Holy Cross Festival - Santa Cruz Catholic Church


Holy Cross Festival - Santa Cruz Catholic Church
Holy Cross Festival
September 12 & 13, 2015
Sat. 12:00 PM to 10:00 PM
Sun. 12:00 PM to 7:00 PM
DJ Music and Live Music presentations by:
Michael Salgado, Los Desperadoz and more
Free Admission
2015 Fiesta Raffle Prizes:
Grand Prize:
$5,000 Visa Gift Card
Second Prize:
$3,000 Visa Gift Card
Third Prize:
$2,000 Visa Gift Card
Fourth Prize:
$1,000 Visa Gift Card
Prizes 5 — 10: Apple iPad, iPad Mini, or Kindle Fire
You need not be present to win one of these great prizes!
Vigésimo Tercer Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
Santa Cruz Church, Buda, Texas
Mass Intentions: September 5-13, 2015
9:00 AM
5:30 PM
8:30 AM
11:00 AM
5:00 PM
3:45 PM
3:45 PM
7:00 AM
7:00 AM
8:00 AM
5:30 PM
8:30 AM
11:00 AM
5:00 PM
† Maxine Shannahan
† Robert Dembowski
† Francisco Sanchez
All Parishioners of Santa Cruz
† Hobert & Emma Cook
Labor Day - No Mass
† Brittany Maria Mikes
† Petra Solis Ramirez
† Steve Vasquez
† Carroll LaBorde
† Lillie Pavlicek
† Rudy Sifuentes
† Deacon John Riojas
All Parishioners of Santa Cruz
Note that a Mass in English is celebrated at 12:00 Noon on Tuesdays at the Seton Hays Chapel.
Welcome! ~ ¡Bienvenidos! /
New Members to Santa Cruz!
We are so grateful for our New Parishioners.
If you know them, please help us welcome
them! Below are the New Members for the
previous weeks:
Démosles las bienvenida a nuestros
nuevos miembros:
Catlyn Fucciani
J. Guadalupe & Marisol García
Jesús & Martha Márquez
Armando & Minerva del Rosario Orta
Magdalena Paredes
Sesario & Deborah Posas
Rafael & Diana Ruiz
Eloy & Natalie Sánchez
Michael & Amy Watson
Without labor nothing prospers.
Sin trabajo nada prospera.
Please note that Monday, Sept. 7TH, is
Labor Day and there will Not be a Daily
M ass . T here will be N o S chool , N o
Religious Education that day and the
Parish Office will be closed.
Favor de notar que el lunes, 2 de Septiembre
se celebra el Día del Trabajador. La Misa
Diaria será a las 10:00 am en la Iglesia.
La Oficina estará cerrada Y No habrá
Escuela ni Educación Religiosa ese día.
El Movimiento Familiar Cristiano Católico les hace la cordial invitación a promover los valores humanos
y cristianos católicos en las familias. El programa consiste de cuatro etapas basadas en los aspectos fundamentales de la formación de la familia, la formación religiosa, conyugal, la educación y el compromiso
comunitario. Inscríbete este 6 de septiembre en el Salón Deane después de la Misa de 8:30 a.m. Para más
información comunicarse con Rodolfo y Bety Martínez al (512) 699-2871.
Please pray for our parishioners who are serving in the military:
Favor de orar por nuestros feligreses que están en el servicio militar:
We continually update our list of parishioners serving in the military. Please call Alma Tamayo
in the church office so that we can have an accurate list of active military personnel who are
parishioners at Santa Cruz. Thank you.
Aaron Mitchell, son of Craig and Carolin Mitchell,
Zachary García, son of Carlos & Christina García,
Joshua Snoddy, son of Charles Snoddy,
Rolando Ríos, Jr. son of JoAnn Ríos,
William Banks, son of Maureen Banks,
Dion Cortez, husband of Tanya Cortez,
Llajaira Patino, daughter of Luis & Carmen Patino,
Neil Dodson, son of Scott & Sandy Dodson,
Eddie Xavier Díaz Conde & Bobby Joe Díaz, Jr., grandsons of Marie Gamboa,
SSG Juan M. Solano Jr. & Seaman Recruit Sierra R. Solano,
Meghan Ramos, daughter of Onofre Ramos,
David Patterson, son of Anne & Douglas Patterson
Mon: Col 1:24—2:3; Ps 62:6-7, 9; Lk 6:6-11, or,
for Labor Day, any readings from the Mass
“For the Blessing of Human Labor,” nos. 907-911
Labor Day
Tue: Mi 5:1-4a or Rom 8:28-30; Ps 13:6;
Mt 1:1-16, 18-23 [18-23]
The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Wed: Col 3:1-11; Ps 145:2-3, 10-13ab; Lk 6:20-26
St. Peter Claver
Thu: Col 3:12-17; Ps 150:1b-6; Lk 6:27-38
Fri: 1 Tm 1:1-2, 12-14; Ps 16:1b-2a, 5, 7-8, 11;
Lk 6:39-42
Patriot Day
Sat: 1 Tm 1:15-17; Ps 113:1b-7; Lk 6:43-49
The Most Holy Name of Mary;
Blessed Virgin Mary
Sun: Is 50:5-9a; Ps 116:1-6, 8-9; Jas 2:14-18;
Mk 8:27-35
Col 1:24—2:3; Sal 62 (61):6-7, 9; Lc 6:6-11,
o las lecturas de la Misa
“Por la santificación del trabajo”
Día del Trabajo
Martes: Mi 5:1-4a o Rom 8:28-30; Sal 13 (12):6;
Mt 1:1-16, 18-23 [18-23]
La Natividad de la Santísima Virgen María
Miércoles: Col 3:1-11; Sal 145 (144):2-3, 10-13ab;
Lc 6:20-26
San Pedro Claver
Jueves: Col 3:12-17; Sal 150:1b-6; Lc 6:27-38
Viernes: 1 Tm 1:1-2, 12-14;
Sal 16 (15):1b-2a, 5, 7-8, 11; Lc 6:39-42
Día de los Patriotas
Sábado: 1 Tm 1:15-17; Sal 113 (112):1b-7;
Lc 6:43-49
El Santísimo Nombre de la Virgen María;
Santa María Virgen
Domingo: Is 50:5-9a; Sal 116 (115):1-6, 8-9;
Stgo 2:14-18; Mc 8:27-35
You can find the Reflection of the Week, our
Weekly Calendar of Events and the bulletins posted at:
Usted puede encontrar la Reflexión de la Semana, nuestro
Calendario de Eventos semanal y el boletín en:
August 30th Collection
Weekly Budget....................................................$28,673
Actual Collection..................................................$15,325
Variance: Over / (Under).................. (–$13,348)
New FY 2016 Year to Date Budget......................$258,057
New FY 2016 Year to Date Collection..................$207,944
Year-to-date Budget (Under Budget)..... (–$50,113)
This Week........................................ Parish Debt Reduction
Next Week........................................ No Second Collection
Church Attendance: 08/30/15.................................2,647
(Saturday: 5:30 PM: 337;
Sunday: 8:30 AM: 889; 11AM: 984; 5PM: 437)
Twenty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time
Sept. 5 & 6, 2015 / 5 y 6 de septiembre, 2015
Mexican carnitas, Bombasos, Nachos, Hamburgers, Sausage wraps,
Tamales, Chicharrones, Funnel Cakes, Roasted corn, Fruit cups,
Popcorn, Snow cones, Fajita tacos, Tripa tacos, Turkey legs
Noon - 12:30pm
Opening Prayer
Noon - 12:30pm
Opening Prayer
12:30pm - 1:30pm
Electro’s Power Mix
12:30pm - 1:00pm
Electro’s Power Mix
1:30pm - 2:00pm
Ballet Folklorico
1:00pm - 2:30pm
Pearl Snaps
2:00pm - 2:30pm
Electro’s Power Mix
2:30pm - 3:00pm
Electro’s Power Mix
2:30pm - 4:00pm
Dalton Gray (country band)
3:00 pm - 4:30pm
El Nuevo Seria
4:00pm - 4:30pm
Electro’s Power Mix
4:30pm - 5:00pm
Electro’s Power Mix
4:30pm - 6:00pm
5:00pm - 6:30pm
Los Desperadoz
6:00pm - 6:30pm
Electro’s Power Mix
6:30pm - 7:00pm
Grand Raffle
6:30pm - 8:00pm
Bidi Bidi Banda
8:00pm - 8:30pm
Electro’s Power Mix
8:30pm - 10:00pm
Michael Salgado
*no charge for those attending EVENING MASSES
The Altar Society is once again having their Bake Sale at our September Festival. We invite all cooks to bring in their baked cookies,
brownies, cakes (small for our Cake Walk) and fancy ones for our
Booth at the Festival. You can drop them off the Friday before the
festival at the church office before 5PM or bring them with you when
you come to the festival. Thank you!
Una vez más la Sociedad del Altar tendrá su venta de pasteles en
nuestro Festival. Invitamos a todos los cocineros a participar donando
galletas, brownies, pasteles pequeños (para nuestro juego de la Rueda
de Pasteles) y de tamaño grande para nuestro puesto en el Festival. Puede llevarlos desde el viernes antes de la fiesta en la oficina de la Iglesia
antes de las 5:00PM o traerlos cuando vengas a la fiesta. ¡Gracias!
Weekly Schedule
The schedule below lists events that all parishioners are generally invited to. To reserve your parish event, contact Barbara Pecuch at (512) 422-1485. For a
more complete schedule, please view our calendar online at: http://www.santacruzcc.org/ or check the day’s events posted at our parish office.
San Juan Chapel Cleaning......... 2:00 pm-3:00 p.m......San Juan Chapel
Legion de Maria.......................... 7:00 pm-9:00 p.m......Church cryroom
Youth Choir Practice................... 5:45 pm-8:45 p.m......ED118 (Music room)
Boy Scouts.................................. 6:00 pm-9:00 p.m......ED212, 213 & 214
KC Monthly Council meeting...... 6:30 pm-10:45 p.m....PAC301 (K.O.C. Room)& kitchen
Chapel Wedding......................... 7:00 pm-8:00 p.m......Chapel
Grupo de Oración
El Buen Pastor......................... 7:30 pm-9:00 p.m......Church
San Juan Chapel Cleaning......... 2:00 pm-3:00 p.m......San Juan Chapel
English Choir practice................. 7:00 pm-8:00 p.m......ED118 (Music)
Pastoral Council meeting............ 7:00 pm-9:00 p.m......PAC304 (Workroom)
Singing Rosary........................... 7:00 pm-8:00 p.m......San Juan Chapel
That Man is You!......................... 5:00 am-7:00 a.m......ED120 (Youth Room)
SC School making tamales........ 12:00 pm-5:00 p.m....Kitchen
American Heritage Girls.............. 6:00 pm-7:30 p.m......ED201 & 202
RCIA............................................ 6:00 pm-9:00 p.m......ED120 (Youth Room)
CHRP Men & Women Spanish.... 6:30 pm-9:30 p.m......PAC301 & 321
Spanish Choir practice............... 7:00 pm-9:00 p.m......ED118 (Music)
Evangelización de las Familias... 7:00 pm-9:30 p.m......Deane Hall & PAC321
Grupo Preciosísima
Sangre de Cristo...................... 11:00 pm-3:00 a.m....San Juan Chapel
SC School making tamales........ 12:00 pm-5:00 p.m....Kitchen
Mystical Rose Rosary Makers.... 1:30 pm-3:30 p.m......PAC301 (K.O.C. Room)
San Juan Chapel cleaning.......... 2:00 pm-3:00 p.m......San Juan Chapel
Austin Diocesan
Hispanic Ministry meeting....... 5:00 pm-9:00 p.m......PAC301 (K.O.C. Room)
Spanish Rosary........................... 6:30 pm-9:15 p.m......PAC313
Grupo Juvenil
Planning meeting.................... 7:00 pm-9:00 p.m......PAC304 (Workroom)
Altar Society cleaning................. 7:30 am-9:30 a.m......Church
Holy Cross Celebration............... 8:00 am-10:00 p.m....Church grounds
St. Vincent de Paul
Food Distribution..................... 8:00 am-9:00 a.m......Deane Hall; Kitchen
St. Vincent de Paul meeting........ 9:00 am-11:00 a.m....PAC321 (SHMC Room)
SC School making tamales........ 12:00 pm-5:00 p.m....Kitchen
Grupo Juvenil.............................. 7:00 pm-9:00 p.m......ED205
Holy Cross Celebration............... 8:00 am-8:00 p.m......Church grounds
CT session.................................. 10:00 am-2:30 p.m....PAC304 Workroom
Bingo.......................................... 2:00 pm-5:30 p.m......Deane Hall & PAC301
Middle School & High School
Youth Night.............................. 5:30 pm-9:00 p.m......Deane Hall; PAC301/321, ED120
Santa Cruz Church, Buda, Texas
Vigésimo Tercer Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
September 7-13, 2015
Monday (Lunes)............................................ Office Closed/Cerrado
Wednesday (Miércoles):................................. 12:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m.
Tuesday & Thursday (Martes & Jueves):............ 1:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m.
Friday - Sunday (Viernes a Domingo):........... Office Closed/Cerrado
We are also available by appointment outside of the posted hours.
Please contact us at (512) 312-2520 to make arrangements.
Coordinators: JoAnna Rubio & Delia Blanco
Religious Education for Students K-12th Grades will begin:
Sunday, Sept. 20th; Monday, Sept. 21st; and Wednesday, Sept. 23rd.
Educación Religiosa para estudiantes del Kínder - 12 grados, comenzará:
el domingo, 20 de septiembre; lunes, 21 de septiembre;
y, el miércoles, 23 de septiembre.
Reconciliation & First Communion Preparation - Traditionally children celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation (First Confession) and First Communion
in the second grade. For their preparation, children attend Religious Education
for two years (1st grade & 2nd grade). The first year is traditionally 1st grade
and the second, 2nd grade, is continued preparation for the sacraments and the
celebration. Older children who have not celebrated the sacraments and need
to prepare participate in the RCIA for Children Program. Register for Religious
Education to get your child ready to celebrate the sacraments.
Reconciliación y Preparación de Primera Comunión - los niños celebran
tradicionalmente el Sacramento de la Reconciliación (Primera Confesión) y la
Primera Comunión en el segundo grado. Para su preparación, los niños atienden Educación Religiosa por dos años (1er grado y 2do grado). El primer año
tradicionalmente consiste de estudiantes del 1er grado y el segundo, del 2do
grado. Es una preparación continua para los sacramentos y la celebración. Niños
mayores de edad que no han celebrado sus sacramentos y necesitan prepararse,
participan en el programa para niños de RICA. Inscriba a sus niños en educación
religiosa para prepararlos a celebrar estos sacramentos.
Confirmation - A minimum of two years, traditionally 8th grade and 9th grade,
of formal religious education in a parish precedes the Confirmation Preparation
Program at Santa Cruz. Students who attend their 8th and 9th grade years will
enter into the Confirmation Preparation Program in their 10th grade year. If a
student did not attend 8th grade, the DRE / High School RE Coordinator will work
with parents to place the child in appropriate classes. These guidelines are in
accordance with the Diocese of Austin. Register for Religious Education to get
your child ready to celebrate the sacrament of Confirmation.
Confirmación - el programa de preparación para la Confirmación en Santa Cruz
se antecede con un mínimo de dos años, tradicionalmente el 8vo y 9no grados,
en Educación Religiosa formal en una parroquia. Los estudiantes que atienden
los grados de 8vo y 9no entrarán en el programa de Preparación para Confirmación, al tercer año, o en el 10mo grado. Si un estudiante no atendió el 8vo
grado, el coordinador de DRE/Secundaria trabajará con los padres para colocar
al joven en las clases apropiadas. Estas guías van de acuerdo con la Diócesis de
Austin. Inscriba a su niño(a) en educación religiosa para prepararlo(a) a celebrar
el Sacramento de Confirmación.
Calling all 1st Graders!! First grade is the first year for preparation to celebrate
the sacraments of reconciliation and First Communion. Register for Religious
Education so you can begin your preparation to celebrate the sacraments. Call
the RE Office or come by during our posted hours for more information.
¡Estamos llamando a todos los Estudiantes de 1er grado! El primer grado es
el primer año de preparación para celebrar los Sacramentos de Reconciliación
y de Primera Comunión. Inscríbalos en Educación Religiosa para que puedan
comenzar su preparación para celebrar estos sacramentos. Llame a la oficina
de Educación Religiosa o pase a la oficina durante las horas fijadas para más
Calling all 8th Graders!! Eighth grade is the first year for preparation to celebrate the sacrament of Confirmation. Register for Religious Education so you
can begin your preparation to celebrate the sacraments. Call the RE Office or
come by during our posted hours for more information.
¡Estamos llamando a todos los Estudiantes del 8vo grado! El octavo grado
es el primer año de preparación para celebrar el Sacramento de Confirmación.
Inscríbase para Educación Religiosa y así usted podrá comenzar su preparación
para celebrar los sacramentos. Llame a la oficina de Educación Religiosa o pase
por nuestra oficina durante las horas fijadas para más información.
Catechist, Catechist Aides & RE Volunteers!
With the new building addition, we will be able to add multiple classes to all sessions. Praise God our parish is growing and we will be able to share our faith with
so many parish children & youth. Please consider answering the call to serve and
share your faith with our parish Religious Education Program. If you are interested
in volunteering or would like more information, please contact the RE Office.
¡Catequistas, Asistentes de Catequistas y Voluntarios de RE!
Con la nueva adición del edificio, podremos añadir múltiples clases a todas las
sesiones. Alabado sea Dios por nuestra creciente parroquia y ahora podremos
compartir nuestra fe con muchos más niños y jóvenes de la parroquia. Por favor
considere responder al llamado de servir y compartir su fe con nuestro programa
parroquial de Educación Religiosa. Si usted está interesado como voluntario(a) o
le gustaría obtener más información, póngase en contacto con la oficina de RE.
Youth Coordinators:
Arianna Martínez, (512) 644-7716, [email protected]
Andie Rodríguez, (512) 422-4818, [email protected]
& Alex Smith, (512) 789-0182, [email protected]
Important Upcoming Youth Dates:
Sept. 6th - MS& HS Youth Night
Sept. 20th - Family Youth Night: Come out and join us for spaghetti
pot-luck! Please RSVP to our youth coordinators, so our chefs can
be prepared! Please bring a salad, side or dessert to share!
DCYC - This year DCYC will be held on Jan 29th thru Jan 31st. We have begun planning our fundraising and organizing event for our group to get to know each other.
If you are interested in attending DCYC this year, please contact Andie or Arianna.
Remember, you must be registered and participating in RE in order to attend!
Evento DCYC - este año DCYC se llevará a cabo del 29 al 31 de enero. Hemos
empezado a planificar y a organizar nuestro evento para recaudar fondos y así
también nuestro grupo llegara a conocerse mutuamente. Si estás interesado en
asistir al evento DCYC este año, por favor ponte en contacto con Andie o Arianna.
¡Recuerda que debes estar registrado y estar participando en Educación Religiosa
para poder asistir!
Twenty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time
Sept. 5 & 6, 2015 / 5 y 6 de septiembre, 2015
2015-2016 Santa Cruz Catholic Church Fiesta Committee
We would like to introduce this year’s Fiesta committee. This year, our school families will be organizing our Parish Fiesta. All proceeds directly benefit
Santa Cruz Catholic Church. Fiesta dates are Saturday, Sept. 12 and Sunday, Sept. 13. If you are interested in volunteering or can be a resource to
any of these sub-committees please contact them:
Carnival & Games:
Steve & Angelina Garza: [email protected]; 512-736-2960
Tanya Trevino: [email protected]; 512-850-2238
Leticia Gonzales: [email protected]; 512-656-2873
Andrea Juarez: [email protected]; 512-689-6914
Paula & Michael Lemonds: [email protected];
[email protected]; 512-921-7444
David & Elizabeth Cabrera: [email protected];
Cissy & Marcelino Gamboa: [email protected];
[email protected]; 512-470-1330
Food & Arts/Crafts:
Chris & Guadalupe Cancino - [email protected];
[email protected]; 512-586-7005
John & Michelle Duran - [email protected]; 512-563-5610 or
Set Up & Tear Down:
Melissa & Daniel Hernandez –[email protected];
[email protected]; 512-363-7367
Mario & Stephanie Mata - [email protected]; 512-787-3360 or
Dawn Brunkenhoefer: [email protected]; 512-785-3042
Church & School Liaison: Michelle Quintanilla [email protected]; 210-373-3073
Coordinator: Lupita Bodony
Adult Faith Enrichment - Once again we will be offering a series titled: A Quick Journey through the Bible [a
DVD Series in English and Spanish, beginning Sunday, September 20th, Monday, September 21st, and
Wednesday, September 23rd]. These sessions will be held on Sun./Mon./Wed./ during the time that RE
Classes are being held. This series is for all Adults, Parents of our RE Students and any Adult of Parish Community that would be interested in attending. At this point we are needing some English Speaking Catechists
to teach this series on Sunday (9:45 am to 10:45 am) and Sunday (12:15 to 1:15 pm). If you are interesting
in helping is out, please contact Ms. Lupita Bodony at 512-312-2520, ext. 137.
Enriquecimiento De Fe Para Adultos - una vez más estaremos ofreciendo una serie titulada: una Rápida Jornada
A Través de la Biblia [una serie en DVD en inglés y español, comenzará: el domingo, 20 de septiembre;
lunes, 21 de septiembre; y, el miércoles, 23 de septiembre]. Estas sesiones se tendrán los domingos,
lunes y miércoles durante la temporada de Educación Religiosa. Esta serie es para todos los adultos, los
padres de estudiantes y cualquier adulto de la comunidad parroquial que esté interesado(a) en asistir. En
este momento estamos necesitando algunos catequistas de habla inglés para enseñar esta serie el domingo
de 9:45 a 10:45 y de 12:15 a 1:15 pm. Si estás interesado en ayudar, por favor, póngase en contacto con
la Sra. Lupita Bodony al 512-312-2520, ext. 137.
Adult Faith Sacramental Sessions will be offered on: Thursday: October 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, November 5, 12,
19, 2015. These sessions run from 7:00-8:30 pm for 8 weeks. These sessions will prepare any Adult 18
years [who is out of HS] and or older to celebrate the Sacraments of First Communion and/or Confirmation
or both. If you are interested in participating in these 8 weeks please contact Ms. Lupita Bodony at 512312-2520, ext. 137 to register.
Sesiones Sacramentales - Fe de Adultos - se ofrecerá el jueves: 1, 8, 15, 22, y 29 de octubre y el 5, 12 y 19
de noviembre, 2015. Estas sesiones corren de 7:00-8:30 PM durante 8 semanas. Estas sesiones prepararan
a cualquier adulto de 18 años o más, [no en preparatoria] a celebrar los sacramentos de Primera Comunión
o Confirmación o ambos. Si estás interesado en participar en estas 8 semanas póngase en contacto con la
Sra. Lupita Bodony al 512-312-2520, ext. 137 para registrarse.
New Corner Pew Kneelers:
One of our parish families provided funding
for the 60 new corner pew kneelers installed
in our church last week. These kneelers have
been asked for by many in the past who could
not kneel in these locations when the church
is at or near seating capacity. We thank our
generous donors!
Nuevos reclinatorios de esquina: una de las
familias de la parroquia facilito los fondos
necesarios para los 60 reclinatorios nuevos
de esquina instalados en nuestra Iglesia
la semana pasada. Muchos de nuestros
feligreses los habían pedido en el pasado
ya que no se podía arrodillar en estas áreas,
especialmente cuando la Iglesia llega, o se
acerca a su capacidad máxima. ¡Agradecemos
la generosidad de nuestros donantes!
Saturday/Sábado:.......................5:30p ENG
Vigil Mass
Sunday/Domingo:...............8:30a ESP Mass
11:00a ENG Mass
5:00p ENG Mass
Daily Masses/Misas Diarias:
Please see Weekly Mass Intentions
Vea bajo las Intenciones de Misas Diarias
Saturdays 4:00-5:00p or by appt.
Sábados: 4:00-5:00p o por cita
1100 Main Street, Buda, TX 78652
Phone: (512) 312-2520
Fax: (512) 295-2034
email: [email protected]
bulletin: [email protected]
Parish Website: www.santacruzcc.org
Pastor: Fr. Kirby Garner
Associate Pastor: Fr. Christian Sánchez
Office Hours/Horario de Oficina
Monday-Friday / (Lunes a Viernes):
9:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M.
Saturday & Sunday (Sábados y Domingos):
Office is closed (la oficina está cerrada).
School Phone: (512) 312-2137
School Address:
P.O. Box 160, Buda, TX 78610
School e-mail address:
[email protected]
School Website:
Vigésimo Tercer Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
Santa Cruz Church, Buda, Texas
From the Pastor’s Desk:
Scheduling for Masses these past months has been rather chaotic.
I am grateful to the priests who have helped during this time and
grateful for everyone’s patience.
Between my health issues, vacation, and Fr. Christian’s trip
to Mexico to renew his work VISA, we haven’t had much stability. Thankfully, with the start of school, things are returning
to normal.
We will return to our usual rotating week-end schedule. One
week-end I will celebrate the Saturday and Sunday evening
Masses and Fr. Christian will celebrate the two Sunday morning
Masses. The next week-end we rotate. The deacons will continue
to preach on the 3rd weekend of the month.
In order to see more of our parishioners after Mass, in September we will rotate doors after Mass to greet the people.
First weekend: Main street side door
Second weekend: Main street front door
Third weekend: Office side front door
Fourth weekend: Side door near office
Del Escritorio del Párroco:
La programación de las Misas estos últimos meses ha sido un poco enredada.
Estoy agradecido a los sacerdotes que han ayudado durante este tiempo y
también estoy agradecido a todos ustedes por su paciencia.
Entre mis problemas de salud, vacaciones y el viaje a México por el Padre
Christian para renovar su VISA de trabajo, no hemos tenido mucha estabilidad.
Afortunadamente, con el comienzo de la escuela, las cosas están volviendo
a la normalidad.
Volveremos a nuestro horario habitual de fin de semana rotativo. Un fin de
semana yo celebraré las Misas vespertinas el sábado y el domingo y el Padre
Christian celebrará las dos Misas dominicales matutinas. Luego el próximo
fin de semana hacemos la rotación. Los diáconos seguirán predicando el tercer
fin de semana del mes.
En septiembre empezaremos la rotación de puertas después de Misa para
poder ver más gente y poder saludar a más de nuestros feligreses.
Primer fin de semana: puerta lateral de la calle Main (principal)
Segundo fin de semana: puerta al frente (lado de la Calle Main)
Tercer fin de semana: puerta al frente (lado de la Oficina parroquial)
Cuarto fin de semana: puerta lateral (lado de la Oficina parroquial)
Again, I thank everyone for their patience during these last
few months.
Otra vez, quiero agradecerles a todos por su paciencia durante estos
últimos meses.
Padre Kirby
Fr. Kirby
Let’s Keep our Young People in the Church!
Before my arrival at Santa Cruz, Fr. Deane began the Sunday evening
Mass to accommodate our young people. Over these past years it has
been wonderful to see our young people participate more fully in this
Mass as lectors, communion ministers, ushers, and choir members.
This Mass was instituted first and foremost for our young people, and
not just as a “convenience Mass” for people in the area. Anyone with
children and grandchildren know that it is a real challenge to keep them
connected to the church.
I was saddened to hear that after Mass on Sunday evening (August
23rd) a parishioner followed a young lady to her family’s car to “inform
her” that she was not properly dressed. Since her father was present,
it would have been more appropriate to privately express the concerns
to the father rather than leaving the young woman in tears. Will this
young woman ever want to come to Mass again? Who knows? If I were
in her situation, (to be honest), I probably would not.
We all agree that we should come dressed modestly for Mass; however, it is ultimately the parents’ responsibility to approve how their
young people dress for Mass.
Let’s work together to make our young people feel welcome and
not alienate them from the House of God. As Jesus said: “Let he who
is without sin cast the first stone.”
¡Mantengamos a Nuestros Jóvenes en la Iglesia!
Antes de que yo llegara a Santa Cruz, el Padre Deane comenzó la Misa
dominical en la tarde para nuestros jóvenes. En estos últimos años ha
sido maravilloso ver a nuestros jóvenes participar más plenamente en
esta Misa como lectores, ujieres, ministros de comunión y miembros
del coro. Esta Misa fue instituida primeramente para nuestros jóvenes
y no sólo como una “Misa de conveniencia” para la gente en el área.
Cualquier persona con hijos y nietos saben que es un verdadero reto
mantener una unión con la iglesia.
Me entristeció saber que después de la Misa el domingo por la tarde
(23 de agosto) un feligrés siguió a una joven al coche de su familia para
“informarle” que no estaba adecuadamente vestida. Puesto que su padre
estaba presente, hubiera sido más apropiado expresar privadamente su
preocupación al padre en lugar de dejar a la joven llorando. ¿Querrá
volver esta joven a Misa otra vez? Quién sabe. Si yo estuviera en su
situación, (honestamente), probablemente no volvería.
Todos estamos de acuerdo que debemos vestirnos modestamente
para la Misa; sin embargo, últimamente es la responsabilidad de los
padres de aprobar cómo se visten sus hijos para la Misa.
Trabajemos juntos para que nuestros jóvenes se sientan bienvenidos
y no los alejemos de la casa de Dios. Como dijo Jesús: “Aquel de ustedes
que no tenga pecado, que le arroje la primera piedra.”
Father Kirby
Padre Kirby
Congreso de Líderes y Servidores
El ministerio de Evangelización Carisma en Misiones
de Santa Cruz llevara a cabo un Congreso para Líderes
y Servidores de la Iglesia el 19 y 20 de Septiembre del
2015. En La Escuela de Travis High School. Este Congreso se ha llevado a cabo anualmente en California
desde 1984 y ahora por primer vez en Austin, Texas.
Es un fin de semana para todo Líder y servidor de los
diferentes ministerios de la Iglesia para fortalecernos
y nutrirnos más de la Palabra de Dios. Para más información (512)745-7947 o (737)247-9780 y también en
la página de internet www.carismaenmisionestx.org.
St. John Paul II Homeschoolers meet every
Monday at St Anthony’s in Kyle. The gathering
begins with Mass at 12:15. We have lunch with
Fr. Jason every week and he presents a monthly
lesson. There is a service project, an activity and
play time for the children who break into two age
groups (2-4) and (5-13.) We end with praying the
Divine Mercy Chaplet at 2:30. This year’s theme
is “Come Holy Spirit.” All homeschoolers are
welcome! Our first gathering is 9/14/15 - Fr Jason
will give us a blessing. Call Joanna Mancini for
more information at 512-569-6963.
Mystical Rose Rosary Makers:
Our first fall meeting will be a change from our usual
First Friday meeting because of the Holiday on that
weekend. We will meet instead on Friday, September 11, 2015 at 2:00 pm in the Knight of Columbus
room. We hope to see you there after our summer
break. For additional information, call Middy Munoz at
512-312-9940, or Sandy Dodson at 512 213-4554;
or Dolores Montemayor at 512 280-3625. Bring a
friend. All are welcome to join us in this joyful ministry
in the service of our Lord.
Twenty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time
Sept. 5 & 6, 2015 / 5 y 6 de septiembre, 2015
News from the Principal’s Desk
Noticias del Escritorio de la Directora
The students attended their first Holy Hour this past Friday from 2:00 to 3:00
p.m. in the Church. It is wonderful to see and hear the young people praying and
reflecting upon God in his Holy Place. We invite any parishioner wanting to join
us on during this time on the First Friday of each month.
Preparations for our Parish Fiesta are moving along at a rapid pace. The
school is challenging its families to sell $20,000.00 in raffle tickets. If that is
accomplished, I will have the privilege of kissing a pig! If we raise $30,000.00,
Fr. Kirby has said he will happily kiss the pig, too! Needless to say, the race is
on to reach our goal!
We are all enjoying our first long weekend of the school year. We have been
in school a month now, and the students are finishing up reviews of what was
learned last year and are starting into new lessons with enthusiasm. The students
are busy, challenging and engaged!
Have a blessed week,
Mrs. Flanagan
Los estudiantes asistieron a su primera Hora Santa este viernes pasado de
2:00 a 3:00 p.m. en la Iglesia. Es maravilloso ver y escuchar a los jóvenes rezar
y reflexionar en Dios en su Casa Santa. Invitamos a cualquier feligrés que desee
unirse a nosotros durante este tiempo cada primer viernes del mes.
Preparativos para la Fiesta Parroquial están avanzando rápidamente. La escuela está haciendo un reto a sus familias de vender $20,000.00 en boletos de
rifa. Si se llega a lograr, ¡!tendré el privilegio de besar a un marranito! Si vendemos
$30,000.00, ¡el Padre Kirby dijo que felizmente el besaría al cerdo, también! No
hace falta decirlo, pero hay mucho movimiento para ¡alcanzar nuestra meta!
Todos estamos disfrutando de nuestro primer fin de semana, con un día
extra por el Día del Trabajador, este año escolar. Ya cumplimos el mes de haber
vuelto a la escuela y los alumnos están terminando sus comentarios sobre lo que
aprendieron el año pasado y han empezado las nuevas lecciones con entusiasmo.
Sra. Flanagan
Non-Discrimination Policy: Schools within the Diocese of Austin do not
discriminate on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin in: (i) the
admission of students; (ii) the offerings of rights, privileges, programs, or
activities generally made available to their students; or (iii) the administration of educational policies, admissions policies, loan programs, athletic
programs, employment practices or policies, or other school-administered
MARRIED COUPLES The car needs a tune-up; your job needs periodic continuing
education; the house needs a fresh coat of paint and the grass needs mowing. What
about your marriage? Isn’t it time to place your relationship at the top of the list of
things that need tending to? Attend a Worldwide Marriage Encounter (WWME) weekend
and give your marriage a tune-up. For info on the September & November weekends,
or to register call 512-522-8409 or go to www.austinme.org. Call early to ensure a
space. Para información en español llamar al 512-635-1036.
Austin FertilityCare Center (AFCC) is pleased to offer an introductory session to the
Creighton FertilityCare™ method on Saturday, September 12th at 10 am to be held in
room 6 at St. Anthony Marie de Claret Catholic Church. This class is for couples who
wish to monitor, maintain or evaluate their fertility naturally, or for single women who
want to monitor their cycles for medical evaluation or maintenance. Contact AFCC
at [email protected] to register, or for questions call 512-474-2757. Cost is $35/
couple or woman. We will return your call when you leave a message.
The World Meeting of Families is an international event of prayer, catechesis, and
celebration that draws participants from around the globe. It seeks to strengthen the
bonds between families and to witness to the crucial importance of marriage and
the family to all of society. This event takes place every three years and is sponsored
by the Holy See’s Pontifical Council for the Family. The world meeting is being held
in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, September 22-25, 2015. For more information please
visit www.austindiocese.org/wmof2015.
Reglas de Imparcialidad: En las escuelas dentro de la diócesis de Austin
no se discrimina a base de raza, color, origen nacional o étnico en: (i) la
admisión de estudiantes; (ii) derechos o privilegios que se ofrecen, programas o actividades generalmente a disposición de sus alumnos; o (iii)
la administración de normas educativas, pólizas de admisión, programas
de préstamos, programas atléticos, prácticas o reglas laborales u otros
programas administrados por la escuela.
Becoming Catholic
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults
Are you, or do you know anyone, who has not yet been baptized or was
baptized in another Christian faith? Ever wondered why Catholics bless
themselves with the sign of the cross, what they believe about communion,
what’s up with all those saints and statues, and rosaries, and standing,
sitting, and kneeling, why does Mary seem so important? Well, why not
come and see and come and learn?
This year’s RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) Program begins
on Thursday, September 10. There is no cost, no obligation and no commitment necessary. In a series of friendly, informative and spiritually exciting
classes we will explore the major things Catholics believe and why. We
will learn more about the Mass and what is happening and why. Learn
about prayer, scripture, sacraments, and Church history, and much more.
Catholics are welcomed!
If interested, please call Sandy Dodson at (512) 213-4554 or Deacon
John Kerrigan at (214) 886-8239. You may also email Deacon John at
[email protected].
For the
Glory of God
Irish Catholic Fraternity
Friendship • Unity • Charity
Join us www.aohaustintx.com
[email protected]
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Daniel W. Wolfenstein
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[email protected]
Se Habla Espanol
[email protected] 512-668-3033
Stylist at Bella Vita Salon • Parishioner
1762 FM 967, Suite C, Buda
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Novedades Lupita
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Natalia A. Hernandez CPA
[email protected]
2371 Bebee Rd. Kyle TX. 78640 • 512-262-0398
Membership Open to all Hays County Parishes
314 E. Highland Mall Blvd.
Suite 208, Austin, TX 78752
Baptism • First Communion
Quinceañera • Wedding
FREE Checking Low Auto Loan Rates
Florencio Lopez, Parishioner
We have everything for your social events
A Roger Beasley Dealership
7501 S. IH 35
Georgetown, TX 78626
David Rodriguez, CFP®
Noel Campos
Buda Postal Station
Shipping, Printing & More
1645 Main Street
Mention this ad when you come in.
A $250 donation will be made to Santa Cruz Catholic Church
or Santa Cruz Catholic School (your choice) for every new
or certified pre-owned subaru purchased or leased.
• Tax Preparation
• Accounting
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1798 Elliott Ranch Rd., Buda
[email protected]
Accounting Service
Rosa Imelda Ramirez
CPA of Mexico
Licensed by Texas State Board
Public Accountancy
5433 Kyle Center Dr. | Kyle
329 Cheatham St. | San Marcos
Federally Insured by NCUA | Equal Housing Lender
Tommy D. Seargeant, President/CEO
Santa Cruz Parishioner
212 W. Stassney Lane
(512) 448-9462
Ruben Valdes E.A.
Client Representative before IRS
5700 Manchaca Rd., Ste 520
(512) 448-9787
Tax Preparartion • Accounting
Payroll • Notary Public
Randy Madden 830-237-0538
Karen Madden 830-515-8738
1567 Main Street Suite 800, Buda, TX 78610
For Ad Information please call Bartleby Press. 9603-H2 Brown Lane, Austin TX 78754 • 512-452-3413 • email:[email protected] • www.bartlebypress.com
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