Boletin para el fin de semana del 10 de abril


Boletin para el fin de semana del 10 de abril
09 Saturday/Sábado
09 Saturday/Sábado
April 10th 2016 / Third Sunday of Easter
5:00 p.m. English
7:00 p.m. Spanish
† Margaret Dawson (St. John´s Choir)
Accion de gracias a Jesus de la Misericordia
† Alfredo Antonio Naranjo (Marleny y Edy Garcia)
Acts/Hechos 6.1-7; Ps./Sal 33.1-2,4-5,18-19; John/Juan 6.16-21.
10 Sunday/Domingo:
9:30 a.m. English
Mass offered for the Parish Community
10 Sunday/Domingo:
11:30 a.m. Spanish Misa ofrecida por la Comunidad Parroquial
Acts/Hechos 5.28-32, 40b-41; Ps./Sal. 30.1+3,4-5,10+12a+12b; Revelation/Apocalipsis 5.11-14
John/Juan 21.1-19.
11 Monday/Lunes:
Acts/Hechos 6.8-15; Ps. / Sal. 119.23-24,26-27,29-30; John/Juan 6.22-29.
12 Tuesday/Martes:
8:30 a.m. English
† Eleanor Hock (Florence Bleskie)
12 Tuesday/Martes:
7:00 p.m. Spanish † Alfredo Antonio Naranjo (Marleny y Edy Garcia)
Acts/Hechos 7.51-8.1a; Ps./sal. 31.2cd-3,5ab+6b+7a,16+20ab; John/Juan 6.30-35.
13 Wednesday/Miercoles:
8:30 a.m. English
Acts/Hechos 8.1b-8; Ps/Sal. 66.1-3a,4-5,6-7a; John/Juan 6.35-40.
14 Thursday/Jueves:
8:30 a.m. English
† Jean Stemmler (Linda R. Stemmler)
Acts/Hechos 8.26-40; Ps./Sal. 66.8-9,16-17,20; John/Juan 6.44-51.
15 Friday/Viernes:
15 Friday/Viernes:
16 Saturday/Sábado
8:30 a.m. English
7:00 p.m. Spanish † Alfredo Antonio Naranjo (Marleny y Edy Garcia)
Acts/Hechos 9.1-20; Ps./Sal. 117.1,2; John/Juan 6.52-59.
5:00 p.m. English
† Alberto Alves (Alves Family)
† Jacinto Perez (Alves Family)
16 Saturday/Sábado
7:00 p.m. Spanish
† Vladimir Ivic (Alejandra Ivic)
† Alfredo Antonio Naranjo (Marleny y Edy Garcia)
Cumpleaños Fernando Florez Miguel (Mama y Abuela)
Acts/Hechos 9.31-42; Ps./Sal 116.12-13,14-15,16-17; John/Juan 6.53,60-69++.
Office Hours:
Tuesday to Friday
8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Sacrament of Reconciliation: Every
Friday from 6:00 p.m.— 6:45 p.m.
and Saturday from 3:30 p.m. - 4:30
p.m. Any other time by appointment.
Horario de Oficina:
Martes a Viernes
8:30 a.m.– 4:30 p.m.
Sacramento de la Reconciliación:
Todos los Viernes de 6:00 p.m.—6:45
p.m. y Sábados de 3:30 p.m. - 4:30
p.m. o con cita
10 de abril del 2016 / III Domingo de Pascua
Let be carried by God
“When you are old, you will stretch
out your hands, and another will gird
you and carry you where you do not
wish to go”. These words are
addressed first and foremost to those
of us who are pastors: we cannot feed
God’s flock unless we let ourselves
be carried by God’s will even where
we would rather not go, unless we are
prepared to bear witness to Christ
unreservedly, not in a calculating way,
sometimes even at the cost of our
lives. But this also applies to
everyone: we all have to proclaim and
bear witness to the Gospel. We
should all ask ourselves: How do I
bear witness to Christ through my
faith? Do I have the courage of Peter
and the other Apostles, to think, to
choose and to live as a Christian,
obedient to God? To be sure, the
testimony of faith comes in very many
forms, just as in a great fresco, there
is a variety of colours and shades; yet
they are all important, even those
which do not stand out. In God’s great
plan, every detail is important, even
yours, even my humble little witness,
even the hidden witness of those who
live their faith with simplicity in
everyday family relationships, work
relationships, friendships.
Déjate llevar por Dios
«Cuando seas viejo, extenderás las
manos, otro te ceñirá y te llevará
adonde no quieras». Esta es una
palabra dirigida a nosotros, los
Pastores: no se puede apacentar el
rebaño de Dios si no se acepta ser
llevados por la voluntad de Dios
incluso donde no queremos, si no hay
disponibilidad para dar testimonio de
Cristo con la entrega de nosotros
mismos, sin reservas, sin cálculos, a
veces a costa incluso de nuestra vida.
Pero esto vale para todos: el
Evangelio ha de ser anunciado y
testimoniado. Cada uno debería
preguntarse: ¿Cómo doy yo testimonio
de Cristo con mi fe? ¿Tengo el valor
de Pedro y los otros Apóstoles de
pensar, decidir y vivir como cristiano,
obedeciendo a Dios? Es verdad que el
testimonio de la fe tiene muchas
formas, como en un gran mural hay
variedad de colores y de matices; pero
todos son importantes, incluso los que
no destacan. En el gran designio de
Dios, cada detalle es importante,
también el pequeño y humilde
testimonio, también ese escondido de
quien vive con sencillez su fe en lo
cotidiano de las relaciones de familia,
de trabajo, de amistad.
Program – St.John’s/Our Lady
of Guadelupe Parish is pleased
to announce the beginning of an
exciting, new DVD ministry to
men and women who have
suffered from divorce. The
Guide features a 30 minute DVD
for 12 weeks made by excellent
popular speakers you will
recognize, covering topics such
as: shock, denial, anger, grief,
guilt, forgiveness, money, the
courts, the kids, the ex-spouse,
annulment, dating, sexuality,
staying single, and much more.
Whether you got divorced ten
days ago or ten years ago, the
program offers valuable insight
for everyone. PLEASE JOIN US
here, in the Parish hall Sunday
evenings 7:00-830 pm from
April 17th to June 26th. To register
or inquire, please contact Rita
Rudolph at [email protected]
[email protected]
Programa Católico de sanación
del divorcio: Las parroquias de
Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe y St.
John se complacen en anunciar el
comienzo de un nuevo y
emocionante ministerio en DVD
para los hombres y mujeres que
han vivido de divorcio. La guia de
supervivencia del divorcio Católico
es un programa en DVD de 30
minutos por 12 semanas, realizados
por excelentes oradores populares,
cubren temas tales como: choque,
negación, ira, tristeza, culpa,
perdón, dinero, los tribunales, los
niños, el ex-cónyuge, anulación,
citas, la sexualidad, la
espiritualidad, el nuevo matrimonio
o quedarse solo, y mucho más. Ya
sea que se hayan divorciaron hace
diez días o diez años atrás, el
programa ofrece información
valiosa para todos. Unete a nosotros
los domingos de 7 a 8:30 p.m. a
partir de abril 17 al 26 de junio.
Este programa será
INGLES. Para mas informacion o
inscribirse, contactate con Denis
Beaulieu 519-581-8227 o al
[email protected]. Rita
Rudolph en [email protected].
Our marriages are supposed to reflect, through our love for each
other, how much God loves each person. Showing this Godly love can
sometimes be a challenge, especially when our human selves are less
than perfect! When we set our minds to consciously changing how we
act, we can do better. Pope Francis encourages us to, “Set your stakes
on great ideals, the ideals that enlarge the heart, the ideals of service
that makes your talents fruitful…do not be afraid to dream great
things!” Dream great things for your marriage and your love will
flourish as God intended!
Third Sunday of Easter – April
10: How am I being called to feed
the lambs of Jesus? Could it be as
an ordained or consecrated person?
If you feel God’s call to the
priesthood or consecrated life, visit.
Tercer Domingo de Pascua - 10 de
abril: ¿Cómo soy llamado para alimentar
a los corderos de Jesús? Podría ser como
una persona ordenada o consagrada? Si
sientes el llamado de Dios al sacerdocio o
a la vida consagrada, visita.
CWL update: Thank you to everyone who has volunteered to make the
CWL Card Party a possibility.
The C.W.L. Spring Fling Card Party will take place in the parish hall on
Tuesday April 26 at 6:00 p.m. All are welcome to attend. We are in need
of prizes: New door prizes and Draw prizes. If you would like to donate
or have questions, please contact Elisabeth at 519-743-9601 or Betty at
CWL General Meeting will take place in the parish hall
on Tuesday, April 12 at 7:00 p.m. We are hosting a speaker who will
speak to us about the Prayer Shawl.
Vision Anomalies and the Implications for Learning: On Wednesday, April
20th from 6-8:30 p.m., Resurrection Catholic Secondary School presents
“Vision Anomalies and the Implications for Learning,” with speakers Dr.
Angela Peddle, Optometrist, and Ms. Linda Lemon, Educator and Vision
Specialty Teacher. The presentation will focus on the problem of underdiagnosed vision anomalies in our schools, how anomalies interfere with
student learning, and how to determine whether your child is experiencing
this condition. This event is sponsored by Resurrection School Parent
Council, and is open to all members of the public. There is no cost for
attending this event, so please bring a friend! Register online at
The St. Teresa of Avila Catholic Women’s League is holding a GARAGE SALE
at St. Teresa of Avila Church Hall, 19 Flamingo Drive, Elmira on Friday
evening, April 15th from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. and Saturday, April 16th from 8 a.m.
to 11 a.m. For more information please call Carol Kieswetter at 519-669-5392.
Weekly expenses / gastos semanales:
Last week’s collection / donación de la semana pasada:
Suggested Offering: For those who are working, 1 hour of your income each week to
support our parish. For those who are not working, at your discretion.
Recuerde que la ofrenda de 1 hora de su ingreso cada semana apoya nuestra parroquia.

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