Jesus christ, king of the universe Jesucristo, rey del universo


Jesus christ, king of the universe Jesucristo, rey del universo
Solemnity of Christ the
King November 22, 2015
Solemnity of Christ the King
November 22, 2015
Fr. Federico Capdepón, V.F.
Dean, Pastor
Fr. Damian Flanagan
Acting Pastor
Mrs. Mary E. Fernández, Ed.S.
School Principal
Mrs. Patricia Zapatero
Director of Religious Education
Roberto Berrocal
Music Director
(Horas de Oficina)
Monday thru Friday/Lunes a Viernes
Phone: 305-444-8363
[email protected]
(Horas de la Iglesia)
Daily/Diario 9:00am-7:00pm
(Horario de misas)
5:30pm (English)
Jesus christ, king of the universe
Jesucristo, rey del universo
9:00am (English)
10:30am (English, live broadcast)
12:30pm (Español, transmisión en vivo)
5:30pm (English)
7:00pm (Español)
Misa Diaria (Capilla)
8:00am (English)
7:00 pm (Spanish, Tue. & Thurs.)
Saturdays/Sábados 4:45-5:30 pm
Before Sunday Masses if a priest is
Antes de las misas del domingo si hay un
sacerdote disponible.
(Bautizos y Matrimonios)
For information, call the office.
Para información, llame a la oficina.
St. Hugh Catholic Church is a diverse community of faith manifesting our love for
God through our generosity, and putting our faith into action by working together to
impact positively the lives of our parishioners, visitors and the community in general.
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November 22, 2014
Lecturas de la semana
Our Lord Jesus Christ,
King of the Universe
Dn 7:13-14; Ps 93; Rv 1:5-8;
Jn 18:33b-37
Saint Clement I, Pope
and Martyr; Saint
Columban, Abbot;
Blessed Miguel Agustín
Pro, Priest and Martyr
Dn 1:1-6, 8-20; Lk 21:1-4
Saint Andrew Dũng-Lạc,
Priest, and Companions,
Dn 2:31-45; Lk 21:5-11
Wednesday Saint Catherine of
Alexandria, Virgin and
Dn 5:1-6, 13-14, 16-17, 2328; Lk 21:12-19
Thursday Dn 6:12-28; Lk 21:20-28
Dn 7:2-14; Lk 21:29-33
Dn 7:15-27; Lk 21:34-36
Jesus Christ, King of the Universe (Cycle B)
Pastor’s Corner
God is love in the depth of His being, and God is Almighty. Which means that true
power is found in love. This is what Christ came to teach us and that is why his
principal commandment is that of love. But He didn’t come just to teach us, but also
and especially, to transmit and give us all His love.
The second reading tells us that “He “loves us and has freed us from our sins by His
blood”. To give one’s life for those we love is the supreme proof of love, and Christ
loves us so much that He gives His life for us, purifies us from sin, rescues us from
death and makes of us a Kingly and Priestly people. For His total obedience to the will
of the Father, ad for being the faithful witness to the truth, Jesus Christ receives an
eternal kingdom that will last forever and that will glorify him eternally because of the
power of His love that has saved us. “For this I was born and for this I came into the
world, to testify to the truth,” Jesus tells Pilate in today’s gospel.
My sincere thanks to all who participated in the Thanksgiving Food Drive by sharing
God’s gifts with those in need. I wish all of you and your families a very happy
Thanksgiving Day. May God bless you always.
“Could you not watch one hour with
me?” (Mk 14:37)
From 8:30 am to 7:00 pm
“¿No podían velar una hora conmigo?”
(Mc. 14, 37)
De 8:30 am a 7:00 pm
Fr. Federico
Jesucristo, Rey del Universo (Ciclo B)
Rincón del Párroco
Dios es amor en toda la profundidad de su ser y Dios es Todopoderoso. Quiere decir esto que
el verdadero poder es el que radica en el amor. Esto es lo que principalmente vino a
enseñarnos Cristo y, por eso, Su principal mandato fue el mandato del amor. Pero, no sólo vino
a enseñarnos sino, también y sobre todo, a comunicarnos y regalarnos todo Su amor.
La segunda lectura dice que “el que nos ama y nos ha purificado de nuestros pecados con su
sangre”. El dar la vida por los seres que se ama constituye la prueba suprema del amor y
Cristo nos ama tanto que da Su vida por nosotros, y así nos redime, nos purifica del pecado,
nos rescata de la muerte y hace de nosotros un Pueblo de Reyes y Sacerdotes. Un reino que
será eterno, que durará para siempre y que le dará gloria eterna por el poder de Su amor que
nos ha salvado, es el reino que recibe Jesucristo por Su obediencia total a la voluntad del
Padre, así como por ser testigo fiel de Su veracidad. “Para esto nací, para esto vine al mundo,
para ser testigo de la Verdad”, le dice Jesús a Pilato, como hemos podido leer en el evangelio
de hoy.
Gracias de todo corazón a los que participaron en la colecta de alimentos de Acción de
Gracias por compartir los dones del Señor con los necesitados. Les deseo a todos un feliz Día
de Acción de Gracias en compañía de sus familias. Que el Señor los bendiga siempre.
P. Federico
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Intenciones Misas
Sat/Sab, November 21
5:30 pm  Marco Antonio Falcón
 Augusto Venegas
Sun/Dom, November 22
9:00 am
 Nellie Justi
 Mary Ann Coe
10:30 am Parish Community
12:30 pm  Mireya Sánchez Reyes
 Dolores Santiago
Last Sunday, November 15, families of the parish brought their food donations for
our Thanksgiving Food Drive, to share with the people of the Grove Outreach and
Mission St. Anne. Thanks to all, and especially to the Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts of the
parish who helped with moving the bags to the altar.
El domingo 15 de noviembre pasado las familias de la parroquia terjaeron sus donaciones
de alimentos para la colecta anual de Acción de Gracias que será compartida con el Grove
Outreach y Misión Santa Ana. Gracias a todos y en especial a los Boy Scouts y Cub Scouts de la
parroquias que ayudaron a colocar las bolsas en el altar.
5:30 pm
 Marilú Gailey
 Louis & Iris González
7:00 pm
 María Angélica Marcano
 Difuntos Familia BacóViamonte
Mon/Lun, November 23
8:00 am  Demetrio & Sergio Castillo
 Sara Rosa Velazco
 María H. Vázquez
Tue/Mar, November 24
8:00 am  María de Montilla
 Nellie Justi
 María H. Vázquez
7:00 pm
Acción de Gracias 54
Aniversario de Bodas Luis &
Alicia Fernández-Rocha
Wed/Mier, November 25
8:00 am  Francisco Granados Sr.
 Etelia Carmela Matawa
 Hildelisa Hugues
Thu/Jue, November 26
10:30 am Parish Community
There will be no 7:00 pm Mass this evening
Fri/Vier, November 27
8:00 am  Berta Palacios Muria
 Sylvia Borrego
 María H. Vázquez
St. Hugh School celebrated its yearly Book
Fair. This year the 8th grade took part in
“Reading Under the Stars”, during which they
read stories to the younger children while their
parents shopped, a wonderful example of
El colegio St. Hugh celebró una vez más su Feria
del Libro. Esté año contaron con la participación de
los estudiantes de 8o. Grado en “Reading Under the
Stars”, una actividad durante la cual leyeron historias
a los niños más pequeños mientras sus padres
compraban, un gran modelo de colaboración.
LET US PRAY FOR / Oremos por
Lila Cruz, Hannah Moss, Annette Méndez, Andrés Hidalgo, Carlos y Martha Zapatero,
Jacques Vera, Morelia Campos, Danilo Argote, Sister Barbara Makar, John Amador, Marcela
Gómez, Martha Gómez, Darío Pulgarín, Fr. Manuel (Tito) Soler, Charlie Winchester,
Milagros Segarra, Catherine Gallego, Jake Mark Lugo, Esperanzita Noriega, Evelyn Sandoval,
Marcia Besada, Carmen Dono, Olga Alonso, Eduardo Gómez, Raquel Alvarez, Luis
Rodríguez, Gabriel Medina, Wilfrido Díaz, Jennifer Cameron-Hew, Hilda Parisi, Maryann
Zappala, Patricia Cardona, Jaimito Cruz, Carmen Naquin Hebert, Shafia Sánchez, Eddy
Valdés, Orlando Telles, Angie Crespo, Nancy Bernaldes, Marialis Mercedes Masa, Grisel
Llerena, María Beatriz, Vicente Bononi do Valle, Gladys Giner, Armando Otero, Nancy
Solano, Sister Kathleen Donnelly, Linda Mayers, Tania Pérez. Marta Yee Vinas, Ricardo
Rumbos, Enrique Consuegra, Peter Alzola, Miriam Castillo, for the members of our armed
forces, their families and all victims of war.
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St. Hugh
Altar Servers: Juan Alayo
[email protected]
Bible Classes: Karen Bonvecchio
[email protected]
CCD: Patricia Zapatero
[email protected]
Centering Prayer: Maritza Ramos
[email protected]
Clases de Biblia: Patricia Zapatero
[email protected]
Emmaus Men: Manuel Núñez
[email protected]
Emmaus Women: Claudia Martínez
[email protected]
Encuentro en la Palabra:
Milagros Contreras
[email protected]
Grove for Ghana: Bob Dudley
[email protected]
Grove Outreach: Lily Montero
[email protected]
Health and Wellness:
María Socorro Torres-Burgos
[email protected]
Job Bank: Marta Carbonell
[email protected]
Knights of Columbus: Marc Spinola
[email protected]
Marriage Covenant Experience:
Joe & Jane Mastrucci
[email protected]
Matrimonios en Victoria:
Rolando & Irene Silva
[email protected]
Mindo Medical Mission:
Jason Gaetan
[email protected]
Ministry to the Sick:
Mariana Caballero
[email protected]
Music Director: Roberto Berrocal
[email protected]
Pastoral Ministry Coordinator:
Cristina Fundora
[email protected]
RCIA: Cristina Fundora
[email protected]
RICA: Eleazar & Leticia Terán
[email protected]
Solemnity of Christ the King
Page 5
Thanks to all who supported the food drive for the Grove Outtreach and Mission St.
Ann this Thanksgiving. During this season of the year, let us renew our commitment to
help the most needy of our community and to show our solidarity with them.
Gracias a todos los que apoyaron la colecta de alimentos para el Grove Outreach y Misión
Santa Ana por el Día de Acción de Gracias. Durante esta temporada de fiestas, renovemos
nuestro compromiso de ayudar a los más necesitados de nuestra comunidad demostrándoles
nuestra solidaridad con ellos.
A bilingual Mass will be celebrated on Thanksgiving Day, Thursday, November 26, at
10:30 am. Come and thank God for all His countless blessings.
El día de Acción de Gracias, jueves 26 de noviembre, se celebrará una misa bilingüe a las
10:30 am. Demos gracias a Dios por Sus numerosas bendiciones.
An evening of reflection for Advent, in English and Spanish, will take place on Tuesday,
December 1, at 7 pm. The English session will be in the church, the Spanish session in the
Parish Hall. Confessions will be heard after the reflection.
Una noche de reflexión por el Adviento, en inglés y español, se celebrará el martes 1 de
diciembre a las 7 pm. La sesión en inglés será en la iglesia, la de español en el Salón Parroquial.
Habrá confesiones después de la reflexión.
Catholic Relief Services is committed to alleviating the refugee families who flee the
poverty and strife in the Middle East in hope of a better future for their children. Please
help! Visit their website,, or the St. Hugh webpage, to donate.
Catholic Relief Services está comprometido en brindar alivio a las familias de refugiados que
huyen de la pobreza y la lucha en el Medio Oriente en busca de un futuro mejor para sus hijos.
Usted puede ayudar! Visite su página web,, o la página de St. Hugh para hacer su
The St. Hugh-Steinway Concert Series presented their second concert last Friday,
November 20th. We congratulate them for their success, thank all committee members for
their efforts and look forward to the next concert on February 5, 2016, when we will hear
world-renowned tenor Arturo Chacón-Cruz.
La Serie de conciertos St. Hugh-Steinway presentó su segundo concierto el pasado viernes
20 de noviembre. Los felicitamos por su éxito, damos gracias a los miembros del comité por su
trabajo y quedamos pendientes del próximo concierto , el 5 de febrero de 2016, cuando
escucharemos al aclamado tenor Arturo Chacón-Cruz.
The Emmaus Retreat for women, in Spanish, will take place on the weekend of
December 4-6. We thank all the volunteers and participants for their hard work. Let us
keep them in our prayers. The next retreat, in English, will be held April 15-17, 2016.
El retiro de Emaús para mujeres en español se celebrará el fin de semana del 4 al 6 de
diciembre. Gracias a todas las voluntarias y participantes por su trabajo. Oremos por ellas. El
próximo retiro, en inglés, tendrá lugar del 15 al 17 de abril de 2016.
The Rite of Acceptance, will be celebrated Sunday, November 22, Feast of Christ the
King, during the 10:30 am and 12:30 pm Masses. It marks the end of the period of inquiry
into the Catholic faith for our candidates and catechumens. Let us pray for them as they
walk on this path of faith.
El rito de acogida se celebrará el domingo 22 de noviembre, Fiesta de Cristo Rey, durante las
misas de 10:30 am y 12:30 pm. El rito concluye el período exploratorio de la fe católica para
nuestros candidatos y catecúmenos.Oremos por ellos mientras recorren el camino de la fe.
The Health and Wellness ministry reminds you that flu season is here. The Center
for Disease Control Prevention recommends that everyone 6 months and older should get
the flu vaccine every season, with a few exceptions. Talk to your doctor and protect
yourself and your family.
El ministerio de salud y bienestar les recuerda que ha comenzado la temporada de gripe. El
Centro de Control y Prevensción recomienda que toda persona mayor de 6 meses reciba la
vacuna, con algunas excepciones. Consulte a su médico y protéjase.
Respect Life: Yamileth Rivera
[email protected]
School News: Julie Méndez
[email protected]
Spanish Choir: Andrés Trujillo
[email protected]
St. Hugh Charities: Liliana Villanueva
[email protected]
St. Hugh Immigration Services:
Karlene Punancy
[email protected]
St. Vincent de Paul: James Hartnett
(Call the office)
Ushers & Hospitality Ministry:
[email protected]
Youth Director: Francisco Dueñas
[email protected]
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St. Hugh
December 13
Saints this Week/Santos de la Semana
November 25, St. Catherine of Alexandria. According
to the Legend of St. Catherine, this young woman
converted to Christianity after receiving a vision. At the
age of 18, she debated 50 pagan philosophers. Amazed at
her wisdom and debating skills, they became Christians
together with some 200 soldiers and members of the
emperor’s family, all of whom were martyred.
Sentenced to be executed on a spiked wheel, Catherine
touched the wheel and it shattered. She was beheaded.
Centuries later, angels are said to have carried the body
of St. Catherine to a monastery at the foot of Mt. Sinai.
Devotion to her spread as a result of the Crusades. She
is invoked as the patroness of students, teachers,
librarians and lawyers.
Noviembre 25, Santa Catalina de Alejandría. De
acuerdo a la Leyenda de Santa Catalina, esta joven se
convirtió al cristianismo luego de recibir una visión. A los 18
años sostuvo un debate con 50 filósofos paganos quienes,
admirados de su sabiduría, se hicieron cristianos junto con
unos 200 soldados y miembros de la familia del emperador.
Todos fueron mártires. Sentenciada a ser ejecutada en una
rueda con púas, la rueda se desbarató al tocarla Catalina, y
fue decapitada. Se dice que los ángeles llevaron su cuerpo al
monasterio que lleva su nombre al pie del Monte Sinaí. Su
devoción se extendió como resultado de las cruzadas. Es
patrona de estudiantes, maestros, bibliotecarios y abogados.
Solemnity of Christ the King
Page 7
Mutual Forgiveness
General Audience, November 4, 2015
Each day, in the words of the Our Father, we ask God to forgive us and
to grant us the grace to forgive others. As difficult as forgiveness may
be, it is essential for our personal growth, our capacity to acknowledge
our failures and to mend broken relationships. It is a virtue we learn
first in the family. Forgiveness strengthens families in love and, through
them, makes society as a whole more loving and humane. It is a solid
rock on which to build our lives and an eloquent sign of our Christian
discipleship and obedience to the Father’s will.
El perdón recíproco
Audiencia General , 4 de noviembre de 2015
No se puede vivir sin perdonarse, o al menos no se puede vivir bien,
especialmente en familia. Todos los días, de alguna u otra manera, nos
hacemos daño. Pero lo que se nos pide es curar inmediatamente las heridas
que nos causamos y restaurar los vínculos que se han dañado. Si esperamos
demasiado, todo es más difícil. Y hay un remedio muy simple: no dejar que
termine el día sin pedir disculpas, sin hacer las paces, de los padres entre sí,
de los padres con los hijos, y también entre los hermanos. Y para esto no
hace falta un gran discurso, basta una palmada y ya está. De esta manera, el
matrimonio y la familia se hacen una casa más sólida, resistente a nuestras
pequeñas y grandes fechorías.
Page 8
Recommendation for this week:
Faces of Holiness and Face of
Holiness II, by Ann Ball, OSV,
$2.00 each
In these two volumes, Ann Ball
brings to life the gripping
stories of more than 200 saints
and martyrs of the 20th
century, with photographs. A
look into a seldom-seen aspect
of contemporary history.
St. Hugh
St. Hugh
St. Hugh
Monday, November 23
7:00 pm Bible Class in English
7:00 pm Encuentro en la Palabra
Social Studies Room
Tuesday, November 24
7:00 pm Ignite Middle School Group
7:00 pm Confirmation 2 Class
Social Studies Room
7:00 pm Centering Prayer
School Chapel
7:30 pm RCIA
6th Grade Room
7:30 pm RICA
7th Grade Room
Wednesday, November 25
NO Bible Class in Spanish
NO CCD Classes
NO Matrimonios en Victoria
Thursday, November 26, Thanksgiving Day
10:30 am Bilingual Mass
There will be NO 7:00 pm Mass on Thanksgiving Day
Sunday, November 29
Christmas Toy Drive Starts Today
NO EPIC Youth Group
Colecta de la semana pasada
Second Collection today for the
Campaign for Human
Segunda colecta hoy para la
Campaña para el Desarrollo
To parishioners celebrating
their wedding anniversary in
A los feligreses que celebran
su aniversario de bodas en
During a time in which we remember to be thankful, consider leaving a planned gift to
St. Hugh. Most planned gifts cost you nothing during your lifetime and may actually
save taxes for your heirs. Contact the rectory or call the Office of Planned Giving at
(305) 762-1110 for more information.
Durante estos días en que recordamos la acción de dar gracias, considere dejar un
donativo planificado a St. Hugh. La mayor parte de los donativos planificados no le
cuestan a usted nada durante su vida y, en realidad, pueden ahorrarles impuestos a
sus herederos. Póngase en contacto con la rectoría o llame a la Oficina de
Donaciones Planificadas al (305) 762-1110 para obtener más información.
Solemnity of Christ the King
Page 9
Court of Dreams
On November 12th, the boys’ JV and Varsity
basketball teams had a wonderful experience
of competing against St. Agnes Catholic School
on the Miami HEAT court. Congratulations to
the Varsity team for their win 41-16!The game
was played at the American Airlines Arena
prior to the Miami HEAT vs Utah JAZZ game.
This was a unique experience that allowed our
athletes a chance to share the court with NBA legends one that will last a lifetime. Our St. Hugh
hip hop dancers also participated during this event by entertaining the spectators during half-time.
We are very proud of all the students who participated and grateful to all who came out to
support our athletes.
ISSF Spelling Bee
Recently four of our fifth grade
Our book fair opened up on Friday, with
a wonderful event called “Reading
Under the Stars”. Children dressed in
their pajamas and listened to stories
read by the 8th graders under little lights
hanging from the ceiling. Parents were
able to visit the Book Fair and see the
wonderful collection of books being
offered this year.
It was a great
success and everyone had a wonderful
students participated in the 7th Annual
ISSF Spelling Bee held at the Coral
Gables Women’s Club. They earned
3rd place out of 20 participating
schools. We congratulate Sofía Pérez,
Ana Cruz, Evan Rothe, Diego Espinosa
and their teacher Mrs. Elise
Hernández. Thank you for your hard
Page 10
St. Hugh
The 7th and 8th grade students were rewarded for their participation in the
Christopher Columbus Academic Olympics with a Ben and Jerry's Ice cream
sundae treat. The ice cream company arrived with a mobile Scoop Shop and
let the students create their own waffle cone sundaes! The students were
delighted as they enjoyed eating their creations. Not to be left out, teachers
also joined in the fun. It was a scrumptious event.
Tuesday, November 24th
Student of the Month Mass and Awards and
Fall Sports Team Honors, 8:00 am
Thursday, November 26th, Friday,
November 27th & Monday, November
Thanksgiving Recess

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