Estrategia 1 - Capacidad Organizativa


Estrategia 1 - Capacidad Organizativa
Estrategia 1 - Capacidad Organizativa
Durante 50 afios, LSNA ha convocado a instituciones en nuestra comunidad para actuar en forma
colectiva en asuntos que convierten a Logan Square en un gran lugar para vivir, trabajar, aprender y
crecer. Mientras ingresamos en nuestro 51° afto de vida, LSNA, sus instituciones miembros y sus
Ifderes van a trabajar juntos para asegurar que celebramos nuestro 6xito fortaleciendo a la organizaci6n, asegurando que nuestro trabajo en temas de vivienda econbmica y uso de tierras, salud y espacios abiertos, educaci6n, juventud, seguridad e inmigracibn continue por otros 50 aftos.
1.1 Desarrollar nuevo llderazgo y mejorar el llderazgo exlstente para Incrementar el compromise con el plan holistico.
Entrenar lideres a traves de la Serie de Entrenamiento de Llderes de LSNA.
Identificar nuevos lideres a traves del trabajo en campaftas para diversos asuntos
Promover y escoger lideres para comunicar y representar sus asuntos e instituciones a traves del Concilio de Acci6n de Miembros, Comites y la Junta Directiva de LSNA .
1.2 Desarrollar recursos de nuevos fondos para apoyar el plan holfstlco de LSNA.
Expandir el aporte de nuestros contribuyentes a traves de esfuerzos de recolecci6n de fondos a nivel de base con rifas, una campafta anual y la guia de recursos de LSNA.
Trabajar con Ifderes, personal y la Junta Directiva para llevar a cabo nuestros eventos especiales de colecta de fondos.
Incrementar la conciencia de LSNA y nuestra historia a traves de nuestros patrocinadores y
heroes del 50° aniversario.
1.3 Profundlzar la partlclpaclon de las Instituciones miembros de LSNA para el trabajo en el
plan holistico,
Proveer entrenamiento y educaci6n en campaftas de diversos temas, desarrollo de liderazgo y oportunidades de recolecci6n de fondos a traves del Concilio de Acci6n de Miembros.
Identificar nuevos grupos miembros y asegurar que los actuales grupos miembros tengan
representaci6n activa en el MAC.
Strategy 1 - Organizational Capacity
For 50 years, LSNA has convened institutions in our community to act collectively on issues that
make Logan Square a great place to live and work, learn and grow. As we enter our 51st year, LSNA,
its member institutions and its leaders will work together to ensure that we celebrate our success by
strengthening the organization, ensuring that our work around affordable housing and land use,
health and open spaces, education, youth, safety, and immigration continues for another 50 years!
1.1 Develop new leadership and further develop existing leadership to increase engagement
around the holistic plan.
• Train leaders through the LSNA Leadership Development Series.
• Identify new leaders through the work of the issue campaigns.
• Encourage and elect leaders to communicate their issues and represent their issues and
institutions through the Members Action Council, Committees and LSNA Board of Directors.
1.2 Develop sources of new funding to support LSNA's holistic plan.
• Expand our local contributors through grassroots fundraising efforts like the raffle, annual
campaign and LSNA resource guide.
• Work with leaders, staff and board to carry out special fundraising events.
• Increase awareness of LSNA and our history through our 50th anniversary sponsors and
1.3 Deepen LSNA member institutions' involvement in the work of the holistic plan.
• Provide training and education on issue campaigns, leadership development and fundraising
opportunities via the Members Action Council.
• Identify new member groups and ensure current member groups have active representation on
the MAC.
2 vivienda asequible
Durante 50 afios la misi6n principal de LSNA ha sido luchar por
vivienda decente, estable y asequible. El ano pasado pudimos
finalmente comenzar los trabajos en Zapata Apartments, 61
unidades en cuatro lotes vacfos
en el sur de Logan Square. Este
ano LSNA va a trabajar con inquilinos de viviendas en proceso
de embargo y con organizaciones aliadas para pasar la Ordenanza "Mantenga las Rentas en
2.1 Preserver la vivienda asequible para rentas
• Obtener un compromiso para preservar a Lathrop Homes como 50% de vivienda publica y 50% asequible (alquiler y dueftos de propiedades), sin
desarrollo a precios de mercado,
• Asegurar acuerdos para proteger del deterioro a los edificios vacfos de Lathrop. A traves de Chicago Housing Initiative, conseguir que CHA rente mas de
sus unidades vacantes.
2.2 Desarrollar nueva vivienda asequible en asoclacldn con organlzaclones de
desarrollo comunltarlo
• Identificar un sitio viable para el desarrollo de vivienda sustentadora en Logan Square.
2.3 Preservar y expandlr fondos para la vivienda asequible
• Asegurar la designacidn de Fullerton-Milwaukee-Armitage TIP como distrito
piloto para implementar el nuevo Programa de Rehabilitacibn y Compras TIP
de Edificios Vacantes de Chicago, que destinarfa mas ddlares de TIP para la
rehabilitaci6n de edificios vacfos. Conseguir un constructor para remodelar
uno o mas edificios de unidades multiples a traves de programa.
• Luchar para mantener los niveles de fondos actuales para HOME, CDBG y
otros programas similares y claves de HUD.
2.4 Reduclr las ejecuclones hlpotecarlas para poder preservar la vivienda asequible para comprar y rentar
• Prevenir los embargos hipotecarios a traves del dialogo, consejerfa, organizaci6n y contacto entre los dueftos y los recursos disponibles. Organizar
cambios en la polftica para asistir a dueftos de edificios e inquilinos que enfrentan embargos.
• Reducir el desplazamiento de los inquilinos -y evitar propiedades vacfasorganizando para una Ordenanza "Mantenga Alquileres en Chicago" en
cooperaci6n con Albany Park Neighborhood Council y otros aliados en la ciudad.
• Asegurar propiedades vacantes en Logan Square a traves del control comunitario y el cumplimiento de la Ordenanza de Propiedades Vacantes de
soclos Instltuclonales
Bickerdike Redevelopment
Center for Changing Lives
Humboldt Park Social Services
Chicago Foreclosure
Chicago Housing Initiative
Chicago Rehab Network
DePaul University
Heartland Housing
Hispanic Housing Development Corporation
Keep Chicago Renting
Kelvyn Park High School Social Justice Academy
Landmarks Illinois
Lathrop Community Partners
Lathrop Homes Alumni
Lathrop Homes Local
Advisory Council
Lathrop Leadership Team
Lawyers Committee for Better
Neighborhood Housing Services
Northwest Side Housing Center
Preservation Chicago
Public Allies/Chicago
Sargent Shriver National Center on Poverty Law
Spanish Coalition for Housing
2 affordable housing
For 50 years, fighting for
decent, stable, affordable
housing has been at the
heart of LSNA's mission.
This past year we were
thrilled to break ground on
Zapata Apartments—61
affordable units on four
vacant lots in southern
Logan Square. This year,
LSNA will work with foreclosed tenants and allied
organizations to pass the
Keep Chicago Renting
organizational partners:
Bickerdike Redevelopment
Center for Changing Lives /
Humboldt Park
Social Services
Chicago Foreclosure
Chicago Housing Initiative
Chicago Rehab Network
DePaul University
Heartland Housing
Hispanic Housing Development Corporation
Keep Chicago Renting
Kelvyn Park High School Social Justice Academy
Landmarks Illinois
Lathrop Community Partners
Lathrop Homes Alumni
Lathrop Homes Local
Advisory Council
Lathrop Leadership Team
Lawyers Committee for Better
Neighborhood Housing
Northwest Side Housing Center
Preservation Chicago
Public Allies/Chicago
Sargent Shriver National Center on Poverty Law
Spanish Coalition for Housing
2.1 Preserve affordable rental housing
• Win a commitment to preserve the Lathrop Homes as 50% public
housing and 50% affordable housing (rental and home ownership),
without market-rate development.
• Secure agreements to protect Lathrop's vacant buildings from deterioration. Through the Chicago Housing Initiative, prompt the Chicago
Housing Authority to lease up more of its vacant units.
2.2 Develop new affordable housing In partnership with community
development organizations
• Identify viable site for the development of supportive housing in Logan
2.3 Preserve and expand funding for affordable housing
• Secure designation of the Fullerton-Milwaukee-Armitage TIP as a pilot
district for implementing Chicago's new Vacant Building TIP Purchase
& Rehab Program, which would direct more TIP dollars to the rehab of
vacant buildings. Enlist a developer to rehab one or more multi-unit
buildings through the program.
• Fight to maintain current funding levels for HOME, CDBG and other
crucial HUD funding streams.
2.4 Reduce foreclosures In order to preserve affordable
homeownershlp and rental housing
• Prevent foreclosures through outreach, counseling, organizing and
linking homeowners to available resources. Organize for policy
change to assist building owners and renters facing foreclosure.
• Reduce the displacement of tenants - and prevent vacant properties
- by organizing for a 'Keep Chicago Renting1 Ordinance in cooperation with the Albany Park Neighborhood Council and other allies
across the city.
• Secure vacant properties in Logan Square through community monitoring and enforcement of Chicago's Vacant Property Ordinance.
3 salud y espacios abiertos
Sin importer los ingresos y el estatus
migratorio, el cuidado medico de calldad es un derecho humano. El Equipo
de Alcance Medico de LSNA provee
2,000 conexiones anuales con servicios
medicos. Nos sentimos contentos de
trabajar con ALAS, una organizaci6n
dedicada a dar poder a las mujeres hispanas y latinas acerca del cancer de
senos a traves de la educacion y el apoyo. LSNA ha trabajado en colaboracidn
con residentes dedicados, autoridades
electos y departamentos de la ciudad
para expandir parques y crear nuevos
espacios. El alcalde Emanuel ha dado
prioridad para la construccion rapida de
la Via Bloomingdale y se espera que
este terminada en el ado 2014.
3.1 Conectar a residentes con beneflclos publicos y recursos
• Conectar a individuos y familias sin seguro medico o insuficiente seguro medico con un cuidado econbmico de alta calidad tanto medico como dental, y a la
vez con SNAP (estampillas de comida).
• Asistir a residentes con aplicaciones de hospital de Charity Care.
• Realizar reuniones mensuales del Grupo de Apoyo de Sobrevivientes de Cancer de mama en espaftol.
• Realizar cfrculos comunitarios mensuales de acupuntura.
3.2 Desarrollar y promover el cuidado de salud y blenestar Integrado y basado
en las escuelas
• Integrar servicios de salud en la Escuela Intermedia Ames por medio del Programa ElevS: una cllnica de salud basada en la escuela, salud mental, educaci6n acerca del mantenimiento de bicicletas y la seguridad.
3.3 Abogar para camblos en las polftlcas y/o slstemas
• Manejar la Asociaci6n "Nifios Saludables, Comunidades Saludables" de
Chicago, abogando por cambios de polfticas y/o sistemas para mejorar el seguro acceso a parques y opciones de comidas mas Saludables.
• Continuar con la membresfa en Fair Care Coalition.
• Abogar para la preservacion de beneficios de salud con fondos estatales para
3.4 Apoyar el desarrollo y el uso de mas espacios abiertos en Logan Square
• Dedicarse al planeamiento y los esfuerzos de alcance comunitario que apoyan el desarrollo de la Via Bloomingdale
• Apoyar eventos comunitarios ofrecidos por Unity Park Advisory Council
3.5 Desarrollar el Comlte de Salud
3.6 Deflnlr los proveedores medicos alternatives y complementarlos en el irea
especlflca de LSNA
Active Transportation Alliance
Advocate Illinois Masonic
Behavioral Health/Dental
Asociacion Latina de Asistencia y Prevencidn del
Cancer de Mama (ALAS)
Ames Middle School
Chicago Park District
Consortium to Lower Obesity
in Chicago's Children
Essential Acupuncture Chicago
Fair Care Coalition (FCC)
Friends of the Bloomingdale
Illinois Dept. of Employment
Security (IDES)
Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights
Legal Assistance Foundation
Prime Care Community
Sage Community Health
Trust for Public Land
Unity Park Advisory Council
West Town Bikes
3 health and open space
Regardless of income and
legal status, quality affordable health care is a human
right. The LSNA Health Outreach Team provides some
2,000 linkages a year. We
are excited to be partnering
with ALAS, dedicated to
empowering Hispanic/
Latina women about breast
cancer awareness through
education and support.
LSNA has worked collaboratively with dedicated residents, elected officials and
city departments to expand
parks and create new open
spaces. Mayor Emanuel
has put the Bloomingdale
Trail on the fast track with
an expected opening in
organizational partners
Active Transportation Alliance
Advocate Illinois Masonic
- Behavioral Health
- Dental Van
Asociacion Latina de Asistencia y
Prevencion del Cancer de Mama (ALAS)
Ames Middle School
Chicago Park District
Consortium to Lower Obesity
in Chicago's Children (CLOCC)
Essential Acupuncture Chicago
Fair Care Coalition (FCC)
Friends of the Bloomingdale
Illinois Dept of Employment
Security (IDES)
Illinois Coalition for Immigrant
and Refugee Rights (ICIRR)
Legal Assistance Foundation
Prime Care Community Health
Trust for Public Land
Sage Community Health
West Town Bikes
3.1 Link residents to public benefits and community
• Link uninsured and underinsured individuals and families
to quality affordable health care, dental care and SNAP
(Food Stamps)
• Assist residents with hospital Charity Care applications,
• Host monthly Breast Cancer Survivors Support Group in
• Host monthly community acupuncture circles
3.2 Promote school-based Integrated health care and
• Integrate health services at Ames Middle School through
the ElevS Program: school-based health clinic, mental
health, bike maintenance and safety education
3.3 Advocate for policies and/or system changes
• Manage the Chicago "Healthy Kids, Healthy Communities" Partnership, advocating for policies and/or system
changes to improve safe access to parks and healthier
food options
• Member of the Fair Care Coalition
• Advocate for the preservation of state funded health benefits for everyone
3.4 Engage In the planning and community outreach efforts
that support the development of the Bloomingdale Trail
3.5 Develop Health Committee
3.6 Map complementary and alternative medicine providers
In LSNA's target area
4 education
On our 50th anniversary, LSNA salutes the thousands of students, parents
and educators who have helped build and
continue the success of our community
school model. Together we have turned
our elementary schools into centers of
community for all ages; youth shape and
lead our high school work. We work for
an education that serves the whole child
and respects family culture and language, and we have created a national
model for parent engagement.
4.1 Build parent engagement In local schools by opening doors to
the talents and visions of parents In order to Improve student
achievement and school climate.
• Continue and strengthen the Parent Mentor program, particularly
in terms of leadership development.
• Continue and strengthen the Parent Tutors program.
• Improve attendance and build parent engagement at Kelvyn Park
High and Ames Middle through parent-to-parent connections.
• Provide information and technical assistance to the Local School
Councils and encourage parents to serve on the councils.
• Continue to educate parents on 1) local and national education
issues relevant to their families, and 2) how they can support the
academic achievement of their children.
• Restore funding to the Literacy Ambassadors program.
• Develop a Parent Engagement Institute that can help other areas
adopt the Parent Mentor program.
4.2 Reframe schools as centers of their communities, with positive,
family-centered learning environments, especially through
providing opportunities for out-of-school-tlme learning
• Offer educational enforcement and enrichment opportunities for
school age children such as homework help, tutoring, mentoring,
bilingual homework help, life skills, fine arts, sports, summer camp
and club activities through the CLCs.
• Provide free early childhood education for children to facilitate
parents' participation in activities at the CLCs.
• Survey Community Leaders on community needs Spring 2012.
• Offer adult education/leadership training programs such as English as a Second Language, computer training, financial literacy,
advocacy opportunities and others through the Community Learning Centers at Ames, Funston, McAuliffe, Monroe and Mozart
• Offer adult continuous education/enrichment programs at the
Community Learning Centers, i.e. life skills, parenting, music education and others identified by families.
Chicago Public Schools
Ames Middle
Avondale Elementary
Chase Elementary
Darwin Elementary
Funston Elementary
Kelvyn Park High School
McAuliffe Elementary
Monroe Elementary
Mozart Elemenary
Action Now
Albany Park Neighborhood
Brighton Park Neighborhood
Chicago Ballet
Chicago Coalition for the
Chicago Teachers Union
Christopher House
City Colleges of Chicago
Community Institute for Youth
Enlace Chicago
Federation for Community Schools
Grow Your Own Illinois
Humboldt Park Social Services
Illinois State University
Kenwood Oakland Community
Northeastern Illinois University
Organization of the Northeast
Roosevelt University
Southwest Organizing Project
Target Development
Voice of the City
Voices of Youth In Chicago
YMCA Street Intervention
4 education
4.3 Collaborate with parents, students, teachers and administrators to organize on education Issues that highly Impact families In Logan Square
• Organize for "Neighborhoods Agenda for Schools," to support holistic education, community schools
and parent empowerment.
• Support the rights of children in bilingual education, special education and homeless families to the
best possible education.
• Develop new focus of work with families of children 0-7 years old and their educators to improve access to quality early childhood education in Logan Square.
4.4 Prepare students for careers and life through student, school and community connections
• Work with schools to develop restorative justice, teacher-student and community-school relationships and strengthen pathways to college for Logan Square students.
• Work collaboratively with schools on community-based professional development for teachers.
• Work with the citywide VOYCE collaborative and Kelvyn Park High's Social Justice Small Learning
Community to promote social justice and student voice (see "YOUTH").
• Apply for funding for ISU/TEACH teacher program for high school students in the community, which
would allow students to pursue teacher education.
4.5 Strengthen student achievement and create more positive school climates by drawing on
parents and community as teacher leaders
• Continue Nueva Generacibn and Maestros Sin Fronteras to provide pathways for parents and
community residents to become highly effective certified teachers.
• Continue to build the statewide Grow Your Own Teachers program and advocate for its growth.
• Apply for funding through LISC for ISU Teacher Education Pipeline to prepare future teachers for
Logan Square.
4.6 Work with LISC to build a data system that can capture multiple outcomes for our
community schools, Including parent programs and their holistic Impact on the schools.
••***., 'W— •**',«=«<«>*.»•
4 educacion
En nuestro 50° aniversario, LSNA saluda a
los miles de estudiantes, padres y educadores que han ayudado a construir y continuar
el exito de nuestro modelo de escuelas comunitarias. Juntos hemos convertido a
nuestras escuelas primarias en centres de
la comunidad para todas las edades y los
jdvenes crean y conducen nuestro trabajo
en las escuelas secundarias. Trabajamos
por una educacidn que sirva para los nifios
por complete- y respete la culture y el lenguaje familiar, y hemos creado un modelo
nacional para la participaci6n de los padres.
4.1 Desarrollar la participacldn de padres en las escuelas locales
abrlendo las puertas al talento y las vlslones de los padres para poder mejorar los logros estudiantiles y el clima escolar
• Continuar y reforzar el programa de Padres Mentores, especialmente
en terminos del desarrollo de liderazgo.
• Continuar y reforzar el programa de Padres Tutores.
• Mejorar la asistencia y desarrollar la participacidn de los padres en la
Escuela Preparatoria Kelvyn Park y en la Escuela Intermedia Ames
por medio de conexiones entre padres.
• Proveer informacidn y asistencia tecnica a los Concilios Escolares Locales y motivar a los padres para trabajar en los concilios.
• Continuar educando a los padres acerca de 1) temas locales y nacionales de educacidn relevantes a sus familias y 2) c6mo pueden apoyar a los logros academicos de sus hijos.
• Restaurar los fondos del programa de Embajadores de la Lectura.
• Desarrollar un Institute de Participaci6n de Padres que ayude a otras
areas a adoptar el programa de Padres Mentores.
4.2 Redeflnlr a las escuelas como centres de sus comunldades, con
amblentes de aprendlzaje positives y centrados en la familia,
especialmente por medio de proveer oportunidades para aprendizaje fuera del horarlo escolar
• Ofrecer programas de entrenamiento en educaci6n y liderazgo tales
como ingles como segundo idioma, entrenamiento en computadoras,
alfabetizaci6n financiera, oportunidad para organizarse y otros temas
por medio de los Centres Comunitarios de Aprendizaje (CLC) en las
escuelas Ames, Funston, McAuliffe, Monroe y Mozart.
• Ofrecer programas para adultos de formaci6n continuada/
enriquecimiento en los Centres Comunitarios de Aprendizaje, por ej.
habilidades sociales, crianza de los hijos, educacidn musical y otros
asuntos identificados por las familias.
• Ofrecer oportunidades de aplicaci6n y enriquecimiento educative para
nifios de edad escolar como ayuda con la tarea, tutoria, mentorla, ayuda bilingue con la tarea, habilidades sociales, bellas artes, deportes,
campamentos de verano y actividades de clubes por medio de los
• Proveer cuidado gratis de niftos pequeftos para facilitar la participacidn
de los padres en actividades en los CLC.
soclos escolares
Chicago Public Schools
Ames Middle
Avondale Elementary
Chase Elementary
Darwin Elementary
Funston Elementary
Kelvyn Park High School
McAuliffe Elementary
Monroe Elementary
Mozart Elementary
soclos institucionales
Action Now
Albany Park Neighborhood
Brighton Park Neighborhood
Chicago Ballet
Chicago Coalition for the
Chicago Teachers Union
Christopher House
City Colleges of Chicago
Community Institute for Youth
Enlace Chicago
Federation for Community Schools
Grow Your Own Illinois
Humboldt Park Social Services
Malcolm X College
Northeastern Illinois University
Organization of the Northeast
Roosevelt University
Southwest Organizing Project
Target Development
Voice of the City
Voices of Youth in Chicago
YMCA Street Intervention
4 educacion
Encuesta de Lfderes Comunitarios sobre necesidades comunitarias para la primavera de
4.3 Colaborar con padres, estudlantes, maestros y admlnlstradores para organlzar temas
de educacldn que Impactan a las familias en Logan Square
• Organizar la "Agenda de las Escuelas para los Vecindarios" para apoyar la educacion hollstica, escuelas comunitarias y el poder de los padres.
• Apoyar los derechos de los niftos en la educacio'n bilingue y especial, y para las familias sin
hogar con la mejor educaci6n posible.
• Desarrollar un nuevo enfoque de trabajo con familias de niflos de 0-7 aftos para mejorar el
acceso a educaci6n temprana en Logan Square.
4.4 Preparar a los estudlantes de preparatorla para carreras y para la vlda por medlo de conexiones estudlantlles, escolares y comunitarias
• Trabajar con escuelas para desarrollar la justicia reparadora, relaciones entre maestros y
estudiantes y la comunidad y la escuela y reforzar los caminos hacia la universidad para
estudiantes de Logan Square.
• Trabajar en colaboraci6n con escuelas en desarrollo profesional para maestros basado en
la comunidad.
• Trabajar con el colaborativo VOYCE en la ciudad y Social Justice Small Learning Community de Kelvyn Park High School para promover la justicia social y la voz de los estudiantes
(ver "JUVENTUD").
• Aplicar para obtener fondos para el programa de maestros ISU/TEACH para estudiantes de
secundarias en la comunidad, que permitirla que los estudiantes sigan educacibn para
4.5 Reforzar los logros estudiantiles y crear climas escolares mas positives aprovechando
el talento de nuestros padres y nuestra comunidad como maestros lideres
• Continuar Nueva Generaci6n y Maestros Sin Fronteras para proveer caminos a los padres
y residentes comunitarios para que sean maestros certificados.
• Continuar desarrollando el programa estatal Grow Your Own Teachers y abogar por su crecimiento.
• Aplicar para fondos a traves de LISC para el programa de Educacitin para Maestros ISU
para preparar futures maestros para Logan Square.
4.6 Trabajar con LISC para crear un sistema de datos que pueda obtener multiples resultados para nuestras escuelas comunitarias, Incluyendo programas de padres y su Impacto holistico en las escuelas.
5 retencion industrial y trabajos
El exito de Logan Square como comunidad con
diversidad de ingresos ha sido favorecido hist6ricamente por el acceso a empleos bien pagados
en los corredores industriales que la rodean.
Con la desindustrializaci6n y la gentrificaci6n de
Logan Square en los ultimos 15 anos, LSNA ha
organizado campafias para la creaci6n de muchos trabajos y retencion de empleos, incluyendo el regreso de Costco a la comunidad en los
'90 y el Green Exchange mas recientemente.
Durante el 50° aniversario de LSNA vamos a
prestar especial atenci6n para asegurar que
nuestros residentes esten bien preparados y dedicados para conseguir los nuevos empleos que
van a traer el Green Exchange y el corredor industrial que lo rodee.
5.1 Retener el uso del terreno industrial, trabajos en la industria y para cabezas de familias; trabajar con
companias para crear y retener empleos de sueldos justos con beneficios
• Abogar para la creaci6n de un distrito de manufactura planeado
(PMD) en la porci6n Elston-Rockwell del Corredor Industral Addison para alentar a los
empleados actuates para expandirse y promover la inversi6n de nuevas companias.
Association House
5.2 Proveer y coordinar excelentes programas de preparacion, insercion y capacitacion
laboral -y consejeria financiera- para residentes de la comunidad
• Ubicar a 50 residentes locales en trabajos con compafiias que renten espacio en el
Green Exchange y los alrededores. Crear relaciones con companias claves y asistirlas
para diversificar su fuerza de trabajo.
• Referir a residentes locales para la preparaci6n laboral, entrenamiento de capacidades
laborales y consejeria por medio del Centra para las Familias Trabajadoras.
• Conectar a residentes locales con la creacion de oportunidades de trabajo en el parque
lineal Via Bloomingdale y otros proyectos de trabajos publicos.
• Conectar a residentes locales con entrenamiento en destrezas industriales, de mantenimiento, tareas para invierno y construcci6n junto con entrenamientos con computadoras.
5.3 Identificar estrategias para retener y fortalecer negocios locales en las zonas
industriales y comerciales del area
• Crear relaciones con companias que rentan espacio en Green Exchange y companias o
duenos de propiedades en el area Elston-Rockwell y otros corredores industriales.
5.4 Proteger la integridad de zonas comerciales locales con el mantenenimiento de comercios asequibles y calles con negocios abiertos al publico que incluyen y sirven al •
espectro total de la poblacion diversa de la comunidad
• Enmendar el Plan de la Ciudad de North Milwaukee Corridor para incluir estrategias es- •
pecificas para retener negocios existentes, mantener frentes comerciales asequibles,
preservar y crear vivienda asequible sobre los negocios y priorizar el uso de fondos de
TIP para estos objetivos.
• Involucrar a residentes y accionistas comunitarios en planeamientos comunitarios, cambios de zona, planes municipales, desarrollos y gastos de TIP.
Center for Changing
Lives (Humboldt Park
Social Services) Center for Working Families
Chicago Dept. of
Housing & Economic
Erie House
Green Exchange
Humboldt Construction
Humboldt Park
Vocational Education Center, Wright
La Casa Norte
Latin American Chamber of Commerce
Lathrop Homes
Local Advisory
Lathrop Leadership
LEED Council
Logan Square
Chamber of Commerce
Milwaukee Avenue
Plan Association Resurrection
Resurrection Catholic
St. Augustine College
United Food & Commercial Workers Local
5 industrial retention and jobs
Logan Square's success as a mixed income
community has been helped historically by
access to good paying jobs in the industrial
corridors that flank it. With the deindustrialization and gentrification of Logan
Square over the past 15 years, LSNA has
mounted major job creation and retention
campaigns - including bringing Costco into
the community back in the 1990s and the
Green Exchange more recently. During
LSNA's 50th year, we will pay special attention to ensuring that our residents are wellskilled and poised to access the new jobs
that the Green Exchange and surrounding
industrial corridor will bring.
Association House
Center for Changing
Lives (Humboldt Park
Social Services) / Center for Working Families
Chicago Dept. of
Housing & Economic
Erie House
Green Exchange
Humboldt Construction
Humboldt Park Vocational
Education Center,
Wright College
La Casa Norte
Latin American
Chamber of Commerce
Lathrop Homes
Local Advisory Council
Lathrop Leadership
LEED Council
Logan Square
Chamber of Commerce
Milwaukee Avenue
Plan Association
Catholic Church
St. Augustine College
United Food & Commer
cial Workers Local 881
5.1 Retain industrial land uses, industry and head-of-household jobs; work with
companies to create and retain living-wage jobs with benefits
• Advocate for a planned manufacturing district (PMD) in the Elston-Rockwell portion of the Addison Industrial Corridor in order to encourage existing employers to
expand and new companies to invest.
• Support key campaigns for living-wage policies that would benefit local families.
5.2 Provide and coordinate excellent job readiness, placement and training
programs - and financial counseling - for community residents
• Place 50 local residents in jobs with companies leasing space at the Green Exchange and the surrounding area. Build relationships with key companies and
assist them in diversifying their workforces.
• Connect local residents with job opportunities building the Bloomingdale Trail linear park and other local public works projects.
• Refer local residents to job readiness classes, skills training and financial counseling through the Center for Working Families.
• Connect local residents to training in industrial, maintenance, weatherization and
construction skills as well as computer training.
5.3 Identify strategies to retain and strengthen local businesses in the area's
commercial and industrial corridors
• Build relationships with companies leasing space at the Green Exchange and
companies and property owners in the Elston-Rockwell area and other industrial
5.4 Protect the integrity of local commercial corridors by maintaining affordable
storefronts and pedestrian-friendly business streets that include and serve the
full spectrum of the community's diverse population
• Amend the city's North Milwaukee Avenue Corridor Plan to include specific strategies to retain existing businesses, keep storefronts affordable, preserve and create affordable housing above stores and prioritize the use of TIF funds for these
• Engage residents around community-based planning, zoning changes, city plans,
developments and TIF expenditures.
6 juventud
Para establecer la base para otros 50 anos de cambios comunitarios, LSNA va
a organizar a la gente joven
para que tenga una voz en
su future y dentro de la comunidad. LSNA trabaja con
gente joven para desarrollar
poder y conciencia que
apoyan al crecimiento positive y una conexion con iniciativas de justicia social y
mentores adultos responsables.
6.1 Promover principles de Justicia reparadora para jdvenes
• Promover la justicia reparadora como una esquema para la disciplina en las escuelas, organizando entrenamientos para maestros, estudiantes
y padres, y trabajando con estos protagonistas comunitarios para crear estructuras reparadoras en las escuelas.
• Informar y educar a los miembros comunitarios acerca de los principios de justicia reparadora.
• Usar practices de justicia reparadora apropiadas, como clrculos de paz en varios ambientes escolares y comunitarios.
6.2 Preparar a los estudiantes de preparatorla para ser agentes de camblo en
sus proplas vldas y comunldades por medlo de conexlones estudlantlles,
escolares y comunltarias
• Expandir oportunidades de aprendizaje de servicio basadas en la comunidad y
justicia social, incluyendo Social Justice Small Learning Community de Kelvyn
Park High School.
• Continuar informando a los estudiantes y las familias desconectadas y reconectarlas a la escuela por medio del Programa de Padres Mentores.
• Continuar conectando a los jovenes de Logan Square con practices y oportunidades valiosas de desarrollo de carreras.
6.3 Trabajar con el colaborativo VOYCE (Voices of Youth In Chicago Education)
para mejorar las indices de graduacldn y bajar las indices de abandono
mientras LSNA continue reforzando el trabajo local de VOYCE en KPHS
• Continuar apoyando la implementacidn de Iniciativas para Alumnos de Primer
Aflo, tales como retires organizados por estudiantes, parejas de mentores y
proyectos de aprendizaje y servicios para la comunidad.
• Fortalecer y crear relaciones de estudiantes y maestros fuera de las clases a
traves de dialogos en mesas redondas entre alumnos y maestros sobre asuntos de enseftanza y aprendizaje, retires de alumnos de primer aflo y otros eventos despues de clase.
• Organizar en toda la ciudad cambios en las duras pollticas de disciplina que
afectan en forma desproporcionada a estudiantes de minorfas y apoyar polfticas que ayuden al desarrollo y crecimiento de los estudiantes.
After School Matters
Community Justice for
Youth Institute
Kelvyn Park High
Kelvyn Park Social
Justice Academy
VOYCE (Voices of
Youth in Chicago Education) Colaborativo
con Albany Park
Neighborhood Council,
Brighton Park Neigh
borhood Council, Kenwood Oakland Community Organization,
Target Area Development Corporation,
Southwest Organizing
6 youth
In order to lay the groundwork for another 50 years of grassroots change,
LSNA will develop young people as
leaders, so they can use their voice
to improve their schools and community. LSNA works with young people
to build power and awareness that
support positive growth, connection
to social justice initiatives and caring
adult mentors.
6.1 Promote principles of restorative justice for youth
• Promote restorative justice as a framework for discipline within the
schools by organizing trainings for teachers, students and parents
and work with these stakeholders to build restorative structures at
the school.
• Inform and educate school and community stakeholders on the
principles of restorative justice.
• Use appropriate restorative justice practices, such as peace circles, in various school and community settings.
6.2 Prepare high school students to be leaders and agents of change
in their own lives and community through student, school and
neighborhood connections
• Expand high school service learning opportunities based on community and social justice, including Keivyn Park High School's Social Justice Small Learning Community.
• Continue outreach to disengaged students and families, and reconnect them to school through the Parent Mentors program.
• Continue to connect Logan Square youth with meaningful internships and career development opportunities.
6.3 Work with the citywide VOYCE (Voices of Youth in Chicago Education) collaborative to improve graduation rates and lower drop-out
rates while LSNA continues to strengthen local VOYCE work at
• Continue supporting the implementation of Freshmen Year Initiatives such as student-led freshmen retreats and community-based
service-learning projects.
• Strengthen and build student-teacher relationships outside of the
classroom through student-teacher roundtable discussions on
teaching and learning issues, freshmen retreats and other afterschool events.
• Organize at the city-wide level to change harsh discipline policies
that disproportionately affect students of color and support policies
that help students develop and grow.
organizational partners
After School Matters
Community Justice for Youth Institute
Keivyn Park High School
Keivyn Park Social Justice Academy
VOYCE (Voices of Youth in Chicago
Education) Collaborative: Albany
Park Neighborhood Council, Brighton
Park Neighborhood Council, Kenwood Oakland Community Organization, Southwest Organizing Project,
Target Area Development Corporation
7 seguridad
Uno de los principios iniciales de
LSNA, 50 anos atras, fue unir a
los residentes para crear una comunidad mas segura. Atraves de
los anos LSNA ha continuado trabajando en este objetivo, creando
clubes comunitarios, participando
en estrategias con normas para la
comunidad y desarrollando campafias de prevencion e intervencion para comportamientos riesgosos. En nuestro 50° ario LSNA
busca mejorar las practices beneficiosas de la justicia reparadora.
7.1 Cultivar una cultura comunitaria que disuade activamente el uso
del alcohol, tabaco y otras drogas entre los jovenes
• Emprender una campana de comunicaciones dirigida por jovenes
usando datos de Illinois Youth Survey y otras fuentes relevantes.
• Proveer educacion sobre el alcohol, tabaco y otras drogas para
jovenes y padres.
7.2 Aumentar la seguridad dentro y fuera de las escuelas
• Promover la justicia reparadora como una esquema para la disciplina en las escuelas organizando entrenamientos para maestros,
estudiantes y padres y trabajar con ellos para crear estructuras reparadoras dentro de las escuelas.
• Educar a las escuelas y la comunidad sobre la conexion entre escuela y prision y trabajar para cambiar polfticas de disciplina que
colocan a jovenes de minorias desproporcionadamente en el camino hacia la carcel en lugar de la universidad.
• Usar investigaciones de estudiantes para disenar vias de acceso
seguras para Ames y McAuliffe.
• Promover programas de mejores practices de prevencion de pandillas e intervention en las escuelas.
7.3 Aumentar la participacion en estrategias de la prevencion del crimen
• Participar en el Comite de Seguridad de Logan Square.
• Educar e informar a los residentes acerca de sus derechos y los
procedimientos de la prevencion del crimen.
• Oponerse al incremento de negocios de empeno en nuestra comunidad.
7.4 Promover principios de justicia reparadora
• Informar y educar a los accionistas comunitarios sobre los principios de la justicia reparadora.
• Usar practices de la justicia reparadora apropiadas, por ejemplo
circulos de paz en varies ambientes comunitarios.
Ames Middle School
Darwin Elementary School
Funston Elementary School
Kelvyn Park High School
Logandale Middle School
McAuliffe Elementary School
Monroe Elementary School
Mozart Elementary School
Advocate Illinois
Masonic Behavioral Health
ALSO (Alliance of Local Service Organizations)
BUILD (Broader Urban Involvement & Leadership Development)
Chicago Police
Department 14th and 25th
Logan Square Boys &
Girls Club
Logan Square Safety
McCormick Tribune YMCA
St. Mary's Elizabeth Medical
VOYCE (Voices of Youth in
Chicago Education)
7 safety
One of LSNA's founding principles 50 years ago was to bring
residents together to create a
safer community.
Over the
years, LSNA has continued to
work on this goal through creating block clubs, participating in
community policing strategies,
and developing prevention and
intervention campaigns around
risky behaviors. In our 50th
year, LSNA looks to further implement the healing practices of
restorative justice.
school partners
Ames Middle School
Darwin Elementary School
Funston Elementary School
Kelvyn Park High School
Logandale/Avondale School
McAuliffe Elementary School
Monroe Elementary School
Mozart Elementary School
organizational partners
Advocate Illinois
Masonic Behavioral Health
ALSO (Alliance of Local
Service Organizations)
BUILD (Broader Urban
Involvement & Leadership
Chicago Police Department
14th and 25th Districts
Healthcare Alternative
Systems (HAS)
Logan Square Boys &
Girls Club
Logan Square Safety
McCormick Tribune YMCA
St. Mary's Elizabeth Medical
VOYCE (Voices of Youth in
Chicago Education)
7.1 Nurture a community culture that actively discourages the use of
alcohol, tobacco and other drugs among youth
• Undertake a youth-led communications campaign using data from the
Illinois Youth Survey and other relevant sources.
• Provide alcohol, tobacco and other drug education for youth and parents.
7.2 Increase safety in schools, to and from school, and on school grounds
• Promote restorative justice as a framework for discipline within the
schools by organizing trainings for teachers, students and parents and
work with these stakeholders to build restorative structures at the
• Educate school and community stakeholders on the school-to-prison
pipeline and work to change city-wide school discipline policies that disproportionately push students of color out of schools and onto a path to
prison rather than college.
• Use student research to map safe passage routes to Ames and
• Promote best-practice gang prevention and intervention programs within the schools.
7.3 Increase participation in crime prevention strategies
• Participate in the Logan Square Safety Committee.
• Educate and inform residents of their rights and processes regarding
crime prevention.
• Oppose an increase of pawn shops in our community.
7.4 Promote principles of restorative justice
• Inform and educate community stakeholders on the principles of restorative justice.
• Use appropriate restorative justice practices, such as peace circles in
various community settings.
8 inmigracion
Los inmigrantes son nuestro
pasado, nuestro presente y
nuestro future. Mientras otros
estados del pafs estan poniendo mas restricciones, LSNA se
enorgullece al involucrarse en
la lucha para convertir a Illinois
en uno de los estados mas
amistosos para los inmigrantes en la nacion. Los Ifderes
de LSNA estan comprometidos a triunfar en las batallas
por el DREAM Act de Illinois,
el desarrollo de redes de apoyo para familias con casos de
deportacion, la organization
de talleres de ciudadanfa y la
lucha por la Ordenanza de Detenciones de Cook County.
8.1 Educar y organizar para proteger y mejorar los derechos de los
• Reforzar, expandir y diversificar el comite de inmigracion de LSNA.
• Defender y abogar por ciudadanos y no ciudadanos en temas de justicia, por ejemplo los jornaleros, las redadas y la separacion de familias.
• Crear una Red de Apoyo Familiar de Logan Square que incluya como
componente central entrenamientos de "Conozca sus Derechos" y
brinde ese tipo de entrenamiento para un minimo de 500 personas
por ano.
• Organizar 1-2 eventos para toda la comunidad de Logan Square, para crear conciencia acerca de asuntos de inmigracion.
8.2 Ayudar a los inmigrantes a obtener los servicios necesarios
para la ciudadania
• Desarrollar y distribuir materiales informativos y practices.
• Continuar brindando talleres y prestamos de ciudadania y servicios
legales individuates en la oficina para futures solicitantes.
• Desarrollar escuelas de ciudadania que permitirian la participacion
civica de nuevos ciudadanos a traves de la registration de votantes,
conduciendo concilios escolares y otros eventos.
8.3 Luchar por una reforma migratoria comprensiva
• Organizar una reforma en asuntos como el otorgamiento de licencias
de conducir en Illinois segun la capacidad para manejar, no de acuerdo con un numero de seguridad social.
• Participar en acciones locales y eventos que luchen por una reforma.
instituciones socios
Alliance of Filipinos for Immigrant
Rights and Empowerment
Albany Park Neighborhood
Ames Middle School
The Carpenter's House
Centra Romero
Erie Neighborhood House
Funston Elementary School
First Evangelical Lutheran Church
Humboldt Park Social Services
Humboldt Park United Methodist
Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and
Refugee Rights
Kelvyn Park High School
Kimball Avenue Church
McAuliffe Elementary School
Monroe Elementary School
Mozart Elementary School
New Community Covenant Church
Our Lady of Grace Catholic
Polish American Association
Purna Jiwan South Asian Church
St. Sylvester's Catholic Church
8 immigration
Immigrants are our past, our
present, and our future. As other states around the country are
becoming more restrictive,
LSNA is proud to be involved in
the fight to make Illinois one of
the most immigrant-friendly
states in the nation. From the
Illinois DREAM Act, to developing networks of support for
families going through deportation; to providing citizenship
workshops and fighting for the
Cook County Detainer Ordinance, LSNA leaders are committed to winning these battles.
Alliance of Filipinos for Immigrant
Rights and Empowerment
Albany Park Neighborhood
Ames Middle School
Centra Romero
The Carpenter's House
Erie Neighborhood House
Funston Elementary School
First Evangelical Lutheran Church
Humboldt Park Social Services
Humboldt Park United Methodist
Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and
Refugee Rights
Kelvyn Park High School
Kimball Avenue Church
McAuliffe Elementary School
Monroe Elementary School
Mozart Elementary School
New Community Covenant Church
Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church
Polish American Association
Purna Jiwan South Asian Church
St. Sylvester's Catholic Church
8.1 Educate and organize to protect and advance the rights of
• Strengthen, expand and solidify LSNA's immigration committee.
• Defend and advocate for citizens and non-citizens on justice issues, for example day labor, immigration raids and family separation.
. Strengthen the Logan Square Family Support Network that includes as a central component "Know Your Rights" trainings and
deliver KYR trainings to at least 500 people throughout the year.
• Organize 1 -2 events per year for the broader Logan Square community to create awareness of immigrant issues.
8.2 Help immigrants obtain services needed for citizenship
. Develop and distribute informative and practical materials.
. Continue to provide citizenship workshops, citizenship loans and
on-site one-on-one legal services for prospective applicants.
• Develop citizenship school that engages new citizens in civic participation through voter registration, leading school councils, and
other events
8.3 Fight for comprehensive immigration reform
• Organize for reform around issues like granting IL drivers' license
based on driving ability, not a social security number.
• Participate in local actions and events that work towards reform.

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