New Look in 2011


New Look in 2011
s Teachers
Marion C
Monthly Newslet
Volume 4, Issue 6
Marion County
Parents as Teachers
September—December 2010
New Look in 2011
A note from the coordinator...
P.A.T. newsletters are back in full swing and with a new revised look and format!
Make sure to watch your mail or your e-mail inbox for our monthly newsletter.
Our newsletter will typically arrive during the first week of the month!
Inside this issue:
Group Connections
Developmental Info.
Personal Visits
Parenting Corner
As you know, P.A.T. consists of four “core components.” These components include: Group Connections, Screenings, Resource Networking and Personal Visits.
In the revised newsletter, you will find the we are now grouping our articles and
information within our core component pages. We have also added an improved parenting corner!
In the months to come, if you are receiving our personal visits, you will see a
change in our Born To Learn curriculum handouts. Parents as Teachers National
Office is revising the curriculum with the most updated brain research! We look
forward to sharing this current information with you this spring.
Finally, as many of you know, we have experienced some staff changes this fall.
Karen Elliott has rejoined our staff after a short time away. Ronda Suderman
King began a new job with Hospice and is no longer working with P.A.T. Filling
her role will be Jamie Norris. She will start working in mid February.
Looking forward to connecting with you in 2011!
Lori Soo Hoo
Marion County Parents as Teachers Staff
Lori Soo Hoo—Coordinator/Educator (620-947-4041)
Karen Elliott—Educator—rejoined in Nov. 2010 (620-947-4040)
Becky Suderman—Educator (620-947-4343)
Jamie Norris—Educator (will be starting in Feb. 2011)
Please contact any one of us with your comments, questions or concerns!
Page 2
Marion County Parents as Teachers
Volume 4, Issue 6
Page 3
Screenings and Developmental Info.
FREE Screening for Children Ages 0-5 Years
A free screening is available each month in Marion County to screen vision,
hearing, speech and developmental skills.
January 11, 2011—Hillsboro—12:30-3:00 pm
February 8, 2011—Peabody—12:30-3:00 pm
For appointments call: Toll Free 877-878-4519 ext. 113 or 620-382-2858
Screening is sponsored by :
Marion County Early Intervention Services
xt 4
and baby pro
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free rn care with info nant wo
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Some helpful tips to avoid tooth decay…
Prevent your child from grazing (continuously eating foods throughout the day)
- especially on sugary liquids. Children should have 3 meals and 2 healthy
snack times.
Let your child have juice and/or milk as part of a meal or snack. During mealtime, saliva or spit production is higher. This keeps decay at a minimum by rinsing the mouth and reducing acid levels.
Remember fruits and vegetables are the best thing for your child. They contain
more valuable nutrients than juices, have less sugar and are good for your
Information from: Tiny Teeth Healthy Habits Curriculum (Cowley
County, KS) and the Nevada State Health Division
Tooth Talk: Sugar, Juice and Sippy Cups, brochure
Page 4
Marion County Parents as Teachers
Resource Networking
Looking for ways to Eat Healthy for Less!
Contact: June Glasgow
([email protected]) with Prairie Land
Needing Winter Coats for your Kids?
Contact: Kathy at 620-947-2720. She has
coats sizes 18 mos-5T for sale, boys and
Preschool Scholarships
Looking for
Contact Child Start,
Inc. at
Do you want to send your child to preschool in Marion
County? Would a scholarship help your family attain
this goal? Families and Communities Together (FACT)
is offering on-going monthly scholarships to children
attending Marion County Preschools. Funding is grant
provided. Contact:
Linda Ogden at
State Resources
Utility and Dental Resources
Utility Assistance Contact: Linda
Ogden with Families and Communities
Together at 620-947-3184. Ask about
the LIEAP, Share the Warmth and Gift of
Warmth programs.
Kansas Mission of Mercy
Free Dental Services Jan 21-22 at the
KS Fairgrounds in Hutchinson. No appts.
or eligibility requirements. Cleanings,
fillings & extractions. Opens 5:30am
Marion County Resources
Do You Have A Used Car seat?
The Marion County Health Dept. is
looking for...
Infant Seats
Convertible Seats and
Booster Seats
Questions? Call Sondra Mayfield at
If you are in need of Health Insurance for your children, Kansas has an option for you...Health Wave.
To qualify you must...
Be a Kansas resident
U.S. citizen or documented non-U.S. citizen
Are under the age of 19 years
Meet the income guidelines
Contact 1-800-792-4884 if you have questions!
Volume 4, Issue 6
Page 5
Personal Visits
Look who has graduated! Congratulations!
Jaidyn from Hillsboro
Caitlin from Burns
Dalton from Peabody
Tyler from Hillsboro
Please Recycle for P.A.T.
Plastic baby food containers
Baby food metal lids
Formula/oatmeal containers
Clear/white plastic containers
Personal Visit Openings in USD 397
Do you know of families with children ages prenatal to 36 months living in the Centre School District? This would include the towns of Pilsen,
Tampa, Ramona, Lost Springs, Lincolnville and
Burdick and the country in between! If you do,
please tell them about Parents as Teachers and
have them give us a call if they want to receive
FREE personal visits. We could start serving their
family ASAP. Call Lori at (620) 947-4041.
Baby Swap Items
Wellness and Weather Policies…
Family is selling the following items:
Madella Pump in Style double breast pump with
adapter and equipment.
Battery operated recliner baby rocker
Baby monitor
Evenflo Exersaucer
Maternity clothing
Contact Janna at 620-803-8545 for more info.
Marion County PAT is not responsible for condition of items or
accidents/injury resulting from baby swap items.
If you or your child have had fever,
vomiting or diarrhea in the 24 hours
prior to your PAT visit, please call your
educator to reschedule. Thanks for
helping us keep everyone healthy!
We are entering the season for
icy/snowy weather. Your educator will
contact you if your visit needs to be
canceled due to school weather cancelations.
Reading tips for parents
para padres
Spanish: Babies
de bebés
Nunca es muy pronto para leerle a su bebé. En cuanto nace, su bebé empieza a
aprender. Simplemente hablándole, jugando y cuidándolo todos los días, usted
ayuda a su bebé a desarrollar las destrezas lingüísticas necesarias para que se
convierta en lector. Al leer con su bebé, usted le fomenta el amor a los libros y la
lectura desde el comienzo. Los consejos que se dan a continuación proponen
formas divertidas de ayudar a su hijo a convertirse en un lector feliz y seguro.
Pruebe un consejo nuevo cada semana. Observe qué funciona mejor con su hijo.
Acurrúquense con un libro
Cuando sostiene a su hijo en sus brazos y miran
juntos un libro, su bebé disfruta de acurrucarse
junto a usted y escuchar su voz y el cuento
también. Al sentirse seguro en sus brazos mientras
mira un libro, aumenta la confianza de su bebé
y su amor por la lectura.
Es la manera en que su bebé se comunica con usted
y son importantes primeros pasos para aprender
a hablar. Incentive los intentos de su bebé de
imitarlo. Cuanto más practique su bebé haciendo
sonidos, más claros le saldrán. ¡Anímese y haga
mu, guau y cuac!
Escoja libros para bebés
Los libros con ilustraciones brillantes y de alto
contraste son más fáciles de ver para los bebés,
y captarán su atención. Los libros hechos con tela
o plástico blando (para la bañera) o los “libros
duros” con hojas de cartón sólido son más fáciles
de manipular para un bebé.
Ponga los libros donde su bebé
pueda alcanzarlos
Asegúrese de que su bebé pueda alcanzar los
libros, sostenerlos y mirarlos como juguetes.
Recuerde que su bebé hará con un libro lo mismo
que hace con todo lo demás, llevárselo a la boca.
Y eso es exactamente lo que se supone que haga,
de modo que quizá usted deba poner sólo libros
masticables a su alcance.
¡Déle una mano a su bebé!
Incentive a su bebé a recoger galletas o guisantes,
tocarse la nariz o los dedos de los pies, señalar
fotos y sujetar juguetes. Los músculos de sus
pequeñas manos se volverán fuertes, ágiles y listas
para voltear las páginas.
Arme una rutina diaria
(Incluya la lectura)
Las rutinas pueden tranquilizar a un bebé y
ayudarle a predecir qué va a suceder a continuación.
La capacidad de predecir algo le servirá cuando
su hijo sea más grande y lea por su cuenta.
Canten, lean, repitan
Lea sus cuentos preferidos y cante sus canciones
preferidas una y otra vez. Divertirse continuamente con los libros fortalecerá el desarrollo
lingüístico y los sentimientos positivos con
respecto a la lectura.
Hable con su bebé todo el día
Describa el clima o las manzanas que escoge en
la frutería. Hable sobre las imágenes de un libro
o las cosas que ve durante una caminata. Haga
preguntas. Escuchando, su hijo aprende palabras,
ideas y cómo funciona el idioma.
Incentive los gorjeos, balbuceos
y chapurreos de su bebé
Interprete a su bebé
Preste atención a cómo reacciona su bebé con un
libro que usted le lee. No siga si su bebé no disfruta la historia y pruebe con otro libro o en otro
Información práctica, actividades, y asesoría sobre la lectura ¡en español!
Colorin Colorado is produced by Reading Rockets, a project
of public television station WETA. The project is funded
by the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special
Education Programs; the American Federation of Teachers;
and the National Institute for Literacy
Marion County Parents as Teachers
812 East A Street
Hillsboro, KS 67063
Marion County
Parents as Teache
U.S.D. 410 Elementary School
812 East A Street
Hillsboro, KS 67063
Phone: 620-947-4041
Fax: 620-947-3263
E-mail: [email protected]
Parents are their children’s first
and most influential teachers.
Check out the Parents as Teachers
National Center Website at
Marion County
Parents as Teachers
Marion County Parents
as Teachers is a local pro
gram made
possible by USDs 397, 398
, 408, 410 and 411, as we
ll as coordination with Commu
nities in Schools, Prairie
Early Intervention and
Marion County Health Dep
Marion County Parents
as Teachers is part of an
international early childhood par
ent education and family
support program serving fam
ilies throughout pregna
ncy until
their child turns three.
The program is designed
to enhance child developmen
t and school achieveme
nt through
parent education access
ible to all families. It is
a universal
access program. Parent
s as Teachers (PAT) is a
model, but a local progra
m offered here in Marion
Family participation is
voluntary. Our mission
is to provide the information, sup
port and encouragemen
t that
Marion County parents
need to help their childre
n develop
optimally during the cru
cial early years of life.
For more information call
Lori Soo Hoo at 620-947-40

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