Revista electrónica Entreciencias: Diálogos en la Sociedad del


Revista electrónica Entreciencias: Diálogos en la Sociedad del
Revista electrónica Entreciencias: Diálogos en la Sociedad del Conocimiento Editorial Guidelines Entreciencias is a multidisciplinary bilingual publication, published twice a year by
Escuela Nacional de Estudios Superiores, Unidad León, Universidad Nacional
Autónoma de México, UNAM, UNAM. Its purpose is to communicate relevant
research that analyze current problems in any field of knowledge.
Scientific articles and book reviews are received in Spanish or English. Articles
will be peer reviewed under the "double-blind" scheme (ommiting the names of
both, the authors and the reviewers). Book reviews will be reviewed and selected
by the editors. Authors submit papers under the commitment of not submitting texts
simultaneously in any other publication.
Entreciencias invites researchers to submit their contributions.
Deadline for paper submissions:
Number 2: August 31th 2013.
Articles must take into account the following considerations:
1. Papers must be submitted in Word, RTF or Linux format and emailed to
[email protected], or to to [email protected],
and should not contain the data of the author (s).
2. Information about the author and co-authors (if applicable) shpuld be sent
separately: full name, academic degree, institution affiliation, position,
research areas, email address, phone and fax.
3. All articles must include abstracts in Spanish and English, a summary of
100-150 words.
4. At least 4 and at most 5 keywords in both English and Spanish shpuld be
included after the abstract.
5. The length of articles ranges from a minimum of 7000 words and a
maximum of 10,000 words (Source: Times New Roman, 12 point, 1.5 line
spacing, letter size, margins of 3 cm).
6. Notes will be presented as footnotes and will only be used to clarify or
provide more information on the item under discussion (Source: Times New
Roman, 11 point, single spaced). They shoud be numbered consecutively.
7. References to quotations and notes shall be inserted in the text and should
appear in parentheses as follows: author name – when multiple authors, up
to 3 names will be named; more than 4 should be reduced to the first author
(alphabetical order) and the phrase et al. - Year of publication, page.
8. Images, figures and tables should be referenced and embedded in the body
of the original text identified by title, source, captions, etc.
Revista electrónica Entreciencias: Diálogos en la Sociedad del Conocimiento Especificaciones Editoriales 9. Each of image /figure/maps etc, must be sent separately and in an editable
file. Images with a resolution of 300 dpi and identified by its title, TIF or JPG
format. Graphs and figures should be delivered in the format and file used:
Excel, Corel Draw or Illustrator. It is important to consider not sending in
image format. Tables should be in an editable format, with concise statistical
information and preferably in Excel.
10. References and internet and websites sources will be presented at the end
of the document and in separate sections. They should be listed in
alphabetical order and include only references that have been cited or
mentioned throughout the text.
a. Bibliographical References: a) For books: surname, first name, year
(in parentheses), title (in italics), publisher, city, b) For arrticle
compiled in book: surname, first name, year (in parentheses), title (in
quotes ), the word, compiler name, book title (in italics), publisher,
city, c) For magazines and journals: surname, first name, year (in
parentheses), title (in quotes), the word, name of publication, volume,
issue, pages.
b. Electronic references: surname, first name, year (in parentheses),
URL, date accessed (day, month, year).
c. Websites: URL, query date (day, month, year).
11. The results of the peer reviewed and dictamination process can be: a)
Recommended extensively for publication, b) Publish it once corrections
have been made and c) not publish. When b, the author will have three
weeks to incorporate the corrections requested, at the end of that period a
letter showing the changes and how the recommendations of the reviewers
were addressed, and the revised version should be sent.
Book reviews or Reseñas: :
• Must be critical reviews and include the bibliography of the publication in
question: author, year, title of book, place, publisher, and page numbers.
The maximum length for such works should be 1500 words (Source: Times
New Roman, 12 point, 1.5 line spacing, letter size, margins of 3 cm.)
Authors whose work has been accepted, shall submit with the final version of the
paper a letter transfering to Entreciencias the rights to publish their work.
Editorial Board
Editors of Entreciencias
• Javier de la Fuente Hernández
• Adriana Martinez Martinez
Revista electrónica Entreciencias: Diálogos en la Sociedad del Conocimiento Editorial Guidelines Committee Members (in alphabetical order)
• Gustavo V. Barbosa-Cánovas, Washington State University
• Jorge Carrillo Viveros, COLEF
• Mónica Casalet Ravenna, FLACSO
• Stewart Clegg, University of Technology, Sidney
• Teresita Corona Vázquez, Instituto Nacional de Neurología y
• María de Ibarrola Nicolin, CINVESTAV/DIE
• Enrique de la Garza Toledo, UAM Iztapalapa
• José Antonio Stephan de la Peña Mena, CIMAT
• Gabriela Dutrénit Bielous, FCCyT
• Mario Luis Fuentes Alcalá, Centro de Estudios e Investigación en
Desarrollo y Asistencia Social, A.C.
• Brígida García Guzmán, Colmex
• Manuel Alfonso Garzón Castrillon, FIDEE
• Lilia Granillo Vázquez, UAM Azcapotzalco
• Eduardo Ibarra Colado, UAM Xochimilco
• Joost Heijs, Universidad Complutense de Madrid
• Leonardo Lomelí Vanegas, Facultad de Economía/UNAM
• Daniel Malacara Hernández, Centro de Investigaciones en Óptica, A.C.
• Juan Manuel Malacara Hernández, Universidad de Guanajuato
• Fernando Mendoza Santoyo, Centro de Investigaciones en Óptica, A.C.
• René Millán Valenzuela, Instituto de Investigaciones Sociales, UNAM
• Rafael Rivera Bustamante, CINVESTAV-Irapuato
• Francisco Xavier Soberón Mainero, Instituto de Biotecnología, UNAM
• Hebe Vessuri, CIGA-UNAM
• Daniel Villavicencio Carbajal, UAM Xochimilco
Escuela Nacional de Estudios Superiores, Unidad León,
Blvd. UNAM # 2011
Predio el Saucillo y el Potrero
Tel. (477) 194-0800
CP 36969
León, Guanajuato

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