artículos de prensa


artículos de prensa
La Cigüeña Metálica (2012)
La sinergia producida -combinación de idoneidad investigadora en derechos humanos de Van Dalen y experiencia cinematográfica en América Latina de López- procrea un documental consistente y creativo”
“Con esta mirada, el director pone La cigüeña metálica en la dinámica del reconocimiento, de un relato
conmovedor, indispensable para aceptar una verdad siempre susceptible de ser secuestrada por el poder a
través de amnistías o discursos que proponen lo mismo: el olvido.”
Pablo Portales. El Clarin de Chile . 2013
“Este excelente documental nos acerca a la experiencia vivida por cinco salvadoreños quienes, durante su
infancia, corren con esta suerte, invitándonos a reflexionar sobre la memoria, el dolor, el perdón, el reencuentro y los conflictos de identidad suscitados por el transcurrir de la infancia entre historias nebulosas y
contradictorias, por la confusión que se origina al buscar respuesta a una pregunta ineludible: ¿Quién soy?
(LM). Revista Edoc -Ecuador.
El título “La cigüeña metálica” es una alusión a la figura de la maternidad con el ave encantada que lleva
los niños, solo que esas historias, esa figura, estaba mediada por los pájaros metálicos de la guerra civil
salvadoreña. Un gran filme de metáforas.
Tomas Guevara. Corresponsal del diario de Hoy en Washington.
“…Powerful documentary... ” – Afi Silver Theater (USA).
The director was also involved in a documentary about the disappeared in Argentina. Although it was never
produced, his visits to Buenos Aires’ detention centers, his prolonged meetings with the victims’ families,
and his exploration of the subject over three years have created a parallel between his experiences in both
The writers feel that this documentary goes beyond a necessary condemnation of these acts, exploring a
complex situation that forces considerations of who we are and the identity of those around us. Everything
that seems real can become unreal and we thus enter a world where the foundations of character are questioned. Pragda (USA).
---“…Powerful documentary... ” – AFI SILVER THEATER (USA).
“The synergy produced – the combination of apt human rights research by Van Dalen and the film experience in Latin America of López – results in a consistent and creative documentary film.”
“Through this way of looking, the director places La Cigüeña metálica within the dynamic of recognition,
of a moving story, essential for accepting a truth that is always susceptible to being kidnapped by power
through amnesties or discourses that propose the same thing: Oblivion.”
Pablo Portales. El Clarín de Chile. 2013
“This excellent documentary film shows us the experience lived by five Salvadorians who go through this
in their childhood, inviting us to reflect on memory, pain, forgiveness, reunion and the conflicts of identity
caused by a childhood that takes place amid dark, contradictory events, by the confusion that arises out of
the search for the answer to an unavoidable question: Who am I? (LM).”
Edoc-Ecuador magazine.
“The title La cigüeña metálica (“the metal stork”) alludes to the figure of maternity by way of the enchanted
bird that brings children, only that those stories, that figure, was mediated by the metal birds of the civil
war of El Salvador. A great film of metaphors.
Tomas Guevara. Correspondent of the Hoy newspaper in Washington.
The director was also involved in a documentary about the disappeared in Argentina. Although it was never
produced, his visits to Buenos Aires’ detention centers, his prolonged meetings with the victims’ families,
and his exploration of the subject over three years have created a parallel between his experiences in both
The writers feel that this documentary goes beyond a necessary condemnation of these acts, exploring a
complex situation that forces considerations of who we are and the identity of those around us. Everything
that seems real can become unreal and we thus enter a world where the foundations of character are questioned. Pragda (USA).