglo Café-Restaurant
Calle Mayor, 17
(Burgos) (0034) 947 19 09 62
El Brezal Restaurant-Campsite
Carretera El Vado s/n
(Burgos) (0034) 947 19 03 76
Martínez Restaurant
Calle San Francisco, 6
(Burgos) (0034) 947 19 16 89
Linaje Restaurant
Plaza de Somovilla
(Burgos) (0034) 947 19 07 42
Monastery Guesthouse
Calle Santa Clara, s/n
(0034) 947 19 16 06
El Brezal Campsite
Carretera El Vado s/n
(Burgos) (0034) 947 19 03 76
Romanca Restaurant
Calle San Isidro, 10
09513 Pomar - Medina de Pomar. (Burgos)
(0034) 947 19 20 94
[email protected]
La Muralla Restaurant
Calle Tras Las Cercas, s/n
(Burgos) (0034) 947 19 18 27
Irrintzi Steakhouse
Avenida de Vizcaya, 1
(Burgos) (0034) 947 14 77 22
Los Pinos Restaurant
Calle el Molino, 4
(Puente Villanueva)
(Burgos) (0034) 947 14 76 49
Gastronomy: a different offer
La Granola Pub
Calle Mayor, 16
(0034) 947 19 02 41
Tres Cantones Café
Calle Mayor, 17
(0034) 947 19 14 60
Plaza Café
Plaza Mayor, 2
(0034) 947 19 12 00
“Cervecera” La Cerve
Calle Camino de la Ropa, s/n
(0034) 947 14 74 71
“Cervecera” Los Pinos
Puente Villanueva
(0034) 947 19 13 04
Chinese Restaurant Palillos de Oro
Avenida de Bilbao, 14
(0034) 947 19 20 75
Döner Kebab
Calle Mayor, s/n
(0034) 947 14 70 91
El Colmado Bar
Avenida Bilbao, 3
(0034) 947 14 75 42
El Puente Burguer Bar
Avenida de Burgos, 27
(0034) 947 19 01 89
El Erizo Tabern
Calle Antonia Torres, 28
(0034) 947 14 73 90
Las Manzanas Cider Bar
Calle Vitoria, 2
Polígono industrial Las Navas
(0034) 947 14 70 92
Ontañón Tavern
Avenida de Burgos, 17
(0034) 947 19 11 87
Useful Telephone numbers. Facilities
SOS Emergency Services 112
Tourist Information Office
Plaza Mayor, 1
(0034) 947 14 70 42
(0034) 947 19 07 46
Alcázar de los Condestables
Historic Museum of Las Merindades
Plaza del Alcázar, 1
(0034) 947 19 07 46
Romanesque History Museum in
Las Merindades. Chapel of San Millán.
Jardín de Santa Clara, s/n
(0034) 947 14 70 42
(0034) 947 19 07 46
Visits to the Monastery of Santa Clara.
Jardín de Santa Clara, s/n
(0034) 947 19 16 06
Tourist Activities Centre
Calle Mayor, 14
(0034) 947 14 72 28
Town Hall 947 19 07 07
Health Centre 947 19 16 21
Juan de Medina, 7
(0034) 947 19 08 02
La Capilla, 3
(0034) 947 19 19 05
Avenida de Burgos, 2
(0034) 947 19 20 02
Avenida de Burgos, 15
(0034) 947 19 13 06
Local Police (0034) 947 19 15 90
Police Station (0034) 947 19 07 06 / 062
Bus Station (0034) 947 19 15 82
Alex: (0034) 654 56 33 41
Borja: (0034) 608 90 03 88
Emilio: (0034) 649 21 70 88
Raúl: (0034) 606 020 000
Josu: (0034) 608 57 43 96
Tourist Information
Visitor Centre at:
Local Tourist Information Office - Plaza Mayor, 1
Alcázar de los Condestables - Plaza del Alcázar, 1
Teléfonos: (0034) 947 14 70 42 - 947 19 07 46
[email protected]
P 5
Villacobos Park.
Somovilla Square.
Health Centre.
“El Ferial” Car Park.
Local Police
Culture Centre. Library. WIFI.
The Judería Arch. Occidente Gate.
Santa Cruz Parish.
10 Condestable’s Gate and Cadena’s Gate.
11 Tras Las Cercas. Panoramic View.
12 Alcazar de los Condestables. Historic Museum of Las Merindades.
13 Monastery of Santa Clara. Museum.
14 Chapel of San Millán. Romanesque History Centre.
15 Church of Nuestra Señora del Rosario.
16 Football Pitch.
P 17
La Chopera Car Park.
18 La Chopera Park.
19 Sport facilities.
w w w. m e d i n a d e p o m a r. o r g
Ayuntamiento de
Medina de Pomar

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