
 Importtant Ph
hone Numbe
ers  Org Ch
art  Fact Sh
 How to
o Obtaain Service
es  System
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ew Prepared for AD
DMHS Staff 5‐15
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( (This page intentionally left blank.) ADMHS IMPORTANT PHONE NUMBERS
Updated 7‐8‐15
Executive Gleghorn, Alice, Ph.D., Director
Behrendtsen, Ole, Med. Dir.
Craft, Michael, Asst. Dir. Clinical Operations
Ribeiro, Chris, Interim CFO
Walter Lindsay, Interim CFO
Division Chiefs
Andersen, Celeste, Chief of Compliance
Boyer, Christie, CPA, Assoc. Dir. Fin.
Grimmesey, Suzanne, Strategic Management
Rodriguez, Cuco, MHSA
Tran, Yentran, Admin Serv
Vicuña, Ana, Clinical Operations
Regional Managers
Fahey, Sandra
Huddleston, Deana
Vesper, Andrew Managers
Doyel, John, ADP Prgm. Mgr.
Fahey, Dana, MIS
Lundt, Leslie, PHF Med. Dir.
Thomas, Ernest, Facilities Wooton, Tina Consumer Empowerment, Mgr. Zeitz, Laura, Crisis Services
Team Supervisors
Allen, Michael
Altobelli, Arlene, PhD
Atwill, Peggy, RN
Baker, Deidre
Balzar‐Gott, Charlotte, RN
Bernard, Geoff
Cole, Christine
Collett, Sterling Conn, Lisa, MFT
Corona, Marcela, LCSW
Diaz, Stephanie
Eymann, Jonathan Garcia, Ramil
Kinoshita, Pat
Lopez, Amy Macias‐Guerra, Thelma
Cathleen Ouimet
Patarias, Elodie
Ramirez, Crystal
Soderman, Michael, Acctg. Supr.
SB Location
SB‐ Admin
LO Mobile
SM Child
SM Adult
SB‐Med. Recs.
LO Adult
Juv. Just. CARES So
Calle Real
SM Adult
Verica, Tom Xique, Maria
LO Adult
LO Child
SB Child
SM Adult
SM Child
Admin Resources
Compliance Hotline
Contract Team
IT HelpDesk
[email protected]‐
[email protected]‐
681‐4006 OR [email protected]
681‐5113 Fact Sheet
300 N. San Antonio Road Building 3
Santa Barbara, CA 93110
(805) 681-5200
Takashi Wada, M.D., M.P.H. Interim Director
 Founded in 1962, the Santa Barbara County Department of Alcohol, Drug and Mental Health
Services (ADMHS) promotes the prevention of, and recovery, from addiction and mental illness
among individuals, families and communities, by providing effective leadership and delivering stateof-the-art, culturally competent services.
What services are available?
An array of services are provided countywide for adults, children and transition-age youth. ADMHS
serves persons with mental health and/or alcohol and substance use conditions and individuals
experiencing mental health crises. Services are provided on an inpatient, outpatient and crisis
basis. For detailed information about programs and services, please visit and
place your cursor over the “Services” tab at the top of the page.
Who provides services?
ADMHS employs approximately 400 full-time equivalent
(FTE) employees. ADMHS also contracts with a number of
community-based alcohol, drug and mental health
providers, as well as with individual practitioners called
"network providers,” to offer additional services countywide.
We are on the Web! Visit us at
How are services accessed?
There are three ways to access services: (1) If an individual is experiencing a mental health crisis
that places anyone in immediate danger, call 911. (2) If an individual is experiencing a mental
health crisis that does not involve immediate danger, and if the person in crisis has insurance
coverage through a health plan, call the health plan to get a referral to a covered mental health
provider. (3) For all others, call ADMHS’ 24-Hour Toll Free Access Line at (888) 868-1649. The
call is toll free, and someone will answer to assist you 24 hours per day, seven days per week.
Whom does ADMHS serve?
ADMHS provides treatment, rehabilitation and support services to approximately 7,600 clients
with mental illness and 4,500 clients with substance use disorders annually. ADMHS clients
include children experiencing severe emotional disorders, adults with severe mental illness
and individuals with co-occurring mental health and substance use conditions.
Revised February 21, 2014
Hoja de Datos
Departamento de Servicios de Alcohol, Drogas y Salud Mental del Condado.
ADMHS (por sus siglas en ingles)
Información de ADMHS
300 N. San Antonio Road Building 3
Santa Barbara, CA 93110
(805) 681-5200
Takashi Wada, M.D., M.P.H. Director
 Fundado en 1962, El departamento de Servicios de Alcohol, Drogas y Salud Mental del
Condado de Santa Barbara (ADMHS) promueve la prevención y/o recuperación de adicciones y/o
dificultades de Salud Mental en las personas, familias y comunidades, ofreciendo servicios
avanzados y culturalmente apropiados.
¡¡Estamos en la Red!! Visítenos en haz clic donde dice “en español”
¿Qué Servicios hay disponibles?
Hay una serie de servicios que se ofrecen en todo el condado para niños, jóvenes y adultos.
ADMHS ofrece servicios para personas con dificultades de Salud mental y/o problemas del
alcohol y otro uso de substancias, para personas que están pasando por una crisis de salud
mental. Estos servicios se ofrecen con o sin hospitalización de acuerdo con la situación de cada
persona. Para más información detallada por favor visite la página de internet y
haga clic en la parte de arriba donde dice “En Español” después haga clic donde dice “como
obtener servicios.”
¿Quién Provee los Servicios?
ADMHS tiene aproximadamente un equivalente de 400 empleados de tiempo completo. En
unos cuantos meses más este número de empleados aumentara cuando el nuevo programa de
evaluación de crisis sea implementado. ADMHS también tiene contratos con diferentes
proveedores de servicios en la comunidad así como también tiene contrato con otros
profesionales de la red de proveedores que ofrecen servicios adicionales.
¿Cómo se puede tener acceso a los servicios?
Hay tres formas de acceso a los servicios: 1.- Si una persona está pasando por una crisis de salud
mental y esta persona está en riesgo de hacerse daño a si mismo (a) o a otras personas, llame al
9-1-1. 2.- Si una persona está pasando por una crisis de salud mental y no esta en riesgo de
hacerse daño a si mismo (a) o alguna otra persona y la persona que está en crisis tiene cobertura
de a seguranza médica. Por favor de llamar directamente al plan de a seguranza para que le den
una referencia a un proveedor de servicios de salud mental cubierto por la a seguranza. 3.- y
para otras crisis de salud mental favor de llamar a ADMHS al número de acceso gratuito
1-888-868-1649 este número está disponible 24 horas al día, Siete días a la semana.
¿A quién provee servicios ADMHS?
ADMHS anualmente, provee tratamiento, rehabilitación y servicios de apoyo a aproximadamente
7,600 pacientes con dificultades de salud mental y 4,500 personas con desordenes del uso de
substancias. Los pacientes del Departamento de Servicios de Alcohol, Drogas y Salud Mental del
Condado de Santa Barbara incluye niños que sufren de desórdenes emocionales severos, Adultos
con dificultades de Salud Mental severos. Y personas con condiciones conjuntas de salud mental y
de uso de substancias.
Twelve Things You Should Know about ADMHS
1. ADMHS operates the managed care Mental
Health Plan for Santa Barbara County. We
provide specialty alcohol, drug and mental health
services for children with serious emo onal
disorders (SED) and adults with severe mental
illness (SMI) and addic on. (Individuals with mild‐
to‐moderate mental illness may receive
behavioral health care through CenCal,
community clinics, primary care physicians, low‐
cost counseling services and other community
2. The purpose of behavioral health services is to
foster resiliency in children and recovery in
3. Most ADMHS clients are children from low‐
income families and low‐income adults who have
Medi‐Cal, California's version of Medicaid. Some
clients do not have insurance.
4. ADMHS supports a wide array of programs based
on a client’s age and the extent of
challenges. For example, therapy from network
providers is a rela vely low‐intensity
service. Adult clients with greater needs may be
served by clinics, supported housing and
Asser ve Community Treatment (ACT)
programs. Individuals the most acute needs may
require inpa ent care.
5. The first step in obtaining services is calling the
24/7 Access Line, 888‐868‐1649. A licensed
clinician will provide a telephone screening and
direct the caller to appropriate next steps.
6. Individuals seeking assistance for problems
related to alcohol or drug dependence may call
the ADMHS Alcohol and Drug Program, 681‐
5440. 7. ADMHS behavioral health services are provided
by both county staff and contracted community‐
based organiza ons (CBOs).
8. ADMHS receives a substan al share of its funding
from the Mental Health Services Act, also known
as “MHSA” and “Prop 63.” MHSA requires
adherence to five guiding principles: community
collabora on, cultural competence, client‐ and
family‐driven services, integrated service
experiences and a focus on wellness, resiliency
and recovery.
9. To assist people experiencing mental
health crises, call the 24/7 Access Line, 888‐868‐
1649. When a person experiencing a mental
health crisis poses a threat of immediate
violence, call 911.
10. People with psychiatric disabili es are far more
likely to be vic ms than perpetrators of violent
crime (Appleby, et al., 2001). People with severe
mental illnesses, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder
or psychosis, are 2 ½ mes more likely to be
a acked, raped or mugged than the general
popula on (Hiday, et al.,1999)."
11. Many individuals with mental health challenges
“self‐medicate” with alcohol or other
drugs. Consequently, ADMHS’s ongoing efforts
to integrate the delivery of alcohol, drug and
mental health services are very important. The
combina on of mental illness and substance use
disorders is called “dual diagnosis” or “co‐
occurring condi ons.”
12. ADMHS operates a 16‐bed psychiatric hospital,
the Psychiatric Health Facility, or PHF. The PHF is
currently the only facility in Santa Barbara County
offering inpa ent care for pa ents under
involuntary holds, or “5150s.”
Doce cosas que debe saber sobre ADMHS 1. ADMHS administra el Plan de Salud Mental (Mental Health Plan) en el condado de Santa
Bárbara. Proveemos servicio especializado de salud mental y contra el alcohol y drogas para niños con serios desórdenes emocionales (SED) y adultos con enfermedades mentales severas (SMI) y adicciones. (Personas con enfermedades mentales leves o moderadas pueden recibir cuidado de salud de conducta a través de CenCal, clínicas de la comunidad, médicos primarios, servicios de consejería a bajo costo y otros proveedores en la comunidad.) 2. El propósito de los servicios de salud de conducta es promover resiliencia en niños y
recuperación en adultos. 3. La mayoría de los clientes de ADMHS son niños de familias con bajos ingresos y adultos con
bajos ingresos que tienen Medi‐Cal, la versión de California de Medicaid. Algunos clientes no tienen seguro médico. 4. ADMHS apoya una gran variedad de programas basados en la edad del cliente y la naturaleza
de sus dificultades. Por ejemplo, terapia dada por un proveedor de la red es un servicio de poca intensidad. Clientes adultos con mayores necesidades pueden ser atendidos en clínicas, vivienda asistida y programas de Tratamiento Comunitario Asertivo (Assertive Community Treatment, ACT). Personas con necesidades más severas pueden necesitar servicios de hospitalización o internación. 5. El primer paso para obtener servicios es llamar a la Línea de Acceso, 888‐868‐1649. La línea
está disponible las veinticuatro horas del día, siete días a la semana. Un personal médico licenciado hará una evaluación por teléfono y le informará cuáles son los próximos pasos a seguir. 1|Page
6. Las personas que necesitan asistencia con problemas de alcohol o drogas pueden llamar al
Programa de Alcohol y Drogas de ADMHS al 681‐5440. 7. Los servicios de salud de conducta de ADMHS son dados por tanto el personal del condado y
por organizaciones contratadas que están basadas en la comunidad (CBO). 8. Una gran parte de los fondos de ADMHS vienen del Acta de Servicios de Salud Mental
(Mental Health Services Act), también conocida como “MHSA” o “Propuesta 63”. MHSA requiere que cinco principios guías sean seguidos: colaboración con la comunidad, competencia cultural, servicios dirigidos por el cliente y la familia, experiencias de servicio integrado, y un foco en el bienestar, la resiliencia y la recuperación. 9. Para asistencia con una crisis de salud mental, llame al 888‐868‐1649. La línea está disponible
las veinticuatro horas del día, siete días a la semana. Si una persona que padece una crisis pone en peligro inmediato a cualquier persona, llame al 911. 10. Personas con incapacidades psiquiátricas son más propensas a ser víctimas que a cometer
crímenes violentos (Appleby, et al., 2001). Personas con enfermedades mentales severas, esquizofrenia, desorden bipolar o psicosis son 2 1/2 veces más propensas a ser atacadas, violadas, o robadas que la población en general (Hiday, et al., 1999). 11. Muchas personas con dificultades de salud mental se “auto medican” con alcohol y otras
drogas. Por lo tanto, los esfuerzos de ADMHS de integrar los servicios de salud mental con los servicios contra el alcohol y otras drogas son muy importantes. La combinación de desórdenes de salud mental con los de abuso de sustancia se conoce como “diagnóstico doble” o “condiciones concurrentes”. 12. ADMHS opera un hospital psiquiátrico con 16 camas, la Instalación de Salud Psiquiátrica
(Psychiatric Health Facility, PHF). La PHF es en estos momentos la única instalación en el 2|Page
condado de Santa Bárbara que ofrece servicios de hospitalización para pacientes en detención involuntaria, o “5150”. 3|Page
(This page intentionally left blank.) OBT
( (This page intentionally left blank.) ACCESS LINE
Crisis Support  Referrals
Department of Alcohol, Drug
and Mental Health Services
Crisis Support  Referrals
Department of Alcohol, Drug
and Mental Health Services
If a crisis places anyone in immediate danger, call 911.
If a crisis does not involve immediate danger, and if a
person in crisis has insurance coverage through a health
plan, call the health plan to get a referral to a covered
mental health provider.
If a crisis places anyone in immediate danger, call 911.
If a crisis does not involve immediate danger, and if a
person in crisis has insurance coverage through a health
plan, call the health plan to get a referral to a covered
mental health provider.
For all others, call: ADMHS 24 Hour Toll-Free
Access Line, 888-868-1649.
For all others, call: ADMHS 24 Hour Toll-Free
Access Line, 888-868-1649.
Crisis Support  Referrals
Department of Alcohol, Drug
and Mental Health Services
Crisis Support  Referrals
Department of Alcohol, Drug
and Mental Health Services
If a crisis places anyone in immediate danger, call 911.
If a crisis does not involve immediate danger, and if a
person in crisis has insurance coverage through a health
plan, call the health plan to get a referral to a covered
mental health provider.
If a crisis places anyone in immediate danger, call 911.
If a crisis does not involve immediate danger, and if a
person in crisis has insurance coverage through a health
plan, call the health plan to get a referral to a covered
mental health provider.
For all others, call: ADMHS 24 Hour Toll-Free
Access Line, 888-868-1649.
For all others, call: ADMHS 24 Hour Toll-Free
Access Line, 888-868-1649.
Crisis Support  Referrals
Department of Alcohol, Drug
and Mental Health Services
Crisis Support  Referrals
Department of Alcohol, Drug
and Mental Health Services
If a crisis places anyone in immediate danger, call 911.
If a crisis does not involve immediate danger, and if a
person in crisis has insurance coverage through a health
plan, call the health plan to get a referral to a covered
mental health provider.
If a crisis places anyone in immediate danger, call 911.
If a crisis does not involve immediate danger, and if a
person in crisis has insurance coverage through a health
plan, call the health plan to get a referral to a covered
mental health provider.
For all others, call: ADMHS 24 Hour Toll-Free
Access Line, 888-868-1649.
For all others, call: ADMHS 24 Hour Toll-Free
Access Line, 888-868-1649.
Crisis Support  Referrals
Department of Alcohol, Drug
and Mental Health Services
Crisis Support  Referrals
Department of Alcohol, Drug
and Mental Health Services
If a crisis places anyone in immediate danger, call 911.
If a crisis does not involve immediate danger, and if a
person in crisis has insurance coverage through a health
plan, call the health plan to get a referral to a covered
mental health provider.
If a crisis places anyone in immediate danger, call 911.
If a crisis does not involve immediate danger, and if a
person in crisis has insurance coverage through a health
plan, call the health plan to get a referral to a covered
mental health provider.
For all others, call: ADMHS 24 Hour Toll-Free
Access Line, 888-868-1649.
For all others, call: ADMHS 24 Hour Toll-Free
Access Line, 888-868-1649.
Crisis Support  Referrals
Department of Alcohol, Drug
and Mental Health Services
Crisis Support  Referrals
Department of Alcohol, Drug
and Mental Health Services
If a crisis places anyone in immediate danger, call 911.
If a crisis does not involve immediate danger, and if a
person in crisis has insurance coverage through a health
plan, call the health plan to get a referral to a covered
mental health provider.
If a crisis places anyone in immediate danger, call 911.
If a crisis does not involve immediate danger, and if a
person in crisis has insurance coverage through a health
plan, call the health plan to get a referral to a covered
mental health provider.
For all others, call: ADMHS 24 Hour Toll-Free
Access Line, 888-868-1649.
For all others, call: ADMHS 24 Hour Toll-Free
Access Line, 888-868-1649.
Apoyo para Crisis
Departamento de Servicios
de Alcohol, Drogas, y
Salud Mental del Condado
de Santa Bárbara
Si la crisis pone en peligro inmediato a cualquier persona,
llame al 911. Si la crisis no implica peligro inmediato y si la
persona en crisis tiene cobertura de seguro médico mediante
un plan de salud, llame al plan de salud para que lo refieran
a un proveedor de salud mental apropiado.
Para las otras situaciones: llame a la Línea de
Acceso gratuito de ADMHS, disponible las 24
horas al día, 7 días a la semana, al 888-868-1649.
Apoyo para Crisis
Departamento de Servicios
de Alcohol, Drogas, y
Salud Mental del Condado
de Santa Bárbara
Si la crisis pone en peligro inmediato a cualquier persona,
llame al 911. Si la crisis no implica peligro inmediato y si la
persona en crisis tiene cobertura de seguro médico mediante
un plan de salud, llame al plan de salud para que lo refieran
a un proveedor de salud mental apropiado.
Para las otras situaciones: llame a la Línea de
Acceso gratuito de ADMHS, disponible las 24
horas al día, 7 días a la semana, al 888-868-1649.
Apoyo para Crisis
Departamento de Servicios
de Alcohol, Drogas, y
Salud Mental del Condado
de Santa Bárbara
Si la crisis pone en peligro inmediato a cualquier persona,
llame al 911. Si la crisis no implica peligro inmediato y si la
persona en crisis tiene cobertura de seguro médico mediante
un plan de salud, llame al plan de salud para que lo refieran
a un proveedor de salud mental apropiado.
Para las otras situaciones: llame a la Línea de
Acceso gratuito de ADMHS, disponible las 24
horas al día, 7 días a la semana, al 888-868-1649.
Apoyo para Crisis
Departamento de Servicios
de Alcohol, Drogas, y
Salud Mental del Condado
de Santa Bárbara
Si la crisis pone en peligro inmediato a cualquier persona,
llame al 911. Si la crisis no implica peligro inmediato y si la
persona en crisis tiene cobertura de seguro médico mediante
un plan de salud, llame al plan de salud para que lo refieran
a un proveedor de salud mental apropiado.
Para las otras situaciones: llame a la Línea de
Acceso gratuito de ADMHS, disponible las 24
horas al día, 7 días a la semana, al 888-868-1649.
Apoyo para Crisis
Departamento de Servicios
de Alcohol, Drogas, y
Salud Mental del Condado
de Santa Bárbara
Si la crisis pone en peligro inmediato a cualquier persona,
llame al 911. Si la crisis no implica peligro inmediato y si la
persona en crisis tiene cobertura de seguro médico mediante
un plan de salud, llame al plan de salud para que lo refieran
a un proveedor de salud mental apropiado.
Para las otras situaciones: llame a la Línea de
Acceso gratuito de ADMHS, disponible las 24
horas al día, 7 días a la semana, al 888-868-1649.
Apoyo para Crisis
Departamento de Servicios
de Alcohol, Drogas, y
Salud Mental del Condado
de Santa Bárbara
Si la crisis pone en peligro inmediato a cualquier persona,
llame al 911. Si la crisis no implica peligro inmediato y si la
persona en crisis tiene cobertura de seguro médico mediante
un plan de salud, llame al plan de salud para que lo refieran
a un proveedor de salud mental apropiado.
Para las otras situaciones: llame a la Línea de
Acceso gratuito de ADMHS, disponible las 24
horas al día, 7 días a la semana, al 888-868-1649.
Apoyo para Crisis
Departamento de Servicios
de Alcohol, Drogas, y
Salud Mental del Condado
de Santa Bárbara
Si la crisis pone en peligro inmediato a cualquier persona,
llame al 911. Si la crisis no implica peligro inmediato y si la
persona en crisis tiene cobertura de seguro médico mediante
un plan de salud, llame al plan de salud para que lo refieran
a un proveedor de salud mental apropiado.
Para las otras situaciones: llame a la Línea de
Acceso gratuito de ADMHS, disponible las 24
horas al día, 7 días a la semana, al 888-868-1649.
Apoyo para Crisis
Departamento de Servicios
de Alcohol, Drogas, y
Salud Mental del Condado
de Santa Bárbara
Si la crisis pone en peligro inmediato a cualquier persona,
llame al 911. Si la crisis no implica peligro inmediato y si la
persona en crisis tiene cobertura de seguro médico mediante
un plan de salud, llame al plan de salud para que lo refieran
a un proveedor de salud mental apropiado.
Para las otras situaciones: llame a la Línea de
Acceso gratuito de ADMHS, disponible las 24
horas al día, 7 días a la semana, al 888-868-1649.
Apoyo para Crisis
Departamento de Servicios
de Alcohol, Drogas, y
Salud Mental del Condado
de Santa Bárbara
Si la crisis pone en peligro inmediato a cualquier persona,
llame al 911. Si la crisis no implica peligro inmediato y si la
persona en crisis tiene cobertura de seguro médico mediante
un plan de salud, llame al plan de salud para que lo refieran
a un proveedor de salud mental apropiado.
Para las otras situaciones: llame a la Línea de
Acceso gratuito de ADMHS, disponible las 24
horas al día, 7 días a la semana, al 888-868-1649.
Apoyo para Crisis
Departamento de Servicios
de Alcohol, Drogas, y
Salud Mental del Condado
de Santa Bárbara
Si la crisis pone en peligro inmediato a cualquier persona,
llame al 911. Si la crisis no implica peligro inmediato y si la
persona en crisis tiene cobertura de seguro médico mediante
un plan de salud, llame al plan de salud para que lo refieran
a un proveedor de salud mental apropiado.
Para las otras situaciones: llame a la Línea de
Acceso gratuito de ADMHS, disponible las 24
horas al día, 7 días a la semana, al 888-868-1649.
9 Access to Direct Services
9 Crisis Response and Triage
9 Information and Education
9 Assessments
9 Referrals
9 Staffed by Trained Clinicians
2 42/47/ 7ƒƒ CCoouun nt yt wy iwd ied e
Operated by Santa Barbara County CARES
Crisis and Recovery Emergency Service
9 Acceso directo a servicios
9 Respuesta a crisis
9 Información y Educación
9 Evaluación
9 Referido
9 Personal clínico entrenado
24 horas
2 4 / 7 7ƒ días
C o u nPor
t y todo
w i delecondado
Operado por el servicio CARES del Condado de Santa
Bárbara, Servicios de Emergencia, Crisis y Recuperación
How to Obtain Alcohol, Drug
and Mental Health Services
Santa Barbara County Department of
Alcohol, Drug and Mental Health Services
To obtain help for someone experiencing a mental
health crisis:
If the crisis places anyone in immediate danger, call 911.
If the crisis does not involve immediate danger, and if the
person in crisis has insurance coverage through a health
plan, call the health plan to get a referral to a covered mental
health provider.
For all others, call ADMHS’ 24-hour toll-free Access Line at
888-868-1649. The call is toll free, and someone will answer
to assist you 24 hours per day, 7 days per week.
To obtain services for yourself or a loved one:
If you have never been seen by ADMHS, contact ADMHS’ 24
Hour Toll Free Access Line at (888) 868-1649.
To obtain services for an alcohol or drug problem
for yourself or a loved one:
The Santa Barbara County Alcohol & Drug Program (ADP) is
primarily an administrative office that contracts with local
community based organizations to provide alcohol and drug
prevention, treatment, and recovery services to the
community. If you think you or someone you know might have
an alcohol or drug problem, you can contact ADMHS’ 24 Hour
Toll Free Access Line (888) 868-1649 for assistance in
locating a service provider in your area. You may also call
ADP at 681-5440.
Cómo obtener servicios
El Condado de Santa Barbara
Departmento de Alcohol, Drogas y
Servicios de la Salud Mental
de Santa
Linea de
¿Cómo obtengo ayuda para alguien que está sufriendo
una crisis nerviosa?
Si la crisis pone en peligro inmediato a cualquier otra persona, llame
al 911.
Si la crisis no implica peligro inmediato y si la persona en crisis tiene
cobertura de seguro mediante un plan de salud, llame al plan de
salud para que lo refieran a un proveedor de salud mental con el que
tenga cobertura.
Para todos los demás casos, llame a la línea de acceso gratuito de
ADMHS disponible las 24 horas al 888-868-1649. La llamada es
gratuita y cuenta con asistencia de operadores las 24 horas del día,
los 7 días de la semana.
¿Cómo puedo yo o un ser querido obtener los servicios
de salud mental?
Si usted nunca ha sido atendido por ADMHS, comuníquese con la
línea de acceso gratuito de ADMHS disponible las 24 horas al (888)
¿Cómo puedo obtener los servicios por un problema
de drogas o alcohol?
El Programa Contra el Uso de Alcohol y Drogas del Condado de
Santa Bárbara es principalmente una oficina administrativa que
contrata organizaciones comunitarias locales para ofrecer a la
comunidad servicios de prevención, tratamiento y rehabilitación por
uso de alcohol y drogas. Si cree que usted o alguien que conoce
podría tener problemas con el alcohol o las drogas, puede
comunicarse con la línea de acceso gratuito de ADMHS disponible
las 24 horas al (888) 868-1649 para que lo ayuden a encontrar un
proveedor de servicios en su zona o ADP, 681-5440.
DMHSS Direcctory o
of Pro
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or updates to: Please
Eric Baizer [email protected] 6681‐4744 Revvised 4‐23‐115 Saanta Barbaraa County Dep
partment of Alco
ohol, Drug annd Mental Health Servicees (8005) 681‐52200 24/7 Acccess 888‐8688‐1649 Alice G
Gleghorn, Ph
h.D. Director 2015 ADMHS Directory of Programs and Services All Ages To obtain behavioral health services, please call the 24/7 Access Line, 888‐868‐1649. Access and Assessment Teams Three regional teams specializing in access and assessment, with special attention to cultural considerations, such as unique presentations of crises among minorities and the importance of accessing family and community supports. The new regional teams are based in Lompoc, Santa Maria and Santa Barbara. The teams are guided by recovery and resiliency concepts and will improve access to services. Ages Served: All Regions: All Capacity: NA Provider: ADMHS ADMHS Contact: 1‐888‐868‐1649 Community Health Educators (Promotora) Community health educators from culturally under‐served populations who provide educational workshops, discussion groups and support groups to address individual and family mental health and wellness topics. Culturally and linguistically appropriate services ensure linkages to services. Cultural wellness practices are integrated into outreach, consultation and early intervention activities. Ages Served: All Regions: All Capacity: NA Provider: Community Health Centers of the Central Coast, La Casa De La Raza, Santa Ynez Tribal Health Clinic ADMHS Contact: Deana Huddleston, 934‐6546 (North), Sandra Fahey, 737‐6691 (West), Andrew Vesper, 884‐1615 (South) Cultural Adaptations to Evidence‐Based Practices Appropriate adaptations to evidence‐based practices (EBPs) will be created to meet the needs of under‐ served and un‐served cultural and ethnic populations in Santa Barbara County. A system‐wide training plan will ensure consistency across regions and target populations. Fidelity in implementation of EBPs throughout the behavioral health service delivery system will be monitored. Ages Served: All Regions: All Capacity: NA Provider: ADMHS ADMHS Contact: Elisa Gottheil, Ph.D., 884‐6883 1
Inpatient Acute Services Provided for individuals requiring hospitalization for psychiatric conditions. Children are served primarily at Aurora Vista Del Mar Hospital in Ventura. Ages Served: All Regions: All Capacity: NA Provider: Various providers, including Psychiatric Health Facility (PHF), Aurora Vista Del Mar Hospital and Institutions for Mental Disease (IMDs) ADMHS Contact: Leslie Lundt, MD, 681‐4795 Integration of Behavioral Health Care in Community Clinics The Community Health Centers of the Central Coast (CHCC) offer mental health services at three clinics in Santa Maria and one in Lompoc for individuals with mild or moderate mental illness. Expanded mental health resources in each community health clinic strengthen the capacity to assess, treat, and refer individuals at risk of developing a serious mental health condition. Ages Served: All Regions: North and West Capacity: 3,800 Provider: Community Health Centers of the Central Coast ADMHS Contact: Deana Huddleston, 934‐6546 (North), Sandra Fahey, 737‐6691 (West) Patients' Rights Patients' Rights Advocates are ADMHS staff members who report directly to the ADMHS Chief of Compliance. They are available to assist anyone who has a concern about the legal rights of consumers, family members, and members of the community. Patients' Rights Advocates can answer questions, provide advice, and represent consumers in grievances, appeals, and State Fair Hearings. Ages Served: All Regions: All Capacity: NA Provider: ADMHS ADMHS Contact: Kay Kizer‐Waldo, 934‐6548 Provider Network Licensed mental health professionals contracted as Network Providers with ADMHS to provide short‐ term outpatient individual, family and group therapy for Medi‐Cal beneficiaries with specialty mental health needs. Ages Served: All Regions: All Capacity: NA Provider: Individual practitioners. ADMHS Contact: Emily Gularte, 681‐5113 2
Children and Transition‐Age Youth To obtain behavioral health services, please call the 24/7 Access Line, 888‐868‐1649. Big Brothers, Big Sisters Mentoring opportunities provided for youth 7‐17 who lack positive adult role models. Region: All Ages Served: 7‐17 Capacity: 600 youth by June 30, 2017 Provider: Family Services Agency ADMHS Contact: Alcohol and Drug Program, 681‐5440 Child Assistance Team Creating Hope (CATCH) Assists preschoolers who exhibit challenging behaviors and do not qualify for special education. This program uses an evidence‐based curriculum to train teachers and to support parents of preschoolers with challenging behaviors to prevent expulsion from school. Region: North and West Ages Served: Children Capacity: 30 Provider: County Education Office ADMHS Contact: Sandra Fahey, 737‐6691 Child Protective Services Network Network providers are assigned to clients of Child Welfare Services. Region: All Ages Served: Children Capacity: NA Provider: ADMHS, Department of Social Services, Individual Network Providers ADMHS Contact: Amy Lopez, 614-1566; Emily Gularte, 681‐5113 3
Early Childhood Mental Health (ECMH) Provides in‐home support, health and development screening, parent education and skills training, infant‐parent psychotherapy, advocacy, resources and referrals. Region: All Ages Served: 0‐5 Capacity: 185 Provider: CALM, Santa Ynez Valley People Helping People, Santa Barbara County Education Office, Community Action Commission ADMHS Contact: Deana Huddleston, 934‐6546 (North), Sandra Fahey, 737‐6691 (West), Andrew Vesper, 884‐1615 (South) Girls’ Resiliency, Restoration and Reintegration Alliance (GRRRL) Provides services to young women victims of sex trafficking. Services are also offered to siblings and family members to decrease the chance of sibling involvement and increase the positive involvement of family members in promoting the recovery and reintegration of victims. Friends, families, service providers, and community members will be educated in how to recognize the signs of sex trafficking, and what to do if you suspect someone is in danger. Region: All Ages Served: Children and Adolescents Capacity: 80 Provider: ADMHS ADMHS Contact: Lisa Conn, 714‐4055 HOPE Provides an array of intensive in‐home services available to foster home and extended family home placements. Seeks to maintain the stability of children in their homes and placements and reduce multiple placements. Region: All Ages Served: Children and Adolescents Capacity: 82 Provider: CALM, Santa Maria Valley Youth and Family Center ADMHS Contact: Arlene Altobelli, Ph.D., 934‐6555 (North), Thelma Macias‐Guerra, 737‐6610 (West), Tom Verica, 884‐1600 (South) Intensive Home‐Based Services (IHBS) Intensive, individualized, strength‐based interventions for foster care youth in the designated Katie A subclass. Region: All Ages Served: Children and Adolescents Capacity: NA Provider: Casa Pacifica, Family Services Agency ADMHS Contact: Sandra Fahey, 737‐6691 4
Intensive In‐Home Program A home‐based model of service delivery to help families solve problems within the context of their home environment. Includes stress management, building communication and parenting skills and additional behavioral interventions. Region: All Ages Served: Children and Adolescents Capacity: TBD Provider: CALM, Family Service Agency, Santa Maria Valley Youth and Family Center ADMHS Contact: Arlene Altobelli, Ph.D., 934‐6555 (North), Thelma Macias‐Guerra, 737‐6610 (West), Tom Verica, 884‐1600 (South) Intensive Therapeutic Foster Care (ITFC) A medically necessary treatment service for foster care youth in the designated Katie A subclass. These children can accept and respond to close relationships within a family setting and require intensive therapeutic services. Region: All Ages Served: 0‐21 Capacity: 5 Provider: Family Care Network ADMHS Contact: Arlene Altobelli, Ph.D., 934‐6555 (North), Thelma Macias‐Guerra, 737‐6610 (West), Tom Verica, 884‐1600 (South) Juvenile Justice Mental Health Services (JJMHS) Serves youth in the Santa Barbara County Juvenile Probation institutions, including juvenile hall, the Los Prietos Boys Camp, and the Los Prietos Academy. JJMHS staff members also conduct evaluations for the juvenile court and provide outpatient psychotherapy for Probation youth. Region: All Ages Served: Children and Adolescents Capacity: NA Provider: ADMHS ADMHS Contact: Sandra Fahey, 737‐6691 Managed Care Mental Health/Brief Therapy Provides children who are Medi‐Cal beneficiaries and their families brief, time‐limited therapy. Region: All Ages Served: Children Capacity: NA Provider: CALM, Family Service Agency, Santa Maria Valley Youth and Family Center ADMHS Contact: Elizabeth Barbosa, 681‐5106; Tammy Summers, 681‐5136; Juliana Koenig, 681‐5114; Irwin Lunianski, MD, 681‐5103 5
New Heights Assists transition‐age youth in making the successful transition into adulthood by offering an array of recovery‐focused services, including mental health treatment, employment and education support and referrals, socialization support, and linkage to other service providers and community resources. Region: All Ages Served: Transition‐Age Youth Capacity: 90 Provider: ADMHS and Mental Health Systems ADMHS Contact: Arlene Altobelli, Ph.D., 934‐6555 (North), Thelma Macias‐Guerra, 737‐6610 (West), Tom Verica, 884‐1600 (South) Prevention & Early Intervention (PEI) TAY Provides early screening and treatment services for individuals experiencing prodromal symptoms or the onset of a psychotic illness and/or those diagnosed with psychosis or other serious mental illness within the past 12 months. The program also provides outreach and education to the community by developing networks with those who can serve as “early identifiers.” Region: All Ages Served: Transition‐Age Youth Capacity: 90 Provider: ADMHS and Mental Health Systems ADMHS Contact: Arlene Altobelli, Ph.D., 934‐6555 (North), Thelma Macias‐Guerra, 737‐6610 (West), Tom Verica, 884‐1600 (South) Prevention Services Education, environmental prevention and early intervention services targeted to prevent individuals from abusing substances and to limit access to alcohol and other drugs (AOD) in the community. Region: All Ages Served: Children and Adolescents Capacity: 2,050 Provider: Council on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse, Central Coast Future Leaders, Noah's Anchorage, Channel Islands Isla Vista Teen Center, UCSB Alcohol and Drug Program, Guadalupe Police Department Gladiators, UCSB Department of Counseling Evaluation Services, People Helping People, Family Services Agency, Santa Maria Youth and Family Treatment Center, United Way of Santa Barbara. ADMHS Contact: Alcohol and Drug Program, 681‐5440 Rehabilitation Specialist Services Flexible, intensive and individualized behavioral interventions are designed to assist youth in developing interpersonal and social skills, manage negative behaviors and succeed in their home, school and community. Region: All Ages Served: Children and Adolescents Capacity: 126 Provider: Community Action Commission ADMHS Contact: Arlene Altobelli, Ph.D., 934‐6555 (North), Thelma Macias‐Guerra, 737‐6610 (West), Tom Verica, 884‐1600 (South) 6
Residential Placement (Children) Placement for children RLC 13‐14. Region: All Ages Served: Children and Adolescents Capacity: NA Provider: Casa Pacifica and others. ADMHS Contact: Arlene Altobelli, Ph.D., 934‐6555 (North), Thelma Macias‐Guerra, 737‐6610 (West), Tom Verica, 884‐1600(South) Residential Treatment Mental Health Services Program Provides mental health services for children who have been temporarily removed from their homes by the Department of Social Services and placed in a facility in Camarillo. Region: All Ages Served: Children and Adolescents Capacity: NA Provider: Casa Pacifica ADMHS Contact: Arlene Altobelli, Ph.D., 934‐6555 (North), Thelma Macias‐Guerra, 737‐6610 (West), Tom Verica, 884‐1600 (South) SAFTY (Children's Mobile Crisis) A mobile crisis response program for children, youth and families. Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Region: All Ages Served: Children and Adolescents Capacity: NA Provider: Casa Pacifica ADMHS Contact: Arlene Altobelli, Ph.D., 934‐6555 (North), Thelma Macias‐Guerra, 737‐6610 (West), Tom Verica, 884‐1600 (South) SB 163 Wraparound Returns children and youth in group home care to their communities or to help children at imminent risk of placement to remain in their homes. Region: All Ages Served: Children and Adolescents Capacity: 25 Provider: Casa Pacifica ADMHS Contact: Arlene Altobelli, Ph.D., 934‐6555 (North), Thelma Macias‐Guerra, 737‐6610 (West), Tom Verica, 884‐1600 (South) 7
School‐Based Mental Health Program Early identification of alcohol and other drug problems related to the use or abuse of drugs and provides services for mild‐to‐moderate mental illness. Region: All Ages Served: Children and Adolescents Capacity: NA Provider: Family Services Agency, Santa Maria Valley Youth and Family Center ADMHS Contact: North: Deana Huddleston, 934‐6546; West: Sandra Fahey, 737‐6691; South: Andrew Vesper, 884‐1615 SPIRIT Wraparound program that provides a family‐focused, strength‐based, individualized service to help children and their families meet needs through natural community supports or through the mental health system of care. SPIRIT staff ensure that care is available 24/7 to keep youth and families stable and safe. Region: All Ages Served: Children and Adolescents Capacity: 75 Provider: ADMHS and CALM ADMHS Contact: Arlene Altobelli, Ph.D., 934‐6555 (North), Thelma Macias‐Guerra, 737‐6610 (West), Tom Verica, 884‐1600 (South) START (Support, Treatment, Advocacy and Referral Team) This program provides mental health assessment, screening and treatment, home visits, school collaborations, family interventions, linkage and education for children, adolescents and families. A school‐based program offers prevention and early intervention mental health services to students in Carpinteria public schools experiencing emotional and/or behavioral difficulties. Region: South Ages Served: Children and Adolescents Capacity: 90 Provider: Family Services Agency, Council on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse ADMHS Contact: Andrew Vesper, 884‐1615 Therapeutic Behavioral Services (TBS) Short‐term, strength‐based, behavioral‐focused service that works with a child, caregivers and the primary mental health provider to address behaviors that put a child at risk for a higher level of care. Region: All Ages Served: Children and Adolescents Capacity: 60 Provider: Casa Pacifica ADMHS Contact: Arlene Altobelli, Ph.D., 934‐6555 (North), Thelma Macias‐Guerra, 737‐6610 (West), Tom Verica, 884‐1600 (South) 8
Wellness & Resiliency Teams Specialized outpatient teams in each region use evidence‐based practices to serve children with serious emotional disturbance. Region: All Ages Served: Children and Adolescents Capacity: TBD Provider: ADMHS ADMHS Contact: Arlene Altobelli, Ph.D., 934‐6555 (North), Thelma Macias‐Guerra, 737‐6610 (West), Tom Verica, 884‐1600 (South) Youth and Family Treatment Centers Treatment for youth who have begun using drugs and alcohol, and their families, in the community and through school based counseling services. The focus is on youth between the ages of 13 and 17, and programs provide age appropriate developmental services and family involvement. Region: All Ages Served: Children and Adolescents Capacity: 100 Provider: Daniel Bryant Youth and Family, Santa Maria Valley Youth and Family Center, Coast Valley Substance Abuse Treatment Center ADMHS Contact: Alcohol and Drug Program, 681‐5440 Youth Service Specialists (YSS) The Youth Service System provides trained Youth Service Specialists (YSS) who work at junior highs and high schools from Carpinteria to Goleta, providing a continuum of alcohol and other drug‐related prevention and intervention services. Region: South Ages Served: Junior High and High School Capacity: 340 Provider: Council on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse ADMHS Contact: Alcohol and Drug Program, 681‐5440
Adults To obtain behavioral health services, please call the 24/7 Access Line, 888‐868‐1649. AB 109 Adult Probation Services Outpatient behavioral health services provided to individuals released from prison who are under the jurisdiction of Probation. Region: All Ages Served: Adults Capacity: NA Provider: ADMHS and Probation ADMHS Contact: Deana Huddleston, 934‐6546 (North), Sandra Fahey, 737‐6691 (West), Andrew Vesper, 884‐1615 (South) Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) A multidisciplinary team providing housing assistance, supported employment and education, vocational skills enhancement, medication support, counseling, peer support and social skills development. Region: All Ages Served: Adults Capacity: 300 Provider: Telecare Corp. (North), Transitions‐Mental Health Association (West), ADMHS (South) ADMHS Contact: Deana Huddleston, 934‐6546 (North), Sandra Fahey, 737‐6691 (West), Brian Wolfe, 681‐5330 (South) Assertive Community Treatment Outreach and Engagement (ACTOE) Outreach and engagement for adults who would otherwise qualify for court‐ordered outpatient treatment under AB 1421 (Laura's Law), with the goal of providing them voluntary ACT services. Region: All Ages Served: Adults Capacity: 20 Provider: Telecare Corp. (North), Transitions‐Mental Health Association (West), ADMHS (South) ADMHS Contact: Deana Huddleston, 934‐6546 (North), Sandra Fahey, 737‐6691 (West), Brian Wolfe, 681‐5330 (South) Bridge to Care Provides psychiatric medication evaluation, prescriptions and medication monitoring in Lompoc to stabilize people in drug and alcohol treatment programs who have a co‐occurring mental illness. Region: West Ages Served: Adults Capacity: 170 Provider: ADMHS ADMHS Contact: Sandra Fahey, 737‐6691 10
CalWORKs Resource Support Team The CalWORKs Resource Support Team is a combined effort between the Department of Social Services and ADMHS Alcohol and Drug Program. The team guides CalWORKs families through what may be a difficult time in their lives by helping to identify, understand, and work through issues that create barriers to employment. Region: All Ages Served: Adults Capacity: Approximately 500 annually Provider: ADMHS, Department of Social Services ADMHS Contact: Amy Lopez, 614‐1566 CARES (Crisis and Recovery Emergency Services) Consolidates intake, mobile crisis response and access to service for mental health and alcohol and drug emergencies. Staffed by mental health professionals, CARES provides crisis support on a 24/7 basis, serves children and adults, and works closely with the SAFTY children's mobile crisis program. Region: North and South Ages Served: Adults Capacity: NA Provider: ADMHS, Council on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse (South), Good Samaritan Services (North) ADMHS Contact: 1‐888‐868‐1649 CARES Mobile Crisis Serves adults and older adults (18 years +) experiencing a psychiatric crisis or mental health emergency in northern and southern Santa Barbara County. The CARES Mobile Crisis Program substantially enriches crisis services, providing clients appropriate alternatives to hospitalization whenever possible. Region: All Ages Served: Adults Capacity: NA Provider: ADMHS ADMHS Contact: 1‐888‐868‐1649 Carpinteria Outreach ADMHS mental health professionals are available two days a month to see individuals by appointment or on a walk‐in basis. Behavioral health education and support, resource and referral guidance, brief therapeutic interventions and behavioral health screenings are available. Region: Carpinteria Ages Served: 18 and older; open to the public. Provider: ADMHS ADMHS Contact: Andrew Vesper, 884‐1615 11
Co‐Occurring Outpatient Teams Clients have been diagnosed with a severe mental illness and a co‐occurring alcohol or drug issue and benefit from a specialized level of service. Region: All Ages Served: 18 and older Capacity: TBD Provider: ADMHS ADMHS Contact: Deana Huddleston, 934‐6546 (North), Sandra Fahey, 737‐6691 (West), Andrew Vesper, 884‐1615 (South). Co‐Occurring/Dual Diagnosis Specialized Alcohol and Other Drug (AOD) services available for individuals who have both a substance use disorder and a mental health issue. COD/DDX services may also include supportive and psychiatric services. Region: All Ages Served: Adults Capacity: 110 Provider: Phoenix of Santa Barbara, Sanctuary Psychiatric Centers ADMHS Contact: Alcohol and Drug Program, 681‐5440 Crisis Intervention Training (Workforce Education and Training) A training for law enforcement professionals and other first responders in dealing effectively with individuals experiencing behavioral health crises. Region: All Ages Served: Adults Capacity: 35‐40 Provider: ADMHS, Partner County Agencies, Joel Fay, Psy.D. ADMHS Contact: Tina Wooton, 681‐5323, Silvia Perez, 681‐5273 Crisis Residential North (Telecare) Short‐
term crisis residential services for adults. Region: North and West Ages Served: Adults Capacity: 12 Provider: Telecare Corp. ADMHS Contact: Deana Huddleston, 934‐6546 (North), Sandra Fahey, 737‐6691 (West) Crisis Residential South Offers a voluntary setting for mental health clients to receive up to 30 days of respite, peer support and linkages to ongoing services and resources. Region: South Ages Served: Adults Capacity: 6‐8 Provider: Provider TBD. ADMHS Contact: Laura Zeitz, RN, 681‐5402 12
Crisis Stabilization Unit (CSU) Safe, nurturing short‐term, voluntary emergency treatment option for individuals experiencing a mental health emergency. Services available up to 23 hours. Region: South Ages Served: Adults Capacity: 8‐10 Provider: ADMHS ADMHS Contact: Laura Zeitz, RN, 681‐5402 Crisis Triage Crisis Triage Teams assist individuals to gain access to effective outpatient and crisis services in the least restrictive manner possible, including individuals in a pre‐crisis state and those being discharged from inpatient care. The field‐based triage workforce engages in proactive case management, peer support and clinical care before, during and after a mental health crisis. Region: All Ages Served: Adults Capacity: NA Provider: ADMHS ADMHS Contact: Laura Zeitz, RN, 681‐5402 Intensive Outpatient Treatment (formerly called Day Care Rehabilitative) (DCR) An intensive outpatient (IOT) program. The IOT program provides perinatal substance abuse services to pregnant or postpartum women (up to 60 days). Services include individual and group counseling, case management, on‐site child care and transportation. IOT services will soon be expanded to include men. The change is anticipated to begin in FY 2015. Region: All Ages Served: Adults Capacity: 35 Provider: Council on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Project Recovery, Good Samaritan Services ADMHS Contact: Alcohol and Drug Program, 681‐5440 Detoxification Services (non‐medical) Residential detox services to safely withdraw from alcohol and other drugs. Services include providing a safe, sober and supportive living environment, stabilization, abstinence, and linkages to continued treatment. Stays up to 14 days. Region: All Ages Served: Adults Capacity: 30 Provider: Council on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse, Good Samaritan Shelter Services ADMHS Contact: Alcohol and Drug Program, 681‐5440 13
Driving Under the Influence (DUI) Education and counseling for persons who have a driving or boating violation involving alcohol and/or other drugs. Region: All Ages Served: Adults Capacity: 2000 Provider: Council on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse, Central Coast Headway, Zona Seca ADMHS Contact: Alcohol and Drug Program, 681‐5440 HIV/AIDS and Hepatitis C Testing Services Access to Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) services to individuals receiving substance use disorder treatment including HIV education, rapid testing, counseling and referrals. Region: All Ages Served: Adults Capacity: 2600 Provider: Pacific Pride Foundation, Santa Barbara Neighborhood Clinics ADMHS Contact: Alcohol and Drug Program, 681‐5440 Homeless Outreach Provides clinical behavioral health support for individuals at risk of homelessness. Region: All Ages Served: Adults Capacity: NA Provider: ADMHS, Transitions‐Mental Health ADMHS Contact: Deana Huddleston, 934‐6546 (North), Sandra Fahey, 737‐6691 (West), Andrew Vesper, 884‐1615 (South) Intensive Residential Services Provide 24/7 structured mental health rehabilitation services and residential care at Mountain House and Phoenix for individuals at high risk for acute inpatient or long‐term residential care. Region: South Ages Served: Adults Capacity: 47 Provider: Phoenix, Telecare Corp, Casa Juana Maria, Casa Del Mural, McMillan Ranch, PathPoint ADMHS Contact: Leah Kearney, 681‐5372 Justice Alliance (Forensic Team) Emphasizes treatment, not punishment, for people with mental illness in the justice system. A licensed mental health professional in each region of the County provides linkage to mental health services for individuals with serious mental illness who have had interactions with the legal system including the courts, Probation, Public Defender, and District Attorney. Regional forensic teams that will provide a wider array of services to more clients, including mental health evaluations for persons in jail or recently released from jail. Also includes a jail discharge liaison to serve people with severe mental illness. Region: All Ages Served: Adults Capacity: TBD Provider: ADMHS ADMHS Contact: Deana Huddleston, 934‐6546 (North), Kathleen Curtis, 737‐7727 (West), Andrew Vesper, 884‐1615 (South) 14
Long‐Term Intensive Residential Treatment Adults placed in out‐of‐county intensive residential facilities, including Institutions for Mental Disease (IMDs), Skilled Nursing Facilities (SNFs), and state hospitals. Region: All Ages Served: Adults Capacity: NA Provider: Various. ADMHS Contact: Leah Kearney, 681‐5372 Medical Integration Specialized teams in each region of the county to serve persons with severe mental illness who also experience serious medical problems, including individuals who are 60 years of age and over. Teams will also develop ongoing partnerships with all relevant agencies, including, but not limited to, Public Health, alcohol and other drug providers and organizations serving seniors. Region: All Ages Served: Adults Capacity: TBD Provider: ADMHS ADMHS Contact: Deana Huddleston, 934‐6546 (North), Sterling Collett, 737‐6625 (West), Jonathan Eymann, 681‐5314 (South) Mobile Crisis West Mobile Crisis Program serves adults and older adults (18 years +) experiencing a psychiatric crisis or mental health emergency. Mobile Crisis Program substantially enriches crisis services, providing clients appropriate alternatives to hospitalization whenever possible. Region: All Ages Served: Adults Capacity: NA Provider: ADMHS ADMHS Contact: Michael Allen, 737‐6633 Narcotic Treatment Program (NTP) Outpatient services providing medication‐assisted treatment for Narcotic (Heroin, Vicodin, OxyContin) abuse and dependence. Individuals in NTP attend treatment services daily including taking prescribed doses of methadone and or other medications and attending counseling sessions. NTP’s can last from 21 days for detoxification services for to up to years, depending on client need. Region: All Ages Served: Adults Capacity: 700 Provider: Aegis Treatment Centers ADMHS Contact: Alcohol and Drug Program, 681‐5440
Outpatient Drug‐Free (ODF) Services include assessment, individual and group counseling and other supportive services. Region: All Ages Served: Adults Capacity: 400 Provider: Coast Valley Substance Abuse Treatment, Council on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse, Good Samaritan Services, Phoenix of Santa Barbara, Sanctuary Psychiatric Centers, Mental Health Systems Center for Change ADMHS Contact: Alcohol and Drug Program, 681‐5440 Partners in Hope Includes family partners, peer recovery staff, alcohol and drug treatment specialists and vocational rehabilitation staff who provide outreach and linkage to recovery‐oriented activities. Region: All Ages Served: Adults Capacity: 375 Provider: Mental Wellness Center, Transitions‐Mental Health Association ADMHS Contact: Tina Wooton, 681‐5323 PC 1000 ‐ Drug Diversion Program for non‐violent drug offenders referred to treatment by the Courts. Upon completion of treatment, charges are dismissed. Services include education, individual and group counseling Region: All Ages Served: Adults Capacity: 250 Provider: Central Coast Headway, Council on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse, Coast Valley Substance Abuse Center, Zona Seca ADMHS Contact: Alcohol and Drug Program, 681‐5440 Perinatal Services Serves pregnant/post partum women and women with children. Perinatal services include Outpatient Drug‐Free treatment, counseling, Day Care Rehabilitative and Transitional Residential Living. These services are enhanced to address the unique needs of women. Region: All Ages Served: Adults Capacity: 100 Council on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse, Casa Serena, Good Samaritan Services ADMHS Contact: Alcohol and Drug Program, 681‐5440 Recovery Learning Community (RLC) Peer‐run centers in each region of the county that offer support groups, classes and social opportunities. Region: All Ages Served: Adults Capacity: NA Provider: Transitions‐Mental Health Association (North, West), Mental Wellness Center, South ADMHS Contact: Deana Huddleston, 934‐6546 (North), Sandra Fahey, 737‐6691 (West), Andrew Vesper, 884‐1615 (South) 16
Recovery‐Oriented Systems of Care (ROSC) Self‐help groups used in addition to 12‐Step support meetings established throughout the community for persons that are awaiting treatment placement. Region: All Ages Served: Adults Capacity: 80 Provider: Coast Valley Substance Abuse Treatment, Good Samaritan Services, Mental Health Systems ADMHS Contact: Alcohol and Drug Program, 681‐5440 Residential Treatment Alcohol and Other Drug (AOD) services for women who cannot obtain and maintain sobriety in outpatient programs. Clients live in a 24 hour residential setting and receive treatment for over 30 days. Programs incorporate counseling, daily life skills training and mutual/self‐help group meetings. Region: South Ages Served: Adults Capacity: 3 Provider: Casa Serena ADMHS Contact: Alcohol and Drug Program, 681‐5440 Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) An evidence‐based practice used to identify, reduce, and prevent problematic use, abuse, and dependence on alcohol and illicit drugs. Region: South Ages Served: Adults Capacity: NA Provider: ADMHS and Public Health ADMHS Contact: Alcohol and Drug Program, 681‐5440 Supported Housing Provides intensive, multidisciplinary services to adults and older adults who require a higher level of care than offered by mental health clinics, but less than that provided by ACT programs. Region: North and South Ages Served: Adults Capacity: 260 Provider: Transitions‐Mental Health Association (North), PathPoint (South) ADMHS Contact: Deana Huddleston, 934‐6546 (North), Andrew Vesper, 884‐1615 (South) Transitional Living Centers (TLC) Provide housing services for women who are pregnant or parenting minor children. Housing is used in combination with AOD treatment services to help clients maintain sobriety by providing a safe, sober living environment with mutual/self‐help group meetings. Region: North and West Ages Served: Adults Capacity: 30 Provider: Good Samaritan Services ADMHS Contact: Alcohol and Drug Program, 681‐5440 17
VETS (Veterans Entering Treatment Service) Expands and enhances treatment options for participants in the Santa Maria Veterans Treatment Court. Region: North and West Ages Served: Adults Capacity: 75 per year (three‐year period; grant ends in 2016) Provider: Coast Valley Substance Abuse Treatment, Good Samaritan Services, Mental Health Systems Santa Maria Center for Change ADMHS Contact: Amy Lopez, 614-1566
Vocational Rehabilitation ‐ Santa Barbara County Mental Health CO‐OP Program A collaborative program between ADMHS and CA State Department of Rehabilitation (DOR), ADMHS Mental Health CO‐OP offers consumers a variety of employment support services, resulting in an opportunity to successfully obtain and maintain employment. Region: All Ages Served: Adults/TAY Programs Capacity: 200 Provider: Mental Health CO‐OP ADMHS Contact: Alice Sealund, ADMH Rehabilitation Specialist, 805‐266‐8694 cell (North and West) and Sara Scofield, ADMH Rehabilitation Specialist, 805‐681‐5147 (South) Wellness and Recovery Teams Specialized outpatient teams that use evidence‐based practices to assist adult clients experiencing severe and persistent mental illness. Region: All Ages Served: Adults Capacity: TBD Provider: ADMHS ADMHS Contact: Deana Huddleston, 934‐6546 (North), Sterling Collett, 737‐6625 (West), Jonathan Eymann, 681‐5314 (South) Workforce Education & Training Supports part‐time peer positions for clients and family members at ADMHS through the Peer Expert Pool and provides an annual Crisis Intervention Training for law enforcement professionals and other first responders. Region: All Ages Served: Adults Capacity: NA Provider: ADMHS ADMHS Contact: Tina Wooton, 681‐5323 18
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Involvement in the ADMHS systems change process consists of two steps: Learn: Numerous background Par cipate: Decide what level of involvement is best for you. To keep up to date on systems change developments, you may want to a end mee ngs of the Mental Health Commission, the Consumer and Family Member Advisory Commi ee, the La no Advisory Commi ee and the Santa Barbara County Board of Supervisors. Also, check the ADMHS systems change web page on a regular basis. materials are available at Click on the “systems change” link in the middle of the page. A good place to start is to read the report on ADMHS outpa ent programs and services prepared by the TriWest Group. In addi on to the full report, a summary of the report and shorter summaries by some of the topics covered in the report are also available on the web site. If you wish to par cipate in systems change ac vi es, consult the calendar of events at Click on the “systems change” link in the middle of the page, and then click on the calendar link. Check with the contact person provided a er each event for more informa on. If you do not own a computer and are unable to use a computer at a public library or Learning Recovery Community (RLC), ask a friend, Peer Recovery Specialist or Family advocate for help in prin ng materials for you to read. If you do not own a computer and are unable to use a computer at a public library or RLC, ask a friend, Peer Recovery Specialist or family advocate to check the online calendar of systems change events and no fy you about mee ng details and contacts. Introduction to
Santa Barbara
Department of
Alcohol, Drug
and Mental
Health Services
What is ADMHS
Systems Change?
"Systems Change" refers to the transforma on process involving ADMHS and its partners. The goal is to organize the mental health and substance use disorder systems across Santa Barbara County around the needs and hopes of the individuals and families with behavioral health issues and other complex needs who seek help. The system change process involves collabora on among all the partners in the system ‐‐ ADMHS programs, community‐
based organiza ons (CBOs), other county and city departments, consumers, families, front line staff, change agents, team leaders, managers and system administrators. The objec ve is to make progress at all levels of the system to advance the vision stated above. The road map for the ADMHS systems change process is the report on ADMHS outpa ent programs and services prepared by the TriWest Group. To access this report online, visit and click on the “systems change” link on the home page. The link to the report is in the beige column on the right. Systems change includes improvements in each individual program, in internal workgroups and in comprehensive cross
‐system ac on teams, all working together and coordinated by the Steering Commi ee to advance the overall vision. To realize the vision of systems change, every part of the system must become more welcoming, person‐ and family‐
centered, recovery‐ oriented, trauma‐
informed, culturally competent, and co‐
occurring capable, and the best use of every available resource must be made. What activities are
Systems change is an evolving process. As of November 2013, it is proceeding on three parallel tracks:  The Steering Commi ee for Systems Change determines guiding principles and charters/oversees the work of Ac on Teams focusing on specialized areas, such as children’s services, peer issues, cultural competence, crisis services and forensics. An Ac on Team is a quality improvement team that includes representa ves with varying perspec ves, focuses on a par cular issue and recommends plans for change.  Change agents are individuals who represent consumers, families, county and contracted administra ve and clinical programs and partner agencies. They work as a team to help each other and partner with leadership to help the whole system change.  Con nuous Quality Improvement (CQI) Workgroups work to improve programs, services, policies and procedures at specific service sites and regions of the county. ¿Cómo puedo
Contribuir con el proceso de cambios al sistema ADMHS consiste en dos pasos: Aprenda: Hay muchos materiales informa vos disponibles en Haga clic en el enlace “systems change” ubicado en el centro de la página. Un buen lugar para empezar es el reporte sobre los programas y servicios ambulatorios preparado por TriWest Group. Además del reporte completo, en la página web también hay un resumen del reporte y otros resúmenes cortos que discuten aspectos específicos del reporte. Si no posee una computadora y no puede usar una computadora en una biblioteca pública o Comunidad de Recuperación Educacional (Learning Recovery Community, RLC), hable con un amigo, especialista en recuperación (Peer Recovery Specialist), o un abogador de la familia para recibir ayuda imprimiendo los materiales para que los lea. ParƟcipe: Decida qué tanto puede involucrarse. Para mantenerse al los desarrollos de los cambios al sistema, puede asis r a las reuniones de la Comisión de Salud Mental (Mental Health Commission), el Comité de Asesoramiento al Consumidor y Familias (Consumer and Family Member Advisory Commi ee), el Comité de Asesoramiento La no (La no Advisory Commi ee) y el Consejo de Supervisores del Condado de Santa Bárbara (Santa Barbara County Board of Supervisors). También, visite con frecuencia la página web de cambios al sistema de ADMHS. Si desea par cipar en las ac vidades de cambios al sistema, consulte el calendario de eventos en Presione el enlace ‘systems change’ en el centro de la página y después presione el enlace del calendario. Comuníquese con la persona de contacto provista al final de cada evento para más información. Si no posee una computadora y no puede usar una computadora en la biblioteca pública o RLC, hable con un amigo, especialista en recuperación, o un abogador de la familia para que vea el calendario en línea de los eventos concernientes a los cambios al sistema y le no fique de los detalles de las reuniones y la información de contacto. Introducción a
los cambios al
Departamento de
Servicios de Alcohol,
Drogas, y Salud Mental
del Condado de Santa
¿Qué son los Cambios al
Sistema ADMHS?
“Cambios al Sistema” se refiere al proceso de transformación de ADMHS y sus socios. La meta es reorganizar los sistemas de salud mental y desórdenes de consumo de sustancias en el condado de Santa Bárbara para atender mejor las necesidades y esperanzas de las personas y familias que buscan ayuda con asuntos de salud de comportamiento y otras necesidades complicadas. El proceso de cambios al sistema es una colaboración de todas las partes del sistema: los programas de ADMHS, las organizaciones comunitarias (CBOs por sus siglas en inglés), otros departamentos del condado y la ciudad, los consumidores, las familias, el personal, los agentes de cambio, los líderes, directores, y los administradores del sistema. El obje vo es hacer mejoras en todos los niveles del sistema para avanzar hacia nuestra visión establecida. El plan a seguir para el proceso de cambiar el sistema ADMHS es el reporte sobre los programas y servicios ambulatorios de ADMHS preparado por TriWest Group. Para ver el reporte en línea, visite y haga clic en el enlace “systems change” en la página. ¿Qué actividades incluyen?
Los cambios al sistema es un proceso en constante evolución. Para el noviembre de 2013, estaba progresando en tres rutas paralelas: La Junta Direc
va de los Cambios al
Sistema determina los principios guías y rige/supervisa el trabajo de los Equipos de Acción enfocados en áreas especializadas, tales como servicios a niños, asuntos de pares, competencia cultural, servicios de crisis, y medicina forense. Un Equipo de Acción es un equipo de mejoramiento de calidad que incluye a representantes con diferentes perspec vas que se enfoca en un asunto en par cular y recomienda planes de cambios. Los Agentes de Cambio son
individuos que representan a los consumidores, las familias, programas administra vos y clínicos del condado o contratados, y agencias asociadas. Ellos trabajan como un equipo para ayudarse y colaborar con el liderazgo para ayudar con los cambios al sistema. Los grupos de trabajo de
Mejoramiento de Calidad Con nua (Con nuous Quality Improvement, CQI) trabajan para mejorar los programas, los servicios, las reglas, y los métodos en lugares de servicios específicos y regiones del condado. SantaBarbaraCounty‐BehavioralHealthSystem
 welcoming
 hopeful
 client‐focused
 inclusive
 culturally‐competent
 seamless
 outcomes‐oriented
 recovery‐based
 collaborative
 adequately‐resourced
 accessible
 innovative
 complexity‐capable
 Ourbehavioralhealthsystemiswelcoming,witheverydoortheclientapproaches
 Weprovidethehighestqualityofcareandservicestoaidrehabilitation;
 Weworktohelpeachclientachievethewellnessinherentinrecovery;
 Ourservicesare
 efficient
 integrated
 evidence‐based
 deliveredwithrespect,preserveclientdignityandprovideevery
 Wevalueongoingimprovement,andwelcomeideastoimproveoursystemfrom
 Client‐andfamily‐drivensystemofcare:Individualsandfamiliesparticipate
 Partnershipculture:Wedeveloppartnershipswithclients,familymembers,
 PeerEmployment:Clientandfamilyemployeesaretrained,valued,andbudgeted‐
 Integratedserviceexperiences:Client‐drivenservicesareholistic,easily
 Culturalcompetence,diversityandinclusivity:Ourculturallydiverseworkforce
 Focusonwellness,recoveryandresilience:Webelievethatpeoplewith
 Strengths‐basedperspective:Recoveryisfacilitatedbyfocusingonstrengths
 Fiscalresponsibility:Weefficientlyleveragefiniteresourcestoprovidethe
 Transparencyandaccountability:Therearenosecrets.Wedowhatwesaywe
 Continuousqualityimprovement:Wereliablycollectandconsistentlyusedata

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