Sacred Heart Catholic Church


Sacred Heart Catholic Church
Sacred Heart Catholic Church
24th Sunday in Ordinary Time –September 13, 2015
Sacred Heart Catholic Church
302 South B Street
Arkansas City, KS 67005
Tuesday - Friday 8:00 a.m.
6:00 p.m.
9:00 a.m.
11:00 a.m.
Reflection from the Pastor:
Last week we heard the account of the cure of the deaf and mute man (Mark
7:31-37), and now this week we hear in our First Reading this line, “The Lord
God opens my ear that I may hear; and I have not rebelled, have not turned
back”. Traditionally, the Church applies this entire passage to Jesus and his
suffering. We can also consider how a Christian who has had his “ears
opened” is now prepared to be obedient, to listen carefully to God’s will and
to follow God faithfully in good times and in bad. We have faith that
although we might suffer for a time, God will save us: “See, the Lord God is
my help; who will prove me wrong?”
Bulletin Bits from the Diocesan Stewardship Office
"The Joy of the Gospel: Faith Working Through Love”
You are the Christ! Our faith in God compels us to listen to the words of scripture and
take them to heart. As the prophet Isaiah tells us, when God calls us to follow him, he is
there beside us along the way. St. James reinforces the idea of actively responding to the
Word of God. Unless our actions display our faith, we cannot claim to be following the
call of our Father. Jesus clearly tells us that if we wish to be his disciple, we must deny
our self and take up our cross. The journey to the Father's heavenly kingdom is not
another thing to do, it is everything we do. May our minds understand the Father's Love
and our hearts share that love with our brothers and sisters on earth.
Tuesday - Friday
7:30 a.m.
Martes - Viernes
7:30 a.m.
5:00 p.m. - 5:45 p.m.
8:30 a.m. – 8:50 a.m.
302 South B Street
9:00 a.m. -3:30p.m.
9:00 a.m. - 4:00p.m.
[email protected]
312 South B Street
[email protected]
For the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, Matrimony, and Anointing of the Sick contact Fr. Reilley at
Couples planning marriage must contact the pastor six months in advance of the marriage.
For homebound visits or RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) call the office, 620-442-0566.
24 hour Adoration weekly from 8 a.m. Tuesday through 8 a.m. Wednesday in the Chapel.
Tuesday, September 15
8:00 a.m. NO MASS
Wednesday, September 16
8:00 a.m. NO MASS
Thursday, September 17
8:00 a.m. NO MASS
Friday, September 18
8:00 a.m. NO MASS
Saturday, September 19
6:00 p.m. † Joseph Ciquera by Diane Fiorentino
Sunday, September 20
9:00 a.m. † Kim Masovero by Dan & Vera Krueger
11:00 a.m. For the people of the Parish
Readings for the week of September 14, 2015
Num 21:4b-9
John 3:13-17
1 Tim 3:14-16
Ps 78:1bc-2,3435,36-37,38
Ps 101:1b-2ab,2cd3ab,5,6
Ps 111:1-2,3-4,5-6
1 Tim 3:1-13
1 tim 4:12-16
Ps 111:7-8,9,10
Luke 7:36-50
1 Tim 6:2c-12
Luke 8:1-3
1 Tim 6:13-16
Ps 49:6-7,8-10,1718,19-20
Ps 100:1b-2,3,4,5
Wis 2:12,17-20
Ps 54:3-4,5,6&8
Mark 9:3037
John 19:2527
Luke 7:31-35
Luke 8:4-15
(Please call the parish office (442-0566) to schedule a Mass
for your loved one or in celebration of a special event)
Liturgical Ministers for September 19 & 20
SEPT 19 & 20
6:00 PM
9:00 AM
11:00 AM
Dan Krueger
Mike Metzinger
Margarita Medina
Melanie Lemus
Eva Reyez
Christian Mendez
Jacob Montgomery
Taylor Kennedy
Eric Cabrera
Josh Montgomery
Colten Kennedy
Jesus Lopez
Curtis Bogner
Adam Monroe
Jeremy Carrera
OFFERTORY Darci Bogner & Family
Brian & Rachel Priest Family Jose & Silvia Martinez
Dan & Vicki Snowden
Ivan Mortero Family
Casey & Sammi Webb
September Gift Counters
Jim Bernhardt, Delano & Marie Unruh
Church Cleaners of the Week
Jeff & Jennifer Blatchford, Susan DeLong, and Deanna Miley
If you would like to place flowers
on the Altar in memory of a loved
one or in celebration of a special
event, please call Dionne James at
Collection September 6, 2015
Envelopes…………………..…....…………….. $ 6,666.57
Loose Cash……………...……………………..... $ 525.13
Votive Candles………………………………….. $
TOTAL…………………………....................... $ 7,256.80
Budgeted……………………….…………………..$ 7,670.00
Under...……………………………………………. $ 413.20
Jackson Weathers, Lito Bearsot,
Summer Flowers Davis, Sara
Boyd, Caiden & Camden Boyd,
Roarke Monroe, Roseann
Livingston, Sue McNinch,
Karson Lozano, Patti Randa, Amanda Wiegman, Gilbert
Ramirez, Juan Ramirez, Isabelle Demaree, Herron Oyala,
Sherley Lopez, Zachary Wheat, Larry Schwartz, Billie Johnson,
Malin Riel, Kurt Kampbell, Joseph & Barbara Thompson, Judy
Eastman, Connie Lane, Cindy Neises, Marie Ternes, Madi
McGee, Marge Hernandez, Sherry Posy, Sally Wright, Thomas
Simpson, Cipriano Alaman, Bobbie Del Core, Mandy Shook,
T. Simpson, Sylvia Hess, Lisa Munson, Betsy Rush, Karen
Johnston, Dustine Weston, Marc James, Susan
White, Barb Roths, April Gregory, Deanne Potter,
Joan Schmeidler, Savannah Townsend, Tracy
Whitehead, Deonna Jacobs, Wanda Cummings, Kathy
Schmeidler, Gerald Lobmeyer, Michael Priddy, Dianne
Morrow, Marlene Brown, Shirley Thomas, Kathy Harrison,
Miguel A Matamoros, Joseph Duarte, Harper Stockton, Cathy
Starr, Gay Manning, Sarah Freeland, Greg Aldridge, Jerry
Wheat, Dwight Parker, James Clark
A gentle reminder: All announcements for the
bulletin need to be submitted to the parish office by 1
PM on Thursday. This allows time for translations.
Thank you.
Fr. Reilley will be on vacation next week. Please keep
him in your prayers. We will not have 8 AM Mass for
the week of September 14th – 18th.
Christ be beside me
Sunday, September 27 – Wednesday, September 30, 2015
7 PM – 8:30 PM
This is an opportunity for us all to renew our Catholic
faith. If you judge yourself to be in need of spiritual
growth, the mission is for you. If you are a sinner or a saint,
or somewhere in between, the mission is for you. The
mission is for everyone, but especially for you and your
Please make plans to attend! Each evening will have a
different theme and you are welcome to attend all four
nights, or when you are able. The mission will be offered in
English in the Church and in Spanish in the Gym.
Refreshments will be served at the end of each evening. If
you would like to help prepare or participate in the mission,
please call Theresa at the parish office (620-442-0566) or
Maria Romero (620-446-0431)
St. Vincent de Paul
Our next meeting will be on Thursday, September
17th, at 6 PM in the cafeteria.
heart tigers
TODAY, Sunday,
September 13, at 5:30 PM there will be a Taco Dinner in
the cafeteria to welcome students who are joining our
community as they attend Cowley College. All
parishioners are welcome to attend and meet the students.
Please bring a dessert or some fruit to share!
There will be a float planning meeting for the Arkalalah
parade on Wednesday, Sept. 16th at 6 PM.
There will be a School Council Meeting on Wednesday,
Sept. 16th at 7 PM.
Fund Raiser: Sacred Heart School students will be
selling gift wrap, gifts and cookie dough from Sept 4th-18th.
Please help a student if you can.
Dillons Shoppers Card: Please make sure your
shoppers card is registered for Sacred Heart School.
Knights of Columbus News
Our next monthly meeting will be on Monday,
September 14, at 7:30 PM
Spiritual Life Center
Three Saturdays: Sept 26, Oct 31, and Dec 12; 9 a.m-3:15
p.m. Join this new adult religious studies program! The Institute
will consist of 6 sessions per academic year (3 Fall/3 Spring).
Each session will consist of four, one-hour classes, each from a
different subject area (Scripture, Morality, Prayer, and Church
History). $75 for Fall Semester (includes lunch each Saturday)
Thursday, Sept. 17; 6:15-8:30 p.m. Join us for a new program
that ties Catholicism and Culture together. Fr. Eric Weldon
presents this month on the only Catholic signatory of the
Declaration of Independence. Program includes dinner and
conference. $15
evenings starting Sept. 24; 7-8:30 p.m. or Wednesday mornings
starting Oct. 7; 10-11:30 a.m. This nationally-recognized
program of healing and renewal is for adults who grew up in
repressive or dysfunctional families, including physical or
emotional abuse, alcoholism and drug abuse. Our Fall season
begins soon and includes a total of 30 sessions offered over the
next seven months. No charge, but a freewill offering is taken
and a helpful workbook is available for $20. Pre-register by
contacting the Center at (316) 744-0167, or at Sessions closed after the 3rd week.
For more information and to register please visit or call (316) 744-0167.
Confirmation Class & Middle School Program
Wednesday, Sept. 16, 7-8:30 PM
Drinks: Blubaugh/Butler
Food: Escalante/Foust
PSR-Grades 1-5 & First Communion Classes
Sunday, Sept. 20, 10-10:50 AM
We are in need of volunteers to help
in the lunch room at 11 AM for one
hour. If you can help on Friday
mornings, please call the school at
442-6550. Thank you!
Sunday, Sept.12. 7-8:30 PM
Salvation & Redemption
Meditación del Párroco:
La semana pasada escuchamos la cuenta de la cura del hombre sordo y mudo (Marcos 7: 31-37), y ahora esta
semana escuchamos en la primera lectura esta línea: "El Señor Dios abre me ha hecho oír sus palabras y yo no
he opuesto resistencia, ni me he echado para atrás”. Tradicionalmente, la Iglesia aplica todo este pasaje a Jesús
y su pasión. También podemos considerar cómo un cristiano que “se abre los oídos” ahora se prepara para ser
obediente, a escuchar con atención a la voluntad de Dios y seguir fielmente a Dios en las buenas y en las malas.
Tenemos fe en que a pesar de que podríamos sufrir por un tiempo, Dios nos salvará: "El Señor es mi ayuda,
¿quien se atreverá a condenarme?"
Noticias de la Parroquia
Clases del Bautismo en español: Las clases prebautismales son obligatorios para todos los padres y
padrinos. La clase dura una hora y está en la oficina de la
parroquia (302 S B Street). Se celebra los bautismos en
español el último domingo del mes después de la misa en
La próxima clase será el 26 de septiembre a las 7 pm
Nuestro próximo Cursillo en Español
El próximo Cursillo para mujeres será del 17 al 20
de septiembre de 2015. Para mayor información,
por favor contacte a: Maria Mendez(620-307-6732)
Cristo a Mi Lado
Domingo 27 de septiembre a miercoles el 30 de septiembre
7 PM-8:30 PM
Esta es una oportunidad para todos nosotros para
renovar nuestra FE Católica. Si usted se juzga a sí
mismo y cree que necesita crecimiento espiritual, esta
misión es para usted. Si usted es un pecador (a) o un
santo (a) o esta intermedio, la misión es para usted. La
misión es para todos, pero especialmente para usted y su
Por favor haga planes para asistir!. Usted será
bienvenido (a) para asistir las cuatro noches o cuando
usted pueda. La misión será ofrecida en Inglés en la
Iglesia y en Español en el gimnasio. Se servirán algunos
refrigerios al final de cada noche. Si a usted le gustaría
ayudar a preparar o participar en la misión por favor
llame a Theresa a la oficina de la parroquia (620-4420566) o a María Romero al (620-446-0431)
Necesitamos voluntarios para
ayudar en el cuarto de lunch de
11:00 a.m. – 12:00 mediodía. Si
usted puede ayudar uno o más días
por favor llame a la oficina de la
escuela al 442-6550.
INTERMEDIA, y Clases de
Miércoles 16 de septiembre – 7 p.m.
Bebidas: Blubaugh/Butler
Comida: Escalante/Foust
PSR (grados del 1 al 5) y clases de primera comunión
Domingo 20 de septiembre – 10 a.m.
Noticias de la Escuela de El
Sagrado Corazón:
Reunión de Fondos: Los estudiantes
de Escuela Católica de El Sagrado
Corazón, estarán vendiendo papel para envolver regalos y
maza para galletas del 4 al 18 de Sept. Por favor ayude a
nuestros estudiantes si puede.
“La Alegría del Evangelio: La Fe Obra en el Amor”
Vigésimo cuarto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
¡Tú eres el Cristo! Nuestra fe en Dios nos empuja a escuchar
las palabras de la Escritura y que las tomemos muy en
cuenta. Así como el profeta Isaías nos dice, cuando Dios nos
llama a seguirle, Él está allí junto a nosotros en el camino.
San Santiago reitera esa idea de responder activamente a la
Palabra de Dios. A menos que nuestras acciones reflejen
nuestra fe, no podemos pregonar que estamos siguiendo el
llamado de nuestro Padre. Jesús claramente nos dice que si
deseamos ser sus discípulos, debemos negarnos a nosotros
mismos y cargar nuestra cruz. El camino hacia el Padre en
el reino celestial no es otra cosa que tengamos que hacer,
sino todas las cosas que hacemos. Que nuestras mentes
entiendan que el amor del Padre y nuestros corazones
comparten el amor con nuestros hermanos y hermanas en la
El padre Reilley estará de vacaciones la semana próxima.
Por favor manténganlo en sus oraciones. No tendremos
misa durante la semana del 14 al 18 de septiembre.
San Vincente de Paul
Nuestra siguiente reunion será el jueves 17 de
septiembre a las 6:00 p.m. en la cafetería.

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