document to interpret and translate foreign transcripts
document to interpret and translate foreign transcripts
DOCUMENT TO INTERPRET AND TRANSLATE FOREIGN TRANSCRIPTS The District School Board of Collier County English Language Learners (ELLs) Programs August 2011 Dr. Kamela Patton Superintendent Dr. Kamela Patton Superintendent of Schools THE DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD OF COLLIER COUNTY Julie Sprague, Chair Roy M. Terry, Vice-Chair Patricia M. Carroll, Member Kathleen Curatolo, Member Barbara Berry, Member This report has been prepared by The District School Board of Collier County. Additional copies, if available, may be obtained by writing: The District School Board of Collier County Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Administrative Center English Language Learners Programs 5775 Osceola Trail Naples, Florida 34109-0919 Report Number: 08011101 Coordinated by: Dr. Maria M. Torres Fernand Billon No person in this district, shall, on the basis of race, national origin, sex, disability, marital status, religion, or age, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity, or in employment conditions or practices conducted by The District School Board of Collier County. MISSION STATEMENT The District School Board of Collier County provides high quality educational experiences enabling all students to achieve their maximum potential in a safe, positive environment. For questions or complaints (adults) regarding the Educational Equity Act, Title IX, Section 504 (Rehabilitation Act), or the Americans with Disabilities Act, contact Allun Hamblett, Executive Director of Human Resources, (239) 377-0351. For questions or complaints (students) regarding the Educational Equity Act, Title IX, or The Age Discrimination Act of 1975, contact Diedra Landrum, Coordinator of Student Services/Guidance & Counseling, (239) 377-0517. For questions or complaints (students) regarding Section 504 (Rehabilitation Act) and the Americans with Disabilities Act, contact Larry Ruble, Student Services/Supervisor of Psychological Services, (239) 377-0508. The address for the above contacts is: The District School Board of Collier County, 5775 Osceola Trail, Naples, FL 34109. -2- TABLE OF CONTENTS Pages Introduction Afghanistan Albania Algeria Argentina Australia Austria Bahamas Bangladesh Barbados Belgium Belize Bermuda Bolivia Brazil Bulgaria Canada Central African Republic Chile People’s Republic of China Colombia Costa Rica Cuba Cyprus Czech & Slovak Federal Republics Denmark Dominican Republic 6-7 8-9 10-11 12-13 14-15 16-17 18-19 20-21 22-23 24-25 26-27 28-29 30-31 32-33 34-35 36-37 38-39 40-41 42-43 44-46 47-48 49-50 51-52 53-54 55-56 57-58 59-60 -3- TABLE OF CONTENTS (cont’d) Pages Ecuador Egypt El Salvador England Ethiopia Finland France Germany Greece Guadaloupe, Guyane Francaise, Martinique Guatemala Guyana Haiti Honduras Hong Kong Hungary India Indonesia Iran Iraq Ireland Israel Italy Jamaica Japan Korea Kuwait -4- 61-62 63-64 65-66 67-68 69-70 71-72 73-74 75-76 77-78 79-80 81-82 83-84 85-86 87-88 89-91 92-93 94-95 96-97 98-99 100-101 102-103 104-105 106-107 108-109 110-111 112-113 114-115 TABLE OF CONTENTS (cont’d) Pages Laos Lebanon Lithuania Mexico The Netherlands/Holland Nicaragua Nigeria Norway Pakistan Panama Paraguay Peru The Philippines Poland Portugal Puerto Rico Romania Russia Soviet Republics Saudi Arabia South Africa Spain Sudan Sweden Swistzerland French Swistzerland German 116-118 119-120 121-122 123-124 125-126 127-128 129-130 131-132 133-134 135-136 137-138 139-140 141-142 143-144 145-146 147-148 149-150 151-152 153-154 155-156 157-158 159-160 161-162 163-164 165-166 -5- TABLE OF CONTENTS (cont’d) Pages Thailand Trinidad Turkey Turks & Caicos Islands United Kingdom Uruguay Venezuela Vietnam Virgin Islands 167-168 169-170 171-172 173-174 175-176 177-178 179-180 181-182 183-184 -6- INTRODUCTION This manual was developed to assist ELL Contacts, and Guidance Counselors translate in the translation/interpretation of transcripts and grades of students arriving from other countries into Collier County Public Schools. The manual also includes brief information about the educational systems of the different countries represented herein which will help in determining how the education of incoming students compares to the education into which they are about to embark in the United States. Many systems are similar to ours, but many others differ in various ways, which will affect initial student placement and performance in our educational system. The awarding of credits should be done by qualified personel (guidance counselors, ELL contacts, and/or teachers) to determine how classes and class time compare to those in the United States. Consequently, when students come in to register, it is advisable to take some time to get information about the coursework they had in their native country from the students and their parent’s. Some questions to ask are: - How long was the school year? From __________ to __________ How many times per week did you attend each class? What was the duration of each class? How long did the course last? There are many ways to convert this information into our system, once you have the above information. The following formulas will help in this process: -7- MINUTES IN CLASS PER WEEK MULTIPLIED BY NUMBER OF SCHOOL DAYS DIVIDED BY 60 = CREDIT HOURS. - 135 + hrs. = 1 credit - 134 - 67 = ½ credit - 66 - 0 = 0 credit Assuming that classes are 45 minutes each, - 3 times per week = 108 days - 2 times per week = 72 days - 1 time per week = 36 days Example: A student attended an algebra class two times per week and the classes were 45 minutes long. How much credit should he be given for this class? Formula: Minutes x days divided by 60 Twice a week = 72 days, so 45 x 72 divided by 60 = 54 The student gets no credit for this class. If the student had attended this class three times per week, then the formula would read: 45 x 108 divided by 60 = 81. The student would get ½ credit for the course. If the class was 90 minutes long and took place three times per week, then: 90 x 108 divided by 60 = 162. The student would get 1 credit for this class. Note: Fonts may vary as a uniform font across all foreign language scripts is non existant. -8- Grade Translation for Afghanistan Language Spoken: Pashtu Grades USA Equivalent A (90-100) Excellent B (80-89) Good C (70-79) Average D (60-69) Poor F (0-59) Levels Afghanistan Primary A (90-100) Excellent B (80-89) Very Good C (70-79) Good C- (35-49) Good F Below 35 Fail Note: Minimum Pass = 40 Secondary Grades/Ages In USA Grade 12 Senior High School 11 Junior High School 10 Sophomore High School 9 Freshman High School 6-8 Middle School K-5 Elementary School Diploma Awarded: Baccalaureate or Upper Secondary School Diploma 1-8 Lycée 9-12 Age 17/18 16 15 14 11-13 5-10 Academic Year: August – June (Warm Region) March –December (Cold Region ) Country Notes: There are still significant obstacles to education in Afghanistan, stemming from lack of funding, unsafe school buildings and cultural norms. Overall the male literacy rate is 51% and female literacy is 21%. -9- Afghanistan - General Course Names - Language Spoken: Pashtu Accounting Acting Algebra American Government American History Anatomy Art Art History Astronomy Auto-mechanics Biology Business English Calculus Ceramics Chemistry Child Development Chorus Civics Computer Programming Construction Culinary Arts Drafting/Illustrative Design Drama Drawing Early Child Education Earth and Space Science Economics Engineering English Environmental Science French شیامنGeography Geometry German Health Integrated Science Intensive Mathematics Italian Journalism Language Marine Science Mathematics Music Orchestra Parenting Skills Personal Fitness Philosophy یندم تامیلعتPhysical Education Physical Science Physics Portuguese Psychology Reading یشاقنReligion Sociology Spanish Statistics Television Production Web Design World History - 10 - ایفارغج نابز هفسلف یلاغترپ نید Grade Translation for Albania Language Spoken: Albanian Grades Grades/Ages In USA Levels USA Equivalent A (90-100) Excellent B (80-89) Good C (70-79) Average D (60-69) Poor F (0-59) Albania Secondary “General Education” Primary Grade 12 Senior High School 11 Junior 4-Good High School 10 Sophomore 3-Fair High School 9 Freshman 2-1-Not Passing High School 6-8 Middle School K-5 Elementary School Diploma Awarded: Secondary School Leaving Diploma (Deftesse Pjekurie Diploma) 5-Excellent 1-8 9-12 Age 17/18 16 15 14 11-13 5-10 Academic Year: September - June Country Notes: Schooling is compulsory between ages 7 and 15. Education at the primary and secondary levels is free, and higher education fees are based on family income. - 11 - Albania - General Course Names Language Spoken: Albanian Accounting Acting Algebra American Government American History Anatomy Art Art History Astronomy Auto-mechanics Biology Business English Calculus Ceramics Chemistry Child Development Chorus Civics Computer Programming Construction Culinary Arts Drafting/Illustrative Design Drama Drawing Early Child Education Earth and Space Science Economics Engineering English Environmental Science Llogari Përkohshëm Algjebër Amerikan Geveri Amerikan Histori Anatomi Art Art Histori Astronomi Vetë Mekanik Biologji Biznes Anglisht Analizë Matematike Qeramikë Kimi Fëmijë Zhvillim Kor Qytetar Kompjuter Program Ndërtim Enë Art marr ushtar Dramë Vizatim Herët Fëmijë Edukatë Tokë e Hapësirë Shkencë Ekonomi Inxhinieri Anglisht Ambiental Shkencë - 12 - French Geography Geometry German Health Integrated Science Intensive Mathematics Italian Journalism Language Marine Science Mathematics Music Orchestra Parenting Skills Personal Fitness Philosophy Physical Education Physical Science Physics Portuguese Psychology Reading Religion Sociology Spanish Statistics Television Production Web Design World History Francez Gjeografi Gjeometri Gjerman Shëndet Gjithë Shkencë Intensive Matematikë Italishte Gazetari Gjuhë Marine Shkencë Matematikë Muzikë Orkestër Prind Zotësi Vetiak ushtrim Filozofi Fizike Edukatë Fizike Shkencë Fizike Portugalishte Psikologji Shkrim Fe Sociologji Spanjoll Statistikë Television Prodhim Fletë Projekt Botë Histori Grade Translation for Algeria Language Spoken: Arabic Grades USA Equivalent A (90-100) Excellent B (80-89) Good C (70-79) Average D (60-69) Poor F (0-59) Grades/Ages In USA Levels Algeria General Secondary Primary A (16-20) Excellent B (14-15) Tres Bien Grade Age 12 Senior 17/18 High School 11 Junior 16 High School 10 Sophomore C (12-13) Bien 15 High School D (10-11) 9 Freshman 14 Passable High School 6-8 Middle F (0-9) Echect 11-13 School K-5 Elementary 5-10 School Diploma Awarded: Secondary School Diploma (Baccalauréat de L’enseignement Secondaire) 1-9 10-12 Academic Year: October - June Country Notes: Education is officially compulsory for children between the ages of 6 and 15. The public schools are regulated jointly by the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Religious Affairs and the study of Islam is a required part of the curriculum. - 13 - Algeria - General Course Names Language Spoken: Arabic Accounting Acting Algebra American Government American History Anatomy Art Art History Astronomy Auto-mechanics Biology Business English Calculus Ceramics Chemistry Child Development Chorus Civics Computer Programming Construction Culinary Arts Drafting/Illustrative Design Drama Drawing Early Child Education Earth and Space Science Economics Engineering English Environmental Science French Geography Geometry German Health Integrated Science Intensive Mathematics Italian Journalism [وتوأ- ]سكينشمLanguage Marine Science Mathematics Music Orchestra Parenting Skills Personal Fitness Philosophy Physical Education Physical Science Physics Portuguese Psychology Reading Religion Sociology Spanish Statistics Television Production Web Design World History - 14 - Grade Translation for Argentina Language Spoken: Spanish Grades Grades/Ages In USA Levels USA Equivalent A (90-100) Excellent B (80-89) Good C (70-79) Average D (60-69) Poor F (0-59) Argentina A (8-10) Sobresaliente B (6-7) Distinguido C (4-5) Bueno Primary Secondary Academic Cycle 1-9 1-3 Not existent F (0-3) Insuficiente/ Reprobado Grade 12 Senior High School 11 Junior High School 10 Sophomore High School 9 Freshman High School 6-8 Middle School K-5 Elementary School Diploma Awarded: Secondary =“Bachiller” or “Bachillerato” Academic Year: March - December Country Notes: Interpretation of grade levels: 1 polymodal = 10th - 2 polymodal = 11th - 3 polymodal = 12th - 15 - Age 17/18 16 15 14 11-13 5-10 Argentina– General Course Names Language Spoken: Spanish Accounting Acting Algebra American Government American History Anatomy Art Art History Astronomy Auto-mechanics Biology Business English Calculus Ceramics Chemistry Child Development Chorus Civics Computer Programming Construction Culinary Arts Drafting/Illustrative Design Drama Drawing Early Child Education Earth and Space Science Economics Engineering English Environmental Science Contabilidad Actuación Álgebra Gobierno Americano Historia Americana Anatomía Arte Historia del Arte Astronomía Mecánica de Auto Biología Inglés Comercial Cálculo Cerámica Química Desarrollo Infantil Coro Civismo Programación de Computadoras Construcción Artes Culinarios Dibujo Técnico Drama Dibujo Educación Infantil Ciencia de la Tierra y el Espacio Economía Ingeniería Inglés Ciencias del Medioambiente - 16 - French Geography Geometry German Health Integrated Science Intensive Mathematics Italian Journalism Language Marine Science Mathematics Music Orchestra Parenting Skills Personal Fitness Philosophy Physical Education Physical Science Physics Portuguese Psychology Reading Religion Sociology Spanish Statistics Television Production Web Design World History Francés Geografía Geometría Alemán Salud Ciencia Integrada Matemática Intensiva Italiano Periodismo Lenguaje Ciencia Marina Matemáticas Musica Orquesta Destrezas de ser Padres Condicionamiento Físico Filosofía Educación Física Ciencia Física Física Portugués Psicología Lectura Religión Sociología Español Estadísticas Producción de Televisión Diseño de Página de Internet Historia del Mundo Grade Translation for Australia Language Spoken: English Grades USA Equivalent A (90-100) Excellent B (80-89) Good C (70-79) Average D (60-69) Poor F (0-59) Australia (A) (B ) 85-100 & 75–85 1–2/ 1, 2, 3 65–75 3 / 4, 5 50-65 4 / 5, 6 40–50 5/7 0–40 8, 9, 10 Levels Primary Secondary Grades/Ages In USA Grade 12 Senior High School 11 Junior High School 10 Sophomore High School 9 Freshman High School 6-8 Middle School K-5 Elementary School Age 17/18 16 15 14 11-13 5-10 Diploma Awarded: Higher School Certificate (also serves as entrance to university if marks acceptable). Method (B) works on either a 5- or 10-point scale. 7 = first year at secondary school. School attendance is compulsory between the ages of 6 and 15. Academic Year: Starts late January or early February and ends in mid December Country Notes: The school year is divided into four terms rather than two semesters. The exact dates vary from year to year, as well as between states and for public and private schools. Each new cycle begins in January or early February. - 17 - Australia – General Course Names Language Spoken: English Accounting Acting Algebra American Government American History Anatomy Art Art History Astronomy Auto-mechanics Biology Business English Calculus Ceramics Chemistry Child Development Chorus Civics Computer Programming Construction Culinary Arts Drafting/Illustrative Design Drama Drawing Early Child Education Earth and Space Science Economics Engineering English Environmental Science French Geography Geometry German Health Integrated Science Intensive Mathematics Italian Journalism Language Marine Science Mathematics Music Orchestra Parenting Skills Personal Fitness Philosophy Physical Education Physical Science Physics Portuguese Psychology Reading Religion Sociology Spanish Statistics Television Production Web Design World History - 18 - Grade Translation for Austria Language Spoken: German Grades Grades/Ages In USA Levels USA Equivalent A (90-100) Excellent B (80-89) Good C (70-79) Average D (60-69) Poor F (0-59) Austria Primary Secondary Upper Lower Oberstufen Real Gymnasium Grade Age 12 Senior 17/18 High School 11 Junior B (2) 16 High School 10 Sophomore C (3) satisfactory 15 High School 9 Freshman C- (4) 14 High School 6-8 Middle F (5) 11-13 School K-5 Elementary 5-10 School Diploma Awarded: Matura (graduation) Gymnasium/Oberstufen (high school) Students with grades 1 – 4 can pass on to the next form. Students with a grade 5 must pass special exams for advancement. Secondary School Leaving Certificate. Academic Year: September – June A (1) 1-4 5-8 9-12 Country Notes: Children in Germany start school at the age of 6 and from grades 1 through 4 attend elementary school. After the 4th grade, they may attend one of three different kinds of schools: Hauptschule, Realschule or Gymnasium. The Hauptschule (grades 5-9) teaches the same subjects as the Realschule and Gymnasium, but at a slower pace and with some vocational-oriented courses. The Realschule (grade 5-10) leads to part-time vocational schools and higher vocational schools. The Gymnasium (grades 5-13) leads to a degree and prepares students for university study or for a dual academic and vocational credential. The most common education tracks offered by the standard Gymnasium are classical language, modern language, and mathematics-natural science. - 19 - Austria – General Course Names Language Spoken: German Accounting Acting Algebra American Government American History Anatomy Art Art History Astronomy Auto-mechanics Biology Business English Calculus Ceramics Chemistry Child Development Chorus Civics Computer Programming Construction Culinary Arts Drafting/Illustrative Design Drama Drawing Early Child Education Earth and Space Science Economics Engineering English Environmental Science Buchführung Die Spielkunst Algebra Amerikanische Regierung Amerikanische Geschichte Anatomie Kunst Kunstgeschichte Astronomie Automaschinenbau Biologie Geschäft Englisch Rechnung Keramik Chemie Kinderentwicklung Chor Zivilklage Computerprogrammierung Konstruktion Kulinarische Künste Erläuterndes Absicht Drama Zeichnung Früh Kinderausbildung Die Erde und Weltraumwissenschaft Volkswirtschaftslehre Ingenieurwesen Englisch Umweltwissenschaft - 20 - French Geography Geometry German Health Integrated Science Intensive Mathematics Italian Journalism Language Marine Science Mathematics Music Orchestra Parenting Skills Personal Fitness Philosophy Physical Education Physical Science Physics Portuguese Psychology Reading Religion Sociology Spanish Statistics Television Production Web Design World History Französisch Erdkunde Geometrie Deutsch Die Gesundheit Integrierte Wissenschaft Intensive Mathematik Italienisch Zeitungswissen Sprache Seewissenschaft Mathematik Musik Orchester Eltern-Fähigkeiten Persönliche Tauglichkeit Philosophie Physische Ausbildung Physische Wissenschaft Physik Portugiesisch Psychologie Lektüre Religion Soziologie Spanisch Statistik Fernsehenproduktion Netz Absicht Die Weltgeschichte Grade Translation for Bahamas Language Spoken: English Grades USA Equivalent A (90-100) Excellent B (80-89) Good C (70-79) Average D (60-69) Poor F (0-59) Levels Bahamas Primary A (80-100) Secondary Infants, Yr 1 (K) Infants, Yr 2 (1) Standard I (2) Grades/Ages In USA Grade Age Form I (7) 12 Senior 17/18 High School B (65-79) Form II (8) 11 Junior 16 High School Standard II (3) C (50-64) Form III (9) 10 Sophomore 15 High School Standard III (4) D (35-49) Form IV (10) 9 Freshman 14 High School Standard IV (5) F (0-34) Form V (11) 6-8 Middle 11-13 School Standard V (6) K-5 Elementary 5-10 School Diploma Awarded: The majority of students take either the *GCE or *CXC exams after Form V or grade 11. For Secondary School graduation, student must pass five (5) subjects, four (4) of which must be academic. Only students who are planning to go to a university are expected to enter Form VI, which lasts 2 years. Academic Year: September - June Country Notes: *GCE – General Certificate of Education *CXC – Caribbean Examination Council Students who graduate receive a Cambridge Overseas School Certificate - 21 - Bahamas – General Course Names Language Spoken: English Accounting Acting Algebra American Government American History Anatomy Art Art History Astronomy Auto-mechanics Biology Business English Calculus Ceramics Chemistry Child Development Chorus Civics Computer Programming Construction Culinary Arts Drafting/Illustrative Design Drama Drawing Early Child Education Earth and Space Science Economics Engineering English Environmental Science French Geography Geometry German Health Integrated Science Intensive Mathematics Italian Journalism Language Marine Science Mathematics Music Orchestra Parenting Skills Personal Fitness Philosophy Physical Education Physical Science Physics Portuguese Psychology Reading Religion Sociology Spanish Statistics Television Production Web Design World History - 22 - Grade Translation for Bangladesh Language Spoken: Bengali Grades USA Equivalent A (90-100) Excellent B (80-89) Good C (70-79) Average D (60-69) Poor F (0-59) Grades/Ages In USA Levels Bangladesh Primary 600-1000 1st Division 450-599 2nd Division 330-449 3rd Division 0-329 Fail 1-5 Jr. Secondary Secondary Higher 6-8 9-10 11-12 Grade 12 Senior High School 11 Junior High School 10 Sophomore High School 9 Freshman High School 6-8 Middle School K-5 Elementary School Age 17/18 16 15 14 11-13 5-10 Diploma Awarded: Higher Secondary Certificate (H.S.C.) Academic Year: June - March Country Notes: There are only 5 years of compulsory education in Banglades, children between the ages of 6 and 10 years are provided basic education free of charge. The government of Bangladesh distributes free books and education kits to the students of primary schools. Current government projects to promote the education of children in Bangladesh include, free education for girls up to grade 10, stipends for female students, a nationwide integrated education system and a food-for-education literacy movement. - 23 - Bangladesh – General Course Names - Language Spoken: Bengali Accounting Acting Algebra American Government American History Anatomy Art Art History Astronomy Auto-mechanics Biology Business English Calculus French Geography Geometry German Health Integrated Science Intensive Mathematics Italian Journalism Language Marine Science Mathematics Music Ceramics Orchestra Chemistry Parenting Skills Child Development Personal Fitness Chorus Civics Philosophy Physical Education Computer Programming গণক Physical Science Construction Physics Culinary Arts Drafting/Illustrative Design Drama Drawing Early Child Education Portuguese Psychology Reading Religion Sociology Earth and Space Science Spanish Economics Statistics - 24 - Engineering Television Production English Web Design Environmental Science World History Grade Translation for Barbados Language Spoken: English Grades USA Equivalent A (90-100) Excellent B (80-89) Good C (70-79) Average D (60-69) Poor F (0-59) Grades/Ages In USA Levels Barbados Primary A (80-100) Secondary Grade Age 12 Senior 17/18 High School B (65-79) 11 Junior 16 High School C (50-64) 10 Sophomore 15 High School D (35-49) 9 Freshman 14 High School F (0-34) 6-8 Middle 11-13 School K-5 Elementary 5-10 School Diploma Awarded: The majority of students take either the *GCE or *CXC exams after Form V or grade 11. For Secondary School graduation, student must pass five (5) subjects, four (4) of which must be academic. Students who graduate receive a Cambridge Overseas School Certificate. Only 1-6 Forms I-V - 25 - students who are planning to go to a university are expected to enter Form VI, which lasts 2 years. Academic Year: September - June Country Notes: *GCE – General Certificate of Education *CXC – Caribbean Examination Council Education in Barbados is free of charge and compulsory between the ages of 5 and 16, and attendance is strictly enforced. - 26 - Barbados – General Course Names Language Spoken: English Accounting Acting Algebra American Government American History Anatomy Art Art History Astronomy Auto-mechanics Biology Business English Calculus Ceramics Chemistry Child Development Chorus Civics Computer Programming Construction Culinary Arts Drafting/Illustrative Design Drama Drawing Early Child Education Earth and Space Science Economics Engineering English Environmental Science French Geography Geometry German Health Integrated Science Intensive Mathematics Italian Journalism Language Marine Science Mathematics Music Orchestra Parenting Skills Personal Fitness Philosophy Physical Education Physical Science Physics Portuguese Psychology Reading Religion Sociology Spanish Statistics Television Production Web Design World History - 27 - Grade Translation for Belgium Language Spoken: Dutch and French Grades Levels USA Equivalent Belgium Secondary Type I Primary Common Transitional Unit I Unit II Unit III Grades/Ages In USA Grade Age A (90-100) Excellent Type I – Modern 12 Senior Educational System: High School 1-6 1-2 3-4 5-6 17/18 Model A Student is successful and promoted B (80-89) Model B - Student is promoted 11 Junior 16 Good with certain restrictions. High School C (70-79) Model C – Student has failed; 10 Sophomore Average must repeat year or change to a High School 15 different field of study. D (60-69) Type II – Traditional 9 Freshman 14 Poor Educational System: High School A+ (90-100 18-20) F (0-59) 6-8 Middle 11-13 A (80-89 16-17.9) School B (70-79 14-15.9) K-5 B-/C+ (50-69 10-13.9 Elementary 5-10 F (Below 50 Below 10) School Diploma Awarded: Certificat d’ enseignement secondaire supérieur. (Higher secondary certificate general, technical, or artistic education) and Maturity Examination Diploma. Academic Year: September - June Country Notes: In secondary school, students can choose between four types of education: A. General Ed – B. Technical Ed C. Artist Ed – D. Professional / Choices C and D go onto Unit III. Higher education in Belgium is organized by the two main communities, the Flemish Community and the French Community. German speakers typically enroll in institutions in the French Community or in Germany. - 28 - Belgium – General Course Names Language Spoken: Dutch and French (Refer to the French Translations on page 74) Accounting Acting Algebra American Government American History Anatomy Art Art History Astronomy Auto-mechanics Biology Business English Calculus Ceramics Chemistry Child Development Chorus Civics Computer Programming Construction Culinary Arts Drafting/Illustrative Design Drama Drawing Early Child Education Earth and Space Science Economics Engineering English Boekhouding Acteren Algebra Amerikaanse Overheid Amerikaanse Geschiedenis Anatomie Art Art Historie Astronomie Auto Werktuigkundige Biologie Zaken het Engels Rekening Keramiek Chemie Kind Ontwikkeling Chorus Burger Computer Het Programing Bouw Culinaire Arts Het Opstellen Drama Tekening Vroeg kindonderwijs Aarde En Ruimtewetenschap Economie Techniek Engels French Geography Geometry German Health Integrated Science Intensive Mathematics Italian Journalism Language Marine Science Mathematics Music Orchestra Parenting Skills Personal Fitness Philosophy Physical Education Physical Science Physics Portuguese Psychology Reading Religion Sociology Spanish Statistics Television Production Web Design Environmental Science Milieu Wetenschap World History - 29 - Frans Aardrijkskunde Meetkunde Duits Gezondheid Geïntegreerde Wetenschap Intensieve Math Italiaans Journalistiek Taal Mariene Wetenschap Math Muziek Orkest Parenting Vaardigheden Persoonlijke Geschiktheid Psychologie Lichamelijke Opvoeding fysieke wetenschap Fysica Portugeese Psychologie Lazing Geloof Sociologie Spaans Statistieken De Productie van de televisie Het Ontwerp van het Web De Geschiedenis van de wereld Grade Translation for Belize Language Spoken: English Grades USA Equivalent A (90-100) Excellent B (80-89) Good C (70-79) Average D (60-69) Poor F (0-59) Grades/Ages In USA Levels Belize Secondary Jr. Sr. Primary A (85-100) Infants I, II Standards 1-6 Grade Age 12 Senior 17/18 High School B+ (66-84) 11 Junior 16 High School B (55-65) 10 Sophomore 15 High School C (51-54) 9 Freshman 14 High School D (50- ) 6-8 Middle 11-13 School F (Below 50) K-5 Elementary 5-10 School Diploma Awarded: The majority of students take either the *GCE or *CXC exams after Form V or grade 11. For Secondary School graduation, student must pass five (5) subjects, four (4) of which must be academic. Belize Academic High School Diploma with at least a “C” or “average” standard Students who graduate receive a Cambridge Overseas School Certificate Academic Year: September - June 9-11 12-13 Country Notes: *GCE – General Certificate of Education *CXC – Caribbean Examination Council The majority of students take either the GCE (General Certificate of Education) or CXC (Caribbean Examination Council) exams after grade 11. The Belizean school system is based on British education. Secondary education is divided into four "forms." Secondary schools differ according to curriculum. Most private and denominational schools emphasize academic and commercial studies, although some also offer technical-vocational programs. In government schools, all offer a curriculum oriented to technicalvocational subjects. - 30 - Belize – General Course Names Language Spoken: English Accounting Acting Algebra American Government American History Anatomy Art Art History Astronomy Auto-mechanics Biology Business English Calculus Ceramics Chemistry Child Development Chorus Civics Computer Programming Construction Culinary Arts Drafting/Illustrative Design Drama Drawing Early Child Education Earth and Space Science Economics Engineering English Environmental Science French Geography Geometry German Health Integrated Science Intensive Mathematics Italian Journalism Language Marine Science Mathematics Music Orchestra Parenting Skills Personal Fitness Philosophy Physical Education Physical Science Physics Portuguese Psychology Reading Religion Sociology Spanish Statistics Television Production Web Design World History - 31 - Grade Translation for Bermuda Language Spoken: English Grades USA Equivalent A (90-100) Excellent B (80-89) Good C (70-79) Average D (60-69) Poor F (0-59) Grades/Ages In USA Levels Bermuda Primary A (80-100) Secondary Grade Age 12 Senior 17/18 High School B (65-79) 11 Junior 16 High School C (50-64) 10 Sophomore 15 High School D (35-49) 9 Freshman 14 High School F (0-34) 6-8 Middle 11-13 School K-5 Elementary 5-10 School Diploma Awarded: The majority of students take the GCE exams after Form V or grade 11. Bermuda Secondary School Certificate awarded. Academic Year: September - June Standards 1-6 Forms I-V Country Notes: In the Bermuda Public School System there is also an Alternative Programme provided for students with behavioural challenges who cannot function in the public mainstream. - 32 - Bermuda – General Course Names Language Spoken: English Accounting Acting Algebra American Government American History Anatomy Art Art History Astronomy Auto-mechanics Biology Business English Calculus Ceramics Chemistry Child Development Chorus Civics Computer Programming Construction Culinary Arts Drafting/Illustrative Design Drama Drawing Early Child Education Earth and Space Science Economics Engineering English Environmental Science French Geography Geometry German Health Integrated Science Intensive Mathematics Italian Journalism Language Marine Science Mathematics Music Orchestra Parenting Skills Personal Fitness Philosophy Physical Education Physical Science Physics Portuguese Psychology Reading Religion Sociology Spanish Statistics Television Production Web Design World History - 33 - Grade Translation for Bolivia Language Spoken: Spanish Grades A (90-100) Excellent B (80-89) Good C (70-79) Average D (60-69) Poor F (0-59) Grades/Ages In USA Levels USA Equivalent Bolivia A (6-7) Primary Intermediate High 1-5 6-8 1-4 B (5) C (4) D (3) F (0-2) Grade 12 Senior High School 11 Junior High School 10 Sophomore High School 9 Freshman High School 6-8 Middle School K-5 Elementary School Age 17/18 16 15 14 11-13 5-10 Diploma Awarded: “Bachillerato” “Bachiller” “Perito or Técnico Medio” Academic Year: March -December Country Notes: Bolivian law claims an official 8 years of compulsory schooling between the ages of 7 and 14, however, this law is not regularly enforced. - 34 - Bolivia – General Course Names Language Spoken: Spanish Accounting Acting Algebra American Government American History Anatomy Art Art History Astronomy Auto-mechanics Biology Business English Calculus Ceramics Chemistry Child Development Chorus Civics Computer Programming Construction Culinary Arts Drafting/Illustrative Design Drama Drawing Early Child Education Earth and Space Science Economics Engineering English Environmental Science Contabilidad Actuación Álgebra Gobierno Americano Historia Americana Anatomía Arte Historia del Arte Astronomía Mecánica de Auto Biología Inglés Comercial Cálculo Cerámica Química Desarrollo Infantil Coro Civismo Programación de Computadoras Construcción Artes Culinarias Dibujo Técnico Drama Dibujo Educación Infantil Ciencia de la Tierra y el Espacio Economía Ingeniería Inglés Ciencias del Medioambiente - 35 - French Geography Geometry German Health Integrated Science Intensive Mathematics Italian Journalism Language Marine Science Mathematics Music Orchestra Parenting Skills Personal Fitness Philosophy Physical Education Physical Science Physics Portuguese Psychology Reading Religion Sociology Spanish Statistics Television Production Web Design World History Francés Geografía Geometría Alemán Salud Ciencía Integrada Matemática Intensiva Italiano Periodismo Lenguaje Ciencia Marina Matemáticas Musica Orquesta Destrezas de ser Padres Condicionamiento Físico Filosofía Educación Física Ciencia Física Física Portugués Psicología Lectura Religión Sociología Español Estadísticas Producción de Televisión Diseño de Página de Internet Historia Universal Grade Translation for Brazil Language Spoken: Portuguese Grades USA Equivalent A (90-100) Excellent B (80-89) Good C (70-79) Average D (60-69) Poor F (0-59) Grades/Ages In USA Levels Brazil A (9-10) or 5 Primary (1° Grãu) Secondary (2° Grãu) Grade 12 Senior High School B (7-8.9) or 4 11 Junior High School C (5-6.9) or 3 10 Sophomore High School D (3-4.9) or 2 9 Freshman High School F (1-2.9) or 1 6-8 Middle School K-5 Elementary School Diploma Awarded: “Certificado de Conclusão do 2° Grãu” “Diploma de Escola Normal” “Diploma de Escola Técnica” Academic Year: March-December 1a 2a 3a (Série) 1-8 Country Notes: Brazilian children must attend school a minimum of 9 years - 36 - Age 17/18 16 15 14 11-13 5-10 Brazil – General Course Names Language Spoken: Portuguese Accounting Acting Algebra American Government American History Anatomy Art Art History Astronomy Auto-mechanics Biology Business English Calculus Ceramics Chemistry Child Development Chorus Civics Computer Programming Construction Culinary Arts Drafting/Illustrative Design Drama Drawing Early Child Education Earth and Space Science Economics Engineering English Environmental Science Contabilidade Agindo Algebra Governo Norte-americano História Americana Anatomia Educacao Artistica/Arte Historia da Arte Astronomia Auto Mecânica Biologia Inglês empresarial Calculo Cerâmica Química Desenvolvimento da Criança Coro Ciências Cívicas Programação de computadores Construção Artes Culinária Traçando / Desígnio Ilustrativo Drama Puxando Cedo Educação de Criança Terra e Ciência de Espaço Economias Engenharia Inglês Ciências Ambientais - 37 - French Geography Geometry German Health Integrated Science Intensive Mathematics Italian Journalism Language Marine Science Mathematics Music Orchestra Parenting Skills Personal Fitness Philosophy Physical Education Physical Science Physics Portuguese Psychology Reading Religion Sociology Spanish Statistics Television Production Web Design World History Francês Geografia Geometria Alemão Saúde Ciência Integrado Matemática Intensiva Italiano Jornalismo Linguagem Ciências marinhas Matemática Música Orquestra Pais Competências Aptidão Pessoal Filosofia Educação Física Ciências Físicas Física Portuguesa Psicologia Lendo Religião Sociologia Espanhol Estatísticas Produção de Televisão Designio de Web História Mundial Grade Translation for Bulgaria Language Spoken: Bulgarian Grades USA Equivalent A (90-100) Excellent B (80-89) Good C (70-79) Average D (60-69) Poor F (0-59) Grades/Ages In USA Levels Bulgaria Primary A= 6 Otlichen B =5 Mnogo dob”r C =4 Dob”r C- = 3 Sreden F = 2-1 Losh 1-3 Intermediate Secondary 4-7 8-10 Grade 12 Senior High School 11 Junior High School 10 Sophomore High School 9 Freshman High School 6-8 Middle School K-5 Elementary School Diploma Awarded: Certificate of Completion (Svidetelstvo) Academic Year: September-June Country Notes: Duration of compulsory education in Bulgaria: Age of entry: 7 Age of exit: 19 - 38 - Age 17/18 16 15 14 11-13 5-10 Bulgaria– General Course Names Language Spoken: Bulgarian Accounting Acting Algebra American Government American History Anatomy Art Art History Astronomy Auto-mechanics Biology Business English Calculus Ceramics Chemistry Child Development Chorus Civics Computer Programming Construction Culinary Arts Drafting/Illustrative Design Drama Drawing Early Child Education Earth and Space Science Economics Engineering English Environmental Science Счетоводство Изпълняващ Алгебра Американизъм правителство Американски история Анатомия Изкуство Изкуство история Астрономия Авто механика биология Служба английски висшата математика Грънчарство Химия Дете развитие Хор Обик Компютър прогрaмa Изграждане Кулинарен Изкуство Чертане илюстративен замислям Драма Рисуване Детинство Обучение Пространство науки икономика инженерство английски Околности науки - 39 - French Geography Geometry German Health Integrated Science Intensive Mathematics Italian Journalism Language Marine Science Mathematics Music Orchestra Parenting Skills Personal Fitness Philosophy Physical Education Physical Science Physics Portuguese Psychology Reading Religion Sociology Spanish Statistics Television Production Web Design World History Френски География Геометрия Германски Здраве на равни начала науки който поправя математичен Италиански Журналистика Език Морски науки Математика музика Оркестър Родител сръчност интимен одност Философия Физкултура Физика Физика португалски Психология Четене Ставам Социология Испански Статистика Телевизия произвеждане Възнамерявам мрежа История земята Grade Translation for Canada (Quebec Province) Language Spoken: French/French Grades USA Equivalent A (90-100) Excellent B (80-89) Good C (70-79) Average D (60-69) Poor F (0-59) Grades/Ages In USA Levels Canada Primary A (90-100) Secondary Grade Age 12 Senior 17/18 High School B (80-89) 11 Junior 16 High School C (70-79) Levels in 10 Sophomore 15 all Other Provinces High School D (60-69) 9 Freshman 1-6 7-12 14 High School F (0-59) 6-8 Middle 11-13 School K-5 Elementary 5-10 School Diploma Awarded: “Diplome d’études Secondaires” (Quebec Province) In Quebec, the typical high school term ends after Secondary V, the same as to grade eleven (age sixteen to seventeen) Grade XII Completion Diploma (Alberta, Manitoba, Br. Columbia, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Saskatchewan) Academic Year: September-June 1-6 7-11 Country Notes: The official language of Quebec is French. Quebec is the only Canadian province whose population is mainly francophone, 95% of the people speak French as either their first, second or even third language. The first cycle of secondary education covers the first three years it focuses on general studies. The second cycle allows students to continue, for a period of two years, their general studies while providing them with the opportunity to explore, through optional courses, various subject areas leading to collegial studies or vocational studies to train them to practice a trade - 40 - Canada (Quebec Province) – General Course Names Language Spoken: English/French Accounting Acting Algebra American Government American History Anatomy Art Art History Astronomy Auto-mechanics Biology Business English Calculus Ceramics Chemistry Child Development Chorus Civics Computer Programming Construction Culinary Arts Drafting/Illustrative Design Drama Drawing Early Child Education Earth and Space Science Economics Engineering English Environmental Science Comptabilité Acte Algèbre Gouvernement Américain Histoire Américaine Anatomie Art Histoire D’Art Astronomie Mécanique Auto Biologie Anglais Commerciale Calcul Céramique Chimie Développement D’enfant Choeur Civique Programmation D’ordinateur Construction Arts Gastronomiques Plan/Dessin Illustratif Drame Dessin/Tirage Première Éducation D’enfant Science de Terre et Spatiale Économie Ingénierie Anglais Science de L’environnement French Geography Geometry German Health Integrated Science Intensive Mathematics Italian Journalism Language Marine Science Mathematics Music Orchestra Parenting Skills Personal Fitness Philosophy Physical Education Physical Science Physics Portuguese Psychology Reading Religion Sociology Spanish Statistics Television Production Web Design World History - 41 - Français Géographie Géométrie Allemand Santé Science Intégrée Mathématiques Intensives Italien Journalisme Langage Science Marine Mathématiques Musique Ochestre Puériculture Forme Physique Personelle Philosophie Education Physique Science Physique Physique Portugais Psycologie Lecture Religion Sociologie Espagnole Statistiques Production de Television Création de Site Web Histoire du Monde Grade Translation for Central African Republic Language Spoken: French Grades USA Equivalent A (90-100) Excellent B (80-89) Good C (70-79) Average D (60-69) Poor F (0-59) Central African Republic A+ (17-20) Grades/Ages In USA Levels Primary Secondary Grade 12 Senior High School A (14-16) 11 Junior High School B (12-13) 10 Sophomore High School C (10-11) 9 Freshman High School D (9) 6-8 Middle School F (0-8) K-5 Elementary School Diploma Awarded: Baccalauréat de l’Enseignement du Second Degré 1-6 7-12 Age 17/18 16 15 14 11-13 5-10 Academic Year: September-June Country Notes: Only 31% of children in the Central African Republic complete primary school. - 42 - Central African Republic – General Course Names Language Spoken: French Accounting Acting Algebra American Government American History Anatomy Art Art History Astronomy Auto-mechanics Biology Business English Calculus Ceramics Chemistry Child Development Chorus Civics Computer Programming Construction Culinary Arts Drafting/Illustrative Design Drama Drawing Early Child Education Earth and Space Science Economics Engineering English Environmental Science Comptabilité Acte Algèbre Gouvernement Américain Histoire Américaine Anatomie Art Histoire Art Astronomie Mécanique D’auto Biologie Anglais D’affaires Calcul Céramique Chimie Développement D’enfant Choeur Civique Programmation D’ordinateur Construction Arts Gastronomiques Plan/Dessin Illustratif Drame Dessin Première Éducation D’enfant Science de terre et Spatiale Économie Ingénierie Anglais Science de L’environnement French Geography Geometry German Health Integrated Science Intensive Mathematics Italian Journalism Language Marine Science Mathematics Music Orchestra Parenting Skills Personal Fitness Philosophy Physical Education Physical Science Physics Portuguese Psychology Reading Religion Sociology Spanish Statistics Television Production Web Design World History - 43 - Français Géographie Géométrie Allemand Santé Science Intégrée Mathématiques Intensives Italien Journalisme Langage Science Marine Mathématiques Musique Ochestre Puériculture Forme Physique Personelle Philosophie Education Physique Science Physique Physique Portugais Psycologie Lecture Religion Sociologie Espagnole Statistiques Production de Television Création de Site Web Histoire du Monde Grade Translation for Chile Language Spoken: Spanish Grades Grades/Ages In USA Levels USA Equivalent A (90-100) Excellent B (80-89) Good C (70-79) Average D (60-69) Poor F (0-59) Chile Primary A (6. 5-7) Secondary Professional Academic Business School Grade 12 Senior High School B (5.5-6) 11 Junior High School C (4.5-5) 10 Sophomore High School D (3. 5-4) 9 Freshman High School F (0-3) 6-8 Middle School K-5 Elementary School Diploma Awarded: Bachillerato - Perito Agrícola - Licencia de Educación Media, Secundaria 1-8 1-4 1-5 Age 17/18 16 15 14 11-13 5-10 Academic Year: March-December Country Notes: Compulsory education in Chile is from age 6 to age 13. 35 percent of Chileans go on to higher education, but only 10 to 15 percent do so from fully public schools. - 44 - Chile – General Course Names Language Spoken: Spanish Accounting Acting Algebra American Government American History Anatomy Art Art History Astronomy Auto-mechanics Biology Business English Calculus Ceramics Chemistry Child Development Chorus Civics Computer Programming Construction Culinary Arts Drafting/Illustrative Design Drama Drawing Early Child Education Earth and Space Science Economics Engineering English Environmental Science Contabilidad Actuación Álgebra Gobierno Americano Historia Americana Anatomía Arte Historia del Arte Astronomía Mecánica de Auto Biología Inglés Comercial Cálculo Cerámica Química Desarrollo Infantil Coro Civismo Programación de Computadoras Construcción Artes Culinarias Dibujo Técnico Drama Dibujo Educación Infantil Ciencia de la Tierra y el Espacio Economía Ingeniería Inglés Ciencias del Medioambiente - 45 - French Geography Geometry German Health Integrated Science Intensive Mathematics Italian Journalism Language Marine Science Mathematics Music Orchestra Parenting Skills Personal Fitness Philosophy Physical Education Physical Science Physics Portuguese Psychology Reading Religion Sociology Spanish Statistics Television Production Web Design World History Francés Geografía Geometría Alemán Salud Ciencia Integrada Matemática Intensiva Italiano Periodismo Lenguaje Ciencia Marina Matemáticas Musica Orquesta Destrezas de ser Padres Condicionamiento Físico Filosofía Educación Física Ciencía Física Física Portugués Psicología Lectura Religión Sociología Español Estadísticas Producción de Televisión Diseño de Página de Internet Historia Universal Grade Translation for People’s Republic of China Language Spoken: Chinese (Mandarin) Grades USA Equivalent A (90-100) Excellent B (80-89) Good C (70-79) Average D (60-69) Poor F (0-59) People’s Republic of China A (90-100 5) Grades/Ages In USA Levels Primary Jr. Middle Sr. Middle Grade Age 12 Senior 17/18 High School B (80-89 4) 11 Junior 16 High School C (70-79 3) 10 Sophomore 15 High School D (60-69 2) 9 Freshman 14 High School F (0-59 0) 6-8 Middle 11-13 School K-5 Elementary 5-10 School Diploma Awarded: Sr. Middle School 9-10 Students who receive the senior Middle School Diploma and score over 280 on the National Entrance Examination are eligible for freshman admission. Normal School 9-11 Students with a diploma form a Normal School entered after junior middle school should be placed in grade 11 or 12. Vocational School 9-12 Students whom have received a Vocational School Certificate upon completion of a 3-4 year vocational school program beyond junior middle school should be placed in grade 11 or 12. Academic Year: September-July 1-5 6-8 9-10 Country Notes: In addition to Standard Mandarin, Cantonese is co-official in both Hong Kong and Macau. English is co-official in Hong Kong; correspondingly, Portuguese in Macau. Similarly, several minority languages are also co-official with Chinese (Mandarin) in minority areas, viz. Zhuang in Guangxi, Uyghur in Xinjiang, Mongolian in the classical alphabet in Inner Mongolia, Tibetan in Tibet. - 46 - People’s Republic of China – General Course Names - Language Spoken: Chinese (Mandarin) Trad. Simp. 代数 Pinyin kuài jì biǎo yǎn dài shù Trad. Simp. French Geography Geometry 法國 法国 地理學 地理学 幾何學 几何学 Pinyin fǎ guó dì lǐ xué jǐ hé xué Accounting Acting Algebra 會計 会计 表演 剧 代數 American Government 美國政府 美国政府 měi guó zhèng fǔ German 德意志 德文 Dé yì zhì American History 美国史 美国史 měi guó Health 身體 身体 shēn tǐ Anatomy 解剖學 解剖学 jiě pōu xué Integrated Science 科技 xue zheng ti Art 藝術 艺术 yì shù Intensive Mathematics 尖锐 数学 shu xue Art History 藝術史 艺术史 yì shù li shi Italian 意大利 意大利语 Astronomy 天文學 天文学 tiān wén xué Journalism 新聞學 新闻学 Auto-mechanics 汽车保全 汽车保全 qi che xiu li Language 語英文 语英文 Yì dà lì xīn wén xué yǔ Biology 生物學 生物学 shēng wù xué Marine Science 海研习 hai yan xi Business English Calculus 行业 英文 行业 英文 数学 分析学 Mathematics Music 數學 分析學 hang ye ying yu fēn xī xué 音樂 音乐 shù xué yīn yuè Ceramics 陶瓷 瓷砖 táo cí Orchestra 管弦樂 管弦乐 團 团 guǎn xián yuè tuán Chemistry 化學 化学 huà xué Parenting Skills 父母亲 父母亲 fu mu qin Child Development 孩发育 孩发育 er tong fa yu Personal Fitness 个人练 本人祛 ge ren qu Chorus 合唱 唱诗班 hé chàng Philosophy 哲學 哲学 zhé xué Civics 伦理 德 lun li Physical Education 肉体 育 锻炼 duan lian Computer Programming 程序設計 程序设计 chéng xù shè jì Physical Science 物理层 di shi xue Construction 建設 建设 jiàn shè Physics 物理學 物理学 wù lǐ xué Culinary Arts 烹飪 烹饪 pēng rèn Portuguese 葡萄牙 葡萄牙语 pu tao ya Drafting/Illustrative Design 绘图 绘制 hui zhi Psychology 精神学 心理学 xin li xue Drama 戲劇 戏剧 xì jù Reading 閱讀 阅读 yuè dú Drawing 併條 并条 bìng tiáo Religion 教 宗教 jiào Early Child Education 保育 保育 bao yu Sociology 社會學 社会学 shè huì xué - 47 - 整体 学 海里 学 地势学 Earth and Space Science 太空 学 宇宙 chen yu zhou xue Spanish 西班牙 西班牙文 xi ban ya yu Trad. Simp. 统计 Pinyin tǒng jì 电视 dian shi chan xiao 網頁設 网页设 計 计 wǎng yè shè jì 人间 史 世界 shi jie li shi People’s Republic of China – Continued Trad. Simp. 经济学 Pinyin Jing ji xue Economics 财经 Statistics 統計 Engineering 工程學 工程学 gōng chéng xué Television Production 产销电视 English 英國 英国 Yīng guó Web Design Environmental Science 周围 学 正气 zhou wei xue World History - 48 - Grade Translation for Colombia Language Spoken: Spanish Grades Levels USA Equivalent A (90-100) Excellent B (80-89) Good C (70-79) Average D (60-69) Poor F (0-59) Chile Primary A (8.5-10) 1-5 B (7.3-8.4) C (6.0-7.2) D (4.5-5.9) F (0-4.4) Grades/Ages In USA Secondary Grade Basic Advanced Cycle Cycle 1-4 5-5 12 Senior 6-9 10-11 High School 11 Junior High School 10 Sophomore High School 9 Freshman High School 6-8 Middle School K-5 Elementary School Age 17/18 16 15 14 11-13 5-10 Diploma Awarded: “Bachiller” “Bachillerato” Academic Year: Calendar A Feb. – December ( Public Schools) OR Calendar B Sept. – June (Private Schools) Country Notes: Secondary education lasts 6 years. Students are required to take a foreign language (English, French or German) during all six years of high school. - 49 - Colombia – General Course Names Language Spoken: Spanish Accounting Acting Algebra American Government American History Anatomy Art Art History Astronomy Auto-mechanics Biology Business English Calculus Ceramics Chemistry Child Development Chorus Civics Computer Programming Construction Culinary Arts Drafting/Illustrative Design Drama Drawing Early Child Education Earth and Space Science Economics Engineering English Environmental Science Contabilidad Actuación Álgebra Gobierno Americano Historia Americana Anatomía Arte Historia del Arte Astronomía Mecánica de Auto Biología Inglés Comercial Cálculo Cerámica Química Desarrollo Infantil Coro Civismo Programación de Computadoras Construcción Artes Culinarias Dibujo Técnico Drama Dibujo Educación Infantil Ciencia de la Tierra y el Espacio Economía Ingeniería Inglés Ciencias del Medioambiente - 50 - French Geography Geometry German Health Integrated Science Intensive Mathematics Italian Journalism Language Marine Science Mathematics Music Orchestra Parenting Skills Personal Fitness Philosophy Physical Education Physical Science Physics Portuguese Psychology Reading Religion Sociology Spanish Statistics Television Production Web Design World History Francés Geografía Geometría Alemán Salud Ciencia Integrada Matemática Intensiva Italiano Periodismo Lenguaje Ciencia Marina Matemáticas Musica Orquesta Destrezas de ser Padres Condicionamiento Físico Filosofía Educación Física Ciencia Física Física Portugués Psicología Lectura Religión Sociología Español Estadísticas Producción de Televisión Diseño de Página de Internet Historia Universal Grade Translation for Costa Rica Language Spoken: Spanish Grades Grades/Ages In USA Levels USA Equivalent A (90-100) Excellent B (80-89) Good C (70-79) Average D (60-69) Poor F (0-59) Costa Rica Primary Cycle Cycle I II Secondary Cycle Cycle Technical III Diversified Track Grade Age 12 Senior 17/18 High School 11 Junior 16 High School 10 Sophomore 15 High School 9 Freshman 14 High School 6-8 Middle 11-13 School K-5 Elementary 5-10 School Diploma Awarded: “Diploma de Conclusión de Estudios de Educación Diversificada or Diploma de Técnico Medio” Academic Year: March-November 1-3 4-6 1-3 4-5 10-12 Country Notes: At 96%, the literacy rate in Costa Rica is one of the highest in Latin America. Primary education is obligatory, and both preschool and high school are free. - 51 - Costa Rica – General Course Names Language Spoken: Spanish Accounting Acting Algebra American Government American History Anatomy Art Art History Astronomy Auto-mechanics Biology Business English Calculus Ceramics Chemistry Child Development Chorus Civics Computer Programming Construction Culinary Arts Drafting/Illustrative Design Drama Drawing Early Child Education Earth and Space Science Economics Engineering English Environmental Science Contabilidad Actuación Álgebra Gobierno Americano Historia Americana Anatomía Arte Historia del Arte Astronomía Mecánica de Auto Biología Inglés Comercial Cálculo Cerámica Química Desarrollo Infantil Coro Civismo Programación de Computadoras Construcción Artes Culinarias Dibujo Técnico Drama Dibujo Educación Infantil Ciencia de la Tierra y el Espacio Economía Ingeniería Inglés Ciencias del Medioambiente - 52 - French Geography Geometry German Health Integrated Science Intensive Mathematics Italian Journalism Language Marine Science Mathematics Music Orchestra Parenting Skills Personal Fitness Philosophy Physical Education Physical Science Physics Portuguese Psychology Reading Religion Sociology Spanish Statistics Television Production Web Design World History Francés Geografía Geometría Alemán Salud Ciencia Integrada Matemática Intensiva Italiano Periodismo Lenguaje Ciencia Marina Matemáticas Musica Orquesta Destrezas de ser Padres Condicionamiento Físico Filosofía Educación Física Ciencia Física Física Portugués Psicología Lectura Religión Sociología Español Estadísticas Producción de Televisión Diseño de Página de Internet Historia Universal Grade Translation for Cuba Language Spoken: Spanish Grades USA Equivalent Levels 1960-1976 Grades/Ages In USA Cuba Instituto PreGrade Universitario A (90-100) A (90-100) 1-4 1-3 12 Senior 1-6 Excellent 7-10 11-12 High School B (80-89) B (80-89) Levels 11 Junior Good Phased in by 1977-1978 High School C (70-79) C (70-79) Basic Pre10 Sophomore Primary Average Secondary University High School D (60-69) F (0-69) 9 Freshman 1-6 7-9 10-12 Poor High School F (0-59) A (90-100) 6-8 Middle School K-5 Elementary School Diploma Awarded: Bachillerato Diploma de Graduado Pre-Universitario Primary Secondary Age 17/18 16 15 14 11-13 5-10 Academic Year: September-July Country Notes: Pre-Universitario is for students who are college bound. Tecnicos Medios are technological schools. There are only so many openings for the preuniversitario schools for students to qualify they must have at least an 87.3 average and must compete with many other students for a spot. If a student does not make it the other option is the technological school. - 53 - Cuba – General Course Names Language Spoken: Spanish Accounting Acting Algebra American Government American History Anatomy Art Art History Astronomy Auto-mechanics Biology Business English Calculus Ceramics Chemistry Child Development Chorus Civics Computer Programming Construction Culinary Arts Drafting/Illustrative Design Drama Drawing Early Child Education Earth and Space Science Economics Engineering English Environmental Science Contabilidad Actuación Álgebra Gobierno Americano Historia Americana Anatomía Arte Historia del Arte Astronomía Mecánica de Auto Biología Inglés Comercial Cálculo Cerámica Química Desarrollo Infantil Coro Civismo Programación de Computadoras Construcción Artes Culinarias Dibujo Técnico Drama Dibujo Educación Infantil Ciencia de la Tierra y el Espacio Economía Ingeniería Inglés Ciencias del Medioambiente - 54 - French Geography Geometry German Health Integrated Science Intensive Mathematics Italian Journalism Language Marine Science Mathematics Music Orchestra Parenting Skills Personal Fitness Philosophy Physical Education Physical Science Physics Portuguese Psychology Reading Religion Sociology Spanish Statistics Television Production Web Design World History Francés Geografía Geometría Alemán Salud Ciencia Integrada Matemática Intensiva Italiano Periodismo Lenguaje Ciencia Marina Matemáticas Musica Orquesta Destrezas de ser Padres Condicionamiento Físico Filosofía Educación Física Ciencía Física Física Portugués Psicología Lectura Religión Sociología Español Estadísticas Producción de Televisión Diseño de Página de Internet Historia Universal Grade Translation for Cyprus Language Spoken: Greek Grades Grades/Ages In USA Levels USA Equivalent A (90-100) Excellent B (80-89) Good C (70-79) Average D (60-69) Poor F (0-59) Cyprus Primary A 18.5 -20 1-6 Secondary General L.E.M. Gymnasium (Lyceum) 7-9 B 15.5-18.4 C 12.5-15.4 C 10.1-12.4 F 0.0-0 10-12 Grade 12 Senior High School 11 Junior High School 10 Sophomore High School 9 Freshman High School 6-8 Middle School K-5 Elementary School Age 17/18 16 15 14 11-13 5-10 Diploma Awarded: “Apolyterion” Certificate of Completion Academic Year: September-June Country Notes: At State high-schools grades obtained account for only around 25% of the final grade for each topic, with the remaining 75% assigned by the teacher, in a minimally transparent way. Greek and Cypriot universities ignore high school grades almost entirely. While a high-school diploma is mandatory for university attendance, admissions are decided almost exclusively on the basis of scores of university entrance examinations that all university candidates are required to take. North Cyprus has a population of ¼ million, and is a de facto independent republic recognized only by Turkey. It is almost entirely Turkish-speaking. - 55 - Cyprus – General Course Names Language Spoken: Greek Accounting Acting Algebra American Government American History Anatomy Art Art History Astronomy Auto-mechanics Biology Business English Calculus Ceramics Chemistry Child Development Chorus Civics Computer Programming Construction Culinary Arts Drafting/Illustrative Design Drama Drawing Early Child Education Earth and Space Science Economics Engineering English Environmental Science Λογιστική Να ενεργήσει Αλγεβρα Αμερικανική κυβέρνηση Αμερικανική ιστορία Ανατομία Τέχνη Τέχνη ιστορία Αστρονομία Αυτόματοι μηχανικοί Η βιολογία Επιχείρηση αγγλικά Υπολογισμός Κεραμική Χημεία Ανάπτυξη παιδιών Χορωδίες SIviks Προγραμματισμός υπολογιστών Κατασκευή Μαγειρικές τέχνες Σύνταξη/επεξηγηματικό σχέδιο Δράμα DrOoing Πρόωρη εκπαίδευση παιδιών Γη και διαστημική επιστήμη Οικονομικά Εφαρμοσμένη μηχανική Αγγλικά Περιβαλλοντική επιστήμη - 56 - French Geography Geometry German Health Integrated Science Intensive Mathematics Italian Journalism Language Marine Science Mathematics Music Orchestra Parenting Skills Personal Fitness Philosophy Physical Education Physical Science Physics Portuguese Psychology Reading Religion Sociology Spanish Statistics Television Production Web Design World History Γαλλικά DzhiiOgrafi Γεωμετρία Γερμανικά Υγεία Ενσωματωμένη επιστήμη Εντατικά μαθηματικά Ιταλικά Δημοσιογραφία LEenguitzh Ναυτιλιακές επιστήμες MaΘimAtks Μουσική Ορχήστρα Δεξιότητες Parenting Προσωπική ικανότητα FiLOsofi Φυσική αγωγή Φυσική επιστήμη Φυσική PoortiugIiz Ψυχολογία Ανάγνωση TiLIdzhon Κοινωνιολογία Ισπανικά Στατιστικές Τηλεοπτική παραγωγή Σχέδιο Ιστού Παγκόσμια ιστορία Grade Translation for Czech Republic (includes Slovakia) Language Spoken: Czech Grades Grades/Ages In USA Levels USA Equivalent Czech & Slovak Federal Republics A (90-100) Excellent B (80-89) Good C (70-79) Average D (60-69) Poor F (0-59) 1 (Vybomy Excellent) 2 (Chvalitebny Good) 3 (Dobry Very Good) 4 (Dostalecny Satisfactory) 5 (Nedostalecny Unsatisfactory) Primary First Second Stage Stage Secondary Gymnasium Technical Grade Age 12 Senior 17/18 High School 11 Junior 16 High School 10 Sophomore 15 High School 9 Freshman 14 High School 6-8 Middle 11-13 School K-5 Elementary 5-10 School Diploma Awarded: “Vysvedceni o maturitni zkousce” or “Vysvedcenie o maturitnej skúske” – Maturity certificate from Gymnasium, Specialized School, there are Special Schools for Handicapped Students, Conservatory or four-year program of Apprentice School. Academic Year: September-August 1-5 1-3 1-4 Country Notes: After 1993 the Czech Republic split. Slovakia has remained a close partner with the Czech Republic, though its official state language is Slovak, many people also speak Czech. - 57 - Czech & Slovak Federal Republics – General Course Names Language Spoken: Czech FRANCOUZSKÝ French Učetnictví Accounting Acting Algebra American Government American History Anatomy Art Art History Astronomy Auto-mechanics Biology Business English Calculus Ceramics Chemistry Child Development Chorus Civics Computer Programming Construction Culinary Arts Drafting/Illustrative Design Drama Drawing Early Child Education Earth and Space Science Economics Engineering English Environmental Science HRA ALGEBRA ŘÍZENÍ AMERICKÝ HISTORIE AMERICKÝ ANATOMIE UMĚNÍ UMĚNÍ HISTORIE ASTRONOMIE AUTO MECHANIKA BIOLOGIE ANGLIČTINA BYZNYS KAMÉNEK KERAMICKÝ CHEMIE ROZVOJ DĚCKO SBOR VÝCHOVA NAPROGRAMOVAT KOMPUTER KONSTRUKCE KUCHYNĚ POVOLAT DIVADELNÍ HRA RÝSOVÁNÍ PEDAGOGIKA DÍTĚ VĚDA PROSTOR EKONOMIE INŽENÝRSTVÍ ANGLICKÝ VĚDA EKOLOGICKÝ - 58 - Geography Geometry German Health Integrated Science Intensive Mathematics Italian Journalism Language Marine Science Mathematics Music Orchestra Parenting Skills Personal Fitness Philosophy Physical Education Physical Science Physics Portuguese Psychology Reading Religion Sociology Spanish Statistics Television Production Web Design World History ZEMĚPIS GEOMETRIE NĚMEC ZDRAVÍ VĚDA Integrovaný Matematika Nápravný Italský Novinářství Reč VĚDA Mořský Matematika Hudební Orchestr Rodič Kondice Osobní Filozofie Pedagogika Fyzický Fyzický Věda Fyzika Portugalský Zdraví Rozum Recitace Náboženství Sociologie Španělský Statistický Produkce Televise Plánovat Internet Histoire Svět Grade Translation for Denmark Language Spoken: Danish Grades Grades/Ages In USA Levels USA Equivalent A (90-100) Excellent B (80-89) Good C (70-79) Average D (60-69) Poor F (0-59) Denmark A+ (13-12) A (11) A-/B+ (10) B (9) C+ (8) Primary/ Middle Folkeskole Secondary Gymnasium 1-9 10-12 C (7) C- (6) F (5) Grade 12 Senior High School 11 Junior High School 10 Sophomore High School 9 Freshman High School 6-8 Middle School K-5 Elementary School Age 17/18 16 15 14 11-13 5-10 Diploma Awarded: “Studentereksamen Bevis” (Leaving Certificate) Academic Year: August-June Country Notes: From 17-20, students are in Gymnasium with several courses of study to follow. There are only 9 years of mandatory School; the 10th year is optional. After that, students proceed to the Gymnasium (=U.S. high school), or can go into a vocational school. Approximately 33% of Danish students attend a gymnasium with another 50% choosing to attend business or trade schools. - 59 - Denmark – General Course Names Language Spoken: Danish Accounting Acting Algebra American Government American History Anatomy Art Art History Astronomy Auto-mechanics Biology Business English Calculus Ceramics Chemistry Child Development Chorus Konto Teater Algebra Amerikaner Regering Amerikaner Historie Anatomi Kunst Kunst Historie Astronomi Automobile Mekaniker Biologi Handel Engelsk Calculus Ler Kemi Barn Udvikling Kor French Geography Geometry German Health Integrated Science Intensive Mathematics Italian Journalism Language Marine Science Mathematics Music Orchestra Parenting Skills Personal Fitness Philosophy Civics Pligt Physical Education Computer Programming Construction Culinary Arts Drafting/Illustrative Design Drama Drawing Early Child Education Earth and Space Science Economics Engineering English Environmental Science Program Computer Bygning Kokkepige Tegne Drama Billed Barn Opdragelse Jord og Rum Videnskab Economi Ingeniør Engelsk Omgivelse Videnskab Physical Science Physics Portuguese Psychology Reading Religion Sociology Spanish Statistics Television Production Web Design World History - 60 - Fransk Geografi Geometri Tysker Sundhed Hel Videnskab Let matematisk Italiener Nyhed Sprog Hav Videnskab Antal Musik Orkester Opdrætte Personlig Praktisere Filosofi Gymnastiksal Uddannelse Naturvidenskab Fysik Portuguese Psykologi Læsning Religion Sociologi Spanien Sandsynlighed Fjernsyn Product Webside Plan Verden Historie Grade Translation for Dominican Republic Language Spoken: Spanish Grades USA Equivalent A (90-100) Excellent B (80-89) Good C (70-79) Average D (60-69) Poor F (0-59) Dominican Republic A (85-100) B (70-84) C (55-69) D (40-54 Grades/Ages In USA Levels Primary 1-6 Intermediate Secondary 7-8 1-4 Another Syestem in D.R. is: Primary Basic Cycle Higher Cycle 1-6 1-4 5-6 F (0-39) Grade 12 Senior High School 11 Junior High School 10 Sophomore High School 9 Freshman High School 6-8 Middle School K-5 Elementary School Age 17/18 16 15 14 11-13 5-10 Diploma Awarded: “Bachiller” Academic Year: August-June Country Notes: Primary education is officially free and compulsory for children between the ages of 7 and 14, although those who live in isolated areas have limited access to schooling. - 61 - Dominican Republic – General Course Names Language Spoken: Spanish Accounting Acting Algebra American Government American History Anatomy Art Art History Astronomy Auto-mechanics Biology Business English Calculus Ceramics Chemistry Child Development Chorus Civics Computer Programming Construction Culinary Arts Drafting/Illustrative Design Drama Drawing Early Child Education Earth and Space Science Economics Engineering English Environmental Science Contabilidad Actuación Álgebra Gobierno Americano Historia Americana Anatomía Arte Historia del Arte Astronomía Mecánica de Auto Biología Inglés Comercial Cálculo Cerámica Química Desarrollo Infantil Coro Civismo Programación de Computadoras Construcción Artes Culinarias Dibujo Técnico Drama Dibujo Educación Infantil Ciencía de la Tierra y el Espacio Economía Ingeniería Inglés Ciencias del Medioambiente - 62 - French Geography Geometry German Health Integrated Science Intensive Mathematics Italian Journalism Language Marine Science Mathematics Music Orchestra Parenting Skills Personal Fitness Philosophy Physical Education Physical Science Physics Portuguese Psychology Reading Religion Sociology Spanish Statistics Television Production Web Design World History Francés Geografía Geometría Alemán Salud Ciencia Integrada Matemática Intensiva Italiano Periodismo Lenguaje Ciencia Marina Matemáticas Musica Orquesta Destrezas de ser Padres Condicionamiento Físico Filosofía Educación Física Ciencia Física Física Portugués Psicología Lectura Religión Sociología Español Estadísticas Producción de Televisión Diseño de Página de Internet Historia del Mundo Grade Translation for Ecuador Language Spoken: Spanish Grades USA Equivalent A (90-100) Excellent B (80-89) Good C (70-79) Average D (60-69) Poor F (0-59) Grades/Ages In USA Levels Ecuador Primary A (19-20) Secondary Basic Cycle Secondary Diversified Cycle Grade 12 Senior High School B (16-18) 11 Junior High School C (14-15) 10 Sophomore High School D (12-13) 9 Freshman High School F (0-11) 6-8 Middle School K-5 Elementary School Diploma Awarded: Bachillerato en Ciencias / Bachillerato en Humanidades 1-6 1-3 4-6 Age 17/18 16 15 14 11-13 5-10 Academic Year: October-July Country Notes: The educational system is challenging with many subjects required each year (14-15 annually), a great deal of homework, and frequent examinations. - 63 - Ecuador – General Course Names Language Spoken: Spanish Accounting Acting Algebra American Government American History Anatomy Art Art History Astronomy Auto-mechanics Biology Business English Calculus Ceramics Chemistry Child Development Chorus Civics Computer Programming Construction Culinary Arts Drafting/Illustrative Design Drama Drawing Early Child Education Earth and Space Science Economics Engineering English Environmental Science Contabilidad Actuación Álgebra Gobierno Americano Historia Americana Anatomía Arte Historia del Arte Astronomía Mecánica de Auto Biología Inglés Comercial Cálculo Cerámica Química Desarrollo Infantil Coro Civismo Programación de Computadoras Construcción Artes Culinarios Dibujo Técnico Drama Dibujo Educación Infantil Ciencia de la Tierra y el Espacio Economía Ingeniería Inglés Ciencias del Medioambiente - 64 - French Geography Geometry German Health Integrated Science Intensive Mathematics Italian Journalism Language Marine Science Mathematics Music Orchestra Parenting Skills Personal Fitness Philosophy Physical Education Physical Science Physics Portuguese Psychology Reading Religion Sociology Spanish Statistics Television Production Web Design World History Francés Geografía Geometría Alemán Salud Ciencia Integrada Matemática Intensiva Italiano Periodismo Lenguaje Ciencia Marina Matemáticas Musica Orquesta Destrezas de ser Padres Condicionamiento Físico Filosofía Educación Física Ciencia Física Física Portugués Psicología Lectura Religión Sociología Español Estadísticas Producción de Televisión Diseño de Página de Internet Historia del Mundo Grade Translation for Egypt Language Spoken: Arabic Grades USA Equivalent A (90-100) Excellent B (80-89) Good C (70-79) Average D (60-69) Poor F (0-59) Grades/Ages In USA Levels Egypt A (80-100) Primary Basic General Secondary Grade Age 12 Senior 17/18 High School B (70-79) 11 Junior 16 High School C (60-69) 10 Sophomore 15 High School D (50-59) 9 Freshman 14 High School F (0-49) 6-8 Middle 11-13 School K-5 Elementary 5-10 School Diploma Awarded: Thanawiya ‘Amma’ (General Secondary Education Certificate) awarded upon passing the Tawjihi (Final examinations) Academic Year: October-June 1-9 1-3 Country Notes: The grading system is used with minimum and maximum grades in each subject. Grades awarded may be converted into percentages. The Al-Azhar or religious system follows a 13year plan. - 65 - Egypt – General Course Names Language Spoken: Arabic Accounting Acting Algebra American Government American History Anatomy Art Art History Astronomy Auto-mechanics Biology Business English Calculus Ceramics Chemistry Child Development Chorus Civics Computer Programming Construction Culinary Arts Drafting/Illustrative Design Drama Drawing Early Child Education Earth and Space Science Economics Engineering English Environmental Science نف خيرات [وتوأ-]سكينشم ينيدم طيطختلا - 66 - French Geography Geometry German Health Integrated Science Intensive Mathematics Italian Journalism Language Marine Science Mathematics Music Orchestra Parenting Skills Personal Fitness Philosophy Physical Education Physical Science Physics Portuguese Psychology Reading Religion Sociology Spanish Statistics Television Production Web Design World History ةيفارغج ناسل باسحلا ملع ركف لاغتربلا دقتعم Grade Translation for El Salvador Language Spoken: Spanish Grades Grades/Ages In USA Levels USA Equivalent A (90-100) Excellent B (80-89) Good C (70-79) Average D (60-69) Poor F (0-59) El Salvador 9-10 Excellent 7-8 Very Good 5-6 Good Cycles I, II, III Secondary Education (Media) 1-9 1-3 Not Existent 1-4 Fail Grade 12 Senior High School 11 Junior High School 10 Sophomore High School 9 Freshman High School 6-8 Middle School K-5 Elementary School Age 17/18 16 15 14 11-13 5-10 Diploma Awarded: Bachiller or Contador Academic Year: March -November Country Notes: Lower-income families rely on the public education system in El Salvador which lacks resources. Class sizes in public schools can reach up to 50 kids in a classroom. Salvadorans who can afford the cost often choose to send their children to private schools. - 67 - El Salvador – General Course Names Language Spoken: Spanish Accounting Acting Algebra American Government American History Anatomy Art Art History Astronomy Auto-mechanics Biology Business English Calculus Ceramics Chemistry Child Development Chorus Civics Computer Programming Construction Culinary Arts Drafting/Illustrative Design Drama Drawing Early Child Education Earth and Space Science Economics Engineering English Environmental Science Contabilidad Actuación Álgebra Gobierno Americano Historía Americana Anatomía Arte Historaa del Arte Astronomía Mecánica de Auto Biología Inglés Comercial Cálculo Cerámica Química Desarrollo Infantil Coro Civismo Programación de Computadoras Construcción Artes Culinarios Dibujo Técnico Drama Dibujo Educación Infantil Ciencia de la Tierra y el Espacio Economía Ingeniería Inglés Ciencias del Medioambiente - 68 - French Geography Geometry German Health Integrated Science Intensive Mathematics Italian Journalism Language Marine Science Mathematics Music Orchestra Parenting Skills Personal Fitness Philosophy Physical Education Physical Science Physics Portuguese Psychology Reading Religion Sociology Spanish Statistics Television Production Web Design World History Francés Geografía Geometría Alemán Salud Ciencia Integrada Matemática Intensiva Italiano Periodismo Lenguaje Ciencía Marina Matemáticas Música Orquesta Destrezas de ser Padres Condicionamiento Físico Filosofía Educación Física Ciencia Física Física Portugués Psicología Lectura Religión Sociología Español Estadísticas Producción de Televisión Diseño de Página de Internet Historia del Mundo Grade Translation for England Language Spoken: English Grades USA Equivalent A (90-100) Excellent B (80-89) Good C (70-79) Average D (60-69) Poor F (0-59) Grades/Ages In USA Levels England Secondary Tertiary Grade Age 12 Senior 17/18 High School 11 Junior B, C B, C B, C 16 High School D, E 10 Sophomore D, E Pass grades D, E 15 (pass grades) High School 9 Freshman Not Existent F, G 14 High School 6-8 Middle F Fail 11-13 School K-5 Elementary 5-10 School Diploma Awarded: At the end of secondary school there is a “GCSE” exam in each subject. At the end of the tertiary stage, students take an “A” level exam in each subject. GCSE = General Certificate of Secondary Education “A” Level = Advanced Level examination. Tertiary Stage is often called the “Sixth Form” (grade 11 = Lower Sixth, grade 12 = Upper Sixth) or “college.” Academic Year: September - June A A A Country Notes: Compulsory education ends when the student is 16. Students specialize a little when they are 13; choosing subjects in whom they want to take the GCSE exam. The national average on the GCSE is a “D” grade; students who fail the exam simply don’t receive a grade. Students specialize to a great degree at age 16 when they choose 3 or 4 (maximum) subjects to study for two years, leading to the “A” level exams. Students are encouraged to follow either Arts or Science, rather than a mixture of both. Study for “A” levels is very intensive and students are expected to read extensively around the subject and to write essays regularly. The normal requirement for university entrance is 2/3 “A” levels at grade B/C. The British school system is demanding: few than 10% of students take “A” level study probably have attained the equivalent of American junior college education. - 69 - England – General Course Names Language Spoken: English Accounting Acting Algebra American Government American History Anatomy Art Art History Astronomy Auto-mechanics Biology Business English Calculus Ceramics Chemistry Child Development Chorus Civics Computer Programming Construction Culinary Arts Drafting/Illustrative Design Drama Drawing Early Child Education Earth and Space Science Economics Engineering English Environmental Science French Geography Geometry German Health Integrated Science Intensive Mathematics Italian Journalism Language Marine Science Mathematics Music Orchestra Parenting Skills Personal Fitness Philosophy Physical Education Physical Science Physics Portuguese Psychology Reading Religion Sociology Spanish Statistics Television Production Web Design World History - 70 - Grade Translation for Ethiopia Language Spoken: Amharic Grades USA Equivalent A (90-100) Excellent B (80-89) Good C (70-79) Average D (60-69) Poor F (0-59) Grades/Ages In USA Levels Ethiopia Primary A (75-100) Polytechnic Academic Secondary Grade 12 Senior High School B (60-74) 11 Junior High School C (50-59) 10 Sophomore High School D (40-49) 9 Freshman High School F (0-39) 6-8 Middle School K-5 Elementary School Diploma Awarded: Ethiopian School Leaving Certificate Examination (ESLCE) 1-6 7-10 11-12 Age 17/18 16 15 14 11-13 5-10 Academic Year: September-July Country Notes: Average class size in Ethiopia is 65 students per teacher, few school supplies are available to each student; and most schools don't even have water or useable toilets. Attendance is not compulsory. - 71 - Ethiopia – General Course Names Language Spoken: Amharic - 72 - Grade Translation for Finland Language Spoken: Finnish Grades USA Equivalent A (90-100) Excellent B (80-89) Good C (70-79) Average D (60-69) Poor F (0-59) Grades/Ages In USA Levels Finland Primary 9-10 Excellent Secondary Grade Age 12 Senior 17/18 High School 7-8 Very Good 11 Junior 16 High School 6 Good 10 Sophomore 15 High School 5 9 Freshman 14 High School 4 6-8 Middle 11-13 School K-5 Elementary 5-10 School Diploma Awarded: After completing gymnasium, students may take an exam for university entrance. Academic Year: September - June 1-9 1-3 Country Notes: Finnish students start school at the age of 6 and generally finish high school at 18. They take their first foreign language (usually English) from the third grade or comprehensive school. Upper secondary education is of two types: vocational education and the 3-year lukio or gymnasium. Subjects studied at the gymnasium include Finnish, Swedish, one or two foreign language, math, chemistry, geography, biology, religious studies, art or music, physical education and health studies. - 73 - Finland – General Course Language Spoken: Finnish Accounting Acting Algebra American Government American History Anatomy Art Art History Astronomy Auto-mechanics Biology Business English Calculus Ceramics Chemistry Child Development Chorus Civics Computer Programming Construction Culinary Arts Drafting/Illustrative Design Drama Drawing Early Child Education Earth and Space Science Economics Engineering English Environmental Science Kirjanpito Toimiva Algebra Amerikkalainen Hallita Amerikkalainen Historia Anatomia Taide Taidehistoria Astronomia Auto Mekaanikko Biologia Elinkeino Englantilainen Kalkyyli Keramiikka Kemia Jälkeläinen Haurastuminen Kuoro Kansalaistieto Tietokone Ohjelmoida Konstruktio Keitto Luonnostella Draama Piirros Imeväinen Koulusivistys Alue ja Maa Tiede Kansantalous Koneoppi Englanninkieli Elinympäristö Tiede - 74 - French Geography Geometry German Health Integrated Science Intensive Mathematics Italian Journalism Language Marine Science Mathematics Music Orchestra Parenting Skills Personal Fitness Philosophy Physical Education Physical Science Physics Portuguese Psychology Reading Religion Sociology Spanish Statistics Television Production Web Design World History Ranskalainen Maantiede Geometria Saksan Kieli Terveydentila Integroida Tiede Tiivis Laskento Italialainen Lehtiala Kieli Meri Tiede Matematiikka Musiikki Orkesteri Vanhempi Koulusivistys Oma Kelpaavuus Filosofia Ffyysinen Opetus Ffyysinen Tiede Fysiikka Portugalilainen Psykologia Lukema Uskonto Sosiologia Espanjankieli Tilasto Television Tuotanto Raina Konstruktio Maailmanhistoria Grade Translation for France Language Spoken: French Grades Grades/Ages In USA Levels USA Equivalent A (90-100) Excellent B (80-89) Good C (70-79) Average D (60-69) Poor F (0-59) French Primary A (14-20) Secondary Premier Second Cycle Cycle Grade Age 12 Senior 17/18 High School B (11-13) 11 Junior 16 High School C (10) 10 Sophomore 15 High School D (8-9) 9 Freshman 14 High School F (0-7) 6-8 Middle 11-13 School K-5 Elementary 5-10 School Diploma Awarded: Diplome de Bachelier De l’Enseignement Du Second Degré (Baccalauréat) Certificate de Fin d’/Etudes Secondaires Students who graduate from the lycee generally have the equivalent of an American junior college education. Almost half of the lycee students study philosophy. Academic Year: September-June 1-5 6-9 10-12 Country Notes: The grading scale goes from 0-20. It is unusual for students to receive anything higher than a 15, unless they are exceptionally good. These grades may be considered as passing or failing depending upon the student’s overall performance on the Baccalauréat School is compulsory from ages 6-16. Nearly one fifth of elementary school children attend Catholic schools, which are partly subsidized, by the state. Secondary education offered at lycees and colleges, lasts 7 years. In grade 11, students choose a major, which they follow in grade 12. - 75 - France – General Course Names Language Spoken: French Accounting Acting Algebra American Government American History Anatomy Art Art History Astronomy Auto-mechanics Biology Business English Calculus Ceramics Chemistry Child Development Chorus Civics Computer Programming Construction Culinary Arts Drafting/Illustrative Design Drama Drawing Early Child Education Earth and Space Science Economics Engineering English Environmental Science Comptabilité Acte Algèbre Gouvernement Américain Histoire Américaine Anatomie Art Histoire D’Art Astronomie Mécanique Auto Biologie Anglais Commerciale Calcul Céramique Chimie Développement D’enfant Choeur Civique Programmation D’ordinateur Construction Arts Gastronomiques Plan/Dessin Illustratif Drame Dessin/Tirage Première Éducation D’enfant Science de Terre et Spatiale Économie Ingénierie Anglais Science de L’environnement French Geography Geometry German Health Integrated Science Intensive Mathematics Italian Journalism Language Marine Science Mathematics Music Orchestra Parenting Skills Personal Fitness Philosophy Physical Education Physical Science Physics Portuguese Psychology Reading Religion Sociology Spanish Statistics Television Production Web Design World History - 76 - Français Géographie Géométrie Allemand Santé Science Intégrée Mathématiques Intensives Italien Journalisme Langage Science Marine Mathématiques Musique Ochestre Puériculture Forme Physique Personelle Philosophie Education Physique Science Physique Physique Portugais Psycologie Lecture Religion Sociologie Espagnole Statistiques Production de Television Création de Site Web Histoire du Monde Grade Translation for Germany Language Spoken: German Grades USA Equivalent A (90-100) Excellent B (80-89) Good C (70-79) Average D (60-69) Poor F (0-59) Grades/Ages In USA Levels Germany Grundschule 1 Sehr Güt Very Good 2 Güt Good 3 Befriedigend Satisfactory 4 Genügend Pass 5 Ungenügend Fail 1-4 Levels Lower Upper 5-10 11-13 Grade 12 Senior High School 11 Junior High School 10 Sophomore High School 9 Freshman High School 6-8 Middle School K-5 Elementary School Age 17/18 16 15 14 11-13 5-10 Diploma Awarded: “Reifezeugnis” from an Erweiterte. All gemeinbildende Polytechnische Oberschule Gymnasium finishes at the end of Grade 13, culminating in a difficult examination called the Abitur. Passing grades on the Abitur guarantee university admission. Academic Year: August-June Country Notes: Grades 11-13 (ages 17-19) are an extension of the Gymnasium course of study (Upper Level Gymnasium). 5-10 = Lower Level Gymnasium. At grade 5 (age 11), students go either to the Realschule (technically oriented) or the Gymnasium (for students who wish to attend college). - 77 - Germany – General Course Names Language Spoken: German Accounting Acting Algebra American Government American History Anatomy Art Art History Astronomy Auto-mechanics Biology Business English Calculus Ceramics Chemistry Child Development Chorus Civics Computer Programming Construction Culinary Arts Drafting/Illustrative Design Drama Drawing Early Child Education Earth and Space Science Economics Engineering English Environmental Science Buchführung Das Handeln Algebra Amerikanische Regierung Amerikanische Geschichte Anatomie Art Kunstgeschichte Astronomie Automaschinenbau Biologie Unternehmen Englisch Infinitesimalrechnung Keramik Chemie Kinderentwicklung Refrain Bürgerlich Computerprogrammierung Konstruktion Kulinarische Künste Entwerfend / erläuterndes Design Drama Zeichnung Früh Kinderausbildung Die Erde und Raumwissenschaft Wirtschaftswissenschaft Ingenieurwesen Englisch Umweltwissenschaf - 78 - French Geography Geometry German Health Integrated Science Intensive Mathematics Italian Journalism Language Marine Science Mathematics Music Orchestra Parenting Skills Personal Fitness Philosophy Physical Education Physical Science Physics Portuguese Psychology Reading Religion Sociology Spanish Statistics Television Production Web Design World History Französisch Geografie Geometrie Deutsch Die Gesundheit Integrierte Wissenschaft Intensive Mathematik Italienisch Journalismus Sprache Seewissenschaft Mathematik Musik Orchester Parenting-Fähigkeiten Persönliche Tauglichkeit Philosophie Physische Ausbildung Physische Wissenschaft Physik Portugiesisch Psychologie Lektüre Religion Soziologie Spanisch Statistiken Fernsehenproduktion Netzdesign Die Weltgeschichte Grade Translation for Greece Language Spoken: Greek Grades USA Equivalent A (90-100) Excellent B (80-89) Good C (70-79) Average D (60-69) Poor F (0-59) Grades/Ages In USA Levels Greece A (18.5-20) Primary Secondary Gymnasium 1-6 7-12 B+ (15.5-18.4) B (12.5-15.4) C (10-12.4) F (Below 10) Grade 12 Senior High School 11 Junior High School 10 Sophomore High School 9 Freshman High School 6-8 Middle School K-5 Elementary School Age 17/18 16 15 14 11-13 5-10 Diploma Awarded: Certificate of Completion (Apolyterion) Academic Year: September-June Country Notes: Compulsory education begins at age 4,The Greek education system also provides special kindergartens, primary and secondary schools for special needs students. - 79 - Greece – General Course Names Language Spoken: Greek Accounting Acting Algebra American Government American History Anatomy Art Art History Astronomy Auto-mechanics Biology Business English Calculus Ceramics Chemistry Child Development Chorus Civics Computer Programming Construction Culinary Arts Drafting/Illustrative Design Drama Drawing Early Child Education Earth and Space Science Economics Engineering English Environmental Science Λογιστική Να ενεργήσει Αλγεβρα Αμερικανική κυβέρνηση Αμερικανική ιστορία Ανατομία Τέχνη Τέχνη ιστορία Αστρονομία Αυτόματοι μηχανικοί Η βιολογία Επιχείρηση αγγλικά Υπολογισμός Κεραμική Χημεία Ανάπτυξη παιδιών Χορωδίες SIviks Προγραμματισμός υπολογιστών Κατασκευή Μαγειρικές τέχνες Σύνταξη/επεξηγηματικό σχέδιο Δράμα DrOoing Πρόωρη εκπαίδευση παιδιών Γη και διαστημική επιστήμη Οικονομικά Εφαρμοσμένη μηχανική Αγγλικά Περιβαλλοντική επιστήμη - 80 - French Geography Geometry German Health Integrated Science Intensive Mathematics Italian Journalism Language Marine Science Mathematics Music Orchestra Parenting Skills Personal Fitness Philosophy Physical Education Physical Science Physics Portuguese Psychology Reading Religion Sociology Spanish Statistics Television Production Web Design World History Γαλλικά DzhiiOgrafi Γεωμετρία Γερμανικά Υγεία Ενσωματωμένη επιστήμη Εντατικά μαθηματικά Ιταλικά Δημοσιογραφία LEenguitzh Ναυτιλιακές επιστήμες MaΘimAtks Μουσική Ορχήστρα Δεξιότητες Parenting Προσωπική ικανότητα FiLOsofi Φυσική αγωγή Φυσική επιστήμη Φυσική PoortiugIiz Ψυχολογία Ανάγνωση TiLIdzhon Κοινωνιολογία Ισπανικά Στατιστικές Τηλεοπτική παραγωγή Σχέδιο Ιστού Παγκόσμια ιστορία Grade Translation For: Guadaloupe, Guyane Francaise, Martinique Language Spoken: French Grades USA Equivalent A (90-100) Excellent B (80-89) Good C (70-79) Average D (60-69) Poor F (0-59) Guadaloupe, Guyane Francaise, Martinique A (18-20) Levels Primary 1 Cours Préparatoire 2 Cours Elémentaire I 3 Cours Elémentaire II 4 Cours Moyen I 5 Cours Moyen II Secondary Gymnasium 6 Sixième Grades/Ages In USA Grade Age 12 Senior 17/18 High School B (15-17) 7 Cinquième 11 Junior 16 High School C (12-14) 8 Quatrième 10 Sophomore 15 High School D (10-11) 9 Troisième 9 Freshman 14 High School F (Below 10) 10 Seconde 6-8 Middle 11-13 School 11 Première K-5 12 Terminale Elementary 5-10 School Diploma Awarded: Baccalauréat de L’Enseignement Secondaire or Baccalauréat de Technique Academic Year: September-June Country Notes: French Guiana, Guadeloupe and Martinique are overseas departments of France therefore their education systems are the same as in France. - 81 - Guadaloupe, Guyane Francaise, Martinique – General Course Names Language Spoken: French Accounting Acting Algebra American Government American History Anatomy Art Art History Astronomy Auto-mechanics Biology Business English Calculus Ceramics Chemistry Child Development Chorus Civics Computer Programming Construction Culinary Arts Drafting/Illustrative Design Drama Drawing Early Child Education Earth and Space Science Economics Engineering English Environmental Science Comptabilité Acte Algèbre Gouvernement Américain Histoire Américaine Anatomie Art Histoire Art Astronomie Mécanique D’auto Biologie Anglais D’affaires Calcul Céramique Chimie Développement D’enfant Choeur Civique Programmation D’ordinateur Construction Arts Gastronomiques Le fait de Faire le brouillon/ Qui illustre le Design Drame Dessi/Tirage Première Éducation D’enfant Science de terre et Spatiale Économie Ingénierie Anglais Science de L’environnement - 82 - French Geography Geometry German Health Integrated Science Intensive Mathematics Italian Journalism Language Marine Science Mathematics Music Orchestra Parenting Skills Personal Fitness Philosophy Physical Education Physical Science Physics Portuguese Français Géographie Géométrie Allemand Santé Science Intégrée Mathématiques Intensives Italien Journalisme Langage Science Marine Mathématiques Musique Ochestre Puériculture Forme Physique Personelle Philosophie Education Physique Science Physique Physique Portugais Psychology Psycologie Reading Religion Sociology Spanish Statistics Television Production Web Design World History Lecture Religion Sociologie Espagnole Statistiques Production de Television Création de Site Web Histoire du Monde Grade Translation for Guatemala Language Spoken: Spanish Grades Grades/Ages In USA Levels USA Equivalent A (90-100) Excellent B (80-89) Good C (70-79) Average D (60-69) Poor F (0-59) Guatemala Primary A (90-100) Secondary Basic Diversified Cycle Cycle Grade Age 12 Senior 17/18 High School B (80-89) 11 Junior 16 High School C (70-79) 10 Sophomore 15 High School D (60-69 9 Freshman 14 High School F (0-59 6-8 Middle 11-13 School K-5 Elementary 5-10 School Diploma Awarded: After grade 11, the usual Diploma is a “Bachiller en Ciencias y Letras.” Maestro de Educación Primaria Urbana Academic Year: January-November 1-6 1-3 Country Notes: The 3rd year is a specialized optional year. - 83 - 1-3 Guatemala – General Course Names Language Spoken: Spanish Accounting Acting Algebra American Government American History Anatomy Art Art History Astronomy Auto-mechanics Biology Business English Calculus Ceramics Chemistry Child Development Chorus Civics Computer Programming Construction Culinary Arts Drafting/Illustrative Design Drama Drawing Early Child Education Earth and Space Science Economics Engineering English Environmental Science Contabilidad Actuación Álgebra Gobierno Americano Historia Americana Anatomía Arte Historia del Arte Astronomía Mecánica de Auto Biología Inglés Comercial Cálculo Cerámica Química Desarrollo Infantil Coro Civismo Programación de Computadoras Construcción Artes Culinarias Dibujo Técnico Drama Dibujo Educación Infantil Ciencia de la Tierra y el Espacio Economía Ingeniería Inglés Ciencias del Medioambiente - 84 - French Geography Geometry German Health Integrated Science Intensive Mathematics Italian Journalism Language Marine Science Mathematics Music Orchestra Parenting Skills Personal Fitness Philosophy Physical Education Physical Science Physics Portuguese Psychology Reading Religion Sociology Spanish Statistics Television Production Web Design World History Francés Geografía Geometría Alemán Salud Ciencia Integrada Matemática Intensiva Italiano Periodismo Lenguaje Ciencia Marina Matemáticas Musica Orquesta Destrezas de ser Padres Condicionamiento Físico Filosofía Educación Física Ciencia Física Física Portugués Psicología Lectura Religión Sociología Español Estadísticas Producción de Televisión Diseño de Página de Internet Historia del Mundo Grade Translation for Guyana Language Spoken: English Grades USA Equivalent A (90-100) Excellent B (80-89) Good C (70-79) Average D (60-69) Poor F (0-59) Grades/Ages In USA Levels Guyana A (90-100) Primary Secondary 1-6 Forms I-V B (80-89) C (60-79) D (50-59) Pass (46-49 F (0-45) Grade 12 Senior High School 11 Junior High School 10 Sophomore High School 9 Freshman High School 6-8 Middle School K-5 Elementary School Age 17/18 16 15 14 11-13 5-10 Diploma Awarded: GCE – General Certificate of Education, CXC - Caribbean Examination Council Academic Year: September-June Country Notes: The Guyanese education system is modeled after the former British education system. GCE or CXC results listing 5 subjects as passed or Cambridge School Certificate. There are wide disparities among the geographical regions of the country in the availability of quality education, and the physical facilities which are provided are in poor condition. - 85 - Guyana – General Course Names Language Spoken: English Accounting Acting Algebra American Government American History Anatomy Art Art History Astronomy Auto-mechanics Biology Business English Calculus Ceramics Chemistry Child Development Chorus Civics Computer Programming Construction Culinary Arts Drafting/Illustrative Design Drama Drawing Early Child Education Earth and Space Science Economics Engineering English Environmental Science French Geography Geometry German Health Integrated Science Intensive Mathematics Italian Journalism Language Marine Science Mathematics Music Orchestra Parenting Skills Personal Fitness Philosophy Physical Education Physical Science Physics Portuguese Psychology Reading Religion Sociology Spanish Statistics Television Production Web Design World History - 86 - Grade Translation for Haiti Language Spoken: Haitian Creole Grades USA Equivalent A (90-100) Excellent B (80-89) Good C (70-79) Average D (60-69) Poor F (0-59) Grades/Ages In USA Levels Haiti Primary A (87.6 - 100) Excellent B (75.1 - 87.5) Good C (62.5 - 75.0) Average D (50.0 - 62.4) Poor F (0-49) Secondary e 6 - 6 AF Sixième Année Fondamentale 5 - 5e AF Cinquième Année Fondamentale 4 - 4e AF Quatrième Année Fondamentale 3 - 3e AF Troisième Année Fondamentale 2 - 2e AF Deuxième Année Fondamentale 1- 1è AF Première Année Fondamentale 13 - Philosophie BAC II 12 - Rhétorique BAC I 11 - Seconde 10 - 3e Sec. Troisième Secondaire 9 - 9e AF Neuvième Année Fondamentale 8 - 8e AF Huitième Année Fondamentale Grade 12 Senior High School 11 Junior High School 10 Sophomore High School 9 Freshman High School 6-8 Middle School Age 17/18 16 15 14 11-13 K-5 Elementary School 5-10 7 - 7e AF Septième Année Fondamentale Diploma Awarded: “Certificat de Fin d’Etudes Secondaires Classiques Première Partie” Grade (12) “Certificat de Fin d’Etudes Secondaires Classiques Deuxième Partie” Grade (13) Academic Year: October-July Kidergarten Country Notes: Private Secondary/ High Schools are called “College”. Public Secondary/ High Schools are called “Lycée”. PK/Kindergarten is three years. The official language in Haiti is still French and classes, especially in the private schools, are still being conducted in French. In the rural areas some school conduct classes in Haitian Creole, but for the most part, French is the language of instruction. Haitian Creole is taught as a secondary language. In Haiti promotion from one grade to another differs greatly in comparison to the U.S. educational system. Haiti uses the Total Net Average System (TNS’s) to promote students to the next grade level. TNS is based on the Total Net Average points received on all subjects combined. Passing Grades – based on a 50 percentile basal (or 5.0) for promotion. (A student might fail one or more subjects, but, if his/her T.N.A. is 5 or more – using the 1 through 10 scale– he/she would still be promoted.) Any student whose T.N.A. falls at 49.9 (4.9) or less would not be considered for promotion. Administrative Placement – Neither the concept nor the idea exists in the Haitian School System. Any child who does not master his or her skills would have to stay at the present grade until he/she reaches 18 or 19 years of age or decides to drop out. To Grade Subjects Individually – Add all grades obtained for the subject/skills; add all maximum point allowable. Then divide the net total obtained for the subject by the total Max. Point Allowable. The result is your grade point. To determine grade percent divide subject grade by maximum grade. Convert to letter grade under “grading system”. “admise en” - promoted to “retenu” – retained. - 87 - Haiti – General Course Names Language Spoken: Haitian Creole Accounting Acting Algebra American Government American History Anatomy Art Art History Astronomy Auto-mechanics Biology Business English Calculus Ceramics Chemistry Child Development Chorus Civics Computer Programming Construction Culinary Arts Drafting/Illustrative Design Drama Drawing Early Child Education Earth and Space Science Economics Engineering English Environmental Science Kontabilite Teyat Aljèb Gouvènman Ameriken Istwa Ameriken Anatomi Desen/La Istwa La Astwonomi Mekanik Oto Biyoloji Anglè Komèsyal Analiz (Matematik) Seramik Chimi Devlopman Timoun Koral Enstwiksyon Sivik Pwogramasyon Odinatè Konstwiksyon Kou Kwizin Desen Endistriyèl Dram/Teyat Desen Edikasyon Timoun Piti Syans Latè ak Lespas Ekonomi Kou Jeni Anglè Syans Anviwonman French Geography Geometry German Health Integrated Science Intensive Mathematics Italian Journalism Language Marine Science Mathematics Music Orchestra Parenting Skills Personal Fitness Philosophy Physical Education Physical Science Physics Portuguese Psychology Reading Religion Sociology Spanish Statistics Television Production Web Design World History - 88 - Fransè Jeyografi Jeyometri Alman Sante Syans Entegre Matematik Entansif Italyen Jounalis Langaj Syans Maritim Matematik Mizik Okès Konpetans pou Elve Timoun Aktivite Espòtif Filozofi Edikasyon Fizik Syans Fizik Fizik Pòtigè Sikoloji Lekti Relijyon Sosyoloji Espanyòl Estatistik Pwodiksyon Televizyon Plan Rezo Enfòmatik Istwa Jeneral Grade Translation for Honduras Language Spoken: Spanish Grades Grades/Ages In USA Levels USA Equivalent A (90-100) Excellent B (80-89) Good C (70-79) Average D (60-69) Poor Honduras Primary Cycle Cycle I II Secondary Common Diversified Vocational Cycle Cycle Grade Age 12 Senior 17/18 High School 11 Junior 16 B (80-90) High School 10 Sophomore 15 C (60-79) High School 9 Freshman 14 Not Existent High School 6-8 Middle 11-13 F (0-59) F (1-59) School K-5 Elementary 5-10 School Diploma Awarded: Upon completion of Academic program, (after grade 11) student receives the “Bachiller en Ciencias y Letras”. Upon completion of Vocational program (after grade 12), student receives the “Bachiller Técnico” Academic Year: February-November A (91-100) 1-3 4-6 1-3 4-5 6 Country Notes: Education is compulsory from ages 7 to 13, however 13% of children have no access to education, and only 43 percent of children enrolled in public schools complete the primary level. - 89 - Honduras – General Course Names Language Spoken: Spanish Accounting Acting Algebra American Government American History Anatomy Art Art History Astronomy Auto-mechanics Biology Business English Calculus Ceramics Chemistry Child Development Chorus Civics Computer Programming Construction Culinary Arts Drafting/Illustrative Design Drama Drawing Early Child Education Earth and Space Science Economics Engineering English Environmental Science Contabilidad Actuación Álgebra Gobierno Americano Historia Americana Anatomía Arte Historia del Arte Astronomía Mecánica de Auto Biología Inglés Comercial Cálculo Cerámica Química Desarrollo Infantil Coro Civismo Programación de Computadoras Construcción Artes Culinarias Dibujo Técnico Drama Dibujo Educación Infantil Ciencía de la Tierra y el Espacio Economía Ingeniería Inglés Ciencias del Medioambiente - 90 - French Geography Geometry German Health Integrated Science Intensive Mathematics Italian Journalism Language Marine Science Mathematics Music Orchestra Parenting Skills Personal Fitness Philosophy Physical Education Physical Science Physics Portuguese Psychology Reading Religion Sociology Spanish Statistics Television Production Web Design World History Francés Geografía Geometría Alemán Salud Ciencia Integrada Matemática Intensiva Italiano Periodismo Lenguaje Ciencia Marina Matemáticas Musica Orquesta Destrezas de ser Padres Condicionamiento Físico Filosofía Educación Física Ciencía Física Física Portugués Psicología Lectura Religión Sociología Español Estadísticas Producción de Televisión Diseño de Página de Internet Historia del Mundo Grade Translation For: Hong Kong, China Language Spoken: Chinese Grades USA Equivalent A (90-100) Excellent B (80-89) Good C (70-79) Average D (60-69) Poor F (0-59) Grades/Ages In USA Levels Hong Kong Primary A Distinction Middle School or Forms I-III High School or Forms IV-VI Grade 12 Senior High School B Very Good 11 Junior High School C Good 10 Sophomore High School D Fair 9 Freshman E Pass High School F Fail 6-8 Middle School K-5 Elementary School Diploma Awarded: Hong Kong Certificate of Education or Hong Kong Higher Level Examination 1-6 7-9 10-12 Age 17/18 16 15 14 11-13 5-10 Academic Year: September-June Country Notes: Hong Kong's education system roughly follows the system in England. The medium of instruction is mainly spoken Cantonese, written Chinese and English, but Mandarin language education has been increasing. - 91 - Hong Kong, China – General Course Names - Language Spoken: Chinese Trad. Simp. 代数 Pinyin kuài jì biǎo yǎn dài shù Trad. Simp. French Geography Geometry 法國 法国 地理學 地理学 幾何學 几何学 Pinyin fǎ guó dì lǐ xué jǐ hé xué Accounting Acting Algebra 會計 会计 表演 剧 代數 American Government 美國政府 美国政府 měi guó zhèng fǔ German 德意志 德文 Dé yì zhì American History 美国史 美国史 měi guó Health 身體 身体 shēn tǐ Anatomy 解剖學 解剖学 jiě pōu xué Integrated Science 科技 xue zheng ti Art 藝術 艺术 yì shù Intensive Mathematics 尖锐 数学 shu xue Art History 藝術史 艺术史 yì shù li shi Italian 意大利 意大利语 Astronomy 天文學 天文学 tiān wén xué Journalism 新聞學 新闻学 Auto-mechanics 汽车保全 汽车保全 qi che xiu li Language 語英文 语英文 Yì dà lì xīn wén xué yǔ Biology 生物學 生物学 shēng wù xué Marine Science 海研习 hai yan xi Business English Calculus 行业 英文 行业 英文 数学 分析学 Mathematics Music 數學 分析學 hang ye ying yu fēn xī xué 音樂 音乐 shù xué yīn yuè Ceramics 陶瓷 瓷砖 táo cí Orchestra 管弦樂 管弦乐 團 团 guǎn xián yuè tuán Chemistry 化學 化学 huà xué Parenting Skills 父母亲 父母亲 fu mu qin Child Development 孩发育 孩发育 er tong fa yu Personal Fitness 个人练 本人祛 ge ren qu Chorus 合唱 唱诗班 hé chàng Philosophy 哲學 哲学 zhé xué Civics 伦理 德 lun li Physical Education 肉体 育 锻炼 duan lian Computer Programming 程序設計 程序设计 chéng xù shè jì Physical Science 物理层 di shi xue Construction 建設 建设 jiàn shè Physics 物理學 物理学 wù lǐ xué Culinary Arts 烹飪 烹饪 pēng rèn Portuguese 葡萄牙 葡萄牙语 pu tao ya Drafting/Illustrative Design 绘图 绘制 hui zhi Psychology 精神学 心理学 xin li xue Drama 戲劇 戏剧 xì jù Reading 閱讀 阅读 yuè dú Drawing 併條 并条 bìng tiáo Religion 教 宗教 jiào Early Child Education 保育 保育 bao yu Sociology 社會學 社会学 shè huì xué - 92 - 整体 学 海里 学 地势学 宇宙 chen yu zhou xue Trad. Simp. Economics 财经 经济学 Pinyin Jing ji xue Engineering 工程學 工程学 English 英國 Environmental Science 周围 学 Earth and Space Science 太空 学 西班牙 西班牙文 xi ban ya yu Trad. Simp. Statistics 統計 统计 Pinyin tǒng jì gōng chéng xué Television Production 产销电视 电视 dian shi chan xiao 英国 Yīng guó Web Design 網頁設 网页设 計 计 wǎng yè shè jì 正气 zhou wei xue World History 人间 史 世界 shi jie li shi Spanish Hong Kong, China – Continue - 93 - Grade Translation for Hungary Language Spoken: Hungarian Grades USA Equivalent A (90-100) Excellent B (80-89) Good C (70-79) Average D (60-69) Poor F (0-59) Grades/Ages In USA Levels Hungary 5 Jeles Excellent 4 Jõ Good 3 Közepes Fair 2 Elégséges Satisfactory 1 Elégtelen Unsatisfactory Primary Upper Cycle Gymnasium 1-4 5-8 1-4 Grade 12 Senior High School 11 Junior High School 10 Sophomore High School 9 Freshman High School 6-8 Middle School K-5 Elementary School Age 17/18 16 15 14 11-13 5-10 Diploma Awarded: Maturity Certificate “Erettségi Bizonyitvány” Academic Year: September-June Country Notes: Public education is available in Hungary starting at age 3 and is compulsory from age 6 to age 16. Language training in English and/or German (sometimes Italian) begins at age ten, In schools specializing in languages it begins in the third grade or age eight. Language training continues through the four years of secondary school. - 94 - Hungary – General Course Names Language Spoken: Hungarian Accounting Acting Algebra American Government American History Anatomy Art Art History Astronomy Auto-mechanics Biology Business English Calculus Ceramics Chemistry Könyvelõi Eljátszás Algebra Amerikai adminisztráció Amerikai történelem Anatómia Furfang Furfang Történelem Csillagászat Auto Javítás Biológia Üzleti Tevékenység Angol Kõ Fazekasság Kémia French Geography Geometry German Health Integrated Science Intensive Mathematics Italian Journalism Language Marine Science Mathematics Music Orchestra Parenting Skills Child Development Gyermek Elõhívás Personal Fitness Chorus Civics Computer Programming Construction Culinary Arts Drafting/Illustrative Design Drama Drawing Early Child Education Earth and Space Science Economics Engineering English Environmental Science Karban énekelt Refrén Állampolgári Ismeretek Technikai értesítõ Kivitelezés Szakácsmûvészet Rajzolás Színmûvészet Rajzolás Csecsemõ Oktatás Hely meg Odú Tudomány Gazdasági Helyzet Mérnöki Munka Angol Környezet Tudomány Philosophy Physical Education Physical Science Physics Portuguese Psychology Reading Religion Sociology Spanish Statistics Television Production Web Design World History - 95 - Francia Földrajz Geometria Német Kényelem Integrált Tudomány Gyógyító Matematika Olasz Újságírás Kifejezés Tengerészeti Tudomány Matematika Zene Zsöllye Apaság Személyi hír állóképesség Gondolkodik Oktatás Testi Tudomány Fizika Portugál nyelv Pszichológia Magyarázat Vallás Szociológia Spanyol Statisztika Televízió Termelés Vég Szándék Történelem Grade Translation for India Language Spoken: Hindi Grades USA Equivalent A (90-100) Excellent B (80-89) Good C (70-79) Average D (60-69) Poor F (0-59) Levels Hindi Primary A 60-100 1st Division B 50-59 2nd Division C 35-49 3rd Division Secondary Standards IX, X, XI, XII Grades/Ages In USA Grade 12 Senior High School 11 Junior High School 10 Sophomore High School 9 Freshman High School 6-8 Middle School K-5 Elementary School Diploma Awarded: Higher Secondary Certificate Examination Standard XII (Grade 12) 1-8 Age 17/18 16 15 14 11-13 5-10 Academic Year: June-March OR July - April Country Notes: Only 35% of schools in India are government run. Education is compulsory for children aged 6-14 years of age, however only 82% of children in this age group are enrolled in school. - 96 - India – General Course Names Language Spoken: Hindi Accounting Acting Algebra American Government American History Anatomy Art Art History Astronomy Auto-mechanics Biology Business English Calculus Ceramics Chemistry Child Development Chorus Civics Computer Programming Construction Culinary Arts Drafting/Illustrative Design Drama Drawing Early Child Education Earth and Space Science Economics Engineering English Environmental Science hisaab-kitaab Abhinay beej ganita Amrikee sarkaar Amrikee Itihaas Insaan deh Kalaa Kalaa Itihaas Sitaaraa shaastraa motor gaadi fikar jeev-shaastra Bazaar Angrezee Kalana Mittee Rasaayan Shaastraa Aulaad shikshaa Gaanaa Saamajik Sanganak Karyakram Imaarat paak kritee Chitra Nachaghara Sahasa Bachcha Shikshaa Bhumi aura Prasara Shaastraa Sampattishastra abhiyantrikee Angrejī bhAShA PaDosa Shaastraa - 97 - French Geography Geometry German Health Integrated Science Intensive Mathematics Italian Journalism Language Marine Science Mathematics Music Orchestra Parenting Skills Personal Fitness Philosophy Physical Education Physical Science Physics Portuguese Psychology Reading Religion Sociology Spanish Statistics Television Production Web Design World History spaShTavAdI BhUgola rekhAgaNita jarmanI kI bhAShA ndurustI Shaastraa gaNita vidyA adhikatA se roma kA bhAShA patrakAritA bhAShA SamudrI Shaastraa gaNita vidyA ngIta vidyA vAdaka samUha bApa vA mA vidyA nija kA yogyatA GYAna prIti Bhautika Shikshaa Bhautika Shaastraa bhautika viGYAna Portugisi bhAShA manoviGYAna paDhanA Ishvara bhakti samAjatatva Espanoli bhAShA nbhAvyatA Philma Utpatti banAvaTa chAlAka Vishva Itihaas Grade Translation for Indonesia Language Spoken: Indonesian Grades Grades/Ages In USA Levels USA Equivalent A (90-100) Excellent B (80-89) Good C (70-79) Average D (60-69) Poor F (0-59) Indonesia Primary A 9-10 Excellent B 7-8 Good C 6 Fair D 5 Pass F 1-4 No Pass Secondary Academic Academic Junior Senior Grade Age 12 Senior 17/18 High School 11 Junior 16 High School 10 Sophomore 15 High School 9 Freshman 14 High School 6-8 Middle 11-13 School K-5 Elementary 5-10 School Diploma Awarded: Certificate of Completion of Studies (Sekolah Menengah Atas, SMA) 1-6 7-9 10-12 Academic Year: July-June Country Notes: Indonesians between seven and twelve years of age are required to attend six years of primary school. 93% of Indonesian Primary Schools are government run. Indonesian citizens are not required to attend high school; only nine years of education are required. - 98 - Indonesia – General Course Names Language Spoken: Indonesian Accounting Acting Algebra American Government American History Anatomy Art Art History Astronomy Auto-mechanics Biology Business English Calculus Ceramics Chemistry Child Development Chorus Civics Computer Programming Construction Culinary Arts Drafting/Illustrative Design Drama Drawing Early Child Education Earth and Space Science Economics Engineering English Environmental Science Akuntan Langkah Algebri Amerika Pemerintah Amerika Sejarah Badan Mns Kelicikan Kelicikan Sejarah Pendidikan Langit Mobil Montir Biologi Urusan Inggris Mengatur Pekerjaan Tukang Pot Kimia Anak Pengembangan Koor Pelajaran Pemerintahan Komputer Acara Pembangunan Kepandaian Memasak Menghiasi Sandiwara Gambar Awal Anak Pengembangan Bumi Antariksa Belajar Ekonomi Insinyur Bahasa Inggris Suasana Ilmu Pengetahuan French Geography Geometry German Health Integrated Science Intensive Mathematics Italian Journalism Language Marine Science Mathematics Music Orchestra Parenting Skills Personal Fitness Philosophy Physical Education Physical Science Physics Portuguese Psychology Reading Religion Sociology Spanish Statistics Television Production Web Design World History - 99 - Bahasa Perancis Geografi Geometri Bahasa Jerman Pendidikan Kesegaran Mengintegrasikan Ilmu Matematika Sekali Roman Dialek Wartawan Menyalin Marinir Ilmu Pengetahuan Matematika Musik Terkenal Musik Orang Tua Ketrampilan Pribadi Senam Filosofi Jasmani Sekolah Jasmani Sarjana Fisika Portugis Dialek Sicologi Pendidikan Baca Pendidikan Agama Sosiologi Spanyol Angka Televisikan Produksi Jaringan Penuh Tipu Daya Dunia Sejarah Grade Translation for Iran Language Spoken: Farsi Grades A (90-100) Excellent B (80-89) Good C (70-79) Average D (60-69) Poor F (0-59) Grades/Ages In USA Levels USA Equivalent Iran Primary A (17-20) 1-5 Cycles Guidance Intermediate 6-8 9-12 B (15-16) C (12-14) D (10-11) F (0-9) Grade 12 Senior High School 11 Junior High School 10 Sophomore High School 9 Freshman High School 6-8 Middle School K-5 Elementary School Age 17/18 16 15 14 11-13 5-10 Diploma Awarded: Passing grades on June Written Examination (JWE) Academic Year: September-June Country Notes: Year averages may be obtained by adding the first two terms plus the June Written Exam grades, multiplying by two and dividing the total by four. High school (Dabirestan), for which the last three years is not mandatory, is divided between theoretical, vocational/technical and manual. In Iran all students are segregated by sex. - 100 - Iran - General Course Names Language Spoken: Farsi Accounting Acting Algebra American Government American History Anatomy Art Art History Astronomy Auto-mechanics Biology Business English Calculus Ceramics Chemistry Child Development Chorus Civics Computer Programming Construction Culinary Arts Drafting/Illustrative Design Drama Drawing Early Child Education Earth and Space Science Economics Engineering English Environmental Science French شیامنGeography Geometry German Health Integrated Science Intensive Mathematics Italian Journalism Language Marine Science Mathematics Music Orchestra Parenting Skills Personal Fitness Philosophy یندم تامیلعتPhysical Education Physical Science Physics Portuguese Psychology Reading یشاقنReligion Sociology Spanish Statistics Television Production Web Design World History - 101 - ایفارغج نابز هفسلف یلاغترپ نید Grade Translation For: Iraq Language Spoken: Arabic Grades USA Equivalent A (90-100) Excellent B (80-89) Good C (70-79) Average D (60-69) Poor F (0-59) Grades/Ages In USA Levels Iraq Primary A (90-100) Intermediate Preparatory Secondary Grade Age 12 Senior 17/18 High School B (80-89) 11 Junior 16 High School C (70-79) 10 Sophomore 15 High School D (60-69) 9 Freshman 14 High School F (50-59) 6-8 Middle 11-13 School Fail K-5 (Below 50) Elementary 5-10 School Diploma Awarded: Secondary Baccalaureate Examination with a minimum grade of 68-70 percent. Student may be considered for admission to freshman standing. Academic Year: September-June 1-6 7-9 10-12 Country Notes: Violence against education institutions and teachers has prompted a sharp decline in school attendance. According to recent statistics from the Ministry of Education, only about 30 percent of Iraq’s 3.5 million school-aged children are currently attending classes. - 102 - Iraq – General Course Names Language Spoken: Arabic Accounting Acting Algebra American Government American History Anatomy Art Art History Astronomy Auto-mechanics Biology Business English Calculus Ceramics Chemistry Child Development Chorus Civics Computer Programming Construction Culinary Arts Drafting/Illustrative Design Drama Drawing Early Child Education Earth and Space Science Economics Engineering English Environmental Science نف خيرات [وتوأ-]سكينشم ينيدم طيطختلا - 103 - French Geography Geometry German Health Integrated Science Intensive Mathematics Italian Journalism Language Marine Science Mathematics Music Orchestra Parenting Skills Personal Fitness Philosophy Physical Education Physical Science Physics Portuguese Psychology Reading Religion Sociology Spanish Statistics Television Production Web Design World History ةيفارغج ناسل باسحلا ملع ركف لاغتربلا دقتعم Grade Translation for Ireland Language Spoken: English Grades USA Equivalent A (90-100) Excellent B (80-89) Good C (70-79) Average D (60-69) Poor F (0-59) Grades/Ages In USA Levels Ireland A (85-100) Primary Secondary Senior Cycle 1-6 7-9 10-11 B (70-84) C (55-69) D (40-54) F (39-0) Grade 12 Senior High School 11 Junior High School 10 Sophomore High School 9 Freshman High School 6-8 Middle School K-5 Elementary School Age 17/18 16 15 14 11-13 5-10 Diploma Awarded: Ardteistiméireacht Training Certificate Academic Year: October-June Country Notes: it is usual for children to begin school the September following their fourth birthday. Education is compulsory for children in Ireland from the ages of six to 16 or until students have completed three years of second level education. - 104 - Ireland – General Course Names Language Spoken: English Accounting Acting Algebra American Government American History Anatomy Art Art History Astronomy Auto-mechanics Biology Business English Calculus Ceramics Chemistry Child Development Chorus Civics Computer Programming Construction Culinary Arts Drafting/Illustrative Design Drama Drawing Early Child Education Earth and Space Science Economics Engineering English Environmental Science French Geography Geometry German Health Integrated Science Intensive Mathematics Italian Journalism Language Marine Science Mathematics Music Orchestra Parenting Skills Personal Fitness Philosophy Physical Education Physical Science Physics Portuguese Psychology Reading Religion Sociology Spanish Statistics Television Production Web Design World History - 105 - Grade Translation for Israel Language Spoken: Hebrew Grades USA Equivalent A (90-100) Excellent B (80-89) Good C (70-79) Average D (60-69) Poor F (0-59) Grades/Ages In USA Levels Israel Post Secondary Primary A+ (95-100) Grade Age 12 Senior 17/18 High School A (85-94) 11 Junior 16 High School B (75-84) 10 Sophomore 15 High School C (65-74 9 Freshman 14 High School D (50-64) 6-8 Middle 11-13 School K-5 Elementary 5-10 School Diploma Awarded: Applicants who complete the twelfth grade and pass examinations in five (5) subjects, 4 at the lower level (general)and one at higher level (field of emphasis) have the equivalent of a high school diploma. Applicants who complete the twelfth grade with passes in 3 or 4 bagrût examinations and do not receive the matriculation certificate may be granted freshman standing to programs not requiring a strong academic background. Bagrût are national school-leaving examinations. Applicants who hold a matriculation certificate with good marks on the bagrût examination may be considered for admission to U.S. colleges. Academic Year: October-June 1-6 7-12 Country Notes: Post primary = 3 years of Jr. High, and 3 years of High School. Schools in the Arab sector teach in Arabic and offer a curriculum that emphasizes Arab history, religion and culture. - 106 - Israel – General Course Names Language Spoken: Hebrew Accounting Acting Algebra American Government American History Anatomy Art Art History Astronomy Auto-mechanics Biology Business English Calculus Ceramics Chemistry Child Development Chorus Civics Computer Programming Construction Culinary Arts Drafting/Illustrative Design Drama Drawing Early Child Education Earth and Space Science Economics Engineering English Environmental Science French Geography Geometry German Health Integrated Science Intensive Mathematics Italian Journalism Language Marine Science Mathematics Music Orchestra Parenting Skills Personal Fitness Philosophy Physical Education Physical Science Physics Portuguese Psychology Reading Religion Sociology Spanish Statistics Television Production Web Design World History - 107 - Grade Translation for Italy Language Spoken: Italian Grades Grades/Ages In USA Levels USA Equivalent A (90-100) Excellent B (80-89) Good C (70-79) Average D (60-69) Poor F (0-59) Italy Primary 10 – Excellent (rarely awarded) 8-9 Good 6-7 Fair 0-5 Not passing Middle School (Licenza Media) Lyceum-Tech. Institute (Maturita Tecnica) Grade Age 12 Senior 17/18 High School 11 Junior 16 High School 10 Sophomore 15 High School 9 Freshman 14 High School 6-8 Middle 11-13 School K-5 Elementary 5-10 School Diploma Awarded: Diploma di: -Maturita Classica - Maturita Scientifica - Maturita Linguistica - Maturita Tecnica - Maturita Profissionale - Maturita Magistrale - Maturita Artistica - (High School Equivalent) Academic Year: September-June 1-6 7-9 10-12 Country Notes: There are many types of high schools in Italy, specializing in different areas but sharing a basic course of study. Years of study involved depends upon the type of school. - 108 - Italy – General Course Names Language Spoken: Italian Accounting Acting Algebra American Government American History Anatomy Art Art History Astronomy Auto-mechanics Biology Business English Calculus Ceramics Chemistry Child Development Chorus Civics Computer Programming Construction Culinary Arts Drafting/Illustrative Design Drama Drawing Early Child Education Earth and Space Science Economics Engineering English Environmental Science Contabilità Comportarsi Algebra Governo Americano Storia Americana Anatomia Arte Storia di arte Astronomia Meccanici Auto Biologia Inglese Di Affari Calcolo Ceramica Chimica Sviluppo Del Bambino Chorus Civico Programmazione Del Calcolatore Costruzione Arti Culinarie Disegno Di Drafting/Illustrative Dramma Desegno Formazione Iniziale Del Bambino Scienza dello spazio e della terra Economia Ingegneria Inglese Servizi Ambientali - 109 - French Geography Geometry German Health Integrated Science Intensive Mathematics Italian Journalism Language Marine Science Mathematics Music Orchestra Parenting Skills Personal Fitness Philosophy Physical Education Physical Science Physics Portuguese Psychology Reading Religion Sociology Spanish Statistics Television Production Web Design World History Francese Geografia La geometria Tedesco Salute Scienza Integrata Matematica Intensa Italiano Giornalismo Lingua Scienza Marina Matematica Musica Orchestra Abilità Di Parenting Idoneità Personale Filosofia Formazione Fisica Scienza Fisica Fisica Portoghese Psicologia Lettura Religione Sociologia Spagnolo Statistiche Produzione Della Televisione Disegno Di Fotoricettore Storia Del Mondo Grade Translation for Jamaica Language Spoken: English Grades USA Equivalent A (90-100) Excellent B (80-89) Good C (70-79) Average D (60-69) Poor F (0-59) Levels Jamaica Primary A (90-100) Secondary Grades/Ages In USA Grade Age Forms I, II, III, IV, V 12 Senior 17/18 High School B (80-89) 11 Junior 16 High School C (65-79) 10 Sophomore 15 High School D (50-64) 9 Freshman 14 High School F (0-49) 6-8 Middle 11-13 School K-5 Elementary 5-10 School Diploma Awarded: High School Diploma - Technical High School Diploma - CXC – Caribbean Examination Council - GCE – General Certificate of Education Academic Year: September-June 1-6 Country Notes: After Form V, Jamaican students who are pursuing university education, take the official CXC or GCE exams. They need to pass at least (5) subjects, four (4) of which must be academic. Forms mean years of schooling. - 110 - Jamaica – General Course Names Language Spoken: English Accounting Acting Algebra American Government American History Anatomy Art Art History Astronomy Auto-mechanics Biology Business English Calculus Ceramics Chemistry Child Development Chorus Civics Computer Programming Construction Culinary Arts Drafting/Illustrative Design Drama Drawing Early Child Education Earth and Space Science Economics Engineering English Environmental Science French Geography Geometry German Health Integrated Science Intensive Mathematics Italian Journalism Language Marine Science Mathematics Music Orchestra Parenting Skills Personal Fitness Philosophy Physical Education Physical Science Physics Portuguese Psychology Reading Religion Sociology Spanish Statistics Television Production Web Design World History - 111 - Grade Translation for Japan Language Spoken: Japanese Grades USA Equivalent A (90-100) Excellent B (80-89) Good C (70-79) Average D (60-69) Poor F (0-59) Grades/Ages In USA Levels Japan Secondary Lower Upper Primary A 5 91-100 B 4 81-90 C 3 61-80 D 2 50-60 F 1 Below 50 1-6 7-9 10-12 Grade 12 Senior High School 11 Junior High School 10 Sophomore High School 9 Freshman High School 6-8 Middle School K-5 Elementary School Age 17/18 16 15 14 11-13 5-10 Diploma Awarded: Sotsugyó Shósho Academic Year: April-February Country Notes: There are three grading systems in Japan: A-E, 5-1, 10-1. High School is not compulsory, but 95% do attend. Private upper-secondary schools account for about 55% of all upper-secondary schools, and neither public nor private schools are free. The high school curriculum is very demanding. In successive international tests of mathematics, Japanese children consistently rank at or near the top. - 112 - Japan – General Course Names Language Spoken: Japanese Accounting Acting Algebra American Government American History Anatomy Art Art History Astronomy Auto-mechanics Biology Business English Calculus Ceramics Chemistry Child Development Chorus Civics Computer Programming Construction Culinary Arts Drafting/Illustrative Design Drama Drawing Early Child Education Earth and Space Science Economics Engineering English Environmental Science 会計 French Geography Geometry German Health Integrated Science Intensive Mathematics Italian Journalism Language Marine Science Mathematics Music Orchestra Parenting Skills Personal Fitness Philosophy Physical Education Physical Science Physics Portuguese Psychology Reading Religion Sociology Spanish Statistics Television Production Web Design World History 機能 代数学 米政 米史 解剖学 芸術 美術史 天文学 自動機械工 生物学 商売英語 微積分 製陶術 化学 児童の発育 合唱団 公民教育 電脳言語 構造 料理用芸術 起稿 戯曲 デッサン 早い子供の教育 地球及び宇宙科学 経済学 工学 英語 環境科学 - 113 - 仏語 地理学 幾何学 ドイツ語 健康 全休科学 集中的な数学 伊語 報道 言語 海洋科学 数学 音楽 交響楽 親腕 個人的な適性 哲学 体育 物理的な科学 物理学 ポルトガル語 心理学 読書 宗教 社会学 スペイン語 統計量 テレビの生産 網の設計 世界史 Grade Translation for South Korea Language Spoken: Korean Grades USA Equivalent A (90-100) Excellent B (80-89) Good C (70-79) Average D (60-69) Poor F (0-59) Grades/Ages In USA Levels Korea Secondary Middle High Primary A (90-100) Grade 12 Senior High School B (80-89) 11 Junior High School C (70-79) 10 Sophomore High School D (60-69) 9 Freshman High School F (59 or less) 6-8 Middle School K-5 Elementary School Diploma Awarded: “General High School Diploma” “Vocational High School Diploma” 1-6 7-9 1-3 Age 17/18 16 15 14 11-13 5-10 Academic Year: March-December Country Notes: Competition is fierce in education in South Korea. 97% of South Korea'n students complete high school, the highest percentage in any country.South Korea was the first country in the world to provide high-speed internet access from every school. English is considered one of the most important subjects; students begin learning English in the third year of elementary school. Passing through the grade levels is based upon the student's age until the final year of middle school when examination scores become very important to gain entrance into the top high schools. High schools teach students from 1st grade (age 17) to 3rd grade (age 19); most graduate at age 19. With up to 11 subjects, their curriculum is rigorous, as is the schedule. It is not abnormal for students to arrive home from school at midnight, after intensive "self-study" sessions supported by the school. - 114 - Korea – General Course Names - Language Spoken: Korean Accounting Acting Algebra American Government American History 회계 프랑스어 미국 역사 French Geography Geometry German Health Anatomy 해부학 Integrated Science 공동의 과학 Art Art History Astronomy Auto-mechanics Biology Business English Calculus Ceramics Chemistry Child Development Chorus Civics 예술 집중적인 수학 국민 윤리과 Intensive Mathematics Italian Journalism Language Marine Science Mathematics Music Orchestra Parenting Skills Personal Fitness Philosophy Physical Education Computer Programming 컴퓨터 프로그래밍 Physical Science 신체의 과학 Construction Culinary Arts Drafting/Illustrative Design Drama Drawing Early Child Education Earth and Space Science Economics Engineering English Environmental Science 건축 Physics Portuguese Psychology Reading Religion Sociology Spanish Statistics Television Production Web Design World History 물리학 행동 대수 미국 정부 예술 역사 천문학 자동차 정비사 생물학 상업 영어 미적분학 세라믹스 화학 아동 발달 합창 요리 예술 설계도를 그리는 설명적인 디자인 연극 그림 이른 아이 교육 지구와 우주 과학 경제 기술설계 영어 환경 과학 - 115 - 지리학 기하학 독어 건강 이탈리아어 신문업 언어 해양 과학 수학 음악 오케스트라 아이를 기르는 특기 개인 적당 철학 체육 포르투갈어 심리학 독서 종교 사회학 스페인어 통계 텔레비전 생산 웹 디자인 세계사 Grade Translation for Kuwait Language Spoken: Arabic Grades USA Equivalent A (90-100) Excellent B (80-89) Good C (70-79) Average D (60-69) Poor F (0-59) Grades/Ages In USA Levels Kuwait Primary A–4 Intermediate Secondary Education 1-4 1-4 B–3 C–2 D-1 1-4 Grade 12 Senior High School 11 Junior High School 10 Sophomore High School 9 Freshman High School 6-8 Middle School K-5 Elementary School Age 17/18 16 15 14 11-13 5-10 Diploma Awarded: Secondary School Certificate Academic Year: September-June Country Notes: Oil revenues have allowed Kuwait to build an extensive educational system, yielding a literacy rate of 93.3 percent. Schooling is compulsory between the ages of 6 and 14. Both public and private school systems exist, with public schooling from kindergarten to secondary education available free of charge. - 116 - Kuwait – General Course Names Language Spoken: Arabic Accounting Acting Algebra American Government American History Anatomy Art Art History Astronomy Auto-mechanics Biology Business English Calculus Ceramics Chemistry Child Development Chorus Civics Computer Programming Construction Culinary Arts Drafting/Illustrative Design Drama Drawing Early Child Education Earth and Space Science Economics Engineering English Environmental Science نف خيرات [وتوأ-]سكينشم ينيدم طيطختلا - 117 - French Geography Geometry German Health Integrated Science Intensive Mathematics Italian Journalism Language Marine Science Mathematics Music Orchestra Parenting Skills Personal Fitness Philosophy Physical Education Physical Science Physics Portuguese Psychology Reading Religion Sociology Spanish Statistics Television Production Web Design World History ةيفارغج ناسل باسحلا ملع ركف لاغتربلا دقتعم Grade Translation for Laos Language Spoken: Lao Grades USA Equivalent A (90-100) Excellent B (80-89) Good C (70-79) Average D (60-69) Poor F (0-59) Grades/Ages In USA Levels Laos Primary A (18-20) 1-5 Secondary Lower Upper 6-8 A- (16–17.9) B (14-15.9) B- (12-13.9) C (10-11.9) F (0-9.9) 9-11 Grade 12 Senior High School 11 Junior High School 10 Sophomore High School 9 Freshman High School 6-8 Middle School K-5 Elementary School Age 17/18 16 15 14 11-13 5-10 Diploma Awarded: Baccalauréat Academic Year: October-June OR September – July Country Notes: The official and dominant language is Lao, French, is common in government and commerce and is studied by many, while the study of English has increased in recent years. There are schools in nearly every village, most schools are poorly constructed--of bamboo and thatch--and staffed by only one or two teachers who are paid low wages. Many village schools have only one or two grades, and teaching materials are scarce. Because teachers are paid irregularly, they spend significant amounts of time in other livelihood activities, with the result that in many locations classes are actually held for only a few hours a day. For students who do not live in a provincial center, attendance at secondary school requires boarding away from home. - 118 - Laos – General Course Names - Language Spoken: Lao Accounting French Acting Geography Algebra Geometry American Government German American History Health Anatomy Integrated Science Art Intensive Mathematics Art History Italian Astronomy ດາຣາສາດ Journalism Auto-mechanics Language Biology Marine Science Business English ເລກ ງານ ໄມ Mathematics ພາສາ ເລກ Calculus Music Ceramics Orchestra Chemistry Parenting Skills Child Development Personal Fitness Chorus Philosophy Civics Physical Education ກອງຄຳສອນ Computer Programming Physical Science ກອງ Construction ໂຍທາ Physics Culinary Arts Portuguese Drafting/Illustrative Design Psychology - 119 - ກອງ ອາການກອງ Drama Reading Drawing ຂຽນ Religion Early Child Education ສາສນາ Sociology Earth and Space Science ໂລກ ຣະຍະ Spanish Economics ອອມ Statistics ອາດຈະ Engineering Television Production ຕອງ English Web Design ໂຈມຕອງ Environmental Science World History ໂລກ *Courses that do NOT show any translation is because they do not have the equivalent. - 120 - Grade Translation for Lebanon Language Spoken: Arabic Grades USA Equivalent Grades/Ages In USA Levels Lebanon Secondary Lower Upper Primary A (90-100) Excellent B (80-89) Good C (70-79) Average D (60-69) Poor F (0-59) A+ 18-20 1-5 Excellent A+ 16-17.9 Trés Bien A 14-15.9 Bien B 12-13.9 Assez Bien C 10-11.9 Passable D 8.5-9.9 Echec F Below 8.5 Echec Diploma Awarded: Baccalauréat Part II Certificate 1-4 1-3 Grade 12 Senior High School 11 Junior High School 10 Sophomore High School 9 Freshman High School 6-8 Middle School K-5 Elementary School Age 17/18 16 15 14 11-13 5-10 Academic Year: October-June Country Notes: Lebanese schools are required to follow a prescribed curriculum designed by the Ministry of Education. The main subjects taught are mathematics, sciences, history, civics, geography, Arabic, and at least one secondary language (either French or English). The subjects gradually increase in difficulty and in number. Students in Grade 11, for example, study up to eighteen different subjects. - 121 - Lebanon – General Course Names Language Spoken: Arabic Accounting Acting Algebra American Government American History Anatomy Art Art History Astronomy Auto-mechanics Biology Business English Calculus Ceramics Chemistry Child Development Chorus Civics Computer Programming Construction Culinary Arts Drafting/Illustrative Design Drama Drawing Early Child Education Earth and Space Science Economics Engineering English Environmental Science نف خيرات [وتوأ-]سكينشم ينيدم طيطختلا - 122 - French Geography Geometry German Health Integrated Science Intensive Mathematics Italian Journalism Language Marine Science Mathematics Music Orchestra Parenting Skills Personal Fitness Philosophy Physical Education Physical Science Physics Portuguese Psychology Reading Religion Sociology Spanish Statistics Television Production Web Design World History ةيفارغج ناسل باسحلا ملع ركف لاغتربلا دقتعم Grade Translation for Lithuania Language Spoken: Lithuanian Grades USA Equivalent Grades/Ages In USA Levels Lithuania A (90-100) Excellent B (80-89) Good C (70-79) Average D (60-69) Poor A (9-10) F (0-59) F (0-3) Primary Secondary Lower 1-8 9-12 B (7-8) C (4-6) Not Existent Grade 12 Senior High School 11 Junior High School 10 Sophomore High School 9 Freshman High School 6-8 Middle School K-5 Elementary School Age 17/18 16 15 14 11-13 5-10 Diploma Awarded: Attestat Zrelosti (Maturity Certificate) Academic Year: September-June Country Notes: 90% of Lithuanians speak at least one foreign language and half of the population speaks two foreign languages, mostly Russian and English or Polish. Most Lithuanian schools teach English as a first foreign language, but students may also study German, or, in some schools, French. Schools where Russian and Polish are the primary languages of education exist in the areas populated by these minorities. - 123 - Lithuania – General Course Names Language Spoken: Lithuanian Accounting Acting Algebra American Government American History Anatomy Art Art History Astronomy Auto-mechanics Biology Business English Calculus Ceramics Chemistry Child Development Chorus Civics Computer Programming Construction Culinary Arts Drafting/Illustrative Design Drama Drawing Early Child Education Earth and Space Science Economics Engineering English Environmental Science Atsakingumas Veikiantis Algebra Amerikietis Vyriausybė, Amerikietis Istorija,v Anatomija Menas Menas Istorija, Anatomija Mechanikas Automobilis, Biologija Anglas Reikalas Skaičiavimas Skaičiavimas Chemija Vaikas Augimas Choras Teisė Kompiuteris Programinis Statyba Kulinarija Apmesti Teatras Braižyba Vaikystė Išsimokslinimas, Kosminis Mokslas Ekonomika Inžinierius Anglas Aplinka Mokslas - 124 - French Geography Geometry German Health Integrated Science Intensive Mathematics Italian Journalism Language Marine Science Mathematics Music Orchestra Parenting Skills Personal Fitness Philosophy Physical Education Physical Science Physics Portuguese Psychology Reading Religion Sociology Spanish Statistics Television Production Web Design World History Prancūzas Geografija Geometrija Vokietis Sanitarinis Sudėtinis Mokslas Intensyvus Aritmetika Italijos, žurnalistika Kalba Jūra Mokslas Aritmetika Muzika Orkestras, Tėvas Meistriškumas Asmeninis Tinkamumas Filosofija Fizinis Išsimokslinimas, Fizinis Mokslas Fizika Portugalas Psichologija Perskaitymas Religija Sociologija Ispaniškas Statistinis Televizija Veikalas Voratinklis Dizainas Pasaulis Istorija, Grade Translation for Mexico Language Spoken: Spanish Grades Grades/Ages In USA Levels USA Equivalent A (90-100) Excellent B (80-89) Good C (70-79) Average D (60-69) Poor Mexico Primary Secondary Preparatory A (9.0-10) 1-6 1-3 or 4-6 1-3 Vocational Technical Normal 7 Grade 12 Senior High School Age 17/18 11 Junior 16 High School 10 Sophomore 15 C (7.0-7.9) High School 9 Freshman 14 D (6.0-6.9) High School 6-8 Middle 11-13 F (0-59) F (1.0-5.9) School K-5 Elementary 5-10 School Diploma Awarded: Academic track students earn the ‘Bachillerato” after year 5 or 6 of the preparatory stage. Vocational, Technical, and “Normal” teaching graduates earn a diploma listing a specialization after year 6 or 7 of the preparatory stage. Academic Year: September-June OR August - June B (8.0-8.9) Country Notes: I – Incomplete / NA – Not accredited Vocational, technical or normal high school – this is an academic track. Primary and secondary education (9 years) is free and mandatory. Mexico has a system of High School "distance-learning" (telesecundaria) through satellite communications to reach small rural and indigenous communities. There are approximately a million telesecundaria students in the country. - 125 - Mexico – General Course Names Language Spoken: Spanish Accounting Acting Algebra American Government American History Anatomy Art Art History Astronomy Auto-mechanics Biology Business English Calculus Ceramics Chemistry Child Development Chorus Civics Computer Programming Construction Culinary Arts Drafting/Illustrative Design Drama Drawing Early Child Education Earth and Space Science Economics Engineering English Environmental Science Contabilidad Actuación Álgebra Gobierno Americano Historia Americana Anatomía Arte Historia del Arte Astronomía Mecánica de Auto Biología Inglés Comercial Cálculo Cerámica Química Desarrollo Infantil Coro Civismo Programación de Computadoras Construcción Artes Culinarias Dibujo Técnico Drama Dibujo Educación Infantil Ciencia de la Tierra y el Espacio Economía Ingeniería Inglés Ciencias del Medioambiente - 126 - French Geography Geometry German Health Integrated Science Intensive Mathematics Italian Journalism Language Marine Science Mathematics Music Orchestra Parenting Skills Personal Fitness Philosophy Physical Education Physical Science Physics Portuguese Psychology Reading Religion Sociology Spanish Statistics Television Production Web Design World History Francés Geografía Geometría Alemán Salud Ciencia Integrada Matemática Intensiva Italiano Periodismo Lenguaje Ciencia Marina Matemáticas Musica Orquesta Destrezas de ser Padres Condicionamiento Físico Filosofía Educación Física Ciencia Física Física Portugués Psicología Lectura Religión Sociología Español Estadísticas Producción de Televisión Diseño de Página de Internet Historia del Mundo Grade Translation for the Netherlands / Holland Language Spoken: Dutch Grades USA Equivalent The Netherlands / Holland A (90-100) Excellent B (80-89) Good C (70-79) Average A+ 9-10 Excellent A 8 Good B 7 Sufficient Satisfactory C 6 Sufficient Satisfactory D 5 Conditional Pass F 1-4 Inferior D (60-69) Poor F (0-59) Grades/Ages In USA Levels Primary Secondary Grade 1-6 7-12 12 Senior High School 11 Junior High School 10 Sophomore High School 9 Freshman High School 6-8 Middle School K-5 Elementary School Age 17/18 16 15 14 11-13 5-10 Diploma Awarded: Voorbereidend welenschappelijk onderwijs (VWO) Academic Year: August-June OR September - June Country Notes: School is compulsory from ages 6-16. Various types of secondary education exist. The 4-year high school (HAVO), the 6-year gymnasium, or the 6-year atheneum follows elementary school. The last two are university preparatory schools. There are government financed Catholic, Protestant, Jewish and Muslim elementary schools and high schools. - 127 - The Netherlands / Holland – General Course Names Language Spoken: Dutch Accounting Acting Algebra American Government American History Anatomy Art Art History Astronomy Auto-mechanics Biology Business English Calculus Ceramics Chemistry Child Development Chorus Civics Computer Programming Construction Culinary Arts Drafting/Illustrative Design Drama Drawing Early Child Education Earth and Space Science Economics Engineering English Environmental Science Boekhouding Acteren Algebra Amerikaanse Overheid Amerikaanse Geschiedenis Anatomie Art Art Historie Astronomie Auto Werktuigkundige Biologie Zaken het Engels Rekening Keramiek Chemie Kind Ontwikkeling Chorus Burger Computer het Programing Bouw Culinaire Arts Het Opstellen Drama Tekening Vroeg Kindonderwijs Aarde en Ruimtewetenschap Economie Techniek Engels Milieu Wetenschap - 128 - French Geography Geometry German Health Integrated Science Intensive Mathematics Italian Journalism Language Marine Science Mathematics Music Orchestra Parenting Skills Personal Fitness Philosophy Physical Education Physical Science Physics Portuguese Psychology Reading Religion Sociology Spanish Statistics Television Production Web Design World History Frans Aardrijkskunde Meetkunde Duits Gezondheid Geïntegreerde Wetenschap Intensieve Math Italiaans Journalistiek Taal Mariene Wetenschap Math Muziek Orkest Parenting Vaardigheden Persoonlijke Geschiktheid Filosofie Lichamelijke Opvoeding Fysieke Wetenschap Fysica Brazilië Spraak Psychologie Lazing Religie Sociologie Spaans Statistieken De Productie van de televisie Web Aanwijzen Wereld Historie Grade Translation for Nicaragua Language Spoken: Spanish Grades Grades/Ages In USA Levels USA Equivalent A (90-100) Excellent B (80-89) Good C (70-79) Average D (60-69) Poor F (0-59) Nicaragua Primary 91-100 Excellent 71-90 Very Good 51-70 Good 31-50 Pass 0-30 Fail Secondary Secondary Diversified Basic Grade Age 12 Senior 17/18 High School 11 Junior 16 High School 10 Sophomore 15 High School 9 Freshman 14 High School 6-8 Middle 11-13 School K-5 Elementary 5-10 School Diploma Awarded: “Bachiller” or “Diploma de Conclusión de Estudios del Ciclo Diversificado” after year 5 of diversified cycle for academic track students. “Bachiller Técnico, Técnico Medio, Maestro de Educación Primaria” for technical, specialized students. Academic Year: February-November OR March- December 1-6 1-3 4-6 Country Notes: Elementary education is free and compulsory however, many children in rural areas are unable to attend due to lack of schools. - 129 - Nicaragua – General Course Names Language Spoken: Spanish Accounting Acting Algebra American Government American History Anatomy Art Art History Astronomy Auto-mechanics Biology Business English Calculus Ceramics Chemistry Child Development Chorus Civics Computer Programming Construction Culinary Arts Drafting/Illustrative Design Drama Drawing Early Child Education Earth and Space Science Economics Engineering English Environmental Science Contabilidad Actuación Álgebra Gobierno Americano Historia Americana Anatomía Arte Historia del Arte Astronomía Mecánica de Auto Biología Inglés Comercial Cálculo Cerámica Química Desarrollo Infantil Coro Civismo Programación de Computadoras Construcción Artes Culinarias Dibujo Técnico Drama Dibujo Educación Infantil Ciencía de la Tierra y el Espacio Economía Ingeniería Inglés Ciencias del Medioambiente - 130 - French Geography Geometry German Health Integrated Science Intensive Mathematics Italian Journalism Language Marine Science Mathematics Music Orchestra Parenting Skills Personal Fitness Philosophy Physical Education Physical Science Physics Portuguese Psychology Reading Religion Sociology Spanish Statistics Television Production Web Design World History Francés Geografía Geometría Alemán Salud Ciencia Integrada Matemática Intensiva Italiano Periodismo Lenguaje Ciencia Marina Matemáticas Musica Orquesta Destrezas de ser Padres Condicionamiento Físico Filosofía Educación Física Ciencia Física Física Portugués Psicología Lectura Religión Sociología Español Estadísticas Producción de Televisión Diseño de Página de Internet Historia del Mundo Grade Translation for Nigeria Language Spoken: English Grades USA Equivalent A (90-100) Excellent B (80-89) Good C (70-79) Average D (60-69) Poor F (0-59) Grades/Ages In USA Levels Nigeria 1 A Excellent 2 A Very Good 3-4 B Good 5 B-/C+ Credit 6 C 7 D 8 Pass Primary Grammar School 1-6 Forms I-V 9 F Grade 12 Senior High School 11 Junior High School 10 Sophomore High School 9 Freshman High School 6-8 Middle School K-5 Elementary School Age 17/18 16 15 14 11-13 5-10 Diploma Awarded: West African School Certificate (WASC) General Certificate of Education “O” Level Exams Academic Year: October-June Country Notes: Nigeria provides free, government-supported education, but attendance is not compulsory at any level. Certain groups, such as nomads and the handicapped, are under-served. The rate of secondary school attendance is 32 percent for males and 27 percent for females. In Nigeria 510 languages are spoken. In some areas of Nigeria, ethnic groups speak more than one language. The official language of Nigeria, English, was chosen to facilitate the cultural and linguistic unity of the country. British colonization ended in 1960. - 131 - Nigeria – General Course Names Language Spoken: English Accounting Acting Algebra American Government American History Anatomy Art Art History Astronomy Auto-mechanics Biology Business English Calculus Ceramics Chemistry Child Development Chorus Civics Computer Programming Construction Culinary Arts Drafting/Illustrative Design Drama Drawing Early Child Education Earth and Space Science Economics Engineering English Environmental Science French Geography Geometry German Health Integrated Science Intensive Mathematics Italian Journalism Language Marine Science Mathematics Music Orchestra Parenting Skills Personal Fitness Philosophy Physical Education Physical Science Physics Portuguese Psychology Reading Religion Sociology Spanish Statistics Television Production Web Design World History - 132 - Grade Translation for Norway Language Spoken: Bokmal Norwegian or Nynorsk Norwegian Grades Grades/Ages In USA Levels USA Equivalent Norway Primary Barneskole A (90-100) Excellent B (80-89) Good C (70-79) Average D (60-69) Poor F (0-59) 6 sg Excellent 5 mg Very Good 4 g Good 3 ng Passable 2 lg Barely passing 1 ig Failure 1-6 Secondary Lower Upper Ungdomsskole Videregaendeskole 7-9 10-12 Grade 12 Senior High School 11 Junior High School 10 Sophomore High School 9 Freshman High School 6-8 Middle School K-5 Elementary School Age 17/18 16 15 14 11-13 5-10 Diploma Awarded: Vitneman FranDen Videregaende Skolen Academic Year: August-June Country Notes: Students can attend upper secondary or tech school Compulsory education starts at 16. English is a required subject from ages 10 to 16, and students choose another foreign language (usually French or German) which they study from ages 10 to 16. - 133 - Norway – General Course Names Language Spoken: Bokmal Norwegian or Nynorsk Norwegian Accounting Acting Algebra American Government American History Anatomy Art Art History Astronomy Auto-mechanics Biology Business English Calculus Ceramics Chemistry Child Development Chorus Civics Computer Programming Construction Culinary Arts Drafting/Illustrative Design Drama Drawing Early Child Education Earth and Space Science Economics Engineering English Environmental Science Bokføring Å fungering Algebra Amerikansk Myndighet Amerikansk Historie Anatomi Kunst Kunst Historie Astromoni AutoMekanikere Biologi ForretningsEngelsk Calculus Keramisk Kjemi BarnUtvikling Kor Plikt Datamaskin Programmerer Konstruksjon Culinary Kunster Utarbeide/illustrativ Design Drama Tegning Tidlig barnUtdannelse Jord og Skiller Vitenskap Økonomi Ingeniørarbeid Engelsk Miljøbestemt Vitenskap - 134 - French Geography Geometry German Health Integrated Science Intensive Mathematics Italian Journalism Language Marine Science Mathematics Music Orchestra Parenting Skills Personal Fitness Philosophy Physical Education Physical Science Physics Portuguese Psychology Reading Religion Sociology Spanish Statistics Television Production Web Design World History Fransk Geografi Geometri Tysk Helse Integrert Vitenskap Intensiv Matematikk Italiener Journalistikk Språk Marin Vitenskap Matematikk Musikk Orkester Parenting Ferdigheter Personlig Helse Fylosofie Fysisk Utdannelse Fysisk Vitenskap Fysikk Portugisisk Psykologi Lesning Religion Sosiologi Spansk Statistikk FjernsynsProduksjon VevDesign VerdenHistorie Grade Translation for Pakistan Language Spoken: Urdu Grades Grades/Ages In USA Levels USA Equivalent A (90-100) Excellent B (80-89) Good C (70-79) Average D (60-69) Poor F (0-59) Pakistan Primary Middle Secondary A 60-100 Division I B 55-59.9 Division II C 45—54.9 Division II Lower D 33-44.9 Division III F Below 33 Fail Intermediate or Higher Secondary Grade 12 Senior High School 11 Junior High School 10 Sophomore High School 9 Freshman High School 6-8 Middle School K-5 Elementary School Diploma Awarded: Higher School Certificate (H.S.C.) or Intermediate Certificate (I.C.) I-V VI-VIII IX-X XI-XII Age 17/18 16 15 14 11-13 5-10 Academic Year: April-March OR September-August Country Notes: Pakistan also has a parallel secondary school education system in private schools, which is based upon the curriculum set by the University of Cambridge. Students take the O level and A level exams, which are administered by the British Council. - 135 - Pakistan – General Course Names - Language Spoken: Urdu Accounting Acting Algebra American Government American History Anatomy Art Art History French Geography Geometry German Health Integrated Science Intensive Mathematics Italian Astronomy Journalism Auto-mechanics Biology Business English Calculus Ceramics Chemistry Child Development Chorus Civics Computer Programming Construction Culinary Arts Drafting/Illustrative Design Drama Drawing Early Child Education Earth and Space Science Economics Engineering Language Marine Science Mathematics Music Orchestra Parenting Skills Personal Fitness Philosophy Physical Education Physical Science Physics Portuguese Psychology Reading Religion Sociology Spanish Statistics Television Production English Web Design Environmental Science World History - 136 - Grade Translation for Panama Language Spoken: Spanish Grades Grades/Ages In USA Levels USA Equivalent A (90-100) Excellent B (80-89) Good C (70-79) Average D (60-69) Poor Panama Primary Cycles Seconday Diversified Basic Grade Age 12 Senior 17/18 High School 11 Junior 16 B (4-4.5) High School 10 Sophomore 15 C (3-3.5) High School 9 Freshman 14 D (2-2.5) High School 6-8 Middle 11-13 F (0-59) F (0-2.0) School K-5 Elementary 5-10 School Diploma Awarded: “Bachiller” or “Maestro” depending on academic track or “Perito” if a vocational student. Academic Year: March-November A (5) 1-6 1-3 4-6 Country Notes: The duration of compulsory education is 11 years, including preschool education from four to five years of age. Panama’s rate of literacy exceeds 93 percent and has established special education courses for handicapped children. - 137 - Panama – General Course Names Language Spoken: Spanish Accounting Acting Algebra American Government American History Anatomy Art Art History Astronomy Auto-mechanics Biology Business English Calculus Ceramics Chemistry Child Development Chorus Civics Computer Programming Construction Culinary Arts Drafting/Illustrative Design Drama Drawing Early Child Education Earth and Space Science Economics Engineering English Environmental Science Contabilidad Actuación Álgebra Gobierno Americano Historia Americana Anatomía Arte Historia del Arte Astronomía Mecánica de Auto Biología Inglés Comercial Cálculo Cerámica Química Desarrollo Infantil Coro Civismo Programación de Computadoras Construcción Artes Culinarios Dibujo Técnico Drama Dibujo Educación Infantil Ciencia de la Tierra y el Espacio Economía Ingeniería Inglés Ciencias del Medioambiente - 138 - French Geography Geometry German Health Integrated Science Intensive Mathematics Italian Journalism Language Marine Science Mathematics Music Orchestra Parenting Skills Personal Fitness Philosophy Physical Education Physical Science Physics Portuguese Psychology Reading Religion Sociology Spanish Statistics Television Production Web Design World History Francés Geografía Geometría Alemán Salud Ciencia Integrada Matemática Intensiva Italiano Periodismo Lenguaje Ciencia Marina Matemáticas Música Orquesta Destrezas de ser Padres Condicionamiento Físico Filosofía Educación Física Ciencia Física Física Portugués Psicología Lectura Religión Sociología Español Estadísticas Producción de Televisión Diseño de Página de Internet Historia del Mundo Grade Translation for Paraguay Language Spoken: Spanish Grades USA Equivalent A (90-100) Excellent B (80-89) Good C (70-79) Average D (60-69) Poor F (0-59) Grades/Ages In USA Levels Paraguay A (5) Primary Secondary 1-6 1-6 B (4) C (3) D (2) F (1) Grade 12 Senior High School 11 Junior High School 10 Sophomore High School 9 Freshman High School 6-8 Middle School K-5 Elementary School Age 17/18 16 15 14 11-13 5-10 Diploma Awarded: Bachiller Academic Year: March-December Country Notes: Paraguay is the only truly bilingual country in South America. Guaraní and Spanish are both official languages. The Guaraní language is spoken by up to 90% of the population which has contributed to educational difficulties, thus a bilingual program to help native Guaraní-speaking children progressively gain oral and written skills in Spanish after entering school has been established. - 139 - Paraguay – General Course Names Language Spoken: Spanish Accounting Acting Algebra American Government American History Anatomy Art Art History Astronomy Auto-mechanics Biology Business English Calculus Ceramics Chemistry Child Development Chorus Civics Computer Programming Construction Culinary Arts Drafting/Illustrative Design Drama Drawing Early Child Education Earth and Space Science Economics Engineering English Environmental Science Contabilidad Actuación Álgebra Gobierno Americano Historia Americana Anatomía Arte Historia del Arte Astronomía Mecánica de Auto Biología Inglés Comercial Cálculo Cerámica Química Desarrollo Infantil Coro Civismo Programación de Computadoras Construcción Artes Culinarias Dibujo Técnico Drama Dibujo Educación Infantil Ciencia de la Tierra y el Espacio Economía Ingeniería Inglés Ciencias del Medioambiente - 140 - French Geography Geometry German Health Integrated Science Intensive Mathematics Italian Journalism Language Marine Science Mathematics Music Orchestra Parenting Skills Personal Fitness Philosophy Physical Education Physical Science Physics Portuguese Psychology Reading Religion Sociology Spanish Statistics Television Production Web Design World History Francés Geografía Geometría Alemán Salud Ciencia Integrada Matemática Intensiva Italiano Periodismo Lenguaje Ciencia Marina Matemáticas Musica Orquesta Destrezas de ser Padres Condicionamiento Físico Filosofía Educación Física Ciencia Física Física Portugués Psicología Lectura Religión Sociología Español Estadísticas Producción de Televisión Diseño de Página de Internet Historia del Mundo Grade Translation for Peru Language Spoken: Spanish Grades Grades/Ages In USA Levels USA Equivalent A (90-100) Excellent B (80-89) Good C (70-79) Average D (60-69) Poor F (0-59) Peru A (16-20) B (14-15) C (13-3.5) D (11-12) Reform System 1972 - Present Basic Secondary Education Cycle Cycle Cycle ESEP 1 II III Cycle I 1-4 5-6 7-9 1-4 New System Introduced Gradually from 1982 Seconday Primary Lower Higher 1-6 1-2 F (0-10) 3-5 Grade 12 Senior High School 11 Junior High School 10 Sophomore High School 9 Freshman High School 6-8 Middle School K-5 Elementary School Age 17/18 16 15 14 11-13 5-10 Diploma Awarded: Bachiller Profesional ESEP Cycle I Academic Year: March-January OR April-December Country Notes: ESEP – Escuelas Superiores de Educación Profesional – Higher Schools of Professional Education. As of 2008, various institutions such as UNESCO, World Bank, and the Inter-American Development Bank have stated that Peru has the best education system in Latin America and that primary, secondary, and superior education attendance rates are the highest in Latin America. - 141 - Peru – General Course Names Language Spoken: Spanish Accounting Acting Algebra American Government American History Anatomy Art Art History Astronomy Auto-mechanics Biology Business English Calculus Ceramics Chemistry Child Development Chorus Civics Computer Programming Construction Culinary Arts Drafting/Illustrative Design Drama Drawing Early Child Education Earth and Space Science Economics Engineering English Environmental Science Contabilidad Actuación Álgebra Gobierno Americano Historia Americana Anatomía Arte Historia del Arte Astronomía Mecánica de Auto Biología Inglés Comercial Cálculo Cerámica Química Desarrollo Infantil Coro Civismo Programación de Computadoras Construcción Artes Culinarias Dibujo Técnico Drama Dibujo Educación Infantil Ciencia de la Tierra y el Espacio Economía Ingeniería Inglés Ciencias del Medioambiente - 142 - French Geography Geometry German Health Integrated Science Intensive Mathematics Italian Journalism Language Marine Science Mathematics Music Orchestra Parenting Skills Personal Fitness Philosophy Physical Education Physical Science Physics Portuguese Psychology Reading Religion Sociology Spanish Statistics Television Production Web Design World History Francés Geografía Geometría Alemán Salud Ciencia Integrada Matemática Intensiva Italiano Periodismo Lenguaje Ciencia Marina Matemáticas Musica Orquesta Destrezas de ser Padres Condicionamiento Físico Filosofía Educación Física Ciencía Física Física Portugués Psicología Lectura Religión Sociología Español Estadísticas Producción de Televisión Diseño de Página de Internet Historia del Mundo Grade Translation for Philippines Language Spoken: Tagalog Grades USA Equivalent A (90-100) Excellent B (80-89) Good C (70-79) Average D (60-69) Poor Grades/Ages In USA Levels Prilippines Primary Secondary Grade Age 12 Senior 17/18 A (91-100) High School 11 Junior 16 B (90-85) High School 10 Sophomore 15 C (80-84) High School 9 Freshman 14 D (75-79) High School 6-8 Middle 11-13 F (0-59) F (0-74) School K-5 Elementary 5-10 School Diploma Awarded: High School Diploma and a score of 75% on National College Entrance Examination (NCEE) Academic Year: June-March 1-6 1-4 Country Notes: Most Filipino students attend private schools, the majority of which are run by Catholic institutions (about 90%), the remainder being mainly Chinese schools. These schools have a standard of education at least as good as that of an average American school. If a student fails one subject (usually below 75% mark), he or she has to repeat the subject during the following school year. If a student fails in three subjects, he or she has to repeat the whole school year. Subject choice: In comparison with U.S. high schools, there are very few elective subjects. Mandatory subjects are Philippine History, Philippine Government, English, Filipino, Mathematics, Natural Sciences, Arts, Physical Education and Military Training. The Filipinos consider English as their second language and English is mandatory from nursery (age 4) onwards. - 143 - Philippinnes – General Course Names Language Spoken: Tagalog Accounting Acting Algebra American Government American History Anatomy Art Art History Astronomy Auto-mechanics Biology Business English Calculus Ceramics Chemistry Child Development Chorus Civics Computer Programming Construction Culinary Arts Drafting/Illustrative Design Drama Drawing Early Child Education Earth and Space Science Economics Engineering English Environmental Science Tuusan Kumikilos Algebra Gobiyerno Amerikano Istorya Amerikana Anatomiya Arte Istorya yari sa Arte Astronomiya Awto Mekanika Biologiya Inggles Gawain Kalkul Karamik Kimika Kabataan Pagtubo Koro Simulain ng Pgkamamayan Palatuntunan Kompyuter Konstruksyon Luto Ilustrasyon Drama Krokis Musmos pinag-aralan Kalawakan Siyensiya Ekonomya pag-iinhinyero Inggles Siyensiya - 144 - French Geography Geometry German Health Integrated Science Intensive Mathematics Italian Journalism Language Marine Science Mathematics Music Orchestra Parenting Skills Personal Fitness Philosophy Physical Education Physical Science Physics Portuguese Psychology Reading Religion Sociology Spanish Statistics Television Production Web Design World History Pranses Heograpya Heometrya Aleman Kalusugan Siyensiya Matematika masidhi Italiyano Periyodismo Idyoma Siyensiya Matematika Musika Orkesta Magulang kasanayan Pagkamarapat Personal Pilosopya pinag-aralan Siyensiya Pisika Portages Sikolohiya Pagbasa Relihiyon Sosyolohiya Espanyol Estatistika Produksyon ng telebisyon Disenyo ng Bahay-alalawa Istorya Laganap Grade Translation for Poland Language Spoken: Polish Grades USA Equivalent A (90-100) Excellent B (80-89) Good C (70-79) Average D (60-69) Poor F (0-59) Levels Poland Primary 6 Celujacy Excellent 5 Bardzo Dobry Very Good 4 Dobry Good 3 Dostateczny Satisfactory 2 Miermy Barely Passing 1 Niedostateczny Unsatisfactory Secondary Grades/Ages In USA Grade 12 Senior High School 11 Junior High School 10 Sophomore High School 9 Freshman High School 6-8 Middle School K-5 Elementary School Diploma Awarded: Maturity Certificate – “Swiadectwo Ukanczenia” “Zasadniczeg Szkoly Zawodowej” (Certificate of completion of General Secondary School) Academic Year: September-June 1-3 Gymnasium 1-3 Liceum 1-6 Age 17/18 16 15 14 11-13 5-10 Country Notes: Poland established the world's first state ministry of education in 1773. Because getting a 1 in any subject means that the student has to repeat the year, including all subjects that were passed, teachers are reluctant to give a failing grade and usually allow some form of special examination to correct the grade to 2. For the same reason, the failing grades are usually only given in the "important" subjects (like Polish language or mathematics). - 145 - Poland – General Course Names Language Spoken: Polish Accounting Acting Algebra American Government American History Anatomy Art Art History Astronomy Auto-mechanics Biology Business English Calculus Ceramics Chemistry Child Development Chorus Civics Computer Programming Construction Culinary Arts Drafting/Illustrative Design Drama Drawing Early Child Education Earth and Space Science Economics Engineering English Environmental Science Księgowość Dzialanie Algebra Amerykanski Rzad Amerykanski Historia Anatomia Sztuka Sztuka Historia Astronomia Samochod Mechanics Biologia Biznes Angielski Kamień Nerkowy Ceramika Chemia Dzieciństwo Rozwój Chorem Teoria Praw Obywatelskich Computer Programowanie Budowa Sztuka Kulinarna Kreślarstwo Dramat Rysunek Dzieciństwo Wyksztalcenie Przestrzeń Nauka Ekonomika Inzynieria Angielski Środowiskowy Nauka - 146 - French Geography Geometry German Health Integrated Science Intensive Mathematics Italian Journalism Language Marine Science Mathematics Music Orchestra Parenting Skills Personal Fitness Philosophy Physical Education Physical Science Physics Portuguese Psychology Reading Religion Sociology Spanish Statistics Television Production Web Design World History Francuski Geografia Geometria Niemiec Zdrowie Całkować Nauka Wzmozony Matematyka Wloch Dziennikarstwo Jezyk Nauka Marynarka Matematyka Muzyka Orkiestra Rodziciel Wprawa Gimnastyka Osobisty Filozofia Fizyczny Wyksztalcenie Fizyczny Nauka Fizyka Portugalczyk Psychologia Czytanie Religia Socjologia Hiszpanski Statystyka Telewizja Produkcja Pajeczyna Przeznaczac Historia Grade Translation for Portugal Language Spoken: Portuguese Grades USA Equivalent Grades/Ages In USA Levels Portugal Basic A (90-100) Excellent A-5 19-20 B (80-89) Good C (70-79) Average D (60-69) Poor B-4 16-18 C-3 13-15 D-2 10-12 F-1 0-9 Secondary st 1 Stage 1-4 2nd Stage 5-6 3rd Stage 7-9 10-12 Grade 12 Senior High School Age 17/18 11 Junior 16 High School 10 Sophomore 15 High School 9 Freshman 14 High School 6-8 Middle 11-13 F (0-59) School K-5 Elementary 5-10 School Diploma Awarded: Certidão do curso complementar, Certidão do Décimo Segundo Ano, Certidão do Ensino Secundário Academic Year: September-July Country Notes: The educational system is divided into preschool (for those under age 6), basic education (9 years, in three stages, compulsory), and secondary education (3 years, till the 12th grade). The curriculum is general education until the 9thyear, after which the Portuguese General Education system branches out into different secondary programs, one higher education-oriented and the other work-oriented (technological secondary courses). - 147 - Portugal – General Course Names Language Spoken: Portuguese Accounting Acting Algebra American Government American History Anatomy Art Art History Astronomy Auto-mechanics Biology Business English Calculus Ceramics Chemistry Child Development Chorus Civics Computer Programming Construction Culinary Arts Drafting/Illustrative Design Drama Drawing Early Child Education Earth and Space Science Economics Engineering English Environmental Science Contabilidade Atuação Álgebra Governo Americano História Americana Anatomia Arte História Arte Astronomia Auto Mecânica Biologia Inglês de Negócios Cálculo Cerâmica Química Desenvolvimento Infantil Coro educação cívica Programação de Computador Construção Artes Culinárias Esboçar/Ilustrativo Desenho Drama Desenho Primeira Educação Infantil Ciência Terrestre e Espacial Economia Engenharia Inglês Ciência Ambiental - 148 - French Geography Geometry German Health Integrated Science Intensive Mathematics Italian Journalism Language Marine Science Mathematics Music Orchestra Parenting Skills Personal Fitness Philosophy Physical Education Physical Science Physics Portuguese Psychology Reading Religion Sociology Spanish Statistics Television Production Web Design World History Francês Geografia Geometria Alemão Saúde Ciência Integrada Matemática Intensiva Italiano Jornalismo Idioma Ciência Maritima Matemática Música Orquestra Habilidades de Cuidados Paternais Aptidão Pessoal Filosofia Educação Fisica Ciência Física Física Português Psicologia Leitura Religião Sociologia Espanhol Estatística Produção de Televisão Desenho de Web História Mundial Grade Translation for Puerto Rico Language Spoken: Spanish Grades USA Equivalent Grades/Ages In USA Levels Puerto Rico A (90-100) Excellent B (80-89) Good C (70-79) Average D (60-69) Poor Primary Intermediate or Jr. High Escuela Superior Grade 12 Senior A (90-100) High School 11 Junior B (80-89) High School 10 Sophomore C (70-79) High School 9 Freshman D (60-69) High School 6-8 Middle F (0-59) F (0-59) School K-5 Elementary School Diploma Awarded: “Diploma de Escuela Superior” OR High School Diploma 1-6 7-9 10-12 Age 17/18 16 15 14 11-13 5-10 Academic Year: August-May Country Notes: Free public education is provided by the government of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico for elementary, intermediate and high-school students. Unlike most schools in the United States, public school instruction in Puerto Rico is conducted entirely in Spanish. English is taught as a second language from the fisrt grade and is a compulsory subject at all levels. Students must attend Pre-School before going into Kindergarten. - 149 - Puerto Rico – General Course Names Language Spoken: Spanish Accounting Acting Algebra American Government American History Anatomy Art Art History Astronomy Auto-mechanics Biology Business English Calculus Ceramics Chemistry Child Development Chorus Civics Computer Programming Construction Culinary Arts Drafting/Illustrative Design Drama Drawing Early Child Education Earth and Space Science Economics Engineering English Environmental Science Contabilidad Actuación Álgebra Gobierno Americano Historia Americana Anatomía Arte Historia del Arte Astronomía Mecánica de Auto Biología Inglés Comercial Cálculo Cerámica Química Desarrollo Infantil Coro Civismo Programación de Computadoras Construcción Artes Culinarias Dibujo Técnico Drama Dibujo Educación Infantil Ciencia de la Tierra y el Espacio Economía Ingeniería Inglés Ciencias del Medioambiente - 150 - French Geography Geometry German Health Integrated Science Intensive Mathematics Italian Journalism Language Marine Science Mathematics Music Orchestra Parenting Skills Personal Fitness Philosophy Physical Education Physical Science Physics Portuguese Psychology Reading Religion Sociology Spanish Statistics Television Production Web Design World History Francés Geografía Geometría Alemán Salud Ciencia Integrada Matemática Intensiva Italiano Periodismo Lenguaje Ciencia Marina Matemáticas Musica Orquesta Destrezas de ser Padres Condicionamiento Físico Filosofía Educación Física Ciencia Física Física Portugués Psicología Lectura Religión Sociología Español Estadísticas Producción de Televisión Diseño de Página de Internet Historia del Mundo Grade Translation for Romania Language Spoken: Romanian Grades USA Equivalent A (90-100) Excellent B (80-89) Good C (70-79) Average D (60-69) Poor Grades/Ages In USA Levels Romania Primary Secondary Grade 12 Senior A (9-10) High School 11 Junior B (7-8) High School 10 Sophomore C (5-6) High School 9 Freshman D (4.5-4.9) High School 6-8 Middle F (0-59) F (0-4) School K-5 Elementary School Diploma Awarded: Maturity Exam or Diploma/ Certificat de Bacalaureat 1-7 1-4 Age 17/18 16 15 14 11-13 5-10 Academic Year: September-July OR October - June Country Notes: Romanian high school curricula have recently been restructured. In 2006, the theory of evolution, which has been taught since the country's Communist era, has been dropped from the compulsory curriculum nationwide. Instead, students are taught 7-day Creationism in Orthodox religion classes. - 151 - Romania – General Course Names Language Spoken: Romanian Accounting Acting Algebra American Government American History Anatomy Art Art History Astronomy Auto-mechanics Biology Business English Calculus Ceramics Chemistry Child Development Chorus Civics Computer Programming Construction Culinary Arts Drafting/Illustrative Design Drama Drawing Early Child Education Earth and Space Science Economics Engineering English Environmental Science Contabilitate Joc Algebră Govern Americănesc Istorie Americănesc Anatomie Artă Istorie Artă Astronomie Auto Mecanică Biologie Enlezesc Commercial Calcul Ceramică Chimie Dezvoltare Juvenile Cor Instrucţie Civică Programmatic lui Computer Construcţie Artă Culinary Schiţă Piesă Desen Educaţie Copil Ştiinţă Spaţiu Economie Inginerie Enlezesc Ştiinţă ambianţă - 152 - French Geography Geometry German Health Integrated Science Intensive Mathematics Italian Journalism Language Marine Science Mathematics Music Orchestra Parenting Skills Personal Fitness Philosophy Physical Education Physical Science Physics Portuguese Psychology Reading Religion Sociology Spanish Statistics Television Production Web Design World History Franţuzesc Geografie Geometrie German Sănătate Ştiinţă General Matematică Intensive Italian Jurnalistică Limbă Ştiinţă Marin Matematică Muzică Orchestră Abilitate Părinţi Condiţie Fizică Personal Filozofie Educaţie Fizic Fizic Ştiinţă Fizic Portughez Psihologie Lectură Religie Sociologie Spaniel Statistică Producer Televiziune Desen lui Tesătură Istorie Mondial Grade Translation for Russia Language Spoken: Russian Grades Grades/Ages In USA Levels USA Equivalent A (90-100) Excellent B (80-89) Good C (70-79) Average D (60-69) Poor Russia Upper Lower Secondary Elementary Secondary (Gymnasium, Lycee) Grade Age 12 Senior 17/18 High School 11 Junior 16 B 2 High School 10 Sophomore 15 C 3 High School 9 Freshman 14 D 4 High School 6-8 Middle 11-13 F (0-59) F 5 School K-5 Elementary 5-10 School Diploma Awarded: Maturity Certificate from General Secondary School “Attestato Srednem Obrazovanii” Secondary Vocational School “Ne-Tekhnishcha” Secondary Specialized School “Tekhnikumi” Maturity Certificate from General Secondary School “Attestato Srednem Obrazovanii” Secondary Vocational School “Ne-Tekhnishcha” Secondary Specialized School “Tekhnikumi” Academic Year: September-June A 1 1-4 5-9 10-11 Country Notes: Russia has a free education system and has a literacy rate of 99.4%. Entry to higher education is highly competitive. As a result of great emphasis on science and technology in education, Russian medical, mathematical, scientific, and space and aviation research is generally of a high order. Russian grants a universal right to higher education free of charge through competitive entry. - 153 - Russia – General Course Names Language Spoken: Russian Accounting Acting Algebra American Government American History Anatomy Art Art History Astronomy Auto-mechanics Biology Business English Calculus Ceramics Chemistry Child Development Chorus Civics Computer Programming Construction Culinary Arts Drafting/Illustrative Design Drama Drawing Early Child Education Earth and Space Science Economics Engineering English Environmental Science Бухгалтерский учет Действие Алгебра Американское Правительство Американская История Анатомия Искусство Искусство История Астрономия Авто Механика Биология Деловой английский язык Исчисление Керамика Химия Детское Развитие Хор Гражданские дела Программирование Строительство Кулинария Проект Составления Драма Рисование Раннее Детское Образование Земная и Космическая Наука Экономика Разработка Английский язык Экологическая Наука - 154 - French Geography Geometry German Health Integrated Science Intensive Mathematics Italian Journalism Language Marine Science Mathematics Music Orchestra Parenting Skills Personal Fitness Philosophy Physical Education Physical Science Physics Portuguese Psychology Reading Religion Sociology Spanish Statistics Television Production Web Design World History Французский язык География Геометрия Немецкий язык Здоровье Интегрированная Наука Интенсивная Математика Итальянский язык Журналистика Язык Морская Наука Математика Музыка Оркестр Навыки Воспитания Личная Пригодность Философия Спорт Физический Наука Физика Португальский Психология Чтение Религия Социология Испанский язык Статистика Телевизионное Производство Проект Сети Мировая История Grade Translation for Saudi Arabia Language Spoken: Arabic Grades USA Equivalent Saudi Arabia Primary A (90-100) Excellent B (80-89) Good C (70-79) Average D (60-69) Poor Grades/Ages In USA Levels General Intermediate Secondary Grade Age 12 Senior 17/18 High School 11 Junior 16 B (80-89) High School 10 Sophomore 15 C (70-79) High School 9 Freshman 14 D (50-69) High School 6-8 Middle 11-13 F (0-59) F (0-49) School K-5 Elementary 5-10 School Diploma Awarded: Secondary Education Certificate: Saudi Arabian Year plus 580 = Anno Domini A (90-100) 1-6 7-9 10-12 Academic Year: September-June OR October-July Country Notes: Saudi Arabia had a nationwide educational system providing free training from preschool through university to all citizens. The study of Islam remains at the core of the Saudi educational system. - 155 - Saudi Arabia– General Course Names Language Spoken: Arabic Accounting Acting Algebra American Government American History Anatomy Art Art History Astronomy Auto-mechanics Biology Business English Calculus Ceramics Chemistry Child Development Chorus Civics Computer Programming Construction Culinary Arts Drafting/Illustrative Design Drama Drawing Early Child Education Earth and Space Science Economics Engineering English Environmental Science نف خيرات [وتوأ-]سكينشم ينيدم طيطختلا - 156 - French Geography Geometry German Health Integrated Science Intensive Mathematics Italian Journalism Language Marine Science Mathematics Music Orchestra Parenting Skills Personal Fitness Philosophy Physical Education Physical Science Physics Portuguese Psychology Reading Religion Sociology Spanish Statistics Television Production Web Design World History ةيفارغج ناسل باسحلا ملع ركف لاغتربلا دقتعم Grade Translation for South Africa Language Spoken: English and Afrikaans and Various Dialects (Zulu, Ndebele, Xhosa, Sotho, Swazi) Grades USA Equivalent A (90-100) Excellent B (80-89) Good C (70-79) Average D (60-69) Poor F (0-59) Grades/Ages In USA Levels South Africa A (80-100 B (70-79) C (60-69) D (50-59) E (40-49 F (33-39) G (25-33) H (0-24) Primary Jr. Sr. Secondary Jr. Sr. Grade Age 12 Senior 17/18 High School 11 Junior 16 High School 10 Sophomore 15 High School 9 Freshman 14 High School 6-8 Middle 11-13 School K-5 Elementary 5-10 School Diploma Awarded: Senior Certificate, For university entrance, a "Matriculation Endorsement" is required. Academic Year: January-December. The school year lasts 196-198 days. 1-3 4-7 8-9 10-12 Country Notes: South Africa has eleven official languages: While each language is formally equal to every other, the three most spoken first home languages are Zulu (23.8%), Xhosa (17.6%) and Afrikaans (13.3%). Despite the fact that English is recognised as the language of commerce and science, it is spoken by only 8.2% of South Africans at home. Among the South African population, only 14% of blacks have an education of high school or higher, whereas 40% of Indians and 65% of Whites have an education of high school or higher as a result of the lingering effects of Apartheid which was abolished in 1986. - 157 - South Africa – General Course Names Language Spoken: English Accounting Acting Algebra American Government American History Anatomy Art Art History Astronomy Auto-mechanics Biology Business English Calculus Ceramics Chemistry Child Development Chorus Civics Computer Programming Construction Culinary Arts Drafting/Illustrative Design Drama Drawing Early Child Education Earth and Space Science Economics Engineering English Environmental Science French Geography Geometry German Health Integrated Science Intensive Mathematics Italian Journalism Language Marine Science Mathematics Music Orchestra Parenting Skills Personal Fitness Philosophy Physical Education Physical Science Physics Portuguese Psychology Reading Religion Sociology Spanish Statistics Television Production Web Design World History - 158 - Grade Translation for Spain Language Spoken: Spanish Grades Grades/Ages In USA Levels USA Equivalent A (90-100) Excellent B (80-89) Good C (70-79) Average D (60-69) Poor F (0-59) Spain A (9.0-10.0) B (7.0-8.9) B-/C+ (6.0-6.9) C (5.9-5.0) F (Below 5.0) Educación General Básica BUP COU (Curso de Orientación Universitaria) Grade Age 12 Senior 17/18 High School 11 Junior 16 High School 10 Sophomore 15 High School 9 Freshman 14 High School 6-8 Middle 11-13 School K-5 Elementary 5-10 School Diploma Awarded: COU - Titulo de Bachiller and Curso de Orientación Universitaria / BUP – Bachillerato Unificado y Polivalente / EGB – Educación General Básica Academic Year: September-June OR October-July 1-8 9-11 1 Country Notes: Applicants who receive the “Titulo de Bachiller” and complete COU may be considered for admission to freshman standing. Students who complete an “Escuela de Formación Profesional”, Level II (vocational), receive the “Técnico Especialista Diploma”. Students may also be considered for freshman admission in academic programs for which a vocational and technical background is appropriate. Although most Spanish students are enrolled in public schools, a substantial percentage attend private schools, most of which are administered by the Catholic Church. School is compulsory between the ages of 6 and 14. Students may then opt to continue on to BUP, or a vocational school. When students complete the BUP program, they enter the one-year COU (College Orientation Year). Students must pass a final examination at the end of the COU before continuing to university, and must also take additional entrance exams as specified by the particular university. - 159 - Spain – General Course Names Language Spoken: Spanish Accounting Acting Algebra American Government American History Anatomy Art Art History Astronomy Auto-mechanics Biology Business English Calculus Ceramics Chemistry Child Development Chorus Civics Computer Programming Construction Culinary Arts Drafting/Illustrative Design Drama Drawing Early Child Education Earth and Space Science Economics Engineering English Environmental Science Contabilidad Actuación Álgebra Gobierno Americano Historia Americana Anatomía Arte Historia del Arte Astronomía Mecánica de Auto Biología Inglés Comercial Cálculo Cerámica Química Desarrollo Infantil Coro Civismo Programación de Computadoras Construcción Artes Culinarias Dibujo Técnico Drama Dibujo Educación Infantil Ciencia de la Tierra y el Espacio Economía Ingeniería Inglés Ciencias del Medioambiente - 160 - French Geography Geometry German Health Integrated Science Intensive Mathematics Italian Journalism Language Marine Science Mathematics Music Orchestra Parenting Skills Personal Fitness Philosophy Physical Education Physical Science Physics Portuguese Psychology Reading Religion Sociology Spanish Statistics Television Production Web Design World History Francés Geografía Geometría Alemán Salud Ciencia Integrada Matemática Intensiva Italiano Periodismo Lenguaje Ciencia Marina Matemáticas Musica Orquesta Destrezas de ser Padres Condicionamiento Físico Filosofía Educación Física Ciencia Física Física Portugués Psicología Lectura Religión Sociología Español Estadísticas Producción de Televisión Diseño de Página de Internet Historia del Mundo Grade Translation for Sudan Language Spoken: Arabic Grades USA Equivalent A (90-100) Excellent B (80-89) Good C (70-79) Average D (60-69) Poor F (0-59) Grades/Ages In USA Levels Sudan A (80-100) Primary Secondary 1-8 10-12 B (70-79) C (60-69) D (50-59) F (0-49) Grade 12 Senior High School 11 Junior High School 10 Sophomore High School 9 Freshman High School 6-8 Middle School K-5 Elementary School Age 17/18 16 15 14 11-13 5-10 Diploma Awarded: Sudan higher secondary school certificate Academic Year: July-March Country Notes: Arab and English are the official working languages of the national government and the languages of instruction for higher education.General education in Sudan is not compulsory, less than 64% of all children attend Primary School. Education services in many areas of Sudan, already weak prior to the long North Sourth Civil War have deteriorated further due to lack of resources, insecurity and poverty, especially in Darfur and in South Sudan. - 161 - Sudan – General Course Names Language Spoken: Arabic Accounting Acting Algebra American Government American History Anatomy Art Art History Astronomy Auto-mechanics Biology Business English Calculus Ceramics Chemistry Child Development Chorus Civics Computer Programming Construction Culinary Arts Drafting/Illustrative Design Drama Drawing Early Child Education Earth and Space Science Economics Engineering English Environmental Science نف خيرات [وتوأ-]سكينشم ينيدم طيطختلا - 162 - French Geography Geometry German Health Integrated Science Intensive Mathematics Italian Journalism Language Marine Science Mathematics Music Orchestra Parenting Skills Personal Fitness Philosophy Physical Education Physical Science Physics Portuguese Psychology Reading Religion Sociology Spanish Statistics Television Production Web Design World History ةيفارغج ناسل باسحلا ملع ركف لاغتربلا دقتعم Grade Translation For: Sweden Language Spoken: Swedish Grades Levels USA Equivalent Sweden A (90-100) Excellent A 5 FEM B (80-89) Good C (70-79) Average D (60-69) Poor F (0-59) B 4 FYRA C 3 TRE D 2 TVA F 1 ETT Grundskola Gymnasieskola 1-9 1-3 4 Technology Majors Grades/Ages In USA Grade 12 Senior High School 11 Junior High School 10 Sophomore High School 9 Freshman High School 6-8 Middle School K-5 Elementary School Diploma Awarded: Gymnasieskola Slutbetyg (Secondary school leaving certificate) Age 17/18 16 15 14 11-13 5-10 Academic Year: August-June Country Notes: Education is compulsory between the ages of 7 and 16. The Swedish comprehensive school is divided into junior, middle and senior levels of 3 years each. English is compulsory from the third to ninth grades; additional foreign languages are offered beginning in the seventh grade. After nine years of compulsory secondary school, students may attend upper secondary school which offers study “lines” of two or three years each (arts and social sciences; nursing, social and consumer; economic and mercantile; technical and industrial; technicalscientific; agriculture and forestry). All courses of study may qualify the student for higher education - 163 - Sweden – General Course Names Language Spoken: Swedish Accounting Acting Algebra American Government American History Anatomy Art Art History Astronomy Auto-mechanics Biology Business English Calculus Ceramics Chemistry Child Development Chorus Civics Computer Programming Construction Culinary Arts Drafting/Illustrative Design Drama Drawing Early Child Education Earth and Space Science Economics Engineering English Environmental Science Bokföring Spel Algebra Historia Amerikansk Styrande Amerikansk Anatomi Konsthantverk Historia Konsthantverk Astronomi Bil- mekanik Biologi Geschäft Engelska Språket Sten Keramik Kemi Barnkunskap Kör Samnallskunskap Dator Programmering Konstruktion Kokkonst Kommendering Drama Teckning Spädbarns Undervisning Rymd Vetenskap Ekonomi Ingenjörsvetenskap Engelska Miljövetenskap - 164 - French Geography Geometry German Health Integrated Science Intensive Mathematics Italian Journalism Language Marine Science Mathematics Music Orchestra Parenting Skills Personal Fitness Philosophy Physical Education Physical Science Physics Portuguese Psychology Reading Religion Sociology Spanish Statistics Television Production Web Design World History Franska Geografi Geometri Tyska Hälsa IntegreradVetenskap Matematik Koncentrerad Italiensk Journalistic Språk Marin Vetenskap Matematik Musik Orkester Föräldraskap Skicklighet Enskild Kryhet Filosofi Fysisk Undervisning Fysisk Vetenskap Fysik Portugis Psykologi Läsning Religion Sociologi Spanska Statistic Television Produktion Nät avsikt Värld Historia Grade Translation for Swiss French Language Spoken: French Grades USA Equivalent A (90-100) Excellent B (80-89) Good C (70-79) Average D (60-69) Poor F (0-59) Swiss French (A) Swiss French (B) 8-10 5.5-6.0 Grades/Ages In USA Levels Primary Secondary Grade Age 12 Senior 17/18 High School 6-7 4.5-5.0 11 Junior 16 High School 5 3.5-4.0 10 Sophomore 15 High School 3-4 3.0 9 Freshman 14 High School 0-2 1-2.5 6-8 Middle 11-13 School K-5 Elementary 5-10 School Diploma Awarded: Gymnasia ("secondary schools") offer the Maturité Certificate (federal graduation diploma or cantonal graduation diploma) while vocational training offers a Certificate of Proficiency Academic Year: September - June 1-8 4.5 to 6.5 Country Notes: 3-6 years of study with graduation and entrance to university. Students may go to Gymnasium for 3-6 years, or a trade school for 2-4 years. In general 7 = first year at secondary school - 165 - Swiss French – General Course Names Language Spoken: French Accounting Acting Algebra American Government American History Anatomy Art Art History Astronomy Auto-mechanics Biology Business English Calculus Ceramics Chemistry Child Development Chorus Civics Computer Programming Construction Culinary Arts Drafting/Illustrative Design Drama Drawing Early Child Education Earth and Space Science Economics Engineering English Environmental Science Comptabilité Acte Algèbre Gouvernement Américain Histoire Américaine Anatomie Art Histoire Art Astronomie Mécanique D’auto Biologie Anglais D’affaires Calcul Céramique Chimie Développement D’enfant Choeur Civique Programmation D’ordinateur Construction Arts Gastronomiques Ébauchage / Illustration Drame Dessi/Tirage Première Éducation D’enfant Science de terre et Spatiale Économie Ingénierie Anglais Science de L’environnement French Geography Geometry German Health Integrated Science Intensive Mathematics Italian Journalism Language Marine Science Mathematics Music Orchestra Parenting Skills Personal Fitness Philosophy Physical Education Physical Science Physics Portuguese Psychology Reading Religion Sociology Spanish Statistics Television Production Web Design World History - 166 - Français Géographie Géométrie Allemand Santé Science Intégrée Mathématiques Intensives Italien Journalisme Langage Science Marine Mathématiques Musique Ochestre Puériculture Forme Physique Personelle Philosophie Education Physique Science Physique Physique Portugais Psycologie Lecture Religion Sociologie Espagnole Statistiques Production de Television Création de Site Web Histoire du Monde Grade Translation for Switzerland Language Spoken: German Grades Grades/Ages In USA Levels USA Equivalent A (90-100) Excellent B (80-89) Good C (70-79) Average D (60-69) Poor F (0-59) Switzerland A (10-9) Primaire Primarschule Ecole Secondaire Sekundarstufe Sikundarstufe I Degre’ II Degre’ Grade Age 12 Senior 17/18 High School B (8-7) 11 Junior 16 High School C (6-5) 10 Sophomore 15 High School D (4-3) 9 Freshman 14 High School F (2-1) 6-8 Middle 11-13 School K-5 Elementary 5-10 School Diploma Awarded: Maturitaszeugnis Certificat de Maturite Attestato di Maturita, Gymnasia ("secondary schools") offer the Maturité Certificate (federal graduation diploma or cantonal graduation diploma) while vocational training offers a Certificate of Proficiency Academic Year: September-June 1-6 7-9 10-13 Country Notes: Education in Switzerland is very diverse because the constitution of Switzerland delegates the authority for the school system to the cantons. Typically families choose their school depending on whether they speak French, German or Italian. - 167 - Switzerland – General Course Names Language Spoken: German Accounting Acting Algebra American Government American History Anatomy Art Art History Astronomy Auto-mechanics Biology Business English Calculus Ceramics Chemistry Child Development Chorus Civics Computer Programming Construction Culinary Arts Drafting/Illustrative Design Drama Drawing Early Child Education Earth and Space Science Economics Engineering English Environmental Science Buchführung Das Handeln Algebra Amerikanische Regierung Amerikanische Geschichte Anatomie Art Kunstgeschichte Astronomie Automaschinenbau Biologie Unternehmen Englisch Infinitesimalrechnung Keramik Chemie Kinderentwicklung Refrain Bürgerlich Computerprogrammierung Konstruktion Kulinarische Künste Entwerfend / erläuterndes Design Drama Zeichnung Früh Kinderausbildung Die Erde und Raumwissenschaft Wirtschaftswissenschaft Ingenieurwesen Englisch Umweltwissenschaf - 168 - French Geography Geometry German Health Integrated Science Intensive Mathematics Italian Journalism Language Marine Science Mathematics Music Orchestra Parenting Skills Personal Fitness Philosophy Physical Education Physical Science Physics Portuguese Psychology Reading Religion Sociology Spanish Statistics Television Production Web Design World History Französisch Geografie Geometrie Deutsch Die Gesundheit Integrierte Wissenschaft Intensive Mathematik Italienisch Journalismus Sprache Seewissenschaft Mathematik Musik Orchester Parenting-Fähigkeiten Persönliche Tauglichkeit Philosophie Physische Ausbildung Physische Wissenschaft Physik Portugiesisch Psychologie Lektüre Religion Soziologie Spanisch Statistiken Fernsehenproduktion Netzdesign Die Weltgeschichte Grade Translation for Thailand Language Spoken: Thai Grades USA Equivalent A (90-100) Excellent B (80-89) Good C (70-79) Average D (60-69) Poor F (0-59) Grades/Ages In USA Levels Thailand Secondary Lower Upper Primary A 4 80-100 B 3 70-79 C 2 60-69 D 1 50-59 F 0 0-49 1-6 7-9 10-12 Grade 12 Senior High School 11 Junior High School 10 Sophomore High School 9 Freshman High School 6-8 Middle School K-5 Elementary School Age 17/18 16 15 14 11-13 5-10 Diploma Awarded: Upper Secondary School Certificate (Matayom VI) Academic Year: June-March Country Notes: Education is compulsory up to and including Grade 9, and the government provides free education through to Grade 12. Thailand has a high level of literacy, and education is provided by a well organized school system. - 169 - Thailand – General Course Names Language Spoken: Thai Accounting Acting Algebra American Government American History Anatomy Art Art History Astronomy Auto-mechanics Biology Business English Calculus Ceramics Chemistry Child Development Chorus Civics Computer Programming Construction Culinary Arts Drafting/Illustrative Design Drama Drawing Early Child Education Earth and Space Science Economics Engineering English Environmental Science French Geography Geometry German Health Integrated Science Intensive Mathematics Italian Journalism Language Marine Science Mathematics Music Orchestra Parenting Skills Personal Fitness Philosophy Physical Education Physical Science Physics Portuguese Psychology Reading Religion Sociology Spanish Statistics Television Production Web Design World History การแสดง ความสามารถ ความสามารถ บทละคร ทารก - 170 - ภาษา เพลง วงออเคสตรา ศาสนา ภาษาสเปน โลก Grade Translation for Trinidad Language Spoken: English Grades USA Equivalent A (90-100) Excellent B (80-89) Good C (70-79) Average D (60-69) Poor F (0-59) Grades/Ages In USA Levels Trinidad Primary A (90-100) Secondary Infants, Yr 1 (K) Infants, Yr 2 (1) Standard I (2) Grade Age Form I (7) 12 Senior 17/18 High School B (80-89) Form II (8) 11 Junior 16 High School C (65-79) Standard II (3) Form III (9) 10 Sophomore 15 High School D (50-64) Standard III (4) Form IV (10) 9 Freshman 14 High School F (0-49) Standard IV (5) Form V (11) 6-8 Middle 11-13 School Standard V (6) K-5 Elementary 5-10 School Diploma Awarded: *GCE – General Certificate of Education *CXC – Caribbean Examination Council Academic Year: September - June Country Notes: The majority of students take either the *GCE or *CXC exams after Form V or grade 11. Students must pass at least five (5) subjects, four (4) of which must be academic. Only students who are planning to go to a university are expected to enter Form VI, which lasts for 2 years. - 171 - Trinidad – General Course Names Language Spoken: English Accounting Acting Algebra American Government American History Anatomy Art Art History Astronomy Auto-mechanics Biology Business English Calculus Ceramics Chemistry Child Development Chorus Civics Computer Programming Construction Culinary Arts Drafting/Illustrative Design Drama Drawing Early Child Education Earth and Space Science Economics Engineering English Environmental Science French Geography Geometry German Health Integrated Science Intensive Mathematics Italian Journalism Language Marine Science Mathematics Music Orchestra Parenting Skills Personal Fitness Philosophy Physical Education Physical Science Physics Portuguese Psychology Reading Religion Sociology Spanish Statistics Television Production Web Design World History - 172 - Grade Translation for Turkey Language Spoken: Turkish Grades USA Equivalent A (90-100) Excellent B (80-89) Good C (70-79) Average D (60-69) Poor F (0-59) Grades/Ages In USA Levels Turkey A (9-10) Primary Secondary 1-8 9-11 B (7-8) C (5-6) Not Existent F (1-4) Grade 12 Senior High School 11 Junior High School 10 Sophomore High School 9 Freshman High School 6-8 Middle School K-5 Elementary School Age 17/18 16 15 14 11-13 5-10 Diploma Awarded: Lise Diplomasi (Secondary School Diploma) Academic Year: September – May OR October -June Country Notes: There is compulsory schooling for both boys and girls within the 6-14 age group in state operated schools where tuition is free; 95.24 % of the children in this age group attend school. - 173 - Turkey – General Course Names Language Spoken: Turkish Accounting Acting Algebra American Government American History Anatomy Art Art History Astronomy Auto-mechanics Biology Business English Calculus Ceramics Chemistry Child Development Chorus Civics Computer Programming Construction Culinary Arts Drafting/Illustrative Design Drama Drawing Early Child Education Earth and Space Science Economics Engineering English Environmental Science Muhasebe Vekil Cebirsel Amerikan Hükümet Amerikan Tarih Anatomi Sanat Sanat tarih Astronomi Otomobil Makineci Biyoloji Ingilizce Faaliyet Safrakesesi Seramik KImya çocuk Büyüme Koro şehir ile ilgili Bilgisayar Programlamak Inşa etme Aşçilik çekme Dram ÇIzIm Tahtasi çocuk Eğitim Evren Bilim EkonomI Muhendislik IngIlIzce çevre Bilim - 174 - French Geography Geometry German Health Integrated Science Intensive Mathematics Italian Journalism Language Marine Science Mathematics Music Orchestra Parenting Skills Personal Fitness Philosophy Physical Education Physical Science Physics Portuguese Psychology Reading Religion Sociology Spanish Statistics Television Production Web Design World History Fransiz Coğrafya GeometrI Alman Sağlik Bütünlemiş Bilim Yoğun MatematIk Italyan GazetecIlIk Dil Deniz bilim MatematIk MuzIk Orkestra Ebeveyn Beceriklilik Kişisel Uygunluk Felsefe Fiziksel Eğitim Fiziksel Bilim FIzIk Portekizli PsIkolojI Okuma DIn SosyolojI Ispanyolca IstatIstIk Televizyon üretme Dokuma Dizayn, Dünya Tarih Grade Translation for Turks & Caicos Islands Language Spoken: English Grades USA Equivalent A (90-100) Excellent B (80-89) Good C (70-79) Average D (60-69) Poor F (0-59) Turks & Caicos Islands A (80-100) Grades/Ages In USA Levels Primary Secondary Grade Age 12 Senior 17/18 High School B (65-79) 11 Junior 16 High School C (50-64) 10 Sophomore 15 High School D (35-49) 9 Freshman 14 High School E (0-34) 6-8 Middle 11-13 School K-5 Elementary 5-10 School Diploma Awarded: GCE – General Certificate of Education CXC – Caribbean Examination Council Standards 1-6 Form I-V Academic Year: September - June Country Notes: The majority of students take either the GCE or CXC exams after Form V or grade II. For Secondary School graduation student must pass five (5) subjects, four (4) of which must be academic. Students who are planning to go to a university are expected to enter Form VI. - 175 - Turks & Caicos Islands– General Course Names Language Spoken: English Accounting Acting Algebra American Government American History Anatomy Art Art History Astronomy Auto-mechanics Biology Business English Calculus Ceramics Chemistry Child Development Chorus Civics Computer Programming Construction Culinary Arts Drafting/Illustrative Design Drama Drawing Early Child Education Earth and Space Science Economics Engineering English Environmental Science French Geography Geometry German Health Integrated Science Intensive Mathematics Italian Journalism Language Marine Science Mathematics Music Orchestra Parenting Skills Personal Fitness Philosophy Physical Education Physical Science Physics Portuguese Psychology Reading Religion Sociology Spanish Statistics Television Production Web Design World History - 176 - Grade Translation for United Kingdom Language Spoken: English Grades USA Equivalent A (90-100) Excellent B (80-89) Good C (70-79) Average D (60-69) Poor F (0-59) Grades/Ages In USA Levels United Kingdom Primary A–1 Secondary Form I (7) B – 2-3 Infants, Yr 1 (K) Infants, Yr 2 (1) Standard I (2) C–4 Standard II (3) Form III (9) D–5 Standard III (4) Form IV (10) Standard IV (5) Form V (11) Standard V (6) Form VI (12, 13) Form II (8) Grade 12 Senior High School 11 Junior High School 10 Sophomore High School 9 Freshman High School 6-8 Middle School K-5 Elementary School Age 17/18 16 15 14 11-13 5-10 Diploma Awarded: GCE – General Certificate of Education Academic Year: September – June OR September - July Country Notes: The majority of students take the GCE Exams after Form V or grade 11. General Certificate of Secondary Education listing at least five (5) subjects with grades of I or II. Passing mark on a 0-100 scale is 35-40. - 177 - United Kingdom – General Course Names Language Spoken: English Accounting Acting Algebra American Government American History Anatomy Art Art History Astronomy Auto-mechanics Biology Business English Calculus Ceramics Chemistry Child Development Chorus Civics Computer Programming Construction Culinary Arts Drafting/Illustrative Design Drama Drawing Early Child Education Earth and Space Science Economics Engineering English Environmental Science French Geography Geometry German Health Integrated Science Intensive Mathematics Italian Journalism Language Marine Science Mathematics Music Orchestra Parenting Skills Personal Fitness Philosophy Physical Education Physical Science Physics Portuguese Psychology Reading Religion Sociology Spanish Statistics Television Production Web Design World History - 178 - Grade Translation for Uruguay Language Spoken: Spanish Grades USA Equivalent A (90-100) Excellent B (80-89) Good C (70-79) Average D (60-69) Poor F (0-59) Grades/Ages In USA Levels Uruguay Primary A (12-10) 1-6 Secondary Preparatory Preparatory 1-4 B (9-8) C (7-6) D (5) F (0-4) 5-6 Grade 12 Senior High School 11 Junior High School 10 Sophomore High School 9 Freshman High School 6-8 Middle School K-5 Elementary School Age 17/18 16 15 14 11-13 5-10 Diploma Awarded: “Bachiller” Academic Year: March - December Country Notes: Uruguay has a large urban middle class and a literacy rate of 96.8%. Public education in Uruguay is free and compulsory for children aged 6 to 14. - 179 - Uruguay – General Course Names Language Spoken: Spanish Accounting Acting Algebra American Government American History Anatomy Art Art History Astronomy Auto-mechanics Biology Business English Calculus Ceramics Chemistry Child Development Chorus Civics Computer Programming Construction Culinary Arts Drafting/Illustrative Design Drama Drawing Early Child Education Earth and Space Science Economics Engineering English Environmental Science Contabilidad Actuación Álgebra Gobierno Americano Historia Americana Anatomía Arte Historia del Arte Astronomía Mecánica de Auto Biología Inglés Comercial Cálculo Cerámica Química Desarrollo Infantil Coro Civismo Programación de Computadoras Construcción Artes Culinarias Dibujo Técnico Drama Dibujo Educación Infantil Ciencia de la Tierra y el Espacio Economía Ingeniería Inglés Ciencias del Medioambiente - 180 - French Geography Geometry German Health Integrated Science Intensive Mathematics Italian Journalism Language Marine Science Mathematics Music Orchestra Parenting Skills Personal Fitness Philosophy Physical Education Physical Science Physics Portuguese Psychology Reading Religion Sociology Spanish Statistics Television Production Web Design World History Francés Geografía Geometría Alemán Salud Ciencia Integrada Matemática Intensiva Italiano Periodismo Lenguaje Ciencia Marina Matemáticas Musica Orquesta Destrezas de ser Padres Condicionamiento Físico Filosofía Educación Física Ciencia Física Física Portugués Psicología Lectura Religión Sociología Español Estadísticas Producción de Televisión Diseño de Página de Internet Historia del Mundo Grade Translation for Venezuela Language Spoken: Spanish Grades Grades/Ages In USA Levels USA Equivalent A (90-100) Excellent B (80-89) Good C (70-79) Average D (60-69) Poor F (0-59) Venezuela Primary A (18-20) Secondary Cycles Basic Dieversified Common Grade Age 12 Senior 17/18 High School B (15-17) 11 Junior 16 High School C (12-14) 10 Sophomore 15 High School D (10-11) 9 Freshman 14 High School F (9-0) 6-8 Middle 11-13 School K-5 Elementary 5-10 School Diploma Awarded: Bachiller en Ciencias o Humanidades (Science or Humanities) Comercio (Commerce) Agropecuario (Agricultural/Animal Science) Bachiller o Diploma Industrial (Industrial) Asistencial (Social Services) Maestro o Diploma Normal (Teacher Training) Academic Year: September - July 1-6 1-3 4-6 Country Notes: All diplomas of the Diversified Cycle provide access to higher education. After completion of the fifth year of Diversified Cycle the student receives one of the following high school diplomas: Bachiller en Ciencias o Humanidades (Science or Humanities) Comercio (Commerce Agropecuario (Agricultural/Animal Science) After completion of the sixth year of Diversified Cycle the student receives one of the following diplomas: Bachiller o Diploma Industrial (Industrial) Asistencial (Social Services) Maestro o Diploma Normal (Teacher Training) - 181 - Venezuela– General Course Names Language Spoken: Spanish Accounting Acting Algebra American Government American History Anatomy Art Art History Astronomy Auto-mechanics Biology Business English Calculus Ceramics Chemistry Child Development Chorus Civics Computer Programming Construction Culinary Arts Drafting/Illustrative Design Drama Drawing Early Child Education Earth and Space Science Economics Engineering English Environmental Science Contabilidad Actuación Álgebra Gobierno Americano Historia Americana Anatomía Arte Historia del Arte Astronomía Mecánica de Auto Biología Inglés Comercial Cálculo Cerámica Química Desarrollo Infantil Coro Civismo Programación de Computadoras Construcción Artes Culinarias Dibujo Técnico Drama Dibujo Educación Infantil Ciencia de la Tierra y el Espacio Economía Ingeniería Inglés Ciencias del Medioambiente - 182 - French Geography Geometry German Health Integrated Science Intensive Mathematics Italian Journalism Language Marine Science Mathematics Music Orchestra Parenting Skills Personal Fitness Philosophy Physical Education Physical Science Physics Portuguese Psychology Reading Religion Sociology Spanish Statistics Television Production Web Design World History Francés Geografía Geometría Alemán Salud Ciencia Integrada Matemática Intensiva Italiano Periodismo Lenguaje Ciencia Marina Matemáticas Musica Orquesta Destrezas de ser Padres Condicionamiento Físico Filosofía Educación Física Ciencia Física Física Portugués Psicología Lectura Religión Sociología Español Estadísticas Producción de Televisión Diseño de Página de Internet Historia del Mundo Grade Translation for Vietnam Language Spoken: Vietnamese Grades USA Equivalent A (90-100) Excellent B (80-89) Good C (70-79) Average D (60-69) Poor F (0-59) Grades/Ages In USA Levels Vietnam Primary 9-10 Uu Excellent Middle School High School Grade 12 Senior High School 7-8 Binh Good 11 Junior High School 5-6 Binh Thu 10 Sophomore Fairly Good High School Below 5 9 Freshman Fail High School 6-8 Middle School K-5 Elementary School Diploma Awarded: Bang Tot Nghiep Pho Thong Trung Hoc (High School Diploma) 1-5 6-9 10-12 Age 17/18 16 15 14 11-13 5-10 Academic Year: September-June Country Notes: In Vietnam, education from age 6 to 11 is free and mandatory. Education above these ages is not free. - 183 - Vietnam – General Course Names Language Spoken: Vietnamese Accounting Acting Algebra American Government American History Anatomy Art Art History Astronomy Auto-mechanics Biology Business English Calculus Ceramics Chemistry Child Development Chorus Civics Computer Programming Construction Culinary Arts Drafting/Illustrative Design Drama Drawing Early Child Education Earth and Space Science Economics Engineering English Environmental Science Ketoanvien Dienxuat Dạisohọc Nuóc Mỹ Hoaky Chinhphu Nuóc Mỹ Hoaky Suhọc Khoa Giaiphau Nghệthuật Nghệthuật Suhọc Thiênvănhọc Xe hoi Thọ may Sinhvậthọc Việc Buônbán Ti Phép Tính Dô Gom Hoáhọc Dúe Bétre Sụ Pháttriên Phátdạt Dộlbàl Họphuóng Máy Tίnh Sụ Xâydụng Kienthiet Thôi Nau Nghệthuật Dôán/Dê Minhhoạ Kiêu Kịch,tuông Tr Dat va Không-gian Khoahoc Kinhtehọc Nghê Kỹsucôngtrìnhsu Tieng Anh Hoancảnh - 184 - French Geography Geometry German Health Integrated Science Intensive Mathematics Italian Journalism Language Marine Science Mathematics Music Orchestra Parenting Skills Personal Fitness Philosophy Physical Education Physical Science Physics Portuguese Psychology Reading Religion Sociology Spanish Statistics Television Production Web Design World History Tieng Phap Hinhhọc Nguoitieng Duc Suc Khoe Mạnh Toanhọc Nghê Lam Bao Ngôn N B Toanhọc Nhạc Ban Nhac Thuộc Cha Me Su Kheoleo Riêng Sụ Thichhọp Tư T Vâtlyhoc Tâmly Su Doc Tôn G Xãhôihoc Tâybannha Phép Vôtuyen Truyênhinh Mang Kiêu Qua Dat Suhoc Grade Translation or Virgin Islands Language Spoken: English Grades USA Equivalent A (90-100) Excellent B (80-89) Good C (70-79) Average D (60-69) Poor F (0-59) Grades/Ages In USA Levels Virgin Islands Primary A (80-100) Secondary Grade Age 12 Senior 17/18 High School B (65-79) 11 Junior 16 High School C (50-64) 10 Sophomore 15 High School D (35-49) 9 Freshman 14 High School F (0-34) 6-8 Middle 11-13 School K-5 Elementary 5-10 School Diploma Awarded: GCE – General Certificate of Education CXC – Caribbean Examination Council Standards 1-6 Forms I-V Academic Year: September - June Country Notes: The majority of students take either the GCE or CXC exams after Form V or grade 11. For Secondary School graduation, student must pass five (5) subjects, four (4) of which must be academic. Only students who are planning to go to a university are expected to enter Form VI which lasts for 2 years. - 185 - Virgin Islands – General Course Names Language Spoken: English Accounting Acting Algebra American Government American History Anatomy Art Art History Astronomy Auto-mechanics Biology Business English Calculus Ceramics Chemistry Child Development Chorus Civics Computer Programming Construction Culinary Arts Drafting/Illustrative Design Drama Drawing Early Child Education Earth and Space Science Economics Engineering English Environmental Science French Geography Geometry German Health Integrated Science Intensive Mathematics Italian Journalism Language Marine Science Mathematics Music Orchestra Parenting Skills Personal Fitness Philosophy Physical Education Physical Science Physics Portuguese Psychology Reading Religion Sociology Spanish Statistics Television Production Web Design World History - 186 -