January 17, 2016 - St. John the Baptist R.C. Church


January 17, 2016 - St. John the Baptist R.C. Church
St. John the Baptist R. C. Church
895 Piermont Avenue, Piermont, New York 10968
[email protected] 845-359-0078
January 17, 2016
Rev. Tom Kunnel, C.O.
Saturday: 5:00 PM
[email protected]
Sunday: 8:00 AM, 10:30 AM
1:00 PM (Spanish)
Deacon John Cunningham
Deacon Robert Pang
Weekdays: 8:00 AM
9:00 AM
Holy Days: As Announced
Kathleen Dunn
Religious Education Director
May Pang
Mon – Fri 10:15 AM – 4:00 PM
Parish Admin: [email protected]
Sat 10 AM – 12 Noon (Spanish)
“Be merciful as your heavenly Father is merciful” Lk 6:36
Dear Parish Family,
5:00 PM
8:00 AM
Sun 1/17
10:30 AM Paul Hess
9:00 AM
by Pat & Rosemarie Miele
Bernard Rogan
by CDA
Paula San Diego
by Felina Bacungan
Fortuna Maney
by Bazala Family
Mickey DeTemple
by Jean DeLongis
Maria Gabriella Bruno
By Mildred Oslica
Fortuna Maney
5:00 PM
Glenn Messner
Mon 1/18
8:00 AM
Tue 1/19
8:00 AM
Wed 1/20
8:00 AM
Thu 1/21
8:00 AM
8:00 AM
Robert Celona
by Marian & Joseph
Magnolia Velez
Florence Simone
by Ted Simone
10:30 AM Ann Di Francesca
by Isabell & Frank Cleff
8:00 AM
Sun 1/24
Is Being Offered this week
In Memory of
Anthony Sassano
By Angie Sassano
Please remember in your prayers the Sick and/
or Homebound of our Parish Family. Theresa
Veen, John Miraglia, Bill Stein, Francis and Mary
Conka, Sr., John Set (Deacon Bob Pang’s uncle),
Gerri Sherwood, Ginny Tercer, Marcelo Giuliante,
Connie Lynch, Mary Nerger (Helen Spagnolo’s
niece), Elizabeth Flynn (Msgr Mulligan’s cousin),
Caroline Kelly (M.Oslica’s niece), Nick Bruni, Willy
As a Parish Family, let us remember in our
prayers all our beloved departed members of
our Parish Community, Maureen Collazuol), Fortuna Maney (sister of Lucy Bosco), George Scofield (father of Amy Ramundo), Anne Di Francesca, Bo Di Francesca, Catherine Lesica, (mother of
Carol Conklin-Spillane). Eileen Keane
Weddings are memorable occasions in every culture. One of the most widely known weddings of
all time is the wedding at Cana in Galilee around
30 AD. We do not the name of the couple who
married, but we do know the names of two of the guests. They were Mary
from Nazareth and her son Jesus. The reason why wedding is most famous is
due to the fact that Jesus produces a huge surplus of wine – about 520 liters of
choice wine!
Weddings in the Holy Land were celebrated for a whole week; the entire town
took part, and consequently much wine was consumed. Now the bride and
groom find themselves in trouble, and Mary simply says this to Jesus. “They
have no wine!” The miracle that follows becomes a sign: God lavishly spends
himself for the lowly creature, man. The superabundance of Cana is therefore a
sign that God’s feast with humanity, his self-giving for man, has begun.
The liturgical remembrance of the wedding of Cana causes us to remember
what Christ has done for marriage. God created this institution in the beginning
as one of the greatest blessings a human being could share, and like everything
in creation, God pronounced it good. But Christ did something more during his
earthly life. He took this institution, good and created by him from the beginning, and raised it to the dignity of a sacrament, something that would also
confer his own life, and bring us closer to him, closer to happiness, closer to
holiness, closer to heaven. Through the sacrament of marriage, which Christians can receive, Christ remains with the couple just as assuredly as he was
with the couple in Cana. Marriage is part of God's plan for creation and part of
God's plan for our salvation and we must treasure marriage and defend it
whenever it comes under attack. We are now in the midst of a heated debate
about what marriage is. In the sacred Scripture God makes it very clear what
marriage is. If Jesus were to testify before our legislators about the meaning of
marriage, I think he could use the very same words that he used in St. Matthew's Gospel. "Have you not read that in the beginning God 'made them male
and female,' and said, 'for this reason a man shall leave his father and mother
and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh'? So they are no
longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let no one
In this teaching of Jesus -- who is the Truth incarnate, who is our Creator and
knows how and for what the human person is made, who loved all of us
enough to die out of love for us -- we see definitive teachings that are relevant
to our debate:
a) "In the beginning, God made them male and female." There is great meaning to our masculinity and femininity in God's plan. God didn't clone Adam,
but made Eve, who was equal to him in dignity, but complementary.
b) "For this reason a man shall leave his mother and father and cling to his
wife." God's plan is not that a man leaves his parents and clings to whomever
he wants, but to cling to a wife.
c) "The two shall become one flesh." "What God has joined together, man
must not divide." Much beyond a legal contract, marriage is a covenantal relationship where God is a contracting party. Sex was his idea and plan. He fixed
the boundaries of marriage for our own happiness as well as for our salvation,
to teach us how to love according to the nature he gave us.
“Today many people are afraid of making definitive decisions that affect them
for all their lives,” Pope Francis reflected in a homily recently, “because it
seems impossible and this mentality leads many who are preparing for marriage to say, 'We will stay together for as long as our love lasts.’”
“What do we mean by 'love'?” posed the Pope, asking if it is a “mere emotion,
a psycho-physical state?” and stating that if so, “it cannot provide the foundation for building something solid.” However, if a relationship is “a growing
reality,” then we build it “in the same way that we build a house,” the Holy
Father said, “And we build a house together, not alone!” “We must not allow
ourselves to be conquered by a ‘throwaway culture,’” emphasized the Pope,
stating that “this fear of 'forever'” is only “cured by entrusting oneself day by
day to the Lord Jesus in a life that becomes a daily spiritual path of common
growth, step by step.” The presence of Jesus and Mary at Cana made all the
difference in that marriage and it is true of every Christian marriage.
Fr. Tom Kunnel C.O.
Spanish Morning Prayer
Spanish RCIA
Baptism Prep Spanish
Legion of Maria
AA Meeting
CDA Knitting
CDA Meeting
Altar Server Prep and Practice
Spanish Baptism Prep
Scripture Study Group
Spanish Committee Leader Mtg
Bible Study Spanish
Spanish Choir Practice
CDA Knitting
Rios de Agua Viva Group
Spanish Choir Practice
Fri Renew Group
Youth Group
Spanish Prayer Group
Music Rehearsal
We have no classes this week due to the
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. observance.
Next Sunday is our January Family Mass
at 10:30 am. Please be sure to join us
for this wonderful liturgy.
English classes begin on that Sunday at
9:45 am.
Have a blessed week!
Mercy is love for people in need
I can show mercy in thought, word and deed.
Whenever I’m gentle,
Whenever I share
I act like you, Jesus!
You help me to care!
Eucharistic Ministers
Altar Servers
5:00 PM
Carol Conklin-Spillane
Brian Spillane
8:00 AM
Sal Caruana
Lucy Bosco
10:30 AM
CCD Student
1:00 PM
Carlos Hernandez
Merlene Lemus
Mario Zamora
Hilda Alarcon
Gabriel, Peter Ramundo
Hannah Ramundo
Shane Cawley ,
Brooke, Hailey Comito
Gerrry CalƟrone
Oliver Young
Derek GazzeƩa
Michael Perez
Kelly Perez
Dayanna Garcia
Natalia Lemus
Congratulations and Welcome to
Jith Joseph
Collection for 1/10 $3951
300 Club
1/10 #20 Harry Gibbs
Pro - Life Buses to Washington
She came
into full
communion with the Roman Catholic Church last weekend through the
Men’s Club are Hosting
Annual Pancake Breakfast
Sunday, Janary 24
Friday, Jan 22
Come and walk for the sake
of the unborn!
Buses will leave at
6:00 AM from:
St. Augustine in New City
Sacred Heart in Suffern
Albertus HS (Students only)
And depart from DC around 6PM
Adults : $30 Students $15
Payments and Reservations
by Jan 13
Call (845) 634-6885, (845) 4926709,
(845) 735-4379 or
(845) 425-1322 (para espanol)
After 10:30 AM Family Mass
Suggested donation $5.00 Adults
Sunday Supper Volunteers Wanted
Free for children under 8 free
Volunteers are needed for Sunday Supper in
Nyack five Sundays this year to cook and
serve meals to the needy from 3:00—6:30 or
any time you can give during those hours. I t
is not necessary to attend all 5. To volunteer
or for more information please contact Lee
McGarvey, [email protected], 845365-3950
All are Welcome !
Catholic disciples on mission are
called to put Two Feet of Love in
Action! This foundational tool
describes two distinct, but complementary, ways we can put the
Gospel in action in response to
God's love: social justice (addressing systemic, root
causes of problems that affect
many people) and charitable
works (short-term, emergency
assistance for individuals).
Social Justice . We step with this
foot when we work to address
the root causes of problems facing
our communities by advocating for
just public policies and helping to
change the social structures that contribute to suffering and injustice at
home and around the world.
Charitable Works are our "response to immediate needs and specific situations: feeding the
hungry, clothing the naked, caring for and healing the sick, visiting those in prison,
etc." (Deus Caritas Est, no. 31). We step with the Charitable Works foot when we work to aid or
assist others both locally and globally to meet their immediate, short-term needs. Examples
include engaging in direct service or providing food, clothing, shelter, or monetary assistance to help those in need.
Congratulations, if you are celebrating your golden wedding Anniversary this year!
If you would like to renew your
vows and receive a special blessing
at St. Patrick’s Cathedral, please
contact May at the rectory.
The Special Mass will be on the
weekend of June 25 / 26. Registration will begin end of February.
In Memory of
Eileen Keane
Feb. 2 1936—Jan 8, 2016
Her funeral Mass was held at St. John’s on Tuesday, January 12, 2016 celebrated by Bishop Dennis
J. Sullivan. May Eileen rest in peace and rejoice as
the angels welcome her to
the Lord’s House.
LECTURAS DE HOY: (Isaías 62:1-5; Salmo 95; 1
Corintios 12:4-11; Juan 2:1-11
1 Sm 15:16-23; Sal 49:8-9, 16bc-17,
21, 23; Mc 2:18-22
1 Sm 16:1-13; Sal 88:20-22, 27-28;
Mc 2:23-28
Miércoles: 1 Sm 17:32-33, 37, 40-51; Sal 143:1b,
2, 9-10; Mc 3:1-6
1 Sm 18:6-9; 19:1-7; Sal 55:2-3, 9-13;
Mc 3:7-12
Viernes: 1 Sm 24:3-21; Sal 56:2-4, 6, 11;
Mc 3:13-19, o cualquiera de lecturas
para el Día de Oración
Sábado: 2 Sm 1:1-4, 11-12, 19, 23-27;
Sal 79:2-3, 5-7; Mc 3:20-21
Domingo: Neh 8:2-4a, 5-6, 8-10; Sal 19 (18):8-10, 15;
1 Cor 12:12-30 [12-14, 27]; Lc 1:1-4; 4:14-21
La vida está llena de sorpresas, algunas agradables,
otras no. La Sagrada Escritura está llena de relatos sobre
las sorpresas de Dios que surgen donde menos se esperan: los hijos más jóvenes reciben la herencia, a los más
humildes se les dan los sitios de honor; un predicador
itinerante, condenado a morir como un criminal, es exaltado hacia la gloria celestial eterna.
En 1502 el fraile Nicolás de Ovando y doce franciscanos dieron inicio a la evangelización de América en la República Dominicana. Ellos fueron enviados por los reyes
españoles con el mandato de convertir a los nativos “sin
les hacer fuerza alguna”.
Con los misioneros llegaron Alfonso y Antonio Trejo
quienes traían con ellos un cuadro de la Virgen María bajo
la advocación de Nuestra Señora de la Altagracia. Ellos la
llevaron a Higuey, donde en 1572 se le construyó su primer santuario. Poco a poco esta pequeña imagen se convirtió en la Reina del corazón de los dominicanos.
María observa dulcemente a su recién nacido quien
yace sobres las pajas. Está coronada y lleva puesto un
manto azul rociado de estrellas y un escapulario blanco.
Lleva una aureola hecha de doce estrellas. En una esquina
de la imagen san José también observa al niño por encima
del hombro derecho de María.
El 25 de enero del 1979 Juan Pablo II la coronó por
ser la primera evangelizadora del continente Americano.
Con ella los doce misioneros trajeron la Alta Gracia de
Jesucristo a nuestras tierras.
Para los cursos pre-bautismales llamar a:
Alex Aguilar 845-480-1502 y Natalia Lemus 845-480-1682. Los cursos
se dan previa cita los martes 7pm y domingos 11am.
Cualquiera que haya planificado una boda o celebración similar sabe que está llena de oportunidades para
que surjan sorpresas. Para el novio (el cual, en el relato
bíblico, no tiene contacto directo con Jesús) la agradable
sorpresa vino porque otra persona había prestado
atención y tenía fe en Jesús.
A lo mejor pensamos que la lección de la conocida
historia de las bodas de Caná es que cuando tenemos fe
en Jesús, nuestra vida cambiará positivamente. Sin embargo, un cristiano necesita tener una perspectiva más
amplia, y darse cuenta que tener fe en Cristo implica que
la vida de alguien –sea la tuya, sea la de otra persona– va
a mejorarse sorpresivamente.
Agradecemos a Dios por los 17 años de bendiciones. Damos las gracias a todos los que nos ha ayudado a dar gloria y alabanza a Dios.
Buildings & Grounds
Eucharistic Adoration
Hispanic Community
Men’s Club
Spanish Choir
Parish Council
Parish Worship
Religious Education
Right to Life
Spiritual Life
St. Vincent De Paul
Pat Miele, Alex Aguilar, Paul Johnson
Maureen O’Connell
Dcn Robert Pang
Mary Loftus
Micaelina Maldonado/ Geny Aguilar
Robin Miller
Bill Loftus. Ralph Olsen
Jake Miraglia
Chris & Carolyn Yates
Ted Simone
Carlos Cerna
Maria Nest
William Gorman
Dcn John Cunningham
Kathleen Dunn
Dcn Robert Pang, Jose Bolaños
Scott Giblin
Kelli Chilson
Johanna Krumm
Fr. Tom Kunnel
Kelli Chilson, Kathleen Dunn, Bill Gorman
Paul Johnson, Andrew Lee, Martina Lynch, Cruz Molina,
Maria Nest , Ralph Olsen, May Pang, Amy Ramundo,
Carolyn Yates, Janet Zahn
Phil McCartin
James Pontone
Our Sacramental Life
We celebrate Baptism:
Please call the Rectory well in advance of the expected day
of Baptism to arrange an appointment for an interview.
Pre-baptismal meeting for parents is required. We require
all Baptismal families to be registered at St. John’s. Godparents must be confirmed, practicing Catholics. Generally
Baptisms are celebrated the third Sunday of each month at
12:00 pm.
We celebrate Reconciliation:
Confessions are heard from 4:30-5:00 pm on Saturday. You
may also make an appointment with one of the priests.
Spanish confessions is available 1st and 3rd Fridays of the
month and from 12:30 –1:00 PM on Sundays.
We celebrate Marriage:
Marriages should be arranged at least six months in advance. Participation in Pre-Cana is essential. Please call the
Rectory to schedule an appointment with one of the priests.
We celebrate Anointing of the Sick:
Planning to enter the hospital for elective surgery or other
serious treatment, and for those who have need of spiritual
healing. In an emergency, call the Rectory at any time.
We celebrate Holy Orders:
Any gentleman interested in exploring the question of vocation to the priesthood or the permanent diaconate should
contact Fr. Tom Kunnel. We would also be happy to direct
anyone interested in living their lives as Religious Sisters or
We celebrate the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults:
We welcome you to full membership in the life of the
Church. The instruction for Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist for adults. If interested please contact Dcn Robert
Parish Registration: All adults (over age 21) should
register in the parish themselves and should use envelopes or parishpay.com. Tithing is 5% of income. This
registration is our only means of certifying anyone as a
member of the parish, especially for Baptism and Confirmation sponsorship letters and for scheduling Baptisms and Weddings.
The Most Reverend Dennis J. Sullivan is
the eighth bishop of Camden, New Jersey.
He was installed on February 12, 2013.
Bishop D e n n i s J . S u l l i v a n v i s i t e d S t . J o h n ’ s o n
12 January and presided over the funeral of
Eileen Keane
A Bronx native, Bishop Sullivan was ordained a priest for the Archdiocese of New
York in 1971. Before coming to Camden, he
was ordained as an auxiliary bishop for the
archdiocese in 2004, and served eight years
as vicar general under the late Edward Cardinal Egan and Timothy Cardinal Dolan.

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