Marzo 2015 - SmartLivingPlat


Marzo 2015 - SmartLivingPlat
Marzo de 2015
1. Batería de Aluminio-Aire que permite una autonomía en vehículos eléctricos de más de 1600 Km
2. Nace el Plan Nacional de Ciudades Inteligentes, con una dotación de 153 millones de euros
3. Las baterías eléctricas son más baratas que según las proyecciones para 2020
4. Los tejados de nuevos edificios comerciales en Francia deberán tener plantas o paneles solares
5. Reino Unido: "Nuestro Centro de Innovación Urbana es un paso hacia la construcción de mejores c...
6. Informe sobre el hogar conectado: Tendencias de futuro en los mercados del 'Internet de las cos...
7. "Eficiencia Energética no es sólo ahorrar energía": Harry Verhaar, Philips Lighting
8. Los cuatro principales argumentos en contra del coche eléctrico y en qué se equivocan
9. El centro de investigación finlandés VTT Research desarrolla paneles OLED de gran superfície
10. El instituto alemán Fraunhofer presenta nuevas tecnologías OLED en LOPEC 2015
11. El Salvador inaugura la primera factoría de módulos fotovoltaicos y leds en Centroamérica.
12. Ropa generadora de energía podria reemplazar baterías en dispositivos wearables
13. Nuevos estándares de equipamiento para iluminación de carreteras y áreas en EE.UU.
14. Tendencias en LEDs de baja potencia
15. LEDs eficientes enérgicamente podrían aliviar el Smog de China
16. La Oficina de Patentes de Estados Unidos deniega la solicitud de GE de reexamen de las patentes...
17. Instalaciones Solares en la India alcanzan los 883 MW en 2014 (un 12% menos que el año anterior...
18. Ecobuild: La Energía Solar se incluirá en el programa de eficiencia energética del Reino Unido
19. La Universidad de California desarrolla bolígrafo con tinta de alta tecnología capaz de fabric...
20. Ingeniero Industrial de la Universidad pública de Navarra desarrolla un modelo que podría ayuda...
21. Mayor concienciación sobre el Hogar Inteligente pero no para canales de instalación personaliza...
22. Un desgolse de los retos que supone el IoT (infografia)
23. Un gran salto en tecnología OLED
24. Los beneficios en el mercado de la gestión energética del hogar superaran los 22 mil millones d...
25. El coche no tripulado de Google puede incorporar airbags por fuera para protejer a los peatones
26. Tencent, Foxconn y China Harmony se unen para construir coches inteligentes
27. NXP Lanza solución de Hogar e Iluminación inteligentes
28. Los principales rivales de Tesla en almacenamiento de energía
29. On Controls en alianza con CentraLite para Programa de Control Cooperativo
30. General Electric lanza luminarias LED para dormir mejor
31. SunEdison adquiere startup de almacenamiento de energía
32. Tridonic lanza nuevo driver LED
33. Últimas tendencias en seguridad y automatización del hogar: Auto instalación y monitoreo proact...
34. Conectando con el Coche Conectado en el MWC
35. Ford quiere solucionar los atascos de tráfico con bicicletas eléctricas conectadas
36. Audi y AT&T conectarán inalámbricamente sus nuevos modelos de vehículos
37. Viper Networks y Apollo Metro entregan luminarias urbanas LED inteligentes para proyecto piloto...
38. Toshiba presentará LEDs blancos en Electronica China 2015
39. Huawei comparte su visión para la industria de la TIC, "Open ROADS to a Better Connected World"...
40. Lighting Science Group iluminará la ciudad de México con Luminarias urbanas LED Solares
41. AT&T prepara servicios integrados de automatización del hogar y coches conectados
42. Huawei lanza reloj inteligente con display de AMOLED
43. Xiaomi lanza nueva serie de productos domóticos gestionados mediante plataforma para Internet d...
44. Peel incursiona en el control domótico
45. SK Telecom apunta al mercado global del IoT con Lifeware
46. US8981207 (B1) Celda solar de película delgada sensibilizada con puntos cuánticos de alta efici...
47. US2015069431 (A1) Hojas de luz 3D dobladas con LEDs impresos
48. WO2015034367 (A1) Método para mejorar la eficiencia de las celdas solares
49. US2015068239 (A1) Sistema de refrigeración solar integrada en recubrimiento de edificio
50. US2015068514 (A1) Receptor de la radiación solar
51. US2015068588 (A1) Sistemas y métodos para estructura mejorada de módulo fotovoltaico
52. US2015069443 (A1) LED con cristales fotónicos locales
53. US2015069832 (A1) Sistema conversor de energía para vehículos eléctricos
54. US2015069841 (A1) Sistema fotovoltaico y método para operarlo y alimentar con energía eléctrica...
55. US2015069930 (A1) Métodos y aparatos para operar grupos de LEDs de alta potencia
56. US2015070755 (A1) Control acristalamiento solar
57. US2015070872 (A1) Método y sistema para formar emisores de Luz LED
58. US2015070883 (A1) Dispositivo y sistema de Luminaria LED
59. US2015070902 (A1) Sistema para dispersar luminancia
60. US2015070926 (A1) Lente de proyección para uso en módulo LED para luminaria de vehículo a motor
61. US2015072156 (A1) Lámina de vidrio con transmisión de energía
62. US2015072462(A1) Celdas fotovoltaicas de nanopelícula tandem unidas por unión de sustrato semic...
63. US2015072467 (A1) Dispositivos fotovoltaicos con junta superficial
64. US2015074582 (A1) Sistemas y métodos para monitoreo de automatización del hogar
65. US2015067762 (A1) Método y sistema para la configuración de firewall para hogar inteligente
66. WO2015029078 (A2) Cargador portátil y método para recargar dispositivos electrónicos
67. WO2015029974 (A1) Material de control térmico flexible
68. WO2015030465 (A1) Luminaria urbana LED
69. US8967825 (B2) Luminaria LED con chip soportada por miembro disipador de calor
70. US8971236 (B2) Sistema y método para interconección a tiempo real de elementos de una amplia ár...
71. High-efficiency luminescent solar concentrators for flexible waveguiding photovoltaics
72. Short-term smart learning electrical load prediction algorithm for home energy management syste...
73. Single layer deep blue polymer light emitting diodes with chlorinated Indium Tin Oxide after su...
74. A room-temperature process for fabricating a nano-Pt counter electrode on a plastic substrate f...
75. Control and synchronization algorithms for a grid-connected photovoltaic system under harmonic ...
76. Efficient blue organic light-emitting diodes based on triphenylimidazole substituted anthracene...
77. Growth and characterization of phosphor-free white light-emitting diodes based on InGaN blue qu...
78. Improved light outcoupling of organic light-emitting diodes by randomly embossed nanostructure
79. Solution processed multi-color organic light emitting diodes for application in telecommunicati...
80. Occupant Centered Lighting Control for Comfort and Energy Efficient Building Operation
81. Synthesis and luminescence properties of NaLa(MoO4)2xAGx:Eu3+ (AG=SO42, BO33) red phosphors
82. El mercado global del Vehículo Eléctrico alcanza los 740.000 coches
83. Mercado Global de los Dispositivos de Seguridad Conectados 2015 - 2020
84. Mercado Global de los Hogares Inteligentes y Edificios Energéticamente Eficientes y automatizad...
85. Mercado Global de los dispositivos Wearable inteligentes para el cuidado de la Salud 2015-2019
86. Mercado de los sistemas de paneles fotovoltaicos cristalinos
87. Mercado Global del Almacenamiento de Energía Grid-Scale. Tendencias y Previsiones2015-2019
88. Mercado de las energías Renovables en la Region Oriente Medio y Africa 2015-2019
89. Mercado de las Energías Renovables en Europa 2014-2018
90. Mercado Global de la Nanotecnología en aplicaciones de Energía 2014-2018
91. Mercado Global de los Smart Energy Meters : Tamaño, Tendencias, Share y Previsiones de
92. Mercado Global de las Tecnologías de Generación de Energía Distribuida 2015-2019
93. Mercado Global de los sistemas de automatización del hogar 2015, según Solar Energy News
94. IoT Day - Construmat (20 de Mayo) El futuro de los sistemas de control en la construcción
95. Metropolitan Solutions 20-22 Mayo de 2015 Berlin (Alemania)
96. Beyond Building Barcelona Reenginering CONSTRUMAT 19-23 Mayo 2015
97. Smart Energy 22-25 de Marzo de 2015 Alemania
98. Smart to Future Cities 28-29 Abril 2015 Waldorf Hilton, Londres (Reino Unido)
Eficiencia Energética y Smart Cities
Batería de Aluminio-Aire que permite una autonomía en vehículos
eléctricos de más de 1600 Km
Publicada en, 27/03/2015.
Phinergy, an Israeli startup, has demonstrated an aluminium-air battery that is
capable of powering an electric vehicle for up to 1,000 miles (1,609km). Unlike
other metal-air batteries that we’ve written about in the past, such as IBM’s
lithium-air battery, Phinergy’s Al-air battery actually consumes aluminium as a
fuel, allowing for an energy density that far surpasses conventional battery
technologies and even begins to rival gas and diesel. Phinergy says it has signed
a contract with a global automaker for “production volumes” of the battery,
starting in 2017.
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Nace el Plan Nacional de Ciudades Inteligentes, con una dotación
de 153 millones de euros
Publicada en, 26/03/2015.
26/03/2015 El ministerio de Industria, Energía y Turismo ha dado a conocer el
nuevo Plan Nacional de Ciudades Inteligentes, que está dotado inicialmente de
un presupuesto de 153 millones de euros, inversión que se cofinanciará a través
del Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) y a la que se sumarán las
aportaciones de otras administraciones y del sector privado. El plan se
coordinará a través de la Secretaria de Estado de Telecomunicaciones y para la
Sociedad de la Información mediante la creación del Consejo Asesor de
Ciudades Inteligentes. Estará conformado por la propia secretaría de Estado,, SEGITTUR, IDAE, EOI, las entidades locales y los representantes de la
Industria. Su objetivo es mejorar la eficacia y eficiencia de las entidades locales
en la prestación de los servicios públicos a través del uso de las TIC y avanzar
en la gobernanza del sistema de Ciudad y Destino Turístico Inteligente. Todo
ello redundará en una mejor calidad de vida para la ciudadanía y creará
entornos atractivos de inversión que generarán crecimiento económico y
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Marzo de 2015
Página 2
Eficiencia Energética y Smart Cities
Las baterías eléctricas son más baratas que según las
proyecciones para 2020
Publicada en, 23/03/2015.
The cost of electric vehicle battery packs is falling so rapidly they are probably
already cheaper than expected for 2020, according to a new study in Nature
Climate Change. Electric vehicles remain more expensive than combustionengine equivalents, largely because of battery costs. In 2013 the International
Energy Agency (IEA) estimated cost-parity could be reached in 2020, with
battery costs reaching $300 per kilowatt hour of capacity.But market-leading
firms were probably already producing cheaper batteries last year, says today's
new research. It says its figures are "two to four times lower than many recent
peer-reviewed papers have suggested".
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Los tejados de nuevos edificios comerciales en Francia deberán
tener plantas o paneles solares
Publicada en, 21/03/2015.
Rooftops in France are about to get a whole lot greener, thanks to a new law
requiring rooftops on new buildings constructed in commercial zones to be
partially covered in plants or solar panels. The law, approved by French
Parliament on Thursday, was less comprehensive than the original demands by
French environmental activists, who wanted to require completely green rooftops
on all new buildings. The government convinced activists to scale back the reach
of the law to only commercial buildings, as well as requiring only part of rooftops
to be covered with plants or solar panels, according to Agence France-Presse.
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Marzo de 2015
Página 3
Eficiencia Energética y Smart Cities
Reino Unido: "Nuestro Centro de Innovación Urbana es un paso
hacia la construcción de mejores ciudades"
Publicada en, 17/03/2015.
The future of cities is full of possibility – and uncertainty. Getting it right is more
than a matter of luck. Your future city could be one where shared, on-demand
autonomous vehicles halve the number of vehicles on the road, without crashes
and with quieter streets and cleaner air; where cleaning robots diligently polish
photovoltaic cells on the 16th floor of tower blocks engulfed in greenery; and
where robot builders rapidly throw together elegant buildings made of crosslaminated timber, each sinuous slab tracked back to the forest it grew in.Or, as
author Marc Goodman points out in his new book, Future Crimes, our future
cities could be ones where these same dynamics trample over privacy, ethics
and local cultural differences. Where fast-failing systems backed by venture
capitalists leach value from urban economies; where automation halves the
number of jobs available to humans; and where surveillance-driven governance
replaces open, deliberative policy and planning.
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Informe sobre el hogar conectado: Tendencias de futuro en los
mercados del 'Internet de las cosas'
Publicada en, 16/03/2015.
Homes around the world are going to become smarter and more connected over
the next five years. Overall, a fair number of mainstream consumers still don't
fully understand what connected-home devices are and how they work, and so
demand hasn't reached its full potential. However, adoption and awareness is still
high for such a new category. We expect the devices to become more prevalent
in the next two years, when growth will peak. In a recent report on the connected
home, BI Intelligence takes a closer look at this market, and forecasts shipments
and revenue growth for connected-home devices over the next five years. We
also examine current consumer sentiment about these new devices, the potential
opportunities and barriers the Internet of Things will face on its way to
mainstream adoption, and the leading companies currently in the market.
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Marzo de 2015
Página 4
Eficiencia Energética y Smart Cities
"Eficiencia Energética no es sólo ahorrar energía": Harry Verhaar,
Philips Lighting
Publicada en, 12/03/2015.
After the publication of the 2015 Energy Productivity and Economic Prosperity
Index, authored by The Lisbon Council, Ecofys and Quintel Intelligence and
commissioned by Philips, we interviewed Harry Verhaar, Head of Global Public &
Government Affairs, Philips Lighting, about the specific role of energy efficiency
and the future of the lighting sector. The 2015 Energy Productivity and Economic
Prosperity Index report, which Philips commissioned, highlights that 98% of all
energy produced globally is wasted through inefficiency. How energy efficient is
the lighting sector?
Take the classic example of the incandescent light bulb. Only 5% of the
electricity it consumes turns into light. But taking the whole energy chain into
account, from energy generation to the actual service, the average productivity of
an incandescent light bulb is only 1%.
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Los cuatro principales argumentos en contra del coche eléctrico y
en qué se equivocan
Publicada en, 08/03/2015.
Here are the facts: Americans have purchased more than 290,000 electric
vehicles since the end of 2010, when the Electric cars have been around for
more than a century, and optimists have predicted their dominance for nearly as
long. So far, those predictions have been very wrong. Is it really different this
time?. Nissan (NASDAQOTH: NSANY ) Leaf became the first "affordable" EV to
ply American roadways since General Motors (NYSE: GM ) discontinued its
infamous EV1. Nearly 140,000 of those vehicles have been battery-only,
eschewing any combustion engine for a ride powered exclusively by electricity.
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El centro de investigación finlandés VTT Research desarrolla
paneles OLED de gran superfície
Publicada en LEDinside LED, LED Lighting, LED Price Trends, Global LED News and Market Research - Industry Info, 06/03/2015.
Based on OLED technology and implemented by means of a printing machine,
this method developed by VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd
provides an opportunity to create patterned and flexible light-emitting surfaces on
advertising displays, info signs and lighting fixtures, for instance. The method
also enables transparent smart surfaces to be attached to window panels or
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Marzo de 2015
Página 5
Eficiencia Energética y Smart Cities
El instituto alemán Fraunhofer presenta nuevas tecnologías OLED
en LOPEC 2015
Publicada en LEDinside LED, LED Lighting, LED Price Trends, Global LED News and Market Research - Industry Info, 05/03/2015.
Fraunhofer Institute for Organic Electronics, Electron Beam and Plasma
Technologies FEP introduces the world's first color changing transparent OLED.
From March 4-5, Dresden researchers and entrepreneurs will be attending
LOPEC 2015, the 7th international exhibition and conference for the printed
electronics industry. The joint booth of the Saxon network Organic Electronics
Saxony (OES) will represent the companies Adenso, CreaPHys, DTF
Technology, Heliatek, Plastic Logic Germany and VON ARDENNE (Hall
BO/booth 320). Together with Fraunhofer Institute Organic Electronics, Electron
Beam and Plasma Technologies (FEP) and the Fraunhofer Institute for Materials
and Beam Technology (IWS), the companies will present innovative technologies
and processes in OLED (Organic Light Emitting Diodes), 3-D printing, PED
(Pulsed Electron Deposition) and thin film technologies. The Fraunhofer Institute
for Ceramic Technologies and Systems (IKTS) will have its own booth in Hall
E0/booth 105.)
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El Salvador inaugura la primera factoría de módulos fotovoltaicos y
leds en Centroamérica.
Publicada en Suelo Solar, 04/03/2015.
Alba Tech Green Energy invertirá 21 millones de U$D en los dos primeros años
para impulsar la producción de 15 Megawatios (MW) anuales en paneles solares
y 4 millones de luminarias led. La empresa taiwanesa Speedtech Energy,
encargada de proporcionar conocimientos sobre alta tecnología, el Grupo Sam
Li y el petrolero Grupo Alba lanzaron la empresa salvadoreña Alba Tech Green
Energy, con la creación de una planta de producción de paneles solares y luces
LED. La planta, única en la región latinoamericana, se encuenta ubicada en San
Juan Opico, se convierte en la primera maquila de dispositivos de alta tecnología
en El Salvador.
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Marzo de 2015
Página 6
Eficiencia Energética y Smart Cities
Ropa generadora de energía podria reemplazar baterías en
dispositivos wearables
Publicada en Phys.org_Light emitting diode, 04/03/2015.
From light-up shoes to smart watches, wearable electronics are gaining traction
among consumers, but these gadgets' versatility is still held back by the stiff,
short-lived batteries that are required. These limitations, however, could soon be
overcome. In the journal ACS Nano, scientists report the first durable, flexible
cloth that harnesses human motion to generate energy. It can also self-charge
batteries or supercapacitors without an external power source and make new
commercial and medical applications possible.
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Nuevos estándares de equipamiento para iluminación de carreteras
y áreas en EE.UU.
Publicada en LEDinside LED, LED Lighting, LED Price Trends, Global LED News and Market Research - Industry Info, 04/03/2015.
The National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) has recently published two new standards for Roadways
and Area Lighting Equipment. The first is ANSI C136.16-2014 American National Standard for Roadway and Area
Lighting Equipment—Enclosed, Post Top-mounted Luminaires. This standard is useful to roadway and area lighting
manufacturers, municipalities, and utilities; and provides requirements to allow for the interchangeability of enclosed,
post top-mounted luminaires.ANSI C136.16 was developed by ANSI Accredited Standards Committee (ASC) 136. It
covers dimensional, maintenance, and light distribution features that permit the interchange of enclosed, post topmounted high-intensity discharge lamps, solid-state light sources (i.e., light-emitting diode), compact fluorescent
lamps, and induction luminaires whose center of mass is approximately over the mounting tenon.
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Tendencias en LEDs de baja potencia
Publicada en LEDinside LED, LED Lighting, LED Price Trends, Global LED News and Market Research - Industry Info, 04/03/2015.
This is Part II in our five part series that takes a big picture look at today's lowpower LED lighting trends. In Part I we reviewed the worldwide market for LED
lighting and predictions for the potential of high-brightness LEDs. In this
installment we will look at some of the many driver standards and governmental
agency requirements designers need to be aware of.
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Marzo de 2015
Página 7
Eficiencia Energética y Smart Cities
LEDs eficientes enérgicamente podrían aliviar el Smog de China
Publicada en LEDinside LED, LED Lighting, LED Price Trends, Global LED News and Market Research - Industry Info, 03/03/2015.
A mother’s “personal grudge” against China’s haze issues gave birth to the
trending environmental documentary 'China's Haze: Under the Dome.’ The
country’s serious air pollution became very personal for former State TV Reporter
Chai Jing, when she became pregnant with her daughter. Concerned about her
daughter’s health, the former environmental issue investigative reporter probed
into the causes behind China’s serious air pollution. The documentary has gone
viral online and has received more than millions of views on major online video
websites. The video might be forgotten by the masses within a week, but the
hazards of smog will not simply drift away. Environmental friendly LEDs just
might offer a solution to China’s thick haze.
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La Oficina de Patentes de Estados Unidos deniega la solicitud de
GE de reexamen de las patentes de Smart meters de TransData
Publicada en PR Newswire: Energy, 03/03/2015.
DALLAS, March 3, 2015 /PRNewswire/ -- TransData, Inc., announced today that it received notification from the U.S.
Patent and Trademark Office ("Patent Office") that the Patent Trial and Appeal Board has denied three Inter Partes
Review ("IPR") requests filed by General Electric Company (NYSE: GE) attempting to challenge the validity of
TransData's Smart Electric Meter Patent portfolio. TransData's Smart Meter Patents (US Patents 6,181,294;
6,462,713 and 6,903,699) relate to the Company's development of the first digital electric meter equipped with an
internal "under-glass" wireless communication module and antenna. This technology is key to enabling the electric
meter circuitry within the digital electric meter to communicate wirelessly. Current licensees include Sensus USA,
Sensus Metering, M2M Technologies and Telensa Ltd., among others.
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Marzo de 2015
Página 8
Eficiencia Energética y Smart Cities
Instalaciones Solares en la India alcanzan los 883 MW en 2014 (un
12% menos que el año anterior)
Publicada en Global Solar Technology_ Industry News, 03/03/2015.
Indian solar installations in calendar year 2014 totaled 883 MW, down 12 percent compared to 1,004 MW installed in
2013. Mercom’s 2015 forecast is unchanged at approximately 1,800 MW with some upside. The Indian solar industry
remains positive as solar programs are being announced with increased frequency and the installation goal continues
to grow. The 100 GW solar installation goal set recently by the Modi government has thrilled the sector, but the
industry is pragmatic and realizes that while 100 GW looks great on paper, the last five years have resulted in only
3,000 MW in solar installations, with last year’s installations at less than 1 GW. “Most of the industry is confused as
they are constantly bombarded with new policies, goals, drafts and revisions,” commented Raj Prabhu, CEO and CoFounder of Mercom Capital Group. “The last time the National Solar Mission (NSM) conducted a solar auction was in
October 2013 - the industry just wants to see execution.” “The two most impactful steps the government can take to
help the solar industry take off and bring substantial investments into the sector would be to: 1) fix the financial health
of DISCOM’s [utilities] and thereby improve the credit rating of offtakers, and 2) classify ‘renewables’ as a priority
lending sector in India, making more funds available for solar,” continued Prabhu.
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Ecobuild: La Energía Solar se incluirá en el programa de eficiencia
energética del Reino Unido
Publicada en PV Magazine, 03/03/2015.
U.K. Energy Secretary Ed Davey called for bolder solar PV targets as a part of the Green Deal. Davey made his
remarks while delivering the Ecobuild keynote speech today in London, clearly enunciating part of his party's 2015
General Election campaign. The context for Energy Secretary Ed Davey’s remarks on solar PV, delivered today at
Ecobuild, was as the U.K.'s current and future energy efficiency policies. The energy efficiency market, said Davey,
has changed in nature, developing many more aspects than purely providing insulation for homes. It now includes all
technologies concerning the various ways to reduce homes energy needs and also generate energy on site. Thus,
the current energy efficiency policy framework is to include various tools such as solar PV feed-in tariffs (FITs) and
renewable heat incentives.
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La Universidad de California desarrolla bolígrafo con tinta de alta
tecnología capaz de fabricar Sensores in-situ
Publicada en DeviceSpace, 02/03/2015.
San Diego, Calif., March 2, 2015 -- A new simple tool developed by nanoengineers at the University of California,
San Diego, is opening the door to an era when anyone will be able to build sensors, anywhere, including physicians
in the clinic, patients in their home and soldiers in the field. The team from the University of California, San Diego,
developed high-tech bio-inks that react with several...
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Marzo de 2015
Página 9
Eficiencia Energética y Smart Cities
Ingeniero Industrial de la Universidad pública de Navarra desarrolla
un modelo que podría ayudar a aumentar la Eficiencia Energética
Publicada en Google noticias, 02/03/2015.
Iñigo de la Parra Laita, an industrial engineer of the NUP/UPNA-Public University of Navarre, has focussed his PhD
thesis on the grid integration of large photovoltaic power stations. Among the contributions of his research he has
developed a model that has been patented and which is capable of simulating fluctuations in photovoltaic power. As
he explains, “just by knowing the irradiance recorded in one spot, the number of grouped power stations and the
average surface area they occupy, we can simulate what fluctuations may take place in photovoltaic power". Right
now, one of the problems the operator is facing is the impossibility of knowing the power variations that may take
place in different points of the system in which various photovoltaic power stations converge. “To find out this
information one could fit power loggers at all the stations, but that is a very costly solution and, what is more, difficult
because the power stations tend to have different owners”.
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Mayor concienciación sobre el Hogar Inteligente pero no para
canales de instalación personalizados
Publicada en CePro, 02/03/2015.
By Jason Knott, March 02, 2015. Did the custom electronics industry sign up for
a life-long membership in the federal witness protection program? Is recognition
for this industry buried with Jimmy Hoffa? Yet another study has been released
that unveils the obscurity of the industry, despite the growing popularity of smart
home systems. This is the same mantra that has been repeated over the past
decades about “hot” technologies such as home theater, audio systems, flat
panel TVs and home automation.According to a new study from Parks
Associates entitled “Key Competitive Elements for Smart Home Service
Providers,” three out of every four U.S. broadband households has absolutely no
idea whatsoever where to turn to get a “smart home system” installed. Likewise,
about 70 percent of consumers have no idea where to purchase a “smart home
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Marzo de 2015
Página 10
Eficiencia Energética y Smart Cities
Un desgolse de los retos que supone el IoT (infografia)
Publicada en MEDCity News, 02/03/2015.
It’s National Consumer Protection Week, so an infographic by Laird Technologies
highlighting some of the security challenges with the Internet of Things seems
appropriate. The infographic highlights both consumer technologies such as
fitness wearables and apps that connect to homes to do tasks such as remotely
adjusting home thermostats and enterprise technology, such as medical devices
that can be located and tracked.Connecting, authenticating and securing Internet
of Things communications is critical to prevent untrusted devices from gaining
access. Another challenge is the need for alternative distributed computing
models to handle the high volume of data. Earlier this year a Federal Trade
Commission report called for tougher laws to shore up consumer privacy and
security concerns they identified with The Internet of Things. It called for device
developers do a better job of building security into their devices from the start. It
also recommended that companies consider measures to keep unauthorized
users from accessing a consumer’s device, data, or personal information stored
on the network.
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Un gran salto en tecnología OLED
Publicada en Phys.org_Light emitting diode, 02/03/2015.
Organic light emitting diodes (OLEDs), which are made from carbon-containing
materials, have the potential to revolutionize future display technologies, making
low-power displays so thin they'll wrap or fold around other structures, for
instance.Conventional LCD displays must be backlit by either fluorescent light
bulbs or conventional LEDs whereas OLEDs don't require back lighting. An even
greater technological breakthrough will be OLED-based laser diodes, and
researchers have long dreamed of building organic lasers, but they have been
hindered by the organic materials' tendency to operate inefficiently at the high
currents required for lasing.
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Marzo de 2015
Página 11
Eficiencia Energética y Smart Cities
Los beneficios en el mercado de la gestión energética del hogar
superaran los 22 mil millones de Dólares entre 2014 y 2023, según
Navigant Research
Publicada en Home Toys, 02/03/2015.
The global market is expected to peak in 2020 following Great Britain's government-mandated smart meter rollout,
report finds. Shortly after Google purchased Nest Labs in January 2014, HEM stakeholders began reporting
increased market activity, as the acquisition signaled to vendors, utilities, service providers, and retailers that the
value in home energy management and automation was finally gaining recognition. Similarly, consumer awareness
began to increase, bringing into focus products and services that can help better manage and control home energy
consumption. Click to tweet: According to a recent report from Navigant Research, cumulative HEM revenue is
expected to exceed $22 billion from 2014 to 2023.
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Marzo de 2015
Página 12
Eficiencia Energética y Smart Cities
El coche no tripulado de Google puede incorporar airbags por fuera
para protejer a los peatones
Publicada en, 25/03/2015.
Most cars have airbags that are designed to protect passengers in a crash, but
Google’s driverless cars may go a step further, with airbags designed to protect
nearby pedestrians.Google is working on a driverless car that already has spent
countless test hours learning the rules of the road. In a new patent awarded
today to Google today (March 24), the company outlined a system for external
airbags and bumpers that could deploy in the event of an accident. One idea
suggested in the patent is to mount airbags on the outside of the cars, to create a
buffer for pedestrians. These airbags would deploy when the car senses that a
collision with another vehicle is imminent.
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Tencent, Foxconn y China Harmony se unen para construir coches
Publicada en, 24/03/2015.
Chinese Internet giant Tencent Holdings TCEHY recently signed an agreement with Taiwan’s Foxconn Technology -a major Apple AAPL supplier -- to develop smart electric cars.Zhengzhou-based China Harmony Auto will also join
forces with Tencent and Foxconn. Notably, Foxconn invested HK$600 million in China Harmony in December last
year.The collaboration will bring together Tencent’s Internet platform, Foxconn’s manufacturing competence and
China Harmony’s dealership network.None of the companies provided any further details.
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NXP Lanza solución de Hogar e Iluminación inteligentes
Publicada en LEDinside LED, LED Lighting, LED Price Trends, Global LED News and Market Research - Industry Info, 19/03/2015.
NXP Semiconductors has announced the launch of its new best-in-class, low power and long range JN5169 wireless
microcontroller and accompanying smart home and smart lighting solutions, featuring certified ZigBee LightLink,
Home Automation, GreenPower software stacks and, the first in the market, a NFC-commissioning option that allows
users to connect systems intuitively with just one tap. An on-chip +10dBm power amplifier within JN5169 doubles the
connectivity range of NXP’s existing smart home products.
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Marzo de 2015
Página 13
Eficiencia Energética y Smart Cities
Los principales rivales de Tesla en almacenamiento de energía
Publicada en, 19/03/2015.
By ClaudiaAssis Energy reporter SAN FRANCISCO (MarketWatch)—Tesla
Motors Inc. may be taking its time to become a virtual power plant offering
batteries to home and businesses, but that doesn’t mean investors with an eye
on the sector have to wait. Storage is widely viewed as a key to more widespread
use of renewable energy. Batteries could pick up where renewables sometimes
leave off—the sun does not always shine, and the wind does not always blow.
What many fail to take into account, however, is that storage already plays a role
in our century-old power grid. Companies big and small, old and new have
waded into the arena of energy storage. Storage smooths out fluctuations in the
grid and decouples generation and consumption, said Matt Roberts, executive
director of the Energy Storage Association. It helps the grid run more efficiently
and more cheaply.The power grid is finicky—tiny fluctuations in frequency, for
instance, can make transformers explode. And then there are fluctuations in
demand—such as those caused by a heat wave, or the evening spike as more
people flip their switches.
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On Controls en alianza con CentraLite para Programa de Control
Publicada en Home Toys, 11/03/2015.
Detroit, MI March 11, 2015 - On Controls(, a leader in cloud-based smart home and commercial
control solutions for professional installers, has announced today the addition of CentraLite to their Partners in
Control cooperative program. The Partners in Control program has been created to achieve seamless compatibility
between the On Controls platform and a vast array of connected device manufacturers from related residential and
commercial market applications such as audio, video, HVAC, security, lighting control and others.
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General Electric lanza luminarias LED para dormir mejor
Publicada en LEDinside LED, LED Lighting, LED Price Trends, Global LED News and Market Research - Industry Info, 06/03/2015.
GE Lighting’s new Align™ technology harnesses the power of lighting to help regulate melatonin, the “sleep
hormone”, production, promoting the body’s natural sleep-wake cycle. An estimated 50-70 million Americans suffer
from chronic sleep issues, according to the National Institute of Health. In honor of National Sleep Awareness Week,
GE Lighting has developed a light bulb to help promote the body’s natural sleep cycle; GE Align™ lighting is available
on “Aren’t we all tuned to the good feelings on a bright and sunny day, or the feelings we have on a
gloomy day? Light impacts not only our mood and wellness, but our ability to fall asleep,” says Dr. Gary Allen,
Physicist, LED Innovations Principal Engineer at GE Lighting. “By changing the timing, amount, spectral quality of
light exposure, we can avoid disrupting the body’s natural circadian rhythms.”
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Marzo de 2015
Página 14
Eficiencia Energética y Smart Cities
SunEdison adquiere startup de almacenamiento de energía
Publicada en PVTech_PV Module, 05/03/2015.
UPDATE: SunEdison has made a significant first step into the grid-scale energy storage market, confirming the
acquisition of US startup Solar Grid Storage. The company, which recently disclosed that it had reached its 2014
solar installation target of 1GW, was reported this morning to have closed the deal in January, with the news agency
quoting an interview with the company’s vice president of energy storage deployment, Tom Leyden. SunEdison later
issued a confirmation of the news and said it had acquired "the energy storage project origination team, project
pipeline, and subject to customary consents and assignments, four operating storage projects from Solar Grid
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Tridonic lanza nuevo driver LED
Publicada en LEDinside LED, LED Lighting, LED Price Trends, Global LED News and Market Research - Industry Info, 05/03/2015.
The PREMIUM TALEXXdriver series has been designed to keep pace with rapid
developments in LED technology and offers an extremely high degree of
flexibility. It features the new digital “ready2mains” interface which uses the
existing mains cable for data transfer. Different casing versions and output
classes with application-optimised operating ranges make the LED Drivers ideal
for a wide range of professional LED solutions.
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Últimas tendencias en seguridad y automatización del hogar: Auto
instalación y monitoreo proactivo
Publicada en CePro, 04/03/2015.
By Julie Jacobson, March 04, 2015. CES 2015 shed some major light on the
future of professionally monitored security and home automation systems:
They’re heading to DIY land. Selling professionally monitored systems direct-toconsumers has been a fruitful business model for many companies such as
LifeShield (now owned by DirecTV), FrontPoint and Protect America. Customers
configure their systems online, and the dealer ships out a pre-programmed
solution for self-installation. The dealer enjoys the recurring revenue with nary a
truck roll. At CES, we saw several pro-oriented companies come out with new
products at the show that could fit this model well. Also new business models for
security monitoring were revealed.
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Marzo de 2015
Página 15
Eficiencia Energética y Smart Cities
Conectando con el Coche Conectado en el MWC
Publicada en, 04/03/2015.
Barcelona, Spain – You think you know what a connected car is and then you
actually experience one and it’s something else altogether. That was my
experience at Mobile World Congress after taking the driver’s seat in a concept
vehicle based on an IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) platform that supports
VoLTE and Rich Communications Services (RCS). Summit Tech brought the
stack to Alcatel Lucent’s (ALU) IMS platform, resulting in a vehicle that
showcases the possibilities inherent in an all-IP world. Whereas AT&T has said
that its technology path envisions the smartphone as the hub for the connected
life, the model Summit and ALU are following sees the car and the home, among
an array of other items, as secondary devices that can function autonomously. In
other words, the car becomes a smartphone with wheels.
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Ford quiere solucionar los atascos de tráfico con bicicletas
eléctricas conectadas
Publicada en networking, 03/03/2015.
MWC [Barcelona] US automotive giant Ford has launched two new electric bikes
that connect to a mobile app to help riders get from A to B more efficiently. The
MoDe:Me and MoDe:Pro, unveiled at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, are
currently both in the prototype stage. Both ebikes have a 200-watt motor with 9amp-hour battery that provides electric pedal assistance for speeds of up to 25
kmh. Ford said the bikes have been designed to help improve the flow of traffic
around cities. Both bikes are foldable so they can be taken on trains and put into
the boot of a car. Finish car manufacturer Volvo also announced its own ebike at
the show, while others such as Audi, BMW, Mercedes and Peugeot have also
either launched electronic bikes or revealed concepts.
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Marzo de 2015
Página 16
Eficiencia Energética y Smart Cities
Audi y AT&T conectarán inalámbricamente sus nuevos modelos de
Publicada en Telecompaper Mobile & Wireless, 03/03/2015.
AT&T and Audi of America have announced an agreement in which all 2016 model-year Audi vehicles equipped with
Audi connect will come with AT&T LTE or 3G coverage. AT&T and Audi enabled the first-ever-in-vehicle LTE data
connection in North America with the all-new Audi A3 models released in 2014. Under the agreement, all 2016
models with Audi connect will be delivered to customers with an AT&T SIM card providing connectivity to AT&T's
wireless network. Audi has previously said it plans to deploy LTE network connectivity across its model lineup as new
or refreshed models come to the market. The new A6, A7 and TT models coming this year will feature the most
advanced version of Audi connect including up-to-the-minute traffic information, semi-dynamic route guidance, over
the air map updates, and internet radio, in addition to picture navigation, social media and personalised RSS news
feeds with read-aloud functionality. The new Audi connect LTE service will allow faster Google Earth and Google
Street View enhancements to Audi MMI navigation plus. The LTE connectivity will also provide faster downloads and
HD video streaming over the in-vehicle Wi-Fi hotspot to A6, A7 and TT customers.
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Viper Networks y Apollo Metro entregan luminarias urbanas LED
inteligentes para proyecto piloto en el Líbano
Publicada en LEDinside LED, LED Lighting, LED Price Trends, Global LED News and Market Research - Industry Info, 03/03/2015.
Viper Networks is pleased to announce that the Company (in partnership with Apollo Metro Solutions, Inc.) received
an order for their Intelligent LED Streetlights for a Pilot project in Lebanon from the Ministry of Interior and
Municipalities of the Lebanese Republic. The estimated time period to complete the short-term pilot project is 2 to 4
weeks, which is slated to confirm the LED Street Lights operational reliability with the smart grid wireless control units
for LED Street Lighting. Several years of testing with various domestic and foreign municipalities have already proven
that Apollo Metro's Intelligent LED Street lighting technology with Wireless Street Light Controller consumes 65 to 80
percent less energy than traditional lamps.
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Toshiba presentará LEDs blancos en Electronica China 2015
Publicada en LEDinside LED, LED Lighting, LED Price Trends, Global LED News and Market Research - Industry Info, 03/03/2015.
Toshiba Corporation’s Semiconductor & Storage Products Company today announced that it will exhibit its latest
semiconductor and storage products and technologies at electronica China 2015. The trade fair for electronic
components, systems and applications will be held at Shanghai New International Expo Centre (SNIEC) from March
17 to 19. Toshiba will highlight solutions in four areas; “Energy & Life”, “Automotive”, “Memory & Storage” and “Mobile
& Connectivity”, under the unifying concept of creating a safe, secure and comfortable “Human Smart Community.”
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Marzo de 2015
Página 17
Eficiencia Energética y Smart Cities
Huawei comparte su visión para la industria de la TIC, "Open
ROADS to a Better Connected World", en el Congreso Mundial de la
Telefonía Móvil 2015
Publicada en PR Newswire: Telecommunication, 02/03/2015.
BARCELONA, España, 2 de marzo de 2015 /PRNewswire/ -- Huawei anunció hoy que compartirá su visión para la
industria de la TIC, , "Open ROADS to a Better Connected World", ("Caminos abiertos para un mundo mejor
conectado"), a través de diversas plataformas que incluyen conferencias, exposiciones y diálogos en el Congreso
Mundial de la Telefonía Móvil (Mobile World Congress, MWC) 2015 en Barcelona. Abarcando cinco características
fundamentales de las últimas experiencias de usuario en un mundo totalmente conectado, la visión "ROADS" de
Huawei (por Real-time, On-demand, All-online, DIY y Social: tiempo real, a pedido, todo online, hágalo usted mismo
y social) impulsará un ecosistema abierto de la industria que posibilita innovaciones ágiles, fomentando la industria
de la TIC y a todos los sectores sociales en la era digital. En el MWC, Huawei exhibirá además SoftCOM, su
arquitectura para redes de telecomunicaciones orientada al futuro, diseñada para reformular la industria de las
telecomunicaciones en términos de arquitectura, red, operación y servicio para ayudar a los operadores a lograr una
exitosa transformación del negocio.
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Lighting Science Group iluminará la ciudad de México con
Luminarias urbanas LED Solares
Publicada en LEDinside LED, LED Lighting, LED Price Trends, Global LED News and Market Research - Industry Info, 02/03/2015.
Lighting Science Group Corporation (OTCQB:LSCG) today announced the introduction of the FreeLED™ solar
roadway system to the global market. A sleek, intelligent and powerful street lighting solution using solar energy as its
power source, FreeLED™ will provide a reliable, affordable and sustainable roadway illumination solution for the
general public, including those rural or remote communities with limited access to the electric grid. Developed by the
innovative engineering team at Lighting Science Group, the FreeLED™ high efficiency luminaire system has an
integrated solar panel, battery pack, complete power management system and the self-learning capability to
automatically adapt to its operating environment. It integrates high energy density, solar panels, compact battery
cells, and a complete battery management system for quick and efficient installation. The system’s minimum 120
lm/W efficacy permits optimized energy utilization from the battery packs, which are designed for extensive operating
time periods.
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Marzo de 2015
Página 18
Eficiencia Energética y Smart Cities
AT&T prepara servicios integrados de automatización del hogar y
coches conectados
Publicada en, 02/03/2015.
NEW YORK (Reuters) - AT&T Inc will link its connected car and smart home technologies to bolster its foothold in the
fast-growing market for Internet-connected devices, a new battleground for the company and rivals ranging from
Verizon to Google Inc. The wireless company's home security and automation service "Digital Life" and connected
car service "Drive" will be integrated so users can control their homes from a dashboard in their vehicles, Glenn Lurie,
chief executive of AT&T Mobility told Reuters last week ahead of the company's announcement at Mobile World
Congress in Barcelona. "Once you’ve told your home when the car is (for instance)within 20 feet of the house to
please open the garage door, put the lights on, turn the alarm off, move the thermostat up, you can have those
inanimate objects, the home and your car, really taking care of you," Lurie said.
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Huawei lanza reloj inteligente con display de AMOLED
Publicada en LEDinside LED, LED Lighting, LED Price Trends, Global LED News and Market Research - Industry Info, 02/03/2015.
Huawei continues to break new ground in the wearables space by unveiling
today the Huawei Watch, powered by Android Wear™ at Mobile World Congress
(MWC) 2015. The fully circular watch features a 1.4-inch touch-sensitive
AMOLED display, scratch-proof sapphire crystal lens, cold-forged stainless steel
frame, and comes with a built-in heart rate monitor and 6-Axis motion sensors.
The Huawei Watch is the first smartwatch in the Huawei wearable family. "We
have responded to consumers' requests from around the world asking for a
smartwatch featuring a timeless design that is truly smart from within. Through
Huawei's continued commitment to 'Make It Possible,' the Huawei Watch delivers
on that promise and gives the consumer a premium smartwatch that is
technologically innovative," said Richard Yu, CEO, Huawei Consumer Business
Group. "As the first smartwatch in our expanding line of premium wearable
products, the Huawei Watch was designed and created to enhance and be part
of the consumer's everyday lives."
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Marzo de 2015
Página 19
Eficiencia Energética y Smart Cities
Xiaomi lanza nueva serie de productos domóticos gestionados
mediante plataforma para Internet de las Cosas de Marvell
Publicada en Home Toys, 02/03/2015.
SANTA CLARA, Calif., March 2, 2015 -- Marvell (NASDAQ: MRVL) - a worldwide leader in providing complete silicon
solutions from mobile communications to storage, Internet of Things (IoT), cloud infrastructure, digital entertainment
and in-home content delivery and Kinoma software enabling the "Smart Life and Smart Lifestyle," - today announced
that Xiaomi has launched a smart module built on the Marvell IoT chipset; the module also has been integrated into
Xiaomi's smart air purifier and smart hub, part of its portfolio of smart home product offerings. The new design wins
build on the previously announced Xiaomi's smart-plug and extends the partnership between two leading companies
in the Smart Home industry. Powered by the Marvell IoT chipset, the Xiaomi smart module integrates Wi-Fi
connection and complete communication protocol with Xiaomi Cloud, which enables third-party manufacturers to
upgrade to smart devices from traditional devices. This module supports multiple functions, including power on device
detect, firmware upgrades, network reliability and consistency maintenance of the connection status indication.
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Peel incursiona en el control domótico
Publicada en Home Toys, 02/03/2015.
Barcelona, Spain, 2nd March 2015 -- Peel, the Alibaba backed mobile software company that has racked up more
than 100 million users of its Smart Remote app in just 30 months, has today announced that it is expanding the range
of devices controlled by its app to include a variety of smart home electronics, including smart thermostats, lighting,
air conditioners, locks, and other home appliances. This announcement follows the unveiling of two flagship
smartphones in Barcelona yesterday, the Samsung Galaxy S6 and the HTC One M9, both of which will come preloaded with the Peel branded "Peel Smart Remote". "Our customers have pushed us to extend our universal remote
capabilities beyond TVs, set-top boxes and other entertainment devices to include additional categories of home
electronics," said Peel co-founder and chief product officer Bala Krishnan. "What they are looking for, and what we
will provide, is a unified, multi-device, intelligent home experience controlled from a single smart remote app."
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Marzo de 2015
Página 20
Eficiencia Energética y Smart Cities
SK Telecom apunta al mercado global del IoT con Lifeware
Publicada en PR Newswire: Telecommunication, 01/03/2015.
BARCELONA, Spain, March 1, 2015 /PRNewswire/ -- SK Telecom (NYSE: SKM)
has unveiled a variety of consumer-centric smart devices, or 'Lifeware*', at the
Mobile World Congress 2015 with the aim to create opportunities in the global
market for the Internet of Things (IoT).* Lifeware is a newly-coined word that
combines "life" and "hardware/software", and refers to smart devices that add
value to people's lives. At its booth located in Hall 3 (3J30), SK Telecom is
introducing diverse Lifeware developed to enhance customers' well-being, health
and safety, including Smart Band, Smart Hearing Aid, Smart Beam HD, Linkage,
Solar Skin and T Kids Phone JooN. Smart Band. Smart Band is a chic-looking
wearable watch that comes with a range of innovative functionalities. Set on a
sleek and slim bracelet strap to satisfy young and stylish customers, Smart Band
not only notifies users of incoming calls, SMS-MMS, emails and SNS updates,
but also enhances their health by recommending different levels of physical
exercise depending on the user's condition. It also provides fun features like daily
horoscopes, selfie remote control and anniversary reminder. Armed with
sophisticated design, differentiated features and affordable price, Smart Band is
expected to make a strong impression in the market.
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Marzo de 2015
Página 21
Eficiencia Energética y Smart Cities
US8981207 (B1) Celda solar de película delgada sensibilizada con
puntos cuánticos de alta eficiencia con capa absorvente
Publicada en Espacenet_Patentes sobre energía solar fotovoltaica, 16/03/2015.
A photovoltaic (PV) device having a quantum dot sensitized interface includes a first conductor layer and a second
conductor layer. At least one of the conductor layers is transparent to solar radiation. A quantum dot (nanoparticle)
sensitized photo-harvesting interface comprises a photo-absorber layer, a quantum dot layer and a buffer layer,
placed between the two conductors. The absorber layer is a p-type material and the buffer layer is an n-type material.
The quantum dot layer has a tunable bandgap to cover infrared (IR), visible light and ultraviolet (UV) bands of solar
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US2015069431 (A1) Hojas de luz 3D dobladas con LEDs impresos
Publicada en Espacenet_LED, 11/03/2015.
A method of forming a light sheet includes printing a layer of inorganic LEDs on a first conductive surface of a
substrate, depositing a first dielectric layer, and depositing a second conductor layer over the LEDs so that the LEDs
are connected in parallel. At least one of the first conductive surface or the second conductor layer is transparent to
allow light to escape. A phosphor layer may be formed over the light sheet so that the LED light mixed with the
phosphor light creates white light. The flat light sheet is then folded, such as by molding, to form a three-dimensional
structure with angled light emitting walls and reflective surfaces to control a directionality of the emitted light and
improve the mixing of light. The folds may form rows of angled walls or polygons.
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WO2015034367 (A1) Método para mejorar la eficiencia de las celdas
Publicada en Espacenet_Patentes sobre energía solar fotovoltaica, 11/03/2015.
Solicitante(s): ELKEM SOLAR AS[NO] +
The present invention relates to a method for minimizing or removing the red zone in multicrystalline silicon ingots.
This is obtained by adding one or more Group II elements in an amount between 10 and 500 ppmw to the silicon
before the silicon is subjected to directional solidification in a crucible.
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Marzo de 2015
Página 22
Eficiencia Energética y Smart Cities
US2015068239 (A1) Sistema de refrigeración solar integrada en
recubrimiento de edificio
Publicada en Espacenet_Patentes sobre energía solar fotovoltaica, 11/03/2015.
The present invention provides a solar cooling system which is so small in size so that it can be used as a building
material. The design based on absorption and adsorption refrigeration cycle has been developed to fulfill this
objective. The design has been developed such that the system is completely independent and does not require any
other source of energy apart from solar heat. Also an effort is made to design the system so that the cooling capacity
is automatically increased or decreased based on available solar heat energy.
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US2015068514 (A1) Receptor de la radiación solar
Publicada en Espacenet_Patentes sobre energía solar fotovoltaica, 11/03/2015.
A solar radiation panel that has inlet and outlet collectors and a series of conduits that run from the inlet collector to
the outlet collector. A working fluid that is heated by solar radiation flows inside the conduits. The panel is a single
piece and includes an upper layer, at least one intermediate layer, and a lower layer. The upper layer receives the
solar radiation. The at least one intermediate layer is located under the upper layer, and contains the conduits
through which the working fluid flows. The lower layer is located under the intermediate layer, and the working fluid
inlet and outlet collectors are coupled in said lower layer. The working fluid that is heated in the panel subsequently
proceeds to a combustion engine that produces electricity by means of an alternator.
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US2015068588 (A1) Sistemas y métodos para estructura mejorada
de módulo fotovoltaico
Publicada en Espacenet_Patentes sobre energía solar fotovoltaica, 11/03/2015.
Solicitante(s): DIRECT SOLAR LLC[US] +
A system and method for improved photovoltaic module structure is described.
One embodiment includes a photovoltaic module comprising a front substrate, a
photovoltaic structure attached to the front substrate, wherein the photovoltaic
structure comprises at least one photovoltaic cell, a back substrate, wherein the
back substrate is spaced apart from the photovoltaic structure, and a structural
component, wherein the structural component is located between the back
substrate and the photovoltaic structure. In some embodiments, the structural
component may be configured to provide thermal conduction between the front
substrate and the back substrate, and/or the structural component may be
configured to retain the front substrate and/or back substrate during breakage.
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Marzo de 2015
Página 23
Eficiencia Energética y Smart Cities
US2015069443 (A1) LED con cristales fotónicos locales
Publicada en Espacenet_LED, 11/03/2015.
The light-emitting diode includes first and second layers of semiconductor material, having opposite conductivity
types, an active light-emitting area located between the first and second layers of semiconductor material, an
electrode arranged on the first layer of semiconductor material and a photonic crystal formed in the first layer of
semiconductor material. The photonic crystal and the electrode are separated by a distance optimized to
simultaneously promote the electric injection and minimize the light absorption in the LED.
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US2015069832 (A1) Sistema conversor de energía para vehículos
Publicada en Espacenet_Power Electronic, 11/03/2015.
Solicitante(s): SAMSUNG SDI CO LTD[KR] +
A power conversion system including a DC main power supply for supplying a DC voltage, boosting circuits for
performing a retrogression operation of boosting the DC voltage and comprising driving circuits, an inverter circuit for
converting the DC voltage into an AC voltage, a motor/generator for receiving the AC voltage, and a control circuit for
outputting a control signal to the driving circuits and stopping an operation of a faulty boosting circuit of the boosting
circuits when one of the boosting circuits is faulty, for setting power control values depending on a number of
remaining non-faulty boosting circuits of the boosting circuits, and for controlling the remaining non-faulty boosting
circuits and the inverter circuit based on the power control values, wherein the inverter circuit and the boosting
circuits perform a regeneration operation of supplying regeneration power to the DC main power supply, peripheral
equipment, and/or a DC auxiliary power supply.
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US2015069841 (A1) Sistema fotovoltaico y método para operarlo y
alimentar con energía eléctrica en red de media potencia
Publicada en Espacenet_Patentes sobre energía solar fotovoltaica, 11/03/2015.
The disclosure relates to a method for operating a photovoltaic system for
feeding a medium-voltage grid, wherein the photovoltaic system has a
photovoltaic generator including a plurality of photovoltaic modules, at least one
inverter and at least one medium-voltage transformer. The medium-voltage
transformer is connected on the primary side directly to a low-voltage AC output
of the inverter, the inverter is connected to the photovoltaic generator via a DC
input, and the inverter permits reverse currents from the low-voltage AC output to
the DC input. The method is characterized by the fact that in the event that there
is insufficient generation of electric power for the feed by the photovoltaic
modules, the inverter remains connected on the AC side to the medium-voltage
grid via the medium-voltage transformer, and remains connected on the DC side
to the photovoltaic generator.
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Marzo de 2015
Página 24
Eficiencia Energética y Smart Cities
US2015069930 (A1) Métodos y aparatos para operar grupos de
LEDs de alta potencia
Publicada en Espacenet_LED, 11/03/2015.
Solicitante(s): ELDOLAB HOLDING BV[NL] +
An energy-efficient, compact and cost-effective solution for driving a number of
high-power LED groups for lighting applications includes using a single switching
power supply together with LEDs connected in series and/or in parallel and pulse
width-controlled switches in parallel across the individually controllable LED
groups. If the switch of an LED group is ON, the LED group will not light up. If the
switch is in the OFF position, the full current of the power supply will pass
through the corresponding LED group.
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US2015070755 (A1) Control acristalamiento solar
Publicada en Espacenet_Patentes sobre energía solar fotovoltaica, 11/03/2015.
Solicitante (s): SAINT GOBAIN[FR] +
The invention relates to a solar control glazing comprising a glass substrate provided, on one of its faces, with a stack
of layers having a solar protection function, in which the stack comprises the sequence of the following layers,
starting from the surface of the glass substrate: a lower layer for protecting the upper layers against the migration of
the alkali metal ions resulting from the glass substrate, a layer of an indium tin oxide (ITO), an upper layer for
protecting the ITO layer against atmospheric oxygen, said glazing being characterized in that said upper and lower
layers are essentially composed of a dielectric material chosen from a silicon nitride, an aluminum nitride or their
mixture and in that intermediate layers made of a chromium-comprising metal, which layers are optionally partially or
completely oxidized and/or nitrided, are positioned on either side of and in contact with said ITO layer, the thickness
of said intermediate layers being between 0.5 and 3 nanometers.
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US2015070872 (A1) Método y sistema para formar emisores de Luz
Publicada en Espacenet_Power Electronic, 11/03/2015.
Solicitante(s): LEDENGIN INC[US] +
A flexible sheet of light-emitting diode (LED) light emitters includes a support substrate having a thermally conductive
material. The flexible sheet of LED light emitters also has a ceramic substrate sheet overlying support substrate, and
the ceramic substrate sheet including a plurality of LED light emitters. The flexible sheet of LED light emitters also
has a flexible circuit sheet overlying the ceramic substrate sheet, and a phosphor sheet overlying the flexible circuit
sheet. The phosphor sheet includes a wave-length converting material. The flexible sheet of LED light emitters also
has a lens sheet overlying the phosphor sheet. The lens sheet includes a plurality of lenses.
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Marzo de 2015
Página 25
Eficiencia Energética y Smart Cities
US2015070883 (A1) Dispositivo y sistema de Luminaria LED
Publicada en Espacenet_Power Electronic, 11/03/2015.
A lighting device is disclosed that includes one or more master circuit boards configured to power light emitting
diodes. The lighting device also includes modular light boards with arrays of light emitting diodes that interchangeably
couple to the matched connectors on the master circuit board. The master circuit boards and the modular light boards
are positioned within a housing with one or more diffuser lenses. In accordance with the embodiments of the
invention, master circuit boards and modular light boards are mounted in a stacked arrangement to emit light from
opposed sides of the housing. In further embodiments of the invention, the lighting device includes a controller for
independently controlling light output from each master circuit board.
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US2015070902 (A1) Sistema para dispersar luminancia
Publicada en Espacenet_LED, 11/03/2015.
A device with a housing with a compartment formed with a first channel abutting one side of said compartment and a
second channel, disposed opposite said first channel and abutting said compartment. A first light control is disposed
in the first channel and has a portion extending from the first channel over the compartment and a second light
control with a portion extending from said second channel over said compartment. A light source is disposed in the
compartment and shines light through said first and second light control. The light source may be either a light
emitting diode or a fluorescent lamp. The second light control may include a pattern disposed on said second light
control which operates to disperse the light.
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US2015070926 (A1) Lente de proyección para uso en módulo LED
para luminaria de vehículo a motor
Publicada en Espacenet_LED, 11/03/2015.
The invention relates to a projection lens for use in an LED module of a motor vehicle headlamp. The LED module
has a light source in the form of an LED matrix including numerous LED chips disposed in a matrix adjacent to and/or
above one another, a primary lens including numerous primary lens elements disposed in a matrix adjacent to and/or
above one another for bundling light emitted from the light source, and a projection lens. The projection lens projects
a light exit surface of the primary lens to generate a predefined light distribution on a surface in front of the vehicle.
The projection lens is designed such that it generates at least two separate images of the light exit surface of the
primary lens on its image side, which are offset to one another in the horizontal direction.
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Marzo de 2015
Página 26
Eficiencia Energética y Smart Cities
US2015072156 (A1) Lámina de vidrio con transmisión de energía
Publicada en Espacenet_Patentes sobre energía solar fotovoltaica, 11/03/2015.
Solicitante(s): AGC GLASS EUROPE[BE] +
The invention concerns an ultra-clear glass sheet, i.e. a sheet of glass with high
energy transmission, that can be used, in particular, in the solar and architectural
fields. More specifically, the invention concerns a sheet of glass having a
composition which comprises, in an amount expressed as percentages of the
total weight of the glass: SiO2 60-78%; Al2O3 0-10%; B2O3 0-5%; CaO 0-15%;
MgO 0-10%; Na2O 5-20%; K2O 0-10%; BaO 0-5%; total iron (expressed in the
form of Fe2O3) 0.002-0.03%, the composition comprises a copper content of
0.001 to 0.15% by weight relative to the total weight of the glass, the copper
content being expressed in the form of Cu as a percentage by weight relative to
the total weight of the glass.
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US2015072462(A1) Celdas fotovoltaicas de nanopelícula tandem
unidas por unión de sustrato semiconductor
Publicada en Espacenet_Patentes sobre energía solar fotovoltaica, 11/03/2015.
Solicitante(s): IBM[US] +
An energy conversion device comprises at least two thin film photovoltaic cells
fabricated separately and joined by wafer bonding. The cells are arranged in a
hierarchical stack of decreasing order of their energy bandgap from top to
bottom. Each of the thin film cells has a thickness in the range from about 0.5
[mu]m to about 10 [mu]m. The photovoltaic cell stack is mounted upon a thick
substrate composed of a material selected from silicon, glass, quartz, silica,
alumina, ceramic, metal, graphite, and plastic. Each of the interfaces between
the cells comprises a structure selected from a tunnel junction, a heterojunction,
a transparent conducting oxide, and an alloying metal grid; and the top surface
and/or the lower surface of the energy conversion device may contain lighttrapping means.
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Marzo de 2015
Página 27
Eficiencia Energética y Smart Cities
US2015072467 (A1) Dispositivos fotovoltaicos con junta superficial
Publicada en Espacenet_Patentes sobre energía solar fotovoltaica, 11/03/2015.
Solicitante(s): IBM[US] +
A method for fabricating a photovoltaic device includes forming a first contact on a crystalline substrate, by epitaxially
growing a first doped layer having a doping concentration of 1019 cm-3 or greater, a dislocation density of 105 cm-2
or smaller, a hydrogen content of 0.1 atomic percent or smaller, and a thickness configured to reduce Auger
recombination in the epitaxially grown doped layer. A first passivation layer is formed on the first doped layer. A
second contact is formed on the crystalline substrate on a side opposite the first contact by epitaxially growing a
second doped layer having a doping concentration of 1019 cm-3 or greater, a dislocation density of 105 cm-2 or
smaller, a hydrogen content of 0.1 atomic percent or smaller and a thickness configured to reduce Auger
recombination in the second epitaxially grown doped layer. A second passivation layer is formed on the second
doped layer.
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US2015074582 (A1) Sistemas y métodos para monitoreo de
automatización del hogar
Publicada en Espacenet_Patentes, 11/03/2015.
Solicitante(s): VIVINT INC[US] +
Methods, systems, and devices are described for an improved graphical user interfaces suitable for monitoring home
automation, security, and/or energy management systems. In some embodiments, the graphical user interface may
include a summary list of device states, including a security device state. In some embodiments, one or more
configurable lists of context-associated state types may be provided. The summary list of device states may include,
for example, one or more device state list items associated with a detected context. In some instances, the system
may include configuration of meta-devices. Meta-devices may include a combination of multiple devices, multiple
meta-devices, or both. In some embodiments, meta-devices may be associated with one or more sensors, feature
controllers, and/or security systems. A meta-device may indicate any type of relationship between sensor and/or
feature controllers such as, for example, a property feature, a physical location, and/or an area associated with a
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US2015067762 (A1) Método y sistema para la configuración de
firewall para hogar inteligente
Publicada en Espacenet_Patentes, 04/03/2015.
A secured smart home system having (a) a smart-home gateway with a firewall protection; (b) plurality of appliances
connected to the gateway and located at a secured side of the firewall; and (c) a remote environment classification
server located at a non-secured side of the firewall, for providing a firewall policy to the gateway. The gateway
submits a list of the appliances to the remote environment classification server, and the classification server provides
in response the firewall policy to the gateway.
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Marzo de 2015
Página 28
Eficiencia Energética y Smart Cities
WO2015029078 (A2) Cargador portátil y método para recargar
dispositivos electrónicos
Publicada en Espacenet_electrónica de potencia, 04/03/2015.
Solicitante(s): CHORDIA SWAPNIL[IN] +
The present invention provides a portable charger and a method of powering electronic devices by the portable
charger. The portable charger includes at least one antenna for receiving a radio frequency signal, a rectifier for
converting the received radio frequency signal into DC voltage, and an output unit for outputting the DC voltage to
power electronic devices. The method of the invention includes the step of storing DC voltage in a battery for
powering electronic devices.
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WO2015029974 (A1) Material de control térmico flexible
Publicada en Espacenet_Patentes sobre energía solar fotovoltaica, 04/03/2015.
This flexible thermal-control material (10A) is obtaining by stacking: a reflective layer (12) which reflects sunlight; and
an infrared-ray emission layer (13) which emits infrared rays. The infrared-ray emission layer (13) is configured from
a silicone material. Accordingly, a flexible thermal-control material is achieved which exhibits excellent optical
characteristics such as solar absorption ([alpha]).
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WO2015030465 (A1) Luminaria urbana LED
Publicada en Espacenet_LED, 04/03/2015.
Solicitante(s): KMW INC[KR] +
The present invention relates to an LED streetlamp comprising: an integral housing having a light-emitting opening
from which light is emitted at a bottom surface thereof and provided with an accommodation space at an inner side
thereof; a power supply unit inserted into and fixed to the accommodation space through the light-emitting opening of
the housing; a reflecting part inserted into and fixed to the accommodation space through the light-emitting opening of
the housing to separate one part of the accommodation space at which the power supply unit is located from the
accommodation space of the lower part of the one part, and reflecting light from a bottom surface thereof; a substrate
for supplying power to multiple LEDs provided by being coupled and fixed to an inner side surface of the housing of a
lower side of the reflecting part; and a cover part for covering the light-emitting opening of the housing. The present
invention manufactures a case with a single structure and provides parts such as the power supply unit, the substrate
having the LEDs provided thereon, and the reflecting plate so as to be assembled in the case through the light
emitting opening, thereby minimizing a manufacturing cost, and thus speeding up commercialization of LED lamps.
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Marzo de 2015
Página 29
Eficiencia Energética y Smart Cities
US8967825 (B2) Luminaria LED con chip soportada por miembro
disipador de calor
Publicada en Espacenet_LED, 02/03/2015.
An LED lamp (A1) includes LED chips (21) and a heat dissipation member (3) that supports the LED chips (21), and
the heat dissipation member (3) includes an LED mount (31) on which the LED chips (21) are mounted, and a slope
portion (32) extending from the LED mount (31) opposite a main emission direction of the LED chips (21) and in a
direction inclined with respect to the main emission direction. Such a configuration allows a wider range to be
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US8971236 (B2) Sistema y método para interconección a tiempo
real de elementos de una amplia área de monitoreo, sistema de
medición o recolección de datos mediante sistema de
multiplexación de radiodifusión de satélite digfital directo
Publicada en Espacenet_TELECO, 02/03/2015.
System and a method for timely interconnecting elements of a wide spread
remote measurement, monitoring or data collection system through multiplexing
in a satellite system. The invention provides multiplexing features of a satellite
system using on-board processing features to gather data from a plurality of
remote monitoring stations (4) on any global navigation reference time and
multiplex them into a single stream towards one or more computation centers.
Each of said computation centers (3) has a down-link adapter (7) capable of
extracting a channel from a down-link transmission of a satellite. The data from
each of said remote monitoring stations (4) is also passed through an up-link
adapter (5) so as to make it suitable for uplink transmission towards a DDBS
satellite.; Up-link and down-link adapters can be interconnected together to
enable loop-back of information such as timing data to monitor transit times
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Marzo de 2015
Página 30
Eficiencia Energética y Smart Cities
High-efficiency luminescent solar concentrators for flexible
waveguiding photovoltaics
Publicada en Science Direct, 18/03/2015.
Here we present a new concept on lightweight and mechanically flexible high-performance waveguiding photovoltaics
through the fabrication of cylindrical luminescent solar concentrators (LSCs) of commercial poly(methyl
methacrylate)-based plastic optical fibers coated with an Eu3+-doped organic–inorganic hybrid layer. Our optimized
fiber LSC displays an effective optical conversion efficiency of 20.7±1.3% and a power conversion efficiency of
2.5±0.2% in the absorbing spectral region of the active layer (300–380 nm), values that are among the larger ones
reported so far for UV-absorbing devices. Moreover, the measured optical conversion efficiency was used to
calculate the self-absorption and transport efficiencies of the LSCs yielding values close to the unit. Conventional
LSCs are usually made of rigid glass or plastics with limited flexibility, hampering its applicability. The approach
proposed here might then open new opportunities for cost-effective sunlight collection and wearable solar-harvesting
fabrics for mobile energy with negligible self-absorption and transport losses.
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Short-term smart learning electrical load prediction algorithm for
home energy management systems
Publicada en ScienceDirect_Publications, 11/03/2015.
Energy management system (EMS) within buildings has always been one of the main approaches for an automated
demand side management (DSM). These energy management systems are supposed to increase load flexibility to fit
more the generation from renewable energies and micro co-generation devices. For EMS to operate efficiently, it
must learn ahead about the available supply and demand so that it can work on supply–demand matching and
minimizing the imports from the grid and running costs. This article presents a simple efficient day-ahead electrical
load prediction approach for any EMS. In comparison to other approaches, the presented algorithm was designed to
be apart of any generic EMS and it does not require to be associated with a prepared statistical or historical
databases, or even to get connected to any kinds of sensors. The proposed algorithm was tested over the data of 25
households in Austria and the results have shown an error range that goes down to 8.2% as an initial prediction.
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Marzo de 2015
Página 31
Eficiencia Energética y Smart Cities
Single layer deep blue polymer light emitting diodes with
chlorinated Indium Tin Oxide after surface modification for high
Publicada en ScienceDirect_LED, 06/03/2015.
Chlorinated-Indium Tin Oxide (Cl-ITO) has been found to have higher work
function than the pristine ITO. When used as anode for polymer light-emitting
diodes (PLEDs) with deep blue emitting -phase poly(9,9-di-n-octylfluorene) (PFO) as the emitting layer, it allows hole injection without barrier. However, the
presence of chlorine free radical on the surface of Cl-ITO leads to an exciton
quenching effect. The surface modification on anode by dipping into 1%
ammonium (NH4OH) aqueous solution to remove free chlorine radicals on
surface can enhance device performance significantly. The single layer device
Cl-ITO (treated)/-PFO/CsF/Al gives the maximum brightness 16773 cd/m2 and
maximum luminance efficiency 2.40 cd/A, which are higher than those with
untreated Cl-ITO, (2519; 0.27) and CFx treated ITO, (7800; 1.8) and
PEDOT:PSS coated ITO, (12884; 1.43). The ease of the present anode
treatment allows the one-layer-only device to be a promising candidate for
practical application.
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A room-temperature process for fabricating a nano-Pt counter
electrode on a plastic substrate for efficient dye-sensitized cells
Publicada en Science Direct_Publicaciones Fotovoltaica, 04/03/2015.
We present a method for depositing polyvinylpyrrolidone-capped platinum nanoparticles (PVP-nPt) on a plastic
substrate as the counter electrode (CE) for dye-sensitized cells. This method was implemented using a modified twostep dip-coating process performed under ambient conditions. In particular, a short UV-ozone exposure period was
adopted to replace conventional annealing, rendering the whole process feasible for plastic substrates. The
surfactant required for deposition was confirmed by analyzing a Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy spectrum;
however, we discovered that the surfactant jeopardized charge transfer between the PVP-nPt CE and the substrate.
Furthermore, the UV-ozone treatment efficiently decomposed the surfactant, and the electrochemical-catalytic
property improved considerably. When the CE was combined with a dye-sensitized photoanode fabricated on a
plastic substrate, the power conversion efficiency (PCE) reached 6.24%. To further prove that the PCE is limited by
the plastic photoanode instead of the proposed plastic PVP-nPt CE, a photoanode fabricated on FTO glass and the
proposed plastic PVP-nPt CE with a PCE of 8.80% was demonstrated. Finally, thermal aging (conducted at 60 °C,
1000 h) test on this device indicated excellent durability, and the PCE was only 1% lower than its initial value.
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Marzo de 2015
Página 32
Eficiencia Energética y Smart Cities
Control and synchronization algorithms for a grid-connected
photovoltaic system under harmonic distortions, frequency
variations and unbalances
Publicada en Science Direct_Publicaciones Fotovoltaica, 04/03/2015.
In this paper, an implementation of the control and the synchronization algorithms for a Voltage Source Inverter used
as the power conditioner for Photovoltaic renewable energy in a grid-connected structure is carried out. Its main
purpose is to show, in a simple manner, the design and combined operation of the control and synchronization
algorithms for attaining the proper behaviour of the Grid Inverter when the 3-phase utility grid is disturbed by voltage
unbalances, frequency variations and harmonic distortions, according to power quality standards. In order to obtain a
high efficiency of the system during perturbations, a Proportional Resonant controller with a Harmonic Compensator
structure is designed for the control algorithm, whereas a Dual Second Order Generalized Integrator FrequencyLocked Loop (DSOGI-FLL) is used as the synchronization algorithm. In order to validate both the control and the
synchronization algorithms, some simulations using MATLAB/SIMULINK from The MathWorks, Inc. are shown firstly,
and secondly, some real-time digital simulations are carried out.
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Efficient blue organic light-emitting diodes based on
triphenylimidazole substituted anthracene derivatives
Publicada en ScienceDirect_LED, 03/03/2015.
A series of new blue emissive materials based on the conjugates of highly fluorescent diaryl anthracene and electrontransporting triphenylimidazole moieties: were designed and synthesized successfully. These materials exhibit good
film-forming properties and excellent thermal stabilities. With respect to the three layer device 2 using 1-NaCBI as the
emitting layer, its maximum current efficiency reaches 3.06 cd A1 with Commission Internationale del’Eclairage (CIE)
coordinates of (0.149, 0.092). More interestingly, sky blue doped device 5 based on 1-NaCPI achieved a maximum
current efficiency of 15.53 cd A1 and a maximum external quantum efficiency of 8.15%, high EQE has been proved
to be induced by the up-conversion of a triplet excited state.
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Growth and characterization of phosphor-free white light-emitting
diodes based on InGaN blue quantum wells and green–yellow
quantum dots
Publicada en ScienceDirect_LED, 03/03/2015.
Phosphor-free white light-emitting diodes consisting of 4 layers of InGaN/GaN quantum dots and 4 layers of quantum
wells have been grown by metal organic chemical vapor deposition. A white emission was demonstrated under
electrical injection by mixing the green–yellow light from quantum dots and the blue light from quantum wells. At the
injection current of 5 mA, the electroluminescence peak wavelengths of quantum dots and quantum wells were 548
nm and 450 nm, respectively, resulting in the color-rendering index Ra of 62. As the injection current increased, a
faster emission enhancement of quantum well and an emission blue shift of the quantum dots were observed, which
led to the decrease of Ra.
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Marzo de 2015
Página 33
Eficiencia Energética y Smart Cities
Improved light outcoupling of organic light-emitting diodes by
randomly embossed nanostructure
Publicada en ScienceDirect_LED, 03/03/2015.
In this paper, we proposed a very economical and simple method to fabricate the randomly structured organic light
emitting diode (OLED) to enhance light outcoupling efficiency. The random pattern is obtained by directly spin-coating
the mixture solution of polystyrene (PS) nanospheres and PEDOT:PSS on an ITO/glass substrate and then removing
PS nanospheres. The results demonstrate that using such a randomly embossed PEDOT:PSS as the hole injection
layer in Alq3-based OLED produces the maximum current efficiency of 3.34 cd/A with the enhancement factor of
18.0% and the maximum power efficiency of 2.16 lm/W with the enhancement factor of 67.9% compared with the
typical planar Alq3-based OLED (with no PEDOT:PSS layer). On one hand, the enhanced efficiency is associated
with the enhanced injection/transport of holes. On the other hand, the enhanced efficiency is also attributed to the
extraction of some trapped optical modes over a broad range of wavelengths. This work offers a promising method
for the fabrication of high performance, low-cost and large area OLEDs.
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Solution processed multi-color organic light emitting diodes for
application in telecommunications
Publicada en ScienceDirect_LED, 03/03/2015.
In this work we present an all solution processing scheme for the fabrication of
the three primary colors, (R–G–B), emitting organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs)
via efficient color tuning of a blue organic semiconducting (OSC) thin film, in
particular the poly[9,9-di-(2-ethylhexyl)fluorenyl-2,7-diyl] (PF), in which different
color fluorescent emitters are dispersed to define the final emitting color and thus
to simplify the different color device fabrication. The transmission speed of the
fabricated OLEDs was also examined for possible application in interactive
telecommunications. To increase the response speed of the different color
devices we altered both the device geometry and the electron injection efficiency.
To this end we increased the emissive layer thickness and decreased the device
emissive area and we also performed engineering of the cathode interfaces
through the incorporation of solution processed porphyrin interlayers in order to
lower the electron injection barrier height. The final devices exhibited improved
operational characteristics and, consequently, modulation speeds.
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Marzo de 2015
Página 34
Eficiencia Energética y Smart Cities
Occupant Centered Lighting Control for Comfort and Energy
Efficient Building Operation
Publicada en ScienceDirect_Publications, 03/03/2015.
We present an adaptive control strategy for lighting control in office spaces, with
the aim to reduce energy consumption and provide occupant comfort. Based on
the premise that each occupant is unique, yet consistent in his actions, the setpoints for switching the artificial lights on and off are derived dynamically from
statistical analysis of the occupancy sensor data, and from interaction with the
occupant. We present a 6-week case study in 10 offices, where we achieved
37.9% and 73.2% energy savings compared to a standard setting control
baseline and a worst-case scenario, respectively. We show that individual offices
determine individual set-points and discuss their adaptive nature.
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Synthesis and luminescence properties of NaLa(MoO4)2xAGx:Eu3+
(AG=SO42, BO33) red phosphors for white light emitting diodes
Publicada en ScienceDirect_LED, 02/03/2015.
NaLa(MoO4)2x(SO4)x:Eu3+ and NaLa(MoO4)2x(BO3)x:Eu3+ red phosphors, are prepared by a high temperature
solid state reaction. These doubled molybdate phosphors have scheelite isostructure, which hardly be affected by
SO42 and BO33 partial substitution for MoO42. Infrared spectra of obtained phosphors show strong absorption peaks
between 1000 and 1300 cm1 which are assigned to the vibration of O–S in SO42 groups and O–B in BO33 groups.
Due to the 5D0 7F1–3 transitions of Eu3+ ions, photoluminescence spectra show a strong red emission at 618 nm
under excitation of near UV light at 395 nm and blue light at 465 nm, respectively. The luminescent intensity of
NaLa(MoO4)2x(SO4)x:Eu3+ and NaLa(MoO4)2x(BO3)x:Eu3+ are obviously improved comparing with those of
NaLa(MoO4)2:Eu3+ and commercial red phosphor Y2O3:Eu3+ by several times. And the lifetime values of
NaLa(MoO4)2xAGx:Eu3+ with SO42 and BO33 substitution are extended to 0.461 ms and 0.468 ms from 0.459 ms
of NaLa(MoO4)2:Eu3+, respectively.
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Marzo de 2015
Página 35
Eficiencia Energética y Smart Cities
El mercado global del Vehículo Eléctrico alcanza los 740.000
Publicada en, 23/03/2015.
Analysis by the Centre for Solar Energy and Hydrogen Research (ZSW) reveals
320,000 new electric vehicle registrations in 2014 as car battery suppliers hit
$2.17 billion in revenue. Germany’s Centre for Solar Energy and Hydrogen
Research Baden-Württemburg (ZSW) has released a report today revealing that
the global market for electric vehicles (EV) now stands at 740,000 cars, with
almost half (320,000) being registered in 2014. This rapid growth has been
spearheaded by a handful of market leaders, including the Nissan Leaf, Tesla’s
Model S, the Mitsubishi Outlander Plug-In and the Honda Fit EV, which
dominated new registrations in 2014.
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Mercado Global de los Dispositivos de Seguridad Conectados 2015
- 2020
Publicada en PR Newswire: Internet Technology, 16/03/2015.
A connected consumer device consists of physical and software for various purposes including entertainment, news,
information, and general lifestyle enhancement. Home Security and Monitoring represents a major segment of the
consumer connected device marketplace. This research evaluates the connected consumer device ecosystem,
market drivers, constraints, and opportunities for value chain constituents. This Mind Commerce report includes
market strategy analysis, competitive assessment, and forecast for consumer connected devices for security and
monitoring 2015 to 2020. Interested parties in this report will also be interested in the more comprehensive edition of
our connected consumer device research entitled: Global Connected Consumer Devices: Key Trends, Opportunities
and Market Forecasts 2015 - 2020. All purchases of Mind Commerce reports includes time with an expert analyst
who will help you link key findings in the report to the business issues you're addressing. This needs to be used within
three months of purchasing the report.
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Marzo de 2015
Página 36
Eficiencia Energética y Smart Cities
Mercado Global de los Hogares Inteligentes y Edificios
Energéticamente Eficientes y automatizados 2013-2020
Publicada en SOLAR PLAZA_Press releases, 12/03/2015.
The global smart homes and buildings market is expected to grow at a significant CAGR of 29.5% between 2013 and
2020. This is attributed to rising energy costs and government initiatives. Some of the key government initiatives
include regulations such as Commercial Buildings Initiatives(CBI) by the U.S. government which aims at making all
commercial buildings completely energy independent till 2025. This implies that commercial buildings should have
facilities to generate onsite power. Energy efficiency has become the need of the hour as it is expected that energy
demand would increase by 40% between 2010 and 2040. The key restraint for the growth is the high upfront
investment that is required for well-integrated smart technologies. Perceived value versus the cost issue is still a
concern that is impacting the adoption rates. Increasing smart homes and buildings with well-integrated and applied
technologies will precisely lead to envisioned concept of “Smart Cities”
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Mercado Global de los dispositivos Wearable inteligentes para el
cuidado de la Salud 2015-2019
Publicada en Market Research, 11/03/2015.
Global Smart Wearable Healthcare Devices and Services Market 2015-2019 About Smart Wearable Healthcare
Devices and Services Smart wearable healthcare devices are defined as those devices that are worn or attached to
a user's body to monitor the changes in various organs and body parts. Some of the healthcare devices include smart
watches, wearable hand, smart diapers, wristband, pedometer, and bionic suit. Important features of these devices
include heart rate monitoring, sleep statistics, counting the amount of calorie burnt and taken, monitor body
temperature and sleep statistics of babies, remote cardiac monitoring, and monitor and track daily activity of users.
These devices easily sync with user's smartphones and tablets. TechNavio's analysts forecast the Global Smart
Wearable Healthcare Devices and Services market to grow at a CAGR of 30.42 percent over the period 2015-2019.
Covered in this Report The report covers the present scenario and the growth prospects of the Global Smart
Wearable Healthcare Devices and Services market for the period 2015-2019. The market is segmented into two:
Smart Wearable Healthcare Devices and Smart Wearable Healthcare Services. TechNavio's report, the Global
Smart Wearable Healthcare Devices and Services Market 2015-2019, has been prepared based on an in-depth
market analysis with inputs from industry experts. It covers
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Marzo de 2015
Página 37
Eficiencia Energética y Smart Cities
Mercado de los sistemas de paneles fotovoltaicos cristalinos
Publicada en SOLAR PLAZA_Press releases, 04/03/2015.
was a professional and depth research report on Global Crystalline Solar Photovoltaics PV Panel Systems industry
that you would know the world's major regional market conditions of Crystalline Solar Photovoltaics PV Panel
Systems industry, the main region including North American, Europe and Asia etc, and the main country including
United States ,Germany ,Japan and China etc. The report firstly introduced Crystalline Solar Photovoltaics PV Panel
Systems basic information including Crystalline Solar Photovoltaics PV Panel Systems definition, classification,
application and industry chain overview; Crystalline Solar Photovoltaics PV Panel Systems industry policy and plan,
Crystalline Solar Photovoltaics PV Panel Systems product specification, manufacturing process, cost structure etc.
Then we deeply analyzed the world's main region market conditions that including the product price, profit, capacity,
production, capacity utilization, supply, demand and industry growth rate etc.
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Mercado Global del Almacenamiento de Energía Grid-Scale.
Tendencias y Previsiones2015-2019
Publicada en SOLAR PLAZA_Press releases, 03/03/2015.
Grid-scale energy storage system generally refers to the technologies that are being used for the purpose of energy
storage, and this energy can be utilized in the future during power shortages, blackouts, or during high demand for
power supply. This system mainly includes pumped hydro storage systems, advanced batteries, flywheel, and other
evolving technologies such as compressed air energy storage (CAES). Grid energy storage is a technique used in
the large-scale storage of electricity in a power grid. Such electricity storage is required when the amount of electricity
generated is greater than the electricity demand. The surplus electricity saved in energy storage systems is supplied
to customers when the demand is higher than the generation. Grid storage is a mechanism of storing electricity
during the off-peak period and supplying the stored electricity during the on-peak period. TechNavio’s analysts
forecast the Global Grid-scale Energy Storage System market to grow at a CAGR of 35.5 percent over the period
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Mercado de las energías Renovables en la Region Oriente Medio y
Africa 2015-2019
Publicada en SOLAR PLAZA_Press releases, 03/03/2015.
Global Cloud Security Software Market 2015-2019, has been prepared based on an in-depth market analysis with
inputs from industry experts. The report covers the Americas, and the APAC and EMEA regions; it also covers the
Global Cloud Security Software market landscape and its growth prospects over the coming years. The report
includes a discussion of the key vendors operating in this market
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Marzo de 2015
Página 38
Eficiencia Energética y Smart Cities
Mercado de las Energías Renovables en Europa 2014-2018
Publicada en SOLAR PLAZA_Press releases, 03/03/2015.
Renewable Energy Market in Europe 2014-2018, has been prepared based on an in-depth market analysis with
inputs from industry experts. The report covers Europe; it also covers the Renewable Energy market landscape and
its growth prospects in the coming years. The report also includes a discussion of the key vendors operating in this
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Mercado Global de la Nanotecnología en aplicaciones de Energía
Publicada en SOLAR PLAZA_Press releases, 03/03/2015.
The study and control of substance and processes at the nanoscale is known as nanotechnology. This field is crossdisciplinary in nature with applications in medicine, biology, material science, chemistry and physics. This technology
is quite useful in utilizing conventional energy sources in a more efficient, safe and environment friendly manner. It
also helps to tap into the full potential of renewable energy sources including biomass, solar, wind and geothermal
power. Nanotechnology can be used in other energy applications such as reduction in losses during power
transmission and managing complex power grids with frequently changing loads and decentralized feed-in stations.
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Mercado Global de los Smart Energy Meters : Tamaño, Tendencias,
Share y Previsiones de Crecimiento 2015-2019
Publicada en SOLAR PLAZA_Press releases, 03/03/2015.
Smart energy meters are the next-generation meters that provide more precise and exact amount of electricity
consumption. They are generally installed at households or in enterprise infrastructure to maintain detailed statistics
about energy consumption. A smart energy meter works as an electrical meter that measures and provides feedback
of the power consumed to the electricity supplier. It is also useful for customers as they too can monitor the amount of
power used.
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Mercado Global de las Tecnologías de Generación de Energía
Distribuida 2015-2019
Publicada en SOLAR PLAZA_Press releases, 02/03/2015.
Global Distributed Energy Generation Technologies Market 2015-2019, has been prepared based on an in-depth
market analysis with inputs from industry experts. The report covers the Americas, and the EMEA and APAC regions;
it also covers the Global Distributed Energy Generation Technologies market landscape and its growth prospects in
the coming years. The report also includes a discussion of the key vendors operating in this market.
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Marzo de 2015
Página 39
Eficiencia Energética y Smart Cities
Mercado Global de los sistemas de automatización del hogar 2015,
según Solar Energy News
Publicada en SOLAR PLAZA_Press releases, 02/03/2015.
A home automation system is a computer-based control system generally
installed in buildings to control and monitor several items of mechanical and
electrical equipment such as ventilation, lighting, power systems, fire systems,
and security systems. Building automation systems include hardware as well as
software, which are configured using various protocols. The automation of home
and household activities includes centralized lighting control, HVAC control
system, security and access control system, entertainment control system, and
the control of other appliances in the home. It involves the integration of electrical
devices with each other, and these integrated devices are managed and
controlled through a computer network with remote internet access. Home
automation systems are increasingly being adopted because of benefits such as
increased comfort, safety and security, and efficient energy management.
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Marzo de 2015
Página 40
Eficiencia Energética y Smart Cities
IoT Day - Construmat (20 de Mayo) El futuro de los sistemas de
control en la construcción
Publicada en, 30/03/2015.
El IoT Day se celebrará el próximo 20 de mayo en el marco de la feria Beyond
Building Barcelona-Construmat. Fira de Barcelona, sede del Salón Internacional
de la Construcción Beyond Building Barcelona-Construmat acogerá el próximo
20 de mayo de 2015 el IoT Day, una jornada organizada por el Clúster de la
Domótica, Inmótica y Ciudades inteligentes, Domotys, junto a Fira de Barcelona,
KNX España y LonWorks, en la que se tratarán los conceptos generales del
Internet de las cosas en soluciones verticales para la construcción. El evento, en
el que también colaboran Secartys y la plataforma tecnológica SmartLivingPlat,
estará dirigido por los grandes expertos del sector y reunirá entre sus
participantes a profesionales de las empresas CISCO, Telefónica, IDP, Tecnalia,
Siemens, Think Big Lab, Schneider-Electric, Simon, Amaisys, Nechi Ingeniería,
e-Controls, Carriots, Worldsensing y Afeisa.
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Metropolitan Solutions 20-22 Mayo de 2015 Berlin (Alemania)
Publicada en, 30/03/2015.
Perfectly interconnected. Integrated urban projects consist of a variety of
technical components sourced from different suppliers. The conferences at
Metropolitan Solutions will focus on examples of best practice presented by
municipal representatives. Simultaneously, the exhibition will foster matchmaking
between suppliers and users. Each of the keynote themes of Metropolitan
Solutions will be complemented by a program of conferences, seminars and
workshops held at the Exhibition Grounds.
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Marzo de 2015
Página 41
Eficiencia Energética y Smart Cities
Beyond Building Barcelona Reenginering CONSTRUMAT 19-23
Mayo 2015
Publicada en, 01/03/2015.
Beyond Building Barcelona Reenginering CONSTRUMAT. Más allá de las ideas.
Preparados para liderar y acelerar un cambio de paradigma. Vamos más allá del
negocio, del liderazgo, de las relaciones y del conocimiento. 19-23 Mayo 2015.
Barcelona. Recinto Gran Via
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Smart Energy 22-25 de Marzo de 2015 Alemania
Publicada en, 01/03/2015.
Smart Energy : Eighth edition in March with new concept
Rhein-Kreis Neuss, 10.28.2014 . The green lettering and standing for
authoritative information "i" in the logo show the way : With a new concept, the
Smart Energy , the Energy Fair of Kreishandwerkerschaft Niederrhein presented
. On 21 and 22 March 2015 this share will open its doors at the Stadthalle Neuss.
It is the eighth edition of the exhibition , which has become the biggest energy
fair in the Lower Rhine .
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Smart to Future Cities 28-29 Abril 2015 Waldorf Hilton, Londres
(Reino Unido)
Publicada en, 01/03/2015.
Now in its 4th year, Urban IoT / Smart to Future Cities 2015 has a proven track
record of delivering decision makers in their hundreds, and we are proud to boast
an audience that is 70% end-user driven. What’s the secret of our success? Our
customers tell us it lies in topical content, engagement of all the relevant market
players PLUS a relationship-building focussed event format to make those
valuable conversations and connections happen. 50+ global thought-leaders and
innovators, 19 case studies, 250+ of your peers in attendance will provide you
with the expertise at the heart of urban IoT through carefully curated sessions,
interactive formats and plenty of networking. Take a whirlwind tour of global
smart city projects and innovation – from Tianjin City to Singapore, Bilbao, Turin,
Copenhagen, Yanbu, Glasgow and many more – join us at Urban IoT / Smart to
Future Cities 2015.
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Marzo de 2015
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