President`s Message Mensaje del Presidente


President`s Message Mensaje del Presidente
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el Invierno
President’s Message
The year is just about over and I’d like to thank
everyone for making the events this year as successful as they are. As we settle into the holiday season
PPNA still has a few more events before the year is
over, including:
PPNA Christmas Party December 10th at
7PM in the basement of St. Elizabeth’s of Hungary.
Bring the kids out to meet Santa! Food, games and
The Patterson Park dog park is opening on
December 15th! Located on Linwood between Pratt and
Eastern this park will be the largest dog park in Baltimore
with areas for both large and small furry friends.
The PPNA website is being upgraded! Look for new
changes at www.pattersonparkneighbors.orgfor news and updates, and many thanks to Healthy Neighborhoods for making this possible!
Also, with the new year upon us we will be looking for new
leadership on the board! Come to the meeting on January 14th
and nominate your favorite neighbor (or yourself) for any of
the PPNA board positions. Positions include: President, four
Sector Vice Presidents, Treasurer, and Secretary. All positions
are open and available so please come out and volunteer!
The Patterson Park Neighborhood Association is a community group of residents living north and northeast of Patterson Park. We are volunteers dedicated to building community
spirit, increasing awareness of our neighborhood and improving public safety and sanitation.
Join us online! Únase a nosotros en línea!
Patterson Park Neighbors on Facebook
Patterson Park Yahoo Group
Mensaje del Presidente
Es el año a punto de terminar y me gustaría darlas gracias a todos por hacerque los eventos de este
año tan exitoso como son. Como nos instalamos en
la PPNA temporada navideña todavía tiene unos cuantos eventos más antes de quetermine el año, incluyendo:
PPNA Fiesta de Navidad 10 de diciembre a
las 19:00 en el sótano de Santa Isabel de Hungría.
Llevar a los niños a conocer a Papá Noel! Comida,
juegos y regalos!
El perro parque Patterson Park abre el 15 de diciembre!
Situado en Linwood entre Pratt y Eastern de este parque será
el mayor parque de perros en Baltimore con áreas para los perros, grandes y pequeños.
El sitio web se actualiza PPNA! Busque nuevos cambios en por noticias y actualizaciones, y muchas gracias a Barrios Saludables para hacer
esto posible!
Además, con el nuevo anos nos vamos a estar buscando
un nuevo liderazgo en el tablero! Ven a la reunión el 14 de
enero y nominar a su vecino favorito (o ustedmismo) para
cualquiera de las posiciones del tablero PPNA. Las posiciones incluyen: Presidente, cuatro Vicepresidentes del Sector,
Tesorero y Secretario. Todas las posiciones están abiertas y
disponibles así que por favor venga y voluntario!
La Asociación de Vecinos de Patterson Park (PPNA, por
sus siglas en inglés) es un grupo comunitario compuesto por
personas que residen al norte y el noreste de Patterson Park.
Somos un grupo de voluntarios dedicados a desarrollar un espíritu de comunidad, promover el reconocimiento de nuestro
barrio y de sus recursos y mejorar la seguridad pública y el
aseo publico. Colaboramos con los gobiernos municipales y
estatal, así como con el departamento de policía, lo que nos
ha permitido ser muy activos en nuestra comunidad. Somos
un grupo compuesto de una amplia diversidad de personas de
todas las edades y grupos raciales que compartimos el deseo
de convertir nuestra comunidad en un mejor sitio para vivir y
2012 PPNA Officers
President: Joe DiMattina
[email protected]
VP East: Hans David Leibensperger
[email protected]
VP West: Kim Wiggins
[email protected]
PPNA would like to thank the following
local businesses for supporting our
Bicentennial Gala in October:
Mike Cray and Baltimore Sport & Social Club
Bistro RX
VP South: Kevin Okun
[email protected]
Johnny Rad’s
VP North: Position Open
[email protected]
Baltimore Business Networking
Secretary: Abe Yoffe
[email protected]
Treasurer: Mark Tough
[email protected]
Committee Chairs
Greening: (to be named)
[email protected]
Housing Code Violations: Matt Gonter
[email protected]
Banner Neighborhoods
Gallery 788
Ron Howard & Associates
Marketing: Grant Corley
[email protected]
Newsletter: Ashley Watson & Sarah Kinling
[email protected]
Safety: John Wesby & Kevin Okun
[email protected]
Sanitation: (to be named)
[email protected]
Transportation: (to be named)
[email protected]
You can also call your PPNA leaders at 410-497-PPNA
(7762). This is a 24-hour voicemail that will be answered
PPNA Monthly Meetings
PPNA meetings are held the second Monday
of each month at 6:45 PM in St. Elizabeth’s Church Hall
at Baltimore & Lakewood.
(Use the stairs down to the basement hall on Lakewood.)
Upcoming Meetings
Monday, December 10, 2012 (Holiday Party)
Monday, January 14, 2013 (Elections)
Monday, February 11, 2013
New Neighbors?
If you are new to the Patterson Park neighborhood,
or if you know someone who has just arrived,
please call Ginny Dobry at 410-563-1444. Each new resident
will receive a special welcome packet with information about
the neighborhood, the city and a special gift.
Patterson Park Neighborhood
Assocation Membership
New Neighbor Packet?
Would you like to serve on a committee? If so,
which one?
Are you interested in volunteering at PPNA
Annual dues (January through December) are
$10 per person, $5 for seniors and students.
Make checks payable to “PPNA” and return
form and payment to:
P.O. Box 844
Baltimore, MD 21203
Don’t miss the PPNA
Holiday Party!
Monday, December 10 at 6:30pm
2013 PPNA Officer Elections
PPNA will hold its annual election of officers at our monthly
meeting on January 14th at 7 pm at St. Elizabeth’s Church.
Nominations are open for the following positions:
VP West: Represents W sector (West side of Linwood Ave,
between Baltimore and Fayette Sts)
VP East: Represents E sector (East side of Linwood Ave,
between Baltimore and Fayette Sts)
VP South—Represents S sector (South side of Baltimore St)
VP North—Represents N sector (North side of Fayette St)
Volunteers needed
The last PPNA meeting of the year is the Holiday PartyMonday, Dec. 10th 6:30-8, in the basement of St. Elizabeth’s
on Baltimore and Lakewood Sts.
If you haven’t come to a meeting all year, this is the one to
go to. Santa, toys and food, oh my!
To pull this event off, help is needed. Please contact Kim
Wiggins directly [email protected] or 443-812-5343
(call or text) if you can help with give aways or food. We hope
to find volunteers to create experiences for kids, including
face painting and arts and crafts. There will be a meeting at
Kim’s house to firm up all the details on Wednesday, December 5th at 7pm.
All board members attend monthly community and board
meetings and have a vote in which projects with organization
will work on each year. The President leads community and
board meetings, interfaces with City liaisons. VPs run a sector
cleanup, interfaces with sector residents. The secretary takes
notes at the meetings and runs the email announcements and
calendar. The Treasurer keeps a ledger for the collected dues
and grants of the organization.
If you are interested in running for any of these offices, or know someone who is, please send your nominations
to [email protected] by Friday, January
11th. If you are nominating someone else, please provide the
contact information for the nominee.
To run for office, or to vote in this election, you must be
current on your 2013 PPNA dues, have been a paid member
in 2012 and attended at least two events in 2012.
PPNA celebrates 200 years of history and 36 years of
community with the Patterson Park Bicentennial Gala
PPNA celebrated
its 36th anniversary this year with
Park Bicentennial
Gala. The annual
celebration and
fundraising event
was held at the
Creative Alliance
Patterson Theater
on September 22, 2012, with the theme “200 Years of History and 36 Years of Community,” in honor of Baltimore’s
This year’s event was a great success, with over 100 people
in attendance. Neighbors dressed up and enjoyed a night of
dancing, open bar, h’oer dourves from Clementine restaurant
and a very successful silent auction which featured goods and
services from many local businesses and artists, including Cre-
ative Alliance
residents and
of the Baltimore Love
Everyone had a
great time,
and together
with the pregala “Dining
for Dollars”
happy hour
events and the silent auction, the Patterson Park Bicentennial
gala raised over $2,300 for future PPNA community development initiatives. The gala was supported in part by a grant
from Banner Neighborhoods, which sponsored 15 free tickets
for community members.
Councilman Jim Kraft’s Update
Columna del Concejal Kraft
The past several months have been busy for
Patterson Park.
As most know, in September the Department of Rec and Parks and the Health Department put forward a proposal for installing a
road and parking lots in Patterson Park.
I would like to thank everyone who attended the public meeting on October 1st in
the Rec Center to make their opinions known
on cars in the park. As a result of the strong
public opinion against parking and driving in
the park, all plans for paving and parking have
been put on hold.
On October 2nd, the Mayor called for the creation of
a Patterson Park Master Plan Working Group to discuss the
park. This group will be meeting regularly for the next several months. Additionally, I am coordinating a Patterson Park
planning committee for anyone who would like to work on
the Master Plan. The first meeting of this group will be held
on Wednesday, December 5th at 7:00pm at the Rec Center.
In other park news, we’ve recently had some exciting new
additions to the park. I participated in the Patterson Park
Youth Sports Complex ribbon cutting on November 20th and
I know we are all excited about what a great opportunity this
is. Also, the Patterson Park Dog Park is just receiving its final
touches and may well be open and operating by the time you
read this.
As we are now in the holiday season, I encourage everyone in the neighborhood to stay vigilant and safe. Please be
sure to report any suspicious activity to the police and report
issues such as street light outages to 311. As always, if you
have any questions or concerns, you can reach me at 410-3964821 or [email protected].
Happy Holidays!
Los últimos meses han sido ocupados por Patterson Park. Como la mayoría sabe, en septiembre, el Departamento de Parques y Rec
y el Departamento de Salud presentaron una
propuesta para la instalación de una gran cantidad de carretera y el aparcamiento en Patterson
Me gustaríadar las gracias atodos los queasistieron a lareunión pública el1 de octubre
enelCentro de Recreaciónpara hacerconocer
sus opiniones sobrelos carros en elparque.
Como resultado delafuerte opiniónpública
en contra deestacionamiento yconducciónen
el parque,todos los planes depavimentacióny aparcamientohanquedado suspendidos.
El 2 de octubre, la alcaldesa dirigió la creaciónde un Grupo de Trabajo delPatterson ParkMaster Planpara discutirel
parque.Este grupose reuniráregularmente para lospróximos
meses.Además, estoycoordinando uncomité de planificación
dePatterson Parkpara todos los quequieren trabajarenel Master Plan.La primera reunión deeste grupotendrá lugarel miércoles, 5 de diciembre alas 7:00 pm enelCentro de Recreación
en Patterson Park.
En otras noticias del parque, recientemente hemos tenido
algunasadiciones interesantesnuevas en elparque. Yo participé en el corte de cinta para el Patterson Park Youth Sports
Complex el 20 de noviembrey yosé que todos estamosemocionados porla gran oportunidadque es.Además, el Patterson
Park Parque para Perros essólo recibiendosus toquesfinalesy
podríaestar abiertay en funcionamientoen el momento deleer
No olvide desolicitarel Crédito TributarioHomestead
(Homestead Tax Credit)siaún no lo hahecho.Sólo faltanunas
pocas semanas para hacerlo. Después de 31 de diciembreya
nopodrán presentaruna solicitud.Elcrédito limitaelincremento
anual en las evaluaciones fiscales a un porcentajefijo del 4%
para las propiedades ocupadas por sus propietarios elegibles
en la ciudad.Esta aplicaciónestá disponible en el sitio web
del DepartamentoEstatal de Tasación yTributación,www.dat. obtener información adicional, puede llamar
al 410-767-2165opóngase en contacto conmi oficina.
Comoahora estamos enla temporada de vacaciones, animo a todo el vecindarioa permanecervigilantes yseguro.Por
favor,asegúrese de reportarcualquieractividadsospechosa a la
policíay reporte problemas como cortes de luza 311.Como
siempre, sitiene alguna preguntao inquietud, puede comunicarse conmigo al410-396-4821ojames.kraft@baltimorecity.
¡Disfruten las festividades!
Homestead Tax Credit
Don’t forget to apply for the Homestead Tax Credit if you
have not already done so. You only have a few weeks left;
after December 31st you will no longer be allowed to submit
an application. The credit limits the increase in taxable assessments each year to a fixed percentage of 4% for city residents.
This application is available on the State Department of Assessments and Taxation website, For additional information, you may call 410-767-2165 or contact
Councilman Kraft’s office.
If you are unsure as to whether or not you have already
applied, you can visit the website http://sdatcert3.resiusa.
org/rp_rewrite/Just enter your house number and street
name (without the suffix such as “Ave” or “St”). You should
see a section at the bottom of the page called “Homestead
Application Status”. If your status shows up as “Approved”,
then you do not need to do anything else. If it says “No Application,” then you still need to submit the form.
Patterson Park Public Charter School Updates
Open House! Sunday, January 27 1-4 pm
Meet the people who make our school great! Get to know
PPPCS by meeting our teachers, staff, families, and students.
Tour our campus! Visit our new facilities and inviting classrooms. Learn about our commitment to educating the whole
PPPCS is Innovative, Diverse, and Tuition Free. PPPCS
is now accepting applications for the 2013 school year. Get
more information at or by calling 410-5581230.
PPPCS employs a thematic, hands-on curriculum with
emphasis on community service, field trips, and character development. Community members founded PPPCS, and the
school nurtures family involvement. PPPCS students test
scores are among the top 15% in the city. Be sure to apply
before our enrollment lottery in February.
The school is located at 27 N. Lakewood Avenue in Baltimore. Please visit to learn more. Hablamos
The mission of PPPCS is to develop well educated, community-minded children by providing high-quality, community-based education that capitalizes on the diversity of nearby
neighborhoods and uses the resources of Patterson Park.
Save the Date for Spring Into Art: April 6.
Financial Literacy Night
January 15 at 6 pm. Learn about saving for college, tax prep,
and savings accounts for kids! For more information, contact
Liz Obara at 410-558-1230, ext. 374.
2013 Classes
Spanish, Computer and GED Classes will begin at PPPCS
again in January. Call Katie Filkins at 410-558-1230, ext. 327
for more information.
Youth Mentoring Program connects local elementary students to
neighbor mentor
Mark Parker, pastor of Breath of
work, to hold them to account and to
God Church on Clinton Street, has
learn from about goals and life.
been running an afterschool proThe group meets from 5pm to
gram connecting neighborhood
6:40pm on Mondays while school is
kids to neighborhood volunteers.
in session. We spend that time on 1)
This year, he has changed the time
physical activity; 2) healthy snack; 3)
to make it possible for more peomath & reading. If you can't get back
ple to volunteer in this effort to
from work and over to the church unstrengthen our community.
til 5:15pm or so, that could still work,
The Youth Mentoring Probecause the group will be up in the
gram works with neighborhood
gym playing a game of some kind.
kids in the key upper-elementary
Tiana and Sarah, both 10 years
(3rd-5th grades) time range. The
old and 5th grade students at Highgoal is to strengthen them in their
landtown Elementary/Middle School
health, social skills and academic
# 215, have participated in past years.
Pastor Mark and students clean the neighborhood.
achievement so that they are as
They cite hanging out with friends
prepared as possible for success during the difficult middle
and the want to do something afterschool as reasons they
school years. This is a great time to offer extra help and interjoined the program. Both say their favorite part of the provention with children, as academic and behavioral problems
gram is “talking to the grownups. Grownups are interesting.”
that young people bring with them into middle school tend
When asked about their future goals, Tiana says her “goals are
only to get worse.
to drive and to become President of the United States and to
The goal is to have enough volunteers to work one-onopen an animal adoption center.” Sarah hopes to “become a
one with these kids, so every kid gets the attention they need,
cosmetologist and to make a company to tell young girls about
and more so. Every kid gets a mentor to help them with their
what they can do with their lives and other girl things.”
Saturday Family Art Drop-in
Noon-3pm, FREE
Drop in to our free art class for families and kids of all ages.
Stay for three minutes, or the entire three hours. Every week
features a different art project, led by great instructors who
can guide you every step of the way. Projects draw inspiration
from our beautiful art galleries!
No reservations or registration necessary. Youth must be
accompanied by an adult.
Upcoming Topics
1/19 Story Boxes: Transform a box into a story about you!
1/26 CD Shine: Using old CD’s create some shining jewelry.
2/2 Network: With straws, create a cityscape network just
like artist Tim Horjus’ paintings.
2/9 Tiny Tower: Grab some straws and toothpicks to create
a tiny triangular tower.
2/16 Color & Design Oh My: Fluorescent paper and a variety of shapes will create a beautiful poster.
Ice Skating Rink Open!
Dominic “Mimi” DiPietro Family Skating Center, located at 200
S. Linwood Avenue, is a popular
center of activity for cold weather
The rink features public
ice skating sessions, ice hockey,
broomball, and sled hockey from October until March. The
rink also hosts many of Baltimore’s hockey teams, as well as
seasonal special events. The rink is full-sized measuring 200
by 85 feet and is equipped with a warm-up room, fireplace,
concession stand and skate shop, which makes this facility the
perfect venue for private parties and group rentals.
Hours of Operations
Tuesday 11am–2pm
Wednesday 11am–1pm
Thursday 11am–2pm
Friday 7pm–9pm
Saturday 3pm–5pm, 7pm–9pm
Sunday 3pm–5pm
Rental Rates
General Admission $4.00
Skate Rental $2.00
Group Rates & Birthday Parties Available For more information, contact the rink directly at 410-396-9392.
New Youth Sports and Education Center opened in Patterson Park
Living Classrooms Foundation, in partnership with the
Baltimore City Public School
System (BCPSS), local agencies, and community and
corporate partners, celebrated the grand opening of the
Patterson Park Youth Sports
and Education Center Powered by Under Armour on
Tuesday, November 20.
Partners, funders and
supporters of Living Classrooms will welcome students and families to the newly constructed 5,000 square-foot facilityin an opening ceremony
beginning at 11 a.m. followed by activities with professional
athletes and students to kick off the first touchdown, first
field goal, first pitch, and first goal scored on this new field.
The Patterson Park Youth Sports and Education Center
will offer much-needed physical education programming for
youth and schools in the area. In addition, the facilities and
space will provide East Baltimore’s youth and families a safe
place to exercise, learn, play and build healthy lifestyles. The
facility includes a new, multi-purpose turf field and an educational building equipped with computers and technology
serving students daily. Over 1,000 students from local East
Baltimore schools will utilize the Sports and Education Center
each year.
Local celebrities, including the Baltimore Raven, attended
the ribbon cutting ceremony.
New Murals brighten up East Ave
Thanks to a project headed by East Sector Vice
President Dave Leibensperger and Leanna Wetmore
of Banner Neighborhoods, two colorful new murals
were commissioned and painted this fall in Patterson Park. Neighborhood residents participated in the
design and selection of plants to be featured in the
mural, along with Baltimore artists Stab and Michael
Owen of the Baltimore Love Project.
In November, the first mural was painted on the
south side of a few industrial storage units on the
south side of Esther Place, at the intersection with
the 100 block of N. East Avenue. The mural depicts
several native plants and flowers, which will be part
of a garden planted near the mural in 2013.
The second mural is on the north side of the
storage units on Fayette Street where it meets N. East
Avenue. It depicts several sea creatures, including a
blue crab and sea otters. The total cost of these very
large murals was over $7,000, funded through grants
by Healthy Neighborhoods, Banner Neighborhoods
and resident contributions. Both murals have really
beautified the area, you should come take a look!
Mums & Pumpkins, PPNA’s fall beautification project,
was hugely popular! We gave away 75 Spooky pumpkins
(perfectly child-sized), 50 mums and 25 decorative cabbage
& kale plants! Remember that your mums are perennials,
so they will bloom again next year if you keep them outside
and water them well in the summer. While the pumpkins and
plants were free to those who signed up in advance, PPNA
collected over $300 in membership dues for the year! For
those of you who missed out on this wonderful event, please
look forward to the Spring beautification event, Bloom Your
Block. Also, we would love feedback particularly on how your
mums have done in previous years and whether you would
prefer annuals like the decorative cabbage and kale. Please
send your feedback to Leigh Peterson at FrameLA@gmail.
New apartments replacing old
middle school
Focus Development LLC is working on a $27 million project
to convert the former Highlandtown Middle School into
one, two-, and three-bedroom apartments. Construction
is underway and should last through June, said Shaffin
Jetha, the principal for the Baltimore-based company. The
seven-story, 250,000-square-foot development is slated
to bring between 130 and 140 new apartments to the
site, including that many garaged parking spaces,at the
corner of Lombard and Ellwood Streets. “We can expect
the same units you would get at Harbor East or other
high-end places by the water, but 25-30 percent cheaper.
A walking tour of the progress was offered November
27th. The tour offered a glimpse at historical murals from
the 1930s (pictured right), that will be retained. Some of
these murals will be in the new apartments.
Guests, residents enjoy fall in Patterson Park during
fourth annual Home Tour
The Patterson Park Neighborhood Association hosted its
fourth annual Home Tour on
September 29. More than 250
visitors from around the Baltimore area and across the country
toured some of Patterson Park’s
most beautiful homes, met our
friendly neighbors, and learned
about all the neighborhood has
to offer. Everyone enjoyed local
food and drink and got to see
how all the neighbors are decorating their classic Baltimore
rowhomes. Each participant received a beautiful brochure of
the neighborhood and a reusable shopping bag. We raised
over $1000 for future PPNA activities.
PPNA wishes to thank Helene and Grant for organizing, the volunteers who helped staff the event, and all the
hosts who generously opened their homes. Also, PPNA
wishes to thank Banner Neighborhoods for a generous
grant to support the Home Tour and other Patterson Park
public outreach activities.
If you missed it, check out www.ILovePattersonPark.
com, which features a guide to our great neighborhood
and short video produced by local resident John Wesby. It
was shot during last years’ Home Tour and features interClockwise from upper left: a beautiful rowhome in our
views with residents and guests about what makes Patterson neighborhood; Grant Corley at the welcome tent; Ginny
Dobry shows off her kitchen to neighbors.
Park Baltimore’s coolest neighborhood! Spread the word!
AmeriCorps’ Public Allies working to strengthen community around
Patterson Park
Public Allies is a
federally funded
through AmeriCorps working
out of University of Maryland
School of Social Work. Public Allies’ mission is to advance
new leadership and to strengthen communities, nonprofit and
civic participation. Every year a group of young adults are
selected through a rigorous interview process to become Public Allies. Once Allies have been selected they are matched
with a partner organization to work with for the following ten
month period. Allies are also split into groups and assigned to
a designated community to bring about positive change within
that community as part of a Team Service Project.
The Allies designated to service the needs and wants of
the Patterson Park community for the 2012-2013 year are:
Shannon Daley, Nyasha Dixon, Donald Eaddy, Elizabeth
Kraus, Shannon Marshall, Kevin Paul, Antoinella Peterkin
and Angelo Williams. The team also includes program managers: Heather Kathrens and Sara Gahs-Buccheri.
The Public Allies will be attending PPNA events, looking
to hear the needs of the neighborhood to work with us on
a project. They will also be going door-to-door to speak to
residents. They encourage giving them a call if you want to
discuss your views and needs of the community and find out
how to get involved!
Maryland Foster Youth Resource Center
2530 N. Charles St, Suite 304, Baltimore, MD 21218
410-856-1700 ext 105 (o)
Saturday, February 9 @ 3:30pm
Billy B, Natural Science Songs & Dance for Kids
The “Natural Science Song and Dance Man,” Billy B. rocks
out with electric guitar and amazing showmanship. He performs over 300 shows a year around the country and partners
with National Geographic, the Smithsonian and the World
Wildlife Fund. Families have a blast learning (real!) science.
Geared for ages 5-12. Fun for all! $12, $7 members & kids
12 & under.
First Fridays! Jan 4, Feb 1, Mar 1
Every first Friday, enjoy specials on drinks and tickets, open
artist studios, gallery opening (5:30-7:30pm) and Tertulia:
Spanish Chat Group (6:30-8pm). FREE!
Tuesdays & Thursdays Jan 31–Apr 16 @ 3–5pm
Open Minds Art Club for ages 7–10
Explore the elements and principles of art. Express yourself
and build skills by experimenting with line and color as well as
pattern and balance. Create a portfolio of a variety of artwork:
drawing, collage, sculptural models and jewelry. Participants
learn about important artists and designers. Registration is required! You are not registered for a class until you complete
and return a permission slip. Request from Rachel Miller at
410-276-1651 ext 215 or [email protected]. FREE!
Rayn Fall Dance Studio
Parents/guardians must attend one RFDS orientation to register. Spaces fill quickly. RSVP to [email protected]
or leave a message with Sharayna Christmas-Rose, RFDS Director, at Creative Alliance (410) 276-1651 ext 219. You will
receive a prompt reply. Classes: January 12–May 18; no class
April 20 and March 30.
Sábado, 9 de Febrero @ 3:30pm
Concierto de las Ciencias para Niños con Billy B
Billy B es un artista conocido como el “Músico y Bailarín de
las Ciencias Naturales” con su guitarra eléctrica y presentaciones espectaculares. Billy B se presenta en más de 300 conciertos cada año por todo el país y también trabaja con NationalGeographic, el Smithsonian y el WorldWildlifeFund. Las
familias se divierten mucho aprendiendo de la ciencia (verdaderamente)! Para jóvenes de 5-12 años, aunque es divertido
para toda la familia. $12 adultos, $7 para miembros, niños de
12 años y menor.
Cada primer viernes: 4 enero, 1 febrero, 1 marzo
La Tertulia con María y Candelas, 6:30-8pm
¡Tertulias son reuniones casuales cada primer viernes del mes
para hablar nuestro idioma (y tomar un poco de vino)! Todos están bienvenidos por la nicaragüense y coordinadora de
programas comunitarios de Creative Alliance, Maria Gabriela
Aldana y la guapa española Candelas Aguero-Long. Vistéense
en algo rojo. Los esperamos en la galería Amalie Rothschild,
en el segundo piso de Creative Alliance. ¡Cada primer viernes
del mes ofrecemos: ¡Rebajas de Programas y Bebidas, Talleres de los Artísticas se Abren, y Recepciones (5:30-7:30pm)!
Taller Cada sábado: 19 de enero- 23 de marzo
Pinten, dibujen, hagan esculturas y visiten nuestras galerías
como familia. Materialesestánincluidos.Niñostienenqueestaracompañadosporunadulto. Se puedenquedarlastreshorascompletao el tiempo de sesean. No es necesario registrarse. Para
más información, llamen a María Aldana al 410-276-1651 extensión 209. 12-3pm. GRATIS.
Baby of the Quarter
Vincent Decaeden Gondol was born
October 12, 2012 to proud parents
Marisa Vilardo and Steve Gondol
of Baltimore Street. You’re likely
to see Vincent and his parents out
and about in the neighborhood, at
Bistro Rx, Roman’s or in the park
with his dog, Ferris. Photos by
Alison Reeder, Framing Faces.
Pet of the Quarter
This quarter we’re featuring Russell, who lives with
Leigh and her husband on S. Curley Street. He was
a stray they adopted from BARCS a little over a year
ago. He is about 5 years old now, and a real lover and
supporter of greening and cleaning the neighborhood,
like his parents. In fact, he is an aspiring, though
not so talented, gardener. Perhaps he should stick to
cleaning up the alleys, but he tries!
Know a neighborhood pet to feature in the next
newsletter? Email a picture and a description to
[email protected].
Advertise your business to more than 2,500
homes in the Patterson Park area.
to learn about our affordable rates!
Help Needed!
If you enjoy reading the PPNA newsletter, why not
become a newsletter volunteer! We need people to write
articles, submit photos, sell space to advertisers and help
design the layout. If you’re interested, please contact
[email protected].
Pure, Safe, Beneficial
Terresa Carter Wotring
Independent Arbonne Consultant
Patterson Park Resident/Neighborhood Association Member
Vegan Certified Personal
Care & Nutrition
Arbonne is a Swiss based company that
provides superior, botanically based skin
& body care products for men, women &
Holiday Gift sets, makeup, perfumes,
fitness/dietary supplements and much
the cipe of
Broccoli Cornbread Casserole
“This recipe is served at all my family holiday meals,
and my grandmother used to bake it as mini-muffins for
parties. It won a prize at a PPNA Potluck event as well.”
Submitted by Summer Gonter, Ellwood Ave
Two boxes Jiffy cornbread muffin mix
Two sticks butter, melted
Four eggs
1 cup cottage cheese
One medium onion, chopped
10 oz. box chopped frozen broccoli, thawed and drained
• Combine all ingredients in large bowl, mixing well
with each addition.
Call to set up a consultation, to order products, to get free products in your place of business, to schedule a facial/product sampling with a few friends, vendor events, to chat about Arbonne or
to find out how you can get involved!
• Ensure everything is combined and press into
greased 9 x 13 casserole dish.
• Bake at 400 degrees for 35 to 40 minutes until
Message from Safety Committee
We are hearing reports of more random door knocking
around the area and wanted to share some tips on how to
handle these situations. There have been reports of scammers
reporting that they work for an energy company or that they
know someone who lives on the block. If you feel uncomfortable with the situation, you don’t know them and are not
expecting anyone then don’t answer the door. Call 911 and
make your presence in the house known. There have been
cases where people are checking to see who is home and then
going around back to try and break in, show them your house
is not an easy hit.
• Keep lights on both front and back of your home.
• Know your neighbors and look out for each other!
• Every situation you want an officer to respond to is a
911 call and they will prioritize based on the calls they
have at that time.
• If an officer refuses to do a report, call back to 911 and
ask for a supervisor to respond and that will be taken
care of.
• There has also been an increase in cell phone thefts
all over the city. People are being victimized most frequently when they make themselves an easy target by
walking and talking, texting or listening to music not
being engaged in their surroundings. Take steps to protect yourself. Don’t walk distracted and make yourself
an easy target.
Keep me in the loop through [email protected] as well so I can follow up on issues with the department as well.
PPNA Citizen On
Patrol (COP) Walks
In the past we have held weekly walks of the neighborhood
on Wednesday nights with a police officer from our district.
In response to low attendance for the weekly walks, and the
results of a neighborhood-wide survey, the COP walks will
now be held monthly on the third Wednesday of each month
starting January 16th.
With the shift to monthly events we will make efforts to
invite special guests to these walks.
We will take a break from walks over the holidays. Enjoy
the holidays and we’ll see everyone January 16th at 7pm at the
corner of Baltimore and Linwood. Suggestions as to people
you would like to see invited to the walks should be emailed
to: [email protected].
Safety Tips 101
Keep yourself and your home safe
• Keep exterior lights on at night in the both front and
back—a dark entryway makes it easier for intruders to
go undetected.
• Keep windows and door secured, including upper level
windows. Don’t make yourself an easy target. Evaluate
the spaces around your windows to make sure you aren’t
providing easy access to higher entry points.
• Know your neighbors and watch out for people that
don’t belong. Call 911 for any suspicious activity on your
blocks and alley ways. If you are not comfortable having
an officer come to your home and want to know there
was a response you can request the officer call you from
the car.
• Always call 911 for something you want an officer to
respond to, you will get a response, but know they prioritize calls, so it may not be right away.
• If you are a victim of a car break in or other theft,
file a police report and also send the information to
[email protected] so we can track
and follow up with the SEPD for any additional
need for further resources.
• If you call the police for an incident and the responding
officer does not want to write a report, request to speak
to a supervisor who will ensure this is done.
• Don’t walk the streets distracted, talking on the phone,
texting or listening to music that doesn’t let you hear
what is going on around you.
• Travel in numbers whenever possible on well-lit routes
and avoid walking through alleys at night.
• Pick up loose trash in and around your block, if it
doesn’t look like we care about our neighborhood, no
one else will. Being active and engaged in your community is the best deterrent to crime.

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