St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church July 10, 2016


St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church July 10, 2016
Celebration of the Eucharist
Become a Catholic
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults—
for those interested in learning more
about the Catholic religion. For more
information, call the parish office.
5:00 pm Saturday Vigil — English (Church)
7:00 am — Español (Capilla)
8:00 am — English (Church)
9:45 am — English (Church)
11:30 am — English (Church)
1:15 pm — Español (Iglesia)
5:00 pm Youth Mass — English (Church)
7:00 pm — Español (Iglesia)
Weekday Masses (Misas Diarias)
6:30 am, Thursdays, English, Chapel
8:30 am, Monday- Saturday, English, Chapel
6:30 pm, Monday and Wednesday, English, Chapel
6:30 pm, Martes y Viernes, Español, Capilla
Exposition of the Holy Eucharist (Hora Santa)
Tuesdays from 7:00 pm until 9:00 pm in the Chapel,
Fridays from 9:00 am (immediately following morning
Mass) until 10:00 am in the Chapel.
Reconciliation (Confesiones)
Thursdays from 6:00-7:00 pm, Saturdays from 3:304:30 pm in the chapel, or by appointment.
El Sacramento de la Reconciliación se celebra los
jueves de 6-7 p.m. y los sábados de 3:30-4:30 p.m., en
la capilla o con previa cita.
Baptism (Bautismos)
Parents and godparents must attend a Baptism class
prior to scheduling the baptism. Please call the office
for dates, times and to register.
Los padres y padrinos deberán asistir a las clases prebautismales antes de programar la fecha de bautismo.
Favor de llamar a la oficina para el horario y para
Anointing of the Sick
(Unción de los Enfermos)
After business hours, call the emergency phone at
972-974-5430 for critical situations requiring
anointing of the sick.
Después del horario de oficina, favor de marcar el
número de emergencia para situaciones críticas que
requieren la unción de los enfermos: 972-974-5430.
Matrimony (Matrimonio)
Marriages require a nine month preparation period.
Please call the office to inquire about marriage preparation.
Se programarán con un mínimo de nueve meses antes
del matrimonio.
Catecumenado de Adultos
Rito de Iniciación Cristiana para Adultos (RICA) - para quienes desean recibir el Bautismo, Confirmación, Primera
Comunión, o están interesados en
aprender más acerca de la religión Católica. Por favor, llame a la oficina para más información.
St. Francis of Assisi
Catholic Church
8000 El Dorado Parkway
Frisco, Texas 75033
Office (972) 712-2645
Fax (972) 712-1087
General E-Mail:
[email protected]
Msgr. Larry Pichard, Pastor
Rev. Paul Iverson, Parochial Vicar
Benigno Arana, Deacon, Ext. 664
Tomas Baca, Deacon Ext. 362
Bob Bonomi, Deacon, Ext. 665
Gregory Kahrs, Deacon, Ext. 662
John Costello, Deacon
Frank Reyna, Deacon, Retired
Society of St. Vincent de Paul
Sociedad de San Vicente de Paúl
July 10, 2016
July 10, Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Views from Fr. Larry Pichard, Pastor
Visiones del Párroco, Pbro. Larry Pichard
Members of our Youth Ministry will be on
Mission from this weekend through next weekend.
They will be volunteering in Abbeville, Louisiana to
help rebuild houses, clean off land, work in a soup
kitchen, and many other ways to live the charity of St.
Francis himself and to represent our parish of St.
Francis. We are so proud of their heroic and loving
service! Fr. Paul will be accompanying them and
guiding the very precious spiritual dimension of their
work from Tuesday through Friday.
Our special collection next weekend is for
the Church in Africa. We are blessed here at St.
Francis to have numerous African Catholics who are
faithfully attending Mass and participating in many
ministries. Of course Africa gave us Fr. Vincent for
three years. We have had several African missionary
priests here at St. Francis, and we have enjoyed their
visits and their preaching as they sought our financial
help. The Church there truly needs our help since the
number of Catholics is growing greatly, thanks be to
God, but many still live in poverty and cannot afford to
build churches or parish centers for catechesis of
children or adults. Most of us are in a good position to
be generous and helpful to them. I have been to Africa
twice, and I have witnessed great faith and devotion
although some churches are merely a roof over openair chairs and altar. I have seen happy Catholics
although now many Catholics in certain countries face
persecution and even death. I hope we can support
Los miembros de nuestro Ministerio Juvenil en
inglés estarán de Misiones desde este fin de semana
hasta el próximo fin de semana. Irán como voluntarios
a Abbeville , Louisiana para ayudar a reconstruir casas,
preparar la tierra, trabajar en un comedor comunitario
y muchas otras formas de vivir la caridad del mismo
San Francisco y representar nuestra parroquia de San
Francisco. ¡Estamos tan orgullosos de su heroico y cariñoso servicio! El Padre Paul los estará acompañando
y guiando espiritualmente en su muy valioso trabajo
desde el martes hasta el viernes.
Nuestra colecta especial del próximo fin de
semana es para la Iglesia en África. Aquí en San Francisco tenemos la bendición de tener numerosos africanos Católicos que asisten fielmente a Misa y que participan en muchos ministerios. Por supuesto África nos
dio al Padre Vicente durante tres años. Hemos tenido
varios Sacerdotes Africanos misioneros aquí, en San
Francisco, y hemos disfrutado de sus visitas y su homilías, en las cuales pedían nuestra ayuda financiera. La
Iglesia allá realmente necesita nuestra ayuda ya que el
número de Católicos, gracias a Dios, está creciendo en
gran medida, pero muchos todavía viven en la pobreza
y no pueden permitirse el lujo de construir iglesias o
centros parroquiales para catequesis de niños o adultos. La mayoría de nosotros estamos en una buena posición económica para ser generoso y ayudarlos. He
estado en África dos veces y he sido testigo de una fe y
devoción muy grande a pesar que algunas iglesias no
son más que un techo sobre el altar y algunas sillas al
aire libre. He visto a los católicos felices, aunque ahora
muchos católicos en ciertos países se enfrentan a la
persecución e incluso la muerte. Espero que podamos
St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church—Frisco, TX
Sunday, July 10th
7:00 am, Misa en español, Iglesia - † Edward Pinto (LP)
8:00 am, Mass, Church, English - Pro populo (PI)
9:45 am, Mass, Church, English - Jesús Villegas (PI)
11:30 am, Mass, Church, English - † Nouha Sayklay (PI)
1:15 pm, Misa en español, Iglesia - Mr. & Mrs. Luat Cao
5:00 pm, Mass, Church, English - † Eva Hauser (PI)
7:00 pm, Misa en español, Iglesia - Jullie Martínez Pabón
Monday, July 11
8:30 am, Bilingual Mass, Chapel - † Noreen Arko (PI)
6:30 pm, Mass, Chapel - † Yong Ji Shen (PI)
Tuesday, July 12th
8:30 am, Mass , Chapel - Terri Robinson (LP)
6:30 pm, Misa en español, Capilla - † Guadalupe Hernández
7:00 pm, Adoration in Chapel till 9:00 pm
Wednesday, July 13th
8:30 am, Mass, Chapel - † Henry Wenc (LP)
6:30 pm, Mass, Chapel - † Suzanne Stanton (LP)
Thursday, July 14th
6:30 am, Mass, Chapel - Zuri Williams (LP)
8:30 am, Mass, Chapel - † Bernard Chanh Dang (LP)
6:00 pm, Reconciliations, Chapel
Friday, July 15th
8:30 am, Mass, Chapel – † Gloria Jurado (LP)
9:00 am, Adoration in Chapel, until 10:00 am
6:30 pm, Misa en español, Capilla - † Robert Andrew
Álvarez (LP)
Please ray For
Saturday, July 16th
8:30 am, Mass, Chapel - † Karam Abraham (PI)
5:00 pm, Vigil Mass, Church - † Mary Francis (PI)
Sunday, July 17th
7:00 am, Misa en español, Iglesia (PI)
8:00 am, Mass, Church, English (LP)
9:45 am, Mass, Church, English (LP)
11:30 am, Mass, Church, English (LP)
1:15 pm, Misa en español, Iglesia (PI)
5:00 pm, Mass, Church, English (LP)
7:00 pm, Misa en español, Iglesia (PI)
Please pray for the sick and suffering of our parish:
Margarita Velez, Paola Sotomayor, Mary Romanchuk, Frank
Leroux, Andrea Loza, Cary Elliot.
Please pray for the recently deceased: Salvatore Cucco,
Adolfo González, Enriquetta Sangalang, Ana Parral, Margie
Biggs, Giselle Aguilar, Wanda Roushey, Baby Conor Shanahan
Please call the office to add or remove someone from this list.
Names will be listed for four weeks.
St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church—Frisco, TX
Misa de Unción de Enfermos
Rosario Guadalupano y Pro-Vida
El sacramento de Unción de Enfermos se impartirá a
personas con una enfermedad que los mantenga en
peligro de muerte o que tengan una cirugía próximamente. Los invitamos a recibir este sacramento durante la Misa en español el viernes 15 de julio a las
6:30 pm en la Capilla de Santa Clara.
Invitamos a todos los papás y sus hijos al rosario Guadalupano el lunes 11 de julio a las 7:00 p.m. en la Capilla ya que la intención del rosario es por todos los niños
especialmente los no nacidos.
El retiro de Otoño de preparación para
Es requisito para la señorita que va a celebrar sus XV
años, en la Parroquia de San Francisco de Asís, el asistir
a un retiro para preparación de quinceañeras.
El sábado 6 de agosto de 8:00 a.m. a 5:00 p.m. se realizará el segundo y último retiro de este año. Donativo
Para mayor información consulte la página web en español:
Después del Rosario el ministerio Guadalupano tendrá
su junta mensual en el salón Duesman.
¡Inscripciones abiertas!
El Retiro de ACTS de otoño en español para hombres
será del 15 al 18 de Septiembre de 2016 y el retiro Mujeres será del 20 al 23 de Octubre ambos en Camp
El costo para cualquiera de los dos retiros será de $195
Inscripciones en:!spanish-retreats/czwt
Celebrando la Recuperación
Ciclo 2016-2017
El amor no debe doler
Las inscripciones para niños que el próximo año estarán cursando de Kinder a 12º grado están abiertas
hasta el 12 de agosto. El costo es de $90 dólares por
Para mayor información consulte la página de Formación de Fe en Español.
Algunas personas confunden el amor con los celos, el
control, el abuso, el maltrato, las exigencias excesivas y
los gritos; cuando las mujeres soportan una relación
abusiva, dañan su salud física y mental, porque no saben protegerse. Si te sientes en esta situación, queremos escucharte. Llama al teléfono: (469) 274-5641.
¡Tu información es confidencial!
July 10, Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
El ministerio juvenil JUMP realizará una rifa el día
24 de julio para recaudar fondos para su retiro anual.
¡Nuestro mayor evento de recaudación de
Tendrán grandes premios entre ellos el 1er Lugar es
una tarjeta de regalo $500 dólares de Amazon.
Los boletos se venderán cada domingo después de
Misa de 1:15pm en los salones C/D y tienen un costo
de $3 cada boleto o 4 boletos por $10.
Buscamos patrocinadores y miembros del comité
para La Comida Anual Mexicana y Día Cultural.
¡Gracias por apoyar a los jóvenes
de la parroquia!
Más información con
Henry Orozco: [email protected] y
Nateli Huerta: [email protected]
¿Quieres unirte a un ministerio pero no los
Visita la página web en español para conocerlos.
fondos será muy pronto!
El sábado 24 de septiembre del 2016 la Iglesia de San
Francisco de Asís celebrará la 42ª Cena Anual Mexicana y Día Cultural y se necesitan miembros para el
comité, si usted está interesado en ayudar con el
evento, nos reunimos cada 15 días, y acercándose el
evento las reuniones serán semanales. También se
necesitan patrocinios. Este es un acontecimiento importante para nuestra iglesia, todas las ganancias están destinadas directamente a nuestra iglesia.
Para ser un miembro del comité por favor, póngase
en contacto con Melissa Manjeot (ella habla español)
por correo electrónico a la dirección
[email protected]
Para obtener información sobre el evento, visite
July 10, Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Information on the 2016-2017 Faith Formation
Registration can be found on our website: Please see the website for details and
documents required to register.
We need your help!
The Faith Formation program relies on the help of
faithful, committed Catechists to teach the children of our parish. Please
consider signing up to
teach a class for the 2016-2017 Faith Formation
year. If you are interested in volunteering, please
visit the Faith Formation website or contact:
Children's Ministry: Niki MacDougall,
[email protected]
Middle School Ministry: Jenny Rohde,
[email protected]
High School Ministry: Tammy Weber,
[email protected]
Spanish Ministry: Greysi Bargas,
[email protected]
Guadalupe Radio Network Presents:
The 8th Annual Summer Speaker Series,
Thursday, July 21st
Fr. Leo Patalinghug , "Food for
Thought" (Stay Salty My Friends)
“Walking Together in Faith”
Sept. 29 – Oct. 1, 2016
Join us at the 10th annual UD Ministry Conference and be a part of the South’s
largest annual Catholic ministry conference opened to the public. Attend some of
over 170 breakout sessions in English, Spanish and Vietnamese, presented by nationally, local and international known speakers. Participate in Mass and prayer
services, peruse the exhibits, admire the liturgical art display, and listen to Catholic
musical performances. This three-day event only costs $66! Find out more at the website:
St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church—Frisco, TX
An ACTS weekend is a three-day, three-night retreat presented by Catholic laypersons with the
support of clergy and a spiritual director. The goals
of the weekend retreat are to strengthen your
faith, to renew yourself spiritually, to build purpose in your prayer life, and to build lasting friendships with your church community. The Registration for men is open now and the registration for
women will be open at the end of July . For more
information, visit
Upcoming Fall Retreats:
Men’s English: September 8-11, 2016
Men’s Spanish: September 15-18, 2016
Women’s English: October 6-9, 2016
Pro-Life Boot Camp
Our Biggest Fundraiser is coming soon!
On Saturday, September 24th we will be celebrating, St Francis of Assisi’s 42nd Annual Mexican
Dinner and Cultural Day.
The day will begin with a Rosary at 11am, Parade
of Flags at 12pm, Food from 12:30pm-7pm, Divine
Mercy Chaplet at 3pm, Cultural Tents and Entertainment from 12:30pm-8pm.
Food will be provided by Cantina Laredo, Cristina’s
Fine Mexican Restaurants, Luciano’s and Balderas
Tamale Factory. Hamburgers/hot dogs with fixings
will also be available.
Admission is FREE. Each meal is $8 and T-shirts are
$14. Both will be available for advanced purchase
in the Great Hall after each Mass beginning Sunday, August 2nd.
Visit our website
One Session Only: July 22-26
University of Dallas in Irving, Texas
Youth For Life Pro-Life Boot Camp is one of the
best opportunities for young people to become
involved in the work of the pro-life movement.
Boot Camp is for students entering high school,
who are ages 14-17.
Activities include praying at Dallas and Fort
Worth area abortion centers, talks from experts
on pro-life issues, skits, pro-life testimonials,
Mass and the Sacraments and volunteer projects.
Join hundreds of single Catholics of all ages at
the National Catholic Singles Conference, September 30 - October 2, 2016, held at the Embassy
Suites Dallas DFW Airport North in Grapevine. The
weekend includes talks by dynamic speakers, music, social events, prayer, food, fellowship, and
more! Space is limited so register now! For more
888.267.8885 x4). Use promo code NCSCDFW to
receive a special discount!
July 10, Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Commissions, Councils, and Ministries
Community Life
Stewardship Council
Ministry Liaison
Noel Johnston - [email protected]
Staff Liaison
Tracy Brown - [email protected]
Boy Scouts
Jenny Morgan - [email protected]
Cub Scouts
Ghassan Hattar - (972) 712-1183
Empty Nesters
Diana Cook, [email protected]
Girl Scouts
Carol Bowman - (520) 245-4956
Hospitality /Donuts Lauren Bricker - [email protected]
Knights of Columbus Andrew Smith - [email protected]
K of C Squires
Raul Perez - [email protected]
Ladies Auxiliary
Courtney DeMakas - [email protected]
Squire Roses
Donelle Hamilton - [email protected]
Softball Teams
Raul Perez - [email protected]
Women of St. Francis Betty Hamilton - [email protected]
Faith Formation
Ministry Liaison
Danie Love: [email protected]
Staff Liaison
Niki MacDougall: [email protected]
High School Youth Ministry Tammy Weber - (972) 712-2645 x358
Middle School Youth Ministry Jenny Rohde - (972) 712-2645 x244
Children’s Faith Formation Niki MacDougall - (972) 712-2645 x229
Spanish Faith Formation Greysi Bargas - [email protected]
Preschool Faith Formation Kristin Klembara - [email protected]
Vacation Bible School Michelle Ryan - [email protected]
Melissa Silvestro - [email protected]
Adult and Family
Ministry Liaison
Michelle Ryan—[email protected]
Staff Liaison
Melissa Silvestro –[email protected]
Michael Myers - [email protected]
TEAMS Marriage Ministry Matt & Tracy DuBois - [email protected]
Bible Study
Harry [email protected]
Book Club
David Utsler - (972) 712-2645 x247
Catholic Homeschoolers Sarah Griffith - [email protected]
Come Home
David Utsler - (972) 712-2645 x247
Lamplight Catholic Learning
[email protected]
Little Friends of St. Francis Preschool Lauren Harbour - (972) 712-1657
Ministry of Mothers Sharing (MOMS) Katie Tarsha - [email protected]
Morning Prayer/Rosary Group Theresa Etcheverry - (972) 377-0952
Salve Regina
Stephanie Chilek - [email protected]
Catholic Men’s Fellowship
Mauricio Frye - [email protected]
Catholic Women’s Fellowship Donelle Hamilton - [email protected]
Young Adults
Melissa Silvestro - [email protected]
Ministry Liaison
Staff Liaison
Altar Guild
Altar Servers
Art & Environment
Eucharistic Ministers
Music Ministry
Weddings & Annulments
Funeral Meals
Hearing Loss Ministry
Victoria Rychalsky - [email protected]
Anneliese Rivera - [email protected]
Sue Rejmaniak - [email protected]
Andrew & Kathleen Smith - [email protected]
Missty Deutsch - (972) 335-7695
Chris Moen - [email protected]
Victoria Rychalsky - [email protected]
Kevin Shelley - (972) 712-2645 x313
Brian Moen—[email protected]
Maricel Medero - (972) 712-2645 x225
Jenny Bloemendaal - [email protected]
Peggy Hemmer - 972-704-3875
Committee Chair
Staff Liaison
Financial Peace University
Welcome Callers
Greg Deiter - [email protected]
Mark Smith - (972) 712-2645 x351
Teri Mancuso - [email protected]
Robin Wren - [email protected]
Karen Sarnacki - [email protected]
Parish Development
Building Committee
Finance Council
Parish Council
Steve Hulsey - (972) 335-1616
Andrew Smith [email protected]
Lori Skillestead - [email protected]
Ministry Liaison
Melisa Manjeot –[email protected]
Staff Liaison
Alma Geller - [email protected]
AIDS Outreach Ministry
Evelyn Grimes - [email protected]
Always Our Children
Cathy Gonzalez - [email protected]
Angel Tree
Laura Kate [email protected]
Blood Drive
Robin Wren - [email protected]
Brown Bag Sunday
Nellie Hill - [email protected]
Catholic Addiction Ministry
Vincent Webb - (972) 804-2812
Clothe a Child
Kim Jezek - [email protected]
Divorce Support
Deacon Gregg Kahrs - (972) 712-2645 x662
Grief Ministry
Donna Schmittler - [email protected]
Homebound Ministry
Tricia [email protected]
Hospital Ministry
Jeff Webster - (281) 414-1426
Illness & New Baby Meals
Melanie Duhaime - (214) 636-6277
Nursing Home Ministry
Jim and C.C. Maness - (817) 915-5856
Prayer Chain
Anneliese Rivera - [email protected]
Prison Ministry
John Quincey - [email protected]
Respect Life
Tim Filesi - [email protected]
Society of St. Vincent de Paul Alice Lackey - [email protected]
Thanksgiving Baskets
Pat Valentino - [email protected]
Rays of Sunshine Elizabeth & Charlie Donner - [email protected]
Parish Contacts for Non-Parish Ministries
Honduras/Friends of Los Niños Geralyn Kaminsky - [email protected]
Natural Family Planning
Holly Baril - (469) 774-6559
Worldwide Marriage Encounter Bryan & Melissa Causey - [email protected]
St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church—Frisco, TX
Comisiones y Ministerios
Hispanic Faith Formation/Formación de Fe-español
Familia y Adultos
Enlace Parroquial
Catecismo K-12
Grupo de Jóvenes Adultos
Mariano Carro - [email protected]
Recién Casados
Gera y Brenda Hernández - [email protected]
Encuentro Matrimonial
Gume y Betty Torres 214-994-4483
Preparación Matrimonial
Roberto y Maru Alexander - (214) 317-6867
Movimiento Familiar Cristiano Fernando y Lilia Chavez - (915) 726-2403
Ministerio de Mamá a Mamá M.O.M.S. Hilda Perez - (469) 288-3906
Montserrat Lopéz – (817) 371-4305
Programa Mujer
Lety Martínez - (408)-348-9722
Yolanda Herrera - (214) 232-3405
Grupo de Oración
Petra Taraian - (469) 363-9536
Talleres de Oración y Vida
Edith Pereyra - (972) 841-0092
¿Por qué ser Católico?
Rogelio Pacheco - (469)-441-3013
Yoli Liscano - (214)-202-5473
Rocendo Montes - (469) 363-0157
Bodas y Anulaciones
Maricel Medero - (972) 712-2645 x225
Daniel Treviño - [email protected]
Lety Martines & Grisel [email protected]
Greysi [email protected]
Massiel Walker - (214)773-6007
Rocio Olvera– (909) 319-3050
RICA: Iniciación Cristiana Adultos Juan y Lupita Barrera - (972) 754-0447
Patty Caceres - (469) 358-7948
Grupo Juvenil, JUMP
Henry Orozco - (469) 358-8728
Campamento de Verano
Christy Scott - [email protected]
Hispanic Ministry / Ministerios Hispanos
Enlace Parroquial
Héctor Rodas - (469) 237-4523
Victor y Deya Peña - [email protected]
Blanca Balderas –[email protected]
Ministros de la Comunión
Coro Instrumento de tu Paz
Coro Divina Providencia
Coordinadores de Bodas
Liturgia de Niños
Juan y Lupita Barrera - (972) 754-0447
Susy Hernandez – (214) 529 3210
Abraham Pérez - (214) 912-8671
Gladys García - (972) 712-2926
Samuel Mora - (469) 888-2677
Celene Orozco - (469) 471-1089
Rubén Padilla - (972) 533-0696
Jerry & Mila Ledesma - (214) 407-0253
Yamilet Jaramillo - (972) 762-9130
Christy Scott - [email protected]
Vida en Comunidad
Comida Mexicana Anual & Día Cultural Yoheli Perez - [email protected]
Caballeros de Colón
Ricardo González - [email protected]
Coro Juvenil Solados de Cristo Martha Cáceres - (469) 233-6762
Apoyo Social
Cris Rojas - (214) 908-3312
Padres de Niños Necesidades Especiales Elia Huerta - (214) 415-9410
Pro Vida
Lety Ortiz—[email protected]
Ministerio de Enfermos
William Lanzas - (214) 471-3601
Clases de Inglés (ESL)
Tony Sánchez - (214) 957-3573
Carlos Padilla - (817) 987-7466
Francisco López - (469) 396-9267
St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church—Frisco, TX
Due to the Holiday, we do not have the Financial Report this week.
Commissions, Councils, and Ministries
Our Parish Staff
David Utsler, Staff and Ministry Supervisor, Ext. 247
Tracy Brown, Financial Director, Ext. 226
Mark Smith, Development Director, Ext. 351
Anneliese Rivera, Liturgy Director, Ext. 237
Kevin Shelley, Music Director, Ext. 313
Melissa Silvestro, Adult & Family Life Director, Ext. 230
Greysi Bargas, Spanish Faith Formation Director, Ext. 227
Tammy Weber, High School Ministry Director, Ext. 358
Jenny Rohde, Middle School Ministry Director, Ext. 244
David Casper, Youth Ministry Musician, Ext. 234
Candace Bermender, Youth Ministry Admin. Asst., Ext. 246
Niki MacDougall, Children’s Ministry Director, Ext. 229
Rachel Hansen, Children’s Ministry Assistant, Ext. 232
Maricel Medero, Marriage Administrator, Ext. 225
Blanca Balderas, Hispanic Ministry Director., Ext. 245
Ismary D. González, Liturgy and Hispanic Ministry Assistant, Ext. 241
Ginny Milich, Safe Environment Coordinator, Ext. 228
Kate Disbrow, Bookkeeper, Ext. 360
Alma Geller, Parish Administrator, Ext. 352
Rocio Villegas, Receptionist, Ext. 221
Donnie Floyd, Facilities Director, Ext. 231
Carlos Gaona, Facility Technician, Ext. 238
Lauren Harbour, Little Friends Preschool Director, Ext. 235

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St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church December 28, 2014

St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church December 28, 2014 Catholic Homeschoolers Sarah Griffith - [email protected] Come Home David Utsler (972) 712-2645 x247 Kids Day Out Preschool Lauren Harbour - (972) 712-1657 RCIA David Utsler (972) 712-2645...

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3 de Enero 2016 - St. Francis of Assisi

3 de Enero 2016 - St. Francis of Assisi David Utsler - (972) 712-2645 x247 Catholic Homeschoolers Sarah Griffith - [email protected] Come Home David Utsler - (972) 712-2645 x247 Lamplight Catholic Learning StFrancisLampLight@gma...

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