July 2, 2015 - La Porte Independent School District


July 2, 2015 - La Porte Independent School District
July 2, 2015
La Porte Independent School District
Every Student’s Success Is Our #1 Priority
Summer construction work continues on 2014 bond program projects
Plumbing has been installed and grade beams have been poured in preparation for the slab
at the new Baker Sixth Grade Campus facility, which will be located south of the Instructional
Technology Center on the current Baker campus.
The construction crew at La Porte High School uses a crane to relocate a cooling tower on the
site. The move was part of the process toward construction of the new Career and Technical
Education Center at the campus.
Preparations are made for the building pad of the new fine arts facility at La Porte High
School. The fine arts building will be constructed north of the current gymnasium where the
tennis courts were previously located.
Preparation work for the extension of the parking lot takes place at La Porte Junior High
School. The new gymnasium will be constructed east of the parking lot addition.
Workers lay new brick around the columns at the new front entrance of College Park Elementary
School. Administrative offices are being relocated to the Purdue side of the school.
Work on La Porte ISD 2014 bond program projects continues, with construction
teams taking advantage of the summer months to make significant progress at a
number of sites. Recent rainy weather has presented some challenges, but LPISD
deputy superintendent Mike Clausen said that the crews are working diligently to try
to make up for any lost time.
Due to construction at the campuses, the office staffs of several schools are The construction team prepares to pour the slab at the new Lomax Elementary School, where
housed in different locations this summer. The Lomax Junior High and La Porte plumbing has been installed and grade beams have been poured. The new Lomax facility is
Junior High office staffs are temporarily located at Baker Sixth Grade Campus. The being built on the northeast corner of the current site.
College Park Elementary office staff is at Heritage Elementary, and the La Porte
Elementary office staff is at Bayshore Elementary. Office phone numbers remain the
Phone numbers for all LPISD campus offices are listed below:
Bayshore Elementary
College Park Elementary
Heritage Elementary 281-604-2600
La Porte Elementary
Lomax Elementary
Jennie Reid Elementary
Rizzuto Elementary
Baker Sixth Grade Campus
La Porte Junior High 281-604-6600
Lomax Junior High 281-604-6700
DeWalt Alternative School
La Porte High School
Right, a construction team member prepares the outside wall of College Park Elementary for
a new exterior update.
LPHS students work toward diplomas, degrees through ACE Program
Several students in the La Porte High School ACE program gather in front of San Jacinto
College their first week of summer classes.
Thirty-five students from La Porte High School are working toward both their
LPHS diplomas and their associate degrees from San Jacinto College Central as part
of the Accelerated College Education (ACE) program offered by the district.
Through the program, the rising juniors are taking a class at San Jacinto College
Central this summer and will be enrolled in two summer courses there in 2016.
Beginning this fall, participants will spend their mornings (first through fourth
periods) at San Jacinto College Central and will return to the LPHS campus for
additional classes (fifth through seventh periods) in the afternoon.
Students who meet expectations will receive both high school and college credit
for those courses. Upon successful completion of the program, the first participants
of the ACE program will earn their associate degrees in the spring of 2017, just
before their high school graduation.
LPHS associate principal Jason McConnell explained that a screening process
this spring helped determine which rising juniors were eligible for the program.
Participants must have earned at least an 80 in Algebra II Pre-Advanced Placement
(AP) or Pre-Calculus during their sophomore year as well as in two other Pre-AP
or AP courses. This was to ensure that they were prepared for the rigor of college
coursework, McConnell said.
“This is a great group of students,” McConnell added. “They are very excited
about the program and are really enjoying summer school at San Jacinto College
An advantage for the ACE students’ families is that La Porte ISD pays for their
tuition and books, thereby helping to offset the cost of their college education. LPISD
also covers these costs for students who take dual enrollment courses at the LPISD/
San Jacinto College Center located on Broadway.
“This is an amazing opportunity for our students, not only because they will
get their two-year degree at the same time they graduate from high school, but also
because they have the potential to earn their bachelor’s degree two years from the
time they graduate from LPHS,” McConnell said.
David Knowles, executive director of secondary education, encourages future
high school students who are interested in the ACE program to begin thinking about
this opportunity early on and plan ahead for it. To complete Algebra II in their
sophomore year, they would need to take Algebra I in eighth grade, he explained.
“We hope to grow this program as we move forward, and these first class
members are our pathfinders,” Knowles said. “They are highly motivated and have
taken on this challenge with very positive attitudes.”
“In addition to the fact they can graduate with their associate degrees when
they graduate from high school, the ACE program is instilling in them the discipline
and study habits they will need when they go on to get their four-year degree,” he
continued. “Students receive strong support from the La Porte High School staff
and the San Jacinto College staff, all of whom are very interested in helping them
For more information on the ACE Program, contact McConnell at La Porte High
School, 281-604-7500.
Pre-kindergarten enrollment for 2015-2016 to be held July 21 at Rizzuto Elementary
La Porte ISD
2015 – 2016 Pre-Kindergarten Matriculación
La Porte ISD
2015 – 2016 Pre-Kindergarten Enrollment
el 21 de julio del 2015
Rizzuto Elementary 3201 Farrington St., La Porte, TX 77571
8:00 – 11:45 a.m. and 1:00 – 6:00 p.m.
July 21, 2015
Rizzuto Elementary 3201 Farrington St., La Porte, TX 77571
8:00 – 11:45 a.m. and 1:00 – 6:00 p.m.
Operation School Bell Dress Day (student MUST be present)
Please be sure to bring the REQUIRED information in order to register:
 Child’s Birth Certificate (proof of age required – must be 4 years of age on or before September 1, 2015)
 Child’s Social Security Card
 Immunization Records
 Proof of Residency (current utility bill – i.e. water or electric)
 Guardian’s Texas Driver’s License or Texas I.D. Card
 Guardian’s Military I.D. (if applicable)
 Proof of Income (current pay check stub)
Program eligibility will be based on one or more of the following:
 Be unable to speak and comprehend the English language.
 Be educationally disadvantaged (educationally disadvantaged students, as defined by the Texas Education Code (TEC),
según se definen en el Código de Educación de Texas (TEC), 5.001 (4), ahora incluyen a todos los estudiantes que son elegibles para
Head Start; y son elegibles para participar en el Programa Nacional de Almuerzo Escolar (NSLP), sin embargo, no es necesario que un
estudiante participe en el NSLP para tener derecho a PK.)
your current address is a temporary living arrangement due to loss of housing or economic hardship)
Be the child of an active duty member of the armed forces of the United States (including the state military
forces or a reserved component of the armed forces, who is ordered to active duty by proper authority)
Be the child of a member of the armed forces of the United States who was injured or killed while
serving on active duty (including the state military forces or a reserved component of the armed forces)
Have ever been in the conservatorship (foster care) of the Department of Family and Protective
Services (DFPS) following an adversary hearing.
El certificado de nacimiento del niño (prueba de la edad necesaria – debe tener 4 años de edad en o antes del 1 de septiembre de 2015)
Tarjeta del Seguro Social del niño/a
Registro de inmunizaciones
Comprobante de residencia (las cuentas más recientes de los servicios utilitarios el agua o electricidad)
Licencia vigente para conducir de Texas o Tarjeta de identificación de Texas
Tarjeta vigente de identificación del Ejército (si es aplicable)
Comprobante de pago corriente (empleo)
Elegibilidad al programa será basada en uno o en más de los siguientes:
 Ser incapaz de hablar y comprender el idioma Inglés.
 Tener desventajas educativas (debido a los cambios recientes en la ley federal, los estudiantes con desventajas educativas,
Be homeless (students must meet the definition of homeless as defined by the United States Code (USC)42, 11302 and 1143 or if
Se pide a los padres traer con ellos la información REQUERIDA para inscribir a su niño/a:
5.004(4), includes all students who are eligible for Head Start and eligible to participate in the National School Lunch Program (NSLP).
However, it is not necessary for a student to participate in the NSLP to qualify for Pre-Kindergarten.)
Operación Campana Escolar Día de Vestuario (Los estudiantes necesitan estar presente)
Ser personas sin hogar (si el estudiante es elegible para PK debido a que el estudiante no tiene hogar, el estudiante debe
ajustarse a la definición de personas sin hogar según lo definido por el Código 42 de los Estados Unidos (USC), 11302, y 42 USC, 11434
(a), o si su actual dirección es un arreglo de vivienda temporal debido a la pérdida de la vivienda o dificultades económicas.)
Ser hijo de un miembro activo de las fuerzas armadas de los Estados Unidos (incluidas las fuerzas militares
estatales o un componente reservado de las fuerzas armadas, que se ordena al servicio activo por la autoridad apropiada.)
Ser hijo de un miembro de las fuerzas armadas de los Estados Unidos, que resultó herido o
muerto mientras estaba en servicio activo (incluidas las fuerzas militares estatales o un componente reservado de las
fuerzas armadas)
Haber estado alguna vez en la tutela (foster care) del Departamento de Servicios de Protección
Familiares (DFPS) tras una audiencia adversaria.
For additional information about the LPISD Pre-Kindergarten program, please contact the office of Elementary Education at 281-604-7030.
Para más información sobre el programa del Jardín de Niños (PK) de LPISD, por favor llame a la oficina de Educación Primaria del distrito
al número 281-604-7030.
The La Porte Independent School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, national origin, sex or disability in providing education services, activities, and programs, including
vocational programs, in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended; Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972; Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended;
and Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act. The Title IX Coordinator is Isela Montes, Executive Director of Human Resources, 1002 San Jacinto, La Porte, Texas 77571, Telephone (281) 604-7110.
The Section 504 Coordinator is Dr. April Fox, Executive Director of Special Programs, 1002 San Jacinto, La Porte, Texas 77571, Telephone (281) 604-7034.
El Distrito Independiente Escolar de La Porte no discrimina sobre la base de raza, religión, color, origen nacional, sexo u incapacidad para proveer servicios educacionales, actividades y programas, incluyendo programas vocacionales, de
acuerdo con el Título VI del Acta de Derechos Civiles de 1964, como fue enmendada; Título IX de las Enmiendas Educacionales de 1972; Sección 504 del Acta de Rehabilitación de 1973, como fue enmendada; y el Título II del Acta de
Americanos con Incapacidades. La Coordinadora del Título IX es Isela Montes, Directora Ejecutiva para Recursos Humanos, 1002 San Jacinto, La Porte, Texas 77571, Teléfono (281) 604-7110. La Coordinadora de la Sección 504 es la Dra.
April Fox, Directora Ejecutiva de Programas Especiales, 1002 San Jacinto, La Porte, Texas 77571, Teléfono (281) 604-7034.
La Porte ISD will hold its annual pre-kindergarten enrollment session on Tuesday,
July 21, at Rizzuto Elementary School, 3201 Farrington St. (Fairmont Park). Hours
will be 8 to 11:45 a.m. and 1 to 6 p.m.
To be eligible for pre-kindergarten, children must be four years of age on
or before Sept. 1, 2015. To register, parents or guardians should bring with them
the child’s birth certificate, Social Security card and immunization records; proof
of residency (such as a current water or electric bill); the parent/guardian’s Texas
Driver’s License or Texas ID card; the parent/guardian’s military ID (if applicable);
and proof of income (current pay check stub).
Program eligibility is based one or more of the following factors, such as
being unable to speak and comprehend the English language; being educationally
disadvantaged (as defined by the Texas Education Code, includes all students who
are eligible for Head Start and eligible to participate in the National School Lunch
Program); being homeless; being the child of an active duty member of the armed
forces of the United States or a member of the armed forces of the United States
who was injured or killed while serving on active duty; or having ever been in the
conservatorship (foster care) of the Department of Family and Protective Services
following an adversary hearing.
Operation School Bell, a project of the Assistance League of the Bay Area, will
also be at the session to assist with school clothes for pre-kindergarten students only;
students must be present.
For additional information about the LPISD pre-kindergarten program, contact
the La Porte ISD Office of Elementary Education at 281-604-7030.
LyondellBasell donates pipe to welding
program at La Porte High School
La Porte Independent School District
1002 San Jacinto Street
La Porte, Texas 77571
The Leader is a publication of the La Porte ISD Communications Department.
The newsletter is published bi-weekly for the La Porte ISD community. Inquiries
should be directed to Terri Cook, Director of Public Relations, at cookt@lpisd.
org or Kimberly Culver, Communications Coordinator, at [email protected].
LyondellBasell representatives donate approximately $50,000 in Carbon Steel schedule 80 pipe
from the company to the La Porte High School welding program. On hand for the donation
are, from left, Ron Germany, Austin Industrial site manager; Leroy Ballou, Jr., materials
management supervisor; Joseph Wolf, site manager; and Kevin Stafford, maintenance
manager. Following completion of deliveries of donated pipe, the value of the donation is
estimated at $100,000. The donation of pipe follows the company’s April donation of 390 pairs
of safety glasses and 235 pairs of safety goggles, for a total value of over $3,900, to the LPHS
welding and science programs.
La Porte High School seniors announce their 2015 Class Favorites
Mr. & Miss LPHS
David Terrebonne
Maryebeth Howell
Andy Reister
Most Handsome & Most Beautiful
Britt Grant
Lyndi Price
Olivia Potts
David Quispe
Most Likely to Succeed
Jahneil George
Best Personality
Jonah Gallington
Most Intellectual
Most Spirited
Most Talented
Ashlyn Hayes
Gavin Calais
Most Athletic
Darian Cook
David Terrebonne
Adrian ReynaGonzales
Cassidy Gibson
Best Dressed
Jillian Turner
Best Citizen
Sarah Pilkinton
Jose Torres
Maryebeth Howell
Cutest Couple
Kimberly Cross
Jonah Gallington
Jená Jean
Students gain skills at 3-D Design and Printing Camp this summer
Victoria Cortez works on a design to solve an imaginary problem during the 3-D design and
printing camp held at La Porte ISD’s Instructional Technology Center. Camp sessions were
held June 8 through 11 and June 15 through 18 for students entering the sixth, seventh and
eighth grades.
La Porte ISD students entering the sixth, seventh or eighth grades this fall had
the opportunity to learn more about 3-D design and printing this summer at a camp
offered by the district’s Instructional Technology department.
Alan Ward, LPISD director of instructional technology, explained that 3-D design
is used in real-world situations by architects and engineers as well as in movie and
television production. During the camp, participants discovered the basics of creating
3-D objects by using Google Sketchup and observed their designs transformed into a
real object using a MakerBot Replicator 5 printer.
Alex Zapata, left, and Shelby Davis show their finished projects that they designed and printed
on the 3-D printer.
Each participant was presented with a challenge in creating his or her project.
Students were asked to imagine that they were on another planet, and each was given
a different situation that he or she needed to resolve by creating an object on the
Instructional technology specialists Erica Alverson, Lisa Basile and Jennifer
Engels led the camps, which were offered June 8 through 11 and June 15 through 18.
Approximately 16 students attended each of the sessions.
LPISD District Calendar
7/2/15 - Thursday
Strength & Conditioning Session I - 7:30 AM - 9 AM - LPHS Field House
Summer School - High School EOC Remediation - 9 AM - 1:40 PM - DeWalt Campus
Summer School - High School ESL - 9 AM - 1:40 PM - DeWalt Campus
Strength & Conditioning Session II - 9:15 AM - 10:45 AM - LPHS Field House
Recent graduate Koby Torres named
to All-State baseball third team
7/3/15 - Friday
District Offices Closed
7/6/15 - Monday
Student/Staff Holiday- District Offices Closed
7/7/15 - Tuesday
Summer School - English Language Learners - 8 AM - 3 PM Bayshore Elementary
Summer School - Kindergarten - 2nd grade - 8 AM - 3 PM - Bayshore Elementary
Tennis Drill Session - 9 AM - 12 PM
7/8/15 - Wednesday
Summer School - English Language Learners - 8 AM - 3 PM Bayshore Elementary
Summer School - Kindergarten - 2nd grade - 8 AM - 3 PM - Bayshore Elementary
7/9/15 -Thursday
Summer School - English Language Learners - 8 AM - 3 PM Bayshore Elementary
Summer School - Kindergarten - 2nd grade - 8 AM - 3 PM - Bayshore Elementary
Tennis Drill Session - 9 AM - 12 PM
7/10/15 - Friday
District Offices Closed
Summer School - English Language Learners - 8 AM - 3 PM Bayshore Elementary
Summer School - Kindergarten - 2nd grade - 8 AM - 3 PM - Bayshore Elementary
La Porte High School catcher Koby
Torres was recently named to the 3rd
Team All-State in baseball. Koby is a
2015 graduate of LPHS and the son
of Ricky and Veronica Torres.
Photo courtesy of Carlyle Henry
Portraits for incoming LPHS seniors
will be taken at Jennie Reid Elementary
La Porte High School incoming seniors will take their portraits for the yearbook
on July 21, 22 and 23 and August 11, 12 and 13. Hours are 9 a.m. to noon and 1 to 4
Photos will be taken in the library at Jennie Reid Elementary School due to
construction at La Porte High School. Jennie Reid Elementary is located at 10001
W. Fairmont Parkway, and the phone number is 281-604-4500.
Seniors should receive an appointment card in the mail, but may go to have their
portrait made at any of these times without an appointment.
7/13/15 - Monday
Strength and Conditioning - Session 1 - 7:30 AM - 9 AM - LPHS Field House
Summer School - English Language Learners - 8 AM - 3 PM Bayshore Elementary
Summer School - Kindergarten - 2nd grade - 8 AM - 3 PM - Bayshore Elementary
Summer School - ESY - 8:30 AM - 1:30 AM - Rizzuto Elementary
Strength and Conditioning - Session 2 - 9:15 AM - 10:45 AM - LPHS Field House
7/14/15 - Tuesday
Strength and Conditioning - Session 1 - 7:30 AM - 9 AM - LPHS Field House
Summer School - English Language Learners - 8 AM - 3 PM Bayshore Elementary
Summer School - Kindergarten - 2nd grade - 8 AM - 3 PM - Bayshore Elementary
Summer School - ESY - 8:30 AM - 11:30 AM - Rizzuto Elementary
Tennis Drill Session - 9 AM - 12 PM
Strength and Conditioning - Session 2 - 9:15 AM - 10:45 AM - LPHS Field House
7/15/15 - Wednesday
Strength and Conditioning - Session 1 - 7:30 AM - 9 AM - LPHS Field House
Summer School - English Language Learners - 8 AM - 3 PM Bayshore Elementary
Summer School - Kindergarten - 2nd grade - 8 AM - 3 PM - Bayshore Elementary
Summer School - ESY - 8:30 AM - 11:30 AM - Rizzuto Elementary
Strength and Conditioning - Session 2 - 9:15 AM - 10:45 AM - LPHS Field House
This is the calendar information that is available at press time. Please refer to the La Porte ISD district calendar at www.lpisd.org for changes
and additional information.
LPISD athletes take part in summer strength and conditioning program
The La Porte Independent School District does not discriminate on the basis of age, race, religion, color, national origin, sex or disability in
providing education services, activities, and programs, including vocational programs, in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of
1964, as amended; Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972; Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended; and Title II
of the Americans with Disabilities Act. The Title IX Coordinator is Isela Montes, Executive Director of Human Resources, 1002 San Jacinto,
La Porte, Texas 77571, Telephone (281) 604-7110. The Section 504 Coordinator is Dr. April Fox, Executive Director of Special Programs,
1002 San Jacinto, La Porte, Texas 77571, Telephone (281) 604-7034.
La Porte High School athletes take part in a number of physical activities as part of the
summer strength and conditioning program at the campus. The program, which is open to
boys and girls who will be in the seventh through 12th grades, runs June 15 through July 2 and
July 13 through 30. Activities include weight workouts along with speed, agility, plyometric
and flexibility instruction.
El Distrito Independiente Escolar de La Porte no discrimina sobre la base de edad, raza, religión, color, origen nacional, sexo u incapacidad
para proveer servicios educacionales, actividades y programas, incluyendo programas vocacionales, de acuerdo con el Título VI del Acta de
Derechos Civiles de 1964, como fue enmendada; Título IX de las Enmiendas Educacionales de 1972; Sección 504 del Acta de Rehabilitación
de 1973, como fue enmendada; y el Título II del Acta de Americanos con Incapacidades. La Coordinadora del Título IX es Isela Montes,
Directora Ejecutiva para Recursos Humanos, 1002 San Jacinto, La Porte, Texas 77571, Teléfono (281) 604-7110. La Coordinadora de la
Sección 504 es la Dra. April Fox, Directora Ejecutiva de Programas Especiales, 1002 San Jacinto, La Porte, Texas 77571, Teléfono (281)