El quelite (The Village) - Highline Public Schools


El quelite (The Village) - Highline Public Schools
El quelite (The Village)
Al pie de un verde quelite me dio sueno-y me dormi,
Y-me desperto un gallito cantando “qui qui ri qui.”
Yo-no canto porque si puedo, ni-por que mi voz sea buena,
Canto porque tengo gusto en-mi tierra y en la-ajena
Manana, me voy manana, manana me voy de-a qui,
y-el consuelo que me queda que se-han de-acordar de mi.
At the edge of a green quelite, I stopped awhile there to sleep.
A rooster cried out and woke me. He sang a “qui qui ri qui.”
I don’t sing because I’m able, nor because my voice is good.
I sing because I feel joy in my land and foreign lands.
Tomorrow I will be leaving, and who can tell where I’ll be?
But here is my consolation: that someone remembers me.