IV European Multidisciplinary Pain Meeting IX I International Congress of Pain EFHRE Sine Dolore Mediterranean Multidisciplinary Pain Forum SCIENTIFIC SPONSORS Hotel Pueblo Menorca Punta Prima · World Health Association (WHA) · European Foundation for Health, Research and Education (EFHRE) · European Foundation Against Pain (EFAP) · European Multidisciplinary Network in Pain Research and Education (EMNIPRE) · Unidad del Dolor. Hospital Mateu Orfila. Menorca. Ib-salut (Govern Balear) · Servei de Salut. Govern de les Illes Balears (ibsalut) · Institut Menorqui d´Estudis (IME) · Cátedra de Urgencias, Emergencias, Catátrofes y Cardioseguridad de la Universidad Católica San Antonio (UCAM)) Declared by EFHRE as European Interest Event and European CardioSafe Event 014 MAY 2 7th & 11nd th Universitat de les Illes Balears Universidad Rey Juan Carlos la Is orca n e M Università Degli Studi di Parma MEDISUB UCA M Preliminary Program - Preliminary Program - Preliminary Program - Preliminary Director: Logistic organizations Prof. Dr. Jordi Moya Riera E-mail: [email protected] Web site: www. European Foundation Against Pain (EFAP): Sine Dolore Web site: Collaborating Institutions •Consell Insular de Menorca •Excmo. Ayuntamiento de Mahón •Excmo. Ayntamiento de Es Castell •Excmo. Ayuntamiento de Sant Lluís •Ib-Salut (Govern Balear) •Colegio Oficial de Médicos de las Islas Baleares •Colegio Oficial de Farmacéuticos de las islas Baleares Scientific Societies Involved in Pain Management •Sociedad Balear de Anestesiología-Reanimación y Terapéutica del Dolor (Sociedad Española de Anestesiología-Reanimación y Terapéutica del Dolor) •Sociedad Balear del Dolor (Sociedad Española del Dolor) •Sociedad Española de Oncología Médica •Sociedad Española de Cirugía Ortopédica y Traumatología •Sociedad Española de Cirugía Bucal •Sociedad Española de Cuidados Paliativos •Sociedad Española de Reumatología •Sociedad Española de Geriatría •Asociación Española de Emergencias 112 (AEM112) •Scientific International Committee of Emergencies (SICEM) •World Council for Preventive, Regenerative and Anti-Aging Medicine •Sociedad Española de Disfunción Craneomandibular y Dolor Orofacial •Sociedad Española de Acupuntura Médica (SAME) •Sociedad Española de Medicina Física y Rehabilitación (SERMEF) Official Agencies MENORCACONGRESS CAPRIMED as exclusive for Spain exclusive for Italy and Europe [email protected] [email protected] Camí d’Es Castell 265 Piazza C. Battisti, 4 07702 Maó - Menorca - Islas Baleares 80073 Capri (NA) Tel +34971369181 - Fax +34971368041 Tel. +39 081 8375841 Móvil +34661312112 Fax +39 081 8376046 EMPHASIS exclusive for Italy and Europe [email protected] Viale dei Santi Pietro e Paolo 23 00144 Roma Italy Tel. +39 065 2247328 Mobile: +39 339 8190780 Official Languages Spanish and English. Simultaneous translation not available Preliminary Program - Preliminary Program - Preliminary Program - Preliminar y Program - Preliminary Program - Preliminary Program - Preliminary Program Wednesday 7th May 2014 Headquarters of the Insular Government of Menorca: 20.00 h Opening Official Ceremony with all the Authorities Thursday 8th May 2014 (Precongress Workshop) Hotel Pueblo Lectures room 15.00 - 19.00 h “Up date on Pain”. 09.00 - 15.00 h La Mola Lectures room “Drogs combination in pain management” Friday 9th May 2014 Convention Center of Menorca 8.00 - 8.30 h Main registration guests in the hotels Parallel Conference Room 09.00 - 11.30h “On pain in pediatrics: nutrition, dermatology, asthma”: • “Guidelines for the use of dietary hydrolysed milk: the new formulas to solve isintomi and signs of pain”. Giuseppe Mele • “The pain and nutrition in the early years of life”. Alfonso Delgado Rubio 9.00 -10.00 h ROUND TABLE All togheter against chronic pain Speakers: Prof. T. Stadler, Prof. M. Filippini , Prof. A. Dickenson, Prof. G. Mueller-Schwefe Chairman: Prof. J. Moya Riera ry Program - Preliminary Program - Preliminary Program - Preliminary Program Preliminary Program - Preliminary Program - Preliminary Program - Preliminary 10.00 - 10.30 h KEYNOTE. “United Nations resolutions access at the pain therapy: worldwide perspectives” Speaker: Dr. Gilberto Gerra, Chief of Drug Prevention and Health Branch, Division for Operations, UNODC 10.30 - 12.00 h ROUND TABLE More than MOR. Interactive session. Multiple target horizon Speakers: Prof. R. Baron 12.00-14.00 Updates on interventional pain management Chairman: Prof. Josè De Andrés • Radiofrequency the state of the arts and for special application • Fighting the chronic migraine with the stimulation of occipital nerve. • Updated trigeminal neuralgia • Percutaneous discectomy • Approaching to a new target: The dorsal ganglion stimulation 14.00 - 15.00 h Lunch Parallel Conference Room 15.30 - 18.30 h “Asthma and Pain”: • “Integrated Management in Allergies Respiratory: Cough and the world around her”. R. Cutrera • “Asthma in children”. L. Morcaldi Convention Center of Menorca 15.00 - 16-00 h “Case history - Clinical in chronic pain management - The real life. The best, and the worst”. Spanish Lectures 16.00 -17.00 h “Oral Fentanyl Citrate: adjusted technology for Breakthrough cancer pain” President: Dr. Luis Olay. Head of Radiation Oncology service. Central Hospital of Asturias. Secretary: Dr. Miguel Ángel Benítez. Palliative care. Hospital Virgen Candelaria.Tenerife • Clinical Implication of Fentanyl Buccal Tablet. Dr. Francisco Collado. Pain unit. Hospital Puerta del Mar Cadiz • Fentanyl Buccal Tablet: Benefits for the patient. Dr. Nuria Calvo. Medical Oncology. Hospital de Sant Pau (Oncology day Hospital). Barcelona Preliminary Program - Preliminary Program - Preliminary Program - Preliminar y Program - Preliminary Program - Preliminary Program - Preliminary Program 17.00h-18.00h “Transdermal buprenorphine”. President. Dr. Antonio Montero. Head of the Hospital Virgen de las Nieves. Granada. Secretary: Dr. Manuel Sanchez del Águila. Pain Unit. Hospital Costa del Sol. Marbella. • Presentation of preliminary results and benefits associated with the use of transdermal buprenorphine in emergency. Dr. Carlos Guillen Astete. Rheumatologist. Ramon y Cajal Hospital. Madrid. • Experience of use of transdermal buprenorphine in the Ramón y Cajal Hospital. Which patients benefit most from the use of buprenorphine?. Dr. Alfredo Perucho González, Unit of Pain. Ramón y Cajal Hospital. Madrid. 18.00 - 19.00 h “New topics in breakthrough Pain”. President: Dr. Francisco Collado. Pain Unit. Hospital Puerta del Mar Cadiz. Secretary: Dr. Herman Ribera. Section Chief. Pain Unit. Espases University Hospital. Mallorca. • Breakthrought Cancer Pain: An observational study of 1000 European Oncology Patients Dr. Josep Porta, Catalan Institute of Oncology. ICO Barcelona • “Inter- and intra-patient variability in breakthrough pain crisis of opioid-treated patients with underlying chronic pain. An observational, prospective and multicenter study.” Dr. Juan Perez Cajaraville. Chief of the Pain Unit at the University Hospital of Navarra. Pamplona. 19.00 - 20.00 h “Cultural aspects of pain” President: Dr. Pedro Montoya. Full-Professor of Biological Psychology at the University of the Balearic Islands. Secretary: Dr. Jordi Miró. Professor of Health Psychology, and Director of the Unit for the Study and Treatment of Pain - ALGOS; Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Spain. Speaker: Dra. Yolanda Escobar Álvarez. Oncóloga. Hospital Gregorio Marañon. Madrid. ry Program - Preliminary Program - Preliminary Program - Preliminary Program Preliminary Program - Preliminary Program - Preliminary Program - Preliminary Saturday 10th May 2014 Parallel Conference Room 09.00 - 19.00 h Course Dermatology and Pain. Distinguish in a quick and exact origin of some acute skin lesions may help to interpret an emergency and avoid pain in children. G.Ruggiero e F. Arcangeli Topics: • Skin and sport • Injuries marginal or misinterpreted • Doctor my son is full of bubbles • Hemangiomas in children • The teenage acne • When the warts are really bad Pediatric Chronic Pain Speaker: Prof. Franca Benini, Prof Mele • “The boy in pain”. F. Benini • “The pain nell’ambulatorio pediatrician”. M. Giuliano • “Zero miles - Treatment of pain in pediatric wards: Map of European hospitals where the treatment of pain in children is a priority” Marta Gentili Convention Center of Menorca 9.00 - 10.30 h “Trinomial: overcome the old patient concept” Speaker: Prof. G.Mueller-Schwefe 10.30 - 12.00 h ULTRASOUND WORKSHOP What we can do with ultrasound in pain Speaker: Dr. Marco Baciarello /TBD 12.00 - 13.00 LNP Localized Neuropathic Pain. What, Who, When, Why? Chairman: R. Casale, Speakers: V. Ribera, R. Vellucci 13.00-14.00 Tailored genetics medicine Speakers: Dragan Primorac, M. Allegri 14.00-15.00 Lunch Preliminary Program - Preliminary Program - Preliminary Program - Preliminar y Program - Preliminary Program - Preliminary Program - Preliminary Program Spanish Lectures 15.00 - 16.00 h “Talk to the engineer”. President. Dr. David Abejón. Head Pain Unit. Quiron Hospital of Madrid. Secretary: Dr. Francisco Gómez Armenta. Head Pain Unit. Hospital Reina Sofia. Córdoba. • “Burst vs High Frequency” What are the differences and what are the advantages and disadvantages of each?”. Mr. Manuel Mendoza. Engineering In Electronics - Pontificia Universidad Javeriana - 2003 - Colombia. Postgraduate Master in Telecommunications Networks - Cisco CCNA - Pontificia Universidad Javeriana - Colombia. Specialist in Engineering Management Systems - Pontificia Universidad Javeriana - Colombia. MBA - Master of Business Administration - European Business School - Madrid. 21 Training Healthcare Technologies - Siemens - Germany, USA and Brazil. 1994-2013 • “Continuous Current fractional, rational medical explanation”. Mr. Francisco Estella. Senior Engineer in Telecommunications Engineering from the University of Granada. Master ‘s degree in Computer Engineering and Networks , specializing in Bioengineering from the University of Miami • “Programming Principles in spinal cord stimulation”. Mr. Pablo Rueda. Telecommunication Engineer Master in Bioengineering and Telemedicine 16.00-17.00 Can the patient recover their daily lives through an intranasal fentanyl pectin • The role of health education in management with Nasal Fentanyl pectin. • Management and handling a pain. Interactive cases. 17.00 - 18.00 h The importance of the route of administration in the management of breakthrough pain • “The sublingual route: an alternative for our patients” • “Abstral phase IV study - what These results mean for patients.” 18.00 - 19.00 h “The role of pharmaceuticals in the Treatment of Pain”. President: Prof. Javier Garcia Veiga. 19.00 h Departure of buses to the Main Opera Theater of Mahon Closing Ceremony. 20.00 h Closing Ceremony in the Principal Opera Theater of Mahón, with all Authorities. Award Ceremony in pain research “Father Vicente Macian” for best poster scientific communication in Congress. Please assistance to all members of Congress. ry Program - Preliminary Program - Preliminary Program - Preliminary Program Preliminary Program - Preliminary Program - Preliminary Program - Preliminary Sunday 11th May 2014 Convention Center of Menorca 10.00 h POSTER´S ROOM Defense of scientific posters Presidente: Dr. Jordi Guitart. Jefe Unidad Dolor Hospital Platón. Barcelona. Secretario: Dr. Jordi Folch. Unidad del Dolor Hospital Platón. Barcelona 11.00 h PRESENTATION Presentation of a book “Survive the Pain - Sobrevivir al dolor” (Plataforma Editorial) Signed by the author and dedications Author: Grela Bravo Garcia. Clinical psychologist, social and intercultural mediator. Endorsed: Sine Dolore Association and Grünenthal Foundation. 12.00h h KEYNOTE LECTURE “Wine and Pain” We hope to see you next year in forum II International Congress of Pain EFHRE Sine Dolore V European Multidisciplinary Pain Meeting 015 MAY 2 th 6th &ca1Is0land or Men X Mediterranean Multidisciplinary Pain Forum Preliminary Program - Preliminary Program - Preliminary Program - Preliminar y Program - Preliminary Program - Preliminary Program - Preliminary Program Organizing Committee Scientific Committee Honor President: Honor President: President: President: Vice President: Vice President: Secretary: Secretary: Vice Secretary: Vice Secretary: Treasurer: Vocals: •Dr. Manuel Corral Rosado •Dr. Juan Manuel Vaca •Dra. Alicia Alonso Cardaño •Dr. Alfonso Vidal Marcos •Dr. J. A Carrera Hueso •Dr. Manuel Corral Rosado Vocals: •Dra. Mª Jesús Rodríguez Dinten •Dra. Santiago Doménech de Frutos •Dra. Evelin Horváth •Dr. Rafael Salazar •Dra. Mabel Ramos Sánchez •Dr. Juan Carlos Carrión •Dr. B. López Oblaré •Dr. Javier Bettiol •Dr. Borja Rubio •Dr. Pablo Candás •Dra. Sabina Cordoba •Dr. Omar Loli •Dr. Nelber Soriano •Dra. Liliana Fernández •Dr. Javier Bettiol •Dr. Borja Rubio •Dr. Pablo Candás •Dra. Sabina Córdoba •Dr. Omar Loli •Dr. Nelber Soriano •Dra. Liliana Fernández •Dr. Luis Cueto •Dr. Ignacio Velázquez Rivera •Dr. Simón Garau •Dr. Luis López-Negrete •Dr. Salvador Gestoso Gayá •Dr. Xavier Lacueva Guallar •Dr. Antonio Gómez de Tejada •Dr. Alfonso Mosqueira Noriega •Dr. Freddy Virrueta Medina •Dra. Briseida Gil •Dr. Walther Ramírez Izquierdo •Dr. Alberto Torres Ruiz •Dr. Luis González López •Dra. Ángela Blázquez •Dña. Maribel Triay Garriga •Dña. Marisa Armendáriz •D. Sergio Olives Sintes •Dña. María José Hurtado Sayas •Dña. Mº Gracia Roselló •Dña. Francisca Gomila Serra •D. Raúl Fernández Moya •Ilmo. Prof. Dr. Jaime Rodríguez Quintosa •Prof. Dr. Antonio Montero •Prof. Dr. Cosme Gay Escoda •Prof. Dr. Jordi Moya Riera •Dr. Luís Aliaga Font •Prof. Dra. Marian Llorente •Prof. Dr. Rafael Gálvez Mateos •Prof. Dr. Pedro Montoya •Prof. Dr. Carlos Goicoechea •Prof. Dr. Jordi Miró •Dra. María Luisa Franco •Dr. Gonzalo Cutillas Hernández •Dr. Manuel Sánchez del Águila •Dr. Manuel Rodríguez •Dr. David Abejón •Dr. Ángel Oteo •Dr. Pedro Mir Orfila •Dr. Alejandro Fernández Alonso •Dr. Juan Pérez Cajaraville •Dr. Francisco Collado •Dr. José María Hernández •Dr. Víctor Mayoral •Dr. Herman Ribera •Dra. Carmen Martínez Caballero •Dr. Carlos Tornero •Dr. César Margarit Ferri •Dra. Concha Pérez Hernández •Dr. Domingo Ventura Vargas •Dr. Francisco Ruiz Sánchez •Dr. Francisco Rodelas Montalvo •Dr. Javier de Andrés Ares •Dr. José Luis de Córdoba •Dra. Dolores López Alarcón •Dra. María de la Luz Cánovas Martínez •Dra. Maribel Vargas Domingo •Dr. Martín Carpintero Porrero •Dr. Miguel Caramés •Dr. Francisco Villegas Estévez •Dr. Xavier Díaz Meco •Dra. Yolanda Escobar Álvarez •Dra. Montserrat Viñals •Dr. Andrés Glenny •Dr. Xavier Mir Marí Reunión científica acreditada como Evento Europeo Cardioseguro por EFHRE ry Program - Preliminary Program - Preliminary Program - Preliminary Program Preliminary Program - Preliminary Program - Preliminary Program - Preliminary Editorial Committee President: Dr. Jordi Guitart Vela Vice President: Dr. Jordi Folch Ibáñez Secretary: •Dr. José Fuentes Bellido Vice Secretary: •Dr. Xavier Vila Justribó Vocals: •Dr. Juan Manuel Vázquez •Dr. Albert Tomás Torrelles •Dr. Domingo Tomás Rufles •Dra. Mercé Matute •Dr. Josep Garrido •Dr. Galán Rodrigo •Prof. Dr. Rafael Cobos Romana •Dr. José Luis Cid Calzada •Dra. Josefina María Cueto Pérez •Dra. Sara Cascón Pérez-Teijón •Dr. Agustín Guerri Cebollada •Antonio López Sastre Scientific International Committee President: •Prof. Dr. Guido Fanelli Vice President: •Prof. Dr. Guiseppe Mele Secretary: •Prof. Dr. Jordi Moya Riera Vocals: Network Committee President: D. Lorenzo Carreras Albiol Vice President: Dña. Sònia Giménez Blanco Secretary: D. Juan Manuel Vidal Marcos Vocals: •D. Gonzalo Fernández Honor Committee •Distinguished Prof. Jaime Rodríguez Quintosa. MD, PhD. Specialist in Pediatric Intensive Care. Neonatologist. Specialist in Legal and Forensic Medicine. Director, University Research Chair in Emergency, Disaster and Cardiosafety. Principal Investigator of the Research Group: Development of Prevention and Emergency Medical Care in Life-threatening Situations and Disasters. University Master Director of Emergency, Urgent Care, Disaster and Cardiosafety of EFHRE - UCAM. President of European Foundation for Health, Research and Education (EFHRE). President of Spanish Association of Emergency 112 (AEM 112). Honorific President of Scientific International Committee of Emergencies (SICEM). •Prof. Dr. Cecilio Álamo González. Professor of Pharmacology. Alcalá de Henares University. Madrid. Spain •Dr. Carlos de Barutell Farinós. Outgoing President of the Spanish Society of Pain. Sine Dolore Merit Medal. Barcelona. Spain •Dr. Gary J. Brenner, Ph.D.Director, MGH Pain Medicine Fellowship. Assistant Professor, Harvard Medical School. Department of Anesthesia and Critical Care. Massachusetts General Hospital. Boston. EEUU •Dr. Paul J. Christo, M.D., M.B.A., Assistant Professor of Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine. Director, Multidisciplinary Pain Fellowship. Baltimore. Maryland. EEUU. •Dr. Peter Cox. Consultant in Anaesthesia and Pain Medicine. Westmead and St. George Hospitals. Sydney. Australia •Dr. Ricardo A. Cruciani, MD, PhD. Vice Chairman, Department of Pain Medicine and Palliative Care, Beth Israel Medical Center, NY, New York. EEUU. •Dr. Arturo Cuomo. Director S.C. Anaesthesia, Intensive Care and Analgesic Therapy National Cancer Institute IRCCS “Fondazione,G. Pascale” of Naples. •Dr. Michael Erdek Assistant Professor of Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine and Oncology at The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. Director of Quality Improvement for the Division of Pain Medicine. Baltimore. Maryland. EEUU •Prof. Dr. Guido Fanelli. Head of the Chair of Anesthesia and ICU at the University of Parma, School of Medicine; Head of the Postgraduate School (School of Specialization) of Anesthesia ICU and Pain at the University of Parma, School of Medicine.Chief of Pain and Palliative Care Commitee of Minister of Health, and Wellfare – Italian Government. Member of Advisory Committee for Ministry of Health– Italian Government. Member of Health Supreme Committee – Italian Government. Referee and reviewer for Italian Minister of Health (AIFA) for Indipendent research. Preliminary Program - Preliminary Program - Preliminary Program - Preliminar y Program - Preliminary Program - Preliminary Program - Preliminary Program •Dr.Marina Mata, MD. Professor of Neurology University of Michigan •Prof. Giuseppe Mele, Pediatrician. Giuseppe Mele is the Past National President of FIMP, the Italian Federation of Pediatricians and Scientific Coordinator. He gained his degree in Medicine and Surgery in 1977; he specialized in pediatrics with full marks. He has always been passionate about civil and human rights and this brought him to fight for the rights in his category through the channel of medical unionism. He has been involved in the health system both on a professional level and from a political and unionist point of view. During his twenty-year medical and trade union experience, he can count numerous attendances to events such as: Ministerial Commissions, Scientific Boards, prestigious publications and national and international congress events. In 2013 he has been nominated expert for the Advisory Committee for the Pediatric area of the Italian Medicines Agency. •Dr. Walter Gianni. Head of Chronic Pain Therapy, Study Centre PAC (Persons High Complexity) Scientific Director IRCCS San Raffaele Pisana. Rome. •Prof. Dr. Cosme Gay-Escoda. Chairman and Professor of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Director of Master of Oral Surgery and Implantology of the University of Barcelona, Spain. Coordinator of research group “Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology and Therapeutics” of the Institute of Biomedical Research of Bellvitge (IDIBELL). Head of Department of Oral Surgery, Implantology and Maxilolofacial Surgery of the Teknon Medical Center, Barcelona, Spain. •Dr. David Fink, MD. Robert Brear Professor and Chair Department of Neurology University of Michigan. •Prof. Dr. Fernando Gilsanz. Professor of Anesthesiology Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. President of the Spanish Society of Anesthesia-Resuscitation and Pain Therapy. Madrid. •Prof. Dr. Carlos Goicoechea García. Professor of Pharmacology. Coordinator “Master in the Study and Treatment of Pain”. Rey Juan Carlos University. Madrid. Spain. •Prof. Dr. José Luis Gutierrez Pérez. Professor of Oral Surgery. Director of Master of Oral Surgery, University of Seville. Chief of Maxillofacial Surgery, Hospital Virgen del Rocío de Sevilla. General Manager. Andalusian Health Service. Spain •Dr. Jordi Miró. Professor of Health Psychology, and Director of the Unit for the Study and Treatment of Pain - ALGOS; Universitat Rovira i Virgili; Spain. •Prof. Dr. Antonio Montero. Professor University of Lerida and Head of the Surgery Department in the University of Lerida. •Dr. Pedro Montoya. Full-Professor of Biological Psychology at the University of the Balearic Islands. •Prof. Jordi Moya Riera. MD, PhD. Specialist Anesthesia-Resuscitation. Pain Management and Intervencional Spine Specialist. European University Specialist in Research and Treatment of Pain Director. San Antonio Catholic University (UCAM) - European Foundation for Health, Research and Education (EFHRE). European Multidisciplinary Pain Meeting Chairman. Founder of the Association Against Pain: Sine Dolore. Director of the European Multidisciplinary Network in Pain, Research and Education (EMNIPRE). European Institute for the Advanced Treatment of Sinedolore Director. Multidisciplinary Mediterranean Pain Forum Chairman, Director of Sine Dolore International School for Patients with Pain •Prof. Oscar de León Casasola. Professor and Vice-Chair for Academic. Affairs. Chief, Pain Medicine and Professor of Oncology. Roswell Park Cancer Institute; Buffalo, Nueva York. Consultor Teknon Clinic Pain Clnic. •Dr. Russell K. Portenoy Chairman and Gerald J. Friedman Chair in Pain Medicine and Palliative Care. Department of Pain Medicine and Palliative Care Beth Israel Medical Center. Professor of Neurology and Anesthesiology Albert Einstein College of Medicine. New York. EEUU. •Dr. Srinivasa N. Raja, Professor in the Department of Anesthesiology/Critical Care Medicine, and director of Pain Research and the Division of Pain Medicine at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. Maryland. EEUU •Dr. Manuel Rodríguez, head of the Pain Unit of Carlos Haya Hospital in Malaga. Sine Dolore Merit Medal. Spain •Prof. Dr. Luis M. Torres.Head of the Anesthesia-Resuscitation and Pain Management. Director of the Journal of the Spanish Society of Pain. Assistant Director of the External Chair of Pain of the Grünental Foundation. University of Cádiz. Hospital Puerta del Mar. Cádiz. Spain. •Dra. Anica Vasic. St George Pain Management Unit, St George Hospital. Sydney. Australia. ry Program - Preliminary Program - Preliminary Program - Preliminary Program Tuition: 590 € (L imited places) The tuition to the IX MMPF, includes: • Congress Registrations. • Working lunches on Friday 9th and Saturday 10th. • Closing ceremony at the Principal Theater of Mahón (includes bus transportation). For the Hotel acomodation and more information, please contact with the oficial agencies. Abstracts must be e-mailed to the Scientific Committee before March, 12th to the following e-mail: [email protected]. Accepted abstracts will be published at the Congress’ book. Award “Father Vicente Macián” for the best scientific poster and two accesits. Universitat de les Illes Balears Università Degli Studi di Parma UCA M Universidad Rey Juan Carlos Declared as “Scientific Interest Activity Masters for the Study and Treatment of Pain” allowing to obtain the credits of Master’s Thesis Recognized with 2 and 3 credits for CME accreditation Sol·licitats crèdits de formació a la Comissió de Formació Continuada de les Professions Sanitàries de les Illes Balears