saintfrancischapel - St. Francis Chapel


saintfrancischapel - St. Francis Chapel
800 Boylston Street, Suite 1001, Boston, MA 02199 617-437-7117
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St. Francis Chapel
Spiritual thoughts from
Ven. Bruno Lanteri,
Founder of the
of the Virgin Mary.
Thoughts on the Virgin Mary
“I want a tender love for the Virgin Mary and confidence in her
as a son has in his mother…”
“In praying, imitate Jesus and Mary…”
“Jesus Christ, the Virgin Mary given to us as our Mother, the
saints, the Church, the sacraments, etc...all these are motives of
“The Virgin Mary was crowned in heaven as daughter, as
mother, and as spouse, with the threefold crown of wwisdom,
power, and goodness. When we pray we share in her wisdom;
when we conquer ourselves we share in her power; when we
act with charity, warmth and openness toward our neighbor we
imitate her goodness.”
by Fr. Pio Bruno Lanteri.
Our Cover: Crucifixion, 1583
Located in Santa Maria della Carita, this is the work
of the young Annibale Carracci. The crucified Christ
Prudential Center, Boston
St. Francis Chapel Bookstore
Item of the Week...
As we remember the Passion of our Lord
and the sorrow of His Mother...what a perfect time to purchase a rosary and
start or promote this beautiful
and sanctifying devotion...
Save the Date!
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Seminarian Scholarship
Dinner and Auction
St. Clement Eucharistic Shrine
If you would like to contribute to the auction or know of someone
who would like to donate, please contact:
Richard McKinney, 617 526-4141,
[email protected]
(Some suggested items are concert/theatre tickets, restaurant gift certificates,
tour tickets, sports memorabilia, gift baskets, spa/hair stylist gift certificates,
or perhaps you have a unique item or idea that would drum up bids to aid the
scholarship fund.)
is surrounded by the Madonna, St Francesco,
St Bernardino, St Giovanni Battista and St Petronio.
Good Friday Way of the Cross for Life
What - Make the stations walking from church to church in
downtown Boston...
When - 9AM—Noon Good Friday, April 22nd
Where - Meet at Government Center Plaza near MBTA station
How - Peacefully, prayerfully, bring a rosary
Contact Colbe Mazzarella, (617)569–4570, for more info.
Triduum Schedule
Holy Thursday
9AM-4PM Confessions only
5:10PM Evening Mass of the
Lord’s Supper
7:30PM Misa Vispertina de la
Cena del Señor
Good Friday
Bulletin Sponsor
of the Week
Without the generosity of our sponsors, we would
not be able to provide you with this bulletin! Please
support our sponsors. Our sponsor of the week is:
W and V Freshwater Pearl Jewelry.
Call Vanessa Ramirez for an elegant and unique
accessory — Freshwater Pearl Jewelry! Great for
any occasion, these gleaming creations add special
beauty to any occasion...a brilliant idea!
Hablamos Español
12:00 PM
3:00 PM
5:10 PM
7:30 PM
Confessions only
Divine Mercy Novena
Celebration of the Passion
of the Lord
Celebración de la Pasión
del Señor
Holy Saturday
9AM-4PM Confessions only
8:00 PM
Vigilia Pascual
Easter Sunday Mass times
follow the regular schedule
Page 5
Oblates of the Virgin Mary
Sunday, April 1 7
8:00 AM
In honor of St. Jude
9:15 AM
+ Souls in Purgatory
10:30 AM
+ Luis Goytizolo
11:45 AM
+ Francis Coffey
1:15 PM
+ Catalina Cordona
4:00 PM
+ Ralph E. Wellings
5:30 PM
+ Rafael Vasquez (5th anniversary)
Monday, April 18
8:00 AM
Father Edward Broom, OMV
12:05 PM
+ Souls in Purgatory, favor
12:35 PM
+ Catalina Cordona
4:45 PM
+ Cipriano Vasquez
Tuesday, April 19
8:00 AM
+ Members of the Martin family
12:05 PM
Beatrix Sarah Tambunan
12:35 PM
+ Catalina Cordona
4:45 PM
+ Sara DeGiraldo
Wednesday, April 20
8:00 AM
+ Bernice Heptig
12:05 PM
Helen’s intention
12:35 PM
+ Catalina Cordona
4:45 PM
+ Dr. Boon Seng Ooi
Thursday, April 21
9 AM
4PM Confessions
5:10 PM
7:30 PM
Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper
(Priest’s intentions)
Misa Vispertina de la Cena del Señor
(Intención del Celebrante)
Friday, April 22
9 AM
12:00 PM
3:00 PM
5:10 PM
7:30 PM
Stations of the Cross
Divine Mercy Novena
Celebration of the Passion of the Lord
Celebración de la Pasión del Señor
Saturday, April 23
9 AM
4PM Confessions
8:00 PM
Vigilia Pascual
(La intención se dirà durante la Misa)
Since 1983, Saint Francis Chapel has been staffed by the Oblates
of the Virgin Mary, a Roman Catholic religious congregation of
priests and brothers united in a common mission to bring the
mercy of God to all people. Founded in 1826 by Ven Fr. Pio
Bruno Lanteri, OMV, the Oblates of the Virgin Mary have
houses throughout the world. The multiple and varied
apostolates of the OMVs include preaching parish missions and
retreats based on the Spiritual Exercises of Saint Ignatius,
fraternal assistance to (and formation of) the clergy, formation of
the laity, the use of the means of social communication (the mass
media) to promote the truth against current errors, parish work,
missionary work, and other apostolates.
Page 4
St. Francis Chapel
Prudential Center, Boston
A Generation Thanks John Paul the Great
NEW YORK, APRIL 8, 2011 ( With his 26-year pontificate,
soon-to-be Blessed John Paul II guided, educated and inspired a whole
generation of Catholics.
These Catholics often refer to him as John Paul the Great, and point to his
witness when they speak of their vocations -- to the priesthood, to
religious life, to marriage -- and to the universal call to sanctity, wherever
God places them.
A survey of this generation brings to mind the variety of gifts about
which St. Paul speaks: different kinds of service but the same Spirit and
Lord, and "the same God who produces all of them in everyone." They
might be serving in the Vatican or serving in the kitchen and the laundry,
but they find in John Paul the Great a model to follow.
ZENIT spoke to a handful of JPII generation Catholics -- from a variety
of walks of life, but drawn together by their experience of World Youth
Day 2002 in Toronto with the largest pilgrim group from the United
States: the delegation from Erie, Pennsylvania. They all speak of the
gratitude they feel for the Polish Pontiff.
Greg Schlueter led the organization for the Toronto pilgrimage and is
coordinating JP2Journey -- an online week-by-week recap of the
pilgrimage experience.
"If it's true that to see reality correctly we must see it 'God-bathed,' as
Frank Sheed has suggested, then I can't help but thank God for the
tremendous gift of John Paul II, who has substantially given me the lens,"
Schlueter reflected.
Schlueter told ZENIT how his vocation as a husband and father of seven
is marked by the soon-to-be beatified Pope.
"John Paul II's vision opened my eyes to more clearly see and know Jesus
Christ, in and through whom I'm coming to more fully understand our
essential identity and mission as family: we image the Trinity. Our
mission flows from this identity. We have been designed to participate in
the very life of the Trinity, to make (God Who is) love known!" he said.
"What a high and noble dignity!"
In fact, this conviction led Schlueter to found to invite
families to discover and live their identity.
"I'm overwhelmed when I think of these tremendous personal and
corporate blessings that have come by way of John Paul II, and am so
moved that we can seek his intercession now as a blessed of heaven," he
Every day in every way
Father Edward Lohse, a priest of the Diocese of Erie, ordained in the
Polish Pope's 11th year as Peter's Successor, is serving the Church at the
top of its leadership. He's been working for nine months as an official of
the Congregation for the Clergy.
He also speaks of a debt of gratitude to John Paul the Great. Father Lohse
remembers the Holy Father's "witness of what it means to be a priest,
striving each day to be faithful to Christ, to the Church, and to the people he
was called to serve."
"By word and example, he showed us how to love with the heart of Christ,"
Father Lohse reflected. "[...] I sensed that when he preached about Christ, he
was speaking not of some abstract truth, but of someone he knew
personally, of someone whom he loved, and of someone who loved him."
Statia Brown is another member of the JPII generation who found her
calling to serve God by forming a family. "Pope John Paul II has taught me
how to praise God every day in every way," the mother of two explained.
"He was a man who gave everything to the Lord. In my vocation as wife
and mother his example has helped me to give the Lord the joys and trials of
everyday life."
Totus tuus attitude
Far from being perceived as a distant ecclesiastic off in Rome, John Paul II
affected the generation of Catholics who grew up and matured under his
reign to such an extent that some of them consider him a friend.
Father Dan Hoffman, a priest of Erie studying canon law at the Catholic
University of America, said the Pope "continues to inspire me to be a true
witness of Christ to others by living my life with a 'totus tuus' attitude."
"I want to be a priest and a man that totally belongs to Christ and his Church
and inspires others to give their lives totally to them as well," Father
Hoffman said. "He will always be a true friend and companion to me."
John Paul II's legacy promises to continue for years to come. As his own
spiritual children form the next generation of Catholics, the mark of the
Polish Pope is sure to endure.
Jim Gallagher is one of those who will pass the seal of the JPII generation to
the next wave of faithful. He works in education and is the father of seven.
His first encounter with John Paul II was at the other North American World
Youth Day: the one hosted by Denver in 1993. He and his wife hope to
bring their seven children to Rome for the next Jubilee Year in 2025.
He described John Paul II's zeal and fervor as "infectious."
"Although John Paul II addressed multitudes of Catholic faithful, he
emanated the presence of Christ in such a way that I felt his message was
intended for me personally," Gallagher recounted.
Wife and mother Stephanie Muhs is herself convinced that John Paul II will
be remembered forever.
"I am so grateful for the life of John Paul II," the New York youth minister
affirmed. "Experiencing the joy he had, even in his suffering, really
convicted me to live for Christ even when it hurts. Life is not always easy,
but when we keep our eyes fixed on Christ, and our hearts open to him, we
win! And in the end, John Paul II was a winner. His life will forever be
remembered as saintly and full of love."
Intentions of Pope Benedict XVI
April 2011
General Intention: That the Church may offer new generations, through the
believable proclamation of the Gospel, ever-new reasons of life and hope.
Missionary Intention: That missionaries, with the proclamation of the Gospel and
their witness of life, may bring Christ to all those who do not yet know Him.
Oblates of the Virgin Mary
Page 5
Testimonio sobre Juan Pablo II en el sexto aniversario de su muerte
MADRID, sábado, 2 de abril de 2011 ( el testimonio que ofrecerá el sacerdote Jesús
de las Heras Muela, director de la revista Ecclesia, en el
programa “Testimonio” de TVE-2 con motivo de la
beatificación del Papa Juan Pablo II, en la emisión del 10
de abril de 2011, 10:25 hora. Karol Wojtyla falleció hace
seis años, el 2 de abril de 2005.
El anuncio de la beatificación del Papa Juan Pablo II para
el próximo 1 de mayo me ha llenado a mí también de gozo
y de agradecimiento. Además, me ha permitido viajar con
la memoria –esto es, recordar: volver a traer al corazón– a
aquellos inolvidables y apasionantes 27 años que vivimos
con Juan Pablo II, el Papa de nuestras vidas.
En mi caso, como en el de tantos y tantos miles y miles de
personas de todos los rincones del mundo, la alegría por su
próxima beatificación se une, como decía, a imágenes,
impresiones, recuerdos y vivencias, más o menos
personales, con Juan Pablo II.
Creo que en torno a una decena de ocasiones tuve la suerte
y la gracia de poder saludarlo personalmente, de poder
estar con él. Y en cuatro de estas ocasiones, el saludo fue
mucho más que un encuentro al uso.
El Papa Juan Pablo II me ordenó sacerdote el 8 de
noviembre de 1982, en Valencia, en el transcurso de su
primera visita apostólica a nuestro país. Desde entonces y
ya para siempre, mi vida y mi ministerio están ligados con
él, en clave de agradecimiento y también de interpelación,
pues son muchas las veces que retornan a mis oídos y a mi
corazón aquellas palabras suyas durante mi ordenación en
Valencia: “¡Sed sacerdotes de cuerpo entero!”.
El segundo de estos encuentros, también largo e intenso,
tuvo lugar en los mismos apartamentos pontificios el 20 de
octubre de 1999 cuando fui invitado a compartir el
almuerzo con él y otra docena de integrantes de la II
Asamblea del Sínodo de los Obispos para Europa. Entre
los comensales de aquel memorable día se hallaba también
el hermano Roger de Taizé. Y recordar ahora el haber
estado tan cerca de dos santos de cuerpo entero, me
produce –¡cómo no!– estremecimiento agradecido y
Los días 3 y 4 de mayo de 2003, Juan Pablo II visitó
España por quinta y última vez. Y a mí me correspondió
ser el responsable de Comunicación de aquel viaje.
Durante los cuatro meses previos al mismo trabajamos sin
cesar día y noche. Circunstancias familiares –felizmente
superadas– me hicieron más complicado y complejo aquel
trabajo, que formó y forma parte de una de las
experiencias más apasionantes, intensas, arduas e
inolvidables de mi vida,… con Juan Pablo II también
como fondo y como forma.
Por fin, el 7 de abril de 2005, sólo la Providencia explica
que pudiera ir a “despedirme” del Papa Wojtyla en el
último y tan multitudinario día de su capilla ardiente.
También, milagrosamente, pude permanecer durante más
de media hora a apenas dos metros de su cuerpo ya sin
vida. Y aquella media hora, que valió como casi 27
años…, fue un regalo, un tesoro, que me hacía el amigo
Juan Pablo II, que me hacía nuestro querido Dios.
En dos o tres ocasiones tuve asimismo la oportunidad de
concelebrar la eucaristía, a la hora del alba, con el Papa
Juan Pablo II, y conservo fresco e imborrable en el arcón
de mis mejores recuerdos, su intensa oración previa y
posterior de rodillas, su concentración y piedad durante la
misa, todo lo cual exhalaba y exhala el inequívoco buen
olor de un hombre radicalmente de Dios.
Por eso y por tantos otros motivos, el “reencuentro” de
ahora con él, con motivo de su beatificación, me llena de
gozo. ¿A quién no le gustaría tener un santo, un beato, en
su familia, entre sus amigos? Pues eso es lo que ahora el
buen Dios nos regala: un maestro, un padre, un hermano,
un amigo en los altares. Un maestro, un padre, un
hermano, un amigo, un testigo que nos muestra, mucho
más allá de su inagotable y experiencia cristiana y
humana, mucho más de mil y una anécdotas e historias,
más allá de todos los récords habidos y por haber, una
lección para siempre: Dios es el único y verdadero
fundamento de todos nuestros esfuerzos.
Y es que, sí, Juan Pablo II, el queridísimo Papa Juan Pablo
II, fue un signo claro, elocuente y convincente de que Dios
es, de que Dios existe, de que Dios es amor. Y de que, por
ello, nuestras vidas han de estar dirigidas a Él, que siempre
nos abraza y acompaña con su Divina Misericordia.
Benedicto XVI, en el libro-entrevista Luz del Mundo,
abunda en distintas ocasiones en la necesidad de
“recuperar” a Dios, en poner a Dios en el lugar que le
corresponde, en hacer del tema de Dios el centro de todos
nuestros esfuerzos y quehaceres. “¿No deberíamos –se
pregunta Benedicto XVI- empezar todo de nuevo desde
Dios?". “Hoy lo importante -prosigue- es que se vea, de
nuevo, que Dios existe, que Dios nos incumbe, que Dios
nos responde… Por eso, hoy debemos colocar, como
nuevo acento, la prioridad de la pregunta sobre Dios”. Y a
ella, sí, Juan Pablo II, ahora ya casi beato, nos vuelve a
responder: Dios es amor, el amor que vence al odio, el
amor que supera la muerte, el amor que es más fuerte que
el mal, el amor que nos salva en su Divina Misericordia.
Page 4
St. Francis Chapel
Prudential Center, Boston
Oblates of the Virgin Mary—USA
The Oblates of the Virgin Mary is an international religious
community of priests and brothers serving in Italy, France,
Austria, Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Nigeria, the United States
and the Philippines. The Oblates are involved in retreat and
parish missions, spiritual direction, parish work, the mass
media, clergy formation, and the foreign missions.
Fr. Bruno
The Founder
of the
Oblates of the Virgin Mary.
Declared “Venerable” the first step to
Hawaiian Gardens, CA
The US Province of the Oblates of the Virgin Mary is
dedicated to St. Ignatius of Loyola, and includes
communities in Massachusetts, Illinois, Colorado,
California and the Philippines.
Alton, IL
Cebu City, Philippines
Denver, CO
The OMV motto,
is taken from a homily by St.
on the Blessed Virgin.

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